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You can update and significantly improve the kitchen set without significant investment yourself. If the kitchen furniture is already "breathing its last", do not rush to get rid of it, because if you have a desire and the subsequent application of certain efforts, you can make a "candy" out of it.

We bring furniture in order with our own hands

Repair of a kitchen set should be divided into several stages:

  • repair of cabinets and replacement of hinges on the doors;
  • thorough cleaning of furniture from dirt;
  • degreasing surfaces;
  • decorating the facade and countertops in the most appropriate way (with self-adhesive tape, varnishing, painting, decoupage technique or other similar methods).

Rehabilitation of kitchen furniture, of course, always begins with the removal of all the contents of the cabinets. In order to improve general form furniture, it is desirable to completely reassemble it or, at least, tighten it in all necessary places. It will also be quite useful to lubricate all the loops, remove the creak and other extraneous sounds.

If we are talking about a set of natural wood, such furniture is likely to be better preserved than its MDF or chipboard counterparts. This is due to the fact that wooden furniture does not deform over time, but only becomes covered with scratches and other flaws, which are easy enough to get rid of.

Sanding wooden furniture elements

How to update an old kitchen set made of wood by breathing into it new life? High-quality wooden furniture is worth a little "confusing" and thoroughly tidying up its appearance. The surface of wooden furniture lends itself perfectly to banal grinding, which removes roughness, chips and other defects, and such manipulations do not require either expensive tools or rich experience. This can be done with sandpaper or scrapers, a metal rectangle with a cutting edge.

Some people think that grinding cycles is difficult, someone does not even imagine this tool “in the flesh”. In fact, this ordinary scraper and getting used to working with it is as easy as shelling pears. The tool is taken with both hands and translational movements are made in the direction of the wood fibers. Upon completion of rough grinding, the surface of the wooden elements is brought to an ideal state with sandpaper.

Upon completion of the work, the surface is coated with a primer to give the treated furniture water-repellent qualities and better adhesion for subsequent work.

Subsequently, the furniture is opened with varnish to give gloss. The lacquer coating also reliably protects the wood from unwanted insects, mold and mildew.

The technique of applying varnish is no different from painting. This is done with a regular brush and wood varnish.

Pasting the facades of the headset with polyvinyl chloride film

Restyling kitchen furniture with self-adhesive film can also be called one of the most popular methods today, since updating kitchen cabinet doors in this way is very easy.

A distinctive feature of the method is its simplicity and accessibility. In addition, the colors of the PVC film can be very different: from imitation of natural materials (such as wood or marble) to bright abstract patterns. Self-adhesive film is not afraid of water and is easy to clean, so it is a successful new "clothing" for kitchen furniture.

Stages of work with self-adhesive film

To update kitchen furniture and improve it appearance using a self-adhesive film, it is necessary to proceed carefully and skillfully. The stages of work here will be as follows:

  • prepare the surface;
  • cut self-adhesive film;
  • carefully glue the material.

Before you start pasting the facades of kitchen furniture with a film, you need to prepare the surface. This stage involves a thorough cleaning of surfaces from any type of contamination. If, after the preparatory work, the surface of the furniture has roughness, it is advisable to putty it before pasting it, making it smooth - otherwise the end result may result in disappointment. Hardened putty is cleaned with fine sandpaper.

Correctly cutting the film is also a very crucial moment. In order to achieve clear, even lines, first, on the back of the material, they make the correct markup, it will be most convenient to cut pieces of the required size along it.

In order to avoid errors when gluing a PVC film, you should study the recommendations for its use, which can be found on the package. In addition to advice, there is a detailed step by step description work with this type of material. When starting to stick, first separate the protective paper from the film, then calmly and smoothly apply the material to the surface, smoothing it from top to bottom. You need to move gradually, all the time getting rid of accumulations of air, expelling it outward (by analogy with wallpaper).

If something went wrong, the film can be immediately removed and re-glued in the right way, however, it is better not to bring it to this, since problems may arise when tearing off the material. In addition, this should be done immediately, because after a couple of hours the decorative material will completely “grab”, and then you will have to clean it off and do everything over again. If in the process of work it was still not possible to get rid of obsessive bubbles, you can correct the situation with a needle, piercing the place of air accumulation and gently smoothing it out.

Furniture painting

You can also update the furniture in the kitchen with paint. Painting kitchen furniture with your own hands is a simple matter. If a decision is made to reanimate furniture using this method, then you will need:

  • primer;
  • clean rag;
  • several brushes (angular, regular);
  • roller;
  • dye.

Work begins with dismantling furniture and removing doors from cabinets. At the end of the work, the hinges and fittings can be replaced, which will also benefit the furniture. Then all surfaces are cleaned of dirt and old coating, if necessary, sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. To achieve a perfectly even and smooth surface, the primer is applied several times at intervals of 6-8 hours. After complete drying, you can start applying paint, in one or more layers.

Decoupage of kitchen furniture

Creative people may want to decorate old furniture in the kitchen with decoupage technique, which involves decorating facades with various applications and patterns.

For work you will need:

  • materials for the application (beautiful napkins or magazine illustrations);
  • scissors;
  • flat brushes (thin and wide, for applying varnish and glue);
  • special glue for decoupage;
  • masking tape;
  • glossy, matte or acrylic varnish;
  • acrylic paints.

If the surface of the furniture has already been cleaned, it is enough to degrease it with alcohol or glass cleaner. Next, pick up a brush and begin to cover with white acrylic paint the place where the application will be located. This procedure is desirable for a more expressive look of the picture, but it can be skipped. Then they prepare and cut out pictures that will decorate the furniture. As a basis, you can take napkins or photographs. Having cut out the pattern of the desired size, the lower layers are separated from it, after which the upper one is applied to a previously prepared place on the furniture, applying a layer of varnish, transparent acrylic or ordinary PVA glue on top of it. Thick paper, on which the pattern is applied, can also be thinned on the reverse side with fine-grained sandpaper. When the applied appliqué is dry, the work is perfected by applying paint on the border between the appliqué and the furniture. This is done with a sponge dipped in paint. After the paint has dried, it is important to fix the pattern with a matte varnish, which should be applied in 2-3 layers, with intermediate drying. This technique will help to finally level the surface and make it smooth.

If your kitchen has lost its former attractiveness, the furniture has worn out under the influence of steam and grease, you should not sit back. However, you should not rush to replace the kitchen set with a new one either. If the cabinets, table and chairs are still quite functional in terms of functionality, then throwing them out is a rash decision. Self-restoration of kitchen furniture will help you save your family budget, and our guide will tell you how to do it beautifully, interestingly and without much difficulty.

How to update the kitchen with your own hands: ways

It is possible to decorate the room so that it sparkles with new colors without significant costs. With a minimum of effort, you can give new life to kitchen furniture, ennobling its appearance with your own hands. There are several types of restoration work that the “home master” can do:

  • hardware upgrade;
  • pasting with self-adhesive film;
  • varnishing and staining;
  • fabric finish;
  • gluing tiles;
  • seat fabric upholstery.

Using the methods listed, you can restore kitchen facades, tables and chairs. And some interesting ideas given in the article will help you decide on the new design of your kitchen.

Restoring a kitchen set


Let's start with works that do not require the use of paints and varnishes. You can update the facades with the help of vinyl film, decoupage technique and molding.

Pasting with a film will help to radically and at no extra cost improve the appearance of furniture. It can be varied - textured, smooth, imitating wood, marble, etc. As a material for redesign, it is convenient because the damaged area is easily replaced with a new one.

Sequence of work:

  1. Take measurements of cabinets and drawers: height, width. Leave a 2 cm allowance for the folds.
  2. Cut through the film using sharp scissors.
  3. Prepare the facades: unscrew the handles, clean and degrease the surfaces.
  4. Glue the film from the bottom up, gradually removing the reverse layer of paper.
  5. Smooth the surface using a rubber roller.
  6. Screw back the removed fittings.

For gluing the film, remove the elements of the facade in order to measure and paste on a flat floor surface. Performed on weight, the work can turn out to be sloppy.

Decoupage- a technique known to all, which has not lost its relevance today. In this case, the restoration of kitchen facades can be carried out using a dense fabric or oilcloth with a pattern. Decorative materials should be selected based on the overall design of your kitchen. Most successfully, this type of finish is suitable for Provence, country, vintage styles.

The decoupage process is quite simple:

  1. Clean the surface to ensure a perfectly even finish. Treat it with sandpaper.
  2. Glue the pre-prepared fabric to the surface of the facades with ordinary PVA glue.
  3. Varnish the finished elements with acrylic varnish in 3-4 layers. For this, a long and narrow brush is best suited.

The decoupage technique can be used to revive not only the wooden facades of the headset, but also plastic, and even glass. It is only necessary to carefully degrease the surface and you can get to work.

Molding will allow you to almost unrecognizably change the look of old furniture in your kitchen. Its essence lies in the fact that overhead wooden or plastic parts are attached to the facades. Finish options:

  • wooden planks;
  • carved elements;
  • stucco imitation.

The selected parts are cut to the desired size (or bought ready-made) and glued to the facades with glue.

Combining molding with other types of redesign, you can completely transform an old headset. For example, complement it with painting.

Coloring is one of the most economical, but at the same time effective ways update the furniture in the kitchen. If you want a radical change, then just choose a paint color that contrasts with the original color. Restoration of kitchen facades by this method will be more thorough and practical if auto enamel is used for painting. It is resistant to temperature extremes, acidity and humidity, which means that the result of your efforts will last much longer.

Painting work is carried out as follows:

  1. The facades are being dismantled. Areas that are not subject to painting are sealed with mounting tape.
  2. Surfaces are plastered with sandpaper.
  3. The primer is applied on wood in 2 layers.
  4. Staining is carried out using a brush, roller or a special spray gun.

The original solution would be to use glizal instead of regular paint. It is translucent and thicker. Apply it to the surface in a thick layer and use a damp sponge to make any patterns without waiting for the glaze to dry.

Varnishing will allow you to carefully update the natural coating, restoring its attractive appearance. Using varnish with pigments, you can give the wooden facades a different shade. The process is practically the same as the staining procedure, with the exception of the last step - several layers of varnish are applied instead of paint.

The use of a special acrylic composition will help to avoid unpleasant odors during varnishing work.

Stain is applied similarly to varnish. It will ennoble the mahogany furniture set, give it a retro look. The facades should be covered with stain in several layers - 3-4 will be enough.


Replacing or repairing these pieces of furniture will make it easy to improve the appearance and functionality of your kitchen set with your own hands. Handles, hinges and guides can be updated independently.

Handles of a different design will easily and unobtrusively bring new notes to the bored kitchen interior. They will look appropriate only when replacing them on all lockers and drawers.

Handles made of combined materials look interesting. For example, wooden with glass or metal inserts.

Hinges on cabinet doors may become loose or partially torn off. In this case, it is recommended to move them to a new location. It's very easy to do this:

  • dismantle old ones;
  • mark holes for new ones;
  • drill holes;
  • fix new loops.

Old holes should be sealed with acrylic-based putty, the surface of the “patch” should be leveled and the final layer of paint or varnish should be applied. Putty is applied in several layers.

Guides in kitchen cabinets can also fail. In this case, it is better to replace them with new ones - ball ones. This is done in two simple steps: we unwind and remove the old guides, we fix the new ones.

Refurbishing the dining area

Transforming the appearance of a kitchen does not end with facades alone. Do-it-yourself restoration of the kitchen table, as well as a small repair of chairs, will allow you to completely update the bored and shabby interior.

The dining table before other furniture loses its aesthetics, deforms. However, throwing it away would be a rash decision. A small restoration of the tabletop and legs will allow you to transform your dining area almost beyond recognition. Kitchen table redesign options:

  • painting and varnishing;
  • decoupage;
  • tiling.

The first two methods are performed similarly to updating facades, so we will not dwell on them. The most interesting and unusual option for restoring a countertop is decorating it with decorative tiles. This method has several significant advantages:

  • tiles - a durable and reliable coating;
  • it is easy to care for her, she is not afraid of moisture;
  • hot dishes can be safely placed on a countertop with such a coating;
  • variety of colors and design options.

It is not difficult to decorate a table with tiles on your own. Stages of work on its laying:

  1. Clean and degrease the countertop surface.
  2. Apply special tile adhesive to its base using a notched trowel.
  3. Lay out the selected tiles in the desired composition, pressing it firmly against the table base. Follow the position of the parts using the building level.
  4. Now you need to wipe the seams with the mixture intended for this. You can find it at any hardware store. It is necessary to apply grout only after the glue has completely dried.

Complete the restoration of the table by decorating its side parts with special edge profiles. So your table will take on an even more aesthetic, elegant look.

Make your dining area the focal point of your kitchen. To do this, take a tile of different colors and break it into pieces of different sizes and shapes. Lay out your own ornament from the resulting multi-colored mosaic. Such a countertop will look original and stylish.

Chairs are an equally important piece of kitchen furniture that may also need restoration. The legs can be easily reanimated by painting them or varnishing them. The seat requires a more careful approach. Upholstery replacement will allow you to completely change the look of the chairs. It is produced as follows:

  1. Remove the old seat by carefully removing the fabric cover and upholstery.
  2. Make a template in the shape of the seat from a thick piece of cardboard.
  3. Use it to cut out the blanks of the fabric base and the soft part (from foam rubber, batting). Remember to leave at least 10 cm on each side for the hem.
  4. Glue foam rubber to the seat base first. You can use regular super glue for this.
  5. Stretch the prepared fabric around the entire perimeter of the chair and secure it with a construction gun.

In the event that the old seat is only worn, but not deformed, the new upholstery can be pulled over it, this will significantly reduce the time and laboriousness of the process.

With one of the DIY kitchen furniture redesign methods described, you can easily freshen up other items in your kitchen as well. For example, update the work area - countertop and backsplash, finishing them with ceramic tiles or using decoupage technique. The process is no different from the restoration of facades or a kitchen table in a similar way.

The acquisition of new furniture is a faster and less laborious process than a complete restoration of a kitchen set, but not the most rational. If the facades of cabinets, table and chairs are still quite usable, do not rush to say goodbye to them. With our recommendations, you special efforts You can give these pieces of furniture a new life. As an added bonus, you'll save a significant amount of money that can be spent on other important transformations in your home. Or just take a break, you deserve it.

For an experienced craftsman, the restoration of kitchen facades will not take much effort and money, and a non-professional will be able to do such work if he gets acquainted with useful tips.

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How to update a kitchen set with your own hands: interesting ideas and useful tips

The facade is called the frontal part of the kitchen set, in particular, the front side of its doors, drawer covers. For its manufacture is used:

  • natural wood;
  • chipboard (chipboard);
  • medium density fibreboard (MDF);
  • plastic.

Special dyes, glass, metal, self-adhesive films are used as finishing of the front surface. Sometimes these materials are combined with each other, for example, when creating stained glass windows.

If damage occurs (holes, cracks, traces of fire), you need to completely renew the coating. Handles, hinges and other fittings are removed from the part, cleaned and dried, after which the film is glued. They will help you choose the right color and texture in a furniture company or a specialized store, the main thing is to show a sample.

Good to know! Most often, the film is peeled off near sources of heat (stove, oven, radiators) and water (sink).

Repair of wooden surfaces

Monolithic elements of sets made of solid natural wood are restored by re-painting the facades.

For the kitchen, it is better to choose enamel, not paint. The first has more a high degree abrasion resistance, less fading.

Acrylic enamels are water based. When choosing to paint kitchen wooden facades with this material, it is recommended to apply a protective layer of transparent varnish on top. Alkyd enamels do not need such protection.

Painting facades in the kitchen is a popular way, because it does not require large expenses and takes little time. Most often, a different color is simply applied over the old, washed and degreased layer.

In case of large damages (deep scratches, holes, traces of fire), it is necessary to prepare the surface of natural wood. Old paint is removed using chemicals (washes) or heating with a hair dryer. After that, the wood is cleaned with a fine emery cloth. Deep damage must be puttied with a special putty for wood. To keep the composition better, cracks and cracks are cleaned of dust and debris.

Putty is applied with a plastic spatula, pressing it so that it fills the entire space. Otherwise, it will sag, cavities will appear.

The next step in the restoration of the coating is the application of a primer. It will create a better adhesion of the base to the paint, play the role of a protective layer, and extend the life of the product.

The last step is coloring. It is made with a paint roller or brushes of different widths. Thin relief details are processed narrow (they are painted first of all), wide - panels and other planes. For best results, it is recommended to apply several coats of paint.

Restoring glossy finishes

Another way to restore the facade of the kitchen with your own hands is varnishing. This method allows you to show the beauty of the texture of different species, gives the furniture an expensive and representative look.

To make the surface sparkle with gloss, it is pre-prepared. All fittings are removed, after which the paint is removed from the facade or old varnish. The tree is cleaned with emery, first coarse-grained, then fine.

The existing cracks in the kitchen facades are sealed with putty, which is selected to match the color of the wood. For greater similarity, colored pigments are sometimes added to it. The putty must be dried before you start varnishing the facade.

If necessary, use a special transparent primer. She is:

  • levels the surface
  • creates a protective layer;
  • enhances the texture of the original material.

The peculiarity of working with varnishes is that it is applied in several layers. The first layer is made base, allowed to dry, after which the next one is applied. The last layer is made the thinnest, transparent. It gives the facade a glossy sheen and enhances the depth of the pattern.

The varnish must be allowed to dry before hanging the doors in place. Drying it with a hair dryer is not recommended. A characteristic ripple may appear. It will ruin the look.

What do you do with old furniture?

Sooner or later, any household item wears out and needs to be replaced or improved. It is the restoration of kitchen furniture that is exactly the type of repair that everyone can do with their own hands, without using expensive materials or technologies.

If your kitchen set still properly performs its declared functions, but you began to notice that:

  • the body of the furniture is still strong, satisfies everyone necessary requirements, but the appearance of furniture facades leaves much to be desired;
  • individual furniture parts became unusable from external influences - the tabletop cracked and deformed, traces of hot or grease spots formed on the surface;
  • the headset is simply obsolete and tired;
  • you do not have the opportunity to spend money on buying a more modern kit.

This is where restoration is needed. Do-it-yourself kitchen furniture repair is a very real way out of the situation.

Restoration options

There are many ways to give old furniture a smart, updated look. Depending on your own creativity, you can create a real masterpiece of design art from an unremarkable typical bedside table. Or you can just tidy up the outside of the kitchen set. Our advice will help you in the realization of your ideas, regardless of their degree of complexity.

Self-adhesive film

A simple and inexpensive repair option. Applicable in the case when you want to quickly and inexpensively update the appearance of furniture facades. To date, dozens of self-adhesive options are on sale. different quality, colors, at different prices. Vinyl films on a self-adhesive basis are durable, resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, they do not lose their color and do not fade. In order for the film to evenly and efficiently cover the surface of your furniture, first remove the facades, remove the fittings and degrease the surface. Having laid the boards on a horizontal plane, carefully remove the protective layer, while straightening the film with a hand or a spatula. Air bubbles that have appeared can be removed by carefully piercing them with a thin metal needle.

If you didn’t manage to stick the film correctly the first time, don’t use the damaged piece anymore. With repeated use, the connection of the material with the surface will be even worse, and your furniture will take on a sloppy, sloppy look. A photo of a kitchen set restored with a self-adhesive film can be seen in the selection.

Interior stickers

Perhaps the best way to restore small, local furniture defects. You can choose stickers of various sizes and content. Restaurant-themed drawings are suitable for decorating a kitchen set - bright fruits, berries, sweets or beautiful dishes. Such stickers are a kind of self-adhesive film, but a reduced size. The principle of application is the same - remove the protective layer and carefully straighten it on the fat-free surface of the furniture. If necessary, drawings can be easily removed using special alcohol-based degreasers.


Decoupage is the most creative way to tidy up old kitchen furniture with your own hands. The decoupage technique originates in Germany in the 15th century. Although the name of this method is French and literally means "cut". This is the basic principle of the process - we cut out pictures and apply them to the surface. You can decouple everything that has a sufficient plane. It can be dishes, clothes, books, decor items or, as in our case, kitchen furniture. Making such decorations is not difficult even for a beginner. You need to choose the base to your liking. These can be pictures from magazines, photographs, paper napkins. Kitchen cabinets decorated with old newspapers look very original. Apply a little special decoupage glue to the facade and distribute the cutouts as you wish. After complete solidification (about 8 hours), the surface must be varnished.

An interesting solution would be to decoupage the kitchen table with cuttings from culinary publications. Then, drinking your evening tea, you will not only rest, but also spend time with benefit, learning new secrets of the art of cooking. A photo of a kitchen decorated using decoupage technique is presented below.

Wall mural

If you have chosen this option of restoring kitchen furniture at home, take seriously the choice of photo wallpaper for furniture. Do not forget that the kitchen is a place of high humidity and constant temperature changes. Thus, materials for the restoration of old furniture must be wear-resistant, moisture resistant, and not emit any harmful fumes under the influence of hot air. Under such criteria, vinyl-based photo wallpapers with an additional protective layer are optimally suited. No need to choose wallpaper with a silky or linen texture for a kitchen set. Such materials can quickly absorb odors and wear out with constant contact. It is better to decorate the kitchen with wallpaper with a smooth surface - it will be easier to care for them.

If your set is located in a room with low ceilings, use wallpaper with an elongated silhouette in furniture decor, for example, with towers, tall trees or flowers on long stems. All this will help to visually increase the height of the room.

Installing a new countertop

The countertop is one of the most frequently used elements of kitchen furniture. It is on it that we cut food, beat off meat, here we put heavy dishes or kitchen appliances. In general, the countertop is exactly the piece of furniture that we cannot do without. Of course, not every material is capable of experiencing such a strong load for a long time. Therefore, in order to return functionality and beauty to our work surface, we update the countertop. This can be done in several ways:

  • decorating with ceramic tiles - clean the wooden surface well, use a grinder to eliminate all irregularities and defects. After that, apply special glue and lay out the mosaic. The type and thickness of the tiles depend on your preferences, but the laying method should be the same - very tightly, leaving minimal gaps. After the glue dries and the surfaces grab “tightly” (this will take at least 6 hours), grout the joints. If desired, you can varnish on top - this will add additional attractiveness and serve as a protective layer;
  • glass and fillers are an option for extraordinary, creative personalities who try to make every centimeter of space original and different. Carefully glue a few wooden slats placed on edge onto a clean tabletop surface. Thus, divide the area into several sectors. Fill the "pockets" with fillers. Coins, beads, pebbles, shells or other small objects of the same shape can act as a filler. Lay tempered impact-resistant glass on top of all this beauty. Fasten or glue it - the original table is ready at no extra cost. Photos of countertops with filler can be viewed in the selection with examples;
  • painting and varnishing is the easiest and most familiar way for most of us to repair an old countertop. Remove the remaining varnish from the furniture with sandpaper, degrease and cover the entire surface with acrylic paint. In order to give this simple process a little variety - apply paint using stencils. They can be purchased at any hardware store. After the drawing dries - open with varnish. If you want to leave a wooden thing in its natural, natural shade, use a stain.

Facade replacement

Replacing the facade of furniture is a way for those who are not satisfied with the restoration of kitchen furniture facades on their own. Factory furniture often has interchangeable elements. Therefore, it will not be difficult to pick up new facades in a furniture warehouse. The main thing is to correctly measure the old furniture designs. If you did not find suitable products for sale, you will have to place an order individually.

Although this repair method is the most expensive, it is still at times less cost new kit. By updating the facades of furniture in this way, you will get an almost new kitchen set, saving money.

10, 15 or even more years have passed since the purchase of kitchen furniture. Now she does not look as elegant, neat and pretty as she was at the very beginning. And ordering a brand new headset, alas, is still only a dream. There is nothing left but to refresh a little old, but such native furniture. So we decided to give you some interesting ideas, giving a master class on the topic "how to transform an old kitchen set."

Adhesive tape

Perhaps the easiest and cheapest way to give a headset a fresh look is to paste over it with a self-adhesive film. Fortunately, the assortment of high-quality film today is very, very pleasing: imitation of stone, wood, marble, tiles, leather, all kinds of rustic and more modern motifs - there are plenty to choose from! Thus, you can make your kitchen, although not exclusive, but very attractive.

Vinyl self-adhesive film has water resistance, good resistance to fading, temperature extremes and mechanical influences. So you can not worry about the durability of such a coating. Therefore, if you know how to handle a centimeter and scissors, then you will not have any difficulties in decorating.

The main thing you need is accuracy, patience and this instruction:

  • Using a centimeter, we measure the kitchen set (sidewalls, facades, drawers).

Advice! For a more convenient and accurate measurement, it is better to remove the facades and put them on a flat surface.

  • All fittings must be removed, and the headset itself must be thoroughly washed with a damp sponge. Pay special attention to removing fat stains. The surface for sticking the film must be clean, dry, even and smooth. Otherwise, over time, in problem areas, the film will begin to bubble and peel off.
  • As a rule, on the reverse side of the film, a convenient centimeter grid is applied on the protective paper layer. Mark on it all the necessary dimensions of each part.

Important! Even if you are sure that you have taken all the measurements with high quality, it is still advisable to leave 1-2 centimeters in reserve. Therefore, in those places where bends are planned, add another 2 cm.

  • Cut out all the details with a clerical knife along the ruler. Curved patterns are best cut with scissors according to the markings made in advance with a pencil.
  • Now, having peeled off a few centimeters of protective paper, we apply the film to any part of the headset. The glued area must be carefully smoothed out with a plastic scraper in order to remove air bubbles and wrinkles from under the film.

Note! The film does not need to be glued all at once. Gradually remove the protective paper by 5 cm and smooth each pasted area with a scraper.

Small air bubbles can be pierced with a sewing needle, and large ones can be cut with a sharp knife and smooth the film. If the decorative coating lay unevenly, do not worry, this is fixable. Self-adhesive film does not stick completely until a couple of hours, so you have enough time left to peel off the film from a badly obtained area and stick it again.

  • We repeat all the above steps with the rest of the kitchen set. For its greater transformation, you can make one more touch - change all the fittings.

Facade replacement

Want something more than just a self-adhesive film? Replace old facades with new ones! Of course, the price of the issue in this case will increase, but then you can not only decorate the old kitchen set, but also partially update it.

If you have a set of standard sizes, then it will not be difficult to purchase luxurious finished facades. For atypical and out-of-fashion models, you will have to buy facades on an individual order. Fortunately, today there are plenty of furniture companies that are ready to provide such a service.

Deciding on new kitchen facades, you open up a unique opportunity - to choose not only a fresh design, but also the material that is optimal in terms of cost and quality. Economical options include plastic, chipboard, and inexpensive wood (such as pine). But facades made of MDF and an array of noble trees - this is already a real prestige!

You can entrust the installation of brand new facades to specialists or install it yourself (on our website you will find a thematic video specially selected for you).


How to restore an old kitchen set? We completely forgot about such a fast, inexpensive, but very effective technique as decoupage! Its essence lies in cutting out beautiful compositions from various materials (paper, leather, fabric) and gluing them on the surface to be decorated. Let's try to create such beauty together, as in the photo!

Materials and tools

  • We will need clippings from magazines, newspapers or paper with a printed pattern (it can be anything - it all depends on the style of the kitchen and personal preferences);
  • Special glue for decoupage or regular PVA glue;
  • Brush of medium hardness;
  • Acrylic varnish on wood or plastic.

Step by step decoupage

  • If your kitchen set has scratches, cracks or other defects, fill them with filler and let dry.
  • Gently work the entire surface to be decorated with fine sandpaper to end up with a slightly rough surface. Decorated places can also be coated with a primer or acrylic varnish in a suitable color.
  • Well, if the size of the sheet of paper with the image is large enough, then there will be no ugly joints. Don't have a large format printer at home? Do not be sad, because you can always order a printout of the desired size in the salon.
  • Apply glue to the surface to be decorated and paper. The latter should be well saturated with glue.
  • Now you can overlay the image on the surface and carefully smooth it with a brush or roller.

Important! Never do this by hand. Otherwise, wrinkles or tears may appear.

  • When the paper is completely dry, cover it with acrylic varnish in 3-4 layers - this will protect your work from moisture and damage. Between applying each layer, observe an interval of 1 hour. By the way, acrylic varnish can be glossy or matte, so you can achieve any desired effect.


Well, now you know how to restore a kitchen set! We considered only a few options for decoration. But, it should be noted that self-adhesive film, facade replacement and decoupage are a real find for every housewife! After all, you can achieve a truly unusual decor only by combining existing techniques and imagination. Enjoy your creativity!