What to bring from Vietnam, choose a souvenir that you can take out. Five of the most delicious souvenirs from Vietnam, gifts for children and adults

ana for travelers seeking to discover a piece of distant, alluring culture and traditions in another corner of the globe. For most tourists, shopping in Vietnam is of immediate interest.

There are several good reasons for this:

  • On the one hand, Vietnam is the "homeland" of the production of major global brands, such as electronics and light industry goods. This means that here you can find branded goods at a price an order of magnitude lower than what visitors to Vietnam see in the windows of their country. You can also shop here for very cheap consumer goods of decent quality if you are not after a branded product.
  • Another reason to go “shopping” to this part of Asia is the wide range of exclusive products that will be presented unforgettable experience about travel. These are goods of traditional Vietnamese crafts, products handmade, decorations.

In addition to standard souvenirs, here you can take with you:

  • exclusive leather goods
  • exotic spirits
  • high quality pearls
  • bamboo souvenirs
  • impressive ethnic masks and more

You will learn more about this in the article.

Do you want to know where you can profitably buy exclusive Vietnamese goods or just take a ride through specialized shops and factories?

I offer my services - a shopping guide.

The cost of my services, depending on the size of the group, will be from $25 for a person.

What to buy in Vietnam

First of all, we will consider the categories of Vietnamese goods that are widely demanded by tourists and see what the benefits of buying them are.

Clothing and footwear

Adidas, Ni ke, Hugo Boss, Valentino, Gucci… This list of famous clothing and footwear brands can go on and on. And the important thing is that their licensed factories are in Vietnam. And this is not about the release of dubious products for third world countries. These are goods that then find their way into branded stores in, say, Western Europe, the United States, and Japan.

With a high concentration of branded factories, it is logical that some of the branded goods from them are sent to local stores and shopping centers in large cities. And their price in shopping centers and shops in Vietnam is much less than anywhere else. This is a chance for guests of the country to save on high quality.

And if the “brand” question does not interest you, there are many light industry factories in Vietnam that “take in quantity”. In other words, they produce a good product at a very low price. The customer still benefits from looking at local markets and small shops focused primarily on trading with locals.


Pearl is one of business cards Vietnamese shopping tourism. Here you can buy original high quality pearls at a price that is an order of magnitude (30-50%) less than export ones. But here the tourist needs to be careful. To save as much as possible, you will have to move away from the large settlements of Vietnam and go to the province where pearls are directly grown and mined.

For example, it is believed that the best pearls come from the popular tourist island of Phu Quoc today, part of which is still occupied by fish farms and pearl farms. A string of pearls "on the spot" can be found even for $ 10, in cities it is already an order of magnitude more expensive.


To bring from Vietnam a large household appliances meaningless, since you will not save money due to expensive shipping. But you can look, for example, a laptop or smartphone. The same principle applies here as in light industry - major global manufacturers assemble branded products in Vietnam. It is economically beneficial for them. Part of the goods goes on sale within the country, and their cost will be lower. The only thing is that then the equipment will need to be “reflashed”.

An important point: it is better to buy equipment only in branded stores, so as not to encounter fakes. Wouldn't you be lucky to return an item that broke after two weeks?


In Vietnam, there are plenty of original arts and crafts industries, familiarity with which will save you from the need (and desire) to buy banal fridge magnets at home.

Folk craftsmen create impressive household goods. Bamboo, valuable mahogany, and porcelain deserve special attention. These are elegant decorative dishes filled with the color of local culture, carved wood paintings, caskets, trays, vases, combs and much more.

Most arts and crafts are in the sub-$20 price range. That is, you can take away a lot of outlandish everyday things from here - for your home and for gifts.

It is better to look for souvenirs in the markets (for example, Ben Thanh in Ho Chi Minh City), or in small craft workshops and shops at large manufactories. As for the latter, good examples- the village of artisans Thanh Ha (Tha nh Ha) in the province of Quang Nam, where you should go for clay souvenirs, or the city of Hoi An with its numerous shops of bamboo and mahogany.

Leather products

By leather goods we mean local exotics. If you were afraid of the prices for accessories made of crocodile, python, ostrich or stingray skin in your city, it's time to look around for wallets, business card holders, bags, covers and belts. Many specialized leather goods stores are located in Nha Trang, and in the city center you can also look at the Hom My Cho market.

I advise you to pay special attention to leather products - local exotic. If you were afraid of the prices for accessories made of crocodile, python, ostrich or stingray skin in your city, it's time to look around for wallets, business card holders, bags, covers and belts. Many specialized leather goods stores are located in Nha Trang, and in the city center you can also look at the Hom My Cho market.

Important: the risk of acquiring a fake is great, so do not hesitate to demand quality certificates.


Also, connoisseurs of good alcoholic drinks should pay attention to the brands of Vietnamese rum. It is not as famous in the world as Cuban, but is famous for its very good quality at a low price. Important: do not buy the cheapest options for $ 2-3 per bottle and immediately focus on the price of $ 10-15. This, for example, rum brands Rhum Chauvet and I SC Rum.

You can read about what other types of alcohol should be purchased on the page


Health products from Vietnam deserve a separate article. The Vietnamese have long formed an entire industry of exclusive medicines based on the unique flora and fauna of their country. These are therapeutic, pain-relieving and rejuvenating cosmetics made from snake venom and fat, shampoos and toothpastes with coconut oil, and much more.

Medical products have been actively exported from Vietnam for decades, but buying them here is much cheaper. $1-2 for a tube of anesthetic ointment is the real price. For example, in Russia, such a tool will cost 2-3 times more.

As an example, a good remedy for joint and muscle pain from Vietnam is Cobra Atoxan. Even for the treatment and prevention of colds, you can buy here widely popular in Soviet times ointment "Asterisk". And to improve brain function and concentration, you should pay attention to the popular natural herbal drug Cebraton.


Since the days of the French colonial presence, Vietnam has been famous all over the world for original furniture made of precious wood. The handmade furniture industry began to revive in the 1990s and is constantly increasing its export turnover. In Vietnam itself, you can buy exclusive handmade furniture sets - products of incredible beauty at a high but reasonable price.

A large selection of products can be found in the "furniture" village of Dong Kee, where almost all residents specialize in this particular craft.

In this case, the question arises of the delivery of bulky furniture. But the growing tourist demand creates an offer: today the furniture business is closely connected with logistics companies who can carry out container delivery of your purchase by sea to any corner of the world - at a favorable price and in a short time.


Vietnam is one of the world's largest silk producers in our time, which is famous for good value prices and quality of silk goods in general.

You can buy silk products literally everywhere, but there is a risk of encountering a fake on the market. It is best to pay attention to the shops at silk factories. All kinds of clothes, pajamas and bathrobes, bed linen and a fan made of silk are what you should pay attention to.

One of the classic crafts of Vietnam is silk screening, or silk embroidery of pictures. Such art objects will perfectly complement the home interior with impressively beautiful scenes with oriental flavor. A number of factories with branded stores are concentrated in Hoi An (for example, XQ).

Tea and coffee

Approximately every fifth pack of coffee on the planet is Vietnamese. Vietnam is one of the world's largest exporters of this drink, and strict production traditions have long been established here. Vietnamese coffee is a genuine abundance of varieties and flavors at an affordable price. In other words, taking home only one pack of coffee will not work.

Coffee gourmets should definitely consider buying high-end coffees, such as Jeon. This variety is obtained by passing through the digestive system of animals (luwak). The grains are not completely digested, but they lose their coffee bitterness and acquire a unique palette of taste and aroma. A kilogram of such coffee can cost $1,000 or more, but it's still more profitable than buying the same product at home.

As for tea, there is also a wide choice here: traditional black and green types, and oolong, and teas based on ginseng and lotus, and even red tea.

Shopping places in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country of large modern cities and colorful provinces that have preserved their national identity as much as possible. Choosing the best places to shop depends on what you want to purchase.

Shopping malls and company stores

In such major cities of Vietnam as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, you can easily find modern shopping centers where branded clothing, footwear, and electronics stores operate. These are always proven places to buy original products at a reasonable fixed price.


Also in major cities of the country you can pay attention to the markets. They are famous for their very high rental prices. retail space for entrepreneurs and the ultimate cheapness of goods for the buyer.

Here you can look for extremely cheap shoes, clothes, accessories, souvenirs and household items, but be careful - the probability of buying a fake and poor quality product is very high. These are mainly goods of small Vietnamese manufacturers serving domestic demand. Looking for very cheap consumer goods you can also visit the large markets on the border with China.

floating markets

Floating markets are a phenomenon typical of the Mekong Valley in the southwest of the country. They deserve special attention in the tourist context, being one of the hallmarks of this part of the country. And here you can buy mostly fresh farm products - fruits, vegetables and much more.

Trade shops at manufactories

In the cities of Vietnam, there are many small-scale productions of quality goods for everyday use. Here you can buy, say, silk fabrics, exclusive dishes or decor items at prices lower than in tourist shops. By putting up for sale their products directly in the shops during production, artisans do not make extra charges.

Provincial markets and shops

If you expect to buy pearls, various exotic sweets, jewelry and souvenirs in Vietnam, it is best to look for them closer to the places of production. You should pay attention to small provincial markets that specialize in the sale of local handicrafts. For example, it is most profitable to look for pearls on the island of Phu Quoc, where most of the country's farms are located.

What else should a tourist know about shopping in Vietnam

In Vietnam, there are a number of specific trade features that visitors to the country are not even aware of.

To make shopping in Vietnam even more productive and enjoyable, you should know the main facts:

  • Any plant products without safety certificates can be detained at customs - also, for example, seeds and houseplants.
  • Keep sales receipts - before returning home at Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh airports, every tourist has the right to receive a refund of VAT on purchases made in the country. There are a few details: the amount of purchases on a single check must exceed 2 million dong (about $88), 15% of the amount is charged for the return service, and the goods must not be classified as prohibited for export or second-hand.
  • Sellers in the markets significantly overestimate the initial price of goods - in Vietnam it is customary to bargain. Get ready for it and count on good discounts. This does not apply to branded stores and shopping centers - prices are always fixed there.
  • If you decide to buy clothes in places focused on the local consumer, consider the dimensions of the average Vietnamese. It will be impossible to find clothes larger than 4-6 sizes. Branded clothing stores take into account the needs of guests of the country and offer the necessary assortment of clothing sizes.
  • Alternatively, in the cities you can find an express tailoring studio where you can sew a simple model in a few hours at an affordable price. Such ateliers can often be found, for example, in silk fabric stores.

As you can see, shopping in Vietnam is a limitless abundance of opportunities and specific details that are difficult to cover in one article. Now you know in general what you can count on when going to this interesting country. But at the same time, every corner of Vietnam deserves a separate description, since certain crafts have long been practiced in the provinces and settlements.

In this article, we will talk about what can be brought from Nha Trang and what tourists usually bring from Vietnam. In the article you will find useful information about the places in Nha Trang where you will find unforgettable shopping - shops, markets, shopping centers and supermarkets Nha Trang.

What to bring from Vietnam
Standard souvenirs of Vietnam

Hat "Non"- this is exactly the hat that everyone remembers when it comes to Vietnam. As a rule, hats are made from dried palm leaves. It can be bought absolutely everywhere from ordinary street vendors to large shopping centers. (Price from 35.000 VND - from 100 rubles)
Magnets and key chains- key chains made of wood in the form of a map of Nha Trang, with a girl in a national costume. There are also key chains and magnets in the form of the national currency - dongs. (Price from 15.000 VND - from 45 rubles)
T-shirt with the inscriptions "I pho you", "Vietnam", "Сoffee Vietnam" etc. (from 100.000 VND - 300 rubles)
Postcards- an ordinary postcard depicting famous landscapes or sights (from 10.000 VND - 30 rubles), a postcard with a pattern made of fabric (from 15.000 VND - 45 rubles), voluminous postcards (from 40.000 VND - 120 rubles)

Medicines (creams, ointments, tinctures)

Vietnam is famous for traditional balms and tinctures, which are made on herbs, with natural ingredients and with the participation of various living creatures (snakes, scorpions, various roots, etc.). Such Vietnamese medicines are valued for their high quality not only in the country, but also abroad.
Here is a small list of medicines, ointments and much more that you should pay attention to when shopping in Nha Trang:
Cobra ointment- a warming agent, helps with bruises, pain in the back and joints. (approx. 20-25.000 VND - 60-75 rubles);
Ointment "Tiger" / "White Tiger"- helps with colds. (approx. 20-30.000 VND - 60-90 rubles);
Ointment "Asterisk"- helps with headaches, colds. It also keeps annoying insects away. The tool is actively sold in Russia. (approx. 8-10.000 VND - 24-30 rubles);
Preparations based on Lynchi mushrooms (Ling zhi)- It is believed that mushrooms are able to rejuvenate the body. Improve memory, attention, hearing, sight, smell. (approx. 110.000 VND - 330 rubles);


tinctures with scorpions, snakes, turtles and other living creatures - are tonic in nature, strengthens potency. Eat no more than 30-50 grams per day. In general, it can be brought as a souvenir, as it looks quite specific.
Tincture "Cobra and Scorpio"(0.5 liters) - a strong aphrodisiac that strengthens potency. The price of one bottle is about 1000 rubles, and you can take out no more than two bottles. (from 600.000 VND - 1200 rubles);
Capsules "Meringa"- increase immunity. (approx. 323.000 VND - 975 rubles);
Mulberry tincture (500 mg)- a remedy for insomnia (approx. 65.000 VND - 200 rubles).
You can buy almost everywhere: in pharmacies, shopping centers, small shops.

Tea and coffee

Vietnam is now one of the largest exporters coffee in the world so there is no doubt about the quality. It is quite logical to bring the most delicious coffee from Vietnam as a gift to friends or a loved one.
In Vietnam, you will find 3 main varieties of coffee: Arabica, Robusta and Luwak(obtained by a specific processing method).
The Vietnamese only recognize green tea in all its variations (with lotus, jasmine, lemon balm, etc.). As we found out, black tea is considered dirty tea by the Vietnamese, so they don’t drink it, but black tea is sold.
Prices for tea and coffee largely depends on what variety you buy and where you buy, the approximate price for 100 grams of tea is from 25,000 VND (75 rubles), coffee from 50,000 VND (150 rubles).

Where to buy coffee and tea in Nha Trang:

actually everywhere, as a very popular product in Vietnam. Most often purchased in the markets of Nha Trang, as prices there are lower than in shops and supermarkets.


Vietnamese pearl g - one of the popular souvenirs that is brought from Vietnam. In Vietnam, the price of pearls is lower than in Russia and Europe by 30-40%. The most popular pearl is the freshwater pearl, easily recognizable by its imperfect shapes and minimal price.
Places where you can buy pearls in Nha Trang: the most flattering reviews of tourists about the gemological center "Treasures of Angkor" (Opposite the Galina Hotel, at: 24B Hung Vuong.) with Russian-speaking experts, about "Princess Jewelry" (Addresses: 46 Nguyen Thien Thuat; 30B Nguyen Thien Thuat; 86 Tran Phu; 03 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai.)


Be careful when buying pearls in Nha Trang- Tourists like to sell fakes. There are various ways to check pearls, for example, rub two pearls and in case of a fake, the enamel will be erased, leaving traces. If you decide to buy pearl beads separately, then throw them on the floor from a height of a meter and a half, natural pearls will bounce well, and artificial pearls will not be able to do this and roll. For full guarantee in big stores provide appropriate quality certificates.

Leather Products

Another worthwhile gift that you can bring from Vietnam for friends and loved ones is Leather Products(belts, wallets, shoes, bags, paw key chains and more). Mostly use the skin of a crocodile, python and ostrich.
Many shops can give a long warranty (1-2 years). So, if you don’t have a purchased item, then you can safely send it back by mail and demand a replacement for the defective product.
Price examples: leather wallets from 800-1000.000 VND (2400-3000 rubles), leather belts from 1000-1300.000 VND (3000-3900 rubles) ...
Where to buy leather goods in Nha Trang: We selected the 3 most popular stores with positive reviews: Kchatoco (address: 70 Tran Phu, Nha Trang, Vietnam), Tonphat (address: 607A Le Hong Phong Street, Phuoc Long Ward, Nha Trang City), Anh Thu (address: 96 Tran Phu, Nha Trang).

Paintings (silk, sand, popular print and lacquer)

Silk paintings can be called amazing works of art. Each painting may take more than one month to produce. Sometimes one painting takes several years.
The cost of silk paintings: from 40 $ - 20 000 $ (mainly the price depends on the size of the canvas, pattern, and the number of threads used).

Where to buy silk paintings in Nha Trang:

Where to buy paintings from silk in Nha Trang: very flattering reviews from tourists about the Silk Factory - XQ HandEmbroidery (address: 64 Tran Phu, Nha Trang Vietnam, Nha Trang, Vietnam).
Pictures from multi-colored sand- another talent of the Vietnamese people. Pictures are created from different shades of sand or from colored sand. The technology of creation lies in the fact that sand of one color or another is poured into the gap between two small squares of glass.
Sand painting cost: from 150-250.000 VND (450–750 rubles)

Where to buy sand paintings in Nha Trang:

often sold near various attractions in Nha Trang, for example, a large selection near Cham towers (Tyamkikh).
You can also buy in Nha Trang Lubok paintings and Lacquer paintings. Lubok paintings are national works of art. Such paintings are drawn with natural colors and usually depict a simple plot. In the creation of lacquer paintings, special paints are used that change their shade under the influence of varnish.

Silk clothes

You have the opportunity to bring silk clothes from Vietnam as a souvenir. Choice products is huge: you can find traditional clothes of Vietnam ("Ao baba" - traditional Vietnamese pajamas, "Ao dai" - a silk tunic with slits on the sides), or you can find more modern options. There are a large number of different sewing studios in Nha Trang, so you can place an order for individual tailoring.
Where to buy silk clothes in Nha Trang: Silk Factory - XQ Hand Embroidery (Address: 64 Tran Phu, NhaTrang Vietnam, Nha Trang, Vietnam), Silk & Silver (Address: Tran Quang Khai, Building 6), Nha Trang Shopping Center

Markets in Nha Trang

Night market

Schedule: from 18:00 to 11:00
In Vietnam, it gets dark quite early, already at six o'clock in the evening the sun hides behind the horizon. It is for this reason that this market is called the night market.
Here you can find clothes shoes, bags, jewelry, various accessories and, of course, souvenirs. Prices here are initially high, as it is calculated that buyers will bargain. Personally, we do not like haggling, so we just turned around right away, traders reacted to such behavior by reducing the price by 2 times.
Concerning edible shopping, then here you can feel the national cuisine. Local cafes offer a rich selection of seafood, snakes and frogs, as well as many other exotic dishes.

Cho Dam Market (Chợ Đầm)

Considered pretty large city market com, it can even be found in the routes of excursions. Most often, it flaunts on tourist maps as a local attraction.
In the market you can find clothes, shoes, dishes, household items, you can also buy a lot of bright fabrics, the choice here is very large. Among all this splendor, connoisseurs of exotic fruits and seafood will be able to successfully engage in edible shopping and leave the market with full packages of various goodies.
Prices are low here but also some are a little overpriced, so decide how much you are willing to spend.

Cho Xom Moy (Chợ Xóm Mới)

Schedule: from early morning to 20:00.
This market is popular primarily with local residents, tourists also drop in here, but there are much fewer of them. The prices here are low, one of the lowest in the city, but not for all goods. You can mainly buy seafood here. meat, fruit, vegetables, herbs. Shoes and clothes here Hardly ever.

Shopping malls and supermarkets in Nha Trang

Nha Trang Center

Schedule: from 9:00 to 22:00
Nha Trang center is the most famous shopping center in the city, it is located on the first line within walking distance of all hotels.
Represents a large shopping center where you can buy clothes and shoes of famous brands, cosmetics of European brands, Jewelry, various accessories, children's toys, books, furniture, in general, everything your heart desires.

Prices are mostly high.

On the ground floor you can find ATMs several banks, there you will also find a small information corner. On the top floor there is an entertainment area with billiards, bowling, 4D cinema and slot machines, there you can also find a small corner with souvenirs for a reasonable price, we bought a T-shirt and a couple of souvenirs there, we wear it with pleasure, we were especially pleased with the quality.
On the third floor you will find a supermarket AEON Citimart. There is an extensive selection of products, both personal care items and food, we especially liked the section with fruits and drinks. Were quite regular customers here. Food prices are very good. Here you can also find inexpensive souvenirs from key chains and magnets to paintings, dishes and famous Vietnamese hats.


Schedule: from 8:00 to 20:00.
Large supermarket, which offers a large selection of food, household goods, clothing at a relatively low price. Also in the building there are a couple of boutiques with children's and adult clothing, with bags and with various accessories.


Schedule: from 6:00 to 21:00.
This is a truly impressive hypermarket with a large selection of various goods, here you can buy from the heart. First of all, here you will find clothes both locally produced and foreign, a large assortment foodstuffs, in particular fresh seafood, household chemicals and much more.
The main disadvantage of the store is the distance from city ​​center, you have to drive a little to get to the store.

Big C

Schedule: from 8:00 to 22:00
Big C is a large shopping center with many shops, boutiques, here you can find souvenirs, appliances, clothes, cosmetics - in general, anything you want. The Big C supermarket has its own small bakery where you can buy various sweets for ridiculous money. We also note that on the territory of the shopping center there are entertainment places, including bowling, which will cost amateurs a small amount, as well as for hungry customers on the territory there is an impressive food court, but the prices here are slightly higher than in street cafes.
The mall was open in November 2014, itself trademark Big C is quite popular in Asia. For more information about the Big C shopping center, see the video below.
You can get to Big C by bus number 1; 2; 7, as well as number 6.

Vietnam is recognized as a great place for those who love to shop. It will not be difficult to choose gifts for your relatives and friends here. Not only are the locals very hardworking and can create a lot of interesting things with their own hands, but also the prices for souvenirs are very reasonable.

Beautiful jewelry and bijouterie, high-quality silk and products made from it, unusual spirits, food and fruits can be purchased not only in stores, but also in numerous markets. Be sure to bargain with local vendors, enjoying the gifts you like.

What can a tourist bring from Vietnam - five edible souvenirs

To surprise gourmets and please households with unusual sweets that are sold only where you go on a trip is a sacred thing. Consider the most popular goods.

Tea and related products

Of particular interest to tourists is green tea, to which natural dried leaves of jasmine, lotus or ginseng flowers are added. Many people like ginger or oolong tea.

The most popular tea is Than Nguyen and Blao. A pack of the drink costs at least six dollars. In many cities there are specialized shops where you can taste this or that tea drink. If desired, you can find black tea with the addition of various petals.

Attention should be paid to medicinal teas that help reduce pressure, treat various kinds of diseases, consisting of natural plant materials.

As a curiosity, you can buy tea made from leaves that grow right on the ground. But you should know that it has an unusual taste. The price per kilogram is about a hundred dollars.

A good addition to tea will be a gift in the form of a special device for its brewing, in which raw materials for brewing with hot water are laid. After infusion, the first portion is drained and only the second is used to make tea. Such a teapot costs about one dollar. A beautiful souvenir can be a tea set of small cups and a teapot on a tray.


Considering the fact that Vietnam is the second coffee producing country in the world, leaving here without a quality product is simply stupid. More than thirty varieties of the product grow in the country. It is best to purchase one or the other near the plantations. Such a measure is a guarantee of quality.

The following varieties are among the most purchased by our tourists:

  • Arabica ($18 per kilogram);
  • Moka Bourbon with cappuccino flavor ($18 per kilogram);
  • Elephant ($36 per kilogram);
  • Green ($30 per kilogram);
  • Robusta (25 dollars per kilogram).

Product packaging may vary.

Two varieties are exquisite and expensive - the legendary Luwak ($30 per hundred grams), which in Europe costs around fifty euros per cup, and Chon. They are made from grains that have passed through the stomach of animals. An order of magnitude cheaper, but no worse in quality than the Trung Nguyen variety.

Traditional coffee is brewed using special filters, which are sold in abundance in any souvenir shops. With their help, the preparation of the drink occurs by drip.

Many people like ginger or oolong tea.


As a gift or a home bar, tourists usually bring three types of alcohol:

Spices and traditional products

Fukuk Island has huge plantations where pepper is grown. It has excellent taste qualities. You can buy a local product both in the store and on farms. Moreover, a lot of spicy herbs are grown on the latter, and it will be possible to get acquainted with the cultivation culture of which. Many travelers bring Vietnamese syrups, seasonings, noodles, and rice paper as gifts.

Fruits and sweets for children

What gift to bring a child? Sweet and outlandish fruits will definitely delight children. They should be purchased the day before or the day before departure. In the markets, the assortment is rich, but tourists are often overpriced. Therefore, you should either go to the supermarket and buy there, or study the price range and bargain in the markets. Fruits are sold there in compact baskets that are easy to transport.

The following items will become an exotic gift:

  • papaya (less than a dollar per kilogram);
  • guava (a little less than a dollar per kilogram);
  • tangerines ($2 per kilogram);
  • mango - the price, depending on the variety, varies from 1 to 3 dollars per kilogram;
  • dragon eye - tastes similar to melon and grapes, one kilogram costs a little more than a dollar;
  • rambutan - similar to grapes, one kilogram costs two dollars, and in Nachang - half the price;
  • pomelo - costs only 0.7 cents per kilogram;
  • noina - one of the most delicious fruits costs $ 1.5 per kilogram.

Instead of fresh fruit, you can purchase delicious fruit chips made from bananas, mangoes, or ginger. A good option is candied fruits.

Even more kids will like sweets made from coconut or lotus seeds, filled with caramel, toffee with durian and pineapple leaf juice.

Medicines and cosmetics for yourself and loved ones

Vietnamese cosmetics are valued for their naturalness and hypoallergenicity, as they are made exclusively from natural ingredients.

It will be interesting to take a sightseeing trip to the Meringa factory, where you can not only see how dry perfumes, the legendary Asterisk balm, body and face care cosmetics are produced, but also buy everything you like. Although it is real to make such purchases in stores.

  1. Balm "Asterisk" will cost you $ 1 for six jars.
  2. An insomnia tincture made from mulberries (a 500 mg bottle costs $3).
  3. Meringa Immune Capsules are priced at $15.
  4. For those suffering from pain in the back, muscles, joints, sprains, it is worth bringing Cobratoxan or White Tiger ointment based on snake venom. Both are suitable for the treatment of colds. Such useful tools cost around 2-3 dollars.
  5. The means intended for potency increase are considered very popular.

As for cosmetics, be sure to buy aromatic oils, coconut oil, which has a number of useful properties. Many tourists like hair or body masks, scrubs, soaps. On a special account are cosmetic creams, which include cobra venom. Purchase medicines and cosmetics only in pharmacies and specialized departments.

Silk in Vietnam is of excellent quality.

Three of the best gift and souvenir ideas for women

Delightful orchids

Many people buy orchids in Dalat in the Garden of Flowers. One tuber, depending on the variety, costs about $ 1.5. They are the size of a child's fist, so you can pack them in a bag and put them in a suitcase among your clothes. Ten bulbs will cost about $1.50. Sell ​​flowers and locals. The price per plant is quite acceptable - a little less than two dollars.

Luxurious silk

Silk produced in Vietnam is of excellent quality. Especially famous is the XQ manufactory (Dalat), which produces fabrics, clothes, pastel accessories and paintings. A meter of silk costs about $80. For a product such as a tunic or dress, you will be charged approximately $ 180.

The cost of paintings varies by size. Miniatures will cost $10-$60, large works of art $150 and up. A traditional dressing gown made from natural raw materials can be found on the market even for $20.


As for jewelry, your choice will depend solely on the thickness of the wallet:

  1. Jewelry from various materials(ivory, stones, shells, glass, wood, etc.) will appeal to young ladies. Prices from 2-3 dollars and above.
  2. From pearls- combine high quality and low price. It is advisable to shop at trusted TranPhu or HungVuong stores. The cheapest products can be bought in Na Trang. A string of pearls costs 10-20 dollars there. Earrings adorned with pearls will cost a maximum of 2-3 dollars, and a bracelet - 8-10 dollars.
  3. Jewelry from precious metals presented by interesting models, decorated with opal, sapphires, quartz, rubies. More favorable offers in the price range are presented in Nha Trang. Beads with rubies, sapphires and other precious stones in a silver frame will cost from 200 to 300 dollars there.

Souvenirs from Nha Trang

You can go to Nha Trang not only for decorations, but also for souvenirs. Considering that this is a resort beach area, here in numerous shops a lot of interesting products from sea stones, shells, and corals are sold.

Apart from maritime theme, you can find products made of wood, ceramics, natural fibers, bamboo, coconut, ivory. It can be carved paintings, figurines, garments. Vases, dishes, caskets are in good demand among our fellow countrymen. The price range varies depending on the size of the product and the material from which it is made.

Men can bring a traditional hat made from palm leaves from their trip. It will cost a maximum of 10 dollars. Music lovers will enjoy national musical instruments. And businessmen can be presented with products made of crocodile or snake skin. A solid belt in the store will cost about $ 70, a wallet - from $ 100 and up.

Children can choose interesting national dolls, masks, teenagers can bring traditional Vietnamese slippers or hats made from banana leaves (price is $ 1). Girls will like handbags, caskets, hair clips made from coconut shells, especially since the prices for products are quite ridiculous 2-5 dollars.

An example of a gift set from Vietnam with prices on this video:

When purchasing certain souvenirs and gifts, you should take into account the requirements for the export of products outside of Vietnam. So from fruits it is forbidden to transport watermelons, juki fruits, coconuts and durains. Alcoholic drinks must be below forty-one degrees in strength. For marine-themed souvenirs, it is advisable to keep receipts.

You can find more information on the topic in the section.

Shopping in Vietnam: what to bring from Vietnam, where to buy souvenirs and fashion brands. Markets, outlets, famous shopping centers in Vietnam. Expert advice and tourist reviews about shopping in Vietnam on the "Subtleties of Tourism".

  • Hot tours to Vietnam
  • Tours for May around the world

Shopping in Vietnam is pleasant primarily for its cheapness. Here you can buy inexpensive silk clothes, ceramics, pearl jewelry and souvenirs made of mahogany and bamboo. Large Vietnamese cities have shopping centers and large malls, but the most interesting and colorful shopping here is still in the markets.

Shop opening hours

Shops in Vietnam are open from about 7:30-8:00 until late in the evening - 22:00-23:00, only a few small private shops close earlier. There are no lunch breaks, in large cities and popular tourist resorts there are supermarkets that are open around the clock.


Organized seasonal sales not in Vietnam. Here the goods are sold at a discount if they are not taken at full price or if they have some kind of defect. Often, goods that have expired, such as cosmetics, become cheaper.

There are such price reductions at any time of the year and in any season. It is very easy to notice the store where the sale was announced: there will be a sign Dai Ha Gia (“very low prices”) and a crowd of people at the entrance. seduce low prices and it’s not worth it to take a queue - discounts there are usually no more than 30%, and prices without sales are quite low for almost everything.

duty free at the Saigon airport is considered the cheapest in the world.

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What to buy in Vietnam

  • clothes and shoes,
  • cosmetics,
  • traditional medicine drugs,
  • ceramics,
  • Jewelry,
  • technology and electronics,
  • food, alcohol and coffee.

Clothing and footwear

Vietnam, along with China, is considered the largest sewing workshop in the world. Nike, Adidas and other popular brands of clothing and footwear sew their collections here, so the prices for goods of these brands in Vietnam are slightly lower than in the rest of the world.

Vietnamese clothing is worth special attention. These are, as a rule, high-quality items made of natural silk, linen and cotton: T-shirts, dresses, tunics, stoles, etc. The colors are very bright, and the styles are youthful, there are many clothes with colorful prints - this applies to both T-shirts and rag bags and backpacks. The national Vietnamese women's clothing "ao dai" is also sold in local stores and markets - an outfit consisting of a tight-fitting long shirt-dress with slits and pants (they are usually sewn to order, but you can also find ready-made ones).

Here you can buy high-quality and inexpensive leather accessories (bags, belts, wallets) - both quite traditional and exotic - from the skin of crocodiles and snakes. Traditional straw hats are usually bought for the sake of one photo on the beach, but the legendary flip flops are a very comfortable thing and not for one season.

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Vietnamese cosmetics are not as popular in the world as Korean ones, but they are also of very decent quality, they are made mainly from natural ingredients. In Vietnam, cold-pressed coconut oil (both pure and in skin care products), aloe gel, and snail extract are popular. Snail mucus is an almost magical substance, it contains a high content of natural collagen, elastin and glycoic acid - everything you need to maintain skin elasticity and youth. Creams, lotions and disposable fabric face masks are made with snail secretion.

Vietnamese women pay a lot of attention to protecting their skin from sun rays: firstly, to preserve her youth, and secondly, fair skin is the local standard of beauty. For a whitening effect and slowing down the aging process, pearl powder is often added to cosmetics.

The Vietnamese ride bikes a lot, so the problem of acne from road dust is almost eternal here, and Vietnamese cosmetics manufacturers pay close attention to it. Acne products are made here with turmeric root extract (a very powerful natural antiseptic) and activated charcoal. The choice is huge, there are many brands - you can choose any, the quality is very good everywhere.

A very unusual and effective face mask - from seaweed seeds. The smoothing effect is instant (enough for about 20 applications), but the manufacturer warns that it is impossible to wash it down the sink - the seeds can germinate in the sewer and cause blockage.

One of the most popular cosmetic brands in Vietnam is Thorakao, with soaproot shampoos, rice powder face masks, and snail slime cream being especially good.

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Traditional medicine drugs

Vietnam is known for its traditional medicine, and some balms and tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy for home use. It sells the famous Asterisk balm “for everything”, ointments based on scorpion and snake venom for sprains and bruises, aloe extract, which is excellent for sunburn, a variety of herbal infusions and preparations from seahorse for male potency. Drugs can be sold in souvenir shops and supermarkets, but it is better to go to a pharmacy for them - they more carefully monitor the correct storage conditions.

In Saigon, there is an interesting Museum of Traditional Vietnamese Medicine, where you can try different healing teas, ointments, and then buy what you like at a local store.

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The most famous variety of Vietnamese porcelain is called batchang, it is produced in the village of the same name near Hanoi. Previously, it was made from rare white clay and supplied to the imperial table. One fine day, this clay ran out, but this did not stop the local craftsmen.

To this day, there are many factories and small private workshops in Batchang that make dishes and other porcelain products, and almost every family has its own kiln. The design of porcelain products is very different - from traditional to minimalistic a la Ikea. It is best to go for porcelain here, to the village of Batchang, but, of course, it is sold everywhere.

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In Saigon, beautiful gold items of a fairly high standard are sold. You can also buy 925 sterling silver, ivory jewelry, sapphires, emeralds, rubies and other precious and semi-precious stones, one of the most popular jewelry stores with nice prices - Sapphire.

Jewelry made of pearls is also popular, mainly from artificially grown river pearls, less often - cultivated sea pearls. It is most profitable to buy pearls in cities and resorts on the coast, where they are grown or mined.

The best pearls are grown on the island of Phu Quoc. Stores do not provide guarantees, but if you doubt the quality, you can order an examination, there is definitely such a service in Saigon.

It is not difficult to distinguish real pearls from fake ones: genuine pearls are irregularly shaped and heavy. A perfectly round shape is, as a rule, plastic coated with mother-of-pearl paint.

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In Vietnam, as in all countries near China, you can buy inexpensive but good quality gadgets: laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. For electronics, you need to go to big cities- there is more choice, but it is best to do it in Saigon. For example, the latest generation iPhone will cost much less than in Nha Trang.

All equipment is sold here without Russian firmware, in Vietnam you can still find DVDs with films of varying degrees of propriety at every step.

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Food, coffee and alcohol

Vietnamese coffee considered the best in all of Southeast Asia, the best region in Vietnam to buy coffee is Dalat. You should buy grains or already ground coffee in specialized stores, where, most likely, they will also offer a cup for testing. The price depends on the variety. Che Phin 4 coffee is very good - a mixture of Arabica, Robusta, Catimor and Excellence (one of the main components of elite coffee blends). However, the usual coffee from the supermarket here is very good.

A separate story is Kopi Luwak coffee or, as the Vietnamese call it, Cheon coffee. This variety is one of the most expensive in the world, primarily due to the specific processing method. Musangs (animals resembling martens) feed on coffee fruits, the pulp is digested, and the coffee beans that have passed the digestive tract of the animal are then collected by people. Connoisseurs believe that coffee chon has a special taste due to the fact that substances that give bitterness break down in the stomach of musangs. When the musangs live in freedom and choose the berries themselves (that is, the most juicy and delicious), they manage to collect no more than two or three hundred kilograms a year - hence the high price.

IN Lately"chon" began to be produced on an industrial scale: musangs are kept in large quantities on farms in the vicinity of Dalat. There they can no longer choose the best food and eat what they are given, so it is believed that such coffee is inferior in taste to that collected in natural conditions.

Tea in Vietnam it is not as popular as coffee, but there are interesting herbal teas, such as artichoke flower tea, green tea with jasmine or ginseng, tea with dried ginger.

Worth bringing from Vietnam fish sauces"nuokmam", which are produced in Fukuoka and Phan Thiet. The aroma is not for everyone, but experienced chefs know how to use them correctly so that the dish acquires a special taste. Noteworthy are local spices, especially fragrant Fukuoka black pepper.

Little is known about Vietnamese wine in the world, but it is also produced here. In Dalat there are plantations of Cardinal grapes and strawberry fields, they make pretty good wines that are not inferior in quality to French ones. A more popular alcoholic souvenir from Vietnam is snake or scorpion tincture, which is placed in transparent bottles and poured over whiskey.

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  • The best cities for shopping in Vietnam are Saigon and Hanoi, you should go there for clothes, appliances and jewelry;
  • in Sapa, excellent sports equipment of local brands is sold, the quality is not worse than Nike and Adidas, and the prices are several times lower. It is also worth buying inexpensive bed linen and pillows, as well as clothes and other textiles with handmade embroidery;
  • for gold and silver it is worth going to Chau Khe village in Hai Duong province and Cat village in Lao Cai province;
  • for silk, tourists go to the village of Nha Sa in the province of Ha Nam;
  • Hoi An city (30 km from Da Nang) is known for inexpensive sewing workshops. They sew very high quality and quickly - from taking measurements to trying on the finished outfit in just 5-6 hours.

Right at the Chinese border are the cities of Lang Son and Mong Cai, where, in addition to Vietnamese goods, there are many Chinese goods, local clothing markets are of particular attention.

Haggling in Vietnamese stores is a must. Refusal to bargain the seller may perceive as disrespect - here it is part of the ritual of buying and selling. The trader always names the price taking into account the future bargaining, sometimes it can be doubled or even tripled.

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Shopping malls in Vietnam

There are shopping centers in major cities, the largest selection is in Saigon and Hanoi. Duty free at Saigon airport is considered the cheapest in the world. You can’t shop there upon arrival, but you can make very good deals before flying home. Here you can find both the usual assortment of duty-free shops - cosmetics, perfumes, alcohol and accessories of famous world brands, as well as local products: Vietnamese cosmetics, spices, sauces, scorpion tinctures and much more.

There are no outlets in the usual sense in Vietnam. In the cities there is a Factory Outlet network, but they don’t even pull on a shopping center, this is a small store.

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  • Vincom Center is a huge shopping complex in the city center with more than 250 stores on 5 floors, a standard assortment: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, accessories, jewelry, etc.
  • Diamond Plaza is a city landmark, a shopping mall shaped like a giant diamond, hence the name. Here you will find luxury boutiques, the most expensive brands in particular, exclusive designer clothes.
  • Parkson is a three-storey shopping complex, which also belongs to the elite segment. In addition to shops and a food court, here is one of the most fashionable nightclubs in the city - Bounce.

The Kenly Silk store in Saigon offers the largest selection of quality silk clothing in the country. Shirts, blouses, kimonos, peignoirs, ties, scarves, homewear and pajamas are sold on the first floor, and fabrics such as chiffon, taffeta, cotton, muslin, wet silk, etc. are sold on the second floor.

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  • Vincom City Tower is a huge shopping complex that occupies three buildings (three high-rise towers). Boutiques and shops of the middle and high price segment are located here, Entertainment Center And concert hall where fashion shows and other shows are regularly held. This is one of the few malls in the world that has a residential section with private apartments.
  • Parkson Moll - mainly imported brands are represented here: clothes, perfumes, jewelry, home goods and accessories. There is a supermarket and a good food court with Vietnamese dishes and more.
  • Savico Megamoll is one of the largest malls in the country, with both local and global brands. It is located on the outskirts of the city, so prices here are lower than in many other shopping complexes.

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Nha Trang

  • Nha Trang Center - the largest shopping center in the city, 4 floors of clothing stores, perfumes, watches, etc. There are few branded clothes here, but a good choice gold and other jewelry, as well as souvenirs. There is a children's room with animators, a cinema, a bowling alley, slot machines and a huge food court with panoramic windows overlooking the city.
  • Maximapark is one of the most popular shopping malls among tourists. It is also 4 floors, but smaller than Nha Trang Center. However, the prices here are slightly lower (by about 10-15%), the assortment is almost the same.

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You should definitely visit the markets in Vietnam: these are not so much bargains (although this too), but national flavor and entertainment. It is always necessary to bargain in the markets, and in order for the seller to reduce the price to the maximum, in no case should one demonstrate interest, it is best to consider the goods indifferently and lazily. This little spectacle is a common part of the deal here, the price can end up being halved or even tripled.

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The most famous markets in Vietnam

  • Ben Thanh (Saigon)- the largest and most popular market in Saigon, the main assortment - counterfeits famous brands(sometimes high-quality), Rolex made of samovar gold, cosmetics, fruits, coffee and souvenirs. There are express sewing workshops where you can adjust a thing to size or sew a skirt or trousers of a simple cut from a piece of fabric in a few minutes and for an additional fee.
  • Night Market (Saigon) opens in the evenings on the site of the Ben Thanh market immediately after it closes. People come here not so much for shopping, but for walking and hanging out, trying street food in eateries and drink beer. In the evenings, prices rise, but there are always a lot of tourists and locals here.
  • Street of Antiquaries (Saigon) located next to the Grand Hotel. Here you can buy a real rarity - gramophones, old books, vintage clothes and much more. There are many scammers in this market, so there is a risk of shelling out a large amount of money for "antiques" from a Chinese flea market. You can also buy inexpensive and original souvenirs on the street of antique dealers.
  • Cho Dam (Nha Trang)- the largest and most popular among tourists universal market in the city. Here you can buy everything from fresh papaya to silk pajamas, but due to the crowds of tourists, prices in this market are higher than in less popular places. It is convenient because here you can buy everything you need at once and save time, often visiting Cho Dam is included in sightseeing and other excursions.
  • Night Market (Nha Trang)- located next to the waterfront and is designed primarily for tourists who come to relax on the beach. Open from 18:00 to midnight, everything is sold here - from souvenirs to clothes and cosmetics.
  • Dong Xuan (Hanoi)- the oldest bazaar in the city, built during the French colonization in 1889, and reconstructed in 1994. The building itself of this covered market is very colorful - 5 separate entrances in the form of domes, and everything that is produced in Vietnam is sold inside on 3 floors. After 19:00, a night market opens here, but not in the building, but on the streets around it. In the evenings, Dong Xuan hosts performances, performances by local comedians, exhibitions of artists, people sit in eateries and walk around until about midnight. =

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tax free

In Vietnam, you can return up to 10% of the money spent on purchases, but this is not very easy to do: there are few shops that work with the tax-free system.

To do this, you need to spend at least 2,000,000 VND in the store, fill out a special check at the checkout and present it along with your passport and purchases at the airport before flying to Russia. The money will be returned immediately in cash or transferred to the card minus 15% - this is the cost of the return service.

The best places for shopping

All articles about shopping on "Subtleties"

  • Austria Vienna
  • England London
  • Vietnam: Nha Trang , Ho Chi Minh City
  • Germany: Berlin, Düsseldorf and Munich
  • Georgia: Tbilisi, Batumi
  • Hungary: Budapest
  • Greece (fur coats): Athens, Crete, Rhodes, Thessaloniki
  • Israel: Jerusalem and

Many tourists, going on vacation to Vietnam, are wondering what to buy in Vietnam, in Nha Trang for themselves, how to please relatives and friends. At the same time, of course, I want the gift to be not only memorable, but also useful and practical. Moreover, not everyone likes fridge magnets, shells and other unnecessary things. And not every friend will thank you for such a gift.

If you are also interested in the question of what you can buy in Vietnam, what you can bring from Vietnam as a gift, then our article today will be useful to you. Not to buy every junk, walking through the shops of Nha Trang, I advise you to plan in advance what to bring from Vietnam, Nha Trang. When choosing a gift for yourself or loved ones from Vietnam, do not forget that everyone has different preferences. For girls, pearls and leather goods are more suitable, for men - cognac. In addition, you can bring the famous coffee from Vietnam, which, perhaps, everyone can like. Artichokes, coconut oil, fruits are also popular.

Consider those goods that deserve time, money and effort. So, what to buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang.

What to buy in Vietnam? Coffee!

The first thing you can buy in Vietnam is coffee. It's no secret that Vietnam is an exporter of this invigorating drink. Coffee brewed in the Vietnamese way leaves no one indifferent.

What can you buy in Vietnam: pearl jewelry

The second thing you can buy in Vietnam is suitable as a gift for girls. This is pearl jewelry. It is rare that someone who has been in Vietnam does not look closely at pearls. Prices for pearls vary significantly from cheap to more expensive counterparts. Of course, the price depends on its size, shape, color and origin. It is strictly forbidden to buy in the markets and from grandmothers on the beaches, no matter how you are assured that the pearls are real. It should be purchased only in specialized stores. Below are tips on how to check the authenticity of pearls:

  • The easiest way is to take a pearl and swipe it across the glass. If there are no traces left on the pearl, then the chances of authenticity increase.
  • Some suggest to scrape the pearl with a nail file, then wipe the dust, there should be no scratch marks on real pearls.
  • It is also worth carefully studying the uniformity of the color of the pearl. Painted fakes have an uneven color, darker in the places of drilling.
  • Real pearls cannot be light in weight, they are usually cold to the touch, but warm when held in hands.

You can buy artichokes in Vietnam

What else you can buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang is an artichoke. Preparations derived from the artichoke are used to treat urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, jaundice, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, allergies, various forms psoriasis, eczema, lower blood cholesterol levels. Buy it in the form of tea or tablets. Artichoke in Vietnam in Nha Trang is sold everywhere in pharmacies.

What you can bring from Vietnam as a gift: coconut oil

You can also bring natural coconut oil from Vietnam. We recommend buying unrefined and always with a dispenser. Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetic purposes. It is used as a tanning agent, as a hair mask, and is also taken as food.

What to buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang: fruits

Of the fruits that can be brought from Vietnam, in the first place, mango can be distinguished. If you come to Vietnam, you will definitely try this wonderful fruit. There are many varieties of mangoes, but usually two are sold. Smaller yellows and larger greens. Many people think that greens are unripe and do not buy them. But actually, green mangoes are orange inside. They do not contain fibers. They are sweeter and more aromatic. Yellow mangoes have fibrous flesh. Fibers get stuck in the teeth. The flesh inside is yellow. Green mangoes are more expensive than yellow ones. The cost of a kilogram of mango in Vietnam is from 20,000 VND. It is better to take hard fruits on the road in order to successfully bring them from Vietnam. Until you fly, they will ripen. The soft ones will turn into mush. If you are flying Azur Avia, in addition to 20 kg of luggage, you can take a 5 kg fruit basket with you in your luggage. Wrap the basket with foil, otherwise the amount of fruit in it upon arrival may be greatly reduced.

What to bring from Vietnam? Crocodile skin products

In Vietnam, you can buy crocodile skin products for tourists. Bags, shoes and accessories are sold in specialized stores in the European quarter of Nha Trang.

Cobrataxan - what tourists bring from Vietnam

Also, what you can buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang is cobrataxane (or its analogue majatox). This is an ointment with snake venom, which is ideal for the treatment of radiculitis, traumatic and inflammatory processes in the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The ointment "Tigre blanc" (White Tiger) is also popular. It has a local analgesic effect, relieves muscle tension, increases blood circulation.

What else can be brought from Vietnam as a gift - Dalat wine. The most popular local wine brand is Dalat Vang. Wine is produced in the mountainous Dalat according to French recipes. Considered the best wine in Vietnam. In addition to Dalat itself, it can be purchased at large supermarkets such as Maximart. Many tourists like both red and white wine. But once having tasted this wine, all sommeliers note the sour taste and award 3 points out of 10. Some local chefs recommend it for cooking.

Is it worth trying? It's already a matter of taste. It is recommended to be served chilled, like table wine with seafood. And given the price within 100,000 dong per bottle, it fully justifies the quality. As for true gourmets, there are wine castles especially for them in almost every city for tasting high-quality imported brands from France, the USA, Chile and other countries.

Silk products

What can be brought from Vietnam - silk products. Silk is the pride of the country and many items of clothing are sewn from it. First of all, we advise you to pay attention to scarves and dresses.

local rum

Local rum can also be brought from Vietnam, Nha Trang. It tastes like Russian moonshine, it is easy to drink, but hops very quickly. We do not recommend buying rum worth less than 65,000 VND.


You can bring souvenirs from Vietnam as a gift: vases, plates, caskets, figurines, key rings, voluminous postcards, hairpins, etc. You can safely buy souvenirs in the markets, most of all in the night market and Cho Dam.

Thank you for reading to the end 🙂 It was short review What can you buy in Vietnam. Now you have an idea of ​​what to buy for yourself and as a gift to your friends and family in Vietnam. I wrote about my purchases in Vietnam in a previous article. .