Do-it-yourself birdhouse from a plastic bottle. Do-it-yourself birdhouse from a plastic bottle - photo

Since ancient times, a tradition has appeared at the end of winter or in spring to make birdhouses for birds in order to help the birds settle down. Thus, it is easier for them to produce offspring and settle in our area.

What birds are found in your area

Structurally, birdhouses are divided into:

  • Wagtails. They are built for wagtails, since it is difficult for this species to move in standard houses due to the tenacity of the legs. These birds move mainly by walking, and do not fly. The dimensions of the box can be left the same, but it should be placed in a horizontal position.
  • Nesting. They are intended for pikas. The main difference is that it has two entrances.
  • Birdhouse / titmouse. A standard house familiar to everyone since childhood, which is suitable for all types of small birds.

You can make a house from non-traditional materials. from a 5 liter bottle, you will find out below.

Key Requirements

Before you start preparing the house, you should first consider all measures to protect the birds. Do not even doubt that local and neighboring cats will try to climb inside and extract the chick. For this reason, it is necessary:

  1. Do not make a perch (roost) in front of the hole, because the cat will be able to catch on to it with one paw, and the other can easily climb into the nest.
  2. Make the visor longer so that the cat cannot reach inside from the roof.
  3. If you are nesting migratory birds, with the onset of spring, it is necessary to check the birdhouse. During the winter period, other representatives of the animal world, such as the bats or even squirrels.

In addition to security measures, attention should be paid to the following things:

  • You can not make a birdhouse out of wood conifers. The resin that is released from such boards will make the walls of the house sticky inside, which can make it difficult for the birds to fly. Is it dangerous.
  • The material that is used to make the house should be rough from the inside, so the boards do not need to be planed. If the material is initially even, for example chipboard, make notches inside so that the birds can easily move, clinging with their claws.
  • Make the inside of the birdhouse as natural as possible, do not prime or paint it. Decorate only the outer part of the wall, inside the birds will equip everything on their own, as they need.

Dimensions and varieties of birdhouses

In order to start creating a house with your own hands, you need to choose the dimensions, as well as the materials that will be used to make the birdhouse. Next, we will tell you how to build a capital building and a lightweight version - how to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle. Today, all structures for birds are called birdhouses, but there are size standards for different types birds.

  • Birdhouse - size 40 * 15 * 15 cm, hole with a diameter of 5 cm.
  • A titmouse is a type of smaller birdhouse that will be an excellent haven for small bird species: sparrows, redstarts, pied flycatchers and others. Size 30*12*10, hole diameter 3.5 cm.
  • The wagtail must certainly have a ledge in front of the hole. Size - 15*15*30.
  • Nests - a structure for pikas, it should be in the shape of a triangle with a through exit. Size 25*15, notch - 3*6 cm.

If you do not have information about what birds are found in your area, opt for a regular size birdhouse. from plastic bottle, you will find out later. However, for titmouse, a small house is more suitable, which can become a cozy nest for nesting, but starlings will be cramped in it. Perhaps this information is quite enough to learn how to make a birdhouse from a bottle and start making a birdhouse.

Large bird house

The ideal material for its manufacture will be an ordinary five-liter bottle. Due to the large size of the container, such a house will be equally good for both small birds and larger birds.

  1. It is necessary to make a hole (or several, depending on the type of birdhouse) of such a size that the bird fits freely there.
  2. Inside you can place a perch for the convenience of birds. This is done very simply: on both sides, parallel to each other, you need to make holes (using scissors or an awl) and insert a perch into them so that the ends go beyond the holes.

How to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle: choose materials

To create this option you will need:

  • Drill and drill 1.4 and 1.16.
  • Clean plastic bottle.
  • Waterproof acrylic paints(brown dark and light, black, beige and green).
  • Brush and sponge.
  • Wire.
  • Old CD.
  • Double sided tape.


  1. In the container at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom, we make a round hole.
  2. Just below the drill we make a hole and insert the dowel into it. This will be the perch for the starling.
  3. We paint the bottle brown (2 layers).
  4. Next, we take the lid and drill small holes in it - 2 pieces, thread the wire through them and twist the ends. The result should be a loop for which the house will be attached to a pole or tree.
  5. Using a stencil with beige paint, draw a window with a brush or sponge.
  6. We cut the disk into pieces and paint them with light brown, black and green paint.
  7. We decorate the birdhouse. Glue on the dried pieces of the disc and then glue them to the neck of the bottle. Thus, we get an imitation of the roof.

The birdhouse is ready!

The most democratic

You will need:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle.
  • Jute or linen twine - 1 pc.
  • Scissors.
  • The adhesive tape is double-sided.
  • Glue.
  • Bunches of grass.
  • A piece of woolen cloth.
  • Large buttons (shiny) - 2 pcs.
  • Braid - 30 cm.
  • Cereal groats.
  • Marker.
  • Threads.
  • Big needle.
  • Lace.

Execution steps

  1. How to make a birdhouse from a five-liter bottle? Take a large plastic bottle with a cap and stick a strip of tape on the bottom. Glue the beginning of the twine on it and start winding the container.
  2. Each next row of winding should be pressed tightly against the previous one. Fix the first and last row with glue.
  3. The next step on the twine canvas is to draw a square, apply glue along the path and cut a hole.
  4. Start making a roof, an unnecessary woolen hat or a sleeve from an old sweater is suitable for this. Put a woolen cloth on the top of the workpiece. The edges of this canvas must be collected with a needle and thread, fastened with a lid handle.
  5. Sew the previously prepared bunches of grass to the wool base. When all the grass is sewn on, secure the top with a cord threaded through the handle of a plastic bottle.
  6. Decoration of the entrance to the birdhouse. To do this, on the sides of the inlet, it is necessary to stick strips of double-sided tape, and on top of it - a braid.
  7. Fasten buttons at the top and bottom.
  8. To attract birds inside, it is necessary to pour a grain mixture with minerals and vitamins. It is not recommended to pour bread crumbs, as over time they turn into gruel from moisture, it is very harmful to birds.
  9. Hang the feeder on the roof, in a place inaccessible to cats.

Now you understand how to make a birdhouse from a 5-liter bottle without labor and special costs. The birdhouse should be placed on the east side. Approximately once a year, some time before the arrival of the birds, it must be dismantled, cleaned, and the mat replaced. Then you can hang it again to meet the birds.

Most people, when cold periods come, try to help birds and small animals by feeding them during their difficult time, creating different type birdhouses for birds. But not everyone knows how to make a plastic bird feeder out of a bottle with their own hands, but this is quite important - the food should not be located near incorrectly fixed feeders - they are covered with falling snow, swept away by winds, and all efforts to save the birds will be ineffective. Next, consider a couple of the main varieties of plastic bird feeders, which you can see in the photo below. You can make such an option as in the photo for your garden.

Birdhouses from plastic bottles

Since ancient times, beautiful wooden birdhouses have been made in Russia. This technology had a rather deep sacred meaning. Starlings were among the Slavic peoples a symbol of the arrival of spring, because they are the very first of the migratory birds to fly back to their native lands after winter period and symbolize with their arrival the change of seasons, the rebirth of life.

Love for the construction of birdhouses with their own hands was also instilled in people under the Soviet regime, when they were mass-produced during labor lessons for educational purposes. In addition, starlings are one of the varieties of birds that choose artificial nesting in order to breed offspring. There are also other types of birdhouses for titmouses, wagtails, flycatchers, hollows and half-hollows, and so on. Each of the names corresponds to a variety of birds.

As a practical purpose for installing a birdhouse, it can be noted: attracting birds to some areas in order to observe and explore their habits only for your own pleasure or in order to destroy pests. You can make the birdhouse shown in the photo with your own hands together with the kids.

Feeder with spoons

There is no standard or special plan for making birdhouses, only some recommendations from specialists such as ornithologists or naturalists who describe the most suitable nesting conditions for birds. If you live in a metropolis and you don’t have boards in your house, in addition, there is no place to plan them, then you can make a birdhouse with your own hands from plastic bottles. In the photo below you can see the option that suits you.

Production of various options for plastic birdhouses

Consider several options for birdhouses from plastic bottles:

  1. The first version of a do-it-yourself birdhouse from a plastic bottle

In order to make such a birdhouse, we need a two-liter bottle. We make a cut with scissors in the lower part of the container with a diameter of about 3 centimeters. The edges of the notch must be glued with adhesive tape or melted with a soldering iron so that the birds cannot damage their wings on sharp edges.

It is better to make the birdhouse opaque. To do this, you can glue it with adhesive tape or paint it with waterproof paint. If you wish, you can make a decorative version, adding decor like a pattern or overhead elements.

  1. The second version of the birdhouse from the bottle

In order to make this option, you will need a capacious plastic bottle with a volume of about 2 liters. However, most gardeners use large containers for such purposes. Then everything is very easy: we take scissors and carefully cut out several holes with a large diameter. The diameter of these holes depends on your preferences.

An important point: such holes on the containers should have small jumpers that do not allow food on the basis of the feeder to get enough sleep from the winds. If you make a container with sharp edges, this can be fixed with ordinary tape. You can also use any sticky material that has a soft back.

The final touch, which is the final one when making a birdhouse for birds, is to make a small hole in the bottom area of ​​​​the feeders and put strong twigs into it. The branches do not need to be taken too thin, as the birds will sit on them, so choose a twig that, if necessary, can even withstand a large dove. It is very easy to attach such a birdhouse from a plastic container to a tree: you can fasten it by the side parts with adhesive tape or other adhesive material, or you can make a hole in the lid and attach a string.

The loop connected from it just needs to be fixed on a very strong branch. If you make everything carefully, then you will not need to remove the loop from the nails every time - you just need to unscrew the cover. Put the bird food inside through the hole in the top.

  1. The third option is the feeder - self-filling

In this case, it will not be necessary to use any mechanisms - just two plastic containers of identical size. First, we take one container and cut off one third of it, a hole is made in it, with the help of which the birds will eat. We cut a rope into the upper area, with which the feeder will be suspended.

We fill the second bottle with food and put it in the first, but upside down. It is necessary to leave space between the bottles, which are put on top of each other so that the food falls neatly into the stand, but it should not spill over the edges.

  1. The fourth version of the birdhouse from a bottle with spoons

This type of bird feeder is considered very unusual, and not all gardeners can see it in their backyard. In order to make such a birdhouse, we need large plastic bottles, a knife, wooden perch sticks, a felt-tip pen, spray paint, fishing line, and a nail. Let's get to work.

Decorative feeder

  1. It is necessary to make a hole in the plastic container, while the cut area must be bent up - this is something like a canopy, since the cut is quite sharp, and the birds can get hurt.
  2. Then we stock up on adhesive tape, adhesive tape and glue the lower edges of the windows several times - the edge is made thicker to provide the birds with some comfort.
  3. Under the windows we make a cross-shaped cutout and put even sticks-perches in it. We fix the stick. This pole will enable the birds to enter the feeder.
  4. We make a place that is designed to store food. A pair of small holes are cut in the bottom of the container - thus, you can protect food from melt water. Water that enters the feeder will drain through the holes, and the food will not freeze in one lump. This way you can add new food. This is especially effective for birdhouses that are located in parks.
  5. We paint the container with the help of spray paints in the desired color. You can experiment with appearance containers or add some kind of inscription on the feeder.

Remember, bright colors are alarming, it is better to tint in a natural natural color. This way you can attract more birds.

You can also add a birch bark roof to the decor of the birdhouse. Or you can use any other material that you find on your site. suburban area. In addition, a great solution for decorating a birdhouse is the use of flowers from the bottoms of plastic containers. Flowers need to be prepared early and fixed on the lid.

As a decor, you can use leaves from green bottles - this way you can bring animation and attract birds. An excellent solution is various insects that are made from a plastic container. In the end, you need to make a mount for such a design. To do this, unscrew the lid, make a couple of small holes in it on the sides, thread a fishing line into them and tie it into a tight knot. Next, the lid is screwed on, however, in such a way that it can be opened if necessary.

Decide on the format

  • A birdhouse is a versatile option suitable for most birds. Its dimensions are within: 40x15x15 cm, and the diameter of the flight hole is about 5 cm.
  • Sinichnik is a haven for sparrows, tits and other small birds. When making it, try to keep within 30x12x10 cm, and make the flight hole no more than 3.5 cm in diameter.
  • Wagtail is designed specifically for wagtails. Since these birds mostly walk rather than fly, the structure must be placed horizontally, and also provided with a ledge in front of the hole. The average dimensions of the product are 15x15x30 cm, the notch is 3 cm.
  • The nest often becomes a haven for pikas. Therefore, if these birds predominate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage, new house for them you need to make in the form of a pyramid with dimensions of 25x25x15 cm, and a through exit, the diameter of which does not exceed 3.6 cm.

In this article, we will talk about birdhouses, since they are universal and suitable for most birds as a temporary shelter.

Necessary materials

So, if you decide to make a birdhouse from a bottle, we will prepare:

  1. 5-liter plastic bottles - 2-3 pieces.
  2. Twine.
  3. Glue, paints and other materials for decoration.

This set is considered basic. For individual designs, in addition to it, other consumables may be needed, which we will mention separately.

Birdhouse from a 5 liter plastic bottle

When you collect the above materials, we move on to the question of "how to do it." The simplest birdhouse from a 5 liter plastic bottle is made as follows:

Step #1. We take a plastic container, thoroughly rinse and dry it. We get rid of the label and adhering dirt.

Step #2. On the side (approximately in the middle), we cut out a round hole and process its edges with a sandpaper or iron (in the latter case, always through the fabric).

Step #3. We outline the perch. We make a small hole just below the notch and insert a stick of a suitable length into it.

Step number 4. We wrap the structure with twine (putting it on glue) or paint it with paint. Note: If you choose twine, wrap it before cutting the hole.

Step number 5. We draw a layout of tiles on paper, use a marker to transfer it to the second bottle and cut it out. If one bottle (with a capacity of 5 liters) is not enough, we put another one under the knife.

Step number 6. So that the birdhouse does not turn into a bird trap, we glue the inner walls with burlap or other textured material. On it, it will be easier for birds and their chicks to get out of the house.

Step number 7. We attach the tiles to the birdhouse with glue or double-sided adhesive tape. We wrap the neck of the bottle with twine, which will simultaneously serve as a fastener for the new bird house and hide the “tails” of the upper layer of the tile.

Step number 8. Optionally, add other decorative elements. Outside, we cover the entire structure with varnish. We give it to dry properly, and our birdhouse is ready.

Now all that remains is to hang it under the windows, and very soon you will be able to enjoy bird chirping in the morning. And also forget about the insects that always terrorize the adjoining areas.

How to make a birdhouse out of a plastic bottle: useful tips

If you want your plastic bottle birdhouse to perform its functions properly, pay attention to the following points:

  • The longer the end of the perch on the outside of the birdhouse, the easier it will be for the cat to get to its feathered inhabitants.
  • Decorate only the outer part of the craft, the birds will decorate the inner one on their own.
  • Do you want the life of your feathered wards to be more calm and comfortable? Use predominantly discreet colors that blend with the area (various shades of brown and green) to decorate the birdhouse so as not to attract too much attention from predators.
  • Do not use too small elements to decorate the birdhouse. During operation, they will quickly fall off, and the design will lose all its attractiveness.

If you know other live hacks and helpful tips, write them in the comments, discuss and adopt.

The benefits of birdhouses

We have already said more than once that birds as neighbors bring great benefits to humans. But what exactly does it express? For example, that:

  1. Birds destroy harmful insects, caterpillars, larvae, letting them feed their chicks.
  2. Most birds sing quite beautifully, helping us to wake up in good mood and stay positive all day long.
  3. Making a bird house is a great chance to pump up your creative and physical skills, as well as spend time with your family.
  4. Building a birdhouse with your own hands teaches children to productive work and care for nature.

All models of a birdhouse from a plastic bottle

Do you want to make a birdhouse from a 5 liter bottle, but ideas and inspiration bypass you? Then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our photo selection. Below are dozens of ideas, among which there is sure to be one that will appeal to you and inspire you to new achievements.

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Many owners of their personal plots spend a lot of energy on the fight against harmful insects. In order to somehow make your life easier, you can attract starlings for these purposes. They mercilessly destroy not only caterpillars and beetles, but also their larvae. Thanks to such help, the summer cottage is completely cleared of these pests in a week. To attract such a useful bird, you need to make a house for it. For this, various improvised materials are used, for example, a plastic bottle, cardboard, box and others. Various options birdhouses can be seen in the photo.

Necessary materials

The lightest and most affordable material is a plastic bottle. To make a birdhouse out of it with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill, drills;
  • stationery knife;
  • pliers;
  • 2 l plastic bottle;
  • waterproof acrylic paints (dark brown, beige, light brown, black and dark green);
  • unnecessary CDs;
  • glue for plastic items;
  • wire;
  • brush or sponge for applying paint;
  • scissors;
  • tape, tape.

These materials can be easily found at home.

How to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle?

It is necessary to take an ordinary plastic bottle with a volume of 2 liters. A sharp clerical knife makes a round hole at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. A little below this hole, drill a small hole with a drill and insert a long dowel into it. This is the future perch for the bird. After that, the bottle is painted in two layers of brown paint. Starlings like their house to be cozy and dark, so the birdhouse from the bottle is painted over very well, without any gaps.

Then they take a bottle cap and drill two small holes in it, thread a wire through them and twist the ends well. The result should be a strong loop, with which the house attached to a tree or pole.

Thus, the birdhouse from the plastic bottle is ready. To make it more beautiful, you can decorate it.

How to decorate a birdhouse

To decorate a birdhouse, they take paper or thin flexible plastic and make a window stencil out of it, the image of which will fit perfectly into the birdhouse. Then you need to make a beautiful roof. To create a type of tile, a CD is heated and cut, and this is done in such a way that identical pieces are obtained. Each piece can be painted with brown paint, and for greater effect, the tiles are made multi-colored.

Now you need to attach a roof to the house. The lowest layer is "planted" on the glue, and for strength, each piece is fixed with adhesive tape. Then all subsequent layers are fixed only with glue.

To make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle more comfortable, the bottom is covered with various materials, such as:

  • rags;
  • twigs;
  • pieces of cotton;
  • hay.

You can be sure that the birds will appreciate such comfort.

Making birdhouses from other materials

Cardboard bird house

In addition to plastic bottles, a birdhouse can also be made from cardboard. For work you will need:

  • self-adhesive paper with a laminated coating;
  • starch;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • twine.

In addition, you will need tools such as scissors, a ruler, a pencil, a cardboard cutter, a square and compasses.

Work begins with the fact that on all blanks markup is done. Then the parts are cut in duplicate. A paste should be cooked from starch, since ordinary synthetic glue has an unpleasant odor that can scare away birds.

Finished parts are glued in pairs to make double walls. This is necessary for their strength. In the front wall, a hole should be cut for the notch, and in the back, 4 small holes are made for twine, with which the birdhouse is tied to a tree.

The walls are glued end-to-end with each other in compliance with a right angle. The result should be a box. During drying, it is wrapped with threads. The roof is glued in two parts. The smaller part is placed inside the structure, and on the larger one, allowances are made on all sides.

A cardboard birdhouse can last longer if it is glued on the outside with laminated paper. The surface is completely pasted over, the result is a very beautiful birdhouse.

bird house out of the box

If it is not possible to find basic materials, a birdhouse can be made from a finished item, such as a box.

In this case, you need an empty juice or milk container more than one litre. It should be washed and dried, and then a standard notch is cut out. To strengthen the bottom, use thick cardboard or wood. Holes are made on top of the box to be used for wire. With the help of it, a birdhouse is hung on a tree. Outside, the house is pasted over with beautiful paper with a protective coating.

Before you start making a birdhouse with your own hands, you should protect yourself from getting all kinds of injuries. In order not to plant a splinter, be sure to use gloves.

The roofs of the houses are made single or gable, with a slight slope back. Birds are afraid of bright colors, so the coating should be dark tones.

Birds like their nests to be very high off the ground. Before hanging a birdhouse on a tree, you should make sure that this place is safe, and trunks are thick and strong. It is best if the house is not conspicuous, because while hatching the chicks, extra attention to the birds is useless. The birdhouse can also be attached to tall metal poles.

Thus, by making a birdhouse with his own hands, a person not only benefits the birds, but also himself, since starlings are able to destroy a large number of harmful insects in their summer cottage. A house made from a plastic bottle, if made cozy, will give the birds real pleasure.

In winter, it is difficult for birds to find food and shelter from bad weather. Therefore, a birdhouse from a plastic bottle will come in handy. It does not take much time, and the material is available to everyone at hand. But starlings and other birds will appreciate it.

Step by step manufacturing process

To proceed to the manufacture of a birdhouse, it is recommended to prepare the following materials:

  • A 2-liter water bottle, but a 5-liter container is also suitable;
  • marker or marker;
  • a circle cut out of cardboard for a template;
  • drill;
  • wooden dowels;
  • round nose pliers;
  • knife for artistic cutting;
  • paint, preferably acrylic;
  • sponge for applying paint;
  • paint brush;
  • wax paper;
  • CDs;
  • heat gun;
  • scissors;
  • the wire;
  • rope for hanging a birdhouse;
  • glue;
  • Scotch.

When making a bird house, first free the container from stickers and labels. Stepping back from the bottom of the bottle 3 cm, using a template and a marker, draw a circle of the required size. After that, you need to drill a hole in the bottle with a drill and insert a wooden dowel into it, fixing it with glue. This is a finished bird perch.

The next step is painting the birdhouse. To do this, pour some brown paint on wax paper and dip a sponge into it, while applying paint to the surface of the bottle until it is completely painted.

Make a hole on the lid of the container, thread the wire into it so that you get a loop on which you will hang the birdhouse from the bottle. From the inside of the lid, twist the edges of the wire with round-nose pliers.

Prepare the window stencil in advance. It can be drawn both on paper and plastic. Paint of a different color is applied with a sponge to the surface of the bottle through a stencil.

Tiles are made from CDs. They are heated with a heat gun and carefully cut with scissors. If the disk cracks, it means that it is not heated enough. Put the resulting pieces on the glue. And then stick duct tape over them. To make the bird house look natural, then layer the pieces of discs on top of each other like a real tile looks.

Second option

This time, a container of 5 liters is taken. A circle is cut in the middle - a hole for birds. So that the edges of it do not injure the birds, they are pasted over with adhesive tape or adhesive tape.

The hanging loop is made as follows: a strong strip of fabric is clamped with a bottle cap. If you want to insulate the birdhouse, then wrap it with felt or wide tape. Dry straw is laid at the bottom of the product or bird food is simply poured.

You can decorate the birdhouse as you like. Above were the options with a stencil and CDs. You can paint a birdhouse or decorate it with decorative elements.

The bottom of a homemade bird house is laid with various improvised materials. This is done to make the room more comfortable. They are on the move the following means:

  • rags;
  • tree branches;
  • cotton pieces;
  • hay.

Before starting work, you must protect yourself from possible injuries. In order not to splinter your hands, put on gloves first. When you are about to apply paint to the birdhouse, think about the fact that birds are afraid of bright colors. Therefore, choose a coloring matter of a dark, discreet color.

One more point should be taken into account when choosing a place for do-it-yourself bird houses: birds love it when the birdhouse is located at a considerable height from the ground. The branch on which the bird house will be must be strong. The birdhouse should not be conspicuous, so as not to disturb the birds once again when the chicks appear. In addition to the tree, the house and bird feeder are also attached to high poles.

There are many options for making a birdhouse from plastic containers, all you need is imagination. Now you know how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.