Extraordinary paid leave for family reasons. Family leave at own expense under the Labor Code

Each person may have such circumstances, in connection with which he needs several days of rest. These can be both mundane things and happy or sad events. How to properly arrange a vacation if you urgently need a few days to solve a problem?

Good reasons

Each employee has the right to arrange a few days at his own expense to solve his problems. By general rules, the employer is not obliged to release his employee for such rest. But if the parties agree among themselves, then the employee may leave for several days.

There are reasons that are called "valid", and in the presence of which the management is obliged to give the employee several unpaid rest days.

Vacation at own expense is governed by Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article says that an employee can get such a vacation:

  • on family circumstances that will be considered a valid reason;
  • the duration of the vacation must be agreed with the authorities, unless otherwise stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Not a single legislative act prescribes the concept of "good reason". The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that family circumstances can be attributed to such reasons. That is, these are those circumstances that have a close relationship with events that happened to the employee himself or his family members. These circumstances require the employee to be absent from his immediate workplace for several days.

Unfortunately, not all employers share the family foundations and ways of their employees, so they simply leave the application for such leave without movement and consideration. However, the law protects some family values, thereby obliging the employer to give his employee a few days if such circumstances occur.

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation spelled out valid reasons, in the presence of which, the employer is obliged to give his employee up to 5 calendar days recreation. These days are not paid. These reasons include:

  • birth of a child to an employee. These days are necessary for a young family to get used to a new family member, so that the father can help the mother in the first days after the birth of the baby, since the family is the greatest value;
  • Marriage registration. The employee has the right to use these 5 calendar days at his own discretion - to take them before the wedding, during the wedding or after it. The law does not oblige to use these days at any specific moment after or before the official marriage;
  • death close relative... These 5 days are given to the employee in order for him to be able to resolve all the mournful issues regarding the funeral and other necessary procedures. Some are taking these days for moral recovery after loss.

The concept of "close relative" is spelled out in the RF IC. These include:

  • spouse;
  • parents / children;
  • grandmothers, grandfathers / grandchildren, granddaughters;
  • brothers / sisters.

The employer has the right to prescribe in local regulations and additional reasons for the mandatory provision of several days of rest. For example, some bosses give mothers a day of unpaid leave if the child is in first grade. As a rule, employers prescribe the following additional valid reasons:

  • illness of a close relative;
  • family circumstances other than those described above. For example, divorce in court;
  • seeing off to the army;
  • natural disaster or other extraordinary circumstance that befell the employee's family or the family of his close relatives;
  • child's school holidays;
  • quarantine at school or kindergarten;
  • collecting a child for a summer health camp;
  • session surrender or defense thesis when receiving a second education.

In addition, there are categories of workers to whom the employer is obliged to provide leave without retention. wages at any time convenient for them. The length of such leave per year depends on the category of the employee, and can range from 14 to 60 calendar days.

These workers include:

  • participants of the Second World War;
  • old age pensioners and disabled people who continue to work;
  • spouses and parents of military men, firefighters, rescuers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutors, and others power structures who died during the service or from an illness that was received during the service.

Documents to confirm the reasons for the vacation

If there is a reason for granting leave, prescribed in Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary to submit any supporting documents. It is enough to write an application addressed to the employer. In it, it is necessary to indicate the reason why the employee needs such a rest, as well as the period. For example, a statement may contain the following wording:
"I ask you to grant me unpaid leave for the period from 05/10/2016 to 05/15/2016 for 6 calendar days due to the death of a relative."

In addition, certificates of birth, marriage or death are issued some time after the event. Therefore, when an employee writes an application to provide him with several days of rest at his own expense, he is physically unable to attach a supporting document to the application.

To avoid misunderstandings, he can bring a copy of the document later, and it will be filed in the employee's personal file.

In Art. 128 TC F says that the days at their own expense are provided to the employee after agreement with the management. Therefore, the application must have the head's visa. structural unit... This will mean that the employee will rest with his consent, and this will not affect the work process in any way.

But the employer has the right to demand supporting documents. These include:

  • references from medical institutions that a close relative needs additional care. If the employee and the sick relative have different surnames, then confirmation of kinship may be required;
  • copies of marriage, birth or death certificates;
  • a copy of the telegram about the death of a close relative;
  • a certificate from the registry office that a wedding is scheduled for a specific date and time;
  • a certificate from the school's medical office or kindergarten that the institution / class / group is closed for quarantine;
  • a certificate from the university stating that the delivery of the intermediate or final certification falls for this period;
  • other documents that can confirm the need for the employee to be absent from the workplace for several days.

Dates of family leave

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that if an employee wants to use vacation precisely because of the birth or death of a loved one or in connection with his own wedding, then the employer must provide him with up to 5 calendar days. If the parties agree with each other, then the vacation can be longer. That is, the employee can take either 1 day or 5. The duration of the vacation he must indicate in the application.

  • working pensioners can count on 14 additional unpaid days a year if they are entitled to a pension due to their age;
  • family members of military personnel who were injured in the service or died in the line of duty can count on 14 additional unpaid days a year;
  • working disabled people can count on 60 additional unpaid days a year;
  • for parents who have children under the age of 3 years, time off is provided in agreement with the authorities.

Vacation denial

The reason why the employee asks his employer to provide him with several days of rest at his own expense is spelled out either in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or in the local normative act, then the employer has no right to refuse leave. If such a situation has occurred, and the employer has not approved the application, then the employee must act as follows:

  • apply for unpaid leave officially, that is, through a secretary, with registration as an incoming document. V general order it is recommended to do so, but many neglect this obligation and registration personnel documents occurs retroactively;
  • wait for a written refusal from the authorities;
  • write a complaint to the labor inspectorate, attaching a copy of your application and a copy of the refusal to it. The complaint must state the requirement to conduct an audit of the maintenance of personnel records and compliance with labor laws;
  • wait for the verification results.

Before writing complaints to higher authorities, it is necessary to consult the management orally and provide links to the norms of the current labor legislation. You also need to voice your right to appeal to the labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the court. Usually after verbal communication, the employer becomes more accommodating, and the employee gets their few days of unpaid leave.

If the vacation at his own expense is issued for reasons not spelled out either in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or in local acts, then the employer has the right to refuse his employee.

Vacation registration

Like any other vacation, a vacation at your own expense for family reasons begins with writing an application asking for a few days.

In the application, it is imperative to indicate the period during which the employee is expected to be absent from the workplace. You also need to indicate the reason for the absence. The application is signed and endorsed by the head of the structural unit. After that, it is sent to the authorities for signature. If there are no questions and problems, then after the paper is signed by the authorities, it is transferred to the personnel department.

The personnel service issues an order in the form of T-6 to provide a specific employee with several additional unpaid days. The order is signed by the head personnel service and leadership. On the basis of this document, a corresponding mark is made in the employee's personal card.

The order is given to the employee for review. As soon as he reads it, puts his signature and the visa is "familiarized", he can safely not go to work these days, without fear that they will be counted as absenteeism.

Vacation payments

In Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that leave to solve problems that have arisen for family reasons is a vacation at his own expense, that is, the employer does not pay for these days. No payments for these days are provided, and therefore no deductions for these days will be made to the funds either.

However, this does not mean that the employer does not have the right to independently pay for these days. He can prescribe in local regulations the fact that family leave can be paid. Then the compensation for these days is calculated in the same way as the compensation for annual vacation... That is, it is necessary to calculate average earnings a specific employee for 1 day and multiply this result by the number of days of rest for family reasons.

In addition, the employer can prescribe in the local act some additional payments and gifts to employees in connection with these family circumstances. For example, it can be:

  • monetary gifts for the birth of a child or for a wedding;
  • financial assistance in connection with the death of a close relative;
  • reimbursement of some expenses for treatment or purchase of medicines, if the vacation is related to the illness of a close relative or caring for him;
  • monetary gifts for those employees who take a vacation for several days in order to take their child to first grade;
  • compensation for the purchase of a voucher to a sanatorium for the rehabilitation of a close relative;
  • other financial assistance.


Family leave can be for various reasons. As a rule, the bosses go to meet their employees and allow them to take a few days to solve their problems.

Each worker may face in his life with circumstances that will require him to be released from work for a certain period of time. At the same time, such reasons usually take more than one day for which one could take a day off.

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In a situation long absence an employee at the workplace is entitled to the right to apply for family leave.

It is usually issued at the request of the person and is not paid by the employer.

Who can take?

Family leave can be granted by the employer to any employee who draws up an application indicating good reason requiring his absence from the workplace (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

This kind of leave can be issued to an employee only if the employer recognizes the reasons indicated by him as valid.

Usually these are the birth of a child (for the father), death and burial of a close relative, registration of marriage, etc.

After receiving an application from an employee, the head of the company:

  • Gives his consent or disagreement to the provision of extraordinary rest to the employee (depending on the weight of the reasons specified in the application).
  • In the course of a personal conversation, he agrees with the subordinate the date and time for granting leave.
  • Directs to personnel department order for registration (without content) for family reasons.

After the formalities are settled, the employee has the right not to go to work from the date specified in a separate order.

You can familiarize yourself with the text of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on our website:


When drawing up an application, one of the main aspects prescribed in it is the reason for going on an extraordinary vacation.

The main ones are:

  • The birth of a child in the family (for fathers; mothers receive a separate one).
  • Death of a close relative (the need to take part in burial events).
  • Registration of marriage (which directly concerns the employee himself).

A collective agreement in force within the enterprise may provide for other situations in which the employee will have the right not to be present at the workplace for a certain time in agreement with the employer (Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the manager considers the additional reasons for granting unpaid leave to be insignificant and does not give his consent to the employee's rest, then the latter's unauthorized absence from the workplace will be regarded as absenteeism.

Sample employee statement

Rest days for a father at the birth of a child

After the birth of a child in the family in the early days, the mother may need help in caring for him.

In this regard, Russian labor legislation allows fathers to request an extraordinary leave without pay at the place of work, for a period of up to 5 days (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, he will need:

  • Write a statement addressed to the head of the organization, indicating the birth of a child as a reason.
  • Write down the desired number of vacation days (no more than 5).
  • Wait for the decision of the management and go to rest.

It is also important to remember that a disabled father can be released from work for up to 60 days a year.

Funeral leave

An employee has the right to be absent from work in the event of the death of close relatives, which traditionally include parents, spouses, children, grandparents, sisters and brothers.

The employer has no right to deny the employee this right. In this regard, he:

  • Accepts an application from the employee and sends a corresponding order to the personnel department on registration of leave without pay.
  • Releases the employee from the performance of labor duties for up to 5 days.

It is worth noting that although the legislation in general view and provides for a five-day exemption from work for the funeral of a close relative, in some cases this period is extended to 14 days.


Citizen Soboleva O.V. turned to the management of the manufacturing company in which she worked as a sales manager, with a statement. In it, she asked to be granted unpaid leave for family reasons, such as the sudden death of her husband.

After the expiration of the 5-day period, Soboleva could not go to work due to her depressed morale, about which she notified the employer. As a result, it was decided to extend the employee's vacation for another 5 days.

Days for registration of marriage

If the employee decides to register a marriage, at any time of the year he can apply to the employer for the allocation of additional leave for him for a period of up to 5 days.

The organization does not have the right to refuse such an extraordinary rest to an employee; moreover, it is carried out at the expense of the employee himself.

Conditions of collective labor contracts operating on the basis of the enterprise may provide for:

  • The possibility of extending the rest for a period of up to 14 days.
  • Preservation of average earnings for the employee as a gift.

A typical employee application form can be downloaded here:


Family leave as a type of additional rest for an employee during the working year has established by law duration.

More detailed information regarding this issue is given in the following table.

Special conditions are enjoyed by disabled people and some other categories of citizens who can expect to extend their vacation up to 60 days a year, the participants of V.O.V. - up to 35 days, for pensioners - up to 14 days.

The collective agreement of a particular enterprise may provide for other cases. In addition, it is possible to increase the length of stay of a person on vacation, as well as the payment of vacation pay.


This short period of absence of an employee from the workplace is drawn up similarly to other types of leave, namely:

  • The employee writes a statement addressed to the head of the company with a request to provide him with the opportunity to be absent from work for a certain number of days and the obligatory indication of the reason.
  • The head of the enterprise considers the application and writes his consent (or disagreement), after which he sends it to the personnel department.
  • In case of a positive decision, the personnel department forms an order, which is signed by the head.
  • The employee is notified of the results of the decision, from the date specified in the order, he has the right not to appear at the workplace.
Sample order for granting leave

The order form issued by the employer can be downloaded here:


The employer has every right to ask him to present one of the supporting documents before deciding whether to take an employee on family leave:

  • a certificate from the maternity hospital about the birth of a child;
  • death certificate of a relative;
  • a copy of the application to the registry office.

If at the time of registration of the vacation, the employee does not have the indicated papers (they did not have time to issue them), then they will have to be presented when leaving the vacation.

In the case of their complete absence, the employee's rest will be regarded as absenteeism, which implies the possibility of applying a disciplinary sanction.

In the time sheet, family leave is marked as "OZ" or "17".


As noted earlier, leave for family reasons does not imply vacation pay.

However, the collective agreement of the enterprise may establish that during the period of absence from work, the employee retains his average salary as:

  • Incentives for the birth of a child or a wedding.
  • Financial assistance related to the death and funeral of a relative.

In general, leave for family reasons is classified as unpaid leave.

Frequently asked Questions

Unpaid leave, which is requested by employees for family reasons, are considered extraordinary and therefore often raise a lot of questions from employees and employers. It is advisable to consider some of them.

Can I go to work ahead of schedule?

The terms of the employee's absence from work for family reasons, including the time of going on vacation and the time of leaving it, are agreed between the employee and the employer and are prescribed in the corresponding order (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In this light, a person cannot start early at will to perform official duties.

The exception is when the employer agrees with such a decision, which happens very rarely.

How will such a vacation affect the calculation of the next one?

Absence from work is an option for rest without pay, so it has no effect on the calculation of the next vacation.

The only exceptions are vacation payments, which are calculated by the number of days actually worked by a person.

Since for 3-5 (and sometimes more days) the employee does not fulfill his official duties, these days are deducted from the total amount of working time, which leads to a reduction in vacation pay for the next vacation.

Not all citizens starting to perform their labor duties are familiar with the norms and requirements of the current legislation of Russia in terms of granting them leave for family reasons and other valid reasons. On the other hand, an employer violating the current requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws in the area under consideration labor law runs the risk of severe fines. In the article, we will highlight the main points related to the issues of providing unpaid leave.

In this article, you will learn:

  • who can take family leave;
  • what is the duration of family leave for certain categories of employees;
  • what the employer should take into account when proceeding with the registration of leave for family reasons.

Who can take leave for family reasons and other valid reasons

Whether to release an employee or not to an unpaid additional leave in general, the employer decides. At the same time, the basis on which the employee asks for temporary rest at his own expense determines the method of calculating his length of service. At the same time, the employee is guaranteed the opportunity to take leave without pay ("at his own expense") for family reasons or for another valid reason. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The duty of the employer for the entire time the employee is absent is to keep the employee's place of work.

The duration of the leave granted to the employee at his own expense is stipulated by an agreement between the employee and the employer. At the same time, since the provision of additional unpaid leave in the cases listed in Part 1 of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the right, but not the obligation of the employer, then the latter has the right to refuse to provide it to the employee if he considers the reason specified in the application to be insufficiently weighty.

If the reasons and circumstances that prompted the employee to contact the employer correspond to those listed in Part 2 of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then the employer, at the written request of the employee, is obliged to provide the latter with leave without saving salary.

How long is the family leave for certain categories of employees?

  • participants in the Second World War - for up to 35 calendar days during the year;
  • working retirees - for up to 14 calendar days during the year;
  • parents and wives (husbands) of military personnel who died or died as a result of injury, mutilation, concussion, which were received during the performance of their official duties in military service, or as a result of an illness caused by military service - for up to 14 calendar days during the year;
  • working disabled people - up to 60 calendar days during the year;
  • to employees at the birth of a child, in connection with the registration of marriage, the death of a close relative - for up to 5 calendar days during the year.

Vacation is calculated and provided at its own expense in calendar days, taking into account weekends and non-working holidays.

According to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the above categories and circumstances, among those that oblige the employer to provide an extraordinary vacation at own expense There are cases when a student of a secondary and higher educational institution, who combines work with study, applied with a request. If the educational institution where the student is studying or where he enters has state accreditation, then the employer is obliged to provide such an opportunity without saving salary.

At the same time, for passing the intermediate certification at the higher educational institution an employee can be given up to 14 calendar days to prepare and defend a graduation qualification work and passing the procedure for passing the final state exams - up to 4 months, for passing the final state exams - up to 1 month.

Employees who combine study with work and study in educational institutions of secondary vocational education with state accreditation for full-time education are eligible to receive within school year extraordinary unpaid leave of 10 calendar days - for passing intermediate attestations, 2 months - for preparing and defending the final qualifying work and passing the procedure for passing the final state exams, for passing the final state exams - up to 1 month. Employees qualified to pass the entrance examinations in educational institution with state accreditation has the right to count on 10 calendar days.

Another category of workers whose request for leave at their own expense is obliged to satisfy the employer is part-time employees. Moreover, according to Art. 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such an obligation with respect to the employer is valid only if the duration of the main annual paid leave at part-time work is less than its duration at the main place of work.

Note that the employer's obligation to provide extraordinary leave without salary is stipulated not only by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So among the "privileged" working citizens of Russia, who have such a right for up to three weeks and at a convenient time for them, according to Art. 6 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ, from include Heroes of Socialist Labor, citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees (full holders of the order).

The wives of military personnel also find themselves in a privileged position, who, if they wish, can use the right to receive an extraordinary unpaid leave at the same time as their spouse (see paragraph 11 of Article 11 of Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998).

Collective agreement

According to current legislation several situations are considered, the mention of which in the collective agreement obliges the employer to provide its employees with an annual unpaid leave for up to 14 days at any time convenient for them. Such situations apply to employees caring for two or more children under the age of 14, having a disabled child under the age of 18, single mothers raising a child under 14, fathers raising a child under 14 without a mother.

Note that in all the cases listed above, unpaid leave can be added by dates to the main one, used regardless of it, either in whole or in parts. At the same time, the transfer of vacation without saving salary to the next year is not allowed.

What an employee and employer should consider when starting to take family leave

Unpaid leave is granted only after the employer has reviewed the employee's written application. In general, if the employer considers the reason specified in the application to be valid, and the period of the employee's forced absence from work is acceptable, then he gives an order to prepare an order drawn up in accordance with unified form No. T-6, approved Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. Here it should be noted that the order to grant leave without salary retention belongs to the category of orders for personnel. Information about this event in the life of the enterprise is recorded in the timesheet.

Attached files

  • Employee's application for unpaid leave (sample) .doc
  • Leave order (sample) .doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Employee's application for unpaid leave (form) .doc
  • Leave order (form) .doc

In addition to work, any employee has a family, relatives, which means that there is always the possibility of a situation when an employee will need to be released from work to solve some family problems. In this case, the legislation provides him with the opportunity to take a vacation for several days at his own expense. In this article, we will call it "family leave."

Holidays at own expense

Such leave is regulated by Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Labor law uses the concept of “unpaid leave”. It is often also called administrative.

The specified article determines that such leave is granted:

  • for family reasons and other valid reasons;
  • duration, which is agreed between the employee and the employer.

This means that the employer is not obliged to provide the employee with unpaid leave, and if the employee's departure during this period is not profitable for him or if he considers the reasons given by the employee to be disrespectful, he can deny him the leave. There are, of course, exceptions, for example, students, veterans, government and municipal employees. The Labor Code secures them the right to a certain number of days of unpaid leave, which the employer is obliged to provide them in any case.

In this article, we will analyze only those cases when the employee refers to family circumstances in the vacation application.

Family circumstances

In this context, the specified phrase is understood as the circumstances caused by the employee's marital status or his family ties, which may be valid reasons for the absence of the employee at his workplace. Under such circumstances, the employee cannot solve the issues or problems that have arisen in his family without interrupting his work. For example, if, apart from the employee, there is no one to care for his sick relative.

Sometimes it is enough for the employee to indicate only this wording in the vacation application, and the vacation will be provided to him without any additional questions.

However, not all employers share the family principles of their employees, so the employee's application may be dismissed even if there are really valid reasons for the vacation.

At the same time, the legislator ensured the protection of the employee's family interests, providing for such family circumstances that are the basis for the mandatory granting of leave, regardless of the position of the employer in this regard.

Firstly, these are the circumstances provided for by Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, upon the occurrence of which the employer has the obligation to release the employee from work for up to 5 days:

  • birth of a child. The employee is given the opportunity to spend time with his family - spouse and child, without being distracted by work, to provide assistance to a young mother in the first days after the birth of the baby;
  • death of a relative. Usually at this time the employee solves issues related to the funeral, organizing a memorial dinner, on these days he himself experiences the loss of a loved one and provides moral support to other family members;
  • Marriage registration. The law does not regulate when an employee can use the allotted 5 days on this basis. So, he can go on vacation 2 days before the date of the wedding and go out 2 days after it, or he can spend the entire vacation preparing for the wedding or spending time with his spouse after the celebration.

Secondly, the right to family leave for up to 14 days can be granted by a collective agreement to parent workers for caring for children (Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These include:

  • employees who have two or more children under the age of 14;
  • parents of disabled children who have not reached the age of majority;
  • single mothers and fathers who are raising a child under the age of 14.

The leave should be provided to them at a time convenient for them, but cannot accumulate and be used in next year.

Regardless of the reasons for which the employee goes on vacation, including for family reasons, it is necessary to remember about Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which in the case of a vacation duration of more than 14 days, the calculation of the calendar year for the appointment of paid vacation is shifted by the amount of excess.

It should also be borne in mind that even with a fairly loyal attitude of the employer to the employee's family problems, abuse of the right to leave on such grounds may not have the best effect on the employee's reputation.

Regulates Article 128 of the Labor Code. At the written request of the employee, indicating valid reasons of various kinds, the employer must decide on the possibility of granting such leave.

The duration of the vacation in accordance with the above article is determined by agreement between the parties. Any employee of the organization has the right to register it.

The very wording "for family reasons" is not indicated in the documents. Such a vacation is called, that is, the employee receives days off, but vacation pay is not paid to him, unless otherwise specified in the normative act of a particular enterprise.

According to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation at their own expense can be taken by:

  • participants of the Second World War;
  • working people with disabilities;
  • parents, wives or husbands of military personnel who died / died during
  • service execution;
  • employees of organizations, if in their family, or in the case.

It is the last point that is usually called family leave. Other reasons may be included. The legislation gives the right to receive up to five days of rest these employees, but the employer has the right to set the period that he considers necessary or which is indicated in the annex to labor agreement(collective agreement).

Causes and duration

The legislation provides for a five-day leave without preservation of earnings in the event of the following circumstances:

  • the birth of a child in the employee's family (unpaid leave is granted to the child's father, since a different type of leave is provided for women);
  • death of a close relative;
  • registration of marriage, if the employee himself / herself enters into the marriage.

At each enterprise, the collective agreement may establish a different period of stay on such leave.

By the decision of the employer and the application of the employee, it can also be extended.

Leave is granted up to 10 days in case of death or serious health condition of his close relative (Article 11 Federal law on the status of military personnel). Also, in accordance with this article, he is given days to travel to the place of the vacation and back.

Pensioners can expect to extend their vacation up to 14 days, participants in the Great Patriotic War - up to 35 days.

Registration procedure

  • The employee must write the reasons in writing.
  • The employer decides on the advisability of granting leave.
  • In a personal conversation with the employee, the terms and conditions are negotiated (in some cases, the average earnings are retained during the vacation, if this is established in local regulations).
  • The manager gives an order to the personnel department to create a corresponding order.
  • The personnel department prepares an order, after signing which the employee will have the right not to go to work within the agreed period. can be issued in any form or in the form of T-6.

In the corresponding columns of the T-2 form of the employee's personal card, information is entered on the granting of leave without pay. It is also necessary to enter information in the time sheet.

The code for designating unpaid leave provided by law is OZ. If the leave is given with the permission of the employer - DO. In the future, these days will not be taken into account when calculating the average earnings of an employee.

Documents for confirmation

If, upon receipt of an application from an employee, the employer doubts the reliability of the indicated reasons, he has every right to demand their confirmation.

It can be:

  • a certificate from the maternity hospital stating that the employee's spouse actually gave birth to a child, indicating the date;
  • a certificate from the clinic confirming the death of a close relative;
  • a photocopy of the marriage registration application submitted to the registry office.

It so happens that the documents do not have time to prepare on time, then the employee goes on vacation and, upon his return, provides all the required certificates. If he does not do this, they may be for absenteeism against him.