How to dye a fur collar. How to dye natural fur

Natural and artificial fur are very beautiful materials intended for exclusive tailoring. Unfortunately, despite the high cost, they are prone to fading from ultraviolet radiation. They are spoiled by precipitation, other unfavorable factors, as a result, the brightness of the products decreases.

To prevent a fur coat or hat from looking shabby, you need to learn how to dye fur at home and use one of the methods.

Artificial material is much cheaper, is less susceptible to adverse external influences, although it can also deteriorate and take on a worn look. You can also paint it, but not every tool is suitable. With the wrong choice of paint, hairs will come out, the material will shed heavily without the possibility of restoration.

Where to start painting

Before starting work, you need to carefully inspect the product. If it has traces of the vital activity of moths, other mechanical damage, "bald patches", staining will not save the situation. It is better to take the thing to the atelier, where they can give it a second life. The fur needs to be combed, debris, dust, all dirt must be cleaned so that the paint is light as evenly as possible. Next, you should choose a suitable option for working with fur products.

How to dye fur: artificial and natural

Experts advise using for this purpose professional formulations designed specifically for dyeing fur skins. Such products are especially recommended if the hairs are thick, long. You can use hair dye, but you will have to buy several packs, which can be quite expensive. There is an option to cover fur products with aerosol, which is sold in household, shoe stores... Such a tool can only refresh the ends of the fur. The aerosol cannot paint over the entire thickness of the material. For full dyeing, you will have to buy a special product or hair dye.

Before work, it is necessary to conduct a test for the degree of aggressive effect of paint:

  • dilute a small amount of the product (if it is powder);
  • lubricate the material in an inconspicuous area;
  • withstand the time indicated by the instruction;
  • wash off the paint;
  • assess the condition of the material;
  • proceed to full dyeing if the fur has retained its quality, has not changed its structure within 2 days.

When you want to make the fur 1-3 tones lighter, you can use not paint, but a clarifier. The most commonly used products are "Supra", "Blondan" based on ammonia. It is better to paint artificial products only with specialized formulations with a note about such a possibility. Hair dye will spoil this material right away, so you shouldn't risk it.

Curl dyeing

In its structure, fur resembles human hair, so its color can be completely changed by a means familiar to every woman - hair dye. Similar products are sold in any supermarket, store household chemicals, and the choice in terms of prices and shades is very diverse. When buying, you should consider the following mandatory requirements to paint:

  • firmness (usually acquire funds that can paint over gray hair);
  • the tone is at least one shade darker than the color of the hairs;
  • gentle composition, no corrosive substances.

If you want to lighten a dark material, you first have to discolor it with the appropriate paint. Then re-staining is carried out in the desired shade. It happens that white fur turns yellow from long wear. It will also have to be discolored before staining, otherwise the yellowness will distort the selected shade. For polar fox fur, you need to purchase more paint than for mink or rabbit. For a long coat, it may take up to 5-6 packs of paint.

Spray for dyeing fur

If the tips of thick fur are burnt out in the sun, it is not necessary to carry out its full dyeing. Sometimes it is enough to simply paint the discolored part, and the thing will shine like new. To renew the fur, you need to purchase a spray for suede in a cylinder, but you should not save on its quality. A low-quality product can stain hands, things, and human skin for a long time.

Using spray paint is very simple. Need to hang out fur product on a hanger to the balcony, terrace, or cover all surrounding surfaces with cellophane. Then spray the paint from a distance of 40-50 cm, working through each area. After finishing work, you need to comb the fur, let it dry well. For drying, it is permissible to use a hair dryer. Usually the result is enough for one season, then the thing will need to be painted again.

Selection of shades for different fur colors

Staining without prior discoloration should always be done in a darker tone than the original. For example, to update the classic brown mink fur, you need to buy a dark brown dye. If the fur is new, has not been in a sock, has not burned out at all, it will be difficult to paint over it, since the pigments do not fit well on such material. You will have to add not only more funds, but also take a darker shade. This is easy to do: you need to pour a little black into the brown paint.

Gray and blue minks are usually dyed the same color, choosing the appropriate tone for the hair. The material will not change its shade, but it will become brighter, more saturated. Long-haired fur should also be dyed in a tone close to natural, because for high-quality dyeing of hairs you will have to make a lot of effort and buy several packages of the product.

What is needed for work

Before starting the process, you need to prepare water, hair dye or a specialized product, a bleaching agent (if necessary). You will also need soda, ammonia, salt, and a mild detergent to wash your fur.

Fur dyeing steps

To get a good, durable result, you need to consistently follow all the actions and do the job carefully.

Preparation of the product for staining

During the wear, the thing got very dirty, began to shine, particles of fat settled on it. It is impossible to wash fur products by the usual method: they will deteriorate immediately in a typewriter. Therefore, for cleaning and subsequent uniform laying of the paint, a special treatment with an alkaline solution must be performed.

Fur cleaning

To clean the material, you need to prepare a solution from:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • a tablespoon of dish detergent;
  • 3 drops of ammonia.

All components must be diluted with water, the solution must be shaken well. Hang the product on a hanger. Lubricate the skin (skin) with glycerin, after ripping open the lining. You can skip this step if you can avoid getting the skin wet. Otherwise, it may crack or shrink after drying.

Comb the fur, use a clean sponge to treat it with the prepared product. Thick coats should be brushed, spreading the liquid evenly over the surface and gently gripping the undercoat. After 10 minutes, rinse off the solution with clean water, being careful not to wet the skin. Then dry the product well in the open air, in a ventilated area. Hang it up by the battery, the oven is not allowed!

In addition to this recipe, there are a number of products that are suitable for cleaning fur:

  • equal parts of 4% vinegar, water, alcohol;
  • shampoo solution for animals;
  • professional cleansing spray (Furasol or other).

    Color pinning

    To fix the color, a solution is prepared: 5 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) are diluted in two liters of water. After the product is sprinkled with a fur product. If dyeing was carried out with hair dye, you can apply the supplied balm to the fur. This will make the product incredibly soft and silky. The balm is applied as on hair, washed off after 5 minutes, and only then the pigment is fixed with vinegar.


    When all the work is over, the fur needs to be dried. To do this, the thing is placed on strong wide shoulders, which should fit well in size. It is advisable not to take metal hangers (wooden hangers are ideal). The product must be brought into a warm room, but placed away from heating devices and allowed to dry. Before it dries completely, you can apply a little glycerin to the fur and comb, setting the desired direction to the pile. It usually takes 2-5 days to dry, depending on the type of fur and the size of the garment.

    Fur care after dyeing

    Over time, the hairs of old fur can become coarse, dull even after dyeing. To fix the problem, you can periodically rinse the product with hair balm. It is better to take the product that comes with the paint (you can buy inexpensive paint and take out the balm). Also, sprinkling things with a solution of vinegar 9% (spoon in a glass of water) will give shine. The effect of the painting will be temporary in any case. Once a season, it is worth touching up the thing so that it does not lose its gloss and always looks attractive!

Girls, I will share my experience of dyeing fur. She dyed a mink (a gray-blue fur coat made of tails) and a polar fox (it was once white, but turned yellow and gray in the process of wearing).
Mink: I decided to alter, but paint before that. The details of the fur coat were painted with the cheapest paint Impression (I chose a blue-black color, since the fur coat itself was blue-gray and had already darkened in the NOS). I chose a cheap paint for the simplest reason: once I wanted to tint my hair into a light pinkish shade, paints of this color were only cheap, I dyed myself at home, after a while I decided to do highlights in a hairdresser and got pink strands, the master was very surprised To this effect, after that I highlighted the hair several more times, but the shade remained until the hair was branchy and I gradually cut it off.
Let's go back to the fur coat. I painted with a hairdresser's brush, they are usually sold where hair dyes are or in salons (20 - 40 rubles). For example, the sleeve dyed for about two hours, tk. I painted over almost every hair, it's good that the brush is tough, it paints better, I immediately combed it with a plastic comb so that the paint was better distributed. After painting, I waited for the prescribed time according to the instructions, then washed it under the shower, smeared it with a fixer (sold with paint), washed it off, dried it with a sheet, fixed it with needles on the ceiling panels according to the painted part (60x60 squares remained from the repair, the ceiling is made of foam, but I folded the squares into the surface of the required area and outlined the part), it is very convenient, you do not need to beat a carnation.
All this dried for some time, during drying I combed it several times so that the fur dries faster and evenly.
The effect is amazing. From the gray shabby skin, shiny blue-blacks were obtained.
Before that I tried to paint in a way that was once proposed in this thread, i.e. to smear it without staining and rinse it off with a sponge, it turned out to be a complete disgrace in some kind of stains. Therefore, I did everything like with hair, painting over every strand of fur.
after drying, the flesh remained soft, because before painting, I smeared it with glycerin.
Arctic fox: I did not smear the skin with glycerin, painted it as I wrote above gold fish, smeared, massaged, without any brushes, because the arctic fox has too thick downs, no brush will paint over. The paint is again blue-black, on the white scribe it turned out to be bright blue. I dried it, hung it on a hanger, did not pull it anywhere, the flesh remained soft, the fur did not sit down.
Mink, if not smeared with glycerin, dubs.
Sprays are good only for toning and masking defects, I did not succeed in painting, because underpads are not stained. Maybe the sprays are like that, or maybe there is no skill.
It is still difficult to find the right color, if there is a spray for fur, we have only 3 colors in our city: gray, brown, black, gray, very light.
Shoe paints can be used, but also for touch-up, i.e. toning.
I also noticed that cheap paints sometimes have such colors in the palette that expensive ones don't.
Maybe I forgot something, ask.

You have to look for methods of how to dye fur at home when your favorite clothes wear out and lose their attractiveness. Returning faded pile to its original appearance is quite simple. Available methods suitable for different types fur, does not require much effort, large investments... After processing, the item will find a second life, without remaining on the last shelf of the cabinet.

Material cleaning methods

Before dyeing your fur at home, you need to clean it. The manipulation is mandatory, because dust particles and burns remain on the surface of the material, which, when stained, will begin to gather into lumps. Cleaning is best done with hair shampoo or dish detergent.

It can be carried out with a composition of detergent and soda (1 tsp each). To them you need to add one and a half tablespoons of salt and 3-4 drops of ammonia. Distribute this composition evenly on the surface of the product. After half an hour, rinse with water, and then dry well. Drying near heaters, on batteries is prohibited.

Types of fur used for sewing clothes

The fur product is different, with its own characteristic appearance. Dyeing rabbit, mink or chinchilla fur is easier than others - they are initially white, so the pile does not need to be clarified first.


These are extremely sensitive materials. Processing with chemical compounds must be accurate, otherwise the product will be damaged.

The density of the material is taken into account - the amount of paint used, the time of the procedure may vary. Arctic fox is easy to color, retains color. Difficulties arise when you need to dye the capricious mink fur at home. A beaver product is difficult to lighten as the hairs turn yellow.

An unpredictable and difficult material to work with is a muskrat. The color fades quickly, it is difficult to give it an updated look. It is not recommended to process hair dye. It contains aggressive chemical compounds that can damage the material.

Painting methods: how to paint

Fox fur can be treated with a potassium permanganate solution to restore its original color. With other materials, it is unlikely that it will be possible to use improvised methods. For the procedure, use hair dye and suede, clarifiers. Ammonia is the most affordable and easy-to-use method. For the desired effect, you will only need one package of such a product. It is better to take the color 1-2 tones darker than the material. For example, when a mink coat was black and dyed white, the result could be yellow.

Suede paint is only suitable for dyeing certain areas of the garment, for example, the ends of the pile. Means are suitable for lightening High Quality- the rest will be less effective. Spray paints are suitable for large items - they are easier to apply.

Stages of staining

First you need to prepare for staining. You need to put the fur coat on the table. If staining is only necessary for the collar, it is better to protrude it. It is also important to carry out a paint tolerance test on a small section of the product. For this, the composition is applied to the sample. If after the procedure there is no damage to the villi, flesh, the color suits you, you can start painting the product.

For the procedure, you need to use a special brush. Apply the paint evenly so that the shade is even on both the upper and deep layers. After 40 minutes, remove the product with warm water. It is not necessary to dye a fur coat in one tone - highlighting will be an original solution. For this, the colored ends are wrapped in foil. After a while, the foil is removed. Highlighting looks luxurious and rich. Such a checkerboard procedure also looks original. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with a means for processing suede.


Before the procedure, you need to study the features of the material, some species, for example mink, are difficult to stain. Therefore, the number of helmets will be required.

Staining of the flesh

The flesh is the top layer of the skin on which the hair is attached. Usually it is light, but it also has to be processed, especially old products with thinned pile. Finished, where the flesh is too translucent, it is easier to process with a marker in black. So, the fur coat will look thick, and the flesh will be less noticeable.

If it is a skin, the skin is dyed with paint for leather, fabric. Then it needs to be treated with a fat cream (to soften). Home staining is a risky undertaking, because there is a high probability of damage to the product. If the procedure is unavoidable, use shampoo with a coloring effect, tinting paint. You should purchase high-quality paints. Their application should be careful - you can harm your skin and product.

Fur care after dyeing

Proper care begins with the drying process of the garment. To do this, it is stretched to its full length, preventing loss of shape. The whole procedure should take place naturally without the use of a hair dryer or heating agents. Otherwise, the villi and flesh will dry out - the product will be damaged.

Over time, the villi become hard and lose their original color. Hair balm easily solves this problem. It is usually packaged along with the paint. The product will make the villi soft, with a beautiful natural shine. In addition to the balm, a solution of vinegar with water (1: 1) will be effective.

Features of dyeing polar fox fur at home

Dyeing expensive fox fur at home is not so difficult. To carry out the procedure, you should prepare:

  • hair dye;
  • glycerol;
  • hair balm;
  • medical gloves;
  • a special brush for painting;
  • table vinegar.
  1. Treat the flesh with glycerin.
  2. Stretch the product as much as possible on a flat surface.
  3. Lightly moisten the cleaned surface with water.
  4. Apply paint to the product (with a brush), while smoothing the villi with your hand (wearing gloves).
  5. Wait 40-60 minutes.
  6. Rinse the pile with warm water, then treat with vinegar, then balm and rinse it off.
  7. Reapply glycerin to the skin and remove the product to dry.

Features of painting a mink coat

The mink coat has an excellent look. However, over time, it also begins to fade, so painting the fur coat is inevitable. The procedure should not cause any difficulties, adhere to the following scheme:

  1. First, it is required from dirt, then apply a fat cream to the skin.
  2. Moisten the villi with water by spraying them with a spray bottle.
  3. It is also better to apply paint with a spray bottle, after diluting it with water.
  4. Comb the fur with a comb and wait about half an hour.
  5. Remove paint with warm water and shampoo, then rinse with balm and rinse the product again.
  6. Re-treat the skin with a cream, comb the villi in the desired direction.
  7. Hang the fur coat on a hanger to dry.

How to dye muton fur

- material popular among fashionistas. A fur coat made of this material is very warm and comfortable. But even such high-quality fur loses its original appearance. It is easy for him to return attractiveness if the staining is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the material. Self-dyeing this fur is no different from manipulating other species.

Mouton has a dense, dense structure, so more paint will be required to process it. It is important to evenly distribute the coloring pigments. This will ensure that the villi are stained. Before the procedure, it is better to test the paint on a small piece of the product. If you have problems, it is better to trust the professionals and refuse to paint the house.

How to dye rabbit fur

After cleaning the material, you need to choose the color of the paint. Darker tones are best because for light shades, a preliminary clarification of the pile is required. The quality of the paint affects the result.

The procedure is simple:

  • moisten the villi with water;
  • evenly distribute the paint over them;
  • remove the dye after a period of time specified in the instructions;
  • it is better to wash it off with warm water, then treat the product with vinegar;
  • dry the fur naturally in an upright position.

How to dye faux fur

There are no differences in painting between artificial and natural materials. In the first case, there is an opportunity to experiment by choosing any color. Cleaning of such fur is carried out with ordinary soapy water, which is distributed over the entire surface of the product with a sponge. Then you need to treat the villi with paint of your favorite shade. Drying is also carried out without using a hair dryer or a battery.


Any material loses its original appearance over time. Therefore, the staining procedure is considered quite relevant. It should be borne in mind that the effect of the paint will be short-term and can usually be expected for about 7-9 months. Then the procedure can be repeated. The result depends on the material, the coloring agent and the characteristics of the procedure performed.

A chic fur coat made of natural fur should just be in every woman's wardrobe. But after 5–8 years of wearing such clothes usually lose appearance- the paint from the fur begins to wipe off. And as a result, the expensive fur coat begins to look bald. But a couple of bald spots is not a reason to run to the store and lay out a salary for a new "skin". It is enough just to find out how to paint a fur coat at home. It's pretty simple if you keep all the nuances in mind.

How to dye a fur coat at home?

Treatment of a fur coat before painting

Undoubtedly, it will be much easier to take it to a dry cleaner or a specialist. Then the fur coat will definitely not deteriorate under any circumstances. However, you can do this yourself, but at your own peril and risk. When painting or changing the color of this kind of clothing, many factors should be taken into account - the age of the fur coat, the density of the seams, the possibility of the skin drying out. Can a mink coat be dyed? The answer is of course. But first it will have to be processed.

For this you will need:



· Special means for washing fur products;

It is necessary to carefully smear glycerin on the inside of the skins themselves (and not the lining). This is necessary so that they do not dry out after getting wet.

And the fur itself should be treated from dirt with an alkaline solution, which consists of three teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of ammonia and a similar volume of detergent. Pour all this into one liter of warm water and add a pinch of baking soda. Then stir thoroughly.

All this must be applied to the fur coat, spread out on the floor without folds, from the front side, carefully brushing the fur with a brush. Such a procedure will cleanse it of dirt, which can cause the paint to lie unevenly. After that, the fur should dry on its own.

How to dye a fur coat yourself?

Now you can paint.

1. To solve the question of how to dye the fur, you will need several packages of high-quality hair dye (depending on the size and density) and a large ceramic bowl.

Natural furs are always in trend. A beautiful fur coat serves as a decorative element and at the same time a practical item for protection from low temperatures. At all times, mink was popular, the demand for such products does not fall even today. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to dye a white mink coat and how to take care of fur clothes so that they do not lose their solid appearance.

Dyeing a white mink coat

Features of dyeing mink

The structure of mink products is as close as possible to the human hairline, which means that you can successfully transform them with high-quality hair dye. It is advisable to use a safe, long-lasting product that has already been tested on your curls. Most of the gentle paints from reputable manufacturers are suitable for working with delicate natural fur.

Fur dyeing technique

Usually, fur coats are repainted at home using a spray bottle. It is necessary to maintain a distance by placing a container with paint 50-70 centimeters from the surface to be treated. When applying the product, you need to additionally distribute it using your palms or a comb. This approach will allow you to quickly remove excess dye and achieve a uniform tone over the entire area of ​​the clothing.

Drying a fur coat

After dyeing, a fur product must be properly dried. This final step must be carried out carefully and without haste. This task can be accomplished with a household hair dryer. In the process, you need to continuously comb the pile. Thorough drying should not be neglected, as otherwise the fur may take on an unaesthetic appearance.

Treatment of fur with balm

According to the experience of resourceful women, hair balm is optimally applied to the mink. This cosmetic gives the fur a soft and shiny new look. It is essential to use quality products.

Professional painting of fur coats

If you are not sure about the perfect result of dyeing fur at home, then you should not risk it. You can update a mink product with the help of dry cleaning specialists. Experienced workers will be able to choose a special dye that will give the desired shade, and at the same time will give a guarantee for the complete safety of the fur.

Mink paints

If the coloring of a fur coat is carried out for the first time, then it is better to adhere to the recommendations of experts. They say that the best results are given by paints sold under the Prestige and Fara brands. When the operation is carried out correctly, the fur will remain bright and beautiful for several months. After prolonged use, the color may fade. It is for mink that not all colors are available, but only noble chestnut, strict black and the most spectacular of them is red. It is the last option that promises to be the most attractive and last as long as possible. Black is also in demand, but the tone can become dim over time and acquire a brown tint.

For inexperienced women, it is better to prepare for the procedure by watching video tutorials on the relevant topic. Obtaining information on updating fur in advance and studying the common mistakes of others will help eliminate damage to the product. Here interesting idea: you can use a stencil and get the original leopard color. So, now we figured out whether it is possible to dye a white mink coat and we know for sure that this is quite feasible if all the rules are followed.

Mink coat: beautiful and practical outerwear that can be quickly renewed by dyeing the fur

How to care for a white mink coat?

Property of the white mink coat

The new snow-white mink coat is dazzlingly beautiful, but after a while it inevitably takes on an ugly yellowish tint. Such a product does not radiate luxury; a woman looks untidy in it. To freshen up a fur coat and whiten it qualitatively, it is better not to use folk remedies There are dry cleaning servants for this purpose. Perhaps a slight yellow plaque can be removed with the help of improvised means, but in advanced cases only special chemicals will help.

Safe operation of a white fur coat

In order to prolong the life of mink fur, the product must be handled as follows:

  • avoid contact of fur with perfume, the product may cause yellowing;
  • even if there are no noticeable defects, the product must be handed over annually for preventive purposes to a professional dry cleaner;
  • when the fur is damaged by rain or snow, do not dry it near heating devices, it is enough to hang the product in a warm place;
  • it is necessary to protect the fur coat in every possible way from friction of vulnerable areas, such as pockets, shoulders, cuffs; it is recommended to minimize the wearing of watches, bracelets, bags with a shoulder strap, piercing the fur with pins and brooches;
  • when driving your car, it is better to exclude the contact of the mink with the heated seat, otherwise yellowness may appear.

With proper care, a white natural mink coat will last about ten years. If you want to buy a light fur coat that will look great even after prolonged wear, then you can give preference not to a pure white product, but to pleasant shades. For example, beige, palomino, lavender, melted ice and pastels are mesmerizingly beautiful colors of natural mink, on which yellowness is not noticeable at all.