Psychological test to identify Internet addiction. Test for determining Internet addiction test on the topic

AT recent times various computer games, forums, social networks, online communication are gaining popularity among children and teenagers. Schoolchildren spend hours in chats, social networks, actively communicating, forgetting about spending time together in reality, about walking and playing outdoors. For some children, the computer and the Internet are another very interesting life, which sooner or later becomes a problem for relatives, friends and the child himself in the first place. It is very important for parents to see the alarming symptoms in time, take action and return the child to normal. real life. Simple t eats computer addiction will help identify the problem in time and take the necessary measures.

In the previous article, we talked about the causes of its occurrence and ways to overcome it. And now let's talk about how to determine if your child has a computer addiction.

Why you need a computer addiction test

With the fact that computer addiction is psychological problem, which negatively affects the life of an adult, I think no one will argue. For children, this problem is much deeper than for adults. In addition, there is nothing good for physical health either. The child leads a sedentary lifestyle, is rarely outdoors, there are deviations in the condition of the spine, it worsens significantly. If a child takes food while continuing to play computer games, then the digestive processes also suffer. As a result, immunity decreases, problems arise in the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, obesity, metabolic disorders, frequent headaches and other troubles.

In order to prevent the development of such diseases and disorders, the symptoms of computer addiction must be recognized in time and taken measures before it becomes a huge problem for the child, and this is what it exists for. It is worth paying attention to whether the mood and general state of your child changes when he turns off the computer. Try to always be aware of what is happening in his life, be interested in his affairs. Be careful, often in children who already have a computer addiction, a period of “emotional dullness” sets in, when he stops expressing his emotions in relation to those people whom he used to love. This is a very important call.

When to sound the alarm

It's time to start sounding the alarm when the situation gets out of control not only of the parents, but also of the child himself, when there are such symptoms of computer addiction:

- the child cannot voluntarily leave the game;
- neglects friends, relatives, relatives;
- there are problems in studies;
- neglects the rules of personal hygiene;
- there are sleep disorders.

Test for computer addiction in children. Tests for children and parents

Here is the easiest one in kids for parents. Answer honestly the following questions:

Your child:

1. Spends time at the computer every day, without missing a day;
2. Turning on the computer, loses the sense of time;
3. Never gets up from the computer without finishing the game;
4. Takes food near the computer monitor;
5. Disagrees with your statement that too much time is spent on the computer;
6. Does not end the game until it reaches the desired level;
7. Too proud of the results and achievements in the games and reports them to everyone around;
8. Does not do homework, does not listen to comments;
9. If the computer is broken, very irritated;
10. If adults are not at home, he spends all his time at the computer.

If you answered yes to 5 questions of the test, then it is already quite possible to talk about the computer addiction of the child.

And here, the questions of which ask the child to answer:

1. Do you often spend time at the computer?

- daily - 3 points;
- once every two days - 2 points;
- only when there is nothing to do - 1 point.

2. How much time do you devote to the computer in one session?

- more than 2-3 hours - 3 points;
- 1-2 hours (I am fond of the game) - 2 points;
- no more than an hour - 1 point.

3. When do you decide to turn off your computer?

- until my parents turn it off - I don’t turn it off myself, or turn it off when it overheats, or when I don’t start to fall asleep, or when my back starts to hurt, or colors merge - 3 points;
- it happens in different ways, sometimes I can turn off the computer myself - 2 points;
- I turn it off of my own free will - 1 point.

4. When you have free time, what will you spend it on?

- of course, on a computer - 3 points;
- depends on mood and desire, perhaps on a computer - 2 points;
- I will hardly sit at the computer - 1 point.

5. Have you missed any important events or school in order to play computer games?

- yes, it was - 3 points;
- a couple of times, perhaps it happened, but the event was not so important - 2 points;
- No, this has never happened - 1 point.

6. How often do you think about what you do while sitting at the computer, for example, about games:

- almost all the time I think about it - 3 points;
- I can remember a couple of times during the day - 2 points;
- I almost don't remember at all, maybe very rarely - 1 point.

7. What is a computer for you? What role does he play in your life?

- computer - everything for me - 3 points;
- a big role, but there are many other interesting things in life that also mean a lot to me - 2 points;
- the computer does not occupy any special place in my life - 1 point.

8. When you come home, the first thing to do is:

- I go to the computer and turn it on - 3 points;
- every time it happens differently, sometimes I sit down at the computer - 2 points;
- I definitely don’t sit down at the computer - 1 point.

Now calculate the points.

8-12 points - everything is fine, your child does not have any computer addiction and.

13-18 points - there is no dependence yet, but you should carefully consider that the child spends less time at the computer, has other hobbies, interesting friends, walks in the fresh air. Pay attention to the child before it's too late.

19-24 points - the child has a computer addiction on his face. Urgent action needs to be taken! Most likely without family psychologist it will be hard to get by. You need to start changing the situation immediately.

Here is a very simple one

To diagnose Internet addiction, the Kimberly Young questionnaire is used:

1. You use the Internet to get away from problems or get out of a bad mood.

2. You cannot control the use of the Internet.

3. You feel the need to stay on the Internet longer and longer in order to achieve satisfaction.

4. Every time you spend more time on the Internet than you planned.

5. After spending too much money on connection fees, you start over the next day.

6. You deceive family and friends by hiding how much time you spend on the Internet and the degree of your involvement with it.

7. You feel restless or irritated when you are disconnected from the Internet.

8. You think about the Internet when you are offline.

9. When you're offline, you feel overwhelmed or anxious.

10. You risk losing important relationships, or losing your job or school because of the Internet.

If you honestly answered “yes” to more than 4 questions and your passion lasts for more than a year, you need psychological help.


A more detailed test of Internet addiction Kulakov S.A.:

1. How often do you find yourself online longer than you intended?

2. How often do you abandon your household chores in order to spend more time online?

3. How often do you prefer Internet entertainment to intimacy with your partner?

4. How often do you build new relationships with online friends?

5. How often do people you know complain about the amount of time you spend online?

6. How often does your education and work suffer from online time?

7. How often do you check your email before doing something else?

8. How often does your work efficiency or productivity suffer because of your use of the Internet?

9. How often do you resist and keep secret when asked about what you did online?

10. How often do you push negative thoughts about your life into the background, replacing them with soothing thoughts about the Internet?

11. How often do you find yourself anticipating the next time you go online?

12. How often do you fear that life without the Internet will become boring, empty and uninteresting?

13. How often do you snap, yell, or act irritated if something bothers you when you're online?

14. How often do you lose sleep due to late night online sessions?

15. How often do you feel consumed by the Internet when you are not online, or imagine that you are there?

16. How often do you notice yourself saying “a couple more minutes…” when you are online?

17. How often do you try to trim your online time and fail?

18. How often do you try to hide the amount of time you spend online?

19. How often do you choose to spend more time online instead of meeting people?

20. How often do you feel depressed, low mood, nervous when you are not online, which soon disappears when you go online again?

With a score of 50-79, you should consider the serious impact of the network on your life. If the score is 80 or more, you need the help of a psychologist.


Test for children's Internet addiction:

Answers are given on a 5-point scale: 1 - very rarely, 2 - sometimes, 3 - often, 4 - very often, 5 - always.

1. How often does your child violate the time limits you set for online use?

2. How often does your child take on chores in order to spend more time online?

3. How often does your child prefer to spend time online instead of spending time with family?

4. How often does your child form new relationships with their online friends?

5. How often do you complain about the amount of time your child spends online?

6. How often does your child's education suffer because of the amount of time they spend online?

7. How often does your child check their email before doing anything else?

8. How often does your child prefer online communication to communication with others?

9. How often is your child reluctant or secretive when asked about what they are doing online?

10. How often have you found your child snuck into the net against your will?

11. How often does your child spend time in his room playing on the computer?

12. How often does your child get strange calls from his new online "friends"?

13. How often does your child snap, scream, or act irritated when disturbed while online?

14. How often does your child look more tired and tired than when you didn't have the Internet yet?

15. How often does your child seem wrapped up in thoughts of getting back online when they are offline?

16. How often does your child swear and get angry when you get angry about their online time?

17. How often does your child prefer being online to their former favorite activities, hobbies, interests of others?

18. How often does your child get angry or aggressive when you place limits on the amount of time they spend online?

19. How often does your child prefer to spend time online instead of going out with friends?

20. How often does your child feel depressed, depressed, nervous when offline, and when they return to the network, all this disappears?

With a score of 50-79, parents need to consider the impact of the Internet on the lives of their child and the entire family. If the score is 80 or more, the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is needed.


(T.A. Nikitina, A.Yu. Egorov)

Guidelines.This technique allows you to identify a certain level of Internet addiction (dependence on the social uses of the Internet, that is, on chats, group games and teleconferences, which can lead to the replacement of family and friends in real life with virtual ones).


1. In my free time, I often:

a) play computer games

b) spend time with friends

C) surf the Internet.

2. At what age do you play (computer games, the Internet - underline as necessary)

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

3. How many times do you play (computer games, the Internet - underline as necessary):

A) once a week;

B) 3-4 times a week;

C) every day, several times a day;

D) once a month;

D) other _________.

4. How long have you been in a computer game, the Internet - underline as necessary):

A) 1-2 hours;

B) 3-4 hours;

C) 5-6 hours;

D) more than 6 hours.

5. What computer games do you prefer (circle up to 2 letters):

A) arcades

B) puzzles;

C) games for speed of reaction and ingenuity;

D) traditional gambling (roulette, casino, etc.).

6. Do you return to the game the next day to recoup:

A) never

B) sometimes

B) most often

D) almost always

7. When you are on the Internet, you prefer (circle to 2 letters):

A) virtual reality


C) ICQ (communication chats);

D) USENET (conference);

E) Internet Real Chat - network games (underline as necessary: ​​rpg, arcade, quests, shooters, RPGs, simulators).

8. When you play (computer games, the Internet - underline as necessary), you experience:

A) euphoria

B) joy

B) relief

D) excitement;

D) relaxation.

9. How often do you notice that you are in the game or on the Internet more than the scheduled time:

And sometimes;

B) rarely;

B) often

D) very often

D) always

E) This does not apply to me.

10.Do you prefer to play:

A) one;

B) with friends.

11. Attitude of relatives (parents, friends) to your hobby:

A) play with me;

B) positive;

B) neutral;

D) negative;

D) strongly negative.

12. When you don't play or are not on the Internet for a long time, you experience:

A) anxiety

B) irritability;

B) a feeling of discomfort;

D) feeling of depression;

D) a feeling of emptiness.

13. How often do you put off meetings with friends and personal affairs because of computer games, the Internet:

And sometimes;

B) rarely;

B) often

D) very often

D) always

E) This does not apply to me.

14. Are computer games, the Internet the cause of learning problems:

And sometimes;

B) rarely;

B) often

D) very often

D) always

E) This does not apply to me.

15. Have you noticed any signs of deterioration in health lately (circle up to 3 letters):

A) restless sleep;

B) insomnia;

B) pain in the hands;

D) dryness, burning eyes;

D) back pain;

E) numbness of the fingers.

16. In real life, you tend to (mark up to 3-4 letters):

A) anxiety

B) depression;

B) loneliness

D) dissatisfaction with others;

D) dissatisfaction with oneself;

E) the inability to relax.

Processing and interpretation of results

The calculation of the total score is carried out using the key:











