Instructions for the use of a virus vaccine against Newcastle disease. Vaccine virus against Newcastle disease from strain n, dry Vaccine against Newcastle disease, strain n

Lasot is a vaccine used to prevent Newcastle disease. It is not used as a medicinal product, solely for prophylactic purposes.

To maintain resistance to the virus in pigeons and other bird species, birds should be vaccinated regularly. In addition to the positive properties of the drug, it is not endowed with contraindications.

Newcastle disease causes great damage to pigeons, so they should be vaccinated with Lasota

Vaccine Description

Characteristics of the drug:

  1. The drug is a drug containing Newcastle virus in chicken embryos, which, when vaccinated in birds, induce a response to disease resistance.
  2. It is sold in the form of light pink tablets, which are stored in a glass container with a volume of one and a half thousand to three thousand dosages. Lasota is provided in the form of ampoules for five hundred pieces.
  3. The drug is soluble in water.
  4. On the container that contains the vaccine are indicated: name, batch number and shelf life and production date.

The quality of the purchased vaccine affects the outcome of the treatment. You should be especially careful when buying a lassot.

The use of the drug is carried out only for preventive purposes, since the symptoms of Newcastle disease, it cannot be cured. Grafting is done to completely healthy individuals. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the bird.

Two weeks after the introduction of the lasota, the body of the pigeons will develop immunity to the disease. The duration of the protective effect of the drug is three months.

The expected effect is obtained by a preparation with a certain composition ratio. Otherwise, do not expect the effectiveness of the measures applied.

About the right choice the drug should be consulted with a specialist.

Lasota is used only for prophylaxis, it has no therapeutic effect.

The use of other medicines is unacceptable in the period before and after vaccination for five days.

In addition to administering the drug important factor is to keep the pigeon house clean and provide a balanced diet.

In most cases, the threat of certain diseases falls on the share of birds, the care of which does not meet standards. This reduces the immunity of pigeons, and therefore increases their susceptibility to viruses and infections.

In poultry houses where all the requirements for caring for winged animals are met, vaccination occurs at the age of fifteen days of age and is repeated every three months until five months of age, after which the frequency is replaced by six months.

If the breeder is negligent in caring for the animal, the vaccination is carried out from five days and with the same frequency.

One infected representative of the species will result in the infection of the entire livestock.

Therefore, careful care and special attention to the expense item associated with the treatment of pigeons is important.

Recovered animals are not in demand and lose the quality of their meat. This is not to say that in many cases the virus is fatal.

The vaccine is often sprayed into the dovecote with an aerosol, directing the jet both at the premises and at the pigeons themselves. Another method is nasal, carried out using a pipette, which, dissolved in boiled water, is injected into the nose of birds.

Dovecote can also be sprayed with Lasota


Mix three glass containers of the previously diluted preparation. Use the amount of lasso that is appropriate for the space in your house. It is sprayed in such a way as to vaccinate all livestock.

After finishing spraying, ventilate the house. Rinse drinkers and bowls without using additional cleaning agents. Ventilate the room without getting inside.

A person can be in the room after at least ten minutes.

This will be effective only when used in draft-proof poultry houses. And it is recommended to avoid combining its use with other drugs.

Lethargy in individuals who have undergone vaccination is a natural phenomenon that should pass ten days after the day of vaccination.

Checking the result is carried out using blood sampling.

Spray duration should ideally be less than five minutes. The dosage is one cubic centimeter per square meter of the room.

All pigeons must be weighed before vaccination.

After a couple of hours after the administration of the drug, the birds can be given water. The pigeon house is prepared for vaccination in such a way that it is airtight. This ensures the effectiveness of the treatment.

Other conditions, such as the slightest leak, tend to diminish the positive effect.

In addition to calculating the amount of the drug, depending on the volume of the territory, it is bred from the ratio of the weight of the animals and the age category.

To determine the total weight, all individuals are weighed. The resulting value is divided by the number of pigeons. Pigeons are immunized the next day after birth. The person who will vaccinate must wear special clothing.

The head must be protected. You need to breathe through a respirator that will protect against poisoning. All parts of the body, including the eyes, are closed.

Instructions for using the drug for pigeons indicate that the vapors released by the vaccine are harmful to humans. In case of contact with the skin, rinse thoroughly and consult a doctor immediately. Also in case of inhalation of the drug.


Vaccine La-sota for pigeons: instructions for use and recommendations

Newcastle disease is quite contagious and affects both poultry and pigeons.

In order to prevent disease and death, a vaccine is used.

To date, La Sota is most effectively used for pigeons, the instructions for which will help you understand the methods of administration and dosages.

Dry vaccine LA-SOTA helps prevent pigeons from contracting New Castle disease.


Choosing a drug for your poultry, you can give preference to vaccines from the La Sota strain, both imported and domestically produced:

  • AviNova ND LASOTA (Germany);
  • AVIVAK-NB (Russia);
  • "La Sota" (Russia FGU "ARRIAH").

However, the studies carried out (carried out on breeding and egg hens) showed that 100% of the intensity of immunity is unconditionally given only by domestic drugs.

Whichever biological product you prefer, the pigeon vaccine provides good immunity, provided it is used correctly and in a timely manner.

Characteristics of the drug

For the production of the vaccine, pre-embryonic fluid of chicken embryos previously infected with the Newcastle disease virus is used. Skim milk is used as a stabilizing agent.

After industrial processing, the finished vaccine becomes similar to a porous dry white-yellow mass. The structure of the preparation is homogeneous and fine-grained. When dissolved in water, a quality vaccine will not floc or precipitate.

In dry form, the vaccine is a fine, homogeneous yellow powder.

Indications for use

The instruction does not indicate that the La Sota vaccine is intended specifically for pigeons. However, it should be understood that for the acquisition of immunity there is no difference between the species differences of birds.

The vaccine is used in both prosperous and dysfunctional farms. Immunity is formed within 6 - 8 days after the treatment and lasts for three months. At the end of this period, it is necessary to carry out revaccination.

Vaccination of pigeons is a preventive measure and is not used for therapeutic purposes.

Vaccination is performed on a clinically healthy bird. Age and breed do not matter. For 4-5 days before using the vaccine and within a week after immunization, antibiotics, nitrofuran and sulfa drugs are not used.

It is necessary to vaccinate only healthy pigeons, after which the formed immuninet is maintained for 3 months.

In large farms and those with high-value pigeons, after immunization, laboratory research blood for the tension of immunity.

If, according to the results of the study, the antibody titer is low, re-vaccination is carried out.

Release form

The drug is produced in glass ampoules and vials with a volume of 0.5 to 4 cm3. However, the number of doses may vary depending on the manufacturer. Each ampoule or vial must be labeled with:

  • name of the drug;
  • number of doses;
  • date of manufacture;
  • batch number;
  • control number.

The drug is packaged in hermetically sealed glass vials.


It is not allowed to carry out immunization simultaneously with the use of medicinal and biological preparations.

A pigeon with signs of illness, weakened and emaciated, is not vaccinated. Immunization of pigeons from other diseases is possible only after seven days.

Storage of the drug

Since the vaccine is live, special requirements are imposed on storage conditions.

The storage of the vaccine should be carried out at a temperature of 4 to 80 C. Therefore, it is unacceptable to purchase the drug in pharmacy kiosks that cannot provide the appropriate temperature regime during transportation and sale.

Methods of introduction


If the number of pigeons is small, you can use the intranasal method, that is, the introduction of the vaccine by instilling it into the nasal opening.

In order to carry out immunization in this way, it is necessary to dissolve the drug at the rate of one dose per 0.1 ml of saline or boiled water.

Each bird is instilled with 2 drops (0.1 ml) in one nostril. When performing the manipulation, the other nostril must be closed with a finger. Thus, the vaccine penetrates deeper into the nasal cavity.

Vaccination is carried out using a pharmacy pipette.

Pigeons can be vaccinated with lasota by the method of instillation into the nasal openings.


The watering method is used with a significant number of livestock or in the case when it is not possible to fix the bird.

Dilution of the vaccine is carried out immediately before the actual use. If sediment or flakes appear during dilution, then such a vaccine is not suitable for use.

It is best to do the procedure early in the morning when the bird is hungry and thirsty.

In the evening, all the water is poured out, the drinkers are thoroughly washed without disinfectants, and in the morning the prepared solution is poured into them.

For drinking, the vaccine is diluted, counting 10 nasal doses per pigeon, that is, 1 ml. Boiled and cooled drinking water is used as a solvent. To stabilize the vaccine, skim milk can be added to the solution in a volume of 5% of the total.

The pigeons should drink the prepared solution within four hours. After this time, the drug loses its effectiveness. The remains of the vaccine must be boiled for 30 minutes. Drinking bowls are thoroughly washed out and drinking water is poured into them.

Pigeons are fed 1.5-2 hours after vaccination.

The vaccine can be dissolved in water and given to the pigeon to drink.

The experience of pigeon breeders

Since the manual for the use of the vaccine does not indicate exactly how to process pigeons, experienced pigeon breeders, who from year to year do not have problems with ND, willingly share their experience with beginners.

  • start vaccination of young animals from 15 days of age and better by instillation into the nasal opening;
  • if the pigeons do not drink the entire prepared vaccine solution in 4 hours, then the next day the procedure must be repeated in the same dose;
  • revaccination should be carried out every three months.

You should consult your veterinarian before using the vaccine. If you are doing this for the first time, it will not be superfluous to consult with experienced fanciers.

Do not neglect the vaccination, prevention will prevent the occurrence of disease and death of the bird.


How to use a lassot for pigeons?

Lasota is a type of vaccine that contains the extraembryonic fluid of chick embryos infected with a virus.

This vaccine can be in fine-grained or uniform form at the same time.

The form of the medicine is brownish-pink tablets packed in glass bottles.

Also Lasota will be distributed in the form of ampoules for 500 doses. A standard bottle can have a dosage of fifteen hundred or three thousand doses. The tablet dissolves very quickly on contact with water.

It is important for poultry farmers to remember that Lasota has no medicinal effect. It is a prophylactic preparation for vaccination of pigeons and other birds.

Among them, the name of the drug, the date of its manufacture, and also the batch number must be contained. Without leaving the cash register of the veterinary pharmacy, check the expiration date of the medicine.

To ensure that it does not lose its properties, be careful and follow the instructions for storing it.

The main effect of Lasota is the prevention of Newcastle disease in poultry.

It can be used in any type of farming - both in private plots and in large poultry farms.

In addition to the main healing component, Lasota contains skim milk and a protective peptone base.

After using the vaccine for 2 weeks, the pigeon develops immunity against the pathogen of Newcastle disease.

According to experts, one vaccination is enough to provide a pigeon with protection from a serious illness for three months, after which the vaccination should be repeated.

Application for pigeons

For vaccination of a pigeon, Lasota with a certain biological activity is used. That is why only the drug with the designation "8.5lg EID per 50 ml" is suitable. This indicator may be more, but the main thing is not less.

Only healthy birds can receive prophylaxis at any time, regardless of breed, species and moulting period.

Poultry should not receive any antibiotics 4 days before and 5 days after vaccination.

In pigeons, where cleaning is regularly carried out and all sanitary and hygienic standards are observed, and the health of the inhabitants is maintained at a high level, it is recommended to vaccinate pigeons at the age of 15, 60 and 160 days, and then every six months.

When it comes to dysfunctional poultry houses, then according to the instructions, the first vaccination is prescribed on the 15th day of life, then on the 55th and 140th day.

Naturally, the timing may vary depending on the level of immunity of the bird.

But in any case, the effectiveness of vaccination should be checked after 2-3 weeks using a serum test in the RZGA, for which 20 samples of pigeon blood are used.

If you become the owner of young animals born to pigeons that have not previously received vaccination, then it is fashionable to use Lasota on these individuals already 5 days after their birth. After 3 weeks, a second course is mandatory.

For a small herd, you can use the aerosol vaccination method or the simple watering of Lasota diluted in water.

When it comes to poultry houses where the prescribed hygiene standards are not adhered to, aerosol and intranasal methods are best suited.

The implementation of the second method is also quite simple - the vaccine, diluted in water, is instilled directly into the nose of each bird using a conventional pipette. The aerosol method is implemented by spraying the vaccine from a spray bottle onto birds.

For feeding a bird with a vaccine, it is diluted in a proportion of 5 ml per 500 ml of water for young animals, and 10 ml per liter of water for adults. Drinking is done in the morning for two days in a row. Feeding is prohibited 4 hours before drinking and 2 hours after drinking.

Lasota has no contraindications, the only thing that can interfere with vaccination is the presence of the disease itself.

On the fifth day after vaccination, chicks may experience symptoms of general malaise, which quickly pass.

Vaccinated youngsters may also experience loss of appetite, shortness of breath and lack of activity.


Newcastle Disease Vaccine From Strain

The timing of the start of vaccination is set based on the level of maternal antibodies in 10-day-old chickens, examining at least 25 blood serum samples from birds in one poultry house (hall) in the RTGA or ELISA.

Vaccination is carried out if, in 20% or more of the tested blood serum samples, the titer of antibodies to the NB virus in RTGA is below 1: 8, and in ELISA - below a two-fold positive value provided for in the instructions for use of the diagnostic kit used.

If in 80% or more of blood serum samples the titer of antibodies to the NB virus in the RTGA is 1: 8 and higher, and in ELISA it is 2 or more times higher than the positive value provided for by the instructions for use of the diagnostic kit used, the bird is re-examined every 3 5 days and with a decrease in the strength of immunity to 80% - vaccinate.

The vaccine is administered intranasally (ocularly), enterally (with drinking water), by coarse spray (spray method) or aerosol.

Intranasal (ocular) method

A sterile saline solution is added to the vial with the vaccine at the rate of 0.1 cm3 per intranasal (ocular) dose of the drug.

The prepared vaccine is instilled with an eye pipette into the nasal slit of each chicken in a volume of 0.

1 cm3 (2 drops), while the other is closed with a finger, which achieves a deeper penetration of the drug into the nasal cavity.

In case of blockage of the nasal slit, the vaccine in the same volume is applied to the conjunctiva of the eye.

Enteral method

Before the start of vaccination, the amount of water drunk by one bird in 1-1.5 hours is determined, and its volume is calculated for all inoculated livestock.

The water supply systems available on the farm (drinkers, nipples or micro cups) are thoroughly washed without the use of disinfectants.

Provide free access to the vaccine for all immunized livestock. The watering area is determined by the age of the bird and the technology of breeding.

Poultry of egg breeds is kept without water for 4-8 hours, and poultry of meat breeds for 2-3 hours.

The vaccine is diluted in clean, free of iron and chlorine ions, cooled to room temperature (20-25 ° C) drinking water so that 10 intranasal (ocular) doses of the vaccine are contained in the volume of water drunk by one bird in 1-1.5 hours To stabilize the vaccine virus, it is recommended to add 5% skim milk powder or 25% pasteurized skim milk (skim milk) to the vaccine dilution water.

The water supply system is filled with the working solution of the vaccine and its uniform and complete consumption is monitored.

Before and during immunization, it is necessary to ensure that birds have free access to feed. Water supply is allowed 2 hours after immunization.

Coarse spray method (spray method)

The method of coarse droplet spraying of the vaccine (spray method) is recommended when there is a threat of early infection of the livestock with the NB virus. Chickens are immunized from one day old, regardless of the level of maternal antibodies.

Vaccination is carried out using special nebulizers of any design that generate monodisperse particles with a diameter of 100-200 microns. Nebulizers must be corrosion-resistant, contain no residues of disinfectants and be used only for vaccination.

The vaccine is dissolved in clean cool water (21-28 ° C), free of iron and chlorine ions, at the rate of 1000 intranasal (ocular) doses of the drug, by 0.2-0.

25 liters of water when immunizing day old chicks or 0.5-1 liters of water - when immunizing older birds.

A working dilution of the virus is prepared just before vaccination.

When vaccinating day old chicks, they are placed in boxes that are tightly set in one row and spray the vaccine evenly. It is preferable to use special spray booths (boxes) equipped with stationary sprayers.

In the poultry house, ventilation is turned off, the brightness of the lighting is reduced, which calms the bird and promotes its crowding. The vaccine is evenly sprayed over the appropriate number of chickens from a distance of 30-40 cm.

To reduce inaccuracies in immunization, it is recommended to pre-determine the performance of the nebulizer used by spraying the calculated amount of clean water without vaccine.

An indicator of a properly carried out immunization is uniformly moisturized plumage of birds.

Aerosol vaccination method

With the aerosol method of immunization, the working dilution of the drug is determined by the formula:

P.p. = C × V × T × A / D, where:

P.p. - working virus breeding;

C is the concentration of the aerosol of the virus (mg / l) in the room, the value of which is: 0.

1 - in insufficiently pressurized poultry houses (cracks in windows and doors, low draft through supply ventilation) and 0.

2 - in satisfactorily sealed rooms (carefully fitted windows, doors, ventilation shaft hatches, no cracks).

In poorly sealed poultry houses, aerosol vaccination is prohibited.

V - pulmonary volume in birds, calculated by the formula: V = 0.78 × m-16/1000, where:

V - pulmonary volume, l / min;

0.78 cm3 / min × g - respiration volume per 1 g of bird weight;

m is the average weight of the bird, g;

16 is a constant factor.

Average weight is determined by weighing 30 birds taken from different locations in the house.

T is the time of aerosol exposure to birds, which should not exceed 20 minutes. The immunization exposure is counted 1-3 minutes after the start of the aerosol generators. On hot days, birds are immunized in the early morning hours and the exposure is reduced to 15 minutes.

A - the infectious activity of the vaccine virus (lg EID50 / cm3), must be determined in advance before immunization and recalculated in lg EID50 / mg.

D is the immunizing dose of the virus, which should be 600 EID50 for chickens under 30 days of age, and 1000-1200 EID50 for birds over one month of age.

The infectious activity of the virus is 9.0 lg EID50 / cm3 or 6.0 lg EID50 / mg (1,000,000 EID50 / mg).

The concentration of the aerosol of the virus in the poultry house is 0.1 mg / l. Immunization exposure 20 min. Poultry lung volume is 0.2 l / min. The dose of the virus that the chickens should receive is 1000 EID50.

P.p. = C × V × T × A (0.1 × 0.2 × 20 × 1,000,000) / D (1000) = 400, i.e. 1 cm3 of the vaccine virus must be diluted 1: 400.

The total volume of lyophilized virus that must be taken to prepare a working dilution in a particular house is determined based on the volume of the house (m3) and the working virus dilution.

Example: the volume of the poultry house is 5000 m3, the working dilution of the virus is 1: 400.

The consumption of the working virus dilution is 1 cm3 per 1 m3 of the poultry house. Thus, this house will require 5250 cm3 of the working virus dilution (5000 + 5% for the remainder in the aerosol generators). The amount of lyophilized virus will be 13.1 cm3 (5250: 400) for a given poultry house.

To prepare a working dilution, take the virus from at least three vials taken from different boxes (even if, according to the calculation, one vial is required); however, the amount of virus is used that is necessary to spray a specific volume in the house.

The vaccine virus is dissolved in distilled or boiled clean water, cooled to room temperature, with one of the following stabilizers: 5% (by weight) skim milk powder, 10% (by volume) chemically pure glycerin, 25% (by volume) pasteurized skim milk (back).

Aerosol vaccination is carried out using aerosol generators, which are filled with the prepared virus dilution through a graduated cylinder. The location of the generators and the operating mode are determined in accordance with the manual (manual) for their operation.

Before connecting the aerosol generator to the compressed air source, raise the brooder, close the windows, doors and ventilation hatches, blow through the hoses, turn off the supply and exhaust ventilation.

The time from the moment the supply and exhaust ventilation is turned off until the generators start to operate should not exceed 5 minutes.

After the vaccination time has elapsed, the aerosol generators are turned off, the poultry houses are ventilated (open the hatches of ventilation systems, and in the warm season - also windows and doors and turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation). You can enter the poultry house no earlier than 10 minutes after the start of ventilation.

The effectiveness of vaccination carried out in various ways is assessed after 14-21 days and is considered successful if in 80 or more percent of blood serum samples the antibody titer in RTGA is 1: 8 or higher, and in ELISA it is 2 or more times higher than the positive value provided instructions for use of the used diagnostic kit.

If the immunity is less than 80%, the bird is revaccinated.

Violations of the schedule (timing) of vaccination should be avoided, as this can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunization of Newcastle disease. If the next vaccine injection is missed, it is necessary to immunize as soon as possible.


La Sota (100 doses)

Instructions for use of the drug La Sota (100 doses)

Made from vaccinated extraembryonic fluid of chicken embryos, it is a homogeneous mass or a fine-grained tablet of light brown or pink-cream color, easily dissolving when water or saline is added.

Release form Available in glass bottles of 100 and 1000 doses.

Pharmacological properties

The vaccine has no medicinal properties. Immunity in birds after vaccination by all methods occurs in 7 - 8 days.


For the prevention of Newcastle bird disease in prosperous and dysfunctional farms.

Doses and method of administration

A vaccine with a biological activity of at least 8.5 lg EID50 / ml is suitable for immunization. The vaccine is used to immunize a clinically healthy bird, regardless of its breed, productivity (egg production) and molting period. 3 - 4 days before vaccination and within 5 days after it exclude giving the bird antibiotics, sulfa and nitrofuran preparations.

Poultry is vaccinated: in safe farms at the age of 15 - 20, 45 - 60, 140 - 160 days and then every 6 months; in dysfunctional farms at the age of 10 - 15, 40 - 55, 120 - 140 days and then every 6 months. The specific terms of vaccination and revaccination in prosperous and dysfunctional farms are determined by the state of immunity intensity.

The result of each immunization is monitored after 14-21 days by examining the serum in the RZHA, while examining at least 20-30 blood samples from birds in the poultry house (hall). Vaccination and revaccination of poultry is carried out if in prosperous farms in 20%, and in unsuccessful farms in 10 - 12% or more samples have antibody titers in the blood below 1/8.

If immunization is carried out for the first time in farms free from Newcastle disease, then all birds are vaccinated at the same time, starting at 15 days of age. In dysfunctional farms, chickens obtained from hens previously not vaccinated against Newcastle disease are vaccinated at the age of 5 - 6 days and again after 21 days.

In prosperous farms, the vaccine is used by drinking water or aerosol. In dysfunctional farms, birds are inoculated with an aerosol or intranasal method. For intranasal vaccination, the contents of the vial are diluted in distilled or boiled water.

Vaccination is carried out by instilling the vaccine with an eye pipette into the nostril of birds of all ages in a volume of 2 drops, the other nostril is closed with a finger for a deeper injection of the vaccine into the nasal cavity. The amount of vaccine diluent and the number of chickens immunized are determined from Table 1.

Dose volume per chicken - 0.1 (2 drops). The number of chickens to be immunized is 1000. For vaccination by drinking water, the contents of the vial are diluted in chilled boiled water containing 25% fresh pasteurized milk. It is allowed by diluting the vaccine in chilled boiled water without adding milk.

The diluted vaccine is fed to the bird from clean drinking bowls, in the morning, 2 days in a row. Drinking bowls into which the vaccine is poured should be thoroughly washed with water in the evening without the use of disinfectants. The vaccine is given to the bird after preliminary exposure without food and water for 2 - 4 hours. Giving feed and water to the bird after drinking the vaccine is allowed after 1.5 hours.

The amount of solvent and the number of chickens to be immunized is determined according to Table 2. Table 2. Vaccination by the watering method per 100 immunized chickens. Chickens 1–25 days of age: solvent volume 500 ml, drinking dose 5 ml. Chickens 30-60 days of age: solvent volume 1000 ml, drinking dose 10 ml. Chickens over 60 days of age: solvent volume 1500 ml, drinking dose 15 ml.

Side effects

On the 4th - 5th day after vaccination, young animals may experience malaise, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and the death rate slightly increases. These phenomena disappear by 10 - 12 days after vaccination. In adult birds, a post-vaccination reaction is usually not observed.


Clinically sick bird.

special instructions

In case of violation of the integrity of the vial, change in the color of the vaccine, consistency, as well as in case of non-use of the diluted vaccine for 4 hours, the drug is discarded and inactivated by boiling for 30 minutes or poured for 30 minutes with 2% alkali solution or 5% chloramine solution (1: 1 ).

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the vaccine is 12 months from the date of its manufacture, provided that it is stored (transported) in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 4 - 8 ° C.

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Many diseases spread very quickly in chickens and easily acquire the scale of an epidemiological process. Vaccination is an essential maintenance measure poultry, which involves the introduction into the animal's body of a special substance that promotes the development of immune complexes against most diseases known to modern veterinary medicine. As a rule, the livestock is vaccinated in special rooms or veterinary clinics, but an experienced poultry breeder can do this within his own farm, observing a number of necessary rules. Today, chicken vaccination is carried out by introducing a vaccine into its body; it is a prophylactic drug containing weakened strains of pathogens of avian diseases or their metabolic products.

Why is vaccination needed?

Diseases in chickens cause a number of deviations in their development. In particular, ailments cause a decrease in the growth rate of a bird, an insufficient set of muscle mass by it, and even increase the likelihood of total death of the entire livestock on the farm. In addition, some chicken ailments are dangerous to humans, provoke the development of flu-like symptoms in his body or poisoning.

On the territory of our country, all industrial chickens are compulsorily vaccinated against the following ailments:

  • Newcastle disease or pseudo-plague of birds;
  • Marek's illness;
  • Gumboro;
  • infectious bronchitis;
  • egg production loss syndrome in laying hens.

Naturally, the listed diseases are only the necessary minimum of diseases, which today should be prevented among chickens living on farms and industrial farms. At home, the bird needs encephalomyelitis, laryngotracheitis, anemia of chickens, transmitted by an infectious route, reovirus and pneumovirus infections, coccidiosis and salmonellosis known to all. This list can be continued, as different regions have their own specific viruses.

Very often breeders have to buy chickens from different farms or the same layers. When purchasing chickens raised on a farm or enterprise, you need to follow certain advice from veterinarians, which will help protect yourself from buying infected birds.

When buying chickens from an incubator, you need to ask the distributor what vaccinations they were given, at what time and from what diseases. In the process of purchasing a large batch of poultry, you need to ask the seller whether the seller has a veterinary certificate or a special certificate confirming the presence of vaccination in the bird, its terms, the name and number of the vaccine batch.

It is better if day-old chicks are vaccinated against b. Marek is still in an incubator. This procedure is necessary when selling chicks to industrial enterprises while they may not be vaccinated for sale to the private sector.

After acquiring new members of the family, they must first be isolated from the rest of the herd by keeping them in quarantine. This will prevent the introduction of infection and reduce to a minimum the risks of developing an epidemic.

Modern vaccination schedule

Owners of serious poultry factories need to think about vaccination if the livestock is in the hundreds (more than 500). In such cases, the risk of rapid spread of the virus and mass death increases. Naturally, to draw up a scheme for vaccination therapy, it is better to contact the district zoological service, but you can do this business yourself.

It is important to remember that when contacting veterinary state structures farmers can be offered free vaccines against the most common chicken diseases in the region, and b. Newcastle and bird flu... In addition, the veterinarian is always aware of the epidemiological situation in his region, and can advise which vaccinations should be given first.

If there is no desire to contact representatives of the veterinary service, then you can draw up a vaccination plan yourself. In the case when there are no other similar farms or industrial enterprises nearby, and the death of poultry from general infections has not been recorded in the village itself, vaccinations are not a mandatory measure and may not be carried out.

According to statistical research recent years it is this disease that is the cause of the overall mortality of chickens at enterprises during the period of the epidemic.

The scheme of administration of solutions for this pathology is as follows:

  • 1st day after hatching;
  • at the age of 4 weeks;
  • at 2 months.

During these time intervals, a live vaccine is administered in the form of drops. It is necessary to instill in the nose and eyes.

At 3-4 months of life, an inactivated drug is administered in an injectable form. It allows the bird's body to develop immunity, which is maintained throughout the whole year. This is very convenient as they become completely virus-free. The problem is one, inactivated prodrug is not easy to get, especially when it comes to a large batch of it. It is better not to search on your own, but to seek help from your local veterinary organization.

Marek's disease

Marek's disease - this ailment leads to blindness, the development of tumors on the internal organs, paralysis and the inevitable death of the entire brood of birds. The virus is highly contagious, so it must be warned in time in the regions where it is most common. Often, laying hens under the age of 6 months die from the disease.

Chicks are vaccinated at the age of 1 day, when they are still in the incubator. If the breeder has decided to supplement his flock, and there are cases of outbreaks of such an infection in the region of his residence, you need to inquire about the presence of the appropriate vaccination in the chicks, which will allow all the inhabitants of the farm to stay healthy.

The live form of the vaccine is injected and provides the bird with immunity for several months. Revaccination is recommended at about 4-8 weeks of age. To do this, you should instill the bird's eyes with an inactivated vaccine. These actions are not effective if vaccination was not carried out on the first day of life. It is not recommended to simply pour the medicine into the livestock without primary vaccination.

It is important to understand that the live version of the vaccine can provoke the spread of the disease virus in the herd and its presence in the habitat of birds on an ongoing basis, simply in a weakened form.

Where can I get the vaccine?

Farmers and chicken farmers know that vaccine for poultry is not easy to obtain, especially when doses are too large or too small. As a rule, problems do not arise only with the remedy for Newcastle disease. What is the reason for this? The point is as follows. All modern vaccines are designed for industrial consumers, they are produced from thousands of doses in a bottle. This is not beneficial to small businesses and private farms.

Today many people are interested in the issue of purchasing prophylactic agents. Veterinarians recommend looking for vaccines in places like:

  • regional and local pet shops, pharmacies, distribution points;
  • regional veterinary station;
  • regional zoological shops (in particular, "Zoovetsnab").

It will not be superfluous to ask if there is a specialized enterprise for the production of biological products in the region. Perhaps it will be able to provide the poultry breeder with the necessary vaccinations in the right quantities.

Do not, under any circumstances, buy vaccines by hand, by mail, or online. This medicine, most likely, has lost its effectiveness, since it was not stored in proper conditions and was not transported if all the rules were followed. Such means not only will not help develop immunity in chickens, but can also provoke the development of complications of poor-quality vaccination in them.

Vaccine manufacturers: domestic and foreign

The domestic market for zoological vaccines has more than a thousand means for vaccinating poultry against complex ailments that are transmitted by airborne droplets and by household means. Today, most experts recommend using foreign solutions, although they do not deny the effectiveness of domestic products. According to statistics, imported drugs are used by about 60% of the total number of enterprises, only 30% of them trust Russian solutions, and 10% are forced to buy both.

Among largest manufacturers can be distinguished:

  • Vladimirsky FGU "ARRIAH";
  • OJSC "Pokrovsky plant of biological preparations" (TD "Bioprom"), located in the Vladimir region;
  • LLC NPP "AVIVAK", St. Petersburg;
  • LLC "Kronvet" (VNIVIP), the city of St. Petersburg;
  • Biological products factory "BIOK" in Kursk;
  • Shchelkovo Biocombine, Moscow Region;
  • Biofactory LLC "Agrovet" in Stavropol.

Imported funds:

  • "Hipra", Israel;
  • Dutch factory "Intervet";
  • the French plant of biological products "Merial";
  • Seva, Saudi Arabia;
  • Zoetis, United States of America;
  • German enterprise "Loman Animal";
  • Fort Dodge, Netherlands;
  • Israeli biocombine "Abik Septa". S.A.

Imported vaccines are somewhat more expensive than their Russian counterparts. But this does not mean that they are better, so sometimes it is much more correct to give preference to domestic drugs, because there is no difficulty in transportation and, among other things, cheaper. Means of prevention, regardless of the name and country of production. They must have the necessary quality certificates and be registered on the territory of our state.

Other diseases

The list of infectious diseases in chickens is quite wide. For example, coccidiosis and salmonellosis are considered very dangerous infectious diseases. In the first case, infection occurs as a result of the penetration of the simplest microorganisms into the bird's body, in turn they cause severe diarrhea, anemia and general exhaustion. The disease can be prevented by adding special preparations called coccidiostatics to the feed or water.

Salmonella can affect not only poultry meat, but also its eggs. They are dangerous for the population, as they provoke the development of symptoms of acute poisoning in him, leading to severe dehydration. It is not necessary to vaccinate chickens against salmonellosis on the farm. The indication for vaccination is an outbreak of infection in the region. Against salmonellosis, they are injected with a special serum, it is able to protect against infection for only one month, which will allow him to adapt to new living conditions.

Often, domestic representatives of the avian genus are affected by infectious bronchitis. This ailment does not need mandatory prevention, since it rarely causes an epidemiological picture that can provoke the death of the entire herd. To vaccinate or not from an infectious lesion of the bronchial tree is everyone's personal business. It is advisable to vaccinate at 10 and 14 weeks with a repeat at 16-18 weeks.

Unfortunately, vaccinations alone are not always enough to save livestock. For a more effective organization of the prevention of ailments, you should monitor the cleanliness of the room, feed them efficiently and correctly implement them. manufacturing process... The health of poultry depends largely on the frequency of disinfection of the poultry house, the conditions of detention and the likelihood of their contact with infected individuals.

Usage: veterinary virology. The vaccine contains g: peptone 50 - 55, lactose 45 - 55, disubstituted sodium phosphate 22.37 - 27, monobasic potassium phosphate 1, 74 - 2.0, Trilon B 3.65 - 5.00, Tween-80 0.3 - 0.5, virus-containing material of the Newcastle disease virus strain La Sota with a hemagglutinating activity titer of at least 2048 - 4096 HAU / ml, a protein content of no more than 3 - 5 mg / cm 3 and infectious activity of 8.1 - 11.0 lg EID 50 ml 100 - 500 ml. The vaccine is administered to the bird intranasally, enterally, or by aerosol. 2 sec. and 1 wp f-ly, 1 tab.

The invention relates to veterinary virology, in particular to a vaccine against Newcastle disease and a method for its use. Known vaccine against Newcastle disease, made on the basis of the Paramikovirus a-1 strain "Bop-74 VGNKI" or peptone A method for the prevention of Newcastle disease of birds is known, which consists in intranasal, extraembryonic or aerosol administration of a vaccine against Newcastle disease of birds from a strain of La Sota PRI me R 1. To obtain a vaccine as a seed virus of Newcastle disease, a strain of La Sota is used Infecting well-developed 9-10 day old embryos. The embryos are incubated for 96-120 hours at 37-38 o C and a relative humidity of 60-70%. Simultaneously, the laying of uninfected embryos from the same batch is carried out to control for the presence of hemadsorbing viruses. Inspection of infected embryos is carried out once a day. All embryos that die within 96 hours are discarded. For the manufacture of a series of vaccines, only live embryos are used, pre-cooled at 4 ° C for at least 16 hours. Extraembryonic fluid is taken from the embryos, which is purified and concentrated by ultrafiltration on hollow fibers or nuclear membranes. In this case, the virus-containing suspension is concentrated 8-12 times by volume. The concentrate is monitored for contamination with bacterial and fungal microflora, infectious and hemagglutinating activity is determined, the identity of the vaccine strain of the virus is confirmed and the content mass fraction squirrel. For the manufacture of a vaccine, a sterile virus-containing material is used with a hemagglutinating activity titer of at least 2049-4096 HAU / ml, a protein content of no more than 3-5 mg / cm 3 and an infectious activity of 8.1-11.0 lgEID 50 / ml, which is mixed in the ratio 1: (1-10) with a stabilizer consisting of peptone, lactose, dibasic sodium phosphate and Trilon B. This uses peptone containing, by weight. High molecular weight peptides (30000-80000g) 10-15 Medium molecular weight peptides (5000-20000g) 68-70 Low molecular weight peptides (5000g) The rest The resulting vaccine is packed in 2 ml ampoules and lyophilized. Before use, the vaccine is restored to its original volume with a reducing agent containing the following substances, g: Peptone 5 Trilon B 0.23 Sodium disubstituted 9.6 Potassium monosubstituted 1.74 Tween-80 0.03-0.05 Then the number of doses in the vial is determined. One nasal inoculation dose contains 5 10 6 EID 50. Thus, the resulting vaccine has the following composition: Peptone 50-55 g Lactose 45-55 g Dibasic sodium phosphate 22.37-27 g
Monobasic potassium phosphate 1.74-2.0 g Trilon B 2.65-5.00 g Tween-80 0.3-0.5 g
Virus-containing ma-
disease virus material
Newcastle strain La Sota
with a hemagglutinir titer
activity not less than
2048-4096 HAU / ml, content
eating protein no higher than 3-5
mg / cm and infectious
activity 8.1-11, lgEDI 50 / ml 100-500 ml Water Up to 1 l
The introduction is carried out intranasally, orally and aerosol. The resulting vaccine is storage stable (see table). To test the safety, the vaccine is administered to 10 chickens, 10 doses intranasally. The observation period for chickens is 14 days. All 10 chicks remained alive for 14 days. PRI me R 2. Application of the vaccine. Before vaccination, the titer of maternal antibodies in RTGA is determined in 10% of chickens. The maternal antibody titer should not exceed lg2 2 (1: 4). Chickens are divided into three groups of 10 heads each. 3 group of chickens are kept separately (control unvaccinated group). Chickens of the first group are injected nasally with one dose of the vaccine, chickens of the second group are injected nasally with 1/10 dose of the vaccine. The observation period for vaccinated poultry is 14 days. 14 days after vaccination, blood samples are taken from vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. The sera of all chickens vaccinated with 1 dose intranasally have an antihemagglutinin titer of at least lg2 4 (1:16). The sera of all chickens vaccinated with a 1/10 dose intranasally have an antihemagglutinin titer of at least lg2 3 (1: 8). The sera of unvaccinated chickens are negative or have an antihemagglutinin titer not higher than lg2 2 (1: 4). Challenge of vaccinated chickens with virulent Newcastle disease virus strain "T". Chickens previously vaccinated intranasally (second and third groups) and the control unvaccinated group are inoculated intramuscularly with the "T" strain at a dose of 10,000 LD 50 / 0.2 cm 3. The observation period for infected chickens is 10 days. Chicks vaccinated intranasally with 1 dose survive; out of 10 chickens vaccinated intranasally 1/10 of the dose, two died, all control chickens died. When the vaccine is administered by drinking, the chickens are divided into three groups. Drinking is carried out two days in a row in the morning before feeding. Chickens of the first group are injected with one dose (5 10 6 EID 50), dissolved in 10 ml. Chickens of the second group are injected with 1/10 dose, dissolved in 10 ml. The third group is control. After 14 days, the level of antibodies is determined. In chickens of the second group, it is not lower than 1:16. Control infection is carried out with the virulent strain "T" of the Newcastle disease virus at a dose of 10,000 LD 50 / 0.2 cm 3. From the second group, 1 chicken fell. All chickens in the control group died. For aerosol vaccination, chickens are divided into 2 groups of 15 heads. In the first group, aerosol vaccination is carried out with a dose of 600 EID 50. The second group is control. After 2 weeks, the titer of anti HA in the blood serum of the chickens is determined. The average titer is 1: (64-128). After the challenge, all chickens vaccinated with aerosol survived, the control ones died.


1. Vaccine against Newcastle disease of birds, containing vaccinated material from the La Sota strain of the Newcastle disease virus and peptone, characterized in that it additionally contains lactose, dibasic sodium phosphate, monobasic potassium phosphate, Trilon B and Tween-80 in the following ratios, g:
Peptone 50 -55
Lactose 45 55

Trilon B 3.65 5.0
Twin-80 0.3 0.5
Virus-containing material of the Newcastle disease virus, La Sota strain with a hemagglutinating activity titer of at least 2048-4096 HAU / ml, a protein content of no more than 3-5 mg / cm and an infectious activity of 8.1 11, lg EID 50 ml, 100 - 500 ml
Water Up to 1 l
2. The vaccine according to claim 1, characterized in that of the peptides it contains a peptide of the following composition, wt. High molecular weight peptides (30000 80000g) 10 15
Medium molecular peptides (50,000 30,000g) 68 70
Low molecular weight peptides (5000g) Rest
3. A method of using a vaccine against Newcastle disease in birds, comprising administering a vaccine against Newcastle disease to a bird based on the La Sota strain, characterized in that a vaccine of the following composition is used, g:
Peptone 50 55
Lactose 45 55
Dibasic sodium phosphate 22.37 27.0
Monobasic potassium phosphate 1.74 2.0
Trilon B 3.65 5.00
Twin-80 0.3 0.5
Virus-containing material of the Newcastle disease virus strain La Sota with a hemagglutinating activity titer of at least 2048 4096 HAU / ml, a protein content of no more than 3 5 mg / cm 3 and infectious activity 8.1 11.0, lg EID 50 ml, ml 100 500
Water Up to 1 l
which in one initial dose contains 5 10 6 EID 5 0.


Virus vaccine against Newcastle disease strain



Made from vaccinated extraembryonic fluid of SPF-chicken embryos infected with the Newcastle disease virus with the addition of skim milk as a stabilizer. One immunizing (nasal) dose contains at least 106.7 EID50 of the vaccine virus. Preparation according to outward appearance is a dry, porous white mass with a homogeneous and fine-grained structure, readily soluble in water without the formation of flakes and sediment. It is produced in glass ampoules and vials containing from 50 to 6000 nasal doses, which are packed in plastic boxes.

pharmachologic effect

Birds vaccinated with the vaccine develop immunity to the causative agent of Newcastle disease 6 to 8 days after immunization, the intensity of which should be at least 3 months. The vaccine has no medicinal properties.

Indications for use

For the prevention of Newcastle disease in birds in prosperous and dysfunctional farms different directions cultivation.

Method of administration and dosage

The vaccine is administered to poultry intranasally (ocularly), orally, by fine-dispersed (aerosol) and coarse-droplet spraying (spray method). A clinically healthy bird will be vaccinated, regardless of its age, breed, productivity (egg production) and molting period. 3 - 4 days before vaccination and within 5 days after it exclude giving the bird antibiotics, sulfa and nitrofuran preparations. The optimal timing of vaccination is determined by the results of RTGA or ELISA, examining at least 25 blood serum samples from birds in the poultry house (hall). The first serological study is carried out in chickens at 7-10 days of age. The bird is vaccinated if, in 20% or more of blood serum samples, the antihemagglutin titer in RTGA is below 1: 8 or in ELISA - less than two minimum positive values ​​established by the instructions for use of the diagnostic kit used. If in 80% or more of blood serum samples the titer of maternal antibodies to the Newcastle disease virus in RTGA is 1: 8 and higher, and in ELISA it is more than two minimum values, then the bird is re-examined every 3 to 5 days and if the immunity is less than 80% the bird is vaccinated. Revaccination of chickens is carried out if in more than 20% of blood serum samples the antibody titer in RTGA is less than 3 log2 (1: 8) or in ELISA is less than two minimum positive values ​​provided for in the instructions for use of the diagnostic kit used. When using the intranasal or intraocular method of administration, the vaccine is diluted per 1 immunizing dose of the drug, 0.1 ml of sterile 0.9% saline (pH 7.2 - 7.4). The diluted vaccine is instilled with an eye pipette into the nostril in a volume of 0.1 ml (2 drops each), while the other is closed with a finger, which achieves a deeper penetration of the vaccine into the nasal cavity. If the nasal opening is blocked, the same amount of vaccine can be applied to the conjunctiva of the eye. After intraocular injection, the bird's head is kept in a horizontal position for 1-2 seconds. When using the enteral method (drinking with water), it is necessary to use fresh, clean, free from iron and chlorine ions, cooled to room temperature drinking water. The day before the application of the vaccine, the volume of water drunk by the bird within 1 - 1.5 hours is determined and its volume is calculated for the entire inoculated livestock. Birds are vaccinated at the rate of 10 immunizing (nasal) doses per head. The required number of doses of the vaccine, corresponding to the number of chickens in the inoculated batch, is diluted in a specified volume of water and poured into drinkers washed in advance without the use of disinfectants. The number of drinkers should ensure free access to the drug for all immunized livestock. When immunizing birds meat direction the volume of water for dissolving the vaccine must be increased by 50%. To prevent the loss of activity of the vaccine strain, one of the following stabilizers is added to the water intended for vaccine dilution: 5% (by weight) skimmed milk powder, 25% (by volume) pasteurized milk (skim milk), 2.5% (by weight ) peptone GOST 13805-70, 2.5% dry muscle enzymatic hydrolyzate (FGM-S) - TU 46-12-20-80. Before vaccination, the bird is kept without water and feed for 2 - 4 hours. Giving food and water to the bird is allowed 1.5 - 2 hours after vaccination. When using the aerosol method, special generators are used that create a finely dispersed aerosol. With the aerosol method of immunization, the working dilution of the drug is determined by the formula: P. p. = (C x V x T x A) / D, where R. p. - working dilution of the vaccine; C is the concentration of the virus aerosol (in mg / l) in the room, the value of which is: 0.1 - in insufficiently pressurized poultry houses (cracks in windows and doors, a small draft through the supply ventilation) and 0.2 - in satisfactorily pressurized rooms ( cracks in windows, insufficiently fitted windows, doors, ventilation shaft hatches), 0.3 - in well-sealed conditions (carefully fitted windows, doors, ventilation shaft hatches, no cracks). In poorly sealed poultry houses, aerosol vaccination is not carried out. V - pulmonary volume, l / min. It is calculated by the formula: V = 0.78 x m - 16/1000, where 0.783 cm / min. per 1 g - the volume of respiration per 1 g of bird weight; m is the average weight of a bird (the average weight is determined by weighing 30 birds taken from separate places of poultry houses), g; 16 - constant coefficient; 1000 - conversion of cm3 to liters. Further, according to 1 first formula: T - time of aerosol exposure to birds, which should not exceed 20 minutes. The immunization exposure is counted after 2 - 3 minutes. since the start of aerosol generators. On hot days, birds are immunized in the early morning hours at an air temperature in the house of no more than 20 - 22 ºС, and the exposure is reduced to 10 minutes, while reducing the dilution of the vaccine by 2 times; A - infectious activity of the vaccine virus (lg EID50 / cm3), which must be determined in advance before immunization and recalculated in lg EID50 / mg; D - the immunizing dose of the La-Sota strain is for chickens under the age of 30 days - 600 EID50; for birds older than one month of age: 1000 - 1200 EID50. Example: the infectious activity of the virus is 9.0 lg EID50 / cm3), or 6.0 lg EID50 / mg (1. 000.000 EID50 / mg). The aerosol concentration in the house is 0.1 mg / l. Exposure: 20 min. Pulmonary volume - 0.2 l / min. Virus dose for chickens over 30 days of age: 1000 EID50. R. p. = 0.1 x 0.2 x 20 x 1,000,000/1000 = 400, i.e. 1 cm3, the vaccine virus must be diluted 1: 400. The total volume of lyophilized virus that must be taken to prepare a working dilution in a particular poultry house is determined based on its volume (cm3) and the working dilution of the virus. Example: the volume of the poultry house is 5000 m3, the working dilution of the virus is 1: 400. The consumption of the working virus dilution is 1 cm3 per 1 m3 of the poultry house. Thus, this house will require 5250 cm3 of the working virus dilution (5000 + 5% for the remainder in the aerosol generator). The amount of lyophilized virus will be 13.1 cm3 (5250: 400). To prepare a working dilution, take the vaccine from at least three ampoules or vials taken from different boxes (even if one vial or ampoule is required by calculation), but use the amount of virus that is required to spray a given volume in the poultry house. The vaccine is dissolved in pure distilled or boiled water cooled to room temperature with 5% (by weight) pasteurized skimmed milk powder or 10% (by volume) chemically pure glycerin. Aerosol vaccination is carried out using aerosol generators, which are filled with the prepared virus dilution through a graduated cylinder. The location of the generators and the operating mode are determined in accordance with the manual (manual) for their operation. Before connecting the aerosol generator to the compressed air source, raise the brooder, close the windows, doors and ventilation hatches, blow through the hoses, turn off the supply and exhaust ventilation. The time from the moment the supply and exhaust ventilation is turned off until the generators start to operate should not exceed 5 minutes. After the vaccination time has elapsed, the aerosol generators are turned off, the poultry houses are ventilated (the hatches of the ventilation systems are opened, and in the warm season - more windows and doors and turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation). You can enter the poultry house no earlier than after 10 minutes. from the beginning of airing. The coarse vaccine spray method (spray method) is recommended when there is a threat of early infection of the livestock with the Newcastle disease virus. Chickens are immunized from one day old, regardless of the level of maternal antibodies. The vaccine is dissolved in clean cool water free of iron and chlorine ions at the rate of 1000 doses of the drug per 0.25 - 0.5 liters of water. Vaccination is carried out using special nebulizers that generate monodisperse particles with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.3 mm. To eliminate errors in immunization, it is recommended to preliminarily determine the performance of the nebulizer used by spraying the calculated amount of clean water without vaccine. In the poultry house, the brightness of the lighting is reduced, which calms the bird and promotes its crowding, the ventilation system is turned off. Day-old chicks are placed in spray booths or boxes, which are tightly set in one row. The vaccine is sprayed over the appropriate number of chickens from a distance of 30 - 40 cm. An indicator of a correctly carried out immunization is the uniform moistening of the feathers of the chickens. The ventilation system is turned on and the lighting level is restored after 30 minutes. after the end of immunization. Violations of the vaccination schedule should be avoided, as this can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunization against Newcastle disease. If the next vaccine injection is missed, it is necessary to immunize as soon as possible.


Vaccination of sick, suspicious and emaciated birds is not allowed. Vaccination should not be carried out in conjunction with other live immunobiological preparations (except for spray vaccination in conjunction with the vaccine against infectious bronchitis of chickens), as well as immunization of chickens with other vaccines within 7 days after the next vaccination.