What food group does the long-eared owl belong to. owl bird

Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Order Owls - Strigiformes
Owl family - Strigidae

Spreading. In the Moscow region - widely distributed common species (1). On the territory of Moscow in 1985-2000. nested in more than 20 natural and natural-anthropogenic areas (2). In 2001-2010 long-eared owl, as in previous years, bred in Losiny Ostrov (3, 4), Izmailovsky forest (3, 5), Kuskovo l-ke (6, 6a), Kuzminsky l-ke (7), Kolomenskoye (8), Biryulevsky forest (9), in the territories of Moscow State University (10-14) and the Karamyshevsky hydroelectric complex (3), in Serebryany Bor (15, 16), the Skhodnya river valley in Kurkino (17) and GBS (18).

Many new nesting sites of the species were found within the city: in Zhelebinsky l-ke (18a), on the Kapotnensky bank of the Moscow River and in the Brateevskaya floodplain (19), an apple orchard at the end of Shipilovsky avenue (20), Tsaritsynsky park (21), mustache "Narrow" (22, 23), Troparevsky l-ke (24, 25), on Michurinsky Prospect near the Olympic village. (6a, 27), in the park on the Ramenka River (15, 28), in the valleys of the Setun, Ramenka and Ochakovka rivers (29), MSU BS on the Sparrow Hills (30), on the Sparrow Hills (31), in the park of Pobeda and Mnevnikovskaya floodplain (3), Stroginsky park (32), Khimki l-ke (3), GBS production area (33) and Leonovskaya grove (18), Yauza river valley below the mouth of the Chermyanka river (34).

population. In 2001-2010 40-45 pairs nested on the territory of Moscow in years favorable for forage conditions.

habitation features. In the natural areas of Moscow, the long-eared owl prefers forest edges that open to undeveloped river valleys, large clearings, wide clearings of power lines with an abundance of mouse-like rodents. It also nests in landscaped areas with sparse plantings, where there are thorny spruces and undersized pines with dense crowns or dense clumps of large shrubs, allowing owls to hide from gray crows that actively attack them in the daytime.

For breeding, it prefers last year's nests of crows located in the crowns of evergreen coniferous trees 3-8 m from the ground. On the inner edges in the depths of large forests, where the number of gray crows is small, it occupies nests and deciduous trees at a height of up to 20 m. Occasionally settles in half-hollows and on broken trunks, and in parks - in squirrels. In clutches, there are from 4 to 8 eggs, although the number of owlets who left the nest and are supplemented by their parents, as a rule, does not exceed 4.

The chicks, which are not yet able to fly, remain on the lower branches of trees or on the ground for several days, because of which they are in great danger, especially in the city. The basis of nutrition both in natural and green areas is made up of mouse-like rodents, mainly voles and field mice; in built-up areas, long-eared owls also get house mice and young rats, from under roofs, from ventilation holes and other shelters they get sparrows sleeping there.

With an abundance of food and the presence of daytime shelters, they can stay for a long time in their chosen areas, including actively visited city parks. In the non-breeding period, they fly into the city center (27, 35), meet in residential areas near garbage containers (36), and with an abundance of synanthropic rodents, they can linger among urban areas for a long time (37). In some years they stay in Moscow for the winter, sometimes forming temporary concentrations of up to 25 birds (38).

negative factors. Reduction within Moscow of the area of ​​forage biotopes of the species - floodplain and upland meadows, glades, wastelands and vegetable gardens. Replacement of natural herbaceous vegetation by lawns and loss of fodder qualities for long-eared owls in the biotope. Recreational degradation of forest edges and glades.

Lack of shelters necessary for successful nesting in Moscow conditions, inaccessible to gray crows, forced use of open nests by owls. Active pursuit by crows throughout the year. Involuntary or intentional destruction of nests by people during mass spring picnics with bonfires. Early abandonment of nests by chicks not yet able to fly and their death or removal by people who consider such owls abandoned by their parents.

Security measures taken. On the territory of Moscow, the species was under special protection from 1978 to 1996, in 2001 it was listed in the KR 2. Kuzminki-Lublino, Tsaritsyno, Bitsevsky Forest, Moskvoretsky and Ostankino, the Troparyovsky Conservatory and the Vorobyovy Gory Conservation Area - and the PAs planned for the creation - P-IP "Kuskovo", the Conservation Area "Rivershore" Moscow in Kapotnya”, “Valley of the Skhodnya River in Mitin” and “Khimki”, FZ “Brateevskaya floodplain”.

Change the state of a view. During the revision period, the state of the species changed in better side: its distribution within the city has significantly increased (nesting has been established in 14 new territories), the total number has increased, long-eared owls have begun to nest more often in green areas. Synanthropization of the species continues. However, in the conditions of Moscow, it remains vulnerable due to its strong dependence on the nature of the maintenance of natural and green areas. Species CR changes from 2 to 3.

Necessary conservation measures. Preservation of natural qualities and biological diversity of river valleys and forest edges. Formation of a mosaic structure of vegetation cover with glades and groups of evergreen coniferous trees in green areas. Maintenance of open areas in a regime that ensures the predominance of natural herbaceous vegetation on them (with a one-time mowing at the end of the growing season).

Preservation in the protected areas of Moscow, and where possible - restoration of meadow biotopes and dense forest edges with mosaic planting of pine and spruce along them. Hanging large-sized nest boxes and limiting the number of crows in the habitats of long-eared owls. Strengthening control over compliance with the ban on picnics with fires in protected areas and other natural areas of Moscow. Explanatory work among the population about the inadmissibility of the removal of owls that have left the nest and are not yet able to fly because of the false idea of ​​the need to save them.

Sources of information. 1. Kalyakin, Voltsit, 2006. 2. The Red Data Book of the city of Moscow, 2001. 3. Data from B.L. Samoilov. 4. Data of I.V. Ganitsky. 5. Panfilova, 2008c. 6. V.I.Bulavintsev, b.s. 6a. A.P.Leonov. 7. Voronetsky, Leonov, 2003. 8. Rezanovs, 2008a. 9. Data by N. Terakova. 10. Clerks, 2009b. 11. Rudovsky, 2010. 12. Data from A.A. Morkovin. 13. Data of A.N. Formozov. 14. Data of P.V. Kvartalnov. 15. Sharikov, 2008. 16. Data from V.A.Nikulin, K.A.Mitkaleva, and A.I.Yuriev. 17. Data of O.O. Tolstenkov. 18. Morozov, 2009. 18a. Data by I.S. Lepilina. 19. Kovalev, 2008. 20. Data from G.Ya. Mironova. 21. Data by A.V. Sharikov. 22. Kalyakin, 2009. 23. Data from P.Yu.Parkhaev. 24. Data by T.P. Vtyurina. 25. Data by G.S. Eremkin and D.M. Ochagov. 27. Data by V.V. Tyakht. 28. Kadetov et al., 2010. 29. Data from K.V. Avilova. 30. Data of V.A. Nikulin. 31. Data from S. Podvintseva. 32. Data of V.V.Kontorshchikov. 33. Avdeev, 2009. 34. Avdeev, Eliseev, 2010. 35. Kalyakin, Voltsit, 2007. 36. B.I. Sheftel’s data. 37. D.V.Neumyanova, b.s. 38. Data of G.S. Eremkin.

Our planet. Its range extends from Latin America to Egypt, India, South China, Pakistan, including all of Asia.

The long-eared owl has a rather slender build. Females are usually much larger than males. The body length of the bird is about 40 centimeters, and its wingspan is more than 100 cm. The owl's tail is long. When the animal is in a sitting position, its large rounded wings folded over its back overlap each other. The head of an owl is large, slightly elongated. The ears, black in color, are very large, and the skin folds bordering them are strongly developed. However, when flying birds they have little to no fault. The eyes of the animal are bright orange with large black pupils. The long-eared owl has a light brown color with vertical stripes. Under the beak and above the eyebrows there are small white spots, due to which the facial disc appears lighter than the body. The belly of the bird has a red or yellowish tint. The coloring of females is richer and darker than males. Newborns have a rare light fluff, which is replaced by a soft, loose plumage by ten weeks.

The bird can be found in open forests bordering fields and meadows, as well as in wetlands and in the taiga.

The animal hunts at night on open plains. However, during the nesting period, the bird can go hunting before the Long-eared Owl is an active predator. She pursues her prey, guided by the sounds made by the victim. What do owls eat? The basis of their diet is mice-voles, and other various rodents. They rarely prey on snakes, small birds and insects.

The owl is a monogamous bird. In winter, from February, the mating season begins. The male makes certain sounds, reminiscent of a song, with which he calls on the female, after which he circles his chosen one, demonstrating his beauty. Then he sits on a branch, where he begins to pick up and spread his wings. This is followed by the mating process, which usually lasts no more than three seconds. After the mating games, the birds clean each other's feathers on their heads.

The long-eared owl nests in the trees, settling in the abandoned nests of others. birds of prey or doves. In April, before starting to lay eggs, the female explores several nests and chooses one of them. The incubation period lasts 28 days, after which she lays three to ten eggs. At this time, the male is engaged in the extraction of food for the female. 21 days after birth, the young offspring leave the nest. The chicks are not yet able to fly on their own, so they spend all their time on neighboring branches. Young animals make their first flights after the onset of 35 days of age. In July, owl chicks finally leave the nest and begin to lead an independent lifestyle. The period of sexual activity in these animals begins at one year.

The long-eared owl is a silent bird. Most often, her voice can be heard in early spring - a dull hooting, whining screams and whistles come from the forest. The bird is able to show aggressiveness only when defending the nest. In all other cases, she is quite peaceful. An owl can let a person close to itself at a distance of at least two meters. AT winter period some birds migrate to warmer countries over fairly long distances. However, many of them do not leave the borders of their nesting territory.

Long-eared owls are helpful in agriculture birds. Gathering in large flocks, they are able to destroy a large number of harmful rodents in gardens, currents and threshing floors. Also, this bird of prey exterminates shrews, moles and all kinds of harmful insects.

That is why the long-eared owl needs protection and protection from the state.

Representatives of the long-eared owl species lead a secretive life. They go hunting only at night. They live in forests in America and Eurasia. The bird belongs to the order of owls, belongs to the family of ordinary owls.


A characteristic distinguishing feature of these birds is the presence of "ears". But these are not real ears, but simply protruding tufts of feathers located on the head of a bird. In fact, their ears are two small holes located on the sides.

Their heads have a round shape, characteristic of all owls. facial disc, which form feathers, is yellow. Their eyes are orange and quite large. Their beak is black. It is small in size, so it is practically invisible on the large face of the bird, which is covered with thick plumage.

The body is slender, medium in size. The wings are long and powerful. Male and female do not differ from each other externally.

The plumage has a variegated coloration, which is very similar in color to the bark of trees. Therefore, when a bird sits on a branch, it is almost invisible to other animals. On the back of a long-eared owl, the plumage is dark in color with bright small specks, and it has light stripes on its belly.

The length of an adult bird leaves about 35-38 cm. Their wingspan is a little less than a meter. The bird weighs only 260-300 g, but due to the dense plumage it looks larger.

Habitat in nature

Representatives of this species live in forests throughout Eurasia, as well as North America. It is distributed almost everywhere, except for the northern part of these continents. Sometimes a long-eared owl can be seen in Africa, as well as in the central part of Asia, where the bird lives in the highlands.

Related species

The closest species is the short-eared owl, which lives in open areas. Also related are striped, cape and several other species of owls.


These birds prey mainly on small rodents. Their favorite food is rats, voles, shrews. Sometimes small birds such as sparrows and some finches become their prey. A long-eared owl can even eat such a large prey as a hare or a jay.

When they feed their little chicks, they catch large insects for them. Usually these are various beetles. Their hunting ground is open country. It could be a field or a clearing. Looking for prey, the long-eared owl soars in the air without making a sound. At the same time, her eyes are intently examining the area. At night, these birds see perfectly, they can see the victim even on a moonless night. Their hearing is also very acute. As soon as the long-eared owl realizes that prey is nearby, it immediately attacks it.


Almost all long-eared owls lead a sedentary life. The inhabitants of the northern part of Europe fly away to the southern territory of their range for the winter.

They live in the forest. Coniferous forests are most often chosen for life, but sometimes they can also be found in mixed forests. Occasionally, a long-eared owl can also be seen in a swamp or in a heather field. Representatives of the species are very common in their range. There are quite a lot of them in the forests of Europe and Asia. They also live in northern Africa. Northern populations migrate south for the winter. Most other species of owls are completely sedentary. In addition to the long-eared owl, several other species belong to migratory birds.

Due to the fact that their plumage is very soft, and the flight feathers are arranged in a special way, these birds practically do not make any sounds during the flight. The plumage is designed in such a way that all the sounds of flight are absorbed. This feature gives the bird a great advantage during the hunt. She can hover and fly up to the victim, not revealing her presence until the last moment.

In early spring, walking through the forest, you can hear the hooting of the male. He makes muffled sounds that can be conveyed as “woo-hoo.” They are repeated with a break of a few seconds. Sometimes it can be a louder and clearer sound or others. In the evening, small chicks can whistle for a long time. It's like a cat meowing or a door creaking.

They are rarely active during the day. You can see them in the daytime only sitting on a branch. So they sleep in order to start their hunt again at dusk.


The nesting season for these birds is in March. The female lays 4 to 6 eggs in one clutch. This can happen 1-2 times a year. Hatching lasts up to 4 weeks, sometimes a few days less. Chicks need food and care for 2-3 weeks.

In the spring, the mating season begins. But males may begin to show interest in their future "brides" in the second half of February. mating dance represents the flight of a pair, in which the males flap their wings especially strongly. They don't build their nest. Instead they choose appropriate place left by their owners. For example, a nest of a magpie or a crow. Sometimes they build themselves in hollows left by squirrels. Having chosen a suitable dwelling for itself, the long-eared owl slightly changes the situation there. Sometimes they do without nests at all. The female can lay her eggs right on the surface of the earth, choosing a place in the thickets. It can be any open space, for example, a meadow or a clearing.

In one clutch, there are usually 4-6 eggs. They are slightly smaller than chicken ones. As soon as the last egg in the clutch is laid, the female begins to incubate them. The male does not participate in this process, but is still a caring partner. All the time while the female sits on the eggs, he brings prey for her. And when the chicks hatch, the father feeds them too.

Sometimes it happens that there is not enough food for everyone. In such years, not all chicks survive. The weak and the small perish. When they first appeared, their body is covered with white fluff. Soon it turns gray, and then brown. The mother not only takes care of the offspring, but also protects it. If a threat appears nearby, she draws the enemy as far away as possible, pretending to be injured.


During the day, a flying owl can be seen extremely rarely. And when she is resting on a tree, it is extremely difficult to notice a bird, since her color almost merges with the tree. Seeing an owl, you can take it for part of a broken branch. Even if a person comes close, the long-eared owl will not fly away.

At night, they are active, vigorously hunting prey. Basically, she hunts rodents, hovering above the ground, and looking out for prey.

  1. Representatives of the long-eared owl species are able to turn their heads 270 degrees.
  2. In addition, each of her eyes is able to simultaneously cover a large view - up to 160 degrees.
  3. If it is very cold in winter, individuals gather in groups and sleep together, snuggling up to keep warm.
  4. When a group of small birds encounter this predator during the daytime, they gather and drive it away. At this time, the owl does not pose a threat to them.
  5. An interesting feature of the eyes is their immobility. That is, the bird can only look straight ahead.

Protection and security

Long-eared owls are quite numerous and widespread throughout almost the entire territory of their range. In nature, she has no enemies, except for man.

Video: long-eared owl (Asio otus)

long-eared owl- a bird of prey nocturnal, belongs to the genus of real owls. Curious, where does the long-eared owl live what she eats, and how to keep her in at home. We will talk about this today, but we will start with a description long-eared owl.

Description of the long-eared owl

We know about owl that she has a rounded head, spicy beak, big and round eyes(golden), sharp and long claws. Body this owls can be 31-36cm long, the weight 1.5-2.5 kg. In nature, long-eared owl lives 10 years, but at home her life span averages about 40 years. Interestingly, the eyes owls they are not mobile and look only forward (for this reason, she has to turn her head), and her hearing is 4 times better than that of cats! That's why, owl easily catches any rustle and captures prey with lightning speed. It's amazing! Eyes owls can see at an angle of 160 degrees, which easily helps to detect prey. How does an owl see at night? The fact is that the lens of an owl is not in the eyeball, but in the horn tube, and it sees everything in black and white. Wingspan long-eared owl is 86-98 cm. Color This owl is gray-brown, with a white chest and variegated spots all over the body and head. On the upper part of the body the spots are darker, on the lower part they are lighter. long-eared owl got its name from the ear tufts, which consist of feathers of its wool.

Where does the long-eared owl live

Long-eared owl lives in Asia, and flies to northern Africa for the winter. She chooses coniferous forests to equip her nest. It also inhabits all European countries.


What to feed a long-eared owl

In nature, the owl feeds various rodents, small birds and animals, insects. Basic diet: mice, rats, rabbits, moles, frogs, lizards, toads, shrews, snakes, lemmings, hedgehogs. By the way, owl it can go without water for several months, quenching its thirst with the blood of its prey. How to feed an owl at home, with this diet? There are difficulties with this, since the owl's digestion forces it to eat the whole carcass of a mouse or bird. And meat-feeding is out of the question. How to be? We'll have to buy mice and feed them to the owl. Yes Yes! Also, you can pamper the bird with everything that it eats in nature.

Owl at home

Nowadays owl content no longer surprise anyone. But how to properly maintain it so that the bird feels comfortable at home? Of course, her diet should be varied, and no different from food in the wild. Since the activity of the bird occurs in the evening, night and morning, it is advisable that she has her own room. What for? So that you can sleep peacefully at night, and she can hunt and live as usual, because she sleeps during the day. In the evening, take out owl treats and close the door tightly so that food does not scatter around the house. You lie down to rest, and your bird flies to hunt. In room owls, there must be branches, trees. You can clean the place of residence once a month, and there it is at your discretion.

Flight owls almost silent, thanks to the structure of the feathers.

The claws are long and flexible, making it easy not only to catch prey, but also to hold it.

scream owls can be heard at the mating call, or when owls communicate with each other

The most careful attitude to these birds in Egypt

In distant times, cry owls was mystical and foreshadowed a quick death and a bad sign, so they were expelled

Owl considered a symbol of wisdom and intelligence



Russian name- eared owl

Latin name- Asio otus

English title- Long-eared owl

Detachment- owls

Family- owls or real owls

The long-eared owl is one of the most widespread species of owls. It got its name because of the tufts of feathers on its head, which it can raise, lower, or press tightly against its head. These "ears" are not organs of hearing, although, of course, they help the owl to pick up all the sounds from environment. The real ears of an owl are two large, asymmetrically located holes on the sides of the head.

Outwardly, the long-eared owl is a bit like a small owl, for which people who are not versed in ornithology often take it.

conservation status

The long-eared owl is a common, widespread species and its existence in nature is currently not a matter of concern.

View and person

Long-eared owls usually do not cause negative emotions in humans. On the contrary, owls, including eared ones, are called wise, they are often depicted sitting on stacks of old tomes or in professorial robes and hats with a tassel. And in folk tales wise owls protect the master's goods from plunderers - mice and rats. It has long been known that where there are owls, there are no mice.

Long-eared owls are quite tolerant of the presence of a person. Until recently, they willingly settled on the outskirts of large cities and even in city parks. But a large number of crows in the cities forced the owls to leave these places, since a collision with a flock of crows during the day can end in death for an owl.


The long-eared owl is distributed throughout Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in North America and northern Africa. Inhabits forests different type, but most often - coniferous, but reluctantly settles in the depths of forests. Necessary condition for normal owl hunting is the presence of open places - edges, clearings or clearings. In most of their range, long-eared owls are migratory, however, they do not make long-distance flights. For example, European individuals fly to winter in North Africa. In the southernmost parts of the range, long-eared owls make short-distance migrations in winter, and sometimes, in warm winters, they may not fly anywhere at all. And, nevertheless, this is the only species of owls in our fauna that is migratory.


The long-eared owl is a medium-sized bird, its body length is from 31 to 37 cm, its wingspan is from 86 to 98 cm, and its weight is 250-300 g. Females and males do not differ from each other in color or size.

The plumage of the back of these owls is grayish-brown, the belly is reddish with distinct dark longitudinal and transverse stripes. The facial disc is well developed and has large orange eyes. The feathers that form the ears can reach 6 cm in length. Paws are feathered to the very claws.

Feeding and feeding behavior

The basis of the food of the long-eared owl is made up of mouse-like rodents - mice and voles, but it also catches larger prey, such as rats. It also catches shrews, but they make up no more than 1% in the owl's diet. Less often, small passerine birds become its prey, and their number increases during autumn migrations. Long-eared owls often bring insects, especially large beetles, to feed their chicks.

Long-eared owls usually hunt in open places (clearings, clearings, fields), silently and quickly flying around their hunting grounds. They hunt only at night or in the late twilight.


All day long, the long-eared owl sleeps, sitting on a branch, stretched out and clinging to the tree trunk. It is almost impossible to notice her in this position. An owl becomes active only in the dark, silently flying out to open places where they hunt.


In the spring, males of long-eared owls are quite talkative, at night you can hear their long drawn-out frequent “uh-uh”. But besides this, owls make other sounds (a jerky cry, a whistle, a thin whine). Outside of the breeding season, adult long-eared owls are rather silent. Long-eared owl chicks are very noisy, loudly begging for food from their parents.

social behavior

During the nesting period, long-eared owls live in pairs, but during autumn and winter migrations, unlike other species of owls, they gather in groups of 5-10 to 50 individuals. During the day they silently sit in dense bushes, in the crown of trees or on the ground, closely clinging to each other, and with the onset of twilight they scatter to hunt. In the morning the whole company gathers again at the same place.

Reproduction and parenting behavior

Long-eared owls start breeding early enough. In March, in the forest you can already hear the mating "hooting" of males. But the current of long-eared owls is not only in the supply of sound signals. It is also a zigzag flight from tree to tree, accompanied by a peculiar flapping of wings. Sometimes in the spring you can hear the voices of 2 current males at the same time, as if “talking” to each other.

For nesting, long-eared owls choose the nests of other birds, they do not build their own. Most often these are old nests of crows, magpies, rooks. However, it is not uncommon for owls to take away new nests from crows. Nests are usually located quite high - up to 25 m above the ground, but can be at a height of only 2-4 m. Most often, long-eared owls prefer coniferous trees, and nests are located close to the trunk. On deciduous trees, owls sometimes choose magpie nests, while “rebuilding” them somewhat, namely, expanding the notch and dismantling the roof (magpies have a round nest with a roof). Owls can also occupy old nests of birds of prey (buzzard, honey buzzard, kite), and can occasionally settle in hollows. There are cases when owls used the same nest for 2 years.

In the southern parts of the range, clutches of the long-eared owl appear already at the end of March, in the middle lane - in April. In "mouse" years, long-eared owls can nest twice in one season. A full clutch of a long-eared owl contains 4-5 eggs, but it can be up to 9. The eggs are white, rounded; a newly laid egg weighs 27-29 g. Eggs are laid at intervals of one night, but the female begins to incubate immediately after laying the first egg. The incubation period lasts 25-28 days, but, apparently, different periods of incubation are established for different eggs. Thus, from eggs laid at intervals of several days, the chicks hatch at the same time. Only the female incubates the clutch, which begins to fly out to hunt only when the older chick is 9-10 days old. Until this time, the male obtains food for both the female and the chicks. A newly hatched owlet is covered with white down, with closed eyes and ear holes; it weighs about 20 g. On the fifth day, the weight of the owlet doubles, and the eyes open.

On the 24-25th day, the growth of the chicks ends, but they are still in the nest. Only a week later, having barely learned to flit from branch to branch, they leave the nest. They can fly freely only for 50-55 days.

In the last days before departure, parents feed the fledglings especially intensively (fledglings are chicks that have already left the nest, but are still dependent on their parents). In one night, owls manage to bring 12-15 voles, i.e. at least 200 g of food. At the same time, the fledglings constantly ask for food, announcing the surroundings with a loud hoarse squeak. In general, eared owl chicks scream much more often than owl chicks.

Natural waste in long-eared owl nests can be quite large. Usually 2-3 eggs turn out to be talkers (not fertilized) or with a dead embryo. Some chicks die in the first days of life. As a result, 2-3 chicks from the brood survive to the age of one month. In “lean” years for mice, long-eared owls may not nest at all or lay small clutches.


The average life expectancy of a long-eared owl in nature is 10-11 years, however, there is a unique case when, according to ringing data, the age of a long-eared owl was 27 years and 9 months.

The history of life in the zoo

In our zoo, a group of long-eared owls lives in the Russian Forest enclosure complex in the Old Territory. They are kept with 2 other species of owls - marsh and common owls; live peacefully, they obviously do not interfere with each other.

Long-eared owls receive 4 mice daily for food.

Now the owls are temporarily exhibited over the Otter complexes in the New Territory.