Birthday in primitive style for children. Primitive birthday script

Finally, I am writing about the celebration of Yulka's DR)) Some time ago, Yulka and I read “Encyclopedia for Children. We live in the stone age." The book is IMHO excellent, and the child after it became very interested in the primitive theme. This determined the theme of the holiday.

The idea came up that it would not just be Yulin DR, it would also be a celebration of initiation for all those gathered. We celebrated in the same hall as last year. Thank you, Masha!!!))) Last year, of course, the child knew the topic and saw our preparations, but the script was unknown to her. This time I involved Yulia to come up with the script, she participated very enthusiastically, helped to make the props. And I didn’t blurt out to my friends ... Well, I almost didn’t blurt out)))

We started with a discussion - how good it is when DR, how you want it to be more often, with information about the addition of another DR among primitive people and a proposal to go there and find out how it worked.

For transportation at that time, we covered the children with tiger skins and suggested that they imagine people dressed in skins and living in caves. Represent and count - for children to switch, for us to change scenery.

When the tiger skin was removed from the children, they saw a fire and a shaman. The shaman struck the darbuka thoughtfully. Maybe we should have just given a tambourine to the shaman, but we were so happy for the darbuka! After what kind of oracle Olya was last year, when writing this script, the picture of Olya the shaman did not go out of my head. And Olya was a wonderful shaman, she really revived everything!!!

Shaman, my primal girl and spirit animal:When asked who you are, the shaman replies:

I am a tiger. My name is O.

Why tiger if your name is O?

In our tribe, they believe that the Tiger is our distant great-great-great-grandfather. And it gives us strength and endurance. Therefore, we first say "I am a Tiger" and only then say our name. This is how we show how much we respect the Tiger.

I realized: we were under the tiger skin and therefore ended up in the Tiger tribe

Where did you get here from?

We celebrated a birthday. Then we wanted to know how many birthdays primitive people have. We covered ourselves with a tiger skin. And got here

Then the shaman pronounces the spell and says:

So the Tiger brought you here? Then you can become members of the tribe. If you pass the test of course. With us, in order to become a real member of the tribe, we must pass tests. And the day you join the tribe becomes your 2nd birthday.

And this is where the testing begins.

Test the first. Make your own clothes. And let this be your first test! There are skins. They've already been scrapped.

Cut pieces were made faux fur brindle colors - for headbands and loincloths. Oh, and ropes. In general, a simple workshop of loincloths:

And those who had already made clothes, the shaman allowed to his darbuka:Test second. Prove you can feed yourself! There are fish in that lake. There lies a harpoon. He will help you eat.

We prepared a magnetic harpoon and a number of pumbrias (like on tourists, but with magnets glued inside). Lake - from blue garbage bags. Children harpooned fish, put them on the fire to cook, and I gave out already cooked fish - fish-shaped crackers.

Test the third. And you really need amulets. They will drive away enemies from you and bring you good luck. Make them. I will give you a magical fang from my necklace. You will make yourself an amulet. And it must have this fang in it.

Next came the workshop of amulets (bracelets or necklaces). Their bewitchment by a shaman was also conceived. But this idea was lost on the holiday. Magic fangs were made of self-hardening clay (Yulka and I sculpted them for a long time!) and beads with large holes, representing pebbles.

And then the shaman tells them that now these amulets will help in the next major test. Shows a note from a tribe member who is in trouble. Here is a pictogram on birch bark:Fourth test. It was necessary to understand what happened, where to look for him and save him. The river was garbage bags again. The children got their bearings, went along the river, found a frightened man climbing a Christmas tree and a bison attacking him:

Further, in a conspicuous place, there were several stones (from foam plastic) and more heaps were scattered around the hall. The children were convinced that the buffalo was afraid of stones, they collected these stones and won. The most difficult moment was to save the buffalo (2 dads) from reprisals. Oh, Timka warned me that it would not be easy! But dads were saved))

Well, a return to the festive table where food is more familiar, an invitation to return to the tribe. The return was again with the help of the skin:

And a festive table - the celebration of the birthday of the birthday girl and the celebration of the initiation of all those gathered))

Then a significant part of the guests moved to us. And I was very pleased that in the games of children primeval theme continued. Children with Timka's help built a cave. From time to time someone came to the kitchen with the words "give food for me and for the whole tribe." Or another quote "in general, either put on a skin or leave the cave."

This holiday will undoubtedly amaze all its guests and participants with its originality and originality. This holiday will be a real discovery for many. This holiday will allow you to rush through the centuries and the thickness of the centuries to find yourself in the stone age of dinosaurs, in the primitive system, among the whole hordes of savages and barbarians. So, we invite you to have a primitive party!

All concerns for the organization of the festive event will fall entirely on the shoulders employees " clubtrade » . You don’t have to look for and choose a room for the party, you don’t have to decorate it and style the interior to match the theme of the holiday, you don’t have to cook and set the festive table, invent and sew costumes, design entertainment program evenings. All this will be done by our specialists: managers will offer suitable venues for the event. Where this extraordinary event will take place is up to you. It can be a restaurant, a banquet hall, a club, open area, country house or any other place. Designers and decorators will bring the interior of the room in accordance with the given theme, stylists and dressers will prepare a variety of costumes, chefs and waiters will take care of festive treats, screenwriters, hosts and animators will make the program of the evening rich, varied, exciting and interesting. All you have to do is enjoy the holiday!

Finding yourself at a primitive party, you will immediately believe that you are in the Stone Age: around caves, animal skins, creepers, stones, sticks, kindled burning fires, dinosaur footprints and other signs and attributes complete lack of civilization.

Concerning costumes and clothes for a primitive party, then here everyone will be able to choose from the options offered by our stylists, dressers and make-up artists the most liked images. Of course, the hero of a famous cartoon will be the standard in terms of clothing for men. Fred Flintstone in a tattered tunic, a gaudy bright tie, tattered boots, or even barefoot. For girls, his wife Vilma will be a role model in a short, dirty, ragged dress with an incredible hairdo on her head, consisting of tousled cosms, tangles and bones as hairpins, with earrings in her nose and ears and large beads on her neck and hands.

Age of Stone Kitchenis known for its monotony, poverty and poverty of the menu, but this is absolutely no reason to force guests to starve or somehow limit themselves in food. A huge amount of first-class meat roasted on coals and open fire, various game, eggs of wild birds, incredible salads from fresh herbs and roots, mind-blowing tinctures - these are just a small part of what will be on the festive table this evening.

All guests of the primitive party are waiting crazy competitions, fun and entertainment that will remain in their memory for a long time. Received impressions and memories created on their basis will delight all participants of the holiday in long boring winter evenings or in the days of old age, reminding of the bright, cheerful and carefree days of youth.

stock up good mood and positive emotions for the future! Spend another holiday in primitive style with the company "clubtrade »!

Primitive Party Scenario

Primitive Party- it theme party based on the past of our planet.

You have probably seen documentaries on popular channels about Primitive Communities. We were presented with a dramatization of that time, how people were sitting in a circle over a fire - the source of life, how they went hunting with entire clans in order to beat a mammoth to death and thereby feed the tribe. Now you have Party in Primitive style there is a unique opportunity to plunge into the Primitive system! Dress up in the skins of animals and throwing away all sorts of prejudices and rules of decency, you can plunge headlong into the prehistoric era along with Party Primitive.

Primitive Party- a party in the style of a primitive community, where all the guests will behave like Neanderthals all evening and have fun participating in primitive, but fun competitions. Unforgettable experience and the sea of ​​compromising evidence on your friends will remain with you after our Parties Primitive!

Images of the participants of the Party In the primitive style

Tribal leader, Mammoth, Saber-toothed tiger, Craftsman, Hunter, Farmer, Shepherd, Berry picker, etc.

Party program Primitive style

  • Meeting guests with the Leader,
  • Non-standard acquaintance with guests through breast contact with each other,
  • Distribution of roles and responsibilities between guests,
  • Holding a food-getting competition,
  • Staged living conditions of primitive people for guests (with humor),
  • Musical competition (playing with sticks and everything at hand),
  • Choosing the loudest battle cry
  • A table with dishes cooked on an open fire,
  • Leg of Lamb Eating Contest with no hands
  • African drum show
  • Prehistoric dances on the dance floor with the appropriate entourage,
  • Performance by a variety artist on a given topic,
  • earth history quiz,
  • fruit sweet table,
  • Definition of the best hunter,
  • mammoth riding,
  • Final photo session of all participants in the jungle.

What to wear to a Primitive Party

Music Parties Primitive

  • The Sounds Of Nature - Sounds of wildlife,
  • "You Don`t Dream in Cryo. ...." composer James Horner,
  • I See You (Theme from Avatar) artist Leona Lewis ,
  • Music by composer Harald Kloser,
  • 10,000 BC - composer Thomas Wanker, etc.

Rituals of primitive man

The ritual served as a means of familiarizing the individual with social and cultural experience, regulated people's behavior, and supported intra-group cohesion. It should be noted that the ritual not only formed socially acceptable behavior, but also gave people a powerful energy impulse that supports cultural norms in everyday activities.

Types of rituals

Imitative rituals

Reproduce some myth or its aspect. Such rituals can be seen as a repetition of the actions of the gods, as a symbolic creation of the world anew. An example of an imitative ritual is the ritual of the beginning of a new year. The presence of rituals of this kind is associated with the idea of ​​primitive people that the misfortunes and troubles affecting the whole family are associated with the "corruption" of the world, which, therefore, needs to be cleansed in order to restore its original perfection.

Sacrifice rituals

Most often they were part of a wider rite. They performed the function of establishing contact with the sacred world. The victim (human, animal, vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, etc.) was perceived as an intermediary between the two worlds. It was believed that the sacrifices - effective method appease the wrath of spirits and gods. Through the offering of a sacrifice (the destruction of its structure: eating, burning, dismemberment, burying in the ground), the feeling of guilt for violating norms and prohibitions was symbolically removed.

Rituals of the "transition" of the stages of life

The rituals of the "transition" of the stages of life accompanied the events associated with the change social structure primitive community (birth, death, the transition of a boy into adult members of the tribe). These rituals have a clear structure: separation from the former status (symbolic death, return to infancy or mother's womb), transition (preparation for life in a new status) and reunion with a new one. social group(new birth).

Where to hold, celebrate a Party in primitive style

  • At home (apartment, cottage)
  • water park, sauna,
  • Banqueting hall
  • Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Canteen
  • Bomb shelter
  • Bowling Club
  • Hotel, Hotel, Holiday home, Boarding house
  • DK (house of culture)
  • Disco Bus
  • Abroad, on an island
  • Metro
  • Club (night club)
  • Camp (pioneer camp)
  • Open air (in nature)
  • Beauty saloon
  • Motor ship
  • Trading house
  • School, Kindergarten

The time of summer holidays is wonderful, when every bush, every tree and every snag carries a fairy tale and magic. Only in summer, in hot, sunny weather, you can move in a time capsule and get, for example, to a party, but not everyone's favorite "Retro-Ephem", but a party held in a cave during the Stone Age. What adventures await you there? Who will conduct it, a cool DJ SLON or a cheerful DJ Mammoth? In any case, the children who got to this grandiose event in a summer camp or summer "platform" should be very fun and interesting. Lots of music, exciting team games, exciting competitions, and, of course, everyone's favorite themed disco, will give the guys a lot of positive emotions.

The event is accompanied by a slide show and a selection of appropriate thematic music.

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"stone party"

Municipal state-financed organization

additional education


Amursk Amursky municipal district Khabarovsk Territory

Camp-wide event Party in style

"Stone Age"

for children of primary and secondary school age

Developed by:

additional education teacher

Semyonkina Natalya Vladimirovna

Amursk 2016

Explanatory note

The time of summer holidays is wonderful, when every bush, every tree and every snag carries a fairy tale and magic. Only in summer, in hot, sunny weather, you can move in a time capsule and get, for example, to a party, but not everyone's favorite "Retro-Ephem", but a party held in a cave during the Stone Age. What adventures await you there? Who will conduct it, a cool DJ SLON or a cheerful DJ Mammoth? In any case, the children who got to this grandiose event in a summer camp or summer "platform" should be very fun and interesting. A lot of music, exciting team games, exciting competitions, and, of course, everyone's favorite themed disco, will give the children a lot of positive emotions.

The event is accompanied by a slide show and a selection of appropriate thematic music.

Purpose: involvement of participants in the educational process in active creative and cognitive activities.


Develop children's creativity

Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other children

Develop communication skills

Cultivate kindness towards each other.



  1. Log and "clubs" for battle.


    big balls

    Pictures - puzzles with the image of a mammoth - 2 sets

    Pictures for the contest "Rock Drawing", 2 felt-tip pens, 2 sheets

    Bedspread-2 pieces for the competition "Ostravok"

    Folder with music tracks for holiday decoration.

Event progress:

The host speaks against the background of music and a slide show:

1 slide:

In ancient times, when trees were giants, and people lived in caves, when the world was still young and naive, when mammoths roamed the earth, and fire was not mined from matches, and our story begins ...

I hear that someone doubts that those times were also cool and interesting, right? Then, I'm afraid that for some, the party in the Stone Age will soon be over! (Joke!)

Well, come on, it's time to say hello, get to know each other, shout and have fun! Can anyone do this? Yeees! But first, ears on top, listen carefully...

Once upon a time, in primeval time,
The Primitive tribe lived in the caves,
Under the vault, the Primordial bonfire crackled.
Cave mothers were talking:
About children's clothing, About baby food,
But first of all - about education.
They cut large animal skins,
Soups and potions were cooked from herbs.
And after cooking Potions and food
They were engaged in comfort in the dwelling.

Coming home from primitive work,
Cave dads did not know worries:
Smiles were waiting for them, Warmth and comfort
And many happy family minutes.
And our Cave dads heard:
- Well, wipe Your dirty paws!
You'll get here in a day! You'll be tired in a day!
When will you finally become a human?

And a century flew by Imperceptibly after a century,
And dad eventually became a man.
It happened in the early spring
When he returned home with a bouquet ...

Long ago we forgot the cave era,
But dad, no, no, And pull into the cave.
Now it will pull to the forest, Now to the river, then to the field -
On that, on your own, Primitive will.

Let's imagine that dads are left alone.
What would be the days then?
At first, dads would walk in sorrow.
Then they would grumble at each other.
They would turn houses into caves.
They would burn the tables And burn the chiffoniers.

Grumpy dads, Hungry dads
Would chew shoes, galoshes and hats.
But mothers are on guard. And honestly,
They will never allow this.
They won't let the stone age
A man stepped out of our century.

Long live good mother's hands,
Working hands, without laziness and boredom!
Who can feed and caress!
Which dads should KISS!


1. So, it's time to get acquainted with the tribes. To do this, I ask the respected leaders of the tribes to come here. Let's support our idol representatives with specific signs! Well done!

2. The chief commands the battle cry of the tribe. Ready? Go!

Competition "The loudest battle cry"

3. And now, friends, it's time to get acquainted with your leaders. Do they understand you without words? Then the task is as follows: The tribe explains in pantomime what the leader's name is, and the leader's name is written on the rim that is on his head.

Leader's Name Contest

4. Since all the people of the tribe are one with nature, they very easily convey the voices of birds and animals. Right, primitives? Now we are going to check it out!

Competition "Repeat"

Competition "Ritual dance"

2nd stage of the competition

15 people of the tribe remain, island competition.

6. Of course, the ancient people did not go to the supermarket with a card to buy goods. Listen to one ancient story and help me tell it in words:

“Life is such a beauty!


    To live winter there and autumn

No lessons and no schools

No one is vacuuming there

And nobody cleans the floor

And she shouts to herself: yes, yes!

In chorus: abu - tubu-tubu - that!

    But live BC clearly

Silly in our scientific age,

If you are not a monkey,

A man of sense

Tired of mumbling


What should I do among them

I miss books!

And who else missed school and books, guys? There are such? Well done!

Stage 2 competition "Hunters".

Different tribes have different pictures of mammoths. Your task is to go hunting and kill a mammoth for dinner. At the start, attention, march!

7. And do not even think that primitive people could not draw and create art masterpieces. Scientists and archaeologists have found a lot of different rock paintings. We are no exception!

Competition "Rock drawing of a mammoth".

Your drawing should be close to the original!

8. Art requires sacrifice! Therefore, our ears will now be the victim. Your task is to play some melody with sticks on the drum so that everyone recognizes it and sings it.

Competition "Primitive Drummers".

9. Ancient people had fun too, very cool, they not only ate mammoths, but also rode them.

So, 4 teams become!

Competition "Riding on mammoths"

In teams, choose 2 mammoths who will carry their riders, whoever does it faster is the winner! (hands make a cross)

10. The most powerful ancient people were, of course, held in high esteem by the entire tribe. We were proud of them, but we also knew that they would protect us at any moment. And how to find out who is the strongest in the tribe? Of course, only thanks to the fights with clubs…

Competition "Fighting with batons".(Bench, 2 pillows)

11. Do you think that primitive people did not go to a karaoke bar? I beg of you! They loved to sing, but in a special way!

At first glance, the task is very simple: you need to sing the most meaningful and sincere song. Let's start with the harpists and super advanced singers of that time - the leaders of the ancient period of the Evolution camp! Let's give them a round of applause!

Competition "What I see, I sing!"

Presenter: Well, friends, the competitions were all worthy, you can move on and we boldly go to the disco of the Stone Age. Is everyone ready?

Then, for a warm-up, cutting of songs sounds, we dance according to the music!

There is a disco with music competitions:

- "Take hold of..."

- "Merry Macarena"

- "Keep in pairs"

- "Chair Dancing"

So our journey to the Stone Age has come to an end, I think we have not caused any damage to a foreign civilization and culture. They all remained alive - healthy, cheerful, cheerful. Now, attention, attention!

Raise your hands up! Everyone up there waved!

All who are cheerful and fresh now, shout out the same hour "Hurrah!"

All who are sour and tired, who did not dance at all,

Show us a sign so that the whole room can see you!

There are no such? Great!

Mood for "5", I ask everyone to applaud! Well done!

See you soon!

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"stone party"

Life is such a beauty! Abu - tubu - tubu - that!

Karaoke bar "What I see, I sing..."

In ancient, ancient times, when trees were giants, and people lived in caves, when the world was still young and naive, when mammoths roamed the earth, and fire was not mined from matches, and our story begins ...

Who said that the prehistoric society was primitive, cooking had not even begun, and there was nothing interesting and could not be? I got up and left the cave! And for the rest it starts...


From the name, the general style is clear, isn't it? Clothing made from the skins of wild animals (artificial, of course), necklaces made of bones, claws and fangs, cave paintings, shamanic dances to drums and a grilled trunk of a recently caught mammoth. However, let's go in order. Any party, even the most primitive, should begin with an invitation. From which your guests will learn that they will be reincarnated for the evening from respectable managers and very important people into wild cavemen who fight with clubs for the best piece of meat. The ideal primitive invitation is a flat piece of stone with pictograms, according to which your guest should figure out what to wear and where.

So, the traditions of your primitive tribe are observed, now it is necessary to give an explanation. In this role, a completely modern home-made accompanying postcard will look great. For example like this:

Great, now no one will get lost and will come to your cave in time. It's time to move on to preparing the festive table.

Primitive cooking or you can't imagine easier!

Gourmet delights and exquisite gourmetism are not our choice. We have the same Stone Age, what can be foie gras and pastes from nightingale tongues? Our choice is baked vegetables, fresh fruits, Grilled Meat And Nuts. We will arrange all these dishes on wooden and stone dishes and in wicker baskets. However, okay, we are not real Neanderthals, we only found a stone ax, so we set the table to our taste, arranging a beautiful stylization in the spirit of the Stone Age on it.

Dinosaur eggs, mosses and cute indoor plants will perfectly complement the decor of the table, which will play the role of prehistoric at this party.

The creepers hanging from above in this particular decor option are army camouflage net cut into pieces, you can easily and naturally buy it online and turn it into elements of primitive landscaping.

Well, yes, more spotted leopard, striped tiger and furry lion. The skulls of unidentified large horned animals, picturesquely hung on the walls, which can be made from papier-mâché at your leisure, will perfectly complement the interior.

And as a highlight of the culinary program, such a real Neanderthal steak can act:

Stone Age dress code

Looms will not be invented soon, therefore - skins! Hairdressers will appear even after many centuries, or even millennia, so - increased shaggyness.

In general, making a primitive costume is not easy, but very simple. All you need is a piece of leopard print rag, faux fur trimmings and some chicken bones. You need to fasten all this on yourself in an artistic way and - voila! - ready caveman. And, of course, no one has canceled numerous online stores with a huge selection of carnival costumes, among which there are exquisite outfits of the Stone Age. Along with wigs. By the way, wigs and beards will make your wild look whole and complete, so it’s worth stopping by the joke shop, nevertheless. It is quite possible that there are also inflatable clubs that you will surely need.

By the way, you may find it useful step by step master class for the manufacture of a unique and very primitive jewelry:

Who cares, poke into the picture, and everything will be there for you.

Primitive pleasures and fun

Well, for a seed and a general boost in morale - watch this funny video:

What can you do at a primitive party? You can arrange, for example, a competition of rock painters. Who said that in the Stone Age there were no romantics and love? Let them prove it! Each contestant gets the name of his beloved. He must draw it. On the rock He is given a bowl of paint, and he must draw with his finger. The one whose lover is guessed first is considered the winner.

Who is the most romantic, we found out, it's time to choose the strongest! Well, there is no way to do without a fight! We will need two bulky bags (for example, from potatoes, only clean ones) and a lot of soft things (quilt pillows and all that stuff). We fill the bags with pillows, leaving only the tails to make it comfortable to hold. And let's fight! The rules may vary. You can draw or lay out a circle, and the one who first knocks the enemy out of it (using the bag described above, of course), is the winner. You can put a long bench and arrange fights on it. Then the one who stays on it will win. By the way, in this version of the battle, you should think about how to make the loser fall softer, and lay mattresses on both sides of the bench.

It's time for the smartest! The speech of primitive people was not rich in various epithets and metaphors. So the smartest is the one who is best able to explain himself in sign language. To find out, you can play "crocodile". Do you know the rules? The driver must, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, explain to everyone else the phrase, word or phrase that fell to him. This game has many variants of rules, it is usually played by two teams. But in our case it is better to keep the individual offset. The contender for the smartest one pulls out a phrase from the basket and tries to portray it. He has three minutes to do so. If they fail, the queue moves to the next applicant. The one with the most convincing explanation wins.

Well, after everything that happened, it becomes clear who is who in your tribe, right? The strongest is, of course, the leader. The shaman draws best of all, of course, and the most intelligent is the adviser to the leader. Something else is missing, isn't it? Mistresses of the hearth, beloved woman of the leader! Without it, the tribe will turn out to be some kind of fake!

But we will leave this difficult choice to your discretion and imagination. Should the main woman of the tribe be the most beautiful, or should she kill a mammoth on the run with one blow, or fearlessly enter a burning cave - decide for yourself, you now have a leader, a shaman and an adviser to the leader.