Sparrow owl. Owl nutrition

Despite the fact that the sparrow owl belongs to the order of owls, there is very little in common between them. It seems that the presence of family ties has become a mistake of scientists in determining the species. It has similarities with an owl, but the same characteristic features, such as a nocturnal "hoot", large round eyes, etc., are absent.

The most important difference is that the owl is happy to contact people, which his older sister will never allow herself. The curiosity of this small bird has made it a pet of many. It is kept at home, even if there are some difficulties with care.

Description of the species

The scientific name of the owl is Glaucidium passerinum. It is one of the smallest owls living on the Eurasian continent. The body length usually does not exceed 16 cm, and the weight often does not even reach 100 grams.

As for color, females and males do not differ much from each other. They can only be distinguished by size. Girls are slightly larger than boys, which allows them to feed and warm their offspring without problems.

Chicks are quite different from adults. Moreover, at the first stages of growth, ignorant people simply cannot determine that birds belong not only to one family, but also to a species. Their plumage is brown, while adults have a gray color with white streaks. Babies also do not have white spots on their heads, which is hallmark owl.

The facial disc of the bird is very weakly expressed; at twilight or at night it is difficult to determine what is visible - the face or the back of the head of the individual.

Distribution area

Passerine Owl, Upland Owl are birds that attract people as pets. They have virtually the same size and lifestyle, they have the same maintenance requirements, but the distribution area is different. The upland owl lives in the eastern part of North America, while the passerine owl lives in Eurasia.

A notable feature is that Glaucidium passerinum is distributed over a very narrow band from Japan to Scandinavia. The range is focused on forest and taiga territories. In the Urals, its existence is intertwined with two more small species of owls - the little owl and the scops owl. But you can’t call them permanent neighbors.

For the pygmy owl, ideal habitat conditions are forest areas where trees with tall trunks are planted. Spruce birds are also characteristic of the distribution. In a word, if the forest is mixed, then here, most likely, you can meet the small owl in question.

Activity and lifestyle

The main difference from most representatives of the owl family, which the sparrow owl possesses, is the way of life and its activity. If owls hunt and fly out of their secluded place only at night, then this species prefers to get food in the morning or evening. Moreover, if he gets hungry in the winter season, he will be able to go out for prey even during the day. That is, it is not fundamentally important for him whether dangerous enemies or a person will notice him.

Also in winter, late autumn and early spring, the owl stocks up on food in case it suddenly becomes too cold for hunting. The way of eating is also different. Owls tend to swallow their prey completely. If it is too large, then first it is torn into several pieces. Owl prefers to peck only tasty meat areas. For example, he will never touch the intestines.

Despite the fact that the variegated coloring helps the little owl hide from the human eye, it does not always use it. The fact is that the bird is quite friendly, it easily contacts new friends. But this does not mean at all that, if necessary, the owl will not be able to hide.


In fact, the sparrow owl constantly leads a lonely lifestyle. If he meets a representative of the opposite sex, he will be aggressive. This is due to the fact that in front of him is a food competitor. But everything changes with the onset of warm spring days.

Females go in search of a suitable home, in which they will later breed. They will never let a male near them if they have not found a home for future babies. Then they proceed directly to the choice of a partner.

Males, in turn, must prove the seriousness of intentions. They are looking for food to feed their female. Only when both parties are satisfied with everything, a pair is formed.

Males do not stop feeding their "wife" until she hatches the chicks. But they do not fly into the nest. Feeding is carried out at a distance of at least 10 meters.

A sparrow owl can survive at home, but in order for this to happen, the owner will have to work hard. The fact is that the birds are generally not adapted to the cage, especially if they were caught in adulthood.

The ideal option is a small aviary in the yard. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon such a pet if it is not possible to arrange it. Birds do not differ in complaisant character. If they have become imbued with hatred towards one of their neighbors, they will behave aggressively towards him constantly, even after several years.

During the first month, you can not touch the pet, because it goes through a period of addiction. Since the birds are curious, after a few weeks they will make contact on their own. Then you need to start taming.

It is impossible to postpone cleaning in the aviary, because pests may appear in the garbage, which will cause inconvenience to the resident. But this must be done carefully so that the pet feels care, not fear.


It is rather difficult to keep a sparrow owl at home. The advice of experienced "breeders" can help, but the nature of the pet is individual. Therefore, the owner must independently look at him, understand what he likes and what is better to refuse.

Proper nutrition is determined by the age of the individual. If this is a young and active owl, then the basis of the feed should be cereals and seeds. Old representatives are more suitable for vegetables and fruits - they are easier to digest.

We must not forget about water. There should always be a bowl of liquid in the aviary or cage, which must be constantly changed. It is also desirable that the bird has constant access to food, since it eats a lot.

If the appetite disappears, then the owl needs to be released to fly around the house, of course, with the vents and windows closed. This will allow him to get some freedom. Appetite will definitely return after such a flyby.

Common diseases

There are many diseases that the sparrow owl picks up. An owl-sparrow is prone to diseases from childhood, and many of them appear in babies with the condition that even maternal care will not help get rid of them.

If a healthy and adult individual suddenly began to refuse games and food, then this means that there is an infection in the body. Since the bird is rare, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. If the disease is common, then the doctor will quickly be able to determine it, as well as prescribe a recovery algorithm. If he was previously unfamiliar with her, then only immunity will help to become healthy again.

As a rule, at home, birds get sick more often just because they are incorrectly kept. For example, they can be fed with those grains or fruits that are contraindicated or allowed for them, but in small quantities. In addition, if the feed is expired or spoiled, then it is necessary to purchase new ones - the owners rarely follow this.

The passerine owl has many differences from owls or other members of the family. Often there are interesting and unique stories associated with them. For example, this bird is very trusting of dogs. If a person walks through the forest with her, then the owl will definitely fly up to get to know her better. This is probably due to the fact that dogs are like wolves, which protect small owls from many predators.

Despite the fact that the owl is a bird, it never travels long distances. The maximum that he can afford is a few tens of meters. However, even at such a small distance, the viewer will be amazed at the extraordinary dexterity.

When a male brings food to the caring mother of his offspring, the feeding is very reminiscent of a family quarrel. The female, with screams and force, pulls out those pieces of food that her boyfriend brought in her paws. But this is done in order to grind food. Then there will be less time for the process of absorption and digestion, and the female will be able to return to hatching the chicks again.


Thus, the owl is an inquisitive and friendly bird, which, however, does not like close contact with humans. If it was decided to acquire such a pet, then it is recommended to give preference only to those individuals who have been living in cages and aviaries for several generations. Wild owls are unlikely to survive in a person's apartment or house.

In addition, you can not bring a pet when his home is not yet ready. He must immediately know where the personal territory is. It is also advisable not to encroach on her at first, let the pet get used to it a little.

Since ancient times, there have been many legends around this small bird. Our ancestors believed that whoever sees her will experience difficulties in life. They say, like a black cat that crossed the road, this feathered one is able to invite trouble. But in fact, an owl is just a small owl with a very unusual appearance. If you do not understand in detail, then many people will not find any differences between an owl and an ordinary owl.

general characteristics

The owl is a small bird. The length of her body does not exceed thirty centimeters, and her weight does not reach 200 g. If we compare an owl with an ordinary owl, then it will resemble a chick of the latter, because the body length of an owl reaches 67-70 cm, and its weight is up to 700 g. outward signs you can see that the head of an owl has a more rounded shape, while in an owl it is flattened. On his head you will not find feathers that resemble ears in shape. Otherwise, the owl is no different from the owl.

Also, this bird is characterized by the external features of a gloomy person, since the feathers above the eyes are more like eyebrows. Owls are farsighted, they can notice prey at a great distance, but not see what is happening a few centimeters from them. This bird has a short tail, which helps it to create the effect of a large wingspan.

The size of the owl does not prevent him from being a skilled hunter. Depending on the species, they feed on different prey, but mainly rodents and some varieties of beetles are included in their diet. These birds are very selective and can catch prey according to their own preferences. Sometimes they hunt in pairs, usually in this way owls catch larger prey, such as rats.

The habitat of the described birds is very extensive, they can be found in any corner of the planet, except for Antarctica. According to external data, owls different types very similar, but there are also interesting features.


The Rough-legged Owl is a small owl with a rounded head. In size, this species is slightly larger than a dove. The color of the bird is brown, with white spots all over the body. The head is large, with asymmetrical facial discs.

The Rough-legged Owl is distinguished by a rather small eye size and a weak beak. Its legs are covered with dense plumage, which led to the name "furry-legged". The bird's beak is yellow.

The nesting of the boreal owls lasts almost a month. The clutch is more than six eggs. Hairy owls nest mainly in hollows. Their main diet is field mice and beetles.

The owl is a nocturnal bird, but in some areas it can also lead a daytime lifestyle. Upland owls prefer to live in coniferous forests. Such birds live in Russia, Northern Mongolia, Western China and the northern regions of the United States.

Brown Owl

The little owl is a brown-colored bird with small white spots. It has a small head and a short tail. The size of this bird is slightly larger than that of the upland. He prefers to settle in open areas, in the mountains or on the plain. How an owl screams, you can find out when you are close to its nest. The singing is more like a whistle.

Owls are very consistent birds in terms of mate choice. Regardless of the breeding season, they always stick together. They try to create nests in minks, sometimes they dig them themselves. And sometimes they find shelter in old abandoned buildings.

The clutch of the little owl is more than 7 eggs. Birds usually hunt during the day. The main diet consists of small birds and rodents. The described species lives in North Africa, in Asia, as well as in Central and Southern Europe.

Elf Owl

It is a tiny cinnamon-colored owl with gray and white lines. Her eyes are large, yellow, her beak is gray. Legs without plumage, but covered with bristles. These amazing birds fly like bats, only more coordinated. They are not aggressive. Never get into a fight. They prefer to build nests in hollows. There are no more than five eggs in the clutch of this bird.

The elf owl absolutely does not know how to hunt because of the weak beak and non-grasping paws. Their diet consists of various insects. Birds live in the USA and Mexico, where they settle in the trunks of saguaro cacti.

Sparrow Owl

The sparrow owl is the northernmost representative of the owls. It has a brownish-white color and a yellow beak. The legs are densely feathered, down to the claws, which are dark in color.

Sparrow owls are excellent hunters, they are distinguished by a strong beak and tenacious paws. This bird prefers to settle in the hollows of coniferous trees. The clutch of eggs is usually no more than five eggs.

The named bird hunts regardless of the time of day. And the main diet is rodents and small birds. These are very thrifty birds - before the onset of winter, the pygmy owl collects prey in a hollow and carefully stores it until the onset of cold weather. Sparrow owls live in Russia, Europe and North Asia.

rabbit owl

These owls are the most unique birds of all of the above. They lead a very active daytime lifestyle. They have a bright sand color with small white speckles. The burrowing owl is a ground hunter and has long legs and a neck that they like to stretch out. These birds live in colonies and all together are ready to attack the enemy who has encroached on their nest.

Chicks of this species of owls are capable of making very interesting sounds. When danger comes, they begin to crackle, imitating a rattlesnake.

These birds are very fond of settling in burrows dug by some mammals. The burrowing owls actively protect their clutches, the female tries to stay as far as possible from the entrance to the hole, and the male makes distracting maneuvers, trying to confuse the predators. Usually in the laying of rabbit owls there are up to five eggs. The most interesting thing is that while the female incubates the eggs, the male lives in another hole. The habitat of these birds is America.

What is the difference between an owl and an owl

In the article, we have already listed the characteristics that the owl possesses. The eagle owl, like the owl, belongs to the owl family. It is very easy to distinguish between these two birds:

  • The owl leads a daytime lifestyle. This is the main distinguishing feature birds, as the main and constant period wakefulness of the eagle owl is considered to be the dark time of the day.
  • The owl is much larger than the owl. Its length reaches 80 cm, and the weight can be 4 kg. It is difficult not to notice, while the owl can easily hide.
  • The diet of owls is much more extensive than that of an owl. Due to strong paws and a powerful beak, the eagle owl can attack large mammals.
  • The eagle owl has large feather ears, which are not characteristic of many varieties of owls.
  • The eyes of an owl may have a red iris, which is absolutely not typical of yellow-eyed owls.

It got its generic name because of its small size - this tiny owl is much smaller than its family brethren.

Sychikov, as ornithologists also call sparrow owls, is also distinguished by a friendly disposition: the birds are very trusting and often fly very close to the observer. You can see them in the forest not only at dusk, but also during the day.


The flight of the pygmy owl is not like the slow and smooth flight of other owls. The owl flies quickly and swiftly. Thanks to its wide wings and long tail, the bird deftly maneuvers between the trees and does not touch the branches even in a dense forest. In an effort to catch up with the prey during the hunt, this small agile predator, without slowing down, makes sharp turns. Having overtaken a medium-sized rodent or bird, the owl slowly returns, holding the caught prey in its claws.


Sparrow owls hunt all year round. In summer, the basis of their diet is made up of mouse-like rodents, mainly voles and wood mice. There are cases of attacks on relatively large rodents, such as hamsters. Often, various birds become victims of owls - chicks of passerine birds or females that incubate eggs and are unable to leave the nest. More often than others, great tits, chickadees, Muscovites, and nuthatches fall into the claws of this owl.

An interesting way to feed the sparrow owl. These birds do not swallow their prey whole, like many owls, but use their beaks to tear off especially tasty pieces. Owls pluck the caught birds - this is indicated by a whole mountain of feathers remaining at the place of the meal. Eating rodents, owls feast on muscles and brain, preferring not to touch the intestines.

In autumn, pygmy owls begin to stock up. Birds bring captured voles and shrews into their hollows.

Plentiful storage helps owls survive in cold weather, saving them from starvation during those periods when hunting is impossible due to severe frosts or heavy snow cover. In winter, the owl hunts mainly only for birds, since it is an almost impossible task for him to detect and catch a rodent under the snow.


Owls usually settle in tall forests, choosing hollow coniferous trees and most often occupying abandoned woodpecker nests. A pair of birds may use the same nesting site for many years. However, owls equip several more hollows in their feeding area, which they use for storing supplies or as a dining room.

In search of a mate, males begin to lek even in early winter and continue to attract females with peculiar songs until May. Shortly before nightfall in the forests, one can hear monotonous whistling sounds made by the male, which occasionally alternate with long and short whistles and even trills.


After the formation of a pair, both birds put the nest in order, and only after that the female lays 2-3 white eggs, with an interval of a couple of days. Only after the last egg is laid, the expectant mother begins to incubate, which lasts almost 30 days. The owl leaves the clutch only once a day. In the first time after the birth of the chicks, she is also inseparably with them. The male brings food for her and offspring. The mother takes the found food from him and feeds the chicks herself - at first they eat only insects.

Soon the snow-white fluff of the chicks is replaced by dark brown plumage. Three-week-old owls are already looking out of the nest, and about a month after hatching, for the first time, they begin to leave their native shelter for a short time. At this time, the male takes care of the young and for another 4-6 weeks he watches over the chicks and feeds them until they learn to get their own food. On the 11-12th week of life, the chicks become completely independent and leave the nest. Already at the age of 9-12 months, young owls are able to become parents themselves.


Despite the fact that the chicks are born with a difference of several days, all leave the nest at the same time. Having flown out of the nest for the first time, they are able to overcome more than 10 m - this is quite a long distance for such small ones. Young birds communicate with their parents by whistling. Hearing these sounds, adults understand exactly where the chicks are and, if necessary, rush to their aid.


Class: birds.
Order: owls.
Family: Owls.
Genus: sparrow owls.
Species: pygmy owl.
Latin name: Glaucidium passerinum
Size: body length - 15-20 cm, wingspan - 35-40 cm.
Weight: 60 g.
Colouration: top brown with white streaks, white belly with longitudinal brown stripes, yellow beak, yellow or black claws. Life span of the owl: 5-7 years.

A cat or a dog, even of rare breeds living in your house, will not surprise anyone. Recently, keeping unusual, or even exotic pets has become fashionable. Someone takes an example from Hollywood stars and gets himself a pig. Someone is not indifferent to reptiles, and acquires a hatteria.

And a lover of Harry Potter adventures dreams of having an owl at home, and calling her Hedwig. Of course, an owl is a serious predator, and it does not belong in a city apartment. But for her younger brother, brownie or hairy owl, a city apartment is quite suitable for life.

The appearance of the house owl

The brown owl is the closest relative of the owl. Because of its size, and being one of the smallest members of the owl family, it is sometimes referred to as the little owl.

The bird is similar in appearance to its counterparts, but there are also distinctive features:

  • the length of an adult bird is 23-25 ​​cm;
  • wingspan - 52-57 cm;
  • weight - 140-180 g.

Important! Nestlings in different species of owls hatch within 2-3 days. The first chicks to hatch may eat the newborns. If you have a female owl incubating eggs at home, you should remember this.

It has a large head with large yellow eyes. Females are usually heavier than males, about a tenth of their body weight.

The way the owl looks is influenced by the geographic habitat of the bird. Those owls whose natural habitat is Europe have a brown color with variegated white spots.

White stripes stretch along the brown tail with a gray tint. Birds living behind the Ural ridge are usually lighter than "Europeans".
The birds, whose homeland is the Asian mountains, are darker than their lowland brothers. Caucasian, on the contrary, are lighter and noticeably larger in size.

Did you know? Owls have three pairs of eyelids. One of them is for blinking, the second is for protecting the eyes, the third is for sleeping.


Their natural habitat is Eurasia. Ukraine, southern Russia, the Caucasus, southern Siberia, most of Asia - these are the places that can be considered native to this feathered creature. It is also found in the north of the African continent.

At the end of the 19th century, the bird was brought to England, where it adapted normally. In the same way, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the owl came to New Zealand, where it also took root. Feathered can be found in the mountains, at an altitude of up to 2600 meters.

The bird feels normal in almost any natural conditions the above geographical areas. It lives in steppes, fields, forests, deserts and semi-deserts. It also occurs in city parks.

But some points of keeping a bird at home are worth paying attention to:

  1. The owl, the smallest member of the family, can be easily frightened. Frequent screams, noise or just harsh sounds can adversely affect his psyche. If noisy parties are often held in the house, you need to think carefully about whether to start a bird.
  2. At the genetic level, owls have a habit of stockpiling. V wild nature- the quality is irreplaceable. But the fact is that the owl will not leave this habit and living at home. Where he will make a “cache”, you can find out after the meat is rotten in it. Then, by smell, it will not be difficult to find the place of laying the NZ. To avoid such a situation, regularly review various potential places suitable for such treasures.
  3. Owls should not be caged. The most extreme case is a large aviary, during your absence. Although this is highly undesirable. Your pet can get hurt on the net and get mentally hurt.
  4. Owls often have a heightened sense of ownership. They are jealous of their personal space, protecting it from absolutely everyone, including you. It is unlikely that your registration will become a weighty argument for an owl.
  5. Never let your pet fly to the balcony, or to where it can fly away. Having accidentally left the place where he lived as a chick, the owl will not be able to return home. In nature, he will die, since from childhood he lived with a person, and is absolutely not adapted to an independent life.

Important! owls various kinds can hunt each other.

Prepare the room where the bird will live. Remove everything that the owlet can turn over.

Light tulle curtains should be replaced, as the pet can get tangled in it and get injured. Remove the mirrors, the bird may crash on them.

Perches should be placed along the walls - special small perches upholstered with a soft coating. Set up a bathing area.

Owls love bath procedures, both in the wild and at home. A shallow wide basin will do.

Character and lifestyle

Under natural conditions, owls nest in hollows on trees, rocks, and on rooftops. The bird treats people without fear, in the event that it lives from birth next to a person.

Sometimes an owl is called a feathered cat. This is due to the fact that the bird in its disposition is similar to a domestic cat - it is also a predator, but loves peace and tranquility.

An affectionate and cheerful creature, in case of imminent danger, it can use its claws and beak.

It differs from its older brother, the owl, primarily in that it hunts mainly at dawn and dusk of the day, unlike the owl, which prefers to do this at night. In winter, in nature, the owl has to hunt during the day, if he is very hungry.

It doesn't matter to him if his opponent notices him. In this quality, he is fundamentally different from an owl.
All year, with the exception of summer, the owl stocks. The bird does not like to hunt in cold weather, and such a “dry ration” helps it out in this case. Owl and owl also eat food in various ways.

The owl swallows the prey if size permits, or tears it apart if it is large enough. Powerful claws and beak allow her to do this. The owl pecks out only loin parts of the prey carcass; it does not eat offal, for example, the stomach of the victim.

Although the owl has a mimic color, he rarely uses it. He is not afraid of other species, including humans. Although, if necessary, the bird is able to merge with the environment.

You should not take the chick in your hands for the first time. The new environment is already stressful for him. Be patient, the bird will soon get used to you, then you can easily find contact with it.
If you try to force things, this can cause a complete loss of understanding in the future. Give your pet time to adjust.

Did you know? little owl-not the smallest European owl. The body length of the common scoop is 20-22 cm, and the sparrow owl is 17-20 cm. The smallest owl in the world-Peruvian, its weight is about 30 g, and its length is no more than 15 cm.

In its natural environment, the owl is quite active. If he is brought up correctly, if normal living conditions are created, over time this activity will manifest itself at home. The little owl naturally has a cheerful, playful disposition and, getting used to you, she will reveal it.


For an owl living in the wild, the normal diet is raw meat. It should not be forgotten that this type predatory bird. The brown owl, therefore, as the closest relative, should also be fed protein food.
The fresher and more tender the meat, the better for the bird's digestive system.

An acceptable option would be the meat of rodents and small, lean poultry. You cannot feed an owl with homemade chicken, pork or beef. Fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods are contraindicated for an owl.

Water is of great importance for any living being. The brown owl is no exception. Make sure your pet always has fresh water.


They form monogamous pairs. The incubation period is one lunar month, 29 days. A clutch usually contains up to five eggs. A newly born chick weighs about ten grams.

Two months after birth, the little owl leaves the nest, he becomes an adult.

The mating season for birds falls on the warm season, from April to August.
Most often - the end of spring-beginning of summer. Interesting feature- the female allows the male to come to her only after she finds a place for incubation of eggs and nesting offspring.

Such a serious approach to creating a family is not found in all people. After execution by the male mating dance, confirming the seriousness of intentions and their own viability through the extraction of food, a pair is formed.

Important! Little owl for normal nutrition needed every day on average, about 80 grams of food.

The male feeds the female for as long as she will incubate the eggs. Little owls live with their parents until they start to get food themselves. They begin to fly independently about a month after birth.

Health and longevity

If the owl lives in an aviary, it should be cleaned regularly.
The main number of infectious diseases in poultry develops precisely because of unsanitary living conditions. An owl is a smart and intelligent bird. She sees the care of the owner, and is able to appreciate it. So, by cleaning her home, you thereby facilitate mutual understanding with a feathered friend.

The officially registered maximum lifespan of a domestic owl is over fifteen and a half years. In the wild, they usually live 3-5 years, more than 60% of chicks die in early childhood.

Digestion is the main problem you may face. After each meal, the owl should regurgitate a pellet - undigested bones and other food waste. This should happen, 9-10 hours after eating.

If this does not happen, something is wrong with the digestive system. The pellet should be inspected for signs of blood, check its smell. An unpleasant odor is an indication of improper nutrition.

Did you know?The eagle owl, the largest representative of the owl family, can hunt wild boars and golden eagles.

Keep track of your pet's litter. Normally, this is a puddle of white color interspersed with dark litter. If the litter is dark, yellowish or foul smelling, too runny, you should consult your veterinarian.

By the behavior of an owl, you can immediately understand that she is sick. Appetite disappears, apathy appears, she sits with her eyes closed all the time, feathers quickly get dirty, as the bird does not clean them.

If you observe such a picture, contact a specialist as soon as possible. It should be remembered that bird diseases extremely fleeting. Be attentive to your pet. Don't forget to clean his cage and change the water.
Keeping an owl is not a cheap pleasure, therefore, if you have already decided on this, then follow our recommendations, then the bird will become your true friend.

Appearance and behavior. A very small owl, smaller (body length 15–18 cm, wingspan 32–39 cm, weight 50–85 g). The appearance is typically "owl": the body is dense, the head seems large and rounded (but smaller than that of the boreal owl in relation to body size), there is a facial disc, although not very well defined. The flight is fast, when flying from place to place it is wavy, like the flight of a woodpecker: the bird alternates between flapping its wings and sliding with folded wings (the flight is more direct, between wing flaps it glides on outstretched wings). When excited, it often wags its tail in different directions. Activity is predominantly twilight and nocturnal, but sometimes calls and hunts during the day. Trusting, close lets a person.

Description. The coloration is mostly brown with light rounded streaks on top, the bottom of the body is light with brown streaks, the tail is striped. White spots on the facial disc and around it form thin concentric circles (not always visible from afar). The eyes are yellow, the beak is light. The expression of the “face” is “severe”, “strict” (for the furry-footed one - “surprised”). The male and female are similar, the female is slightly larger. From upland and differs in small size and color facial disc, from splyushka - the absence of ears, a light beak and a pattern of the facial disc. Chicks are white, becoming grayish at the age of one to two weeks. The mesoptile begins to develop from a week of age and is fully formed by the age of one month. The chick or fledgling in the mesoptile is generally similar in color to an adult bird: brown above, light below, but almost without light streaks on the upper body, streaks on the underside are more blurred, there are fewer of them. The color of the eyes becomes yellow, usually by the time the fledglings emerge (before that, the eyes are dark). The mesoptile is replaced by the first adult plumage in autumn, at the age of 3-5 months, and in it young owls are already very similar to adult birds, but they have fewer spots on top, and they are less bright.

Voice. Lives in March and April, as well as in autumn during the period of resettlement of young birds, the song consists of short low whistles " phew... phew... phew...” with an interval of up to 2 seconds (but can be faster), similar to the whistles of a bullfinch, but muffled and slightly longer. Approximately the same whistles are used in other situations, sometimes a trill is made up of them. pew pew pew pew". Females can also scream in a similar way. Fledglings emit high, slightly rattling whistles lasting about 0.8 seconds, in which the sound first rises quickly, then sharply decreases. Sometimes the females also seem to scream.

Distribution, status. Mostly taiga forests of Eurasia. A widespread species, but common only where there are relatively large tracts of tall spruce forests.

Lifestyle. It nests in tree cavities, often using old Great Spotted Woodpecker cavities, and can also inhabit artificial nests. Clutch contains 4–6 (up to 8) white eggs. The female incubates the eggs; both parents feed the chicks. Fledglings emerge from the nest at about 4 weeks of age. It feeds mainly on mice, voles, shrews and small birds, hunts from ambush, more often at dusk, but sometimes during the day. In hollows and hollows, pantries are often arranged from the carcasses of animals and birds. A sedentary species, young birds make small migrations in the first autumn in search of permanent territories.