Somatic diseases transmitted from birds to humans. Category: Diseases of birds

Name (lat.)

Composition and form of release

Antibacterial complex based on antibiotics. Reddish powder. Produced in ampoules of 5 ml (100 mg) in a package of 10 pieces; in vials of 10 ml (300 mg) in a package of 10 pieces; in vials of 20 ml (600 mg).

Pharmacological properties

DORIN has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, incl. staphylococci, streptococci, meningococci, gonococci, Escherichia, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Mycoplasma, Escherichia coli, Proteus, protozoa. The drug penetrates well into many organs and tissues. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached 30 minutes after administration. The therapeutic concentration of the antibiotic in the body persists for 24 hours. The drug belongs to the class of low-toxic compounds, does not cause functional changes in the body even after a 20-day administration of a multiple therapeutic dose. The drug goes well with many antibiotics.


Colibacillosis, salmonellosis, enteritis, gastroenterocolitis, dyspepsia, bronchopneumonia, pleurisy, respiratory mycoplasmosis, mastitis, endometritis, leptospirosis, chlamydia, piroplasmosis, necrobacteriosis, pasteurellosis, swine erysipelas, listeriosis, infections of the skin and soft tissues, and many other diseases whose pathogens are sensitive to drug.

Doses and method of application

Before use, an injection solution is prepared, for which the powder is dissolved in water for injection, novocaine solution, saline and some other solvents. Dorin solution is administered for 2-5 days in the following doses: calves - intramuscularly - 5-7 mg/kg of body weight, intravenously - 3 mg/kg of body weight; piglets - intramuscularly - 5 - 7 mg / kg of live weight; dogs, cats and fur animals - intramuscularly (intravenously) - 5 - 7 mg / kg of live weight; cows - against mastitis - intraperitoneally - 150 mg in each sick quarter, one injection per course of treatment; endometritis - intravenously - 150 mg per head, intrauterine - 150 mg, every other day; poultry - inside with a drink of 8 - 10 mg / kg per day, the course of treatment is 5 days.

Side effects


Increased individual sensitivity to dorin.

special instructions

After curing with the drug, milk is ready for consumption after 3 days, meat for slaughter - after 7 days.

Storage conditions

List B. In a place protected from light at a temperature of -40 to +25 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years.

Today, agriculture, food industry, entertainment and services are quite widely developed. We have the opportunity to contact with various animals and food. In zoos, at exhibitions, in pet stores you can find a large number of both domestic and exotic animals and birds. Agriculture, the agro-industrial complex is diligently engaged in poultry breeding. Many keep a bird on personal plots, in houses and apartments. The bird has become not only an object Food Industry, but also a true friend and life partner with whom we contact in city parks, zoological parks, at home. Interest in the bird does not decrease. But at the same time, anxiety also increases. A natural question arises: what can be infected from a bird? In fact, the question is twofold and contains two subtexts: what can be infected by contact with poultry and household poultry, and what can be infected by eating poultry meat.

What diseases can be transmitted from birds?

Often birds are carriers of diseases such as salmonellosis, pseudotuberculosis, campylobacteriosis, colibacillosis, listeriosis, pasteurellosis. In addition, birds can provoke allergies.

According to veterinarians, urban, domestic and economic birds are most often ill with trichomoniasis and psittacosis. They also pose a risk to humans. most people believe that farm and wild birds are the most dangerous, but this is not the case. The greatest risk of infection is from domestic, decorative bird especially from parrots.

Trichomoniasis should be understood as an infectious disease in which the urinary tract becomes inflamed in humans and animals. The cause is the microorganism Trichomonas. Even if the bird is not sick, it can be a carrier of this infection. Pathogens can survive up to 2 hours in environment. Therefore, if you do not wash your hands after contact with the bird. You can get yourself such a disease. Its danger lies in the fact that the disease in the early stages develops asymptomatically, but in the end it can lead to infertility, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. Often these infections provoke the development of cancerous tumors.

According to WHO, approximately 10% of all cases of acute pneumonia are caused by chlamydia, which are carried by birds. These are the so-called ornithosis pneumonias.

Twirl is a disease that predominantly affects pigeons. The basis of pathogenesis is the defeat of the central nervous system. Pigeons begin to make uncontrolled head turns. Often they die from a dislocation of the neck or from exhaustion, convulsions. In humans, it can manifest itself after contact with a bird in the form of conjunctivitis, swelling of the lymph nodes.

Children who are constantly in contact with poultry and employees are especially sick. Agriculture. When infected with ornithosis, the first signs are similar to a cold. There is a chill, trembling in the body. The temperature may rise. Gradually there is a sore throat, runny nose, perspiration. It becomes painful to swallow, pain appears in the eyes.

Prevention of psittacosis is quite simple and comes down to the need for personal hygiene, the rules of contact with birds. So, hands should be thoroughly washed after each contact. Most of the infection is transmitted through the hands. It is necessary to monitor your immunity, since people with reduced immunity are most at risk of getting sick. This requires good nutrition, timely provision of the body with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins.

Timely diagnosis of infection is important. To do this, it is regularly necessary to undergo preventive examinations, take tests for infections, including hidden ones. The main danger of psittacosis, and other diseases that are transmitted by birds, is that they are asymptomatic. At the same time, serious violations occur in the body, immunity decreases. After a few months, and sometimes even years later, the disease manifests itself in the form of severe metabolic disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases.

If the disease is detected at an early stage, the necessary measures can be taken to treat it. Methods of early diagnosis are various bacteriological, immunological methods. The most accurate method is molecular genetic, such as PCR. With the help of these methods, it is possible to detect the infection in a timely manner.

1. Razg. Jottle-iron. Gonorrhea. /i> Secondary semantization of the pun three feathers. UMK, 54. 2. Jarg. they say hangover syndrome. Vakhitov 2003, 152.

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  • - a syndrome that develops in people working under high pressure in an underwater bell or at a considerable depth with breathing apparatus ...

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  • - a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another, Infection occurs through direct contact ...

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  • - according to Z. Freud - a purely practical summary concept, meaning the threshold for the summation of predisposition and experience, as a result of which many people move from the category of healthy to the category of nervous patients, or ...

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  • - hangover...

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The lifespan of a domestic parrot varies primarily from its size.

Small parrots, budgerigars, for example, live up to 15 years of age, cockatiels up to 30 years old, cockatoos up to 40 years old, but among this variety of parrots, grays live up to 80 years or more with proper maintenance at home.

But even having provided our pet parrot with healthy living conditions: the environment (cage, space), nutrition, a minimum of stress and communication, we cannot insure their body from incurable diseases and accidents. But few people know that a sick parrot is a real danger to humans.

ornithosis, psittacosis(from lat. psittacus- "parrot"), psittacosis- an acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which belongs to the genus Chlamydia.

The disease is observed in an asymptomatic form, acute and chronic. Clinical signs are uncharacteristic and are common to all other diseases: lack of appetite, drowsiness, weakness, profuse diarrhea, leading to exhaustion and death. First of all, the respiratory and digestive systems (including the liver) suffer, then the cardiovascular system, spleen and eyes (bilateral conjunctivitis occurs).

Inflammation of the eye begins with acute catarrh with intense lacrimation. A day later, serous-mucous or muco-purulent inflammation develops with sticky discharges. There is gluing of the eyelids. Sometimes signs of uveitis develop - the so-called "glass eye". The bird is blind. Moreover, most often this process is developed on the one hand, although with a long course, the other eye is also involved in the pathological process.

For birds, this disease is often fatal.

Human infection in most cases occurs by aerogenic (air-dust) way - by inhalation of dust containing chlamydia (dried particles of bird feces, as well as secretions from the beak, contaminated fluff particles) and is characterized by fever, general intoxication, damage to the lungs, central nervous system, enlargement of the liver and spleen. It will take more than one month to treat a person. There is no effective vaccine to prevent psittacosis.

Salmonellosis is an acute intestinal infection of animals and humans caused by salmonella ( lat.Salmonella - a genus of non-spore-bearing bacteria

Salmonella, having entered the intestine with food and water, multiply in the small intestine, colonize the large intestine, penetrate into solitary follicles and Peyer's patches, as well as mesenteric lymph nodes, from which they enter the bloodstream. In the places of reproduction, inflammation develops (intestinal mucosa, gallbladder, liver), which leads to subsequent necrosis.

After a short incubation period (3-4 days), the sick bird develops lethargy, depression, fever, and intestinal upset. Often, with an acute infection, blue beak and paws occur, indicating sepsis. The stools are liquid, orange-green in color, sometimes with the presence of blood. In subacute and chronic course, yellowness of the mucous membranes, depletion of the bird, and sometimes yolk peritonitis are noted. Possible damage to the lungs, joints, brain, uterus and fetus. Death occurs from dehydration, numerous hemorrhages, intoxication and sepsis.

In the subacute course, clinical signs are not expressed and proceed in the form of depression, apathy, arthritis, intestinal disorders, conjunctivitis. Sometimes there are paralysis of the wings, legs.

Salmonella is one of the main causative agents of severe human food toxic infections. The incubation period is from 2-6 hours to 2-3 days, usually 12-24 hours. The onset is acute. With the gastrointestinal form, chills, headache and muscle pain, tachycardia appear, the temperature rises to 38-39 ° C or more. At the same time, there are pains in the epi- and mesogastrium, nausea, repeated vomiting, frequent watery, fetid stools with greenery. Dehydration, convulsions, arterial hypotension are possible.

Tuberculosis is a slow-moving disease that develops over several months and leads to the exhaustion of the body, and then to the death of the bird. In most cases, the diagnosis is very difficult to make.

The causative agent of the disease enters the body of a parrot, as a rule, along with food and airborne droplets. When infected with tuberculosis, tuberculous nodules can form in the internal organs of a bird, which eventually cause paralysis of the limbs.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, a parrot has a respiratory disorder, and with damage to the digestive organs, severe diarrhea. Also, tuberculosis can affect the bones and skin. Signs of the disease are: lethargy, weight loss, weakening or lack of appetite, drop in egg production, intestinal upset, damage to the joints of the legs and claws, dysfunction of internal organs, progressive anemia, the appearance of tumors and abscesses on the skin and under the skin, nodules on the mucous membranes .

Treatment of a parrot with tuberculosis, as a rule, does not give a positive result.

Encephalitis or West Nile fever is caused by an RNA virus of the genus Alphavirus.

Encephalitis is carried by mosquitoes. The virus circulates in the mosquito-bird cycle. The vectors of the virus from animals to humans are many species of mosquitoes of the genus Culex And Aedes.

After a primary infection from mosquitoes, birds can further spread the infection by pecking, cannibalism.

The incubation period is from several days to 2-3 weeks. The disease may be preceded by loss of appetite, lethargy of the bird, exhaustion, diarrhea for several days. The disease itself begins acutely with a decrease in body temperature (below 40 degrees) and is accompanied by chills of the bird (feathers are shaking), convulsive manifestations, and cuts of the limbs.

Encephalitis usually affects children under 15 years of age or adults over 50 years of age. The elders have sudden high fever, headache, vomiting, listlessness, stiffness rapidly progressing to the neck, convulsions, muscle spasms, tremors, stupor and coma. In children, encephalitis is manifested by fever, headache and vomiting within 1–2 days. After an apparent recovery, painful neurological conditions may still be observed for a long time. Although very rare, the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus can cause death (once a 30%-60% mortality rate was recorded).

Campylobacteriosis is an acute zoonotic infectious disease caused by pathogenic for humans species of bacteria of the genus campylobacter. It is characterized by symptoms of intoxication with a predominant lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. In children and debilitated individuals, it often occurs in the form of sepsis. The natural susceptibility of people is high, as evidenced by the high incidence of campylobacteriosis in children under 2 years of age. The clinical picture of the disease can vary from asymptomatic carriage to severe lesions.

Tularemia in parrots

Tularemia ( Tularemia), the causative agent is bacteria(tularensis kind Francisella families Brucellaceae)- an acute natural focal zoonotic infectious disease with severe intoxication and damage to the skin, lymph nodes, sometimes lungs, eyes, gastrointestinal tract.

The natural susceptibility of people is high.

Listeriosis in parrots

listeriosis, The causative agent is a mobile, non-spore-forming Gram-positive rod. Listeria monocytogenes a saprozoonotic infectious disease that predominantly affects neonates, pregnant women, and immunosuppressed individuals. It differs by clinical polymorphism with manifestations from latent infection to severe lesions of the nervous system and sepsis.

The natural susceptibility of people is low. Diseases occur most often in the elderly, newborns, in people with immunodeficiencies.

You will also have to decide - wait for the natural death of a parrot or resort to euthanasia - if your parrot has one of the following diseases.

This is one of the most serious viral diseases. The causative agent is the Borreliota avium virus, which has many various forms. The most common of these is canary pox. Its carriers are finches. Budgerigars can also become infected with this disease.

The first signs of infection with the smallpox virus are lethargy and lack of appetite.

The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of pockmarks on the head, a white coating on the tongue and throat, as well as the release of blood with droppings. The parrot quickly rises in body temperature, vomiting and bloody diarrhea are possible. After some time, the body of the bird becomes dehydrated, convulsions begin, and then paralysis of the limbs occurs.

Symptoms of the smallpox form of the disease are a rash of vesicles on the eyelids and in the corners of the mouth, which then turn into scabs, ruffled plumage, apathy, and lack of appetite. If the bird manifests itself: the formation of films and bleeding ulcers on the mucous membranes, shortness of breath with whistling and wheezing, then these are symptoms of the diphtheria form of the disease.

There are no effective treatments for this disease yet. Viruses are so dangerous that there is often simply no effective vaccine against them that can act. Parrots infected with the avian pox virus die.

Bird flu is a dangerous infectious disease. Bird flu is carried by wild ducks and other birds. Bird flu is especially dangerous for parrots kept in outdoor enclosures. It occurs in birds in two forms: mild and severe. Symptoms of a weak form are: reduced egg production, lethargy, loss of appetite, brittleness and loss of feathers. And if a parrot has: thirst, weakness, fever, brittleness, feather loss, damage to the respiratory system, indigestion and damage to the nervous system, then these are already signs of a severe form of the disease.

Bird flu is extremely dangerous and spreads very quickly. The only way to prevent an epidemic is to destroy all infected birds as soon as possible, as well as those birds that have been in contact with sick birds.

pasteurellosis in parrots

An infectious contagious disease that occurs in acute, subacute or chronic form, the causative agent of which is the Pasteurella bacterium.

Pasteurellosis affects all types of parrots. The source of the disease is a sick and recovered bird. Also, the disease is transmitted through contaminated water, feed, inventory. The incubation period lasts from 2-3 hours to 2-5 days. The disease can proceed superacutely, acutely and chronically. With a hyperacute course of the disease, an outwardly healthy parrot suddenly dies. In the acute course of pasteurellosis, the following symptoms are observed: lethargy, mucous discharge from the beak and nasal openings, fever up to 43.5 ° C, liquid droppings of gray, yellow or greenish color, sometimes mixed with blood, lack of appetite, severe thirst, severe weakness .

If, during the acute course of the disease, the bird is not treated, the disease takes on a chronic form. Symptoms of the chronic form are: viscous discharge from the nasal openings, poor appetite, liquid droppings and, as a rule, emaciation. A parrot that has been ill with pasteurellosis acquires immunity, but serves as a carrier of the infection and infects other birds. If pasteurellosis is suspected, the sick bird should be shown to the veterinarian and, if the latter confirms the preliminary diagnosis, the bird is immediately euthanized.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis in parrots

Respiratory mycoplasmosis is a chronic contagious infectious disease that affects the respiratory organs of birds. The causative agent of the disease is Mycoplasma gallisepticum, a microorganism that is weakly resistant to external environment. As a rule, respiratory mycoplasmosis in most cases is complicated by colibacillosis, salmonellosis, and various staphyloccal infections. Budgerigars and cockatiels are predominantly susceptible to this disease.

Infection occurs by airborne droplets, and is also transmitted to offspring through infected eggs. A sick bird develops cough, sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose, tracheal wheezing, shortness of breath, exhaustion, focal, diffuse-catarrhal or croupous pneumonia, impaired liver and kidney function. The final diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian on the basis of laboratory research by isolation of mycooplasms. When the respiratory organs are affected, parrots are usually euthanized.

This disease is caused by Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis, which occurs in parrots. As a rule, pseudotuberculosis occurs in birds against the background of other diseases, such as chronic intestinal disorders. The first signs of the disease that you need to pay attention to are: depression, disheveled plumage, unnatural head position, shortness of breath. Also, with this disease, the functions of the liver and kidneys are impaired. The final diagnosis is made only on the basis of bacteriological studies.

Despite the fact that the pathogen is very sensitive to broad-spectrum antibiotics, sick birds die due to rapidly developing intoxication of the body.

An acute infectious viral disease that affects not only wild, but also indoor birds.

In infected Newcastle disease parrots, there is a lack of appetite, fever, shortness of breath. As the disease develops, the pupils of the birds increase, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and watery diarrhea begins (liquid stools of a greenish, grayish or yellowish color), the bird's goiter is filled with gases and a cream-colored liquid with a fetid odor, fever, rhinitis, cough, impaired coordination of movements, twisting of the neck. After some time, the last phase before death is observed in sick parrots: the bird spins around its axis, often falls on its back, and then it experiences paralysis of the limbs.

At all times, keeping and breeding chickens has been a very popular business. That is what it is now.

Like all living creatures, these birds are susceptible to various diseases, which is one of the main problems of chicken breeding. Ideally, prevention is better than cure, and for this, preventive measures should be taken. But sometimes even they are not effective. Therefore, in order to successfully combat chicken diseases, both an experienced and a novice farmer must have a sufficient understanding of them.

This material highlights the most common diseases that can affect the chicken population: a clinical picture, modern techniques diagnosis and treatment, as well as effective preventive measures.

How to recognize that a chicken is sick?

In order to recognize the disease in time, you should regularly inspect the livestock of chickens and constantly monitor them.

Looking at the bird you need to pay attention to:

If you still find pets that can be assumed to have any disease - isolate them from others and keep watching. Ideally, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian.

The main groups of diseases that domestic chickens are susceptible to

Diseases that affect chickens are divided into two large groups: contagious (transmitted from bird to bird) and non-contagious (not transmitted).

Pullorosis or typhus- a disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It affects birds of all age groups. The gastrointestinal tract suffers: the animal has a lack of appetite, constant thirst. The bird is lethargic and lethargic. The comb sags and turns pale, tachypnea (rapid breathing) is observed.

The main condition for the treatment of this pathology is a quick diagnosis. Sick chickens with water are given antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group (neomycin, biomycin) or penicillins (ampicillin). Perhaps intramuscular injection of these drugs.

In order to prevent chicken coop hygiene should be observed. If an outbreak of pullorosis occurs, diseased birds should be isolated, and disinfection should be carried out in the chicken coop.

Pseudoplague (Newcastle disease)- a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Sources of infection sick animals, their food and water. The disease affects the nervous and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract. The bird has impaired coordination of movements (a shaky gait, constantly falls on its stomach), mucus accumulates in the mouth. The chicken is forced to breathe with its beak open, distant wheezing is heard when breathing. No appetite, profuse diarrhea.

This disease is not curable. Chickens with these symptoms should be immediately isolated, killed and burned.

If this is not done, then you can lose all the chickens. To prevent pseudo-plague, it is necessary to carry out timely disinfection of the chicken coop and vaccination of birds.

Viral pathology, which often affects domestic chickens. Its main symptom is the presence of sores on the skin (pockmarks). Infection occurs by contact. The source could be:

  • a sick laying hen or other pet,
  • feed,
  • water.

The target of the virus is the cornea and internal organs. The main condition is to start treatment at the initial stage of the disease. External lesions are treated with antiseptics: a solution of boric acid or furacilin. Tetracycline is added to food for 7-10 days. If the disease could not be recognized on initial stage, then all infected birds must be disposed of.

salmonellosis- The causative agents of this infection are pathogenic strains of Salmonella. Rapidly progressing, the disease affects all chicken organs. The laying hen becomes infected through food and water. The main symptom of this disease is profuse, liquid and frothy stools. Sick animals are lethargic, there is no appetite, but there is thirst. The joints of the extremities are swollen.

If domestic chickens are sick with salmonellosis, it is strictly forbidden to eat raw eggs, because they are the main source of human infection with salmonellosis. These bacteria die only after prolonged heat treatment.

Treatment of this infectious pathology is carried out within 21 days. At this time, furazolidone is added to the drinking of chickens. Streptomycin can be given with food. To prevent the spread of infection, sick individuals should be isolated. It is necessary to treat the chicken coop with disinfectants. Birds must be vaccinated to avoid salmonellosis.

Tuberculosis- a bacterial infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Caused by human and avian strains of Mycobacterium. The disease occurs when birds are kept in unsanitary conditions. The sick laying hen is lethargic, drowsy, with a pale comb. An important sign is the absence of eggs. Animals actively lose weight.

It is not possible to cure this infection, so sick animals must be disposed of. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to constantly maintain cleanliness in the chicken coop.

Ornithosis (psittacosis)- a particularly dangerous disease that affects the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems of chickens. Poultry is infected by airborne or fecal-oral route. They lose their appetite and become emaciated, defecate in liquid droppings. The main symptom is heavy hoarse breathing and sticking of feathers. Also, the following symptom may indicate a disease with ornithosis: mucus is released from the bird's nose.

Treatment consists in desoldering the birds with potassium permanganate water and antibiotic therapy with tetracycline or drugs of the fluoroquinolone group. Contact but seemingly healthy chickens should also be given antibiotics for two days as a preventive measure. The chicken coop and all equipment must be disinfected.

Coliinfection (colisepticemia) - a disease caused by a bacterium of the Escherichia coli group. The disease occurs due to non-compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the place where chickens are kept. A laying hen can also become infected through food of dubious quality. An alarming symptom is lethargy and loss of appetite against the background of growing thirst. Breathing is hoarse, heavy. characteristic feature co-infection - a significant increase in body temperature.

Treatment consists in timely diagnosis and prompt antibiotic therapy. For these purposes, furazolidone and ampicillin are used.

chicken flu- a viral disease that affects the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. The main symptom is difficult to identify. A sick laying hen becomes lethargic, she loses her appetite, her earrings and comb turn blue. Along with this, there is labored noisy breathing and a significant loosening of the stool. Treatment of this infection is not possible! Sick birds are destroyed.

coccidiosis- a disease caused by protozoan coccidia, sparing neither adults nor young individuals. Chickens can not only get sick, but also be asymptomatic carriers of the infection. The disease affects the gastrointestinal tract and its main symptom is loose bloody stools. In addition, there is a loss of appetite and general asthenia of animals. Birds become infected through poor-quality feed. When the first symptoms appear, the disease spreads with lightning speed. If you do not take action, the entire livestock may die. Therefore, animals with manifestations of coccidiosis should be isolated as soon as possible.

To prevent coccidiosis in the chicken coop, it is necessary to observe a sanitary and hygienic regime and prevent dampness. Pet food must meet the required quality standards.


A group of diseases that are caused by helminths (worms). They are contagious diseases.

At an early stage, the disease responds well to treatment with phenothiazine. IN advanced stages treatment is useless.

cestodose- a disease caused by a tapeworm. Its symptoms are seizures and weight loss. Infection occurs through poor-quality feed. For treatment, the drug filiksan is used.

They are contagious, but they are less dangerous than infectious ones. Their treatment almost always ends in recovery, but if ignored, a sick animal may die. Infection occurs when chickens come into contact with sick brethren.

Ringworm- affects the feather cover and skin of birds. Pale yellow lesions appear on the scallop and wattles. Later, feathers begin to crumble and stool disorder occurs, then body weight rapidly drops. Unfortunately, there is no point in treating this disease. A preventive measure is keeping the bird house clean.

Aspergillosis- a disease caused by a fungus that affects the respiratory tract.

  • Chickens cough and sneeze, breathing is noisy.
  • There are discharge from the nose, excrement with blood.

This pathology can be cured with blue vitriol, which must be added to the water and food of birds for several days.

Effective and quite old is method of processing the dwelling of chickens with dust. But this is a dubious way, because due to its toxicity, dust can cause the death of animals.

You can get a more visual and complete picture of chicken diseases, their prevention and treatment by watching this video.