Etxt literacy test where. eTXT content and copywriting exchange: how to make money for a beginner? Selling Photos on Etxt

Copywriting as a way of earning appeared relatively recently, but has become quite popular. This is due to the fact that it is available to everyone. Anyone who can write good lyrics, has the opportunity to earn on it.

For some, this is a part-time job, for others it is the main source of income. The main thing is to choose a good platform for work with guarantees. One such platform, which is very popular, is the eTXT exchange.

How to register on eTXT

To register, you need to go to the site, select "Registration", enter your data: full name, email address, select types of work:

SEO copywriting

You will also need to check the box after reading the terms of the User Agreement. After filling in all the fields, you will need to go to your mailbox, open the letter from the exchange and confirm the registration. The account is activated and you can start working.

It is better to immediately link the wallet so that you can withdraw the earned funds. If this is a customer, he will need to register a customer account. This can be selected immediately when filling out the registration form.

You can link a Yandex.Money, WebMoney or Qiwi wallet. The wallet also needs to be activated. In the settings, the number is indicated, after which on email Received an email with a link to go. After clicking on the link, the wallet is activated.

How to pass the literacy test, is it mandatory?

The literacy test was introduced relatively recently, after numerous complaints from customers. Indeed, in order to register on the test exchange, it is not necessary to have some kind of special and specialized education. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, not very good, because the author's literacy can leave the best. Thus, he will let the customer down, take up precious time, especially when deadlines are burning.

The literacy test allows you to determine the level. His results as a percentage are reflected in the profile and everyone can see them. If you pass it, you can get access to expensive orders. Expensive orders from 25 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces are not hidden from newcomers, but they cannot apply for their implementation. The test includes 10 tasks, for which 7 minutes are given. The results are known immediately.

The essence of earnings is that copywriters sell their content. They can write articles and place them for free sale, or take orders and complete tasks on a specific topic in compliance with the customer's specifications. There are also those who do not write anything, but still make money on the exchange, buying cheap articles and reselling them for 2-3 times more.

The ETXT Articles Exchange has a rating system. For every 10 rubles earned, 1 rating point is awarded. For example, if the performer's rating is 100, this means that he completed orders for 1000 rubles. Although, the rating is not always an indicator of the amount earned on the exchange, because it can decrease. So, for example, a performer who has earned 20,000 rubles on the stock exchange, instead of 2000 ratings, may have 10, -153, 1, - 1456, etc., if he goes into the red due to overdue work.

The rating is removed if the order is not completed and has been overdue. Customer by own will or at the request of the performer can return the rating to him. Although, he is not required to do so. Sometimes moderators themselves can remove an already accepted work at the request of the customer and remove the rating of the performer if something is wrong.

If 10 rubles is equal to – 1 point when rating is added, then 1 ruble is equal to 1 point when withdrawing. This means that if the contractor does not fulfill an order worth 120 rubles, not 12, but 120 points will be removed from the rating. For this reason, it is better to avoid delays and submit orders on time, or ask the customer to extend the deadline a little if the contractor does not have time and he has the serious reason.

eTXT anti-plagiarism: what is an online uniqueness checker for?

One of the main requirements for the article is uniqueness. This is always specified in the order. Otherwise, how will the customer understand that the performer wrote the work himself, and did not copy it from somewhere else on the Internet and pass it off as his own. The exchange, after the work has been submitted for verification, automatically runs it through anti-plagiarism. But it is better to do this in advance so that the work is not returned for revision.

After checking the uniqueness, the performer can increase it if the level does not reach the desired one. The program is inside the site - online check. You can also download and install it on your computer. It is advisable to download the program and install it on your computer, because the number of online checks is limited and depends on the rating. Although, you can check the uniqueness online for a fee, but this is not suitable for everyone.

Advego is older than eTXT, but is already inferior to it in numerous ratings. For beginners, eTXT is more suitable, because we great amount. There are few orders on Advego when compared with the second exchange. In addition, most of them are related to posting, and the payment is minimal, so there is a lot of fuss.

Advego content exchange

You need to register on forums and sites, verify your accounts, leave comments, etc. Therefore, for those who want to write texts, eTXT is more suitable. In both exchanges, articles can be put up for free sale. Moderation is very strict on Advego, which is not very good for performers, but for customers it is an advantage, because they are guaranteed to receive high-quality content.

On eTXT, moderation is very long, it can take up to 7 days, which is also not very suitable for artists who want to quickly post their content and sell it.

Hello everybody! Finally, I got to the review of my favorite copywriting exchange. A lot has already been written about her - what kind of payments are there, how to write articles and a lot of interesting things. I will try, based on my experience, to draw up a kind of instruction and a guide to action for a beginner. This is exactly what I lacked when I decided to do copywriting, I had to read a lot and build a logical sequence of actions in my head.

So, let's begin:

You are in search of additional income with the prospect of basic earnings on the Internet. You had a solid 4 or 5 in Russian at school. You like to write and express your thoughts on paper. You are not looking for "easy money" on the Internet in the form of browsing sites for money and are not ready to like photos for a penny. You are looking for a job that will not only bring income, but also help you develop, improve your skills, and learn new things. Then feel free to read on.

  1. Register on the copywriting exchange [link]. I registered on several exchanges, but many have problems with payments, but here everything is fair - I wrote-passed-accepted-paid. Data during registration are standard full name, email, country. Important! Full name indicate real, later I will explain why.
  2. We carry out Literacy test . Without test, orders over 25 rubles. beyond 1000 characters will not be available. The test contains 10 questions from the school curriculum, which must be answered in 7 minutes. Screenshot of questions below. If you are not satisfied with the result of the test, you can retake it after 2 weeks.

3. Download the program to your computer ETXT Anti-plagiarism . You can find it on the side in the menu Service-Check for uniqueness. If someone thinks that he can download a ready-made test and sell it on the stock exchange, then he is deeply mistaken. The uniqueness of the written texts should be almost 100%. The requirements for the order indicate the degree of uniqueness. Before sending the text to the customer, it must be checked, otherwise it will automatically return for revision.

4. Register on the site spelling . Very good service to check the text for grammatical, punctuation and stylistic errors, as well as typos and extra spaces.

5. Create a wallet in the system WebMoney . The withdrawal of earned money from the exchange is carried out on WebMoney. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 250 rubles. When creating a wallet NECESSARILY you need to make a formal certificate. He is "issued" after uploading his passport data. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of here, because this is a reliable payment system, all personal data is protected. IMPORTANT! The full name on the exchange and webmoney must match, that's why we write the real name, otherwise the money will not be withdrawn to webmoney. Next, on the exchange in the My Wallets section, save the wallet number, which begins with the letter R . Not to be confused with the number of your personal account on WebMoney.

6.Hooray! Now you are ready to apply for your first order. Here is my most important advice, I read it in some book on copywriting - do not take orders less than 10 rubles / 1000 characters . Customers thus cash in on inexperienced beginners. Be sure that you will be trusted with an order with a price higher than 10 rubles. I didn’t have to look for a long time, my first order was over 10 rubles. for 1000 characters. You can apply for several orders at once, approval or refusal will be known within a few hours. As soon as you are entrusted with writing the text, the money from the customer is already blocked and after the text is accepted, it will be transferred to you within 3 hours. The order will definitely not remain unpaid.

7.Congratulations! The first money in the wallet. The rating began to grow. There are reviews. It is these parameters that customers pay attention to when choosing a contractor. And yet ... asterisks. If you have time and desire, then you can earn them, but if not, then you don’t need to. To receive stars, you need to write the proposed text for free. It is checked by the competent correctors of the exchange and decide how many stars to give to whom. I only got 1 star in rewriting from the 3rd time, I haven’t tried copywriting yet. I'm fine without them. Enough orders.

8. Further, the scheme of work is simple - scroll through the list of orders, submit an application for the order you like, wait for approval, write, strictly observing the deadlines!, check for uniqueness and errors, hand over, wait for the text to be accepted by the customer, receive money, withdraw as soon as a decent amount , and run to spend))))))).

9. If there are no orders to your liking, there are no topics close to you, then write about whatever you want and sell finished articles in the Articles Store, where you set the price yourself and wait for the buyer.

The stock market is very interesting. Different people work here, regardless of age and profession - schoolchildren and pensioners, chemists and builders. There is always work, if there is a desire. Desire to earn and develop!

Friends and readers, welcome to the blog. Today we will talk about the order of passing and the benefits of testing on one of the popular Etxt. Do you want to earn a good reputation that can help you grow your income?

Many aspiring copywriters are wondering how to pass the Etxt literacy test in order to increase the likelihood of getting more expensive jobs. This is quite understandable, because authors who know the rules of the Russian language well stand out on the stock exchange.

Digressing from the main topic, there is great news for beginners. Still little experience and much to learn about writing texts for money? There are excellent training programs about making money from copywriting. I'll show you where to find them.


In the left menu of the profile is the icon "literacy test". It consists of 10 questions for which a limited time is allotted. The user must quickly select the correct answers from several suggested ones. Lack of time significantly reduces the likelihood of using online services for checks. Therefore, positive results can be highly appreciated by experienced customers.

If the performer did not have time to answer any questions, they will not be counted. Immediately after the end of the test, the result will be visible. A positive result is 7 or more correct answers. If the user did not complete the task (less than 7 correct answers), then he can pass it again after 2 weeks. Authors who scored 7-9 points can also improve their score after 2 months.

What to focus on when preparing:

  • Rules for writing participial and adverbial phrases.
  • Spelling of complex words.
  • Punctuation when using conjunctions.
  • The use of introductory words and appeals.
  • Verbs with the ending "tsya / tsya".
  • Syntax of compound sentences.

These are just a few of the topics covered. To be sure of the final result, it is recommended to practice first (use other resources).

By the way, have you already considered popular professions for which literacy and a good style are not so important? I will suggest one source of valuable information.

Online training center.


If the user gives the correct answers to all questions, this will positively affect his reputation.

He will receive the following benefits:

  • Increased probability of receiving more expensive orders (from 15 rubles / 1000 for and from 25/1000 for copyright). Newcomers who have not been tested can find it much more difficult to land a more profitable job.
  • Reputation growth. It is important for the customer that the potential contractor does not make mistakes. The badge that the author has successfully passed the Etxt literacy test gives tangible confidence in the quality of future texts that the author will write.
  • Growth of competitiveness. An author whose profile has a 100% test result gets a good reputation. Even with a low rating, he has a decent chance of getting a decent order.

This concludes the article. By the way, do you plan to increase potential income by expanding thematic coverage? If yes, then information about .

Copywriter, traffic manager, marketer - these and other professions bring money. The amounts may differ, as well as the specifics of employment. Do you know in which direction it is better to look in order to go on a really successful road?

Stay in touch, there will be quite a few publications about finance and earnings on the Internet. Subscribe and receive up-to-date information among the first. Good luck to you in any endeavors. Until communication.

As promised, this article will reveal some secrets, namely, how best to prepare in order to pass the literacy test on the copywriting exchange the first time. . On this copywriting exchangeyou just need to pass a literacy test in order to receive for your work, relying make money selling articles .

Unlike simpler sites where you can very easily get click earnings , for example, or earn money by entering captcha , Etxt copywriting exchangeis a platform for a higher and more stable making money on the internet . But here, at first, you will earn little money until you pass the well-known, notorious literacy test. Not everyone manages to pass it the first time, since most do not know that only 7 minutes are given to complete it, while you need to answer 10 questions with multiple answers. So how do you pass the literacy test on Etxt?

To successfully pass the Etxt literacy test, the number of correct answers must be at least seven. Many approach the first time passing the test frivolously and without appropriate preparation, not even suspecting that the next attempt will be given. beginner copywriter only after 2 weeks.

Agree that this is not so little, given that your thoughts cost money and you want to earn right now. Therefore, do not rush to click on the coveted icon for passing the test.

First, it would be nice to start by trying to pass online tests in Russian, which are quite a lot on the Internet. Only after several such successful tests, you can proceed to the literacy test for Etxt . Choose a convenient place and time so that no one bothers you to concentrate as much as possible within the next seven minutes.

And now let's go directly to the options for tasks that you may meet in the literacy test on the Etxt exchange. You may be asked to choose among several sentences one sentence written with a grammatical error. Or, for example, four sentences will be given to choose from and the question will be asked: “In which of these cases are the highlighted words written separately?”. It is worth giving examples of such proposals:

  • Option a: (Why) what was clear, now you have a question?
  • Option b: (For some reason) we have questions.
  • Option in: You (somehow) are very joyful today.
  • Option d: (No one) can find this magical flower.

As you can see from the above example, for a trained person, these answer options do not cause any difficulty and you can easily find the correct answer. However, there are more difficult questions. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a suitable answer in a task where the question is in correctly placed commas in a complex sentence, or in the correct declension of phrases, rarely occurring words.

But if you are sufficiently prepared, then passing the literacy test on Etxt, as a rule, should not cause you much difficulty and you will be able to correctly answer at least these necessary seven questions. Yes, and no one has canceled the help of the Internet!

But then you will be able to count not only on five-ten-ruble orders per thousand characters, but you will be able to claim higher and more worthy earnings on articles on copywriter exchanges. After all, on the stock exchange there are orders for twenty-five rubles, and fifty and even more for a thousand characters. Of course, it would be nice to also pass an assessment of your qualifications on the exchange itself with the writing of a qualifying article, but believe me that this is not at all necessary in order to start working with more expensive customers. But a literacy test will help you in this, as well as possible.

All the best!

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Many users choose to make money on the Internet both as an additional and main income. Writing an article is one of the most popular types. remote work. Intermediaries between the customer and the contractor are special content services. One of the leading places in the TOP is occupied by the copywriting exchange -

Reasons for the popularity of Etxt

A large amount of work and a wide selection of ready-made texts. Etxt has been operating since 2008, during which time more than a million users have managed to register in it. Performers have a huge number of orders for various themes, volumes, prices, besides, without any restrictions, users can place their texts for free sale. Customers have a large selection of performers to work with, a lot of articles in the store, if there is no time to wait for the order to be completed, you can always find the right text for your resource and purchase it at a bargain price.

Easy registration and easy interface management service. Even beginners can easily figure out how to find and take an order to work, buy an article, and mark up a task. Quick replenishment of the balance and easy withdrawal of earned money will not create financial issues for users.

Ability to sell and buy not only test content, but also photos. Nice addition text exchange - an opportunity for registered Etxt participants to sell copyrighted photographs, not only along with texts (as is practiced on other exchanges), but also separately. Webmasters do not have to look for third-party resources to purchase unique images for their projects. A large database of unique images on various topics will help fill any Internet project with high-quality and interesting content at reasonable prices. All posted images are checked for uniqueness.

Straight communication between the customer and the contractor through private messages. Through internal mail, you can easily find out all the questions of interest to the parties even before the order is completed, agree on a price, and discuss the nuances.

Informative user profile. The human factor has not been canceled, and before starting cooperation, you can familiarize yourself with the information in the user profile in detail: order statistics, average price of work, information that the account owner left about himself, topics that the contractor/customer works with, reviews of other exchange participants about him Etxt.

How to register on Etxt and fill out the profile correctly?

Creating an account on the Etxt exchange is easy. After clicking the "Register" button in the upper right corner of the main page of the site, a window will open for filling in personal data: full name, email address, login (it will be impossible to change later) and password.

Additional fields can be filled in later, and at this stage it is important to decide on the status - customer or contractor, since it cannot be changed later. If you are registering for earnings, then choose "executor", if you are going to buy or order articles - "customer".

For users who create an artist account, it is proposed to fill in additional information: types of work and their minimum price, topics in which the author is best versed. It is worth noting that this information will be used as a custom filter when searching for a job.

After entering all the necessary information, the user must familiarize himself with the rules of the project, and, if he agrees, check the box next to the corresponding item. To complete the account creation, after verifying the entered information, click " register". The system will automatically send email with a link to activate your account to the specified email address. After completing all registration operations, you can start filling out the user profile.

Completely fill out the profile on Etxt

It is not necessary to leave additional information about yourself and fill out your questionnaire in detail, but as experienced authors say, it is desirable. It will be difficult for a user without a rating and reviews to take an expensive order and compete with "star" authors, but by filling out his profile in detail, there is a chance to get Good work with high pay already in the first days after registration on the project. Many customers, approving applications for the performance of work, not only evaluate the text of the comment left by the user, but also his profile.

By clicking on your name in the upper block, the profile editing window will open.

The menu consists of several tabs:

  • basic information- here you can bind your number mobile phone to your account (to restore access to your account or receive notifications of incoming messages), specify additional information about yourself, your professional quality, work experience, education, topics that the account owner works with, prices (everything that may be of interest to the customer).
  • Avatar - upload your photo or any other picture that will be displayed in the application, next to the user's comment and in the profile.
  • Interface and notification settings– the ability to connect SMS authorization and mailing to the specified mobile phone number (paid service), change the settings for incoming system messages and email notifications, enable automatic authorization of texts posted in the article store, install an API key (required to complete some orders).
  • Additional Information– editing information about the types, topics and cost of services provided.

To increase the level of their skills and open access to expensive orders, the Etxt system offers all performers to pass the “Literacy Test” and complete orders for writing articles to receive stars, increasing the level of qualification.

The literacy test includes 10 questions on knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. 7 minutes are given to solve it, so it is unlikely that you will be able to find the correct answers on the Internet. After successfully passing the test (at least 7 correct answers), the contractor will have access to orders from 25 rubles per 1,000 characters. If you do not get a positive result the first time, you can repeat the test again after two weeks.

To get stars, the performer needs to complete test from the Etxt service. You can take a job in the corresponding section of the user menu - click on the [+] next to the selected type of service. After completing the test and text tasks, your wall for customers will look like this.

Of course, these are all numbers and often there is no quality behind them, but these are good indicators for customers who are faced with the choice of a contractor. In addition, the "star" authors of Etxt have one more access to high paying job, since many customers, when submitting a task, indicate the level of skill of the performer who can apply.

To increase the number of approved applications for execution, both a novice and experienced copywriter need to fill out their portfolio. It is easier for those who already had the experience of writing articles, they can be indicated both in the text version and place a link to the source where it was published.

When applying for some tasks, customers ask for examples of their work, they can just be taken from a completed portfolio. In addition, such examples of articles often become the reason for placing individual orders that are beneficial for the performer, because after reading the work of the author, the customer can evaluate his professionalism, experience (even if he is a beginner and the rating is still low), specialization, style and syllable.

Earnings on Etxt

Earnings on the Etxt exchange are divided into three ways, two of which are similar to each other, and the third differs in that it does not require any skills in writing articles. Let's start in order.

Writing custom texts

A suitable job can be found through the tab " Personal Area> Order search» in the user menu. On the search page, the author is prompted to specify the criteria for selecting tasks:

  • the type of work;
  • topics;
  • deadline;
  • minimum and maximum payment;
  • there is a skill limit.

If a custom filter is configured, you can leave nothing separately and use it.

Contractors can submit an unlimited number of applications for the execution of orders, and work simultaneously on several projects. Here it is important to assess your strengths and performance, since refusals to work and overdue orders entail not only a downgrade, but also negative feedback users.

As a rule, customers evaluate performers according to several criteria: rating, information in the profile, reviews from other users, examples of work in the portfolio. It is usually more difficult for beginners to take an order, but if the profile is filled out correctly, the customer will definitely pay attention to this when choosing a contractor.

Writing an article for free sale

All users without exception, even customers, can post their work in the Etxt article store. There are no restrictions on placement for newcomers to the project. To go to the location, click " Personal account > Add article».

As a rule, your first few articles are manually moderated by an exchange employee. If the article meets the requirements of uniqueness, literacy and style, it is published for sale. When choosing an article, buyers see the quality of the text indicated by the inspector, or vice versa, the presence of shortcomings.

After that, you can enable automatic moderation in the interface settings, so the article for sale will be published much faster.

The undoubted advantage of writing for sale is the absence of specific technical specifications necessary to add keywords to the text, the absence of deadlines, the free choice of topics and content of the article. But when placing an article in the store, you should understand that it can be bought the next day, and in a month, and maybe even in a year. And for a well-executed order, the contractor will receive his money immediately. Therefore, in order for articles to sell quickly, the author must come up with a catchy title for it, indicate keywords and write a detailed description.

Selling Photos on Etxt

Etxt provides the opportunity to earn money by selling copyrighted images - this is an advantageous feature that distinguishes it from the list of similar earnings services.
Any registered user can post author's photographs for sale, the main thing is that they have not been previously published on the network.

There is a lot of competition, so for good income will have to be creative. Do not forget about the quality of the pictures, it should be high. Exposed footage or photos from a low-resolution mobile phone camera are unlikely to pass moderation.

Photos on the topic of sports and fitness, healthy eating, business topics, images of children are bought well. To avoid the need to provide consent to the sale of a photograph of the model depicted in it, it is better to take pictures without a face, for example, how a person works at a computer, runs in a stadium, exercises on a sports equipment, etc.

How to take the first order and get paid for it

  1. Before submitting an application, you must carefully read the terms of reference, evaluate your knowledge on this topic and the ability to complete an order in set time. The task should always be read to the end! Some customers at the very end turn to the authors with a request to indicate certain words in the application (for example, start with a greeting: Good afternoon!) Or provide specific information (for example, links to similar works or topics for future articles).
  2. Work on writing the text should begin only after the approval of the author's candidacy. Do not be shy or afraid to ask the customer clarifying questions on the topic of the assignment.
  3. Before surrender finished work, the text must be read in full, checked for errors (you can use online services), uniqueness (Etxt has its own anti-plagiarism program, or use the services specified by the customer).
  4. In the comments to the result of the work, you can leave a message in which you express your readiness to correct or modify the text for the shortcomings indicated by the customer. This speaks of the conscientiousness of the performer, who brings the work begun to the end.

How to withdraw money from Etxt

Money for an accepted order or a purchased article is credited to the artist's balance after three hours. Having collected the minimum amount for withdrawal in the amount of 250 rubles, you can order a payout to your electronic wallet in the WebMoney system. Recently, the Etxt administration has added another withdrawal option - to Yandex.Money and QIWI wallet, minimum amount the same, only you need to order a payment on the international domain of the project Use the same username and password when logging in.

Applications are processed in manual mode, period from 1 to 5 days. There is also an urgent withdrawal to webmoney, only in this case a 5% commission is charged.

Checking text for uniqueness

Unlike Etxt, there are three ways to check for plagiarism. All of them are designed for different needs of users. This is very convenient because main indicator text is its uniqueness and you can check it "on the spot".

To go to the section, click Service > Online check.

The advantage of such a check is that you do not need to install additional programs. And regardless of the power of your PC and Internet connection, the text will be checked.

Of the shortcomings:

  • You must always wait for your turn.
  • Limits are set for free verification, if your texts go beyond the established limits, you need to pay.
  • And one more parameter that is completely incomprehensible to me - if you have not scored a rating of 20, a free check is not available to you. It remains to either replenish the balance, or install the program.

Etxt anti-plagiarism checker

If you have a powerful PC and unlimited Internet, installing Etxt anti-plagiarism will the best option. Versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS are available.

Regular updates of the program indicate that they are constantly working on it, making actual changes and bug fixes.

Anti-plagiarism has several types of checks and a lot of settings. However, for an ordinary writer who writes texts for free sale, a deep check is enough. If you write on an individual order, it is better to find out from the customer what type of verification he prefers.

If you need to check texts in "especially large sizes", Etxt provides another service - the Anti-plagiarism API. With it, you can check up to 1 million characters per day without a queue. However, such a pleasure will cost 3 yew. rubles per month. For details of using the service, you need to contact the support service of the Etxt exchange.

Etxt copywriting exchange - a godsend for the customer

The interface of the service is worked out to the smallest detail and it is easy to understand even for a novice customer. It is possible to place orders according to a previously saved template, distribute the results into folders, give detailed technical specifications even with links to pages of Internet resources. In the additional options, it is possible to specify the qualifications of the performer who can take the task to work, set up automatic acceptance of an application, or place a multi-order (several performers can take one order at once).

The functionality of Etxt allows you to fairly objectively assess the ability of the author to complete the order. In the profile, you can see the number of refusals from entrusted work, the average cost of articles per month, reviews from previous customers, examples of work in the portfolio, numbers of work already completed and articles sold in the store.

The text submitted by the author will be automatically checked by the system for uniqueness. The results also indicate the percentage of spelling errors detected by the service. There is also a button with which you can send the article to the proofreader for editing.

Large selection of ready-made articles on various topics and a wide price range. If the content is needed urgently, you can always find suitable articles in the store.

Instead of total

Text Exchange Etxt is an ideal place for both novice copywriters and experienced authors. There are many orders, everyone will find a suitable job. Customers have great opportunities to acquire high-quality content quickly and at affordable prices. Many authors run profitable promotions for wholesale buyers their articles in the store.

P.S. A small personal request! Since the Etxt service is very multifunctional, it is impossible to physically describe everything in detail. If I missed something important, from your point of view, please mention it in the comment.