How to make pockets for a stand with your own hands. How to make a stand with your own hands - a step-by-step algorithm of actions (61 photos)

In this article, we will look at the topic of how to make a stand for a school with your own hands... Now in every school, in every educational institution there are information stands on which various information is posted - schedules, announcements, information about fire safety, diplomas, certificates, and much, much more. But after all, not all institutions can afford to order an information stand from advertising companies. What to do in this case? There is a solution - you can make stands for the school with your own hands. Do not be alarmed, you will not need expensive materials and tools, the main thing is creativity, a little patience, time and, perhaps, the help of others, to generate ideas, and together it’s always more fun. When decorating stands with your own hands, do not try to follow clear canons, make them standard, because in the modern world they like to look more at beautiful pictures and photos, and not read large texts, do not be afraid to add a little creativity, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Where to begin

Let's take a look at how to make a do-it-yourself stand for a school, what materials can be used, what can be done and where to start.

  1. The purpose of creating a stand - what information will it carry, what will it be? School schedule, information stand with announcements, maybe it is a board of honor with diplomas of distinguished students, a colorful stand telling about your institution, or it will be stands for primary school do it yourself.
  2. Size, shape and location. You need to determine where you want to place the stand, what shape you want to make it and decide on the dimensions based on the collected data.
  3. Materials used. Next, we think over what materials you will "assemble" the stand. The materials need to be readily available, not necessarily expensive, and most importantly, do not harm the health of children and the environment. Basically, they take as a basis a 3-5 mm PVC sheet, which can be purchased without problems at any hardware store, if you wish, you can use a cork sheet, chipboard, polypropylene, etc. For filling, you will need paints, glue, paper, stickers, cut or printed pictures, self-adhesive film with an image, wallpaper will do, in general, whatever your heart desires.
  4. The most creative stage is the assembly of all parts into a single stand. It is advisable at the very beginning, when generating ideas, to make a rough sketch of the finished stand, so that at this stage it would be easier and faster to assemble.

DIY information stands for the school

Now I will tell you how to make a stand for a school with your own hands in an original way and how to arrange a stand for a school with your own hands without high costs. Let's call our stand “The best moments from school life”. We take as a basis a PVC sheet of 3 mm, this is a very light material that keeps its shape well, is convenient when working with acrylic paints, is cut with an ordinary stationery knife, while it is not at all harmful to people and environment... To fill the stand, you will need photographs from various events in which students or school teachers participated, acrylic paints, an ordinary dishwashing sponge for applying paint, a colored self-adhesive film, corners for photographs, which are used in photo albums. We cut out PVC in the form of a large tablet, for example an Ipad. We paint the base with acrylic with a sponge, this way the paint lays down better and an unusual texture is obtained. We insert photos into corners, imitating icons on a tablet, signatures under the photos can be printed on a regular printer to fit the photo. Cut thin strips from self-adhesive film and stick around the photo to visually highlight them. The name of the stand can be made of volumetric letters cut out of PVC residues, an applique made of self-adhesive or colored paper, or simply buy ready-made letters. That's it, you can hang it on the wall.

DIY theme stands for school

Based on the steps described above on how to make a stand for a school with your own hands, you now understand that it is not at all expensive and any person, without any problems, will cope with this task. As mentioned earlier, now the main thing is the visual design, without a lot of text, do not forget to take this into account when creating your stand.

If decorating stands for a school with your own hands is not yours at all, you do not have time for this and there are no people who can do it, then you can contact us. We will help you create an original stand, taking into account your wishes and budget, and we will offer the most optimal exhibition stands.

You can create not only standard information stands and boards with a schedule, but also various thematic stands. For example, you can create training stands - about labor protection, environmental protection, warning information stands, about fire safety, about school life, now it is very fashionable to make infographics and there are many more topics that can be displayed on the stand. You can involve school students in the creation of the stand, for sure it will captivate and unite them.

Anna Svetlichnaya

Dear colleagues!

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the task educator organize work with parents, one of the forms of which is information corners. I want to present to your attention master class on making a stand"Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!"

First, we need to develop a layout. I did it in PowerPoint

For work we need ...

The width of our stand 1 meter, i.e. 2 tiles.

Since the layout consists of 4 wavy stripes, then 1 template is suitable for both the concave and convex parts, only upside down.

Applying the template to tiles, outline with a pencil.

Upper part we cut off the tiles

and apply it to the bottom of the part, combine it in order for the cut to coincide, and when collecting stand did not have to adjust the details.

Turn the part over, circle it and cut it out from another tiles, then the details match.

It is better to number the details from the reverse side right away. Thus, 4 strips are cut, each of which consists of 2 parts.

For painting, mix the color with PVA glue, achieving the desired shade. We paint the details according to the numbering, not forgetting to paint over the edges.

Name stand we type on a computer, make templates, outline and cut out tiles.

We also need flowers. We make a template.

We will have flowers voluminous... To do this, we will have to cut the template several times.

First, cut off the cup from the flower. We circle on tiles received details.

Then we cut the cup into 2 parts, circle the smaller one, cut it out.

Cut off the upper part from the flower template, circle the resulting detail on tiles.

Cut off another part of the template and circle the very bottom of the flower on tiles.

It turns out volumetric flower.

Now paint all the details with the desired color. When the paint dries, glue together with glue "The Dragon"... The details of the flowers are glued together on the reverse side with scraps. tiles.

More for making stand we need an eternal flame. In our case, a picture is cut out, glued with pencil glue and laminated with tape. We cut it out with a clerical knife, stepping back a couple of mm from the edge of the picture.

Now we will deal with the pockets that are needed for placing information. You can make them from: files, corners, folders, and you can buy ready-made. We will make pockets from folders. The folder needs to be cut.

Using self-adhesive paper, we make a frame. Glue double-sided tape on the reverse side.

Now let's collect our stand... Parts are fastened together on the reverse side with scraps tiles and glue"The Dragon".Then we place our parts on it.: pockets, flowers, letters and the eternal flame. Let's fill the pockets with information.


It is most convenient to use information stands with a soft cover, to which sheets with announcements are attached. Stands with A4 plastic pockets are a thing of the past. The information that needs to be made public is not always on standard size sheets.

The stand must have a name. It is placed in the center, closer to the top edge. You can use the standard: "Company news", "Today in the company", "Information". Or come up with your own name that reflects the scope of the organization.

Divide the stand into two halves. On the one hand, there will be daily work activities. On the other hand, there are holidays, congratulations and other news, not related to the main work.

Then information titles are attached to the stand: "Congratulations", "Holidays", "Best Employees", etc. All news, which is updated daily, should be displayed in these titles.

If you need to post something very important, attach the heading "Urgent". It is highlighted in red and large letters.

When designing your stand, try to avoid bureaucratic expressions. Write texts in simple, accessible language. Make sure that all employees, from cleaning lady to general director, the content was clear.

Make congratulations on the holidays with multi-colored pencils or beautiful postcards... Come up with wishes on your own, from the heart, without turning to the Internet for help. The creations that are posted on congratulation sites often leave a lot to be desired.

What are information stands made of? This question is asked by those who, for one reason or another, need to make an information stand. In this article I will try to explain in detail what, and most importantly, how information stands are made.

So, let's begin. The main thing in the information stand is its foundation. How long the stand will last depends on it. The main material for the stand is PVC (plastic sheet). But not all heads are the same! So, for example, plastics of "Chinese" production have a more porous structure and, as a result, are more fragile than plastics (PVC) made in Germany, Hungary, Israel. V Lately plastics (PVC) have become very popular Russian manufacturers, the quality of which also leaves much to be desired. So what is the difference between "Chinese" plastics (PVC) and non-Chinese ones? Everything is very simple. The difference is in the quality of the plastic itself (PVC)! As known all polymer-containing materials (materials made of plastic and plastics, including self-adhesive films) - cellular polycarbonate, PVC plastic, plexiglass, polystyrene can change their appearance under the influence of various temperatures. So, "Chinese" plastic (PVC) is most susceptible to changes. It is very fragile at low temperatures (from 0 ° С), and too soft at high temperatures (+ 25 ° С and above) and as a result of changes appearance very noticeable. If over time your stand has become "wavy", or a corner broke off during installation, you should know that Chinese plastic was used in the production of your stand.

The second, no less important component of the information stand is the pockets (files) located on the base. Pockets are made from organic glass(PMMA), transparent polyethylene (PET) or transparent plastic (PVC), and are attached to the base with double-sided tape or special glue (depending on the purpose of the information stand). Today the most popular material for making pockets (files) is transparent PVC with a thickness of 0.6 mm. It is a fairly durable material and at the same time is relatively inexpensive, for example, than a plexiglass pocket (PMMA). When developing an information stand, it is important to take into account the size of the pocket, since it differs from the size of the sheet placed inside it! So, for example, a pocket for an A4 sheet (210x297) will have a size of (225x305) mm. The Obavoka specialists will be happy to help you develop information stands for your tasks!

The third component of the stand is its "header", the name of the stand. The hat is made of PVC film of various colors using plotter cutting, or by large-format printing.

I would like to say that this is all, the stand is ready! But this is not the case. The most important thing is ahead - to make an information stand with your own hands!

First, you need to make a sketch of the future stand, observing the dimensions and placement of the pockets on the stand. It is important to consider the distance between the pockets and the indentation from the edge of the base. It is recommended to make a distance between pockets of 20 mm in horizontal and vertical rows. The distance from the edge of the base to the pocket is 30 mm. The stand head is usually 100 mm high.

From the tool: a metal square, a stationery knife, a felt squeegee (you can do without it), a metal ruler.

Let's get started!

Using a square, we make markings on sheet material, since it is important that the stand is "in the corner", and we cut out the base using a clerical knife and a metal ruler. To do this, we apply a ruler to the markings and make a cut using a clerical knife. It is important not to try to cut the material the first time, otherwise you can ruin the base. With smooth movements, slide the clerical knife along the ruler, each time increasing the pressure on the blade. Then the cut will turn out to be smooth and neat. Repeat on four sides.

Next, we apply (roll) the hat. To do this, place the cap (sticker) at the top of the base and fix it with a small weight, for example, a small weight. At the same time, unfold the base itself with the upper part towards you, for convenience. While pressing the decal against the base with your left hand, gently lift the right side of the decal away from the base about 10 centimeters. Peel back the liner from the sticker by 5 centimeters and fold it inward. Using a felt squeegee, roll the separated part of the cap onto the base. Then, gradually removing the backing, apply the cap to the base.

There are pockets left. We take a ruler and mark the location of the pockets on the basis of the stand. Next, we place the pockets on the base, according to the markings. Firmly pressing the pocket to the base with your left hand, with your right hand raise the edge of the pocket and remove the protective tape from the tape, after which we fix the edge of the pocket on the base by pressing the right hand on the edge of the pocket. The pocket is fixed. We do the same with the two remaining sides of the pocket and the rest of the pockets on the stand!

That's all! Your stand is ready! It remains to place it indoors.

PS. The Obavoka company uses sheet plastics (PVC) for the manufacture of stands only for world brands High Quality! Also in our company you can buy plastic sheets for stands, pockets for stands and hats for them.

Now you understand what stands for schools are made of, information stands for hospitals, information stands for parents in kindergarten, information stand at the enterprise, stand in kindergarten.

If you want to order ready-made stands, please contact our company! We use only high-quality materials, and your stand can be made very quickly! V individual cases within a few hours!

I hope that this information was useful to you!

The main task of the information stand is to familiarize the broad masses of people with any information. At the enterprise, this can be orders and instructions, in the store - information for customers, and at school - the schedule of subjects. Depending on how much information will be on the stand, its size is also determined. To make the stand organically fit into your ad corner, you need to choose the right stand on the site If you have the opportunity and desire, you can make it yourself and our material will help you with this.

Necessary materials

Everything that is needed for manufacturing can be found in the office and at home after the next renovation:

  • plywood;
  • PVC sheet of the color you need;
  • plexiglass or polyethylene film up to 1 mm thick;
  • any glue suitable for PVC and plastic;
  • metal ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Base making process

First of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the stand being manufactured. So that it does not turn out to be too small or too large, think over what information you want to place on it and how best to use this space. For a small company, a stand with 4 - 6 A4 sheets in two rows may be enough. Between sheets, for a more aesthetic appearance and better perception information, it is necessary to leave a gap of 20 - 30 mm. Do not forget about the header of the information stand, which will "call" people. For it, on top of the sheet, it is necessary to leave a space of about 100 mm wide.

When the dimensions are determined, you can start marking with a metal ruler. We use a sheet of plywood or plastic as a base for the stand. Do not forget about the corners when marking. We control rectangularity using a square or by measuring diagonals, the distance between which must be the same size. After making sure that the markings are correct, we cut out the base along the outlined contour.

The resulting workpiece must be given an aesthetic appearance. To do this, paint it in any suitable color. In this regard, the use of plastic is more profitable - it already has a factory color, and you can save time on this procedure.

Making pockets

The pocket is the main part of the stand, where the information itself will be located. There are several options for making stand pockets.

The most inexpensive and common is the use of an ordinary stationery file for documents. Using glue or double-sided tape, it is glued to the base and the insert pocket is ready.

But if you want your information stand to have a more presentable look, then you need to put in a little effort. We will use transparent plexiglass as the material. On the sheet we apply the contour of the pocket, which should be 10 - 15 mm larger than the standard A4 sheet and cut it out with a hacksaw. For the convenience of inserting and removing paper, we cut off the corner of the pocket on one of the sides.

From the same plastic, we cut out strips equal to the size of the pocket and 5 mm wide. We glue them along the edges of the pocket, except for the upper side, and then, at the designated places, to the stand. These strips will help lift the plexiglass.

In the same way, you can make pockets from plastic film with a thickness of 0.7-1 mm, only fastening to the stand will be made using double-sided tape.

The title for the heading of the information stand can be made using a stencil or letters cut out of colored plastic. You can also resort to large format printing services. Remember the title is business card stand and the more imagination you show, the more attractive view will be at your booth.

That's all - the information stand is ready, all that remains is to find a suitable place for it.