EDS electronic signature for uTender ETP. Marketplace uTender Video tutorial Bankruptcy auctions

The electronic trading platform "uTender" (Yutender) is automated system enabling trading in in electronic format using certified cryptographic protection tools and the latest software and hardware systems.

ETP "uTender" was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. N 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" and the Order of the Ministry economic development Russian Federation dated 15.02.2010 N 54 "On approval of the procedure for conducting open auction in electronic form when selling the property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, Requirements for electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms when conducting open auctions in electronic form when selling property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, and See also the Procedure for Confirming the Compliance of Electronic Platforms and Operators of Electronic Platforms with the Established Requirements".

Advantages of the uTender platform

The software package of the ETP "uTender" provides the ability to work on the electronic platform of persons simultaneously registered and not registered on it, and also provides the opportunity to work on the electronic platform to persons registered on the electronic platform, regardless of the number of calls to the electronic platform of persons not registered on the electronic platform.

ETP "uTender" provides free round-the-clock uninterrupted access to the Electronic Site via the Internet during the entire period of open trading to the organizers of the auction, persons who submitted applications for participation in open auctions, as well as bidders in accordance with the rights granted to these persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Procedure for conducting open auctions in electronic form for the sale of property (enterprise) of the debtor in the course of the procedures applied in a bankruptcy case (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

ETP "uTender" operates around the clock continuous work seven days a week, except during preventive work.

ETP "uTender" ensures the creation, processing and storage in electronic form of applications for participation in open tenders and other documents submitted by applicants, bidders, as well as protocols on the results of open tenders in accordance with the Procedure. The period of storage of these documents in electronic form is at least ten years from the date of approval of the protocol on the results of open tenders.

ETP "uTender" ensures the protection of information contained in applications for participation in open auctions, other documents submitted by bidders, including the safety of this information, prevention and suppression of the destruction of information, its unauthorized modification and copying, violations of the regular mode of information processing, including technological interaction with other information systems.

To protect information in relation to documents submitted by applicants and participants in open tenders and stored in electronic form in a software and hardware complex, the uTender ETP uses the CryptoPro CSP cryptographic protection tool, version 3.6, certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

▼ Information about the site uTender ▼

On October 18, 2010, the uTender Electronic Marketplace began its work as a platform that meets the Requirements for Electronic Marketplaces and Operators of Electronic Marketplaces when conducting open auctions in electronic form when selling property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of bankruptcy proceedings, approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated February 15, 2010 No. 54;

▼ Why do I need an EDS for uTender ▼

In order to organize auctions for the sale of debtors' property in the course of bankruptcy proceedings, the organizer of the auction must conclude an agreement with the operator of the electronic trading platform for holding auctions in electronic form on the uTender electronic trading platform. The agreement on the terms and conditions for the conclusion of such an agreement shall be established by the parties. The conclusion of the contract is carried out in writing on paper.

In order to conclude a contract for holding auctions in electronic form, the organizer of the auction must go through the registration procedure as the organizer of the auction, indicating the appropriate legal form, fill in the required fields in the registration form and create a request for the conclusion of the Agreement.

1. Electronic trading platform (ETP) "utender"

This trading platform provides the opportunity to trade in real time. At the same time, special methods and means of protecting cryptocurrencies from interference by fraudsters are used.

The electronic trading platform "uTender" operates on the basis of the current federal law"On Insolvency", adopted on October 26, 2010 under number 54, as well as the Decree of Min. economic development of the Russian Federation "On the approved procedure for conducting auctions in electronic form when selling property of debtors in the procedure used in a bankruptcy case" and "The procedure for confirming the compliance of ETP and operators established by law requirements." To participate in online trading, the user must be sure to familiarize himself with the rules and requirements for participants.

2. Opportunities of the trading platform

ETP "uTender" has a special software, which allows users who have passed the registration procedure and those who have not yet registered to work simultaneously. At the same time, the number of such users is not limited to numerical indicators due to the provision of round-the-clock access to trading tools, as well as the freedom of visiting users. Sales are carried out online, via the Internet, so it can be accessed from any convenient place and in any corner of the country.

ETP "uTender" - electronic trading platform, which operates continuously 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. A break in work can only be associated with technical and preventive maintenance. They are carried out in order to improve the security system and establish optimal performance of the entire trading platform.

Do you want to be accredited at the ETP "uTender"

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

3. What does uTender do?

This electronic trading platform provides users with the opportunity to:

    fixing protocols on the final results obtained during the auction;

    sale of property during the bankruptcy of the enterprise;

    work in accordance with applicable regulations and documents.

It is worth noting that the electronic platform itself allows you to store user data for 10 years, which is very convenient. The date of saving is calculated taking into account the date of creation of the protocol on the conduct of trades and their results.

Each trader can not worry about the safety of his personal information. uTender has powerful software that is able to provide a high level of protection for information submitted in applications and tenders, submitted documentation. At the same time, the system is so thorough that it prevents unauthorized copying of data, their destruction or modification. It immediately recognizes an intrusion into the normal mode of operation and actively interacts with other information systems.

For the electronic trading platform, a special hardware-software complex "CIPF CryptoPro CSP, 3.6" from the Crypto-Pro company was developed, which complies with the legislation of Russia and is fully capable of implementing the rules and requirements imposed by law on the operation of such a resource.

Conducting active bidding and being a participant is quite profitable and simple. Given the fact that personal data is securely protected, you can not worry about the loss or theft of information. In addition, you can act absolutely legally without breaking the law. All the necessary tools and high functionality are what every user of the uTender electronic trading platform will like.

4. Video instruction bankruptcy auctions

For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get whole line advantages: advance payment under state contracts, short settlement terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only on profitable contracts with minimal competition!

In 2010, the uTender platform began its operation. At this ETP, auctions are held for the sale of property of bankrupt organizations.

Accreditation on uTender

To pass accreditation at the uTender ETP, you need to purchase an electronic digital signature- the necessary means of cryptographic protection for participation in procurement.

Registration and participation in auctions for the sale of debtors' property in the course of bankruptcy proceedings is free of charge.

Organizers of tenders need to conclude an agreement with the operator of the ETP uTender for conducting auctions in electronic form. When registering, payment is charged according to the site's tariffs, the cost depends on the number of lots placed. After filling in the required fields with the required information, it will be possible to organize and announce tenders.

Working for uTender

The portal provides information on the rules of operation of the uTender platform, answers to the most common answers, as well as tariffs for organizers. If you have any questions, the answers to which cannot be found on your own, you can contact the ETP support service.

The official website of uTender is http://www.utender.ru.

At RusTender, you can issue an electronic digital signature and receive a tender loan to participate in procurement on this site and many others.

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