One key = one ad. Secrets of Yandex Direct templates! 1 active ad

And yet, why?
One key = one ad, on the one hand it is good and correct when it is impossible to combine key phrases into ad groups when setting up contextual advertising.
For instance:

In this case, it is better to separate the key queries, because they differ in meaning.
Let's consider another example:

In this situation, it is sacrilege to share these two keys. We would have (logically) the following texts: Repair of Sony Vaio computers and Repair of Vaio computers. Of course, the first option is good, but the second looks somehow chopped off, defective. Don't forget about appearance text.
What else does the 1-to-1 approach affect?
The speed of creating contextual advertising.
You have one and a half thousand key queries, therefore, you need to write one and a half thousand relevant texts. In Excel, this is done in 15 minutes ... But, about 80% of all requests in Yandex.Wordstat are crooked and unreadable, plus all the lower case names of cities and their endings must be edited manually, words must be changed.
(made a video tutorial for you)


You need to stop all ads, for example, with similar semantics (key phrases). Let it be the same Sony Vaio. We have one and a half thousand announcements and somewhere this request is at the very beginning, somewhere in the middle. You can search through Ctrl + F, but it takes a long time. Yes, you can easily tag your ads. And if we are talking about advertising in Google AdWords?

It becomes unpleasant when you overlook something.
Conclusion: writing a separate ad for each key is not a crime, but a waste of time + the illusion of an array of key phrases.
Plus, when you group key phrases in the process of creating contextual advertising, you are always aware of which keywords you are working with, where they are located and their frequency.
There is an opportunity to write texts of advertisements more beautifully and more efficiently, because looking through all the keys, you involuntarily begin to combine them into sentences, thereby selecting the best option advertisement.

As a reminder to newbies, CTR is a measure of the click-through rate of an ad, that is, the ratio of clicks to impressions. The higher it is, the cheaper Yandex will show us in high positions.

I will also remind you of the way a person gets to our site. First, he had a request related to your product or service. Not necessarily a purchase request, perhaps he wants to find information about a particular product, look for photos and video reviews, study the market. He enters his query in Yandex, and the first thing he sees are three ads for Yandex.Direct contextual advertising.

Our main task is to get targeted visitors to the site, potentially ready to purchase. How to do it?

First of all, we need to make sure that only people who are interesting to us see the ad. That is, cut off all non-targeted impressions. This will already significantly increase the CTR. The first three errors will be related to this.

Then we need to make sure that our ad is generally noticed. These are the next two errors.

But it is not enough to show an ad - you still need to interest and induce the user to click on it. Two mistakes are often made at this stage.

And finally, in addition to our ad, a person sees the ads of competitors, and three errors lead to the fact that many people prefer to click on them.

Let's take a look at everything in order.

Mistake # 1: keywords that have not been worked out in a single heap

Everyone has already heard that requests should be divided into hot, warm and cold. Nevertheless, conducting audits of advertising campaigns, I see that very few people use it.

Nearby are the queries "wristwatch" and "buy a wristwatch in Moscow". Obviously, in the first case, the request is very general, with an incomprehensible purpose. They can search for anything - photo, video, work mechanism, repair.

Our task is to keep only those keywords that people clearly want to buy. Indicating specific actions (buy, delivery), place (Moscow, St. Petersburg), time (urgently, today).

Each keyword is a separate semantic question, not just a collection of words. And for each of them, it is necessary to conduct an analysis - is it likely that they will buy from me for such a request?

This does not mean that we ignore other keywords. Clients can come from warm keywords, and from informational requests, and in general from indirect ones, which do not directly reflect the need to purchase our goods or services.

But if the goal there is to create reach, and the CTR will certainly be lower, then the hot keywords have a different goal - to get as many visitors as possible and turn them into buyers. Such a campaign will be completely different from all others. And it is better to exclude everything doubtful from there, and experiment separately.

Mistake # 2: unprocessed negative keywords

The phrase "apartment renovation" has 380,000 impressions per month. Of these, almost 60,000 (ie 15 percent) is the phrase “apartment renovation photos”. Another 120,000 impressions (30 percent) - other non-targeted requests (“do it yourself”, “independently”, “YouTube” - in total, 557 types of non-targeted requests were used in the calculation). In total, 45 percent of impressions for a keyword can be completely inappropriate. For some queries, this figure goes up to 80 percent.

The only way out is to work out negative keywords. And for any sphere there will be not 5, not 50 or even 100, but at least 300. And somewhere it will come to 1000-2000. Imagine: only a good study of the negative keyword will increase the CTR almost 2 times, reducing the cost per click by the same amount.

There is, of course, a strategy for the lazy - quotes. If you enclose the phrase in quotation marks, you don't need any negative keywords. However, most of the queries are queries that are entered for the first time. We cut off both garbage and very targeted words with quotation marks. Fact: for low-frequency queries, consisting of 4-6 words, the conversion is the highest. This is logical - people already know exactly what they want.

Mistake # 3: ignoring operators

There are three types of operators in Yandex.Direct. The "+" operator fixes stop words (prepositions, conjunctions, particles), "!" - leaves a specific word form, "" - preserves the order of words.

The Russian language is complex and rich. Leaving a few words in the keyword, we allow Yandex to sculpt any phrases out of them.

For example, if we have the phrase “children's birthday at home”, then we will show up for the query “birthday at orphanage". If there is a phrase “buy an iPhone”, then the impressions will be based on requests like “bought an iPhone” (bought an iPhone what to do). For the request "flowers for a girl", the shows will be based on the words "flowers from a girl", "a girl with flowers".

With the help of operators, you can cut off about another 20 percent of non-targeted requests. The vast majority of advertisers neglect them. But in vain, this will give a serious advantage over competitors - the ad will be shown on targeted queries more often, the entry price for high positions will be lower.

For three hours, I teach my students how to find examples of operators in my advertising campaign. The topic is very deep.

Mistake # 4: missing a key request in the header

The key request in the header is the first thing that grabs a person's attention. It is highlighted in bold. The overwhelming majority of people are experienced users of the search engine, and they already know automatically: where the bold type is, there is the answer to the question.

Therefore, one of the main rules of Yandex.Direct is that one unique announcement is made for one key phrase, with the request entering the header. Without this, it will become almost impossible to compete.

Mistake # 5: few opportunities are used and the ad takes up little space

An ad consists of many parts: headline, text, quick links, phone number, address, opening hours, button "Contact information", favicon, store rating on the market, link to the site.

If you use all these features, your ad will take up a lot of space and stand out. If not, it will be invisible.

In order to attract attention, you need to fill out a business card completely, add a favicon to the site, put down quick links, and use as many symbols as possible. This is very easy to do, and why so many ads still only use headline and text is a mystery to me.

Mistake # 6: there is no specific benefit to the client in the ad

One of the fundamental rules of Yandex.Direct is that ads must contain specifics, facts. And while 80 percent of people write something incomprehensible in them, my clients will consistently make big money.

Compare: "delivery" and "free delivery"; "Low prices" and "from 900 rubles." "Warranty" and "5 years warranty". Only through specific benefits can you attract people to your site.

It would be a big mistake to write a lot about yourself - 5 years on the market, 1000 clients, and so on. In most cases, this does not play any role during the announcement stage. People compare offers, terms of purchase. They decide everything else on the website. Work experience can play a role for private craftsmen, for example, piano tuning.

Benefits can be placed in both text and quick links.

Mistake # 7: not using call to action

Let me tell you right away that the calls that offer to leave a request, buy or call right away do not work. The action should be free, simple and non-binding. In addition, aggressive "PRESS" and "click" should be avoided - they often scare off paying experienced clients.

Mistake # 8: ad copying competitors

My favorite example, which I have been showing at my webinars for a year and a half, is the request “buy monster beats headphones”. All offer 3-4 gifts, original headphones with 50% discount, free shipping. I have never seen a different ad there.

If the ad is no different from others, it will be very difficult to compete. You can always write other benefits, use the benefits of a product, not a store, come up with a new tasty proposal. Millionaire does not follow the template.

Mistake # 9: using only RF and midrange queries

High-frequency and mid-frequency players are often recommended to use because they are easier to work with, statistics accumulate faster, and the campaign turns out to be noticeably smaller in volume.

However, imagine the picture. You have a query “buy a watch” and a competitor “buy a white watch”. If everything is done correctly, the title will correspond to the keyword, i.e. it will say about a white wristwatch, while yours will say about a regular wristwatch. Which ad do you think is the most likely to be clicked on by white people? Obviously, by those where it is about them. And there can be thousands of such low-frequency speakers.

The statistics of several such tests showed that the CTR of low-frequency drivers is 1.5-3 times higher than that of high-frequency drivers! Yes, it is time consuming, but it pays off.

The second version of the error is not using cross-minus one. Because of this, the LF phrase may appear on the ad created initially for the HF phrase, even if this LF phrase is present in the campaign.

"Buy a watch - white"
"Buy a white wrist watch"

If the first keyword is not minus "white", then Yandex can show the second keyword for the first ad. Because of this, the CTR will be lower.

This can be done in the "Direct Commander" (multi-editing, correcting phrases, correcting intersections).

Mistake # 10: using an auto-substitution pattern

The ## template allows you to substitute a phrase in a heading or text automatically, instead of writing each heading separately.

Template lovers have long been at war with supporters of the "1 keyword = 1 ad" principle. There are many different arguments for the second, but the main one is reminiscent of the example from error No. 9. Only it is related to the length of the string.

As you know, the maximum header length is 33 characters. In the case of working with templates, if the keyword does not fit into the title, a template phrase is substituted, which is initially set in the system.

I will give an example with the same clock. Let's take the phrase “buy a metal wristwatch” - 34 symbols. In an autocomplete campaign, the default title usually copies the underlying query, such as "buy a watch." In the second, they added a separate heading, removing the word “buy”: “metal wrist watch”. The word "buy" does not carry a lot of semantic meaning, and it is clear that this is for sale here. And again, the person has a choice with an obvious decision - to follow the ad with metal wrist watch Or ordinary wristwatches?

Even one (any) of these errors lowers the CTR. But if we admit several of them at once, then the situation will be catastrophic. What can we say about those who are allowed all 9-10.

You might be surprised to find that 90 percent of ad campaigns make 5 to 10 mistakes from this list. Believe me, I know firsthand - for a year and a half I have been auditing advertising campaigns for anyone free of charge. In total, I watch from 1 to 15 campaigns a day. Therefore, the statistics are impressive and I can rely on them.

CTR is far from the most important thing in Yandex.Direct. Yes, you should strive to increase it, but at the same time you should track the number of sales and the cost of each attracted client. It so happens that after the next test, the CTR is halved, while sales are only growing. This happens due to the filter - another important component of the ad that scares off non-targeted visitors.

An example of such filters: expensive, wholesale, only for legal entities, clients over 25 years old. Many people, seeing such an ad, understand that they have nothing to catch here, and do not click. We get a low CTR, but those who came to the site, despite the filter, are the hottest and most targeted visitors who are likely to order and pay more.

Pavel Lomakin

N for example, you have a lot keywords more than 1000, let's say 1300 and at the same time there are a lot of low-frequency queries, in order to make an ad for one campaign according to the formula 1 key = 1, you will simply not be enough, since a maximum of you can use 1000 ads without using groups in Direct. How to be? The first way I announced is to use ad groups and then you can expand your campaign to at least 10,000 keywords. And by the way, this is a very good option, since you can group the LF keys and immediately test the ads. The second way is to make two or more campaigns, but here there are difficulties in organizing an account, since you need to make two campaigns on "Search and YAN" and then you will end up with not two campaigns, but four. What if you have 2000 or more requests, or you want to make separate campaigns for different regions? Can you imagine how you inflate your account?

D Let us summarize the inconveniences:

  1. Yandex.Direct limits on the number of keys for one campaign
  2. It will not be possible to add new ads when you disable ineffective
  3. You will have to divide campaigns into 2 or more and as a result
  4. General statistics will not be accumulated: CTR, conversion count, cost per click, etc.

N There is no word for it, but experienced contextualists understand. In short, what I want to say: act according to the situation and in one of the cases templates in ads will help you.

TO What tasks do they solve:

  1. Setting the title exactly corresponding to the key and, as a result, increasing the CTR.
  2. Significantly shortens the campaign and, if necessary, you can add ads
  3. Simplifies the organization of an account in the case of a large number of keys.
  4. General statistics will be accumulated in one campaign, and subsequently the most successful ones you can put into separate campaigns.

TO Of course, when using a template, it is imperative to follow the rules, otherwise all the pros from the templates will turn into cons. Here are the main ones:

  1. Group very close keys in different spellings. "Buy iphone 6 black" "Buy iphone six black" and the like.
  2. Keep track of the number of characters in the phrase.
  3. Write keys with capital letter
  4. Write keys in the desired word form
  5. Be sure to specify the default phrase (displayed on the business card and when the number of characters is exceeded)

N oh and here we need a little explanation. For example, why keep track of the number of characters in a phrase. The fact is, and I wrote about this, that Yandex.Direct has limitations, such as 33 characters in the title, and if, for example, you take several phrases that exceed these limitations, then none of them will appear in the template. Second, capitalized keys are written because the system takes the keys as they are written. That is, if the phrase is indicated with a small letter, then the title will be with a small letter and vice versa. Third, indicate the keys in the desired word form, the reason is the same as I wrote. The default phrase is needed so that if for some reason the phrase does not fit, Direct will still indicate the title.

How to create ads with a template correctly.

P When writing similar ads in Yandex.Direct, the operator hash “ # "On both sides of the title or place in the ad, thereby we indicate that between these operators you need to substitute a key phrase. See screenshot - number 1... Be sure to specify the default phrase, they are reflected in the example ad on the left digit 2... The system does not take into account the lattices themselves as symbols when counting, so you can specify the default phrase in all 33 symbols + 2 hashs. I took phrases and wrote them with a capital letter. Number 3... Although it would be necessary to also indicate the abbreviation of the city with a capital letter, this will be more correct from the point of view of spelling.

T Now let's see what we get after creation.

O It is very important to avoid phrases in similar ads that are grammatically inconsistent with the text. Substitute it mentally in your ad and read what happens. For example, you want to use different phone models of the same company. In order not to create for each separate ad, in which only the model number changes, you can use a template. But then take the keys according to the grammatical meaning.

TO As you can see, the title of the ad looks ridiculous with this substitution. Avoid this!

Now a little on the templates in Google adwords... The rules will be the same, but of course with the Adwords character limit. And the syntax of writing is different and the possibilities are wider in application. But more on that in another article.

N and that's all, if you have any other questions on the topic, write to the mail or in the comments! High CTR and cheap leads! Till.

The question is, of course, ambiguous, because opinions on this issue are quite polar: someone says that a small number of high-frequency (HF) and mid-frequency (MF) target words are enough, others argue that it is necessary to collect fairly accurate semantics.

To express our opinion on this matter, let's first remember what the Yandex Advertising Network is.

As the name suggests, YAN is a huge network of sites that host on their pages advertisements Yandex. These can be both sites of your topic, and pages with inappropriate content.

Therefore, do not forget that in the settings of the campaign that you are doing for YAN, there is a checkbox - whether or not to take into account user preferences.

What does it affect?

By default, it is not in the campaign settings, i.e. user preferences are taken into account. Thus, your ads are shown to all visitors on sites whose topics are determined by your key phrases and to those visitors who entered these key phrases in the Yandex search line.

When do you need to disable user preferences? For example, let's say you sell sleeping bags and want to increase the volume of your website visitors by advertising on related topics. Then you create a campaign with key phrases, for example, "camping tent" and check the box "Ignore user preferences." This way, your ads will be shown on sites dedicated to tour tents. But those people who are currently looking through materials about tents may theoretically be interested in buying a sleeping bag. And as practice shows, they are interested.

Important reminder!

If in a regular YAN campaign (taking into account preferences) you can make 1 ad = several keys, then in a campaign without preferences we recommend making 1 ad = 1 key! The key phrase in this case is a description of the site's subject matter, if there are a lot of them, Yandex will try to select sites that fit all the keys of this ad, which will significantly reduce the number of sites.

And now back to the phrases, which ones to take - general masks (HF) or phrases of 7-8 words (LF)?

First, let's make a reservation right away that there is no generally accepted exact number of requests, at which the key is considered high-frequency, medium-frequency, or low-frequency. The number of requests is different for different niches and even for different regions in the same niche.

It's just that the entire pool of requests is conditionally divided into parts in accordance with the frequency of requests.

For example, we have allocated keys with a frequency of up to 1000 as high-frequency

Less than 200 like woofers

Accordingly, those keywords that are between 1000 and 200 are taken as midrange (MF).

In most niches, especially if you need a quick start, high and mid range target phrases work better. But of course, here you also need to be smart about choosing keys, because if you run advertising campaign YAN with one high-frequency "sleeping bag" key, imagine how much junk traffic will get to your site and even, as a rule, low price a click in the YAN will not save you from draining your budget.

Therefore, it is often enough to take a small amount of HF and MF, but target, key phrases consisting of 2-3 words. The number again depends on the niche, for someone 30-50 keys are enough, and somewhere you need to take 100-300 to cover most of the queries of your topic in the networks. We take the request "sleeping bags" as a wide mask, but in advertising we do not use this mask itself, but launch high-frequency devices embedded in it in the YAN.

Naturally, this strategy assumes that you understand what your cost per click (CPC) is for you and select the high and mid frequency keywords also based on this data.

As for the low-frequency (LF), they are added already in the next turn, with a deeper study of the campaign, or, for example, to appear to those users who introduced a specific product model. It turns out to be a kind of auto-targeting. Again, very narrow target phrases like “where can I buy a sleeping bag with insulation near the Butovo metro station?” according to the recently introduced Yandex rules, key phrases with a display frequency of 1-5 per month receive the status "Few queries" and are not displayed. Therefore, there is no point in messing with them.

To summarize, let us remind you that if you want to launch quickly and as efficiently as possible, then at the first stage you should not be smart and upload tens of thousands of keywords into YAN. Test a niche or direction on 200-300 phrases - often enough to understand whether the game is worth the candle. And if so, the further is largely a creative process that depends on many variables.