Owl barn owl how to distinguish a female from a male. Habitat of the barn owl, habits and food of an owl

The main habitat of which is the forest. But everything changed dramatically after the release of the legendary epic about Harry Potter. In this film, barn owls appeared in the form of postmen, whose appearance was associated with the fabulous Horgwarts. Needless to say, almost every child immediately wanted such a real, live bird?

The barn owl, which requires special attention at home, has become a desirable pet for many adults. At the same time, few people think about the fact that she is a real predator, and its proper maintenance in a house or apartment may require certain victims from the owner.

miraculous bird

In Latin, the name of this bird sounds like Tyto alba, which in translation into Russian means "common barn owl". This bird is found almost anywhere in the world and has another common name - barn owl barn owl. On average, its length reaches 33-40 cm, and the wingspan, as a rule, does not exceed 95 cm. It has a small weight - no more than 700 g.

Barn owls attract attention due to their pretty appearance, and they also have a very soft, pleasant to the touch plumage. And the main distinguishing feature of this species from others is the facial corolla, which has an original heart shape.

Difference from other species

In addition to the facial disc, which has a pronounced heart-shaped shape, the barn owl, the photo of which can be seen in our article, differs from its counterparts in lighter plumage. These birds have a peculiar structure of the auditory apparatus: their right ear is located at the level of the nostrils, and the left one is at the level of the forehead. Thanks to this arrangement of the organs of the barn owl, barn owls are the owners of truly perfect hearing. They are able to pick up the sounds of a potential victim in a huge range and from different angles.

Owl barn owl: where it is found

Most often, the bird can be found in wastelands, ravines and swamps. Under natural conditions, the barn owl, whose photo is presented in the article, prefers to choose open plains for the village, where there is a small number of trees.

Also, these birds are very fond of settling near human habitation and rural farms. The activity of people in clearing forests and cultivating the land, unlike many other predators, barn owls only benefit. The agricultural work of a person makes it much easier for an owl to find food.

Behavioral Features

AT wild nature This species prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. At the tips of their wings, these birds have specific flight feathers, due to which their flight is cushioned, becomes very soft, smooth and almost silent. These owls have almost perfect vision and are perfectly oriented both in daylight and in pitch darkness.

If a person approaches a wild owl closely, then, as a rule, it immediately rises into the air, may begin to sway from side to side and even begin to build various funny grimaces. They prefer to lead and in the same chosen place can live for years. Only the lack of food can send an owl in search of a new place.

The barn owl shows its activity exclusively at night, during the day it mostly prefers to sleep. During the breeding season, barn owls can make various sounds - shrillly scream, hoarsely "hoot", sniffle. In calm periods, birds like to click their beaks or click their tongues.

Food for cute owl

A cute heart-shaped face, funny habits and expressive eyes of an owl can be misleading for many. Being in a state of tenderness, people sometimes forget that this bird is a real predator. Those who think that a barn owl at home can eat like an ordinary parrot are greatly mistaken. It must be understood that oats, millet and fruits will not be enough for her.

The basis of the owl diet is made up of various rodents. It can be hamsters, field mice, gerbils, gophers, rats. In nature, these owls can prey on reptiles, invertebrates, shrews, possums. If necessary, the barn owl can also eat other small birds, frogs and bats.

Features of digestion

Even if a person is not embarrassed by the need to feed the bird with living beings, then it is necessary to pay attention to the special process of digestion. The barn owl at home must definitely receive live food. Some owners try to cheat and feed the birds simply with fresh meat, chicken and rabbit hearts. Such food can completely upset the pet's digestion.

An owl, like other members of its genus, has a specific digestive tract that needs to digest wool and bones. After eating its prey for several hours, the bird forms a pellet. This is the pellet that an owl spews out after eating, and it consists mainly of undigested bones, wool and feathers. It is very important to ensure that after each meal the pellet goes out. After that, she should immediately be cleaned by the owners, because owls, foolishly, can eat her again.

How to choose the right pet and where to buy it

If (despite all the specifics of keeping an owl at home and the upcoming difficulties) it was decided to buy a bird, you need to know where this is being done. Today, the supply of these wild predators is quite large. But you should not buy an owl through the Internet or in the bird market. Firstly, it may be sick, and secondly, it may be a freshly caught, absolutely wild individual, which will be very difficult to accustom to life in an apartment.

The ideal option for buying are specialized nurseries, where it is advised to purchase young chicks. Also, employees will be able to advise the owners on any issues and tell you what to do next after the purchase.

Each owl taken in the nursery has a special ring on its paw with a number stamped on it. When buying, it is important to ensure that the numbers in the documents for the bird and on this ring are identical. If possible, after acquiring a pet, it is recommended to show it to an ornithologist or at least a veterinarian. The doctor can take the necessary tests, prescribe an x-ray and conduct a complete examination, which determines the general condition of the bird.

So you delivered the owl to new house. Naturally, she can be frightened and confused. Do not annoy her with your attention, constantly touching her. Place the box with the bird in her new room, open it and leave the owl alone until it crawls out on its own. Most likely, she will constantly hide, and this state of stress can last about 3-4 days.

Arrangement of a cage or room for an owl

An ideal option for a bird to live would be a separate room. All sharp objects and corners that may pose a risk of injury to the bird during flight should be removed from the room or upholstered with soft material. It is also necessary to allocate a corner for sitting, but, as a rule, the owl chooses a perch on its own, having chosen some place.

If the decision is made to keep the bird in a cage, it must be large enough so that it can fly with its wings fully spread. Also, do not forget that when kept in a cage, an owl should regularly leave it, walk and fly around the apartment so that its wings do not atrophy.

Clean drinking water must be available at all times. Water is recommended to be changed at least twice a day.

Features of bird care

Very carefully you need to monitor the beak and nails of owls living at home. With any deformation or damage to the beak, the owl must be shown to the doctor. Regarding nails, almost all owners cut them to their pets, because they are very sharp in owls and often lead to various injuries. It is best if this procedure is carried out by a specialist. If it is not possible to turn to an ornithologist, the nails should be cut very carefully, removing only the white part. In the place where the nail darkens or streaks are visible, nothing can be touched. These veins are blood vessels, and damage to them will be very painful for the bird.

How to feed an owl

You can feed your pet only after the pellet has passed due to the previous meal. Otherwise, the owl may have a stomach obstruction. If she is fed the wrong food, after which a pellet does not form, this leads to a complete disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of a stomach ulcer. An owl with such a problem, unfortunately, will not live long and will suffer greatly.

During the day, an adult can eat about 2-4 mice. At the same time, you can feed her when she asks. One of the rare species that eats only when necessary and does not suffer from unnecessary gluttony is the barn owl. The chick of this bird, especially a small one, can have a completely different attitude to food.

Little owls aged about a few days need to be fed constantly, almost every half hour. At the same time, food must be given at their first request. It is believed that it is impossible to overfeed them. The larger the owlet becomes, the less frequent meals should be. For example, a bird at the age of one month is already fed only 5-6 times a day.

To feed small owls, sometimes mice must first be butchered. The fact is that large rodents, fighting for their lives, will resist and can injure their paws, after which various inflammations and infections are possible.

What to prepare for if you decide to have an owl at home

As soon as an owl appears at home, it can be argued without the slightest exaggeration and any doubt that the life of the owner will never be the same. This step must be very deliberate, and a person who buys a predatory animal that will be kept in captivity must be aware of the responsibility he takes on.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that with the onset of darkness, the pet will begin to active life. Constant stomping, clattering, rustling, knocking will become calling card your apartment at night.

The owner rarely has a chance to release a cleaning cloth from his hands. These birds go to the toilet very often, in some cases up to 15-20 times a day, and the droppings have to be cleaned constantly. Owls can defecate anywhere and at any time - sitting, flying, playing, bathing, playing or sleeping. To be fair, this litter is very easy to remove, leaves no traces behind and does not have a strong odor.

The owl will require constant attention to itself - daily you need to monitor whether the pellet has departed after eating, check the condition of the wings and nails. Most owls have a playful nature and constantly show their curiosity. For this reason, they should not be left unattended for a long time.


Russian name - ordinarybarn owl
Latin name - Tyto alba
English name - Barn owl
Bird class - Aves
Order - owls (Strigiformes)
Family - barn owls (Tytonidae)
Genus - barn owls (Tyto)

Barn owls are the most ancient branch of the owl order, as evidenced by the richness of fossil forms. Now they are preserved only in the form of a small relic group.

Conservation status of the species

The barn owl is not among the endangered species, but the reduction in its usual nesting sites is a serious danger to it. In the East of Europe in recent decades, for unknown reasons, there has been a catastrophic decline in the number of barn owls. The species has almost disappeared from the Baltic countries and Belarus, has become rare in Ukraine and Moldova. Now the barn owl is listed in the Red Books of a number of Eastern European countries.

View and person

Barn owls often gravitate towards human dwellings, settling in attics, outbuildings, ruins, churches, and belfries. It is not for nothing that in English “barn owl” is translated as “barn owl”. In cities, where there are always a lot of rats and mice, barn owls always easily find food for themselves. And besides, the "urban" barn owls have learned to hunt nocturnal insects and bats by the light of lanterns.

Like other types of owls, people have always treated barn owls with superstitious fear, especially since they were most often met near their homes. And just like other owls, barn owls were a symbol of wisdom. Now superstitions about owls, fortunately, are a thing of the past, and people treat these birds with obvious sympathy. And the role of barn owls in the fight against urban rodents is obvious and not disputed by anyone.

Distribution and habitats

The barn owl is one of the most common birds in the world. It is found on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, and on many islands, including remote ones. However, the barn owl does not tolerate the cold northern climate, so it is not found in the northern regions of Canada and Northern Europe. Barn owl has been successfully introduced (settled) on many remote islands: Hawaiian, Seychelles, New Zealand. However, the introduction of the barn owl to the Seychelles in 1949 showed how fragile the natural balance is and how easy it is to break. The fact is that the barn owl in the Seychelles began to hunt not only rats, but also the endemic Seychelles kestrel, whose numbers began to decline sharply.

More than 30 subspecies of barn owls are distinguished on the territory of a vast range.

In our country, barn owl is found only in the Kaliningrad region.

The barn owl lives in a variety of biotopes, avoiding only dense forests. This is one of the few bird species that has benefited economic activity human resources for deforestation and development Agriculture, since this expanded the food base and made it possible to settle very widely. The barn owl willingly settles next to a person's housing.

Appearance and morphology

Barn owl is a slender owl with long legs. It is this somewhat “elongated” upward shape that barn owls differ from all other owls. The body length is 33–39 cm, the wingspan is 80–95 cm, and the average weight is 300–400 g. The plumage is very soft and fluffy. The upper part of the body is usually buffy-red, with transverse gray streaks and numerous small dark stripes and speckles. The bottom is golden-red with a rare dark speck. The facial disc is white and heart-shaped, which also immediately distinguishes the barn owl from other owls.

Males and females almost do not differ from each other in color.

Feeding and feeding behavior

The barn owl's diet is based on various mouse-like rodents and shrews. However, she also catches birds, including birds of prey, and bats, and frogs, and insects. During the hunt, an owl either flies around its possessions, constantly changing height - up and down, or waits for a prey from an ambush. The flight of barn owls is soft and silent, since the wings are designed so that the ends of the flight feathers dampen the sound of flight.

Barn owls kill their prey with their claws, and then, stepping on it with their long foot, they tear it apart with their beak. Their neck is so mobile that they can eat almost without bending over their prey. When eating, the feathers of the owl's facial disc move all the time when opening and closing its mouth, so it seems that barn owls constantly grimace while eating.


The barn owl's voice - a special hoarse "heee" - was the origin of the Russian name for the bird. In general, barn owls are the most "talkative" during the nesting period. At this time, they hoarsely or shrillly scream and hoot. Barn owls are usually silent outside the breeding season. In addition to vocal sounds, they sometimes click their beaks or flap their wings defiantly.

Lifestyle and social structure

Barn owls lead a solitary lifestyle, but in places rich in prey, they can stay in small groups. This is one of the most "nocturnal" owls. Barn owls sleep during the day, and for the night they choose some natural or artificial niche: a hollow, a hole or an old attic in the house. They live, as a rule, settled, but in the absence of prey (“not mouse years”), they can migrate to a new place.

When meeting a violator of its territorial possessions, the barn owl spreads its wings and waves them, approaching the enemy closely. At this time, the owl hisses loudly and clicks its beak. The posture of threat, such as that of other owls, is absent in barn owls. Instead, it spreads its wings in a horizontal plane and lies flat on the ground with its plumage tightly pressed. If such a display does not help, the barn owl may attack the enemy, falling on his back and striking with clawed feet.

When a person approaches, barn owls usually rise high on their long legs and gently sway, while actively moving the feathers of the facial disc, “grimacing”, and then fly away
The sight of barn owls is very well developed, they see perfectly both in the dark and in bright light.

Hearing, like all other owls, is also well developed. The ears are located on the sides of the head asymmetrically, the left one is higher, the right one is lower. This structure of the hearing aid helps birds to hear the sounds made by potential victims from different angles. Short dense feathers framing facial disc, are good sound reflectors. Barn owls are very susceptible to all sound signals, and in case of too loud sound, they cover their ear holes with peculiar plugs covered with small feathers.

Reproduction and parenting behavior

Since barn owls live in different climatic conditions, their breeding season also falls on different time. In the tropics, there is no seasonality of breeding at all; in temperate latitudes, owls start breeding in March-April.

Barn owls are monogamous, but sometimes there are cases of polygamy (1 male and several females). They nest in separate pairs, in natural conditions - in hollows, burrows, nests of other birds; barn owls do not build their own nests. In the anthropogenic landscape, they nest in attics, on bell towers, in barns. Nests are located at different heights, but usually not higher than 20 m above the ground.

With the onset of the mating season, the male flies around the tree chosen for the nest, making sharp hoarse sounds to attract the attention of the female. Then he starts chasing the female, and during the chase, both birds already scream hoarsely together. After mating, the female lays 4–8 (in "mouse years" up to 16) rather small oblong eggs (other owls have round eggs), white or cream in color. Eggs are laid at intervals of 1 or 2 days. The incubation period lasts 29–34 days, only the female incubates, and the male feeds her all this time. The hatched chicks are covered with thick white fluff and are completely helpless. Their parents take turns bringing them food. After 35–45 days, the chicks leave the nest, and at the age of 50–55 days they begin to fly. They become completely independent at the age of 3 months, and then scatter. The last week of life with their parents, the young hunt with them, adopting the hunting experience of the elders. Barn owls are characterized by a very large radius of flight of young ones - hundreds and even thousands of kilometers.

In "mouse years", barn owls, even in temperate latitudes, can have 2 successful clutches per season.

The young can start breeding as early as 10 months of age.


According to ringing, barn owls can live in nature up to 18 years, but their average life expectancy is much less - about 2 years. However, there are also "champion" results: in North America, the barn owl lived in captivity for 11 years and 6 months; in Holland, a barn owl lived in nature up to 17 years and the record holder is a barn owl from England, who lived in captivity for 22 years.

Keeping animals in the Moscow Zoo

In our zoo, barn owls live in the Night World pavilion, which, of course, is optimal for this species. Now there are 5 birds. At the exposition you can always see 1 pair, the rest “rest” in a non-exhibition room, the birds are changed once a year. Most barn owls are sourced from nature. One pair of barn owls breeds regularly, they already had 4 broods. They incubate the clutch and feed the chicks themselves.

The diet of the barn owl in the zoo consists of 6 mice daily.

The barn owl is an unusual species of owl found on all continents except Antarctica; however, in our country its range is limited only to the Kaliningrad region.


Barn owls prefer open spaces, namely: meadows with tall grass, swamps and ravines, banks of water bodies and light forests. Avoids mountainous areas and dense forests.


The barn owl is a relatively large bird, reaching 40 centimeters in size, its wingspan is slightly less than a meter. Bird weight 200 - 700 grams, mostly about 500 grams.

The color of the barn owl is white-red, with darker specks and stripes. The plumage of this bird is very dense, thanks to which it can live in the northern, rather cold regions.

barn owl bird photo

A striking feature that distinguishes the barn owl from other birds is that it is as if a white “mask” was put on its muzzle. The expression of this "mask" is such that some researchers have nicknamed the barn owl "the owl with the face of a monkey." Popular names are known barn owl:

  • Midnighter;
  • Ghost Owl;
  • Screeching owl.

barn owl in all its glory photo

These nicknames show that the barn owl was associated with something mystical in the old days. An eerie sensation is caused by the eyes of this owl, large and expressive.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Leads a solitary lifestyle, active at night. Like all owls, the barn owl is a predator. The basis of its diet is made up of small rodents - mice, voles, rats, gerbils, etc. Some certain types edible animals. If necessary, the barn owl catches frogs, bats, lizards and invertebrates.

barn owl in flight photo

She flies out to hunt in the dark, and during the day she sleeps in a cozy nest, which is a hollow, hole, attic or other appropriate place. The barn owl does not build nests as such. Sometimes it occupies empty nests of other birds. Silent flight and extremely acute hearing help the barn owl to navigate the terrain and hunt.

barn owl hunting photo

The bird's eyesight is also strong, thanks to which it sees well in the dark. The barn owl grabs its prey on the fly with sharp claws and takes it somewhere to a convenient place where you can safely eat it.


A place for a "family nest" is usually looking for a male. Usually it is a hollow, rotten stump or old nests. birds of prey. Having found one, he calls the female with a loud voice. After the formation of a family, she lays 4 - 6 eggs, and incubates them for a little over a month. All this time the male brings her food.

barn owl chicks photo

The chicks hatch covered in soft white down. The male and female feed their babies. They stay with their parents for another three months. They fledge at the age of 50 days, then fly away and look for a new place of residence.

  • Comparison with monkeys is explained not only by the appearance of the bird. When a barn owl sees an approaching person, it rises higher, stands on long legs and sways left and right on them, depicting various grimaces. So she tries to scare the uninvited guest. Why not a monkey? If a person gets too close, the barn owl usually flies away.
  • The habit of the barn owl is known - it silently approaches a person from behind and suddenly appears right in front of him. At this point, anyone will be frightened, especially if the meeting took place at dusk. knows how to click its beak loudly. All this only enhances the feeling of horror in an unprepared observer.


In the wild, the barn owl lives for about 2 years.

  • Class - Birds
  • Order - Owls
  • Family - barn owls
  • Genus - barn owls
  • View - barn owl

The barn owl is a sedentary bird that constantly lives in the same territory. The barn owl of all our owls is considered the most nocturnal species, it appears only late in the evening and hunts in complete darkness. All day the owl sits in some kind of shelter: in the attic or in the hollow of a tree. Barn owls feed mainly on mouse-like rodents, as well as shrews, moles, amphibians, eat insects, and hunt birds. Owls also come across quite large prey: rats, squirrels, muskrats, rabbits. Barn owls settle in various habitats. In our country, this bird is almost universally associated with human habitation. appearance a barn owl may seem very similar to an owl, only unusually beautiful, with soft and fluffy plumage, a slender body, and long legs. And this is no coincidence, because the barn owl belongs to the order of owls. This bird, like many other members of the order, is nocturnal and prefers to hunt in the dark. But unlike many species of forest owls, most barn owls, especially the most common species - the barn owl - settles next to a person. This bird has an extremely amazing head - its facial corolla of feathers resembles a heart in shape, which distinguishes the entire genus of barn owls. And the barn owl owes its not the most euphonious name to the same dissonant voice. True, in normal times these birds are quite silent, but during the breeding season they emit hoarse and rattling cries, and also click their beaks and flap their wings demonstratively. The barn owl prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. And only occasionally in places characterized by an abundance of prey, barn owls are found in groups. It is interesting that human activity has only a favorable effect on the distribution of many barn owl species. Barn owls try to avoid dense forests and mountainous areas, so clearing forests for agriculture contributes to the extensive resettlement of these birds. Barn owls are easy to distinguish from other owls. It does not have feathers resembling ears, and has a heart-shaped facial disc that looks like a mask, which is why the bird is also called a masked bird. Another common name for the barn owl is the barn owl, which the bird received just because of its habitation next to a person. The approximate dimensions of the barn owl are 30-40 cm body length, 80-90 cm wingspan. This bird has a large round head, an elongated body, fully feathered legs and a short tail. Barn owls are distinguished by an unusual structure of the hearing aid. Their ears are located asymmetrically - one in the forehead, the other at the level of the nostrils. This allows barn owls to better perceive sounds made by live prey. The beak and mandible of most species of barn owls are light, except for the black representatives of the genus.

This predator has an unusual and varied coloration. The lower half of the barn owl's body is usually darker, sometimes speckled. But various kinds barn owl this coloration may vary. The barn owl has a particularly beautiful coloration of feathers. Her back and wings are a reddish-brown shade with a gray speck, with dark and light spots. The lower part of the body in some subspecies is snow-white, and in some it is dark speckled. The color of the plumage of the golden barn owl is dominated, respectively, by yellowish tones. This bird in the low light of the night seems, indeed, shrouded in a golden glow. The Cape barn owl has a pronounced spotted coloration of the ventral part of the body. The Tasmanian barn owl is larger in size than many members of the genus. Its back and wings are noticeably darker than the rest of the body, and the facial disc also stands out due to the dark brown color of the feathers. The ash-faced barn owl is characterized by an ash-gray facial crown and a dark gray streaked pattern on the plumage. The grassy oriental barn owl is distinguished by black and gold blotches on the back and wings and a dark, almost black “coating” on the upper part of the head. The little black barn owl is also called the silver barn owl because of the predominance of a gray-variegated hue in its color. Sometimes there are completely black individuals. The Australian barn owl is the largest of all barn owls, differs from the common barn owl by a thin dark border along the contour of the facial corolla. The Madagascar barn owl is otherwise called red because of the noticeable orange hue of the wings. The color of the feathers of the great black barn owl is dominated by black and dark gray tones, it is also sometimes called the black owl. The African barn owl is dark brown with white spots and ocher patches. Almost every species of barn owl is tied to a specific habitat, only in Australia they are found different types of these birds, and in Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia even relic representatives of the genus have been preserved. These barn owls are gigantic compared to modern birds.

The barn owl is an owl with an unusual appearance. If you don't believe me, look at her face! A white mask was put on the bird's head. What is hidden under it?

AT scientific world this owl is called tyto alba. Where does the barn owl live?

It can be found on all continents of the Earth, except for Antarctica, because even birds with such plumage as an owl's will not be able to endure the harsh cold of the glacial continent. In our country, these owls can only be seen in the Kaliningrad region.

Some scientists call the barn owl a monkey-faced owl. Indeed, there is some similarity ... The people call this bird a ghostly owl, a night owl, a screeching owl. When did the barn owl manage to earn so many nicknames? This question, perhaps, can only be answered by folk legends.

What is remarkable about the appearance of a barn owl?

These birds reach a length of about 40 centimeters. Wings in the open state have a meter size.

From above, the bird is painted in reddish tones with ashy patches and dark spots. The belly area is white with some yellow streaks. The head of the barn owl is round, the muzzle has a flattened appearance and white plumage. The eyes of the animal are very large and expressive. In a word, the appearance of the barn owl is quite memorable, especially if you unexpectedly meet her in the forest at twilight.

By the way, for this habit, people called her a ghostly owl, because she flies up almost silently, and then abruptly appears in the face of a person. Ghost Casper is just a childish joke compared to the antics of this bird!

The lifestyle of the barn owl, and its diet

Like all owls, the barn owl is a real winged predator. She flies out to hunt at night. Special auditory receptors and silent flight give this bird incredible advantages in night hunting. During the day, the owl prefers to sleep in the cool and shade. She sits on a tree so that she is not visible.

The barn owl is a twilight and nocturnal predator.

The diet of this nocturnal bird includes field, small birds, hamsters,. If the barn owl noticed the prey, then there is nowhere to escape from the keen eyes and sharp hearing of the predator. The owl grabs the victim right on the fly, clamps it with its tenacious claws and carries it to a place where it can safely feast on it.

How does barn owl breed

The male seeks a nesting place for these birds. When he has chosen a suitable “site” for building a nest, he begins to call the female with loud cries to see if this place is suitable for hatching future chicks. If the female agrees with the choice of the gentleman, then they start mating.

The female barn owl lays eggs in the built nest. Usually, the clutch consists of 4 - 6 eggs. A little more than a month, the process of incubation continues. After the end of the incubation period, little owls are born. They are covered with soft white fluff. The appearance of the little barn chicks is very funny and even awkward.