Extraordinary business ideas. Rare, unusual and most exotic business ideas from around the world

What entrepreneurs do not come up with to lure customers and make good profits: they get tattoos on their teeth, produce coffins in the shape of guitars, paint portraits with amino acids. But, what is interesting, sometimes the most absurd ideas turn out to be the most popular and relevant after some time. The ideas below are really unusual and are likely to break into the market in the distant future, so I advise you to open a franchising business - this is the most reliable way to invest in the future, and the www.beboss.ru website will help you in choosing a franchise.

Virtual dinners - the best recipe for loneliness

This is the conclusion reached by Seo-Yun Park from South Korea deciding to start streaming your dinners online. Dining has proven to be very popular on the Internet. In the modern world, where not every person has time to go to restaurants and meet new people, having a dinner with a virtual interlocutor helps to believe in yourself and get joy from communication.

The business idea of ​​virtual dining is not new in itself. Back in 2006, the Virtual Family Dinner system was invented in the USA, thanks to which members of the same family could meet during online dinning as often as they want. But a meal with beautiful girl breaks all records. In his business, Seo-Yun earns up to $ 10,000 a week.

Hairdresser for ... soul
... and not just to get a haircut or shave - consider the owners of the Parisian salons for men "Sport" and "Politics", where clients come to use the services of a barber, and at the same time to chat on topics of interest to them. This two-in-one service is one of the most profitable business ideas. It is so in demand that queues often line up at the salons.

You can talk with a hairdresser on the most mundane everyday topics: the fact that the wife does not look after the children, the mother-in-law demands to change jobs, or how expensive it is to repair a car in an accident. The opportunity to take your soul away is not cheap, but the price does not bother the clients of the salons who are tired of problems or loneliness.

Compliments for money
... can be done by the Japanese company "NTV", if the client needs such a service. When things are going very badly with you and you are disappointed in yourself, the representatives of the company will call you and convince you of the opposite, finding in you the most attractive qualities.

You can also get advice on how to better reconcile with a friend, wife, girlfriend, or other pressing problems. The firm's clients are mostly men between the ages of 16 and 25 who are willing to pay for help and support. A fairly simple business idea brings the company a decent income.

Postcards to order
… Sends the congratulatory service "May Day Card", which has enjoyed a consistent success in Germany for over 10 years. If you want to show off your vacation or work in the most remote corners of the planet in front of your friends - no problem. It is enough to write a few words on the postcard and call the May Day Card employee.

You will need to pay only 20-30 dollars, and indicate from which place the postcard should be delivered: from Malta, from Rio de Janeiro or from Tokyo. Representatives of the service, which includes more than 20 people, including pilots and flight attendants, will send a postcard right on time from the specified location. Such a business brings organizers up to 30 thousand dollars a month.

You can also work ... as a wizard
... considers the administration of the first European school for witches and wizards, which opened in Austria. It is possible that the organizers of such an unusual school fell under the influence of D. Rolling's books about Harry Potter, but, one way or another, the school exists in reality and has its own students.

The course of study includes six semesters. Upon graduation, students will receive diplomas of wizards. It must be said that in Austria they repeated the experience of the American "Gray School of Magic" - the first school of magic in the world, where more than 700 students study today. It is not known whether the received profession will be useful to the students, but the school administration has a good income.

American business ideas of magic schools allow making good money all over the world. Entrepreneurs organize trips to empty castles, which are turned into schools of magic for several days. There are usually few places for those wishing to learn to cast spells and fly on a broomstick, from 100 to 200, and tickets are not cheap. For example, spending 4 days in the Polish castle of Chocha costs 280 euros, and the school of magic for muggles in the castle of Jolibert (France) costs several hundred euros.

Unusual Feng Shui website

... created by the English entrepreneur Paul Darby, who believes that it is necessary to carry out feng shui mobile phones... Those who visit the site are invited to fill out a questionnaire and get advice on changing their lives for the better with the help of phone settings. The service is not cheap, but it already brings together 38 million people from different parts of the world.

Grass portraits

... were able to create the British Peter Ackroyd and Dana Harvey, who have been working on this idea since the 90s of the last century. It is based on photosynthesis. A vertically positioned canvas with a lawn is placed in a dark room and the negative of the photograph is projected onto it. When the lights are turned on, the grass turns yellow in well-lit places, while in the rest it remains dark. Such European business ideas, not only open a new page in landscape design but allow you to create unusual walls, houses, and even furniture.

Calorie bill

... available in select restaurants in Europe where they are rapidly spreading best business ideas. The Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland) was the first to offer such a service. It consists in the fact that at the end of the meal, the waiter brings a bill, which indicates the number of calories eaten. For a strong half of humanity, this fact will not matter much, but for girls who follow a diet, such a service is in great demand. And they are willing to pay extra for it.

SMS - into space

... decided to send two students from the USA and earn some money on this service. The scheme worked in this way: those who wanted to communicate with the cosmic mind made a paid call to young businessmen, clearly pronouncing their message, and the guys, using a sensor they designed, sent this message into outer space. No matter how crazy the business idea seemed at first glance, it allowed students to earn about a million dollars.

Corn maze
... decided to build a farmer from America for Halloween, considering that growing corn does not bring so much income. The enterprising farmer was right in his assumptions. Not only local residents, but also tourists wanted to visit the unusual labyrinth. As a result, the farmer earned $ 100,000 overnight.

The idea of ​​the corn maze was picked up both in America and in Europe, and then in Russia, where the best business ideas of the world began to come. Domestic sites offer not only a business plan for the project, but also exciting quests that can be done in the corn maze.

Whiskers, paws and tails
... our smaller brothers do not allow entrepreneurs to be left without work. Not only are hairdressing for dogs very popular all over the world, in the United States not so long ago a new business of building tails for horses began its existence. Despite the fact that this kind of American business idea seems at least strange, the service is in demand among horse breeders and horse racers.

The fact is that the arbiters evaluate the length and density of the horse's tail. The cost of a chignon is on average $ 150, and you can buy it in a special online store. The retailers claim that all of the tails are made from real horsehair. Usually tailing services are very much in demand before the races.

Toilet paper jokes
... should bring a good profit, said the founder of the company, George Hemmerstoffer. At the International Book Fair in Frankfurt, he was simply laughed at, which did not embarrass the entrepreneur and did not force him to abandon the idea.

Today toilet paper with anecdotes, aphorisms and even romance novels it is a huge success, especially with the ladies. Such a business is developing quite well in Europe.

What to do for those stuck on a mountain or those who need a performance at their own funeral. It is to provide such strange services that the following 10 organizations were created that are ready to lend a helping hand even in the most unusual situations.

1. AIC-CERT- American Institute for the Preservation of Historic Property

When Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans in 2005, more than 1,800 people died and the city suffered an estimated $ 108 billion in damage. Many private homes and businesses were destroyed, museums and libraries were flooded, damaging books, historical documents and art. ... Hoping to preserve these priceless artifacts, the American Institute for the Preservation of Historic Property (AIC) has organized a team of volunteers to save as many records, paintings and encyclopedias as possible.

Subsequently, AIC, inspired by the success of the team, formed a separate group at the institute dedicated to the preservation of works of art in the world. The group, named AIC-CERT, is composed of architects, art historians and other professionals. It offers art rescue services all over the world. AIC-CERT also conducts special seminars where it teaches museum representatives from other countries how to prevent a disaster (for example, how to freeze books flooded with water to prevent further damage, or how to properly remove mold from canvases).

2. Selection of titles, slogans, names

It is often difficult to come up with a name for a child, a title for a novel or another article. It is even more difficult to choose a name for a new product that is launched on the market, because the success in its sale will largely depend on this. The Oakland-based organization Catchword is in the business of selecting apt name or a slogan. Their clients include famous companies such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Wells Fargo and Time Warner Cable. As a rule, the client is presented with 30 to 60 slogan variants.

Where to go for help in case of a natural disaster or some kind of incident? First of all, the Red Cross or the Ministry of Emergencies comes to mind. But if a person gets stuck on a mountain while climbing or finds himself in a war zone, there is often no time to wait for rescuers. In this case, a professional Global Rescue team of former SEALs should be called in. They are ready to help in the most extreme conditions ... for a considerable amount of money.

The team has offices in the US states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, as well as Pakistan and Thailand. For example, during the Arab Spring, they evacuated 60 people from Egypt. Global Rescue rescued people during the 2011 Japanese tsunami and the 2015 Nepal earthquake. In fact, these guys perform about 1000 rescue missions every year, and they are the best in their field.

4. Unified Weapons Master - a new sports system

In modern mixed martial arts (MMA), there is one a big problem- a complete ban on weapons. But many systems of martial arts are just designed specifically for combat with a variety of weapons. The reasons for the ban are quite obvious - to avoid injuries and accidents. Australians David Pisden and Justin Forsell founded the Unified Weapons Master project, in which they want to found their own MMA organization, which will use weapons.

It is assumed that athletes will fight in special armor made of carbon fiber and impact-resistant foam. Pressure sensors are located under the outer plates of the smart armor, allowing you to count the hits missed to more accurately determine the winner.

5. Correction of bugs in graffiti

Some people are grammar nazi and are very sensitive to mistakes. The guys from the Accion Ortografica Quito group take to the streets of the Ecuadorian capital Quito at night, armed with stencils and aerosol cans. They are engaged in correcting all the mistakes found in the graffiti on the streets of the city. As one member of the group stated, "We will not give up until our city is free of misspellings on its walls."

6. Chinese funeral jazz band

A funeral in San Francisco's Chinatown is always an unusual sight. When a member of the Chinese community in America dies, his spirit is believed to remain with his body. At the same time, there is a danger that the spirit will get lost and turn into an evil ghost.

In order to send the spirit of the deceased to rest, Chinatown residents hold unusual parades. First, candy is put into the mouth of the deceased to "kill the nasty taste of death." Then a funeral procession is held, at the head of which is an open-topped convertible, on which a giant portrait of the deceased is displayed (this way the spirit is supposedly encouraged to stay close to the body). As the procession walks down the street, mourners throw money into the air so that the spirit will pay for the soul's passage into the afterlife. The most exciting part of this ritual is the music. The Green Street Mortuary Band jazz band is dedicated exclusively to playing Christian hymns at Chinese funerals in San Francisco.

7. Scotland Yard Super Recognizers

Scotland Yard has a special group of so-called super-recognizers. These are people with unique abilities who just need to look at a human face once to remember it forever. According to official data, the effectiveness of identifying criminals has tripled, which had a positive effect on crime statistics.

There are currently 152 super-recognizers under contract who are doing a truly impressive job. In just one year, they watched over 200,000 hours of video footage and spotted 600 suspects. Two-thirds of these suspects were charged with crimes, and 90 percent of them went to jail.

8. Shadow Wolves

At first glance, the service provided by Shadow Wolves does not seem particularly unique. This team belongs to law enforcement agencies and is engaged in catching drug smugglers. What makes Shadow Wolves unique is their way of working. The group consists entirely of American Indians who use both modern technology and ancient secrets of their ancestors. Every little detail helps them in tracking down smugglers at the border, and they have no equal in reading traces.

9. Extreme kidnapping

People are often ready to do crazy things in order to get a dose of adrenaline. The New Orleans-based group provides adrenaline junkies with one of the strangest services imaginable. They kidnap their customers. Depending on how much they get paid (there are different rates), Extreme Kidnapping will kidnap their client in broad daylight, take them to an abandoned house and keep them tied up for a certain amount of time. For an additional surcharge, they can also "try to drown" the client, torture him with an electric shock, or implement his worst phobias. Before ordering, the client must sign a special agreement that everything happens with his full consent and that he takes all responsibility.

10. Love commandos

Falling in love in India can be quite risky. In a country where parents still marry their daughters in infancy, potential suitors must meet fairly strict criteria. First, young people are strongly discouraged from marrying someone outside of their religion or caste. It is also highly undesirable to marry against the will of the family, otherwise the parents may even try to kill the unlucky groom. The so-called "honor killings" are especially common in northern India.

Group "Love Commandos" are rescued by unfortunate couples in love, whose parents are against their union. They secretly take out young people, supply them with food and food, settle in safe houses and do everything to unite loving hearts. This job is incredibly dangerous. Enraged families often offer huge rewards to anyone who can kill such a commando.

The list of these business proposals can be adequately supplemented. But the authors sold them for mere pennies.

To choose a suitable and rather unusual business idea for starting your own business, let's look at what they are and where they come from.

How start-ups are born

Their main sources are hobbies, their own or someone else's needs, as well as attempts to improve someone else's idea. That is, to take a certain project, "bring to mind" and adapt to your own needs.

Another winning option is to remember the well-forgotten old. Having rummaged through the archive of ideas and fished out something worthwhile, but undeservedly forgotten, many contemporaries were able to establish a more than profitable business.

The basic principle of every successful entrepreneur is to do what you love and manage to make a profit from it. Almost any hobby, subject to serious passion for it, can develop into full-fledged business... To do this, you should think about what benefits it can bring to others. In this case, an easy correction of the idea or work in a similar direction is possible. Business training in this case is quite easy and natural.

The classic way is to analyze what is lacking in the surrounding reality for you or your loved ones. It was with this approach that a huge variety of useful little things appeared, without which we now cannot imagine everyday life. Another good option is to copy someone else's business idea. For example, you have come to visit relatives in another city and suddenly you see something that is not in your native places. For example, a bright and fun playground on the territory shopping center... Why not organize something like this at your local supermarket? Unusual small business ideas sometimes literally roll underfoot.

For about a month ask yourself the following question - what inconvenience people experience, what do they need right now, how can I use it? Think about it always and everywhere - being in society, observing the life and everyday affairs of acquaintances and strangers. This is where the basics of business learning begin.

Let's start thinking about the project

Start your brainstorming session by making two lists - what you are competent in (what you know, know how, can organize) and a list of activities and hobbies that can bring you true joy. Be as honest as possible, delve into your memory - what exactly did you like to do from your very youth, what did you dream about when you were young? All activities that arouse interest and attention, carefully write down on paper.

When both lists are ready, we select one item from the first one in turn and try it on to each position of the second. We carefully and critically examine the resulting combinations. What can they give? Do not be lazy to mark every option you find. At the same time, do not forget about the basic principle of brainstorming - we write everything down, but so far we do not analyze anything. Now our job is to record all the thoughts that have come to mind. If necessary, we involve friends or colleagues in the process.

The next step is analysis and careful selection of the recorded information. To assess how effective our new and unusual business idea will be, you should think about a whole host of factors, namely:

1. Will this offer be in demand?

2. What kind of resources will the project require?

3. Which of these do you have?

4. How are things going with the competition in the chosen area?

Try to answer the questions posed as objectively as possible. As a result, you will understand that most of the original ideas can be discarded without regret for complete futility. Do not be discouraged - it should be so. Leave just a few that are realistically achievable. And do not rush - maybe some of the options simply require improvement or some modification, after which it will be possible to talk about their profitability.

Leaving a few of the most promising ideas unchecked, dwell on the one that most closely matches the available resources. And most importantly, do not forget about the presence or absence of demand. Do people need what you have in mind?

Its own business in a crisis

There is an opinion that opening any business during a crisis is an unprofitable and pointless activity. But this is far from the case. Many entrepreneurs "rose" precisely in Hard times having correctly navigated the situation. Here are the options for when your product or service will help people get through a tough time.

1. Alternative lending. Lack of money in a crisis makes people look for additional sources financing. If you cannot or do not want to deal with express loans, you can organize a resource with the provision of an up-to-date service - the so-called trust loan. It looks like an Internet platform that brings together borrowers who are ready to lend money at interest on a loan. Resource income - from those commissions that they pay.

2. Second-hand clothing store. Not everyone can afford to buy new things now. And there are almost no prejudices in society against used clothes. You can purchase goods at wholesale warehouses; there are special Internet sites to search for them. Second-hand clothes are quite inexpensive, and such a business will not require very serious investments. It is only important to understand the topic and be able to look for good things of decent quality.

3. You can organize the sale of used phones. The new smartphone has been in operation for an average of a year and a half, after which the owner, as a rule, begins to select a more recent and prestigious model. But many fellow citizens with limited means will gladly buy at an attractive price. Statistics show steady demand in this market segment.

4. Quite an unusual business idea - the sale of finished homes. The real estate market is in crisis. In difficult times, a sale in the form of a "package" solution may turn out to be a good solution with a rapidly falling demand - a fully prepared house with a design worked out to the smallest detail, including the landscape of the personal plot and furniture layouts of rooms. This direction is being worked out by home-staging specialists, and, oddly enough, their services are always in demand.

5. Shared taxi. This service is gaining popularity. By organizing trips in the right direction with fellow travelers, you will save money and be able to have fun and usefully spend time on the road.

6. Among the number of quite unusual ideas for business with minimal investment can be attributed to a special site dedicated to the sale of goods with discounts. The opportunity to save money during tough times is especially important for any buyer. That is why the resource that introduces the visitor to all the interesting offers in the field of discounts and sales will always enjoy stable popularity. The main income for such a site will come from advertising.

7. Services in a remote format. Some companies cut their own staff in times of crisis, and hire outsourcing specialists to solve planned tasks. If you are able to provide such services, you can implement them in a remote work format.

8. You can make money on computer games. Some of them are designed so that users can receive money for own actions... The project basically implies a platform on which the participants create games themselves, having received the necessary tools for this at their own disposal. The author's income is also due to advertising, which will accompany the process of the game. This is not a bad business for students with knowledge of the topic.

9. Trade in bulk products. More often than not, in times of crisis, exclusive innovative solutions remain unclaimed. There is an increased demand for mass (the most necessary) goods for everyday life and family. In order to save money, many people prefer to buy in bulk. That is why it makes sense to single out the most popular positions in the world of FMCG and organize their sale in large packages.

10. Organization of our own collection agency. Debts are an eternal problem, in times of crisis it is especially urgent. You can engage in helping people to return them, or advise consumers about the legal intricacies of this process.

Why are troubled times good?

Let us clarify once again the benefits of starting your own business in times of crisis.

1. Relatively affordable property prices.

2. The theoretical possibility of redistribution of the market.

3. Decrease (sometimes quite drastic) of competition.

4. Compliance of suppliers and their willingness to meet your requirements.

5. Opportunity to inexpensively purchase materials and equipment at one of the many sales.

So which creative business ideas deserve readers' attention?

1. Recycling old tires

Every year in Moscow alone, at least 70,000 tons of old tires are dumped. There are also many of them in other cities. No more than a fifth of the total volume is processed. The rest go to the trash or burned. Nowadays, there are technologies for their disposal and processing to obtain special crumbs that can be used in the construction industry - to make concrete, lay roads, etc.

The purchase of a set of equipment will cost about 7 million rubles. Of course, such a price may seem prohibitive to a budding entrepreneur. But at first, you can start processing the source material, for example, divide the tires in half, getting a semi-finished product on a special machine worth about half a million rubles. Then the workpieces go through the abrasion procedure. In the event of a successful conclusion of an agreement on the supply of rubber crumb in bulk quantities to road builders and repairmen, the business will pay off in full and bring a good profit.

2. Stationary photo printing kiosk

Pictures taken with modern gadgets and posted on Instagram can be printed on high-quality premium paper using a high-speed Japanese printer and immediately offered to the client. To organize such a business, you should conclude an agreement with the company that supplies such kiosks. Such a turnkey point will cost about 370,000 rubles. Do not forget to add the cost of renting a place in the shopping center and take care of consumables, that is, packs of high-quality photographic paper. Each of the packs, designed for 2.8 thousand photos, will bring revenue of at least 70,000 rubles. If you sell prints for 25 rubles. a piece, net profit will amount to at least 60,000 rubles.

3. Taxis

What it is? These are permanently installed innovative terminals. These "boxes" allow you to choose from a variety of services. By pressing the desired button, you can call a taxi for free, order pizza or flowers, a tow truck, courier services, book a hotel room, and so on. Profit will be brought to you by those organizations that will post their contacts in your taxi. The device is usually designed for 25 cells.

What is the price of the issue? To purchase and configure 5 terminals, you need about 175,000 rubles. A certain amount will need to be invested in advertising in order to attract customers. It will cost you 17-20 thousand rubles. Another 10,000 will be required to rent a place where taxis will be located. Add communication and electricity costs and the salary of the person who will be serving them.

You can estimate each of the client agreements for one advertising space within a month at 3000 rubles. Thus, from your five devices, you can make a profit of about 370,000 rubles. monthly.

4. Luminous balls for the holiday

What it is? Into the standard Balloon a battery-powered LED is inserted. Such balloons are produced from latex, which is quite dense in comparison with the usual one. After all, the luminous ball is experiencing a great overload. The cost of each LED is about 15 rubles, the same is the price of a standard bulb. By purchasing them in bulk, you will further reduce costs. 50 balls will cost you 500 rubles, selling them for 100 rubles. per unit, you can count on earnings from 5000 rubles. for one holiday, for which the client will buy at least 50 pieces of your products. As you know, we have holidays regularly.

5. Brick "Lego"

Outwardly, such bricks resemble a children's designer. Each of them has a pair of holes and a top protruding above the surface. As a result, the bricks are inserted one into one and fastened not with cement mortar, but with a special glue. To establish their production, you will need to open your own mini-factory. For a start, a room with an area of ​​50 square meters will be enough. The purchase of equipment will have to spend about 600,000 rubles. With a unit cost of about 15 rubles. and the release of about 2500 pieces of bricks during each shift, it is possible to receive for each month (22 working days) revenue over 800,000 rubles. The payback period for such an enterprise is about two months.

6. Healthy drinks bar

Today, a variety of healthy natural drinks are also an alternative to regular ice cream - from protein shakes to a wide variety of desserts and varieties of coffee. You can place such a bar on an area of ​​6 square meters. From the equipment you will need to buy a milling cutter to get frozen yogurt - the issue price is about 180,000 rubles. The point will need to be equipped with a bar counter, chairs, and a trash can. You will need to arrange and buy raw materials, initially investing at least 250-300 thousand rubles. The amount required as an initial investment will be approximately 600,000 rubles, and the expected profit, provided that a yogurt bar is installed on the territory of a large shopping center, will be at least 120,000 rubles. monthly.

7. Zoological hotel

For the province, this is a rather unusual business idea. Many families keep dogs and cats, not to mention hamsters, guinea pigs and more exotic species of animals. Sometimes the owners go on business trips or on vacation, and there is a problem with the arrangement of a pet. The hotel for animals will be very useful for such an owner. The offer can be expanded with the services of a veterinarian, driver, dog hairdresser and other specialists providing a full range of services for your target audience... For renting a suitable premises and a salary for employees, about 100,000 rubles should be provided for a start. This activity does not require a license.

If we estimate the cost of the service per day in an amount equal to 300 rubles (depending on the type and maintenance of the animal), then each of the clients will bring you from 1000 rubles. The payback period for this business is one and a half to two months, such services are especially in demand during the summer holidays.

8. Breeding crayfish

This is one of the business ideas for an unusual production. You can grow crayfish in a pool or pond. The main thing is to arrange the supply of females with live eggs to the breeding site. At a purchase price of 100 rubles. per kilogram, to get about 80 kilos of goods at the exit, you will need an initial investment of about 8,000 rubles. Renting a pool will cost 50,000 rubles, a reservoir - about 180,000. The payback of this business is very, very high. After all, a kilogram of crayfish costs at least 400 rubles on the market. The weight of one adult crayfish is about 300 g. By purchasing 500 females that will bear offspring, you can make a profit (after deducting all expenses) in the region of one and a half million rubles.

9. Making money on traffic arbitrage

This is one of the most relevant ways to generate income online. It works like regular store- we buy cheaper, we sell more expensive. In this case, the product is traffic, and the site-store is a promoted blog, website or forum. Traffic is purchased on specific resources, then redirected to your site, where, for example, contextual advertising is placed. Some of the visitors click on the ads, providing the owner of the resource with a fairly tangible profit.

The most unusual business ideas in the world

A lot of business ideas can be gleaned by reading about what is happening abroad. In Germany, a successful businessman hires paid dancers for uncrowded discos. There is such a service as meditation on a farm with cows. It is offered for relaxation and calm solution of difficult issues. office workers and businessmen. Psychological services include a separation service, where, for a fee, you will be relieved of stress by announcing the breakup with an unwanted partner with the help of a specially hired person.

There are services for long-term storage of letters on demand. In Japan, you can order your letter to be sent to the addressee after 7 years. And yet, in modern Russian reality, most of these business ideas for unusual services are rather exotic. Few will dare to organize something like this in our country in the face of crisis survival.

What is closer to the Russians

Ideas implemented by many enterprising compatriots - businesses for students, schoolchildren and housewives, not to mention serious entrepreneurs - may be much more in demand. We are talking about the development of turnkey websites, the organization of tanning studios, the production of building foam blocks at home, the design of hairstyles, the organization of private cleaning companies, training in procurement on a tender basis, private schools and kindergartens, and interior design services.

Entrepreneurs Offer wholesale any goods, even the most exotic, weddings in unusual conditions (including abroad). According to an individual project, they will build a cottage for you, make a piece of jewelry or an author's toy, organize a sea or river cruise, offer many funny and useful things like cookies with predictions of the future. Someone breeds and someone organizes courses foreign language, including online (via Skype). Many are engaged wholesale trade anything from building materials to fruits.

Very common business in the field of passenger transportation or manufacturing useful goods in the field of health, such as maternity pillows. Niches such as the sale of used cars, the production of all kinds of souvenirs and handmade products are not empty either. There is a huge selection in our days of all types of repair work, organization and organization of festive events and the opening of sports clubs equipped with the most modern simulators. Online advertising agencies are opening everywhere, offering services for accounting, keeping and treating animals, landscaping loggias and balconies, garden plots, and producing artificial Christmas trees for New Year's holidays.

Everything is made to order - from wooden furniture to author's educational toys. Curtains of the most exquisite design are offered for sewing. If necessary, you can find any lessons - vocals, painting, dance skills. The services of special equipment, rental of construction cabins are in great demand. Literate and enterprising people open legal agencies or engage in outdoor advertising... Someone can organize a whole travel network or produce promotional videos. Craftsmen make wonderful jewelry or artistic blacksmiths.

We organize rental of anything - mopeds, large-sized children's toys, household appliances... You can easily find services for the production of 3D models or 3D advertisements on the asphalt. Event agencies are very popular, their specialization is the organization of holidays and any events. On the Internet, people make money on contextual advertising and organizing their own online stores. Those who are not too friendly with modern technologies, sew to order, provide babysitting and babysitting services.

In a word, business ideas (both unusual and not very, but well-proven) are a dime a dozen these days. The main thing is not to sit still, turn on creativity and show perseverance in achieving the goal.

Business as usual can make money. But the more original and exotic it is, the more interest there will be in it. Often, at the same cost, an exotic or unusual business can generate more income than people are used to. You just need to advertise it correctly and find exotic business ideas for your niche or your client.

The most exotic business ideas in the world

We have compiled the top 5 unusual business ideas in the world that can be fully implemented in Russian conditions.

1. Breeding poisonous spiders

Scope of implementation : for sale to exotic lovers and pharmaceutical companies that make various preparations based on spider venom.

What do you need : terrarium (10,000 rubles), a pair of spiders for divorce (depending on the species, from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles), food, overalls (at least - special elbow-length gloves that the spider cannot bite through).

Start-up capital : 30,000 rubles.

Business expansion options : if you ask yourself with spiders, you can try to breed snakes and other poisonous (and harmless) exotic reptiles both for the purpose of selling and for opening the Exotarium (a zoo of exotic reptiles).

2. Zootaxi

Description of the service : in public transport it is not always convenient (and not always allowed) to travel with pets, especially exotic ones. You can open a taxi company, which will be comfortable for both the animals and their owners.

What do you need : for a start - several cars equipped with special devices for transporting passengers: belts, cages, hammocks, terrariums, grilles between the front and rear seats (it will be useful when transporting large and aggressive predators). The upholstery of the passenger compartment and seats in taxis must be scratch-resistant and easy to clean. It is clear that the desired cell, etc. the driver will take, depending on the order received, so as not to carry everything in one car at once.