Briefly about Japan for children presentation. Land of the Rising Sun-Japan presentation presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

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Japan is a state in East Asia, occupies a chain of islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, the Ryukyu archipelago and others, about 4 thousand in total), washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the East China Sea. Total area - 377,835 km2 Land area - 374,744 km2 River and lake area - 3,091 km2

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The relief is predominantly mountainous. Numerous volcanoes, including Mount Fuji - the highest point in Japan (3776 m). Frequent earthquakes. The climate is subtropical, monsoonal, temperate in the North, tropical in the South. Average temperatures in January are from -5°C on the island of Hokkaido to 16°C in the Ryukyu archipelago, in July, respectively, from 22°C to 28°C. Precipitation from 1 700 mm. per year up to 4000 mm. per year, typhoons are common in autumn. Over 2/3 of the territory is covered with forests (mainly coniferous on the island of Hokkaido, to the south - subtropical evergreens) and shrubs.

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The capital is Tokyo. The official language is Japanese. The head of state is the emperor (since 01/07/1989, Emperor Akihito has been on the throne). The legislature is a bicameral parliament; consists of the House of Councilors and the House of Representatives. The legislative system was formed after the Second World War on the basis of European civil law with a strong influence of the Anglo-American system; recognizes the supremacy of the International Supreme Court (in The Hague). The legal authority is the Supreme Court; the head of the Court is appointed by the monarch on the proposal of the cabinet, the rest are appointed by the cabinet. Adulthood comes at age 20. Constitution adopted in 1947

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Ethnic composition: the Japanese make up 99.4% of the population, the remaining groups - 0.6% (most of them are Koreans, the indigenous inhabitants of the island, the Ainu, live in Hokkaido). The population is 126,549,976 people, of which 79% are urban population. Literacy rate among persons over 15 years old (1970) - 99% Average life expectancy in 1999 and 2000 (in years) 1999 2000 Total 80.11 80.7 Men 77.02 77.51 Women 83.35 84.05

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The majority of believers - Buddhists and Shintoists make up 84%, other communities - 16% (including Christians 0.7%). And carp in Japan is considered a sacred fish. She swims everywhere, but no one eats her.

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Japan is the second in terms of GDP economically developed country peace. The uniqueness of the geographical position largely determined the historical isolation of Japan and the peculiar island mentality of its inhabitants. Mineral reserves are extremely scarce. Only limestone, sulfur and coal. Agricultural land is more than modest - 13% of all land is suitable for cultivation. As for the resources of the world's oceans, Japan's position is much more favorable here - the country is one of the world's largest producers of fish and seafood.

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An important role in economic development country played its national specificity. Japan was isolated from Europe and most influenced by the ancient eastern civilizations of China and Korea.

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The Japanese economy of that period was characterized by such features as: intensive investment process, construction boom, technical modernization of production; rapid development of metallurgy and mechanical engineering; focus on export raw materials in raw form (oil, iron ores, etc.); energy, material and labor-intensive production. Oil shock 1973 - 1974 showed the country's vulnerability to the supply of imported energy resources. The economic model of the country's development has been revised.

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Agriculture provides over 70% of the country's food needs. Main crops: rice, potatoes, sugar cane, sugar beets, citrus fruits. Japanese agriculture is characterized by high intensity and productivity. Due to the scarcity of land in Japan, there are a significant number of special enterprises where fruits and vegetables grow in an artificial environment close in composition to real land. For Agriculture characterized by a high level of chemicalization (the use of fertilizers, special additives). The production process of the crop is under the constant control of special equipment.

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Japanese industry is currently characterized by a reduction in the share of heavy and extractive industries and the active growth of high-tech production. Of particular importance for the country are such high-tech science-intensive industries as the manufacture of robots, CNC machines, microcircuits, telecommunications production, and the aerospace industry. In addition, Japan specializes in the automotive industry (producing about 13 million cars a year, being their world's largest manufacturer), general and transport engineering (about 70% of exports in the 1990s), electronic equipment, and metallurgy (high-quality steel). slide 13 The main islands of the Japanese archipelago are connected by bridges and tunnels. Being a maritime power, Japan has a number of large modern ports: Akita, Amagasaki, Hakodate, Hiroshima, Kawasaki, Kobe, Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo, Yokohama. Maritime transport serves up to 99% of the country's foreign trade. Air transport is also of great importance for the country.

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Japan has a highly skilled, well-prepared practical activities able-bodied labor force. For the whole country, long (above the norm) working hours and a fairly significant proportion of additional activities at your workplace (experience exchange, quality circles, etc.). Virtually no strike movement.

The Japanese are the ninth largest people in the world (130 million people). The majority of the Japanese live in their own national state of Japan (Nippon) (127 million), located on the Japanese Islands, off the coast of Southeast Asia. Japan is an island state consisting of the islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu and numerous small islands adjoining them. Territory - 372.2 thousand km 2. Capital - Tokyo (10.9 million).

The rulers of Japan in all historical times were emperors (mikado), continuously leading their family for 124 generations, starting from the 7th century BC. They were deified, considered the descendants of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Japanese hieroglyphic combination tenno - Heavenly master. The dynasty of Japanese emperors is the oldest of the royal dynasties that have survived to this day on Earth. According to tradition, the emperor of Japan cannot be a woman, this rule has never been violated.

Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world at over 82 years. Now in Japan, more people have crossed the centennial milestone.

The traditional Japanese dwelling has sliding walls made of frames glued with cardboard. The roof is thatched or tiled. The floor is covered with rice straw mats. Tables, chairs, armchairs are placed only in the living rooms. The tables are low, the Japanese usually sit on their knees, on pillows. There are no beds, they sleep on a mat, they put not a pillow under their heads, but a plank.

The national dress of the Japanese is called kimono. At present, the Japanese wear European clothes in everyday life. Kimono can be seen on New Year, coming-of-age day and at Japanese weddings. The women's kimono differs from the men's in the cut of the sleeves. In women, the sleeves serve as a kind of pockets. In women, it is girded with a wide belt, which is tied with a large bow on the back.

From cultural traditions, the most famous are the tea ceremony, the art of ornamental gardens, and ikebana. Japan is an extraordinary country. And in what other country the main national holidays are flowers? Cherry blossoms in spring - the Japanese admire it. In autumn - a holiday of flowering chrysanthemums, in February - a holiday of plum blossoms, in May - wisteria and irises. And the clothes of Japanese women are floral, the pattern on the kimono should be seasonal.

At present, Japan is a highly developed industrial country. Without their own resources, only on imported raw materials, the Japanese managed to develop complex and delicate industries: mechanical engineering, electronics, etc., and very quickly reached the world level, creating one of the world's leading economies.

Marina Khlopotova

In 2014-2015 academic year our preschool department GBOU SOSH 86 participated in project"Reading is interesting", dedicated to the year of Culture. Each group should:

1 Create a group museum of the selected country

2 Conduct tours

3 Show cartoon concert (fairy tale of the chosen country)

4 Make a newspaper "My favorite books" (family reading)

5 Issue the Ostrovok magazine for the selected country

6 Prepare readers for the competition "Humor in Poetry"

7 adults (ped. team of groups) children: dramatization of poems by Russian poets

Our group "Ladybugs" chose country JAPAN. In preparation for everyone participated in the project: children, parents, teachers. A wealth of material has been collected Japan, culture, books purchased fairy tales of Japanese writers, models of houses, castles. Layouts are made by the hands of children and teachers of the group (episodes) To read fairy tales, Mount Fuji. Children on the design made japanese bookmarks"Chrysalis Cocassi" for books, learned some Japanese words, got acquainted with proverbs, poems, clothes. And gradually our group turned into a mini Japan.

Our museum was visited by all groups of the preschool department, as well as teachers elementary school and director of our educational complex. They noted very effective work and excellent preparation of children.

Group museum presentation

"Fairyland Japan"We bring to your attention.

Pasikoka! Dear friends! And in Russian, hello!

My name is Andrey. We begin our tour of country Japan. V japan live japanese. Japan is located far to the east. Japanese the first to meet the sunrise, so Japan is called"land of the rising sun". Its flag has a red circle, the sign of the sun. This the country located on four large islands.

Before Japanese women wear kimonos. The kimono has no buttons, but has a wide belt that ties at the back. The men wore trousers and short kimonos. Shoes Japanese- wooden sandals-benches with laces.

In houses Japanese sitting on the floor on rugs, eating from small tables. They love fish, sushi, and eat with chopsticks. Write Japanese hieroglyphs - small icons-drawings and a column.

The Japanese are very fond of nature.. In the spring they have cherry blossoms - sakura. At Japanese then there is a holiday, they do not work, but go and admire the sakura. Japanese love to make bouquets of flowers. This is a whole science - ikebana. They also like to grow dwarf trees. This is called bonsai.

My name is Vanya. I will continue the tour.

V Japan is very beautiful, a high mountain-volcano Fujiyama. In summer, when the snow melts on the mountain, Japanese and tourists can climb to its top and admire the extraordinary beauty.

V Japan came up with"origami" - folding different figures from sheets of paper. Princess Origami came to visit us today. Her name is Taya. (Princess Origami exits):

I'm glad to meet you today

My name is Princess Origami.

And here is the crane in my palm,

And it seems that now he will sail away

He flew with me from Japan,

From that country where the sun rises.

V japan believe that cranes bring good luck. sick Japanese the girl made 1000 cranes to recover from a serious illness.

V Japan many beautiful castles. The most beautiful and largest castle is located in Osaka.

Japanese- very poetic people, they compose a lot of poems and fairy tales. They teach children friendship, kindness and respect for old age.

We are in a group read a lot of interesting Japanese fairy tales who wrote Japanese writers and translated them into Russian. We really liked story"House of Mouse", written by Chisato Toshiro, "The Adventures of Chester", "I'm eating noodles meanwhile" and a big book Japanese fairy tales. Fairy tales are all interesting. Not always Japanese fairy tales end well.

Here you see the episode fairy tales"Magic Mirror" (about a girl whose mother died, her father married another. The stepmother treated the girl very badly. And the girl every day looked in the mirror that her mother gave her and remembered her).

This episode from fairy tales"Mouse House" (about five mice that lived near a huge mountain of things that people once threw away. They slept in a slipper, in a box, in a mitten, in a hammock, in a box. They saved a cat who got tangled in nets that the little mice themselves placed them, and they all began to live together amicably).

next episode from fairy tales"eyes of a snake" (a father with a small child came to a mountain lake to look for his mother, the sorcerer turned her into a snake. They searched for a mother for a long time and when the son grew up he found her. In this fairy tale everything ends well.

One more story"Samurai unexpectedly for himself" (one poor man took pity on the wounded samurai, carried him home, the samurai died from his wounds. Before his death, he gave the poor man his magic sword and samurai clothes and the poor man, unexpectedly became the main samurai over the military squad).

And now we will tell you riddles about heroes tales told. Have you been listening carefully to us?

What a gray animal, the tail is long, like a string,

As soon as he saw a cat, he immediately ran into a mink? (mouse)

Can I pretend to be a branch, or safely hide in the grass.

And still I can in a ball, I curl up so easily.

But I am poisonous, friends, because I am. (snake).

On Fujiyama - snow, and sakura in flowers.

Look, bonsai flaunts in the gardens.

May always comes after April.

Always in line fearless. (samurai)

Often I look at him, I circle in front of him, I spin.

I braid my braids and straighten my suit. (mirror)

Well done! You guessed the riddle correctly. Now listen Japanese proverbs, they are very wise:

Let your miserly neighbor not give you anything,

You shamed him with your kindness.

I knocked on you with a request, and I was ashamed.

But you did not heed my request, -shame on you doubly.

Though you have done good or evil for a long time,

You look - back it came to you.

Dear friends! If you interested in fairy tales- then we will gladly give you read. AFTER ALL READING IS INTERESTING. And now we want to give you Japanese a bookmark for books - Kokassy's chrysalis. Thank you for your attention!

Slides captions:

"TRAVEL IN JAPAN" Educator MDOBU Kindergarten№3 "Cheburashka" Lugovskaya N.A. Part one Geographical position Coat of arms and flag Capital Clothing National cuisine

Japan is an island state, located in the Pacific Ocean, washed by the East China, Okhotsk, and Japan Seas.

The national flag of Japan depicts the sun - a large red circle on a white background. White is a symbol of purity. This is reminiscent of the name of Japan - the land of the rising sun. The coat of arms is a yellow chrysanthemum consisting of 16 double petals, which symbolizes the sun. The coat of arms has a magical meaning. EMBLEM AND FLAG OF JAPAN


O. Shikoku is the smallest of the 4 islands. O. Kyushu is the southernmost of the 4 Japanese Sacred Torii Gates

O. Honshu is the largest and most important of all the islands of Japan. Mount Fuji is the majestic symbol of Japan.

Sakura symbol of Japan

Pagoda Temple Buddhist Temple Gosse Imperial Palace Kyoto

Traditional Japanese houses have very little furniture. The entire floor is covered with rice straw mats. They sit on the floor when they have dinner, they sleep on the floor, spreading special mattresses. JAPANESE HOUSES

National Japanese cuisine


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Slides captions:

"TRAVEL IN JAPAN" Educator MDOBU kindergarten No. 3 "Cheburashka" Lugovskaya N.A. Part two Culture Toys and games Sports Holidays

Japanese games for children OHAJIKI This game is usually considered a game for girls. Players take turns snapping their fingers at small coin-shaped pieces called ohajiki, trying to hit the other pieces. Previously, stones were used in the game. Now figurines are usually made of glass. When playing, you need to fold your thumb and index (or middle) finger in a circle, and then click on the figure with your thumb. KENDAMA (translated as KEN - sword, DAMA - ball). Many people played this game, trying to catch a tied ball in a bag or cup. OTEDAMA is a Japanese juggling ball. JIAN-KEN - "Stone, paper, scissors"

Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing bonsai trees for ornamental purposes, as well as the tree itself.

ABOUT RIGAMI The most favorite figurine is the crane, among the Japanese it is considered a sacred bird.

Popular in Japan are: types of martial arts (judo, kendo and karate, sumo, aikido); kyudo ("way of the bow") - archery SPORT

New Year Kadomatsu

And hieroglyphs Happiness Joy

Thank you for your attention! どうも JAPAN JOURNEY