It is necessary to open the acceptance of metal. How to open a scrap metal collection point? What you need to do business

I agree that at first this idea may seem strange on the one hand, but unprofitable on the other, but if you look closely at it, analyze all the nuances to the smallest detail, it turns out that this business is very attractive and very profitable. Metal almost literally lies under our feet, but not every person wants to make money on it, or, in extreme cases, simply does not know about this profitable business.

A scrap metal collection point can be very profitable. This business is good because it will never burn out, because metal these days was, is and will be, and people who want to earn at least some pretty penny will, albeit a little, but still carry scrap metal to the collection point. This project does not require large investments and absolutely any person with absolutely any education can do it.

What do you need to open a scrap metal collection point?
Firstly, you need to find a room where metal will be bought from the population (you can take metal at home in the garage, you can buy a room for the collection of metal, etc.). Secondly, you need to find a transport on which metal will be exported to an organization for the purchase and processing of metals (if there is no personal transport, you can conclude an agreement with an organization dealing with cargo transportation, or lease a car).

Thirdly, scales will be needed (preferably electronic, since they will more accurately show the weight of the metal; two types of scales are needed - floor scales for weighing ferrous metal and hinged ones for weighing non-ferrous metal). You will also need scissors for metal (well, or special cutters for metal), a press for packing scrap metal. Scissors and a press are not mandatory conditions to open a scrap metal collection point.

Fourth, we need staff. Usually this is a truck driver, 3-4 loaders and an accountant (the one who weighs the metal).

Fifthly, you need to register your point, at least as an individual entrepreneur, but you can also as an LLC, the main thing is that there would be state registration, otherwise there may be big problems with executive authorities.

Marketing system or how to attract customers!
Before you open a scrap metal collection point, you need to find suppliers who will sell you metal (these can be private entrepreneurs, any organizations, or the general population). I agree that immediately after the opening of the reception point, they will not carry mountains of metal to you, but they will still hand it over. First you need to place ads on banners, in newspapers and on message boards. Gradually you will be attracted by people who are not averse to handing over the metal to your enterprise.
You will have to establish yourself as an honest and high-quality entrepreneur (from my own experience I know that at almost any scrap metal buying enterprise, entrepreneurs turn on the scales, that is, for example, you brought 1 ton of ferrous metal, but the scales will show that there is only 850 kilogram) and then not only the population, but also private entrepreneurs and organizations will be drawn to you.

Of course, this business will not immediately bring huge profits (this simply does not happen), because you need to start small, for example, buy metal from people by kilograms, and already hand it over to a processing point in bulk lots of ferrous and non-ferrous metal. And over time, you will have many orders for accepting metals, and then that turning point comes when the business is going uphill.

Next, you will need to find companies that have agreed to buy wholesale scrap metal from you. Travel to various scrap metal buying organizations, look at the price, the quality of service, and choose what is right for your organization.

Where to get the money and how much does it cost?
V Russian Federation there is a grant support for entrepreneurs! Do not miss your chance, if you really decided (after weighing all the pros and cons) to open a scrap metal collection point, then go ahead! If you look closely, this business idea does not require large investments. Let's start with the premises. If you decide to rent a storage space, then it will cost you 20-30 thousand rubles a month (it seems to me that it is not too expensive).

The salary of employees will cost you 10-15 thousand rubles a month, which is also not so expensive. The most important condition: paid wages on time is a deposit successful work staff.
Equipment including freight car, scales and scissors will cost you about 100 thousand rubles.

Let's summarize.
to open a scrap metal collection point, you will need about 120-140 thousand rubles
Payback of the project.
One car trip can bring about 15 thousand rubles in income.
The annual revenue can be a good round sum (depending on how much metal was sold). On average, this is 550-700 thousand rubles a year. That is, if the organization works correctly, the payback of this project will be several months after the opening of the scrap metal collection point. The most important thing is to remember about the competition, and to set a competitive price, given the real value of the given product in the market.

The business idea of ​​making money on metal often visits the minds of novice businessmen, but only a few entrepreneurs undertake its implementation. This fact promises very good prospects for those who decide to open a scrap metal collection point in a good place. The category of scrap includes old cars that are not on the move and not suitable for disassembly, as well as non-recoverable electrical appliances and various household items containing metal.

It may seem that the metal business is unattractive for most merchants due to low profitability, but the reason for their loss of interest lies in another nuance - the launch of a project requires serious preparation and careful calculations. If you understand the specifics of this business and can apply theoretical skills in practice, then the results from such activities will be more than satisfactory.

Stages of implementation of a metal business idea

The most simple and profitable option earnings will be the resale of metal purchased from the population or firms at low but competitive prices.

Marketing Analysis

First of all, you need to find out if there is a scrap metal collection point in your city that offers high prices for the raw materials received. In the presence of an already "untwisted" point, opening your own recycling center will be a waste of time - people will go to their usual place by inertia. And if you try to outbid your competitors, you are likely to get serious losses.

Another option is the creation of several collection points at once in small settlements that competitors have not yet reached, and the transportation of the collected scrap metal to the warehouse of your city. The implementation of this idea will allow you to set the best prices without looking back at the prices of your business colleagues, because the residents of the town or village will only come to you. Ultimately, a profitable purchase of raw materials will compensate fixed costs for rent of premises and transport.

In some cases, even the presence of a large reception point does not prevent a merchant from opening a business on metal, because the point may be located in another area of ​​the city or purchase raw materials only from wholesale suppliers bringing tons of metal. This situation will make it possible to organize reception centers focused on single suppliers - ordinary residents of microdistricts. And having accumulated the required amount of metal, reaching several tons, it will be possible to transport raw materials to a company engaged in wholesale purchasing.

Choosing a place for conducting a "metal" business

Your income level will depend to a large extent on the correct location of the scrap metal collection point. Therefore, if you do not want to waste time and money, first consider all possible options for suitable premises, determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and then purchase equipment and form a staff.

The owner of a private house, as an option, can organize workplace carry out the purchase of metal in your yard and at any time of the day. On the one hand, it is convenient - no need to spend extra money on the purchase of premises or on monthly payments of considerable sums to the landlord. But on the other hand, do not forget about the neighbors living nearby, who may not like your activity. Air pollution from approaching cars, noise from dismantling and sorting metal - all this can lead not only to a deterioration in good neighborly relations, but also to the imposition of a monetary penalty by the regulatory authorities.

It is quite difficult to find an absolutely ideal place to receive scrap metal, because each option, in addition to obvious advantages, has its own disadvantages. By opening a collection point in a garage or a summer cottage, you can solve the problem with your neighbors, but the business owner will have to face other challenges. The first step is to resolve the issue with the watchman and look for a reliable person who can ensure the safety of the received raw materials. At the same time, an employee hired to work must not only protect scrap metal from other people's encroachments, but also personally not take what does not belong to him.

It will be quite difficult to recognize the fact of theft of several kilograms, because tons of metal will be stored in the warehouse. Another problem may be the lack of storage space or an inconvenient approach to the location of the collection point. Even in a large garage, it will be difficult to fit tons of metal, let alone sort it. Plus, the roads leading to garages or summer cottages are often unsuitable for large trucks.

Formation of the required staff

One of the employees of the scrap metal collection point has already been identified - this is a watchman or a security guard who is simply necessary when organizing a point at a decent distance from your home. If you are not going to do the work of receiving the metal in person, then the next employee to be hired will be the receiver. A person should be hired for this position, in whose decency you do not doubt.

With a large turnover of raw materials, you will need a packer who sorts scrap metal with a different composition. And at low revs, you can think about combining positions and reduce the staff by giving the receiver additional responsibilities packer. But do not exclude situations of a large influx of people, which will lead to the need for your personal participation in the acceptance or packing of metal, since one person will not be able to keep up with everything.

A good salary that you will pay to your employees will help to minimize the risks of theft. As a rule, a greedy owner has more theft than an owner who values ​​the labor of his employees. Many executives make the most common mistake when setting minimum wages. responsible persons, and this leads workers to thoughts about additional and easy income from the theft of someone else's property.

Setting the bar high wages, you can easily force your employees to work responsibly and eliminate possible losses. Experts in this area recommend paying from 15 thousand to each hired person. Also, it will not hurt to install a video surveillance system, with which you can record the fact of theft and identify criminals. By the way, employees who know that they are constantly being looked after perform their duties much better. But do not rely entirely on the cameras and do not leave the work of the team without personal control - check the health of the scales, monitor the implementation of metal reception.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

Launching a project will not require serious financial investments if you find appropriate place to organize a collection point. All that is needed in the next step is two types of scales and a specialized tool. Some scales are needed to receive large batches of metal from 1 ton, while others are needed for less weight. You will also need: a magnet, with which the receiver will determine the composition of the material to be received, and a set of tools for disassembling various items and units that are handed over to the receiving point.

It is not possible to buy a car for transporting metal, but to rent it. With an increase in turnover, you can think about buying your own transport and purchasing a press machine.

Reasonable entrepreneurs have long understood that by building their business on scrap metal, they can make a lot of profit, which will be stable and reliable.

Scrap metal is a raw material that is necessary for any metallurgical enterprise, so the demand for it is increasing every year and at a rapid pace.

In addition, the business related to working with secondary raw materials is not burdened with VAT, which makes it possible to save a lot of money, directing them to the development of the business.

However, when planning such a business, it is important to approach this process correctly. If you start a business on your own, then there is a great risk of making a lot of mistakes.

To avoid this, you can purchase a franchise.

Together with her you get ready-made business model, training, assistance in finding a site, marketing strategy, sales market and ongoing support in all areas. Holding "Vtorresursy" has been operating since 2005 and has a significant reputation in the market.

How to open a scrap metal collection point

One of the first questions that arise is where to open a reception point. As a rule, the location in the given case does not play a significant role.

It doesn’t matter in which area of ​​the city your center will be located, the scale of the settlement itself is important: the larger the city, the greater the profit.

Also, for the business to be successful, you need to think over everything thoroughly and develop a plan.

Some entrepreneurs do not register their business, which is not only illegal and entails a fine, but also damages the reputation.

Therefore, first of all, you need: a license for the processing of ferrous metals and a license for the processing of non-ferrous metals.

  • Press;
  • scales for weighing raw materials;
  • 2-3 dump trucks;
  • Reloader.

The creation of a collection point and the purchase of the necessary equipment are the first steps leading to commercial success.

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Metal price on secondary metal in Russia

It is profitable to hand over scrap metal for two reasons. Firstly, getting rid of the metal structures that have already served their purpose, you give the metal a second life, which contributes to the improvement of the ecology. Secondly, it is an economic benefit.

The price of scrap metal on secondary metal is determined by many factors. It may vary depending on the general economic situation on the market, from the category of raw materials and other related conditions.

The final price for scrap metal depends on the type of scrap metal, the method of transportation and the need for dismantling.

To obtain accurate information, you need to monitor the situation in a specific period of time.

We open a scrap metal collection point in Moscow

Moscow, as a city with a millionaire, is a very attractive place to open a business for the collection and processing of metals. First of all, due to the fact that there is no need to be tormented by the question of where to look for scrap metal.

In such a large city it is full, but more importantly, there it is appreciated. When opening a collection point for scrap ferrous metals in Moscow, the first step is to obtain an appropriate license.

After your business is legal, you need to make a plan and purchase equipment. On the initial stages it is not obligatory to redeem it, you can rent or use used equipment.

You should also think about the staff. It is thanks to decent, hardworking and honest employees that you can achieve the required results and make your business profitable.

Typically for normal work point, two workers are enough: the inspector and the disassembler. The first of them will accept and weigh scrap, and the second will disassemble various equipment.

Vtorchermetovskaya scrap metal price

The price of scrap metal at each specific collection point differs. It should be understood that these will be different numbers for each region.

However, it is possible to estimate the approximate cost of a ton of metal. So for ferrous metal it will be 9000-11000 rubles / ton, and for non-ferrous metal it can reach 5000 dollars.

In order for the money you invested in the business to pay off faster and you start earning decent money, you need to sell scrap at a price that exceeds the purchase price.

Sometimes business development is helped by the reception of various household appliances obsolete, from refrigerators to stoves. This technique uses many different metals that are used. The price for this product is approximately 4-5 cents per kg.

Recycling of ferrous scrap at a mobile plant

Why you need a scrap metal baling press

A novice businessman who opens his own scrap metal collection point, as a rule, is worried about what equipment needs to be purchased, first of all, and what can be postponed until the profit begins to flow.

Equipment for cutting and packaging scrap metal is considered necessary in this case. For the first task, you can use a punching press for metal, which is designed to cut it at different angles.

The second requires hydraulic baling presses. Such presses reduce the size of large structures and give them the shape most suitable for storage and transportation.

Stacking scrap metal allows you to avoid its corrosion, which occurs during prolonged exposure to the open air, and hence the subsequent reduction in its value upon sale.

Moreover, if you work with impressive lots, then the packaged scrap is easier to transport, which positively affects the profitability of your business, as it reduces transportation costs.

Additionally - processing of non-ferrous scrap

When opening your own scrap metal collection point, you must plan what kind of scrap you will be dealing with. Will it be car bodies or household types scrap, will you accept exclusively ferrous metal or also non-ferrous.

It should be noted that it is quite profitable to deal with the processing of non-ferrous scrap, because it differs from black in a wide variety and includes:

  • Aluminum and its alloys;
  • Magnesium (common in aircraft construction);
  • Copper and alloys;
  • Semiconductor scrap (used in the manufacture of electronics);
  • Rare metal (nano-manufacturing and complex alloys);
  • Lead;
  • Titanium (shipbuilding and aircraft construction).

Such a variety will provide you with a constant influx of customers, but at the same time with certain difficulties related to the separation of metal from various kinds of impurities.

Recycling non-ferrous scrap is a profitable business. However, if you choose this direction as the main one, you will have to think about purchasing specialized equipment.

For any type of business, profitability is the top priority. The metal trading business will not be an exception, since it is for this that an entrepreneur invests money and spends his energy. The main thing in this matter is to choose the most suitable field of activity for yourself, draw up a clear business plan and take into account various factors that can negatively or positively affect further work and income. If a businessman decides to tackle such a complex matter as metal trading, first of all he will have to take care of drawing up a clear business plan, of a room with necessary equipment and the selection of qualified employees.

  • How to start your own metal business?
  • Registration and registration of a business for the sale of metal
  • Will ferrous metal products be in demand?
  • Which metals are best to trade? Product range
  • How much can you earn on metal trading
  • How much money is needed to start a business
  • How to choose equipment for metal trading
  • What OKVED to indicate during registration
  • Do I need a permit to open a metal trading business
  • Sales technology

How to start your own metal business?

Metal trading is a tricky business area and you need to prepare carefully before investing money. First of all, you need to study the market and understand which products are most widely represented and which ones are in the greatest demand. This will allow you to analyze the competition and calculate an investment with a return on investment.

Obtaining information about companies that occupy a given niche is an important condition, since the product must be competitive in order to entrepreneurial activity brought the proper profit.

Seasonality plays an important role in everything. Metal sales are no exception. It is important to take into account that at certain times of the year the sale of metal products (for example) will be more active. This is due to the fact that in the warm season, construction is opened much more often.

An important issue is the markup that an entrepreneur can set on his product. In order to understand the approximate cost of a metal, you need to monitor prices taking into account all the closest competitors. In addition, it is worth looking at the data from the world wide web. On the websites of metal sellers you can find many interesting information, which will be useful when organizing a business.

After these points are resolved, you can start looking for a room. It should be large and best of all if it is an industrial zone. It is necessary to immediately select qualified personnel. A considerable part of the success of the entire enterprise depends on the work of hired employees, therefore everyone, from the loader to the manager, must do their job with high quality.

Think before you decide to start a business, weigh the pros and cons. You may be better off with another activity, such as opening a coworking center. We invite you to familiarize yourself with correct investment money and make money on it.

Registration and registration of a business for the sale of metal

You need to register with tax office and the FIU. In the Federal Tax Service, it is better to choose the organizational and legal form of the individual entrepreneur, which will minimize tax reporting... It is imperative to register with the Pension Fund and the FSS, since without this it will not be possible to officially hire employees.

Nowadays, it has become popular to work for yourself, to organize, even if small, your own business. The trigger for your own business is an idea. It can become unique in its kind, or it can be implemented millions of times, but this will not make it less profitable. This idea includes the organization of a collection point for scrap metal. Below will be described how to open a scrap metal collection point.

Where to begin? What should you pay attention to?

If a decision is made in favor of such a business, the first thing to think about is registration with the tax office as individual entrepreneur... It will not work "black" here, since collecting metal is a business "in sight". An experienced accountant can help resolve accounting and tax issues. There is one more nuance here: the metal business in Russia must be licensed. The license is issued by the executive authority of the settlement where this activity is organized. The issuance of a license has its own subtleties, and no one can guarantee that it will be issued. Some "veterans" of such a business claim that it is quite possible to work without a license, at least for the first time. The choice is up to the entrepreneur.

It is imperative that when opening a scrap metal collection point, you need to think about whether it is worth hiring people. On the one hand, it is stable costs: contributions to Pension Fund, taxes, salary. On the other hand, it is an opportunity to organize the collection of scrap metals at a high level, debugging this process from the very beginning and freeing up the entrepreneur's time to resolve other issues. The most the best option hiring an accountant, receiver and sorter of metal can become.

Back to the table of contents

How to choose premises and equipment?

It is important to think about where the business is organized. At first, this may be a room from 40 to 150 sq. meters. For example, a garage, industrial building, hangar or ordinary private house with outbuildings. It is best if the scrap yard is located in a residential or industrial area. It is also important to consider convenient access roads.

Equipment is also important for the successful promotion of a metal receiving point. First of all, it is necessary to purchase scales for loads of more than a ton (among the common people, tonnages) and ordinary dial gauges with weights for weighing non-ferrous metals. You will definitely need tools for cutting metal: press shears, alligator or hydraulic shears. It all depends on financial reserve available to the entrepreneur. In addition, the work will simply need a truck. The question of whether his organization will lease or purchase from own funds, it is also better to decide right away.

After all the points listed above are implemented, you can get to work. There will be few clients at first. Well-planned advertising should play a role here. If the main clients of the scrap metal collection point are ordinary citizens and small entrepreneurs specializing in metalworking, then advertising campaign should be focused specifically on them. Here you need to bet on the posting of ordinary paper advertisements in bright colors with large print. You can paste them up in residential areas, in the private sector, near summer cottages. Small and medium-sized businessmen can be notified of the opening of an office by e-mail or a personal visit.

In this case, it is advisable, in addition to the address, to indicate the prices for metal in the leaflet. Do not forget that from pricing policy the success of the business largely depends.

An increase in the purchase price even by a few kopecks will help to purchase regular customers and stable income.

It will be helpful to collect information on scrap prices from competitors.

To attract a larger number of customers, it is possible to install indicators of the location of the metal collection point on poles, trees, etc. Consideration should be given not only to the circle of scrap suppliers, but also to those counterparties who will buy these raw materials in bulk. This is one of the key points in organizing the work of the scrap metal collection point.

Do not forget about ensuring the safety of your business. Per Lately there have been frequent cases of putting illegally mined metal products into scrap metal. This issue can be solved simply by organizing a written transcript of everything that will be brought for scrap. It is also important to be prepared for frequent visits by police officers on this matter.