Copyright Secrets. Copywriting

1. touches

It is extremely important to constantly touch all customers with all possible ways, including offline.

Aggressive follow-up touches (touches after purchase, contact) are what distinguishes all successful infobusinesses.

Be sure to study the touch schedule template (listed below) and do it in your infobusiness

2. Trust on 3 levels

You need to learn how to insert a block that includes a person’s trust into each paragraph of your selling text. Several levels of trust:

1) it is in principle possible

2) trust in you (the more you promise, the less trust)

3) a person's confidence in himself (must believe that he can achieve a solution to his problem through a purchase)

3. Inspiration

Where to get inspiration from? How to enter the stream and start writing?

Start writing without entering the stream. Set tight time limits. deadline.

Don't try to find comfort in the process of writing sales letters. Transform discomfort into text that catches and motivates you to buy.

4. Pain

You have to make the person, after reading the text, feel very bad that they still haven't sent you their money. If he doesn't buy, he must feel very bad.

One way is to describe everything that a person will not get if he decides to buy not right now. You have to hit on a sore spot so that it hurts him because he does not buy.

5. Trust is a key feeling

People want to believe in a miracle, in magic pills, that someone who knows will come and do everything for them. In addition, they are constantly hammered by your competitors.

Therefore, it is imperative for you to learn how to write texts that show that you are also a person, that you understand them, that you were in their place, that you are going through the same problems as they are.

Trust is a key feeling that a person should turn on.

6. Discipline

On the one hand, writing good sales texts is a skill (we write according to formulas), on the other hand, it is an art (inner self), but it is also discipline!

You must sit down and write, regardless of lack of desire or anything else.

7. Clients

Need to be able to spend more money to attract more customers.

8. Mastery

Find a large number of letters that have already sold a million, and rewrite them a hundred times.

9. Way to success

It is not so difficult to make relatively big money one-time, but it is quite difficult to make big money come constantly, especially for several years.

Try to develop in yourself the skill of the final, bringing what you started to the end.

10. Projects

If you have a choice of which project to take on, it is better to take on a project that will bring you a permanent income (Residual income), and not a one-time one.

But! This is much more difficult to do. Start by learning how to earn a one-time income.

11. Formula for making millions.

A short but insanely scary formula.

    • We write a powerful SalesLetter (sales letter), not fully understanding what will be inside the product (training)
    • In this SalesLetter we promise EVERYTHING (ideally without understanding how to give it). When writing SL, raise the bar so high that you will crazily want to buy this product yourself
    • Find ways to give everything that was promised. Firstly, you need to be sure that you can give it to them, and secondly, you need to do it. Until given, the training is not completed, the product is not finished.

12. puppy enthusiasm

When you write text, it is extremely important to write in one of the passes as quickly as possible, in a state of frenzied beginner enthusiasm.

In the second pass, you correct it, tighten it up, making the brightest parts brighter.

No boilerplate text will ever outperform text written in the first pass with puppy-like enthusiasm, when you write, already choking on how cool what you are selling. It cannot be copied.

13. It is easier to sell to those who have already bought.

We're trying to test our copy on people who are already the easiest customers to sell to. We are trying to predict whether a person will buy.

The simplest cheat code is to look at the actions a person has already taken. A simple example is hiring an employee.

A person with work experience is more likely to be more successful in activities than a person without such experience. If your potential customers have already bought, the chances that they will buy from you are already higher.

14. Systems approach

Why is a good SL expensive? It cannot be written quickly. Great preparation period.

I (Andrey) have 2-3 months. Many copywriters say that the best writing comes after a thousand hours of writing. After a thousand hours, you begin to understand the little things that you can convey.

But you, most likely, need the result much faster. Then work according to the following system: first write an approximate text fish, blocks.

· What do you sell?

Why will these people buy?

Why is this more important than anything else?

· Why should they spend not only money, but also their time?

15. Your client is Homer Simpson

In subsequent passes, you need to simplify the text as much as possible. You can imagine Homer Simpson, focus on a fifth grader so that he can understand what it is about.

From time to time it is good to weave into the text pieces that will be understood only by advanced ones.

A person at the level of a fifth grader will simply skip your incomprehensible inserts, and people of a higher class, these inserts will pin them.

16. extra text

Ken Varga writes amazing sales copy. He writes a long, huge text for a very long time, and then 90% will be removed from it, leaving only the most important.

Only the most - the most - the most lethal. I (Andrey) throw out at least a third of what I write.

17. Emotion of delight

Model magicians. Find a show. David Copperfield, David Blaine.

If inside you have a response, enthusiasm, “wow!” - you need to strive to write the text in the same way. Strive to make the text emotional, but in order to convey emotions, you need to be able to feel them and strengthen them in yourself.

18. Empathy

What do people want?

In copywriting, the most important emotion you can feel in yourself is Empathy* for your clients.

We often do not find understanding even among the closest people. If you can put it into words, communicate that you understand people, help them be important, tell them verbally and non-verbally thank you for being who they are, for listening to what you say, doing what you are. advise, for the fact that they are your customers.

Let them feel that you understand them, that you care about them, that you do everything to make their life easier. Everything becomes much simpler in life, and sales begin to go in a completely different way.

* Empathy - (from the Greek empatheia), empathy, penetration into the feelings and experiences of another person, experiencing the same emotional states experienced by another.

19. Working on business

Spend 1 hour a day working on your business

If you already have profitable business(unprofitable business is a hobby), there is a stream of incoming customers, the most important thing you can do for your business is to set aside time every day, preferably an hour, when you will be busy only developing schemes for promoting, increasing, scaling your business.

Work not in business, but on it. Think, plan, analyze, invent. In principle, this is what a coach is for, so that you move forward with someone.

We wrote a whole section about this in more detail in the book "Business without rules", be sure to read it!

20. Focus and Vision

Learn to see the situation from the outside.

You must be able to see the situation strategically. Operate on a large scale. Strive to deliver the highest quality.

If your theme works, after you've tested it and it's up and running, you need to find a way to make it the best in the niche. You should only focus your resources on topics that give you the highest return on your investment of time.

21. Road to Success

Love the actions that lead you to success

They say do what you like and the money will appear. But there is another saying about this.

"Learn to love the actions that will help you get the maximum result - and then the money will appear." Learn to love doing things that will bring you and your clients the best possible result, and then the money will come.

22. failures

Our failures are our best lessons. This is what makes us move on, change, rethink what we do. Failure is part of success. The standard formula is: out of 10 things you do well, you will get one.

There are 2 development paths

The 1st option is to improve the conversion rate: work on yourself, work with the audience.

2nd option - if your personal percentage is 10 to 1, and you want 7 successful projects, you need to find a way to launch 70 projects, of which 7 will be successful.

According to the law of synergy, you will receive more, not 7, but about 20 successful projects. Never lead projects consistently, this is a failed path. Walk parallel paths SIMULTANEOUSLY!

23. Diary

The most important thing is to keep a diary of successes and failures. Understand 2 things that are extremely important: separately write down things that work out and keep repeating them.

Many in the pursuit of a new stop doing what worked. What could not be written to another list and never repeated from it. You will know what to repeat no more, and what you need to repeat unambiguously.

New is good, but you need to constantly repeat what works.

24. Pain from failure.

Negative Feedback. You must move forward not because it is necessary, not because “it happened”, but because you want to go somewhere, change the world for the better, change yourself for the better.

There are 2 different behavior patterns.

    • How are we taught? Bitten, chewed, swallowed, now, you must bite off more than you can swallow. You have to take on a lot more things.
    • Stretch your boundaries and move on, don't be afraid to start something new, don't be afraid to accept the problems that come, welcome the pressure that comes to you.

In parallel, you must understand that this is only part of the solution.

There are many beginners, few finishers.

What works should not just be brought to the end, but developed, to continue this topic further. Make very strong products out of it. You have to be able to dig wide, notice where the splash is, and then dig deep.

There are often two mutually exclusive patterns of behavior.

model of digging in breadth

take interesting topic, and dig deep when you can see where the splash is

You can either dig into your topic (if you only dig deep), or remain superficial (if you only dig in breadth).

It is imperative not to be afraid to test things in breadth and at the same time be able to switch.

25. Stop waiting to be screwed!

Sit down to work without inspiration, clinging to something in the process, you pull yourself up.

Most of our lives are routine, boring and constant, but routine is the inertia that keeps us moving forward.

If you wait for inspiration, you will be like a person who is standing around the corner and waiting for the parade to pass by, although the parade is in the square.

26. Hope

There is such a good emotion - hope. There is a hope in most people that there is someone who will come and do everything for you. An example is the sale of MLM products.

Most people want someone to lead them. Smart, wise, efficient. They just need to be in the crowd.

We want to be not only led, but also thought for us, done for us, and we were also rewarded for it. Get the benefits without taking any risks. This needs to be understood.

Hope for a magical strong brother is the strongest of human emotions and cannot be ignored. It is extremely important for you to understand that this is what will sell.

27. Hyperbolas

Donald Trump is a master of self-promotion, he has a very hypertrophied ego.

In his interviews, he says that when he does PR, he promotes some of his product, another real estate, etc., including himself, he inflates it, adds bravado, courage there.

People want to believe that somewhere is the biggest, the most creative, the most expensive, the best, the most - the most.

This is how you need to sell, adding a decent dose of "hyper", showing it like comics do - with large strokes they draw the most important emotions, the most important things.

This is what people want to see. It adds drama. It catches, includes the emotional side.

28. Swipe - file

How to achieve this?

You need to create your own swipe file, this is a collection of other people's selling texts from which you draw inspiration. Texts that catch. Sales letters that sell like crazy. Big good swipe - the file will bring you a lot of money. This is a good tool.

Algorithm for working with a swipe file.

You are looking at texts (not necessarily on your topic) and something in the text will hook you. You work through this through yourself, and already write your text (your emotion).

Swipe - the file is needed not for copying, but in order to evoke the resonance of an internal emotion, so that this feeling turns on in you.

The swipe file can be used in two ways:

    • When you don't have the inspiration to start the process
    • You are already working and need to switch to next level, you need an additional infusion of external energy, add chips.

29. Fatigue

What to do with fatigue?

Practice shows that when we push ourselves forward to restart our brains so that they start working when you are tired in the process of working on the text, the number one option is to leave. You can finish a block of text and post it on your blog.

The second option: you are tired, if you are a professional, you can push further through this rubber ceiling with external things, swipe with a file, inventing another block, another text, then a second wind opens.

Psychologist William Chase was the first to study levels of fatigue. If you push through the first level of fatigue, you get a second wind. If you push through the second level of fatigue, the third wind comes to you, etc. And then after the 3rd breath often the most creative ideas come.

30. Other people's ideas

Don't be afraid to use other people's ideas

Most ideas are realized much better in the brain of another person than in the brain of the person who found them.

Don't be afraid to peek good ideas someone else. Don't be afraid to use them both to start the process and to push through that level of fatigue that comes up periodically.

31. How to write a good sales text?

Good health, dear reader of the site magazine! In this article we will talk about the Secrets of copywriting, conditions for writing texts, how to write a good selling article, what properties it should have.

Copywriting Secrets

  • Selling, describing the advantages of products manufactured by companies;
  • Advertising;
  • To fill sites;
  • News writing;
  • Description of the beneficial service.

And every specialist wants them to be informative, interesting and easy to read.

And to achieve this is quite simple, as it might seem at first glance.

Conditions for writing texts

It is only necessary to observe certain conditions when writing them:

The shorter the sentences, the easier they are to understand.

Their main goal is to convey their message to the audience.

When you write a text, you hope that readers will read it in its entirety. And for this it is necessary to achieve that he interested them and captivated.

This can be achieved through questions and answers. Questions force the reader to answer them. Mentally, he is drawn into a discussion with you. If he has his own version, he checks if it is correct and reads the text further.

Summarize research, it is a powerful persuasion tool.

And if you summarize and describe the information briefly and clearly, the user will receive the necessary knowledge from a reliable source, and you will gain his trust.

When writing texts, use simple analogues of complex words.

Compound words can be used if their meaning is clear to any person.

American trade expert Elmer Wheeler in his book shares the secret that a small part of the text should be a description of the merits of products, and most of it should be devoted to describing the evidence.

To make the texts convincing, you need to understand the psychology of people, understand what drives them when they choose a certain product.

Before you start writing an article, you need to:

  • make a portrait target audience;
  • Understand their needs, what interests them;
  • See the product through their eyes.

Your task is to unobtrusively convince the buyer to buy exactly your product, to tell about the benefits of the purchase.

One of the copywriting rules is to repeat the main idea 3 times - in the title, in the middle of the text and at the end.

The reader should be given the opportunity to make their own choice.

If he doubts whether to buy or not, you do not convince him, but simply advise, referring to the fact that many, using your advice, have already bought products and no one regretted it, everyone is happy with the choice.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that such an opportunity is provided only today, and tomorrow it will not be there.

This advice will be more productive if it is expressed confidentially, as if revealing a secret.

Information must be supported by facts. These can be examples from the life of the company, the opinion of an expert.

The task of any copywriter is not only to write good text but also fulfill all the requirements presented to him.

They must be fulfilled unconditionally, these are the terms of order execution, the volume of text and writing style,% uniqueness.

All conditions are negotiated in advance, when drawing up the terms of reference, so that in the future there will be no problems.

Everyone knows that in order for the article to interest the user, and he read it to the end, you need to come up with a catchy title.

Properties of a Successful Article

A successful article title has the following properties:


Due to it, I want to get acquainted with the information offered as soon as possible. There should be a hint here that if you do not read the article quickly, you can lose the opportunity to get a profitable offer that is not indicated in the price list.


Increases the semantic focus of the title, i.e. there is an emphasis on something that should intrigue you.


It says that your product is one of a kind and cannot be found in competitors.


Indicates to the reader that this article can bring him some benefit.

The headline should be intriguing, promise value, and provide useful information, be concise.

In order for the text to actually turn out to be interesting, it should not contain a lot of “water”, but include useful facts.

To interest the reader and encourage him to buy, you need motivation.

For example, you are writing an article about anti-wrinkle cream. You talked about new technologies, about tests that showed excellent results, about prices that are much lower than those of competitors.

The article talks about its merits, but this is not enough for the reader to go to the pharmacy and buy it.

It is necessary to tell a story about how with the help of the cream it was possible to solve the problem.

Such a text will interest the audience much more than without an example.

Practice shows what to write right away perfect text it is impossible, much more effectively to express your thoughts without thinking about the correct spelling.

So you get the general outline of the text, and after that you can edit it to get what you need.

Let's watch a video on the topic Secrets of copywriting

Copywriting. Secrets of copywriting or how to write sales and advertising texts

Copywriting Secrets

Copywriting. All the secrets of successful copywriting


In this article, we examined the topic of Copywriting Secrets, what conditions a good selling article should meet.

I hope the article was helpful. If you have any questions, you can ask them through the comment form below this article.

  1. Write about what touches your soul. You should not try to "suck out of your finger" information that is completely uninteresting to you. If you write about what you like, then the words will flow like water and form themselves into beautiful phrases. You should feel enthusiastic in the process of writing an article, and not be weighed down by the obligation to “squeeze” a readable text out of yourself.
  2. Structure your articles. The reader must get the information he needs, and he can do this only if it is sensibly written and correctly presented. Be sure to use subheadings, numbered and bulleted lists. Ideally, the article should consist of an introduction, body and conclusion.
  3. Do not use different colors of letters and all kinds of emoticons. In this case, the reader's attention may be distracted by the decoration of the article, and its content will remain unread or misunderstood.
  4. Write smartly. Before you add an article to a blog, send it to a customer, or put it up for sale, re-read it several times. If any words seem suspicious, replace them with synonyms. The same goes for punctuation marks. Can't figure out if a comma is needed in a certain place? Rearrange the phrase in such a way that there are no doubts about its correctness.
  5. Come up with bright and effective headlines. Engage readers and potential buyers catchy phrases and unusual presentation. However, remember that the title should accurately reflect the essence of the article.

And most importantly, don't beat yourself up for your failures. Develop, rejoice at every new reader and every sold article. And then the work of a copywriter will become your favorite pastime, giving pleasure and joy.

Become an Expert HowToEasy Now! You write on topics that are interesting to you, and we promote your articles on the pages of our site and pay a fixed amount for every thousand views of each article. We have already calculated everything: average earnings author from one article is more than 600 rubles!

The purpose of any text is to interest and, one way or another, sell. The summary of the book motivates you to read it, helpful tips skin care has the goal of keeping the visitor on the site, etc. How to “hook” the reader and convince him that he is right?

Work on the quality of your materials and don't forget to develop intellectually. Reinforcing thoughts with facts, interesting and relevant information, you will make your work more solid and in demand.

The audience loves to learn something new and trusts such authors more.

Use professional knowledge and skills

The consumer appreciates the opinion of a professional, wants to read advice on treatment from a doctor, on repairs - from a builder, on make-up - from a makeup artist. One of the keys to being successful as a copywriter is knowing what you're writing about. If there is no special knowledge, you should delve into the topic yourself.

Content must be persuasive.

There are three components of persuasive publication:

  • Intrigue. We grab attention from the first words, otherwise the article will remain unread.
  • Logics. Having interested a person, it must be retained. Logic should also be present in the construction of the text (composition, logical development of the material and smooth transition from one thought to another), and in content (reliability and truthfulness of information).
  • Emotions. Use artistic and psychological techniques to evoke the right emotions in the audience. If you are writing about means for losing weight, imagine the thoughts and feelings of a girl who wants to lose weight, refer to her mental anguish, desires, goals.

Reader orientation

Before writing an article, make a clear portrait of the target audience. Who are these people, how do they live, what are their problems, desires, way of thinking, character ... This will allow you to find the magic "buttons" of influence.

Don't decide for consumers what they should read about. Audacity, assertiveness, the desire to frankly force a person to do something or teach him something is rejected.

Get rid of the word "we" and get in the habit of writing "you". Nobody wants to read about you, people like direct appeals when they are talked about and offered specific things they need.

Suppose you are describing the work of a window and door installation company. Instead of "we have a large assortment doors" insert "You can choose a door from 1000 models of the catalog".

This creates a friendly one-on-one atmosphere, the reader feels involved in the discussion and receives a specific figure: exactly how many doors are in the assortment.

Be helpful

Another trick is to offer only what the person needs.. Avoid clichés and clichés, they blur your eyes and make you pass by such lines. Try instead of the clichéd “We have a team of professionals”, “ Good service”, “Flexible discount system” write something in the style:

  1. “Our craftsmen were trained there and have certificates”;
  2. “There is a children's room in the waiting area, and for adults - a cup of aromatic coffee for free”;
  3. “For the second purchase, a 50% discount, there is a cumulative bonus system.”

Need: specificity, honesty, facts, focus on the interests of the client.

Style and presentation

Having a portrait of the consumer, the copywriter represents his style of behavior and communication. The style of presentation should be appropriate for the audience.

Housewives will appreciate a soft, confidential presentation, business people - a dry and concise presentation, etc.

benefit language

In the process of describing a product, service, recipe, do not get hung up on listing characteristics and properties. State why they will be useful to the consumer.

How to write a good text

First, we study the subject of the article (its properties, benefits, uniqueness) and draw up a portrait of the consumer.


In order for a person to continue reading, you should “hook” him from the first words and make aware of the need for the information provided. The headline should contain a target orientation (for whom and about what), intrigue, benefit (the ability to find answers to important questions).

Use "magic" words like "secrets, new, free, exclusive", etc.

Best Headline Techniques

  • An intriguing question ("How to increase sales?");
  • Numbers and reasons (“10 reasons to plant potatoes”);
  • news (" New technology production");
  • Appeal (“Learn how…”);
  • Goal orientation ("For those who need ...").


Tricks to build attractive text

Write plain language and short sentences. Do not pile up complex syntactic constructions. Frequent breakdown into paragraphs makes the article easier and more enjoyable to read. Learn to reduce the excess: re-read and boldly discard the irrelevant.

Use bulleted lists to structure your article. This directs the reader's thoughts in the right direction, facilitates perception, and gives visual aesthetics.

Choose "shock" synonyms. This will make the publication more interesting and allow you to have the desired impact. For example, instead of "strong" write "powerful", instead of "beautiful" - "stunning", etc.

Actively apply numbers, research data, calculations, expert opinions to substantiate your arguments. Graphs, calculations, well-chosen images, life stories, comparisons, quotes, celebrity references and listing the merits of the company or master, if appropriate, work well.

These are the basic rules that will help you become a successful copywriter.

Constantly write, develop, critically evaluate your own work and do not forget to put yourself in the place of the reader!

Today, on the blog of our School of Copywriting, I will reveal to you some secrets of professional copywriting - how to attract and retain a customer for a long time.

What do you think, colleague, what makes a professional copywriter stand out in the first place?

Of course, there are different masters - you can't treat everyone with the same brush. But many pros have one thing in common: they give more than what is asked of them.

The professional skills of such copywriters are REALLY different from the services that newbie copywriters provide. If only because many pros do not just write texts, but also use all sorts of orders.

For example, a landing page can be designed as a prototype and hand over to the customer an almost finished site :). Or you can add an infographic that you made yourself.

Let's try to illustrate this with a little classification returns workers.

Let's imagine that the customer needs a copywriter, he successfully finds him and gives the selected executor a task. Depending on his level, the employee will perform it in a different capacity.

Level 1. Nothing or almost nothing

This applies to beginners who take on an order "too tough", but then ashamed and sorry . And amateurs who "tap-blur" completely without shame .

The selected performer swears and swears that he will do it tomorrow, and in best quality. Then he starts to feed "breakfasts". Hands over in a week some garbage. And as a result, the client, instead of solving the problem, gets a spoiled mood. And then he loses money.

It is clear that inveterate scammers are noted with appropriate reviews. And newcomers are more often forgiven: if they get burned, maybe they will grow wiser and improve the professional skills of a copywriter. In the end, the payment for such new work is appropriate - that is, a penny. But be sure: no one will always forgive you!

So, start working on improving your level right now, and get acquainted with the 5 main components of success in freelancing.

Level 2

If you take it objectively, a significant number of authors of the lower price segments write on “nothing”. And subjectively - each customer has his own requirements.

But what is inherent in workers at this level is the inability or unwillingness to bring work to right quality. And quite often - some kind of rush. The secret of such a "professional" copywriter is simple: "So what if they pay little, but you can write a lot and finish it off with volume."

The order has just been given, and the text is already ready. "Oh great, how fast!" - the hurrying client thinks.

Opens, reads ... There is no comma, the key is written crookedly there. “For such a price it will do ...” - the customer consoles himself. Or send it in for revision.

Most of the time it's about orders. at times. And inexpensive. For something more substantial, the client will look for a more suitable performer at a higher level.

Level 3. Good (with diligence)

Again, we must admit that each customer has his own "good". But, if the author initially writes as it should, or every time it gets better, the client will continue to work with him. Because he no longer needs some other freelance copywriter. In his eyes, this particular copywriter is the best.

“Everything was done right on time. The keys are on right places. All the tricks I mentioned apply. The text contains exactly 3,000 characters. Ay, well done, I will write out an award!

There is just one detail: such a performer gives exactly what is asked of him. No less, but no more. And knows how adjust according to the wishes of the customer.

Need pearl buttons? You are welcome. And this is also professionalism.

In principle, for many customers this is enough. Moreover, some categorically do not accept the initiative.

Level 4. More than asked

In our opinion, a true professional copywriter always gives more than they want from him.

He will try to convince the customer, if he asks for some garbage.

Such a performer can take the initiative in the text. But - having agreed in advance with the customer or convincing him after.

He will give the customer more.

“Hmm, really pro. He also advised me so much... We must continue to work with him. And for other projects. We still need to raise sales on the old site ... "

So what is the important step? What exactly is the secret of copywriting that you should always remember?

Try and give more.

Of course, this must be what give. We need knowledge, understanding, experience, ideas, and smart ones.

And you have to give when take. It is better to discuss proposals for the text before his writing. If only because some customers from amateur performances can earn a nervous tick 🙂 Or you will earn it when you realize that the client needed something completely different.

However, communication with customers is a very voluminous topic! I even took it out on a large scale. But we will talk about some other copywriting secrets in the next lessons. Any requests? 🙂

Take the first step in your copywriting career