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"Keep yourself from food and food as much as you can, and try to eat moderately light and well-known food."

The Monk Anthony noted that exaltation (magnification) and polyphagy are hindered most of all by tenderness of the heart:

“If you don’t have compunction in your soul, understand: as if the magnificence of imash in your heart or you are overcome by eating, these do not leave the soul to be tender.”

About abstinence and three degrees of satiety, the Monk Ambrose wrote as follows:

“You write about food that it is difficult for you to get used to eating little, so that after dinner you will still be hungry. The Holy Fathers established three degrees regarding food: abstinence - in order to be somewhat hungry after eating, contentment - in order to be neither full nor hungry, and satiety - to eat to the full, not without some burden.

Of these three degrees, everyone can choose any, according to his strength and according to his disposition, healthy and sick.

Sometimes he would say briefly, but aptly:

"An intelligible mouth is a pig's trough."

Saint Joseph also warned against excessive pleasing to the body:

“If you keep the womb from satiety and pleasure, as well as the body from excessive rest, then the Lord will soon help you to work more for the soul than for the body.”

A satiated womb requires more and more food, but it is not beneficial. Elder Joseph ate very little food. Surprised at this, they once asked him whether it was difficult for him to achieve such abstinence, or whether it was already given to him by nature. He answered with these words:

“If a person is not forced, then even if he ate all the food of Egypt and drank all the water of the Nile, his womb will still say: I am hungry!”

He emphasized that gluttony leads to polysleeping. He advised not to eat to satiety:

“Sleep and the womb are connected. With a full stomach, the monk sleeps a lot and wakes up more than he should. I told you and I say: eat your fill, but not to the point of satiety. Satisfied - put a spoon. And another is already full, but still eats and eats; the eyes are not full - this is a sin.

For people of different builds and having different physical activity, the amount of food will also be different. Saint Nikon reminded:

“One pound of bread is enough for the body of one person, four pounds of bread is needed for the body of another person - he will not be satisfied with less bread. Therefore, St. John Chrysostom says that a fasting person is not one who consumes a small amount of food, but one who consumes food less than what is required for his body. This is what abstinence is all about.”

The passion of wine drinking: how to deal with it

The Monk Leo wrote about the passion of drinking wine: it brings "great grief and illness." He also noted that in order to heal the suffering, in addition to prayers for him, his own will is necessary, without which the prayers of other people may be unsuccessful:

“About the illness ... of your dear son Z. I sincerely condole. I know that this great grief and illness brings you and those close to his heart. We, according to our strength, oblige ourselves to pray to the Lord for deliverance from this passion, but it is necessary that there be both his arbitrary desire to leave this and compulsion, and without that our sinful prayers are unable to succeed. When “the righteous prayer advances” only with someone else’s efforts, how much more our sinful prayer cannot act without good will.”

The elder wrote about the fate of those subject to the passion of drunkenness:

“What is the fate of those subject to this weakness? They are afflicted with bodily diseases, a life of misery, premature old age, and death; and sinful encroachments that alienate the soul from God and deprive Him of His grace are the most dangerous of all!.. The soul is eternal; you need to take care of her more than anything!”

The Monk Leo explained that the passion of drunkenness is allowed for pride and arrogance, or “violation of conscience against holy matrimony,” that is, for violation of marital fidelity. The monk advised to force yourself to humility and resort to confession:

“And from the fullness of my heart I wish your brother to be delivered from drunken passion; but as soon as this passion is allowed either for pride and arrogance, or for a violation of conscience against holy matrimony, then it is necessary for him, firstly, to be forced to humble himself in every possible way or make a confession - to truly repent before a skilled confessor ... And then the Lord will help him.

Saint Ambrose taught:

“The spiritual remedy is that your friend should pay attention to spiritual anguish, from the impatience of which she falls into the weakness of drinking wine.”

In general, the Optina elders paid attention to the obligatory confession for all those suffering from the passion of wine drinking, since the cause of wine drinking is often spiritual anguish, and it comes from unconfessed sins. St. Ambrose paid special attention to the fact that in order to combat the passion of drunkenness, a full confession is necessary, starting from childhood:

“And for this matter to be firm and lasting, a sincere and perfect confession and repentance is required for a lifetime, starting from the age of 6.”

The elder also advised those suffering from spiritual anguish and the passion of drinking wine, when anguish and despondency appeared, to read the prayer and the Gospel with bows:

“One man, who suffered from longing and wine drinking, got rid of the following: when he felt longing, he turned away to a secret place and made 33 prostrations with a prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” and the longing receded. And when the melancholy appeared again, he did the same again, and by such prayer, when the melancholy appeared, he completely got rid of wine drinking and from the melancholy itself. Another person got rid of both melancholy and wine drinking by reading the Gospel.”

Elder Joseph advised:

“May the Lord deliver Constantine from drunkenness. Let him fast and partake of the Holy Mysteries. And then a prayer service will serve the Mother of God and earnestly ask Her for help.

Fighting the craving for smoking

St. Ambrose wrote to the one suffering from the passion of smoking:

“You write that you cannot stop smoking tobacco. What is impossible from a person is possible with the help of God, it is only necessary to firmly decide to leave it, realizing the harm to the soul and body from it, since tobacco relaxes the soul, multiplies and intensifies passions, darkens the mind and destroys bodily health with slow death. Irritability and melancholy are the consequences of the sickness of the soul from smoking.

I advise you to use spiritual medicine against this passion: confess in detail all your sins, from the age of 7 and throughout your life, and partake of the Holy Mysteries and read the Gospel every day standing for a chapter or more; and when anguish sets in, then read again until the anguish passes; attack again - and read the Gospel again. Or instead, put 33 big bows in private, in memory of the earthly life of the Savior and in honor of the Holy Trinity.

Thus, all the Optina elders saw the spiritual causes of gluttony, drunkenness and smoking and advised to seek healing by frequent confession, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, prayer and reading the Gospel, forcing oneself to humility and non-judgment, following the commandments of God.

All about religion and faith - "prayer from the demons of gluttony" with detailed description and photographs.

In modern times, a large number of people are overweight and many of them seek to lose weight through diets, separate meals, fasting, exhausting physical training.

Some succeed, for others, attempts to lose weight remain unsuccessful, and for others, in combination with diets and sports activities, prayer for weight loss is used.

  • gluttony is the consumption of food in large quantities;
  • gluttony - immoderation in food, overeating.

Both of these concepts mean a mortal sin, the consequences of which entail the loss of spirituality and health. The base instincts take over the will of a person and turn him into an animal, which is only interested in satisfying the base instincts, and spiritual development becomes alien.

The body is the temple of God, it is gradually destroyed, shortness of breath develops, metabolism and heart rhythm are disturbed, changes in blood vessels and parts of the heart muscle occur. A person becomes an object of ridicule, he loses his attractiveness.

Excess weight is sent so that a person can cope with weaknesses, get to know himself and the surrounding spiritual world. In this case, it is necessary to pacify the gluttonous womb, pray and sincerely ask the Lord to deliver from gluttony.

First you need to get a blessing from the priest, confess, take communion and begin prayer work.

What prayers to read for weight loss and gluttony

The request must be sincere and come from the depths of the soul. The clergy agree that it is not at all necessary to turn to God with memorized texts, often ordinary words coming from the heart are much more effective.

They can be "clumsy", but sincere.

Having made a decision to lose weight, it is necessary to adhere to Orthodox fasts and weekly fast days (Wednesday, Friday). It is they who will teach to restrain the irresistible desire to eat tasty and a lot, besides, fasting will favorably affect the figure.

You do not need to ask the Almighty for external attractiveness - you need to pray to Him for the gift of strength to endure the test, to support in the confrontation with harmful addiction.

I pray Thee, Lord, deliver me from satiety, voluptuousness and grant me in the peace of my soul with reverence to accept Your generous gifts, so that by eating them I will receive strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength to serve You, Lord, in the little rest of my life on earth.

Lord, our sweetest Brasno, never perishing, but arriving in the eternal belly.

Cleanse Your servant from the filth of gluttony, all flesh created and alien to Your Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Your life-giving spiritual brush, which is Your Flesh and Blood and Your holy, living and active Word.

Oh, Great servant of God and glorious miracle worker, reverend Father Irinarsha! Look at us sinners, in our sorrows and circumstances, zealously crying out to you, and on thee, according to Bose, all our hope is placed. We ask you with tenderness to many: by your intercession to the Lord God, ask us for peace, long life, brotherly love, fruitful land, good air, good rains, and blessings from above on all our good undertakings.

Deliver us all with your holy prayers from all troubles: gladness, hail, flood, fire, sword, harmful worm, noxious winds, deadly ulcers and vain death. And in all our sorrows, be our comforter and helper, saving us from the falls of sin and making us heirs to be the Kingdom of Heaven. May we glorify together with you all the good Giver, the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

O saint of Christ, holy man of God Alexis!

Look mercifully upon us, servant of God (names), and prayerfully stretch out your honest hands to the Lord God, and ask Him for forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins, a peaceful and Christian life, and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ.

She, the servant of God, do not disgrace our hope, hedgehog, according to God and the Mother of God, we place; but be our helper and patron for salvation; yes, having received grace and mercy from the Lord through your prayers, let us glorify the philanthropy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your holy intercession, now and forever and forever and ever.

  • constant overeating at every meal and snack;
  • the impossibility of controlling the volume of the portion eaten;
  • after eating a depressed state due to heaviness in the stomach;
  • watching TV, using gadgets during a meal, thereby uncontrollability of the amount of food eaten;
  • constant snacking, including nighttime;
  • the impossibility of mental work without a plate of food.
  1. It is necessary to set a goal and clearly formulate it: write it down, draw it and hang it on the refrigerator door, in general, make it so that it is always in sight.
  2. It is advisable to contact a nutritionist to develop an individual weight loss line.
  3. In the process of weight loss, it is necessary to take into account your mental and physical condition, spiritual and medical components.
  4. It will be good if no one knows about the beginning of losing weight and praying to God. Yes, and upon reaching the final goal, you should not tell curious friends and acquaintances how you managed to find an attractive figure.
  5. During weight loss, exercise and a light diet will benefit. If the diet is difficult to follow, then you should at least try not to overeat.
  6. Of particular importance is the belief that the desired goal will certainly be achieved. This requires a positive attitude.
  7. You can’t envy people who have a beautiful figure, envy is also a sin that is contrary to God.

It should be remembered that a prayer read by itself will not help. It is necessary to independently take any actions for active weight loss. For example, if you pray before dinner, and then eat “to satiety” without limiting the amount of food eaten, then turning to the Lord and His saints is unlikely to help.

In addition, many believe that prayer is a kind of magic spell, but this is fundamentally wrong.

You should not read a prayer for weight loss until a violent appetite is curbed. Only when the glutton refuses delicacies, flour, fried, smoked, sweet and comes to simple low-calorie food (vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, dietary meat), you can start prayer work and ask the Heavenly Father for help.

Usually people turn to God when other weight loss measures have not brought any result. Heaven is, as it were, the last resort in which they rely. Although for a believer, it is always in the first place. Having experienced a couple of diets and being completely disappointed in their effectiveness, many give up.

But if you turn to God with a sincere prayer request and faith in an excellent result, the chances of correcting the situation in better side very large. The main thing is faith in the support of the Higher Forces!

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The sin of gluttony: prayer, how to get rid of

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The sin of gluttony (or as it is also called gluttony) is a kind of addiction to excessive overeating of tasty food and drink, and is also one of the eight major addictions.

Significance of a sinful act

This kind of sinful addiction disfigures a person, because the womb, heavy from food, can plunge the mind into a gloomy slumber, and make it dull and lazy.

The person who is subject to this sin is not able to reason about the spiritual, and is also not able to comprehend anything deeply. His womb is a lead weight that pulls down the grounded soul, and with all this, such a person especially sensitively feels his weakness during the pronunciation of prayer. Since the mind cannot penetrate prayer words, just like a dull knife blade cannot cut bread. That is, the passion for overeating carries with it a constant betrayal of its own prayer.

Saints about gluttony

Saint Abba Theodore: “he who fattens his body, not knowing abstinence both in drink and in food, will torment himself with the spirit of fornication”;

Saint John Kolov: “Who can be a mighty lion? However, he is also able to get into the network because of his womb, and at that moment all his power will no longer serve anything ”;

St. John of the Ladder: “If a person is able to overcome this mistress addiction, then any place will help him in gaining self-control, but if weakness prevails over a person, then everywhere he will suffer disasters, and so on to the very grave”;

Rev. Gregory Palamas: “Let us, too, be worried that, having surrendered to a harmful addiction, we will not lose the promised inheritance and blessing from the Almighty”;

Saint Simeon the New Theologian: “Whoever desires various foods in large quantities is considered a glutton, even if he eats only bread and water because of his poverty. It is unthinkable to fill the stomach to the full with food and receive spiritual bliss from smart and sacred blessings, for whoever works for his womb to what extent deprives his flesh from spiritual saturation with blessings. And vice versa, who will refine his flesh to what extent commensurate with the fact that he is able to be saturated with food and spiritual comforts”;

Abba Anthony: “The oversaturation of one’s womb awakens the seed of voluptuousness, the soul crushed by the weight of oversaturation and not having the opportunity to reason. After all, not a single use of wine beyond measure instills madness in a person, however, excessive saturation with food can also darken and upset him, depriving him of integrity and purity ”;

St. John Cassian the Roman: “The passion for overeating can be divided into several types: one is capable of inducing the consumption of food before the allotted hour; the second kind venerates only glut; the latter desires only tasty food. Against which a believer needs to have triple vigilance, that is, to wait for certain hours for eating food, not to allow oversaturation and be content with various, but the simplest dishes.

How to get rid of the sin of gluttony

Looking for the answer to the question of how to deal with gluttony, you should mainly arm yourself with such tools as:

  • repentance for all cases of various pleasing to one's womb;
  • objection to the aspirations of gluttony;
  • remembrance of the main court and endless retribution for sinful deeds;
  • introducing a rule for one's womb and time for eating food;
  • prayer from gluttony and gluttony helps in the struggle, as well as deliverance from sinful addiction;
  • prudent over-fasting, which can lead to the perfection of abstinence;
  • mortal memory;
  • against the addiction to overeating, one can arm oneself with the utterance of passages of Scripture and the fathers;
  • mastering the art in any way to deceive your womb and not eat food during the absence of a feeling of hunger;
  • punishing himself for making all sorts of concessions for his womb and excess with bows and physical labor;
  • gluttony and gluttony can be overcome by turning in a prayer petition to the Almighty with a call for help, when the realization of one's powerlessness and terrible weakness in the fight against such addiction has come.

The Orthodox prayer for gluttony is read in these words:

Lord, our sweetest Brasno, who never perishes, but arrives in the eternal belly: cleanse Your servant from the filth of gluttony, all flesh created and alien to Your Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Your life-giving spiritual brush, which is Your Flesh and Blood and the holy, living and your effective word.

May the Lord keep you!

See also the video on how to overcome the sin of gluttony:

Orthodox prayers for gluttony

“Lord, our sweetest pasture, never perishing, but remaining in the eternal belly! Cleanse Your servant (name) from the filth of gluttony, alien to Your Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Your Life-giving spiritual brush, which is the Flesh and Blood of Tvdya and Your Holy living and active Word.

Prayer in the passion of love of money and gluttony to the Monk Theodore of the Caves

Prayer from demons of gluttony

Gluttony (gluttony) - a passion for excessive and tasty food, drink. It is the first of the eight basic passions, the "head of the passions". Gluttony is opposed to the virtue of temperance.

1. What is gluttony? Types of gluttony

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) lists the passions related to gluttony:

(Large Orthodox Catechism. P. 523)

2. Holy Scripture about gluttony

“For many of whom I have often spoken to you, and now I even speak with tears, act as enemies of the cross of Christ.

Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in shame, they think about earthly things” (Philippians 3:18-19).

but the lustful woman died alive” (1 Tim. 5:5-6).

As during the day, let us behave decently, not indulging in feasting and drunkenness, nor voluptuousness and debauchery, nor quarrels and envy;

but put on the clothes of our Lord Jesus Christ, and turn not the cares of the flesh into lusts” (Romans 13:12-14).

3. How does the satisfaction of the natural need for nutrition of the body differ from serving the passion of gluttony

A person has a natural need for food, as a source of energy for the normal functioning of the human body. There is no sin in her prudent, healthy, moderate satisfaction. The passion of gluttony grows out of the abuse of the satisfaction of this need. Passion perverts, exaggerates the natural need, subjugates the will of man to the lust of the flesh. A sign of a developing passion is the constant desire for satiety and the pleasure of food and wine.

4. Causes and consequences of gluttony

The holy fathers say that if a person submits to the passion of gluttony, then all other passions, fornication, anger, sadness, despair, greed for money easily take possession of him.

(Sacraments of the Orthodox Church)

5. Means of combating the passion of gluttony

The main means of combating the passion of gluttony is fasting and abstinence when eating. It's good to leave the table a little hungry. The pleasure that naturally accompanies the intake of delicious food loses its character of sensuality and becomes spiritualized if one eats with grateful feelings towards God.

6. Bodily taming of gluttony - abstinence, moderation, fasting

Rev. Neil Sorsky writes about how to learn moderation in meeting natural needs:

7. Sobriety. Prayer. Contrasting evil thoughts with good thoughts

Rev. Neil Sorsky teaches spiritual warfare against the thoughts of gluttony:

8. Reasoning in the exploit of temperance

The Holy Fathers teach that both in the matter of abstinence and in observing fasting, one must act with reason, avoiding both deviations into excessive zeal and unreasonable indulgences.

9. Drinking, smoking, drug addiction

According to St. Theophan the Recluse, it is possible to fight such passions as drunkenness and smoking only by “deciding to be stronger”. "There is no other way." But in the fight against any passion it is impossible to win if a person does not turn to God for help.

10. The fight against gluttony continues until death.

Rev. John of the Ladder:

11. Virtue of temperance

The passion of gluttony is opposite - and overcomes it - the virtue of abstinence.

A sedentary lifestyle, frequent stress - these factors can cause excess weight. Contributes to obesity and a low level of income of the population, because, properly composed, the diet should all year round include a lot fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, fatty fish, seafood and very few carbohydrates. Low-income people eat mainly bread, pasta, canned food, sausages - naturally, such a set of products leads to a set of extra pounds. Many of the fasting people noted that during the fasting period they gained 4-5 kg, although they did not eat meat or dairy - all this is due to malnutrition. It happens that having decided to fight extra pounds, our confidence that everything will work out is melting day by day, and now we have already given up and returned to our previous way of life. Orthodox prayer for weight loss can strengthen our faith and help bring what we started to the end.

The passion of gluttony is not a sin by chance. People who constantly indulge themselves in food gradually become its slaves. They can no longer stop and eat at every opportunity. Huge quantities the food that a glutton consumes at one time terrifies a normal person, but to one who is subject to the passion of gluttony it seems that there is not enough food. And time after time, the portions keep getting bigger and bigger. To successfully fight obesity, you need, firstly, to recognize the very existence of the problem of overeating, this will already become a big step towards normal weight. Secondly, having started the struggle, do not indulge your weaknesses - do not allow yourself even a piece, even half a piece of some goodies - if you feel that you are about to break loose, enlighten your mind with a Christian prayer for weight loss and drive away from yourself the sin of gluttony.

Prayers that are performed before and after eating food.

Prayers before eating food:

Our Father, Who is ecu in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Our daily bread is given to us today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Christian prayer for weight loss with gluttony

Against gluttony: “God have mercy on me, for I am weak! Grant me to curb my womb and acquire the virtue of abstinence.

Against laziness: “God have mercy on me, for I am weak! Help me curb my laziness! Grant me zeal for saving deeds and for the acquisition of the virtues I need! Grant me the strength to work and carry my cross!”

By praying, we calm down, gain confidence in our abilities, our peaceful emotional state contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. A strong prayer to the Monk Irinarch of Rostov for quick weight loss helps to quickly part with extra pounds. But when asking the saint for easy weight loss, we must remember that the saint simply intercedes with his requests for us before the Almighty, while we receive healing from our Lord.

Prayers for weight loss to St. Irinarch of Rostov of his power.

Oh, Great servant of God and glorious miracle worker, reverend Father Irinarsha! Look at us sinners, in our sorrows and circumstances, zealously crying out to you, and on thee, according to Bose, all our hope is placed. We ask you with tenderness to many: by your intercession to the Lord God, ask us for peace, long life, brotherly love, fruitful land, good air, timely rains, and blessings from above on all our good undertakings. Deliver us all with your holy prayers from all troubles: gladness, hail, flood, fire, sword, harmful worm, pestilent winds, deadly ulcers and vain (sudden) death, and in all our sorrows be our comforter and helper, keeping us from sinful falls and worthy of the heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, may we glorify together with you all the good Giver, the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

About the passion of gluttony

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin)

The eight passions are connected with each other like links in a chain by which the devil fetters people and draws the captives with him as a conqueror. These are the eight heads of the hydra with which every Christian must contend; it is an invisible net in which Satan has been striving for the eighth millennium to trap the globe like a trapper.

The first link in this chain is gluttony. It seems to many people an innocent weakness that does not inspire much fear, especially since the consequences of this sin, like scabs of leprosy, do not appear immediately, but after years. But we must remember that after the fall of Adam, the harmony between the soul and body of man was broken. The body - an instrument of the soul and an organic part of the human personality - has become the substratum of passions and lust. The body is the slave of the spirit. This slave, being favored by her soul, wanted to command her. She, like Adam's Eve, sometimes seduces the mind with the imaginary sweetness of passions, and enchants the heart with the dark mystery of sin, like a rebel rebelling against the spirit, trying to overthrow it from the throne and become the queen of the human trimeria - spirit, soul and body.

The body is an evil friend and a good enemy. Without the body, the human personality is not formed. Without a body, spirit and soul cannot manifest themselves outwardly through words and deeds. The crafty flesh is always ready to betray the soul to the devil for copper pennies of base pleasures - as Judas sold his Teacher for death for thirty pieces of silver. The body is an insidious companion of the soul on the thorny path to the kingdom of heaven, which either dutifully follows it, or tries to drag it along the wide, stone-paved road leading to eternal death. You can compare the soul and body with a rider and a wild horse: if the rider loosens the bit, then the horse will rush wherever his eyes look, and both will fall into the pit.

Gluttony is the victory of the body over the spirit; it is a wide field in which all passions flourish; it is the first rung of the sheer, slippery staircase leading to the underworld. In the biblical Book of Genesis, it is written that God looked at the earth and saw that all people are flesh, and His Spirit cannot dwell in them. Antediluvian mankind did not fulfill its destiny: the carnal principle defeated the spiritual, as if swallowing it. It was the triumph of the flesh that was the beginning of the end. Mankind has not only plunged into the swamp of materiality, but has forgotten God; becoming earthly dust, it erected idols for itself from the dust - new dead gods. Idolatry, sorcery, magic, debauchery and cannibalism began to spread like a plague throughout the earth. The cult of flesh has turned the history of mankind into an endless orgy. Already before the global flood, humanity spiritually perished in the flood of its passions. The Flood only as a gravedigger dug a common grave for the dead and made the ocean floor a graveyard of all flesh. The bodies of the gluttons were swallowed up by the sea womb, and the souls of the demon-pleasers were swallowed up by the insatiable womb of the underworld.

History repeats itself. The Lord compared the days of Noah with lately. Again, the flesh begins to triumph over the spirit, and the demon - over the flesh, corrupting, corrupting it, and mocking it in every possible way.

Gluttony disfigures a person. At the sight of a glutton, one involuntarily recalls the market, where the bloodied carcasses of animals brought from the slaughterhouse hang. It seems that the body of the glutton hangs on his bones, like skinned carcasses on iron hooks.

The womb, heavy with food, plunges the mind into a gloomy slumber, makes it lazy and dull. A glutton cannot think deeply and reason about the spiritual. His womb, like a lead weight, pulls the grounded soul down. Such a person feels his weakness especially acutely during prayer. The mind cannot enter prayer words like a dull knife can cut bread. In this sense, gluttony is a constant betrayal of one's prayer.

It should be noted that gluttony also darkens the intellectual and creative powers of a person. Almost none of the outstanding poets and artists was gluttonous and did not have a body resembling a beer barrel. As an exception, one can point to the poet Apukhtin, who looks like a painting by Gargantua. Once a child, seeing Apukhtin among the guests in his house, shouted in surprise: “Mom, what kind of humanoid creature is this!”.

Often a glutton, tired of the burden of his own body, leading to shortness of breath and exhaustion, and from the need to constantly overcome the size of his own stomach as an obstacle, when you need to bend down to pick up a thing from the floor or tie shoelaces, decides to declare war on the demon of gluttony and destroy it as an enemy own fat. He writes out diets from magazines, and announces to his loved ones that soon his figure will not look like a Flemish painting, but like a statue of Apollo. However, such a glutton, who has gone on a diet, most often turns out to be in the role of a gladiator who, without weapons, entered into a fight with a wild beast: for the first minute he still resists, but then falls, torn to pieces by the claws and fangs of a predator. At first, the glutton adheres to a strict diet and looks at those around him victoriously, like Hercules after another feat, but then, unable to withstand the scraping pain in his stomach, he pounces on food, as if he wants to catch up.

In gluttony, two passions can be distinguished: gluttony and guttural insanity. Gluttony is an insatiable desire for food, it is the aggression of the body against the soul, the constant harassment of the womb, which, like a cruel publican, demands exorbitant tribute from a person, this is the madness of the womb, which indiscriminately absorbs food, like a hungry hyena prey. The stomach of such a person is like a sack where a stingy owner stuffs things indiscriminately, going on a long journey, and then dragging an unnecessary load with difficulty.

Larynx - a constant desire for tasty and delicious food, this is the voluptuousness of the larynx. Man must eat to live, but here he lives to eat. He prepares the menu in advance with such a preoccupied look, as if he is solving a rebus or a mathematical problem. He spends all his money on treats, just like a gambling gambler loses his fortune.

There are other types of gluttony, these are: secret eating - the desire to hide one's vice; early eating - when a person, having barely woken up, takes to food, not yet experiencing a feeling of hunger; hasty eating - a person tries to quickly fill the womb and swallows food without chewing, like a turkey; non-observance of fasts, the use of products harmful to health due to the lust of the larynx. Ancient ascetics also considered excessive consumption of water as gluttony.

How to get rid of gluttony? Here are some tips. Before the meal, one must secretly pray that the Lord would give abstinence and help put an end to the harassment of the stomach and larynx; remember that our body, greedy for food, sooner or later will itself become food for worms, taken from the earth - a handful of earthly dust; imagine what food turns into in the womb. You need to mentally determine for yourself the amount of food that you would like to eat, and then take away a quarter from it and put it aside. At first, a person will experience a feeling of hunger, but when the body gets used to it, then it is necessary to take away a fourth part from food again - this is what St. Dorotheus advises in his teachings. Here the principle is the gradual reduction of food to the amount necessary for life. Often a demon tempts a person, frightening that from a lack of food he will become weak and sick, will not be able to work and will become a burden to others. The family will also worry and look anxiously at his plate, insistently urging him to eat more.

The Holy Fathers advise at first to limit the consumption of spicy and irritating foods, then sweet foods that delight the larynx, then fatty foods that fatten the body. You should eat slowly - so a feeling of fullness appears sooner. You need to get up from the meal when the first hunger is satisfied, but you still want to eat. In the old days it was customary to eat in silence. Extraneous conversations distract attention, and a person, carried away by a conversation, can automatically eat everything that is on the table. The elders also advised reading the Jesus Prayer while eating.

As for the measure of water consumption, it should be remembered that thirst can be natural and false. To distinguish between them, you need to hold a little water in your mouth without swallowing it: if the thirst is false, then it passes, and if it remains, then it is natural.

All passions are connected with each other; their combination is like a colored mosaic or fancy carpet patterns. Thus gluttony can be combined with the passion of anger. Some people in a state of anger, and in general excitement and anxiety, have a desire to chew something to divert their thoughts; and as an angry person is almost always agitated, he becomes accustomed to constantly putting food in his mouth. Gluttons justify their passion with a mental state - the desire to get out of stress. But as a result, they acquire not calmness, but extra pounds.

Gluttony is sometimes combined with stinginess. Such a person is ready to absorb spoiled, moldy food, just not to throw it away. Stingy gluttons store food like heirlooms, glad they have long-term supplies. Only when the food begins to spoil and rot, then they decide to use it for food. The stingy, treating guests, in their hearts hate them as invaders, and experience torment for every piece they eat. But they themselves like to go to friends for lunch, and even make a schedule - when and to whom to go.

Gluttony, combined with vanity, gives rise to secret eating. A vain person is afraid of being seen as a glutton. He eats temperately in public, but when left alone, he hurries to satisfy his passion. He has a treasured place where he hides food from prying eyes. Looking around and making sure that there is no one, he goes to the closet, like a stingy knight to a treasure chest, takes out food and quickly devours it. I must say that the Slavic word "devour" means "sacrifice." The glutton sacrifices to his womb like a pagan to an idol.

There are sins akin to gluttony, such as eating without prayer, grumbling over food, overindulging in alcohol, indecent jokes, foul language, swearing, arguing, and quarreling while eating. Demons flock to such feasts like flies to honey, and defile the food with invisible impurities.

We can say that the sin of gluttony is a gradual eating of the soul by the body, as a result of which the heavenly, spiritual principle fades in a person, and he becomes blind flesh.

The Optina elders wrote about the passions of gluttony, drinking wine, and smoking, and gave advice on fighting these passions.

About gluttony.

From the legacy of the Optina Elders

Reverend Leo insisted;

"Keep yourself from food and food as much as you can, and try to eat moderately light and well-known food."

The Monk Anthony noted that exaltation (magnification) and polyphagy are hindered most of all by tenderness of the heart:

“If you don’t have compunction in your soul, understand: as if the magnificence of imash in your heart or you are overcome by eating, these do not leave the soul to be tender.”

About abstinence and three degrees of satiety, the Monk Ambrose wrote as follows:

“You write about food that it is difficult for you to get used to eating little, so that after dinner you will still be hungry. The Holy Fathers established three degrees regarding food: abstinence - in order to be somewhat hungry after eating, contentment - in order to be neither full nor hungry, and satiety - to eat to the full, not without some burden.

Of these three degrees, everyone can choose any, according to his strength and according to his disposition, healthy and sick.

Sometimes the elders Amrosy used to say briefly, but aptly:

"An intelligible mouth is a pig's trough."

Saint Joseph also warned against excessive pleasing to the body:

“If you keep the womb from satiety and pleasure, as well as the body from excessive rest, then the Lord will soon help you to work more for the soul than for the body.”

A satiated womb requires more and more food, but it is not beneficial. Elder Joseph ate very little food. Surprised at this, they once asked him whether it was difficult for him to achieve such abstinence, or whether it was already given to him by nature. He answered with these words:

“If a person is not forced, then even if he ate all the food of Egypt and drank all the water of the Nile, his womb will still say: I am hungry!”

The Monk Barsanuphius emphasized that gluttony leads to many sleeps. He advised not to eat to satiety:

“Sleep and the womb are connected. With a full stomach, the monk sleeps a lot and wakes up more than he should. I told you and I say: eat your fill, but not to the point of satiety. Satisfied - put a spoon. And another is already full, but still eats and eats; the eyes are not full - this is a sin.

For people of different builds and having different physical activity, the amount of food will also be different. Saint Nikon reminded:

“One pound of bread is enough for the body of one person, four pounds of bread is needed for the body of another person - he will not be satisfied with less bread. Therefore, St. John Chrysostom says that a fasting person is not one who consumes a small amount of food, but one who consumes food less than what is required for his body. This is what abstinence is all about.”

The passion of wine drinking: how to deal with it

The Monk Leo wrote about the passion of drinking wine: it brings "great grief and illness." He also noted that in order to heal the suffering, in addition to prayers for him, his own will is necessary, without which the prayers of other people may be unsuccessful:

“About the illness ... of your dear son Z. I sincerely condole. I know that this great grief and illness brings you and those close to his heart. We, according to our strength, oblige ourselves to pray to the Lord for deliverance from this passion, but it is necessary that there be both his arbitrary desire to leave this and compulsion, and without that our sinful prayers are unable to succeed. When “the righteous prayer advances” only with someone else’s efforts, how much more our sinful prayer cannot act without good will.”

The elder wrote about the fate of those subject to the passion of drunkenness:

“What is the fate of those subject to this weakness? They are afflicted with bodily diseases, a life of misery, premature old age, and death; and sinful encroachments, alienating the soul from God and depriving Him of His grace, are the most dangerous of all. The soul is eternal; you need to take care of her more than anything!”

The Monk Leo explained that the passion of drunkenness is allowed for pride and arrogance, or “violation of conscience against holy matrimony,” that is, for violation of marital fidelity. The monk advised to force yourself to humility and resort to confession:

“And from the fullness of my heart I wish your brother to be delivered from drunken passion; but as soon as this passion is allowed either for pride and arrogance, or for a violation of conscience against holy matrimony, then it is necessary for him, firstly, to be forced to humble himself in every possible way or make a confession - to truly repent before a skilled confessor ... And then the Lord will help him.

Saint Ambrose taught:

“The spiritual remedy is that your friend should pay attention to spiritual anguish, from the impatience of which she falls into the weakness of drinking wine.”

In general, the Optina elders paid attention to the obligatory confession for all those suffering from the passion of wine drinking, since the cause of wine drinking is often spiritual anguish, and it comes from unconfessed sins. St. Ambrose paid special attention to the fact that in order to combat the passion of drunkenness, a full confession is necessary, starting from childhood:

“And for this matter to be firm and lasting, a sincere and perfect confession and repentance is required for a lifetime, starting from the age of 6.”

The elder also advised those suffering from spiritual anguish and the passion of drinking wine, when anguish and despondency appeared, to read the prayer and the Gospel with bows:

“One man, who suffered from longing and wine drinking, got rid of the following: when he felt longing, he turned away to a secret place and made 33 prostrations with a prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” and the longing receded. And when the melancholy appeared again, he did the same again, and by such prayer, when the melancholy appeared, he completely got rid of wine drinking and from the melancholy itself. Another person got rid of both melancholy and wine drinking by reading the Gospel.”

Elder Joseph advised:

“May the Lord deliver Constantine from drunkenness. Let him fast and partake of the Holy Mysteries. And then a prayer service will serve the Mother of God and earnestly ask Her for help.

Do you know what sins were in Sodom? You probably immediately thought of a specific sexual sin.

While this is true, this is not the whole story. Speaking of the idolatry of Jerusalem, the prophet Ezekiel said:

“This is what was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister and her daughters: in pride, satiety (in another translation - “in abundance of bread”) and idleness, and she did not support the hands of the poor and the needy. And they became proud and did abominations before Me, and when I saw this, I rejected them.” (Ezekiel 16:49-50)

Did you notice that pride was first on the list, followed immediately by indulgence in food and satiety? You can ask: "What's wrong with eating your fill?"

While there is nothing wrong with eating to satisfaction, for the people of Sodom, overeating was a way of life.

As a result, they became self-centered, self-indulgent and lazy. The inhabitants of Sodom were engrossed in sensual pleasures. They did not care about others, wasting their time and resources only on themselves, while not helping the poor people around them and those in need.

I believe that the story of Sodom is instructive for believers in Christ today.

Some say that gluttony is the most permissible sin in the church. Our position seems to be similar to: "God, I'll give you everything... just don't touch my food!"

However, for the sake of our mission, we must resist the spirit of gluttony that is rampant in the church.

Think about it: do we really want to realize at the end of our lives that our focus has been on eating "yummy treats"?

Each of us is called to make positive changes in this world to glorify our Lord in body and spirit. Jesus said in John 15:8:

“My Father is glorified by this, if you bear much fruit and become My disciples.”

The fruit of God's Spirit is evidence of His work in our lives: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control.

This fruit grows in our lives as we renew our minds with the Word of God and submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our actions in every area, including our eating habits.

If we do not become more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, prosperous in virtue, faithful, meek, and temperate year after year, then something is wrong with our spiritual growth.

1 Corinthians 6:12 gives us wise guidance:

“Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is useful; everything is permissible to me, but nothing should possess me.

The Lord only wants what is good for us. He does not want us to be under the control of any habit that can harm us.

Overeating and drunkenness are often linked together in the Bible and are not good habits. They destroy our health and interfere with our ability to think clearly and make wise decisions.

They also put us in a state more vulnerable to enemy attacks. 1 Peter 5:8 advises us:

"Be sober, stay awake, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

The spirit of gluttony is inherently seductive, as it promises us to escape the reality of life, to be free from pain. However, just as much as we over-indulge ourselves in eating food, so too is the enemy busy eating us.

We become a "resting area" for the evil spirit.

As believers, we are called to be in the world, but not of this world. The wisest thing to do is, in a spirit of humility, present our pain to the Lord for healing. When He heals us, we put food in its proper place and begin to prosper in our Father's work.

In order to resist the spirit of gluttony, you must also resist deceitful foods in your life. Deceptive foods are those that at first glance seem harmless to you, but when you start using them, you will find that it takes over and devastates your mind. When your mind is empty, you lose control, lose self-control, and become emotionally unstable.

To avoid Sodom's behavior, let's resist the spirit of gluttony and cast it out of our lives.

Here is a prayer you can use:

“Heavenly Father, You promised that if we, as Your people who are called by Your name, humble ourselves, begin to pray, seek Your face and turn from our evil ways, You will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

I thank You for giving me such a beautiful and precious promise by which I can escape the corruption of the world and influence my nation.

I am Your child, the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. I humble myself in this prayer, realizing that I am serving someone greater than me. I love You and You deserve all of me. My body and my spirit belong to You. Jesus has redeemed me for You at a truly high price.

I want to live in such a way that, as soon as I cross the finish line, I will hear from You these wonderful words: “Good, good and faithful child. Enter into the joy of your Lord."

My Savior, Jesus Christ, You are my compassionate high priest. Therefore, I come to You, Father, in the name of Jesus, confessing my sin of gluttony. The lust of intemperance in food seized me. But I don't want to be like the people of Sodom. I don't want to be selfish, focused on indulging my flesh and ignoring the poor and suffering people around me.

I renounce the spirit of gluttony. I captivate any deceptive thought in my head that makes me think that gluttony is harmless. It's not harmless. It hurts me, and it hurts other people who need my help. It is a sinful habit, a destructive habit. She destroys my health and traps me in vicious circle feelings of shame and guilt.

You don't want me to live like this. Jesus came to free the captives. And I can claim it. I repent, Lord. I am giving up this habit. You hate this habit as much as You hate drinking, and I hate what You hate.

Open my eyes to what this habit has cost me, what it is costing me now, and what it will cost me in the future if I don't change things.

Lord, teach me Your way so that I can walk in Your truth daily. Your word is truth. Guide me to straight paths for the sake of my enemies. Gluttony is my enemy. Show me products that take over my mind. Give me the courage to remove them from my life and replace them with good tasting foods, but not at the cost of stealing my mind.

I commit all emotional pain to You for healing, Lord. Help me recover peace of mind so that I put on a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despondency and depression.

I know that You love me, Father, and want the best for me. You have begun a good work in me and you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Every day I hold on to Your unchanging hand. I hope that You will lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. I will delight in You, and You will repay me according to the desire of my heart.

My heart's desire is that You heal me and heal our people, that people in our land turn their hearts to You. Amen."

An unbearable habit will remain in your life as long as you are willing to endure it. Resist the enemy in this area, and he will surely run away from you.

Author - Kimberly Taylor/
Translation - Pavel Ignatenko for

Previously weighing 108kg and wearing a size 60, Kimberly Taylor can testify to God's healing power to end overeating. She is the author and creator of a Christian site dedicated to how to lose weight -

According to Russian legislation, in particular, the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (hereinafter referred to as LOCA), the consumer has the right to return the purchased item during the warranty period if it turned out to be of poor quality or does not meet the described characteristics. You can also exchange within 14 days, provided that the shape, color, size does not fit. As part of the article, we will consider how to do it correctly.

Table of contents:

General information about the return of goods under warranty

The warranty period is the period of time during which the buyer has the right to claim the seller about the defect of the purchased goods. The period is counted from the moment the item was purchased, excluding the day of sale. If the date of purchase is not known, then the warranty is calculated from the date of manufacture. There are situations when this period is not indicated at all by either the manufacturer or the seller. Then, according to Article 477 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is two years.

In accordance with the established bills, before returning the product back to the store, you should make sure that:

  • the defect was discovered during the warranty period or up to two years from the date of purchase (according to the first paragraph of article 19 of the RFP);
  • the defect arose through no fault of the consumer (due to inappropriate operating rules), and also contradicts proper subsequent use;
  • there is a check, a warranty card or other documents indicating the purchase of this product.
We recommend reading:

However, upon purchase, the return period is 15 days, except in certain cases. Such goods are:

The entire list can be seen in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for the seller when returning the goods

In accordance with the first paragraph of article 18 of the RFP, if defects are discovered, the consumer has the right to demand:

  1. replace the defective product with an identical product of the same brand and model;
  2. exchange for goods of another manufacturer and brand with recalculation of the purchase amount;
  3. significantly reduce the price of the goods;
  4. fix all defects for free or pay cash to eliminate them;
  5. return the item for a refund of the full purchase price.

And also the buyer has the right to demand compensation for the damage caused by the sale of low-quality goods. Losses must be compensated within the period established by applicable law.

Return procedure

After making sure that all conditions comply with the provisions listed in the law, you can safely claim the right to return or exchange. In this case, it is better to follow the following procedure:

  1. It is necessary to determine the requirements, that is, whether it will be a refund of the full cost of the goods, reimbursement of repair costs or an exchange.
  2. Next you need. It should contain the following information:
    • The name of the person to whom the complaint is being made;
    • from whom the claim is made (indicate phone number, address);
    • name, characteristics of the goods;
    • when, under what circumstances, the malfunction was detected;
    • what is the defect;
    • requirements for the seller;
    • copies of the receipt, receipt for the purchase of this product;
    • photo of identified deficiencies;
    • date, signature.

    A document is drawn up in two copies: one is handed to the defendant, the second remains in the hands of the applicant with the date and signature of the person who accepted the application.

  3. Then the complaint is presented to the seller or manager, or at a certain service center to eliminate deficiencies.
  4. The guilty party is obliged to return the funds on demand immediately, or after conducting an independent to prove the innocence of the consumer. You need to pay back the money within 10 days, and for each overdue - 1% of the purchase amount.

Often there are situations of refusal both to conduct a study to identify the cause, and to return the money. However, the buyer may be offered a quality check by store employees (the results of which can be questioned), as well as an examination at his own expense. In such cases, you should definitely contact expert organization for independent verification.

When documentary evidence of the presence of manufacturing defects is ready, the claim is made a second time, indicating the costs spent on research.
If the expert opinion is on the side of the buyer, as a rule, the requirements are fully satisfied. At the same time, the costs of the examination are reimbursed to the consumer in full, in accordance with article 18 of the RFP.

If, in this case, it is not possible to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to apply to the court with a statement of claim. It must be drawn up correctly, indicating all the necessary information and describing the circumstances of the discovery of flaws. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the current legislation, thereby justifying violations of consumer rights. It should be noted that attempts to pre-trial conflict resolution were present, but were rejected.

Do not forget that if a claim is filed, the defendant, in addition to the initial requirements, is charged with a penalty for failure to fulfill obligations in deadlines. You can also claim about . In this case, the amount of compensation may differ significantly from the amount of the claim. In such cases, the court exempts the plaintiff from paying the state duty.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that anyone can purchase low-quality goods, in any store and in any department, be it clothes or Appliances. In order to declare the violated rights in time, it is necessary to keep checks, warranty cards, payment receipts. It is also necessary to know the rights and obligations of the consumer and the seller in order to protect yourself from fraud.

Consider when it will be possible to return money for a faulty product, whether it can be done if the product is broken due to the fault of the buyer (?). The basis for the return of the purchased product during the warranty period is a detected malfunction, which makes it impossible for the full operation of the purchased product.

The cause of the detected marriage cannot be the actions of the buyer or third parties, for example, improper operation. All product documentation must be available.:

  • check;
  • warranty card;
  • sale and purchase agreement, if any.


In order to exercise his right, the buyer must perform a number of mandatory actions.

Deciding on a requirement

The first step is to determine the requirements that are put forward by the stakeholder. According to paragraph 1 of article 18 of the LOZPP, they can be of the following nature.

Return money

This is the most common requirement of buyers, but not always having a legal basis.

For example, you can count on a refund for a technically complex product if it is returned within the first fifteen days after purchase (what is it?). At later dates, the money is returned only if:

  • significant deficiencies were found;
  • terms of warranty repair are violated;
  • the time of repair work exceeded in total 30 calendar days for one warranty year;
  • The item has been sent in for repair several times for various reasons.

You can find out how long it takes to return an item to a store.

Replace Purchase

The buyer may request a replacement with a similar product that matches the model, brand, color, size, year of manufacture, technical specifications. During the warranty period, the parties can agree and exchange for other products, the main thing is that it meets the requirements of the buyer.

Other options

In addition to the return of money or the replacement of the purchased item, the person concerned has the right to make other claims against the seller (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation).

  • In the case of a marriage, you can repair it at your own expense, and then require the seller to reimburse the corresponding costs. This type of issue is usually resolved by the courts. The easiest way is to transfer the purchased to the seller, who will perform the necessary repair work at his own expense. Quite a part of the implementers themselves offer this option if the breakdown is not expensive.
  • The buyer also has the right to demand a reduction in the price of the goods in proportion to the complexity of the detected damage.

The buyer has the right to demand compensation from the seller for damages caused by the use of a defective product.

Learn more about refund features different types goods, as well as what to do if the seller refused to pay, you can.

How to make an application?

The basis for consideration of the buyer's appeal will be the last written application-claim. Its text should include:

  1. The name and address of the seller.
  2. Information about the buyer - full name, place of residence, contact phone number.
  3. Purchase data – date, place, type and cost of the purchased item.
  4. Description of the problem - when and under what circumstances a breakdown was detected, the nature of the marriage.
  5. The nature of the buyer's requirements and the deadline for their implementation.
  6. List of attached .
  7. Date and signature of the applicant.

The appeal must be made in two copies, one of which the buyer will keep. The application must be accompanied by the purchased product, payment receipt (if any) and warranty documentation.

To return the money spent for a product of inadequate quality

The application for the return of money spent by the buyer in its content will be similar to any appeal relating to requirements of a different nature.

More about how to return an item inadequate quality, we told in .

To replace a defective item

A similar situation will develop in the case of replacement. The text of the appeal should indicate that the buyer requires an identical product and not money or repairs.

Submitting a Claim

Let's take a look at how to take a low-quality or defective product to the store during the warranty period in order to return the money or exchange the purchase. After filing a claim, it must be transferred to the seller along with the purchase and documents. The buyer must do it personally. During the transfer, the completeness of the information will be checked, as well as an external inspection of the product.

After that, the seller will issue an act on the basis of which the goods will be accepted. This document is drawn up in two copies, one for each of the parties.

Quality expertise

If a defect is found, the return of the purchase is impossible without carrying out peer review. It is carried out after the transfer of the goods to the seller, at the expense of the latter.

The assessment process determines the nature of the marriage and identifies the causes of its occurrence. The results of the procedure are reflected in the expert opinion. If the seller's fault is not confirmed, the latter has the right to present the buyer with a claim for reimbursement of expenses for paying for the services of an expert.

The buyer can conduct an examination on his own before transferring the acquired to the seller. In this case, he pays for the services of an expert on his own.

Time to comply with the requirements of the seller

The deadline for fulfilling the requirements of the interested party depends on their nature.:

  • 7 nights is assigned for replacement if there is no need to conduct an examination (clause 1, article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation).
  • 20 days if the seller assigns an additional quality check (clause 1, article 21 of the RFP).
  • 1 month, if it is impossible to replace within 7 days, due to the lack of a similar product (clause 1, article 21 of the RFP). In the regions of the Far North, this period increases, since delivery to these territories may be delayed.
  • 10 days upon presentation of claims for a reduction in cost, compensation for the costs of repairs made by the buyer himself or by another person, the return of the entire amount for a low-quality product (Article 22 of the LOZPP).

The terms of return or replacement must be indicated in writing in the acceptance certificate. But their absence does not invalidate the law.

Violation of deadlines

If the seller violates his obligations in terms of compliance with the deadlines for their execution, the buyer may recover a penalty from him. In accordance with paragraph 3 of article 23.1 of the RFZPP, its amount is 0.5% of the value of the goods. Specified the sanction is charged for each day of the period of non-fulfillment of duties.

How is the warranty period calculated for a replacement purchase?

As stated in paragraph 2 of article 21 of the RFPO, the replacement of a defective product with a new one entails a change in the warranty period. In fact, a new time period is set, since there is a similar, but still different product, respectively, and the period is calculated anew, from the moment the goods are transferred to the buyer.