Kenar shakes his tail. Canary diseases and health care

Timely diagnosis of canaries greatly facilitates life not only for her, but also for the owner. After all, preventing the disease at an early stage is much better than treating it. It can be very difficult to pick it up, and long searches are fraught with serious consequences, even death.

However, diseases are so insidious that no one is immune from them. And if you notice any alarming symptoms, you should seek the help of a veterinarian as soon as possible. He will definitely find out the cause of the ailment and prescribe the appropriate treatment. So what are the sores found in the world of birds and how to deal with them? Moreover, it is important to see the diseases of canaries in time to heal the bird.

Diseases of the digestive system in canaries

The digestive system must function well in order to feathered friend was happy and active.

constipation in canaries

This phenomenon is difficult to notice. After all, in appearance it is not expressed by anything. Most often, this problem visits birds whose diet consists of one grain. That is why you need a balanced diet, including the use of fruits, vegetables and herbs.

To alleviate the condition of the bird, it is necessary using a pipette to inject 3 drops into the cloaca vegetable oil. And to maintain internal environment give the canaries a few drops of vaseline oil.

Liquid droppings from a parrot

The color of the feces is green or brown, and their consistency is very liquid. There are many reasons for this phenomenon:

  • consumption of poor quality food;
  • cold;
  • infectious diseases.

At home, it is possible to cure diarrhea caused by bad food. To do this, exclude all vegetables and fruits. Only poppy seeds, grains and lettuce seeds should remain in the diet. You can not do without medicine - megamix, which must be added to the water. If after the actions taken the condition does not improve, you need to go to the doctor.

Lime droppings

A very common and serious disease. The bird is expressed in poor condition, it is disheveled and inactive. Caused by the action of harmful microbes. If you start with treatment, the outcome can be tragic. It is imperative to disinfect the cell. During treatment, keep the patient warm, near the lamp. Feed with canary seed and water with decoction of rice. Antibiotics are a must!

Constant hunger

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. There is only one way to prolong the life of your pet. To do this, you need to introduce more high-calorie feed into the diet, as well as keep the pet warm.


The main reason is immobility. Put the bird in a larger cage and put it on a "diet" (more vegetables and fruits, in exchange for seeds).

Smallpox and beriberi in canaries

The symptoms of each disease are different, but their early diagnosis helps to avoid fatal outcomes.

Avitaminosis in a domestic parrot

Lack of vitamins can seriously affect the condition of the canary. With any alarming symptoms, you need to make sure what kind of substance your pet is missing. His appearance able to answer this question. Trembling legs, heavy eyelids and cramps are a clear sign of a lack of vitamins A, D.

Curvature of the fingers and chest - means that the chick lacks vitamin D. To prevent this, add rowan berries to the diet. The presence of fresh branches in the cage is a must. Chalk and brewer's yeast must be ingested periodically. The location of the cage is also important, it should be half in the sun and shade.

Smallpox in a canary

Probably one of the most dangerous and terrible diseases. It is almost impossible to recover from it. Symptoms: shortness of breath and the appearance of yellow subcutaneous nodules. The infection can spread quickly, so it is necessary to carry out high-quality disinfection. Moreover, not only the cell must pass it, but all those containing it. For prevention, it is recommended to pre-vaccinate the canary.

Other diseases of canaries

If a more domestic parrot, then you need to treat it. What common diseases still occur in canaries?

leg disease in canaries

Any change in the legs can cause a serious illness. The appearance of a white growth may indicate the appearance of a scabies mite. With this diagnosis, you must do the following:

  1. Lubricate the affected area with streptocid ointment.
  2. To strengthen the body, give vitamin A
  3. Make a bath of potassium permanganate for the affected bird. The duration of this procedure is until complete recovery.

Runny nose

The common cold, though common, is not dangerous. You can cure it with saline solution, chamomile decoction. Keep the bird warm and away from drafts.

eye diseases

Occurs due to breach of containment conditions. Dust, dirt, drafts get into the pet's eyes. All this causes irritation, the eyes begin to water. You can get rid of this phenomenon with the help of black tea or furacilin solution. It is also worth resorting to eye drops.


It is simply impossible not to notice him. Any movement you make can cause even more complications. It's best to contact your veterinarian right away.


Characterized by bloody discharge. Any small cuts can be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Over time, they will tighten, and there will be no trace. If we are talking about more serious injuries - a laceration, then it is better to contact the clinic. If necessary, stitches will be placed here.

Feathered health depends only on your attention. Be careful and vigilant and this cute pet will please you for a long time!

In contact with

With the right content, the life expectancy of domestic canaries is 7-10, and sometimes 13-15 years. But, despite such bright prospects, birds often die from diseases whose treatment was not started on time. To avoid this, the owner must have general idea about diseases of canaries and their manifestations.

Paw disease in canaries

Inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot

Causes: bruises.

Symptoms: the bird pulls the limb to the body, does not step on it. If a wound has formed on the paw as a result of a bruise, bleeding from it can be quite severe.

Treatment: first aid for a canary disease such as pododermatitis is required if there is damage to the skin. The wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide and sprinkled with Streptocide. The bird is not released from the cage for 5-7 days, thereby ensuring that it stays in relative peace.

Inflammation of the fingers

One of the most common diseases of canaries is inflammation of the fingers.

Causes: monotonous diet with a predominance of protein feed, lack of vitamin A, poor hygiene.

Symptoms: redness and swelling of the paws, the formation of spherical swellings on the fingertips.

Treatment: exclusion of mealworms from the diet of birds, the addition of vitamin A to the feed. The nodules are opened, cleaned of the contents and disinfected with Streptomycin and Betadine. The perch is replaced with a soft rubber perch.

Articular gout

Among the diseases of canaries, articular gout is also common.

Causes: impaired renal function, as a result - excessive formation of uric acid salts in the blood and their deposition in the articular tissues.

Symptoms: the diagnosis of the disease is mainly based on the appearance of yellow nodules around the joints of the fingers and feet, which eventually open, flowing with a yellow thick liquid.

Treatment diseases of canaries, such as gout, is carried out by surgical intervention. Nodules are removed, but may reappear.


One of the most common diseases in poultry is tick infestation (pictured above).

Symptoms: coral-like growths appear on the legs and / or beak of the bird. The bird is worried, itches.

Causes: Birds usually become infected through contact with each other.

Treatment includes treatment of the affected areas (and only them) with aversectin ointment. The drug is applied in a very thin layer with a brush every 3 days. Also, for the duration of the treatment of the disease, all wooden objects, sepia should be removed from it, the cage should be disinfected and doused with boiling water.


Tumors do not bother canaries often, but such cases also occur in medical practice.

Causes not installed.

Symptoms: violation of the motor functions of the limbs. Tumors are rapidly growing lumps filled with blood. Sometimes birds peck at them, causing bleeding.

Treatment: only surgery.

Eye diseases - conjunctivitis

Symptoms: inflammatory redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, photophobia, purulent discharge from the eyes.

Treatment: for diseases of canaries such as conjunctivitis of the eye, the bird is treated with a solution of Albucid (1 part of the drug to 3 parts of boiled water), Furacilin or Ophthalmo-septonex.

Respiratory diseases

Runny nose

Of the canary diseases associated with damage to the respiratory system, the common cold is the most common.

Causes: hypothermia, stay in a draft.

Symptoms: sneezing, discharge of mucus from the nostrils, rapid breathing.

Treatment: the cell is insulated with tissue and placed in warm place. The bird is given a warm decoction of chamomile and calendula flowers.


Causes: penetration into the respiratory system of a bird of Koch's sticks.

Symptoms: shortness of breath, loss of appetite and weight. Cases of transmission of tuberculosis from birds to humans have been recorded, so a sick bird must be treated.

Treatment: diversify the menu. Give antibiotics as directed by your doctor.

Canaries settled in human homes more than five centuries ago. It was from the moment of domestication of finches and their transformation into a modern canary that the life of this bird was in human hands. For all the time of its existence, this species has developed good immunity, as for a bird that lives in a cage. But in order for it to be at a high level, the owner of a small feathered one will have to make a lot of efforts.

The basic rules in keeping canaries that affect their health:

  • Purity. The possibility of development of pathogenic bacteria, mold and helminths depends on how clean the cell is. In order for them not to develop in the cage, it must be constantly clean and dry.
  • Fresh and clean water and food. Everything that the bird ingests must be originally High Quality, clean and fresh. Usually feeders are placed once a day with dry food, soft food is removed after half an hour, and the water is changed at least once a day.
  • Proper diet. The balance of all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements significantly increases the resistance of the bird.
  • Ultraviolet and fresh air. Walks in the fresh air and sunlight, an important part of the life of a canary, without which it can not do in any way.

It is easier to prevent than to cure

Today, the culture of keeping birds is at a high level. Knowledge of biological requirements has grown considerably among keepers and especially among breeders. Special magazines, newspapers of associations and unions, reports at monthly meetings, all this, combined with the exchange of experience and conversations between breeders and fanciers, helps to care for birds.

Qualified care for entrusted creatures, health protection of feathered wards, current monitoring and control over them should become the flesh and blood of every bird lover.

Daily strictly scheduled feeding, clean water for both drinking and bathing, a balanced diet and the opportunity sufficient time move in the fresh air - these are the main prerequisites and conditions for a long healthy life canaries. Therefore, diseases in this book are outlined briefly. Diagnosing the disease is not easy. What is lacking in a disheveled, like a ball, patient who sadly closes his eyes, trembles from temperature and refuses to eat? The leading bird care figure, Dr. Karl Russ, wrote more than a hundred years ago regarding diseases: "Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize once again that they represent for me the most difficult area to describe."

Meanwhile, medicine has discovered such good helpers in the form of broad-spectrum drugs, such as vitamins, antibiotics, and so on. These also include infrared irradiation, a healing source of heat for the sick and a reliable source for rearing offspring.

Infrared emitters are produced in the form of a thermal lamp and a dark emitter of infrared rays. It is best to use a dark emitter because it does not interfere with the birds' sleep and can be left on all night. Thermal lamps are screwed into an ordinary cartridge and are produced with a power of 75, 100 and 200 watts. Infrared radiation has a healing effect on bronchitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the lungs and intestines.

With the help of heat rays, the dangerous delay in molting can also be overcome. Infrared radiation affects not only the surface of the skin, but penetrates deep into the tissues and there promotes the expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels. Cells are fed faster, and toxins are washed into the blood.

What to do in case of illness?

Sleepy, lethargic behavior, cloudy, dull eyes, ruffled plumage, tail shaking, hoarse or difficult shortness of breath, coughing, loose watery droppings, sitting quietly on the floor or hiding in a corner - all these are symptoms that our canary is unhealthy. Below we will try to briefly mention the most common canary diseases, describe the first symptoms and the first treatment measures.

But we must not forget that only a specialist veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis. Self-treatment is dangerous. Don't put your birds at unnecessary risk.


Prevention and control of infectious diseases is best achieved through the disinfection of aviaries, cages and rearing facilities. Outdoors in open enclosures, the sun is the best and most natural means of hygiene and disinfection.

For disinfection there is whole line effective means. The simplest is boiled water, in which soda is dissolved at the rate of 20 g per liter. The cell is washed with this hot solution. Large outdoor cages and enclosures are best disinfected with a hot handheld car wash shower available from auto parts stores. From ticks, fleas and lice, which include lice, the premises are sprayed or fumigated with insecticides in the prescribed dosage. Before each disinfection, take out boxes from under the nests, feeders, branches, perches, as well as drinking utensils, baths for bathing, etc.

Disinfectant liquid is applied with a brush or a spray syringe. It is recommended to wear a protective mask.
A good auxiliary means of hygiene in brood rooms is to clean the floor from dust, as well as created in Lately air ionizers. What technique will do all this depends on the specific conditions and the thickness of the wallet. And yet the main thing is not the technique, but the thoroughness and thoroughness with which the methods for caring for our feathered wards should be implemented.


eye inflammation

Most often it occurs due to poor conditions of detention: drafts, smoke, the presence of sprays and other vapors of chemical origin can cause conjunctivitis and lacrimation.


Rinse eyes lightly with a solution of boric acid or chamomile infusion. If the watering and inflammation persist, you should contact your veterinarian because it could be an infectious disease that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

External damage

Fractures of legs and wings, lacerations, head injuries, etc. in most cases, they occur as a result of a strong blow against an obstacle or from the fact that the canary is caught on the grate or tangled in the branches. A fracture can be determined by how the broken part of the body hangs on the bird or if it has stopped using it. Lacerations or cuts are immediately visible due to bleeding.


Fractures are best treated by a veterinarian. Bleeding from lacerations and cuts is best stopped with cotton wool with ferric chloride (the cotton wool is applied to the bleeding place for a while), and then the wound is allowed to heal itself. If the bleeding is too heavy, contact your veterinarian to sew up the wound.


A very common occurrence among birds, especially if they are fed wet green food or given too much fresh food at one meal. But diarrhea can also be the result of inflammation of the intestines, an intractable disease. An analysis of the mouth guard by a veterinarian will make it possible to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Heat, possibly infrared radiation, strong tea, activated charcoal. If as a result of the taken no improvement does not occur, the bird is given an antibiotic (terramycin, aureomycin, codrinal, supronal) and vitamin B with boiled water.


Often occurs as a result of drafts and insufficiently sheltered enclosures in the fresh air, often ending in pneumonia. Colds are recognized by coughing and choking, labored breathing, nasal discharge, and cloudy eyes.


Heat, infrared irradiation, as well as a warm drink with antibiotics.


It occurs with excessively high-calorie feed and lack of movement. Obese canaries are inactive, shed poorly and are highly susceptible to disease.


More movement, that is, the bird should fly freely around the room or aviary at least once a day. Diet - but not starvation! Enough for a week to put on a canary and millet.

"Lime Leg"


Spray feet with anti-scabies and give vitamin A at the same time.


The most dangerous disease that can occur when breeding canaries. It is transmitted through a virus that is usually introduced with newly acquired birds and spreads very quickly. Most likely, smallpox is recognized by yellowish-white subcutaneous nodules on the head and chest and intermittent breathing.


Remove the bird immediately and thoroughly disinfect the cage and fixtures in it. Almost no chance of recovery. As a preventive measure, you should be vaccinated.


Often leads to the fact that the egg has practically no shell. The sick female sits motionless with a loose feather on the floor, the lower part of the body is swollen, the skin around the cloaca is reddened and hot.


Treatment is successful only with timely recognition of the disease. Warm; lubricate the cloaca with oil and inject a few drops of oil into it. It is not recommended for novice bird keepers to massage. Vitamins, minerals and uniform heat in most cases lead to recovery.

tick lesion

Ticks are most often introduced by newcomers when purchased or kept in free-range aviaries through free-living birds that perch on the aviary. Due to ticks, birds become restless, constantly clean their feathers and show general weakness.


They are removed with the help of insecticides (contact). Be careful not to get the drug on the mucous membranes and in the respiratory tract. Move the bird to a clean cage. Thoroughly treat the old cage or aviary and all the devices in it with insecticides and leave for several days, then rinse thoroughly.

Shed delay

Complications with molting in most cases are associated with improper feeding. At the same time, the bird molts not as expected within 4-8 weeks, but for months, and the process is not completed to the end. New feathers are dull and brittle. Besides, the canary no longer sings.


Give with water multivitamin preparations, calcium; fresh green food, daily bathing, irradiation with an infrared device.


Canaries are quite rare. The reason is too hard or hard to digest food. Symptoms: fluffy feathers, indifference, stiff movements.


A few drops of castor or olive oil are given to the bird with a pipette, the cloaca is rubbed with oil, more green fodder is given, and above all fresh apples in sufficient quantities.

Canaries are undoubtedly one of the most popular songbirds. They, like any other pets, need care, including care for their health. Over the centuries of breeding canaries, both the diseases to which they are susceptible and the methods for curing them have become well known, which will be discussed in this material.

Canary diseases

Growths on the paws

The cause of the disease are scabies and itch mites. Launched cases can lead to death. Symptoms of the disease:

  • redness on the paws;
  • lime deposits in the form of growths;
  • plate formations;
  • purulent discharge (in some cases);
  • pet scratching the affected areas.

For treatment, warm baths with dissolved potassium permanganate are used. After such a bath, the growths that can be removed are carefully peeled off with a non-sharp object, such as a blunt knife, after which the paws are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After 3–4 days of such procedures, the limbs of the bird are smeared with hexachlorane ointment, which is washed off after an hour with warm water and then the ointment is applied again, which is washed off again after an hour.

Did you know? In pre-revolutionary Russia, in order to improve the singing of canaries, experienced lovers of canary singing selected the most vociferous individuals and planted “teachers” from other bird species with them. This orchestra could consist of oatmeal, dubrovka, great tit. They also used various kinds of pipes, whistles and even special bird organ. In the Russian Empire, the cost of a canary trained in this way at one time reached five thousand rubles.

Prevention of the disease is regular cleaning of the cage, as well as its periodic disinfection. In addition, it is necessary to inspect the paws of the canary from time to time and, at the first signs of the disease (redness, scratching), begin treatment.
Disinfection of the canary cage is one of the methods for preventing growths on the paws

Intestinal blockage or constipation

Most often, the cause of this is poor-quality fatty food, but this condition may indicate inflammation of the intestine or fatty liver. Constipation symptoms:

  • the bird is inactive, sitting ruffled;
  • she completely or almost completely stops eating;
  • there are frequent and unsuccessful attempts to defecate.
For treatment, grains are excluded from the diet of canaries for 2-3 days and transferred to fruits, vegetables, herbs, eggs, hemp seeds. The amount of flaxseed should be increased. If changing the diet does not help, then 2-3 drops of castor oil are instilled into the beak. Prevention of constipation is a properly selected diet.


This problem can be caused by food, especially diarrhea is observed with an excessive amount of soft food, greens, vegetables, fruits. In addition, it can be caused by a cold. But there is also the so-called calcareous diarrhea, which is caused by microbes. Symptoms:

  • with normal diarrhea, liquid litter of a greenish or brown color;
  • with calcareous droppings, whitish stools of a mucous nature are observed.

Ordinary diarrhea is treated with the correct selection of dietary components, a decrease in the proportion of fruits and vegetables, the introduction of low-fat cottage cheese into the diet, as well as rice porridge. As a drink, give a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

With calcareous diarrhea, the cells are disinfected, the pet is watered with a decoction of rice or oats, a solution of Synthomycin (2–3 drops) is instilled into the beak.

Upper respiratory catarrh and runny nose

The reason for this may be a low temperature in the room or too cold water in the drinker. Symptoms:

  • rapid breathing;
  • discharge in the nostrils;
  • sneezing and wheezing.
For treatment, it is necessary to normalize the temperature regime. In addition, it is recommended to put a hot decoction of chamomile on the bottom of the cage and cover the cage with a cloth for 15-20 minutes to increase the concentration of decoction vapors.
To prevent this kind of disease, it is necessary to eliminate drafts, maintain a normal temperature in the cell, and prevent sudden temperature fluctuations.

Metabolic disorders

The causes of metabolic disorders may be the conditions of detention or the wrong diet. But in some cases it is associated with hereditary diseases. Symptoms:

  • the canary eats a lot, but at the same time its exhaustion increases.

In this situation, it is worth analyzing the conditions of keeping and the diet of the pet and, if necessary, adjust them - increase the temperature in the cage or give more high-calorie feed. If all else fails, then you should contact your veterinarian, however, in most cases, such a disease cannot be treated and ends with the death of the bird.

Injuries, fractures, wounds

Often, various injuries occur due to violation of conditions of detention. A typical cause is a bird released from a cage hitting window glass. But a pet can also be injured while inside the cage, for example, if its wing is caught between the bars. Symptoms of serious injury may include:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • open wounds with bleeding;
  • beak damage;
  • fractures of the extremities of open and closed type;
  • blisters under the skin on the legs or under the wings due to internal injuries.

Loss of consciousness in a canary, as one of the symptoms of injuries

In case of injuries, the wounds are disinfected, if necessary, dressings and splints are applied, anesthesia is used, and antibiotics are used. Almost always, medical procedures of this kind are possible only with the involvement of a veterinarian. For transportation of the injured bird, it is placed in a darkened box. An injured canary is kept separate from healthy birds.

Important! If the pet is injured, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian, because a non-specialist may not detect some damage. In addition, in many cases, qualified treatment can only be carried out by a specialist.

The cage in which the affected pet will be kept must be thoroughly disinfected to avoid infection of wounds.

goiter inflammation

The cause of this pathology is the consumption of food affected by mold fungus. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • swelling of the goiter;
  • the appearance of a mucous mass in it;
  • diarrhea;
  • a sick canary sits ruffled and regurgitates food.
In order to treat the pet, they leave it without food for about 8-9 hours, give only water with 10% lemon juice. Then they begin to feed boiled rice or oats until the crop is clear of mucus. If these measures do not help, you should contact your veterinarian. Prevention is the use of high-quality and not expired feed.


It is caused by a lack of vitamins, it develops due to a monotonous unbalanced diet in which, for example, only dry grain mixtures are present. Externally, avitaminosis manifests itself as follows:

  • the canary noticeably loses activity;
  • she grows thinner and weaker;
  • the skin turns pale, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • the singing stops;
  • with advanced disease, purulent discharge of the eyes, convulsions, trembling of the limbs are observed.

For treatment, it is necessary to revise the diet of the bird, introduce greens, vegetables, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, egg feed into it. It is also recommended to contact the veterinary clinic and do the appropriate tests - this will help determine which vitamins are missing and develop an optimal diet, and if necessary, use vitamin preparations.
Prevention of beriberi is simple, it is a varied balanced diet. With such nutrition, the disease of beriberi is practically excluded.

Important! An overabundance of vitamins is just as dangerous as their lack. Therefore, do not get involved in vitamin preparations. They must be used strictly according to the instructions, preferably after consultation with a specialist.


An infectious disease that most often affects chicks. Its symptoms:

  • the bird is disheveled, inactive;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • poor appetite;
  • bowel disorder.
For treatment, drugs such as Furazolidone, Biomycin, etc. are used. The type of drug, dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Liver disease

Inflammatory process that affects the liver of a bird. It usually develops due to malnutrition, in particular due to too much egg feed. Symptoms of the disease:

  • reduced pet activity;
  • blackness and swelling in the upper abdomen.
The problem is solved by revising the diet in the direction of increasing vegetables, fruits, herbs, canary seeds in it. Egg foods can be temporarily excluded from the diet. Prevention is a varied and balanced diet.


Infectious disease, often in a chronic form, the symptoms of which are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • noticeable weight loss;
  • labored breathing with wheezing.
In case of tuberculosis, a sick pet should be placed in a separate cage, located in a well-lit, dry place without drafts. The diet constantly includes cottage cheese, eggs, fruits, herbs, vegetables, sugar. In this case, the owner must take precautions so as not to get infected himself. This includes the use of respirators and disposable gloves when in contact with a pet.

Tuberculosis prevention includes proper organization conditions of detention (dry and bright room without drafts), as well as a balanced diet.


This is another infectious disease. Its symptoms:

  • the bird refuses to feed;
  • the beak is constantly ajar;
  • coughing, sneezing, heavy breathing;
  • yellow-gray discharge from the nasal openings;
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes.
A sick bird needs to be transplanted into a separate disinfected cage. The course of treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Before visiting the veterinarian, you can rinse your mouth with 3% Lugol's solution. As preventive measure regular disinfection of the cage is recommended.

loss of voice

This can be a symptom of many diseases, in particular colds, beriberi, tuberculosis, diphtheria. Therefore, if the canary is hoarse or stops singing altogether, you first need to check the conditions of its maintenance, paying attention to the presence of drafts, the temperature in the room, the temperature of the water in the drinker (should not be too cold). In addition, you should examine the bird.

Did you know? Before the revolution, the singing of canaries was considered beneficial and purifying from demons. Often people set up cages with these birds next to the "red corner" - the place where the icons stand. It is also known that miners took cages with canaries as an indicator, since when firedamp appeared in the air, the canary lost activity or even died.

If there are other symptoms that indicate the disease, you need to start treating the pet yourself or consult a veterinarian.


Usually canaries lose their feathers during the molting period, but this is a natural annual process. Sometimes this happens with frequent nesting or the extinction of the reproductive function of the bird. However, intense loss of plumage can also occur due to feather-eating insects (there are several species of them), which feed on down and feathers. The symptoms are:

  • feather bulbs are destroyed;
  • damaged feathers fall out;
  • there are extensive bald spots, especially in the neck and back.
Infected birds must be immediately isolated, the cage should be disinfected with Disinsectal solution. The affected areas are treated with an alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Fallen feathers and down are burned.

For the successful maintenance of canaries at home, it is recommended to follow some rules, namely:

  • the best type of cage for these birds is a rectangular cage without decorative frills;
  • there should be several perches and they are located at different heights;
  • there must be a bath for bathing;
  • the cage should be placed in a well-lit, dry place without drafts and constant noise;
  • cage cleaning should be carried out regularly, 2-3 times a week;
  • disinfection of the cage is recommended to be done every three months;
  • the optimum temperature for canaries is in the range of +16 ° С ... +22 ° С, there should not be sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • the basis of the diet are grain mixtures, but they should be supplemented with herbs, fruits, vegetables, egg feed, sprouted grains, low-fat cottage cheese.

So, there are quite a few diseases that canaries suffer from. Fortunately, most of them are treated by improving the conditions of detention or by changing the diet. In some cases, you have to resort to the services of a veterinarian. The key to the health of these pets is keeping them in proper conditions, observing the rules of hygiene and a varied balanced diet.

Diarrhea. From poor-quality food (especially from green-vegetable-fruit and soft food), birds have liquid, frequent, whitish-yellow or green stools, sometimes of a mucous nature. Diarrhea is caused by a cold, as well as cold drinking water.

During treatment, soft and green-vegetable-fruit foods should be completely excluded from the daily diet, leaving only grain (without colza), increase the proportion of oatmeal with a small addition of poppy seeds. It is useful to give rice porridge, fresh cottage cheese. The water must be boiled. It is recommended to add 1/4 of a biomycin tablet to drinking water, alternating water with a weak solution (pale pink) of potassium permanganate. Birds need to be kept warm, often change warm water for bathing.

Constipation. The reason for it is abundant fatty low-quality food containing a large amount of hemp, eggs, etc. In some cases, constipation is a diagnostic sign of fatty liver and intestinal inflammation.

With this disease, the canary is ruffled, does not eat well, is inactive, there are repeated and unsuccessful attempts to defecate. The bird should be treated as follows.

For a day or two, you can’t give her grain feed, transferring a sick bird to a soft and green-vegetable-fruit table. Rice porridge, hemp, canary seed, egg should not be excluded from the diet, and the proportion of flaxseed should be increased.

If treatment with a diet does not give the desired effect, two or three drops of castor oil should be dripped directly into the beak.

Diphtheria. This is an infectious disease. Birds lose their appetite, lethargy, chills, and wheezing appear. Breathing is frequent, labored. From the nasal openings there is a discharge of a yellowish-gray color, the mucous membranes of the eyes turn red. The beak is half open. The bird is coughing and sneezing. Sometimes there is diarrhea.

In the treatment of diphtheria of the eye, the nostrils of the canary should be washed with a solution of penicillin diluted in distilled or boiled water. The proportion is 1/4 of a tablet per 10 cm 3 of water. This treatment is not specific, but it alleviates the condition of the bird. For disinfection, the throat cavity can be washed with a 3-4% Lugol solution (crystal iodine with glycerin). An alcoholic solution of iodine should not be consumed. A sick bird must be placed in a separate cage, after disinfecting it with a 10% solution of creolin, and then showing it to a veterinarian.

Tuberculosis. An infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by Koch's wand. These microbes are afraid of light, so it is recommended to keep birds in a bright, sunny and dry room. As a rule, the disease becomes chronic.

Signs of the disease: hoarseness, shortness of breath, poor appetite, sudden weight loss with a distinct protrusion of the sternum. When treating a sick bird, you should give a good nutrition with an abundance of fats, eggs, fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese and sugar. Grain and other feeds are recommended to be given in unlimited quantities.

Hoarseness. This is the result of the inflammatory process of the tracheobronchial muscles. It can be caused by colds, drafts, cold water, diphtheria and tuberculosis.

There are no specific medicines. Sick birds should be isolated and kept in a warm room.

Add a few drops of a purified glycerin solution to drinking water with a temperature of +20 - 22 °. Sometimes positive results are obtained by inhalation of tar and chamomile vapors, but such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Avitaminosis. The cause of vitamin deficiency is monotonous feeding with insufficient amounts of vitamins. The canary becomes bored, drastically loses weight and weakens. The males stop singing. The mucous membranes of the eyes, beak, skin turn pale.

A sick bird should be given a complete, varied, vitamin-rich food, with an increase in the dose of eggs, cottage cheese. Greens, vegetables, fruits - daily in unlimited quantities.

In winter and early spring, one or two drops of fish oil, blackcurrant juice should be added to the grain mixture and soft foods (especially egg feed), alternating with crushed multivitamins A, B, C, D.

Diseases of the legs. At the same time, calcareous deposits appear in birds in the form of growths, plate formations, sometimes with purulent secretions, most often in front of the metatarsus and hind toe.

The growths restrict the movement of the bird, which can lead to leg swelling and rheumatic diseases. Causes - itching and scabies mites.

To treat this disease, warm manganese baths with the addition of a few drops of kerosene should be used. Then, with a blunt knife, remove the growths, carefully peeling off the scales. After removal, rinse the paws with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. After two to four days, lubricate with hexachlorane ointment (twice), washing it off after one to two hours with warm water so that the bird does not peck at the ointment. Leg disease comes from careless keeping of birds in a cage.

Obesity comes from the abundant feeding of birds with fatty, soft mealy foods, as well as as a result of low mobility and rare bathing.

At the same time, canaries are lethargic, inactive, breathing is difficult. The males stop singing. Fat deposits are clearly visible in the chest, abdomen and back. With obesity, the bird is transferred to a strict diet, while hemp, flaxseed and canary seed should not be included in the grain mixture. But it is best in such cases not to use the grain mixture at all, but to feed the bird for several days with one colza, alternating it with white crackers. Greens should be given daily in unlimited quantities. Eliminate eggs from the diet. The bird must be released to fly every day. It is also desirable to transfer it to a more spacious cage, in which there should be a perch or a swinging trapezoid (swing). Bathing the bird should be daily. When the bird becomes more vigorous, you can gradually increase the amount of food, bringing it to the usual norm.

Most often, peroyed occurs in females during continuous incubation of eggs or during the period of pairing and molting. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the room and cage. In order to avoid the transfer of the disease to healthy birds, it is recommended to isolate the sick birds and keep them in another room.

In addition to feather-eating, canaries may have mites that mainly affect the flight feathers.

The cage where the birds and equipment were located should be disinfected several times with a disinfectant solution.

The birds are getting weaker individual cases even die. Bedbugs and fleas are carriers of various infectious diseases. If found, they must be disinfected. Disinsection measures to combat fleas and bedbugs can be preventive and destructive.

Preventive measures consist in maintaining the cleanliness of the premises, the cages where the birds are, and their thorough cleaning. Useful wet cleaning of floors (in the locations of canaries) and washing floors with soapy water with the addition of three to four tablespoons of kerosene or turpentine to a bucket of water.

Extermination measures include rubbing the cells with a soap-kerosene emulsion, flicid, turpentine, naphthalizol, kerosene. The room where the canaries were located is treated with a 20% suspension of freshly slaked lime or a 5% aqueous emulsion of creolin concentrate at the rate of 200 ml of solution per 1 m 2. Cracks in the walls are sealed with putty.

Baldness most often occurs with frequent nesting, fallowing, and, in all likelihood, is caused by a weakening of the sexual sphere of the body. In females, baldness is observed more often than in males. Baldness can also occur in young animals when two forelocked birds (a female and a male) are taken for mating. Baldness is observed mainly on the back of the head and on the head. During the molting period, bald places, as a rule, overgrow.

Molt. This is a natural biological process in the annual life cycle of canaries. The change of plumage occurs once a year, usually after the nesting period, and lasts for two to three months or more. The shedding of the feather cover occurs gradually: first, large feathers of the wings and tail fall out, and then the back, chest, and last of all, the head. In some birds, this process can be painful: the temperature rises, appetite disappears.

It is not difficult to establish signs of molting. At the same time, the birds become lethargic, their gaiety disappears, and the canaries fall into a drowsy state, they are chilly, often fluffy, limited in movement, their feathers are ruffled, the males stop singing. Bird care during this period should be especially thorough. They should be transferred to enhanced nutrition with high-quality grain, soft and green-vegetable-fruit feed. They need complete rest, drafts should be avoided.

During this period, it is extremely necessary to give the birds canary seed, egg, multivitamins, fresh lettuce, cabbage, sprouted grains of oats, lettuce, as well as various greens, vegetables, fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, such as lime phosphate, iron oxide, chlorine, sulfur, proteins. Particular attention during molting should be given to colored canaries. Their feathers are painted in bright colors, and if they do not receive enough carotene during the molting period, the plumage loses all its charm.

They should be given dill, parsley in unlimited quantities, red carrots, beets, fresh red non-bitter bell pepper, forsitskaya grass, sprouts of various greens of canary seed, peas, rapeseed and others.

Bathing should be limited, the water temperature is above zero - 23 - 24 °. For drinking, the cage must always have water at room temperature. If the birds do not have fever and hoarseness, pieces of rusty iron or nails can be put into the water. Sometimes it is recommended to add two or three drops of dry wine to the water. It is useful to place cages with birds in the sun, making sure that the canaries do not overheat.

Signs of the end of molting: a complete change of feathers and a peppy look. The males begin to sing. After molting, when the males begin to sing again, it is necessary to ensure that there are no singers with defects in singing in the room. Moulted birds, especially young ones, are very susceptible to the singing of their neighbors.

It is impossible to mate molting birds, and it is useless. Males do not fertilize females, females lay "talkers", abandon nests. Mating is allowed no earlier than four weeks after the end of the molt. If females have chicks during the molting period, they may not feed and abandon them.

If molting occurs often and untimely, then this is a sign of some kind of disease. In this case, you should contact the veterinarian.