Speech therapy quiz "Migratory birds" (senior preschool age). Summary of the quiz for children of senior preschool age "feathered friends"

Quiz "Birds" with answers for children of middle and older preschool age in riddles.

Vedeneeva Vera Petrovna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental species No. 77, city of Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Description: This quiz is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age. The material can be useful as teachers preschool as well as parents. Can be used in classes on the theme of the week "Animal World". Riddles will help expand knowledge about the world of birds, allow you to develop thinking, curiosity.

Target: consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the world of birds.
- to expand children's knowledge and ideas about the features of appearance, life manifestations, habits of birds and their adaptation to the environment;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, horizons;
- to cultivate a feeling of love for the native nature, for all living things.
Equipment: pictures of birds.
1. I catch bugs all day,
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.

2. Coloring - grayish,
Habit - thieving.
hoarse screamer
- Famous person.
Who is she?

3. He is in his forest chamber
Wears a frilly robe
He heals trees
Knock - and easier.

4. Who is jumping there, rustling,
Gutting cones with a beak?
Voice clear, clear
- Cle! glue! glue! - sings with a whistle.

5. Greenish back,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

6. Let me be a small bird,
My friends have a habit
- When the cold starts
Directly from the north here.

7. In the summer he goes to the plowman,
And before winter
He leaves with a cry.

8. Wants - will fly straight,
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings.

9. Not a crow, not a tit
- What is the name of this bird?
Perched on a bitch
- There was a "ku-ku" in the forest.

10. Comes to us with warmth,
The path, having done a long one.
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay.

11. He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting.
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice.

12. Flew to us at last
Our best singer.
Days and nights through
He sings, sings, sings.

Quiz for children 6-7 years old on the topic "Migratory birds"

Minachetdinova Gulnaz Mansurovna, senior educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 22" Zhuravlyonok "of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.
Description of work:
The summary of the quiz "Migratory birds" is intended for preschool teachers educational institutions. This quiz can be held in a preparatory group for school (children 6-7 years old). Duration: 20-25 minutes.
Target: Update children's ideas about migratory birds.
Tasks: Continue to generalize, expand and systematize children's ideas about migratory birds; Improve the dialogical form of speech
Expand the horizons of children, speed of thinking, stimulate cognitive interest. Develop an interest in observations in wildlife.
Develop the ability to interact with peers.
Vocabulary work: birds, migratory, fly away, warm regions.
Benefits: illustrations depicting birds, leaves, recordings of bird voices, chips.

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to take part in a quiz.
Do you know what it is?
Children's answers. (a quiz is a game, it's when they ask questions)
Educator: Yes, that's right, a quiz is a game in which participants answer questions on a common topic. The topic of today's quiz is “Migratory birds. Divide into two teams so that the participants are equally divided, come up with a name for your team. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip. So, are you ready? We begin.
1. Riddles.
Educator: Now the task is a riddle. Each team will be given three riddles. Guess the riddles, if you are sure that the answer is a migratory bird, then raise the card with an orange maple leaf, and if wintering, then raise the card with a green leaf.

The teacher makes riddles.
1. All migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms (rook)

2. Who is without notes and without a flute,
Trills best of all? (nightingale)

3. Black vest,
red beret.
Nose like an ax
tail like an emphasis (woodpecker)

4. Arrives with ice drift
Waving a black tail
Black with white narrow ponytail
In graceful (wagtail)

5. He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting for him,
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice (starling)

6. Greenish back,
yellowish belly,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf. (titmouse)
Children's answers.
Educator: Well done team, guessed all the riddles.
2. Exercise "Finish the sentence"
caregiver: I'll start, and you finish. Finish the sentence I started. I suggest that each of the teams finish two sentences.
1. “Birds are called migratory because ...” (they fly to warm climes)
2. “In autumn, birds fly away to warm lands, because ...” (it is difficult to feed in winter)
3. “Earliest of all, birds that feed on ... (insects) fly away to the warm lands
4. “Waterfowl are the last to fly away, because ... (reservoirs freeze in late autumn)
Children's answers.
3. Exercise "Know the migratory bird"

Educator: Carefully look at the pictures and try to guess which of the depicted birds are migratory, put yellow chips next to them. Each team has one picture.
The children are doing the task.
Correct answers: in 1 picture there is a crane, a starling, a swallow; on the 2nd picture - cuckoo, starling, wagtail.
4. Exercise "Recognize by voice"
Educator: Birds fly away, their voices are heard less and less often. Listen and try to recognize the bird by its voice.
sounds of bird voices
the sound of the nightingale's voice
the sound of a lark's voice
the sound of a swallow's voice
the sound of the voice of a starling
the sound of the cuckoo's voice
the sound of a rook's voice
Children's answers.
5. Exercise "One - many"
Educator: Birds gather in warm climes, huddle in flocks. Let's remember what the flocks of birds will be called. I will name one migratory bird, you will name when there are a lot of birds, when they stray into a flock.
rook - flock ... (rooks)
swift - flock ... (swifts)
swallow-flock ... (swallows)
swan-flock ... (swans)
goose - flock ... (geese)
duck-flock ... (ducks)
starling-flock ... (starlings)
crane flock ... (cranes)
6. Summing up.
caregiver: Well done guys, you listened carefully to each other, answered without interrupting your comrades. Now count the chips your team has received.
Chip counting.
Determination of the winning team.

Quiz "Feathered friends".

Tasks: deepen and consolidate knowledge about birds, be able to classify them,

to develop interest in the nature of the native land. Build thinking skills

attention and creativity. To create psychological comfort and well-being of the child in the conditions of the children's team. Promote bonding between children and parents.

Preliminary work: reading books about birds by V. Bianki "Forest houses", "Whose nose is better?", "Sinichkin calendar", M. Gorky "Sparrow", E. Charushin "Sparrow", riddles, proverbs, sayings about birds. Birdwatching in nature, conversations about birds, their habits, appearance, looking at illustrations depicting birds, didactic games: “Whose nose?”, “Whose legs?”, “Whose tail?”, “The third extra”, “Collect the picture”.

Material: emblems for teams, decoration for the hall (trees, birds,

inscription), pictures depicting birds, cards for the game "The Third Extra",

envelopes with split pictures, the text of riddles, entertaining questions,

chips, awards.

Quiz progress:

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends. As you probably guessed, today we will talk about birds. And why? Yes, April 1st is International Bird Day. And I invite you to take part in the "Feathered Friends" quiz. Do you agree to become participants in the game? Then you have to answer different questions, perform difficult tasks and show your knowledge and ingenuity. But the game today is unusual, our children will compete with their parents. I ask the participants of the game to take their places at the gaming tables. And we will be evaluated by a strict but competent jury (introduce the members of the jury).

Dear guests, make yourself comfortable, and you will hear and see a lot of new and interesting things. Let's support our teams with applause.

And to find out what our teams are called, I suggest guessing riddles.

1. Naughty boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs.

That's right. The children's team will be called Sparrows.

2. He builds a house on a rock

Isn't it scary to live there?

Though beauty is all around

But such height.

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down a steep cliff

The owner has two mighty wings ... (eagle)

The parent team will be called the Eagles.

1 contest "Guess the riddle."

    Who heals trees in the forest

Spare no head?

His work is hard

Pound trunks all day (woodpecker)

    The back is greenish,

Belly yellowish

Little black cap

And a strip of scarf (titmouse)

    Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black

You see, 20 couples are circling and shouting:

"Carr! Carr! Carr!" (Crow)

    Apples on the branches in winter!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

    Comes to us with warmth

The path has been long.

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay. (Martin)

    Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (nightingale)

The jury sums up.

2 contest "Entertaining questions".

    Who has the biggest eyes?

    What bird can't fly?

    What is the largest bird?

    And what is the smallest?

    What bird walks with a sack?

    What bird is known as tropical fruit?

    Who has the prettiest tail?

    Which bird breeds chicks even in winter?

    Who hunts standing on one leg?

    Why do all birds need tails?

Leading. Yes, we see that the teams are well prepared for today's quiz and know the answers to any questions.

3 competition "Recognize and name the bird"

Teams are shown 3 pictures with images of birds, participants must guess them. (Magpie, toucan, titmouse, crossbill, cuckoo, starling).

4 competition "Say it differently."

What are the birds? That's right: migratory and wintering.

Children: What is another name for migratory birds?

Adults : what is the name of the winterers?

(insectivores and granivores).

Leading: In the meantime, the jury is counting the points earned by the teams, I propose the “Game with the Spectators”. For every correct answer, a surprise. Shall we start?

    Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle)

    What bird is called forest doctor? (woodpecker)

    What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (cuckoo)

    What bird likes to steal shiny things? (magpie)

    What bird hatches a chick, holding it on its paws? (penguin)

    Name the night birds? (owl)

    Which bird has a house on a rock? (Eagle)

    What bird's favorite treat is frogs? (heron)

Leading. Well done! Let's hear from our jury.

5 contest “Do you know birds?»

Questions for children:

    How to distinguish a bird from other animals?

    A hut was built without hands, without an axe.

    Which bird lays its eggs in other people's nests?

    What birds fly to warmer climes in autumn?

Questions for adults:

    What kind of poultry do you know?

    What are the names of the cubs: goose - ..., duck - ..., cuckoo - ...

    Not a rider, but with spurs. Not a watchman, but wakes up.?

    What are the names of the birds that come to us in winter, after winter?

The word of the jury, scoring.

6 contest "Third extra"

Name the birds in the proposed picture and choose the odd one, arguing your choice.

7 competition "Fold and name".

Teams are offered envelopes with split pictures. You need to collect a puzzle picture, name a fairy tale and a bird-hero of a fairy tale. ("The Fox and the Crane", "The Traveling Frog").

8 competition "What fairy tale are we from?"

Leading. Birds are a source of inspiration for writers, poets, musicians. Many writers have works dedicated to our feathered friends. Now we will check how you remember fairy tales.

    What kind of bird has become ugly duck when did you grow up? (swan)

    What bird did Thumbelina save? (swallow)

    What is the name of the crow from the program "Good night kids" (Karkusha)

    From whom did the fox steal the cheese in one of Ivan Krylov's fables? (from the crow)

    What bird, when they knocked on the door, asked: “Who is there? Who's there?" (tick)

    What birds helped Aibolit get to Africa? (eagles)

    Who choked on a bean seed? (cockerel)

    Which bird tore the bag to the hare in the fairy tale "A Bag of Apples"? (Crow)

Leading. Finally, it's time to sum up the quiz, and we give the floor to our jury.

Thanks to everyone: the teams for an interesting, informative game, the jury for the kind words and good grades, the guests for their support and cheerful mood. And in conclusion, I would like to read a small quatrain:

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

So let's take care of and protect our nature and its inhabitants.

Svetlana Kovalenko


Development logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, coherent and dialogic speech.


Consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds, their appearance, lifestyle, nutrition, benefits.

Develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, imagination.

To form the skill of cooperation, friendly relations, the ability to listen to the response of a friend. Cultivate respect for birds.

Equipment: board, spinning top, audio recording of the starling trill, subject pictures with the image migratory birds, medals, stars, magic box.

Previous work: talk about migratory birds, memorizing poems, riddles, tongue twisters, exercises.

Quiz progress:

The teacher includes an audio recording of the starling trill for the children. At this time, exposes pictures of benefits.

Guys, look how many guests we have today! Who knows how they can be called in one word? That's right, this migratory birds.

Let's remember what they are called?

Guys, we talked a lot with you on joint activities about migratory birds. And today I would like to spend a little with you speech therapy quiz about migratory birds and consolidate your knowledge.

For quiz we invited the jury, for each answer you will receive an asterisk, and at the end we will summarize.

Which of you will be the most attentive, savvy, smart.

A top with an arrow is placed in the middle of the table, cards with the task are laid out in a circle.

Children take turns spinning the top and answering the card with the task.

Assignments to quiz.

1. Name some migratory birds you know(rook, starling, crane, swallow, swift, etc.)

2. Why migratory birds are called migratory? where are they going and why?

(migratory birds fly away to warmer climes for the winter in search of food)

3. Name the waterfowl migratory birds?

4. Riddles about birds:

Comes to us with warmth

The path has been long

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay.

Who without but without flute

Who is this?

On the sixth palace

Singer in the palace

And his name is starling

Black, nimble,

screaming: "Krak!"

Worms are the enemy.

Birds with long legs

Until spring they said goodbye to dreams.

flapping their wings in the distance,

And they chirp. Cranes.

5. What benefits do people bring migratory birds?

6. What is the name of the starling house that people build?

7. It is believed that this bird portends a good fate and the birth of children?

8. Physical education "Swans"

Swans fly, flap their wings,

Bent over the water, shake their heads.

Straight and proud they know how to hold on,

Quietly, silently sit on the water.

9. A small, agile bird the size of a sparrow?

10. These little birds spend a significant part of their lives in the air and catch insects on the fly?

11. About this bird people say so “I saw a rook meet spring”.

12. Playing out dialogue "Martin"

Swallow, swallow

Cute killer whale

Where were you, what did you bring?

Been overseas, mined spring

I carry, I carry


13. These birds don't have their song but they mimic others very well birds. in the songs of the male, you can hear the whistling of the oriole, the nightingale trill, the neighing of the foal, the croaking of the frog.

14. These birds are considered weather forecasters. if they build nests high, the summer will be good, if low - cold, damp. If they sit on a tall tree close to each other and with their beak to the wind, expect bad weather.

15. Speak tongue twisters:

Rooks have 5 rooks.

They scream the loudest.

The swallow stands his house

Right above my window.

Starling on the birch

Spotted feathers.

16. In many places, this beautiful, graceful large bird revered as the protector and patron of sailors. For the sailors the appearance of these whites birds over the sea portends a calm and prosperous journey.

17. Which one birds does not hatch chicks, but lays eggs in other nests birds?

18. Poems about birds:

We opened the windows.

Opened the door

sunny and wet

April has arrived

Boiled in streams

Ringed, sang

The first starlings

Sat on the birches.

Now spring is beautiful

calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

Our guys quiz is over, and now the jury is summing up, and we will play a game "Vesnyanka"

Sunshine, sunshine

golden bottom

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Ran in the garden stream

A hundred rooks have flown

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting

And the flowers are growing.

Children are awarded medals.

In the end speech therapy quiz children exhibited their crafts "Heralds of Spring" from salt dough.

Thanks everyone. Our cooperative activity finished.

Game - a quiz for preschoolers "Bird Experts" Purpose: generalization of knowledge about birds. Tasks: 1. Consolidate children's knowledge about birds. 2. To form the ability to work in a team. 3. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds. Scene. The roles are played by pre-prepared children. Characters: Author, Magpie, Crow, Woodpecker, Finch. Author. Met once Magpie and Crow. Magpie and Crow appear on the scene. Magpie: Where are you flying, crow? Crow: I want to build a nest in a new place. Magpie: It was good for you on the old pine. Crow: Yes, I messed up there. Magpie: Well, you won’t get along in a new place! Magpie and Crow leave. Woodpecker and Finch appear on the scene. Woodpecker: Hello, old finch! Finch: Hello, young Woodpecker! Woodpecker: And how did you know that I'm young? Finch: So you have it written on your forehead! You have a red spot on your forehead - old people don't have that. How did you know I'm old? Woodpecker: On the nose! Your nose is blue, but young finches are brown! The heroes of the scene go backstage. Educator: Well, guys, guess who we are going to talk about today? (children's answers.) Yes, we will talk about birds. Since ancient times, people have celebrated the Festival of Birds. As winter does not resist, does not try to linger with us, it still retreats, leaves. Spring is coming, and with it the bright warm sun. With the advent of spring, feathered fidgets fly home, to their homeland - migratory birds. In good weather, they fly a hundred kilometers in one day - so they hurry home. On the way, a snowstorm often overtakes them, and many of them die. The strongest fly. They will fly home, sit on the trees - rest. (A recording of the voices of birds sounds.) - Today, guys, we will play KVN. KVN-competition in wit and knowledge. You need to have solid knowledge, be cheerful and resourceful. Teams are pre-formed. - So, we have two teams "Titmouse" and "Bullfinches", each team has its own captain. - Listen carefully to the rules of the game: each team will be given tasks and questions, if the team does not know the answer, then the other team can answer and earn chips. Your correct answers will be counted by the jury. The first competition "Mysterious". Each team will be given a puzzle. 1. This predator is talkative, Vorovata, fussy, White-sided chirping And her name is ...... .. 2. I knock on wood, I want to get a worm. Although he disappeared under the bark, he will still be mine. 3. Greenish back, Yellowish tummy, Black cap And a strip of scarf. 4. I catch bugs all day, I eat worms warm edge I don’t fly, I live here under the roof Chick-chirp, don’t be shy, I’m experienced ... 5. Grayish coloring Habit thieving Shouting hoarse, Famous person It’s me ... 6. Well, I, not knowing sleep I catch mice until late I even hear a light rustle Do not leave, perhaps, the mouse. The second competition "Question-answer". 1.Name flightless bird living in Antarctica. 2. Name a bird famous for its unusually beautiful tail. 3. Name a bird whose beak can be compared with a jackhammer in strength. 4. Name a bird that can turn its head back as if it is mounted on a rotating axis. 5. Name the largest of all birds, which can even be ridden. 6. Name the smallest of all birds, the size of which is no larger than a bumblebee. 7. Name a bird that does not raise its chicks, but throws eggs into other people's nests. 8. Name the bird that is better than all other birds capable of learning to pronounce human voices. The third competition "Proverbs and sayings". Each team calls proverbs and sayings in turn. For example: 1. One swallow does not make spring. 2. Rook on the mountain, spring in the yard. 3. Every sandpiper knows the swamp. 4. Every bird sings its songs. 5. The swallow starts the day, and the nightingale ends. 6. Titmouse is small, but a bird. 7. Chatty, like a magpie. 8. Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky. The fourth competition "Competition of captains". The captains receive pictures with birds, select them on their own, and perform tasks: The task for the captain of the "Titmouse" is to select pictures with settled birds. The task for the captain of the "Bullfinches" is to select pictures with migratory birds. - In the meantime, the captains are performing tasks, I will tell you interesting information about one bird ... Birds have funny names. Many birds named themselves, i.e. got its name from the voice, song or cry. For example, a cuckoo. Everyone has heard this bird. Why would she get such a name? Of course, with her cry of cuckoo, she herself told people her name. In many countries, the name of the bird sounds very similar to Russian; in the Czech Republic - kukachka, among the Bulgarians - kukvitsa, among the Germans - kukuk, among the Spaniards - kuko. All these peoples paid attention to one and that sign - the cry of a bird. The game "Bird language". - Now let's play! Sparrow - chirps, Cuckoo - ... Magpie - ... Crow - ... Dove - ... Chicken - ... Duck - ... Nightingale - ... - So, our captains are ready, let's check them - whether they completed the task correctly. Fifth competition "Birds in fairy tales". 1. What bird laid a golden egg for a grandmother and grandfather? 2. What kind of bird in Russian folk tales hot fire? 3. In one of the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen, the evil queen turns the orphaned princes, Elsa's brothers, into birds. 4. Which bird helped Thumbelina escape from the mole? 5. What bird was Winnie the Pooh friends with? 6. What bird did the ugly duckling turn into? 7. What birds told the girl Gerda where to find Kai? 8. What birds, according to legend, bring newborns to the family? The sixth contest "Change the letter". Children are given cards with words, they complete the task - to replace one letter in words to get the names of birds. Stick (D) Crown (V) Drop (C) Doctor (D) Seventh competition “What do birds build nests from?” Children list in turn (earth, clay, moss, twigs, fluff, feathers, animal hair, dry leaves). The eighth competition "Protection of birds". - What should each of us do so that there are as many birds as possible in nature, so that they delight us with their beautiful songs? (you can’t destroy nests, you can’t touch eggs, hang birdhouses in spring, feed them in winter, make feeders) - Our KVN has come to an end and now let's sum up.