presentation program. Presentation on the topic "Trojan War" Download presentation on the topic of the Trojan War

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Homer (XIII - XII century BC) - an ancient Greek poet-storyteller. Nothing is known for certain about the life and personality of Homer. The works of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were created much later than the events described in them, but before the VI century BC. e., when their existence is reliably recorded. The chronological period in which Homer's life is localized modern science, - about the VIII century BC. e. According to Herodotus, Homer lived 400 years before him, other ancient sources say that he lived during the Trojan War.

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Seven cities argued for the right to be called his homeland in the ancient tradition: Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Salamis, Rhodes, Argos, Athens. According to Herodotus and Pausanias, Homer died on the island of Ios in the Cyclades archipelago. Probably, the Iliad and the Odyssey were composed on the Asia Minor coast of Greece, inhabited by Ionian tribes, or on one of the adjacent islands. However, the Homeric dialect does not provide accurate information about the tribal affiliation of Homer, as it is a combination of the Ionian and Aeolian dialects of the ancient Greek language. There is an assumption that his dialect is a form of poetic Koine, which was formed long before the supposed time of Homer's life.

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The Trojan War dates back to the 13th-12th centuries BC. According to Homer, the reason for the Trojan War was the abduction of Helen the Beautiful, the wife of the Greek king Menelaus. all the Olympic gods were invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, except for the goddess of discord, Eris; this last goddess, offended by the neglect shown to her, threw among the feasting a golden apple with the inscription: "To the most beautiful." An argument ensued between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. They asked Zeus to judge them. But he did not want to give preference to any of them, because he considered Aphrodite the most beautiful, but Hera was his wife, and Athena was his daughter. Then he gave judgment to Paris.

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Paris is the son of Priam and Hecuba, the leader of the Trojan War. Endowed by the goddess Aphrodite with all the charms of beauty and charm, he was liked by the hospitable hosts and especially seduced Elena. Meanwhile, Menelaus went to Crete, and the Dioscuri were busy arguing with the Afaretids; Taking advantage of the absence of Helen's defenders, Paris convinced her to leave her husband's house and sailed with her to Asia at night, taking many treasures from the palace of Menelaus. This act of Paris gave rise to the Trojan War. Having abducted Helen, Paris for the first time combined with her on the island of Kranaia (near the shores of Laconica), building opposite the temple of Aphrodite Migonitis. Elena the Beautiful Paris

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Agamemnon ordered the army to board the ships and reached Asia. The Greeks landed by mistake in Mysia - the land of Telephus. A battle began in which Thersander was killed by Telef, but Telef was seriously wounded by Achilles, his army was defeated. Zeus evokes a deceptive dream for Agamemnon, in which he portends a victory over the Trojans, and Agamemnon convenes a meeting of all the Achaeans. Not being quite sure of the mood of the troops, he makes a test - he proposes to end the war and return home. The people immediately rush to the ships, and the "cunning" Odysseus only with difficulty pacifies the excitement. Achaeans line up for battle. The Trojans, for their part, leave the city under the leadership of their bravest knight Hector, son of Priam.

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The final stage of the war, after the death of Hector, the army of the Amazons comes to the aid of the Trojans, then the Ethiopians. Their king Memnon fights bravely and kills Achilles' friend Antilochus. Achilles kills Memnon in a duel. Himself, when trying to break into the city through the Skeian Gate, dies from the arrow of Paris, directed by God. Paris himself is mortally wounded by Philoctetes.

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The Greeks build a giant wooden horse, in the inside of which the bravest of the warriors under the command of Odysseus hide; the rest of the Greeks burn the camp and set sail from the coast of the Troad to lull the Trojans. At night, the Greeks leave the ambush and signal the Greek fleet with signal fires about the successful implementation of the cunning plan. The supposedly departed Greeks return and take possession of Troy; the inhabitants are partly beaten, partly taken into slavery, and the city is given over to fire and destruction. Menelaus kills Deiphobus and frees Helen. Neoptolemus kills Priam himself at the altar of Zeus. Diomedes kills Cassandra's fiancé. The child of Astyanax, the son of Hector, is thrown from the tower by the victors. The Trojan War ended with the fall of Troy.

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In total there are 19 presentations in the topic

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The war between the Trojans and the Greeks began because the Trojan prince Paris stole the beautiful Greek Helen from the city of Sparta. Her husband, the king of Sparta, with his brother gathered an army of Greeks and went to Troy. The Spartans attacked the Trojans. During the war with Troy, the Achaeans, after a long and unsuccessful siege, resorted to a trick: they built a huge wooden horse, left it near the walls of Troy, and pretended to swim away from the coast of Troy. The horse was an offering to the goddess Athena of Ilion. On the side of the horse was written "This gift is brought to Athena the Warrior by the departing Danaans." To build a horse, the Hellenes cut down the dogwood trees that grew in the sacred grove of Apollo, appeased Apollo with sacrifices and gave him the name Carney. The priest Laocoönt, seeing this horse and knowing the tricks of the Danaans, exclaimed: “Whatever it is, beware of the Danaans, even those who bring gifts!” and threw a spear at the horse. However, at that moment, 2 huge snakes crawled out of the sea, killed Lakoont and his two sons, since the god Poseidon himself wanted the death of Troy. The Trojans, not listening to the warnings of Laocoönt and the prophetess Cassandra, dragged the horse into the city. Virgil's half-line "Fear the Danaans, even those who bring gifts", often quoted in Latin ("TimeoDanaosetdonaferentes"), has become a proverb. From here arose the expression "Trojan horse", used in the meaning: a secret, insidious plan, disguised as a gift. Inside the horse sat 50 of the best warriors (according to the Little Iliad, 3000). According to Stesichorus, 100 warriors, according to others - 20, according to Tsetsu - 23, or only 9 warriors: Menelaus, Odysseus, Diomedes, Thesander, Sthenelus, Acamant, Foant, Machaon and Neoptolem. The names of all were listed by the poet Sakad of Argos. Athena gave the heroes ambrosia. At night, the Greeks, who were hiding inside the horse, got out of it, killed the guards, opened the city gates, let in the comrades who returned on the ships, and thus captured Troy.


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Trojan War History teacher Vylegzhanina Tatyana Mikhailovna

"What is Troy? What is this city? Let it not exist! ... The Greeks believed in the authenticity of their legends, which were passed down from generation to generation. Ancient Greek poet Homer

In the 70s of the XIX century. German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann conducted excavations on the peninsula of Asia Minor and discovered the ruins of an ancient city there. The photo. 19th century Heinrich Schliemann

Mythological cause for war A dispute between three goddesses - Hera, Athena and Aphrodite for the possession of an apple that Eris threw to them with the inscription "the most beautiful"

At the suggestion of Aphrodite, Paris sailed on a ship to Greece, stayed at the house of King Menelaus of Sparta, and, taking advantage of his departure, with the assistance of Aphrodite, convinced Elena to leave her husband and become his wife.

Preparations for the war of the Greeks The Achaeans gathered near the island of Euboea. Their silts numbered one hundred thousand warriors and two thousand ships. They were led by Agamemnon, the brother of Minelaus.

The Trojans The Trojans were brave warriors and had modern weapons. They had fast chariots. Troy was protected by strong fortress walls

The desire of the Greeks to establish themselves on the eastern coast of the Aegean Sea Cause of the Trojan War. Around 1200 BC

Negotiations Minelaus and Odysseus went to negotiate. The messengers were met by Antenor, the closest friend and adviser to the king of Troy, Priam. Having learned the essence of the matter, he asked the uninvited guests to wait, and went to the king.

The military council of the Trojans Helen the Beautiful agreed to return to her husband so as not to endanger the inhabitants of Troy. Antenor supported her. The other members of the council did not consider it possible to make concessions. Antenor was forced to convey a negative answer to the waiting parliamentarians.

The main character of the Iliad is Achilles, the son of King Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis.

The leader of the Greek army, Agamemnon, took away his young captive from Achilles. Angered, Achilles left the army. Upon learning that Achilles refused to fight, the defenders of Troy rejoiced. Now they have left the city to fight the aliens.

The second son of the Trojan king Priam, Hector, was preparing to enter the battle. He tenderly said goodbye to his wife Andromache and his baby son. Hector knew that he was destined to die, but he was faithful to his duty. “I would be ashamed of the Trojans and long-dressed Trojans if I stayed away like a coward ...”

10th year of the war Achilles and Hector

The death of Hector Hector met face to face with Achilles, who killed the main defender of Troy, and tied the corpse to a chariot, and made several circles around the fortress walls.

RESULTS OF THE TROJAN WAR Troy was destroyed to the ground. Upon returning home, Agamemnon dies at the hands of his wife. He brought with him from the campaign the beautiful concubine Cassandra (daughter of Priam). The fate of Odysseus and Menelaus turned out differently. They reached their native shores for many years and experienced many amazing adventures, until they finally found themselves in the Peloponnese. Elena the Beautiful, for unknown reasons, went home on more than one ship with her husband. She arrived in Sparta and patiently waited for Menelaus, remaining faithful to him.