The ugly duckling in stages with a pencil. Illustrations B

One fine summer day, a duck, which built a nest near the fence in the master's yard, felt that the eggs under it were beginning to move. Of them, ducklings quacked with thin voices, and one after another the heads appeared.
- Are they all hatched? she asked, and examined them. “No, one egg is still intact.
- Probably more Indian. Look how big - one old duck, who came to see her, expressed her frown.
After a while, the big egg stirred and a strange gray duck hatched out of it.
“He’s not like the others,” said the mother duck, and led the ducklings to the river to swim, she saw that the gray duck swims no worse than the others, and she said:
- And he is my duckling, nothing that is not beautiful!

I think it's time to introduce you to the poultry yard.
The next day the weather was wonderful and the mother duck led her brood to the poultry yard, the ducklings followed each other, and the gray duck went last. When they arrived, everyone began to examine the ducklings.
- A whole new horde of dirty tricks! - one inveterate duck croaked. - And what a nasty one! I don't want to see him here!
And she suddenly pecked at the head of a gray duckling.
- Look, what an ugly duckling - the turkey sang and fluffed his feathers, blushed and ran into a gray duck.

- Do not offend him! - grunted mother duck. - What did he do to you?
ugly duck did not find a place.
He was so unhappy and terribly ashamed of himself. How could he have been born so ugly!
Thus passed the first day. The following days were even worse. Wherever he went, everyone drove him away and offended him, even his brothers and sisters laughed at him and grunted angrily:
- So that the cat dragged you away!
Mom at first protected him, but more and more it seemed to her that other inhabitants of the yard had the right to call him that. The gray duck began to seem unbearably ugly to her too, and one day she said to him:
- It seems to me that you really are not my duckling, and I don't want to see you anymore!

The duckling felt so miserable! The mother duck chased him away, the other ducks in the poultry yard pushed him, the chickens pecked at him, even the dog growled when he passed her. The Ugly Duckling could not endure all this, ran across the poultry yard, crawled under the fence and ran away. He walked and walked without stopping until he reached a large swamp in which wild ducks lived. Tired and hungry, he stayed there overnight.

The next morning the Ugly Duckling was awakened by loud gunshots. Overhead he heard "Boom! Boom!"
They were hunters who surrounded the swamp and fired with long guns.
Gray smoke curled up among the trees. Hunting dogs jumped into the water in search of dead ducks. The poor duck didn't know where to hide. Suddenly, a large dog with a protruding tongue and shining evil eyes appeared above him, sniffed him and ... slap, slam, ran away.
- Oh, this time I was lucky! - breathed out the duckling, and said - so I'm so ugly that the dog disdained me.
He remained in the reeds, and shots were heard over his head for a long time.
In the evening the hunters left.

It became quiet, but the duckling continued to sit in the thick of the reeds and stayed there for the night.
Only in the morning did the duckling dare to come out of its hiding place. I looked around and saw a variety of birds, some swam, others importantly walked over the water on long legs.
- Can I ask you, do you happen to know who my parents are? - the Ugly duckling dared to ask them.
- We have no idea who your parents could be - the unknown birds answered him and began to look further for food in the water. And soon they completely forgot about him.

The duckling left the swamp distressed. He wandered for a long time, until one day he found himself on the shore of a large lake and decided to stay there to live. He swam and dived into the wild for a whole summer, but autumn came. The leaves on the trees turned yellow and fell off. Gray clouds hung in the sky and it began to snow.
One evening, when the sun was already setting, a flock of incredibly beautiful birds.
They were white as snow, with long and flexible necks and uttered strange cries. They waved their magnificent wings and flew to warm countries. They were swans.

The cold winter came, everyone had a warm house. Only the Ugly Duckling wandered and was blown by a cold wind. There was no one who could help him, only the field mouse sincerely felt sorry for him, but could not shelter him, because the duckling was too big for the mouse hole.

So he swam without stopping, so that the water around him would not freeze. But at last he got tired and fell asleep. Early in the morning a peasant passed by. He saw a frozen duckling, broke the ice and took it to his house.
There the duckling warmed up and came to his senses, and temporarily stayed to live. But when the peasant's children wanted to play with him, he flew out of the open door. Luckily, the cold days are over and spring has arrived on the lake.

Everything around is green. The ugly duckling spread its wings, they were already big and strong. When the swans flew in from the south and landed on the lake, the wild ducks quacked proudly:
- And our swan is the most beautiful! Most!
The ugly duckling, who was hiding from shame, also wanted to see who this magnificent swan was.
Unexpectedly for himself, he saw his white reflection in the water.
- Isn't it me?! he exclaimed uncertainly. The swans swam up to him, examined him with admiration, and gladly accepted him into their flock.

Fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen
Artists - Spas Spasov, Svetlana Knyazeva

Yamilya Nabiullina
Drawing based on the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"


Educational tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the work of G. Kh. Anderson;

Teach children to relate real and fabulous images;

Based on the impressions received, offer children draw an image« ugly duckling» ;

Continue to learn to transfer drawings some of the simplest forms of movement (depict the tilt of the head duckling) ;

Continue to teach children to use the palette to get a new color (grey);

Educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in drawing and humane treatment of birds.


Tinted paper, watercolor, 2 brushes, palette, napkins, jars of water;

preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales G. X. Andersen« ugly duck» , viewing illustrations for fairy tale.

Lesson progress:


Guys, let's remember and call fairy tales where do birds meet?

Children's answer:

- "Geese and swans", « ugly duck» , "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Firebird" etc.)

Showing and looking at illustrations.

Draw the attention of children to the tilt of the bird's head and the color of the plumage.

And ask the kids:

What is the name of this bird? ( « ugly duck» )

What is she from fairy tales? (from fairy tales G. X. Andersen« ugly duck» )

Show tricks and methods drawing.

Pay attention to mixing black and white paint in order to get a new color (grey)

Then remove the sample and invite the children to proceed with drawing; process drawing approach each child, help in case of difficulties, answer questions. During drawing pay attention to the shape and size of parts of the body (head, legs, pay attention to the color of plumage, learn to place objects on a sheet, taking into account its proportions.

We put the finished drawings on the stand.

In the analysis, guide the children to answer what is done well. (color adjusted, shape, size transferred). Then point out mistakes. It is important that children notice the expressive sides of their drawings and those of their peers.

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Not far from the courtyard, near which there was a water ditch, huge burdocks grew.

The plants were very large, the size of small children.

Among the thickets it was deaf, that in the forest, and there a duck was sitting on its nest.

She hatched future children.

2. Why did the duckling run away from the poultry yard? Tell me about his adventures.

A story about the adventures of the ugly duckling for grade 3.

The duck gave birth to a child that was ugly and different from other ducklings.

Because of this, he was mocked, pecked at, called ugly and ugly.

And even chickens did it.

The little chick didn't know what to do.

He could no longer endure such mockery, because even his own mother did not support him, and drove the child along with the others.

The duck decided to run away.

So he ended up in a swamp where there were wild ducks.

In front of the baby, they were killed by hunters.

He ran to the hut where the old woman lived with her household, which consisted of a chicken and a cat.

But the duckling failed to make friends with them either, because he could neither purr nor lay eggs.

The duckling again sets off and ends up on the lake, where he remains to live.

Somehow the duckling froze to the very ice, as the polynya froze.

A kind man rescued the duckling and brought it home.

There, his family warmed up and the already half-dead bird came out.

When the kids wanted to play with their new pet, the duckling ran away because he was afraid that he would be offended again.

3. Find in the text a description of beautiful, wonderful birds, draw a word picture for this episode.

The duckling has never seen such beautiful birds - all white as snow, with long flexible necks.

Their cry was like the sound of a trumpet.

They spread their wide, mighty wings and flew...

The duckling did not know the names of these birds, did not know where they fly, but fell in love with them, just as he had not loved anyone in the world until now.

He did not envy their beauty.

It never occurred to him that he could be as handsome as them.

I draw in my head an image of white - white swans.

They have a long neck and open large, beautiful wings.

They are all beautiful as one.

The eyes are bright and large.

“Three wonderful white swans. They swam so easily and smoothly, as if they were sliding on the water.

For this episode, I present a drawing of three equally beautiful swans.

They float in a clear, crystal-clear lake.

Birds look graceful and confident.

4. Tell me when you sympathize with the duckling, worry about him, and when you rejoice.

I am very sorry for the little duckling when he is offended, teased, mocked at him in the poultry yard.

After all, he is completely innocent that he was born that way.

It's a shame that even a mother does not accept her child.

I also sympathize with him when a duckling has to constantly look for shelter.

He is starving, freezing, feels lonely and useless.

I was also very excited when the duckling almost died.

Fortunately, there was a kind peasant who saved him.

I was very happy when the duckling found a family for himself: swans that did not kill him, but kindly received him.

I'm glad that he became beautiful bird and will no longer tolerate ridicule and bullying.

5. Make illustrations for the text so that they help convey the content of the tale in detail. Tell me how the ugly duckling lived among the ducks and how it lived among the swans.

Picture plan - illustrations for the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling" for retelling.

1. A duck looks at its newborn baby with surprise. (Duck, nest, egg shell and an ugly duckling nearby).

2. Bird yard. Ducks and chickens gathered around the duckling. They kick him, shout something and show him to the exit.

3. A small, ugly duckling with tears in his eyes leaves the poultry yard

4. The duckling looks at the amazing white swans that fly over the lake.

5. A beautiful swan swims on a clear lake.

The life of a duckling in the poultry yard cannot be called complete.

After all, he did not know either peace, or love, or affection.

Only bullying, blows, ridicule.

The duckling was rejected and wished for his death.

There was no one to even intercede for little creature, after all, my mother was on the side of the evil bird yard.

Swans reacted quite differently to the duckling.

They immediately accepted him, gave him warmth, affection and love.

He finally lived a full life.

6. Why do you think G.- H. Andersen called his fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"? Who do we usually call that?

The work got its name because the main character was ugly before his transformation.

So he was called in the poultry yard and he considered himself as such.

The duckling was not like his brothers and sisters, his appearance was not attractive.

Therefore, the little creature was rejected not only by chickens and other ducks, but even by his own mother.

As it turned out, the hero was a swan.

As he grew up, he became very handsome.

After all, she is deceitful.

And today you can hear the expression "ugly duckling".

As a rule, it is used to describe children or teenagers who have not yet revealed their full beauty.

7. Remember what you know about the great storyteller G. - H. Andersen. Where and when did he live? What fairy tales by H.-H. Andersen have you read before? Tell one of them.

A story about the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen for grade 3.

The writer was born in 1805 on the island of Funen, which belongs to Denmark.

The city still bears the name Odense.

I know that his family was poor, as his parents held low positions.

Little Andersen was quite a nervous child.

He had to endure severe school punishments, which were then considered commonplace.

At the age of 14, the future storyteller was admitted to the Royal Theater, despite the fact that his appearance was quite specific and not entirely attractive.

The creative heritage of the writer is diverse: novels, plays, and fairy tales.

This is a fascinating and somewhat sad story.

It begins with a story about a troll who made a magic mirror.

Everything good, kind, cordial mirror reduced, and evil - increased.

The troll rejoiced at his creation, and his students constantly amused themselves with such an ominous "toy".

When they climbed up to the sky with a mirror, they accidentally dropped it.

The creation of the troll shattered into small fragments, which instantly scattered around the world.

If such a fragment fell into a person’s eye, then he saw only the bad, and if it was right in the heart, it became a piece of ice.

The troll watched this and was amused.

Then in the tale he tells about two friends who were like relatives - Kaya and Gerda.

They often spent time together and especially liked to care for roses.

Somehow, something flew into Kai's eye, and then his heart stung.

These were those sinister pieces of the mirror.

The boy became irritable and rude, and his favorite roses became hateful to him.

When winter came, Kai went to ride the hill.

There he saw amazing beautiful woman- The Snow Queen.

The boy went with her to her castle.

The kiss of a woman made Kai forget about his girlfriend and family.

The disappearance of Kai caused fear and tears in Gerda.

She went in search of her friend.

Having got to the old sorceress, the girl forgot where she was going.

But then I noticed the roses in the garden and remembered everything.

To get to Kai, Gerda overcame many obstacles, nothing could stop her.

From one Finn, the girl learned that the reason for such an unusual behavior of Kai was the ominous fragments of the mirror.

Met with Kai

Gerda made him cry, and the mirror shard fell out.

Kai and Gerda got home safely.

They again joyfully admired their roses.

The bright yellow drawing of a duckling pleases the eye of any novice artist, because it is so similar in color and shape to a real domestic bird. In drawing, slate and colored pencils of different tones are useful.

Necessary materials:

  • - paper;
  • - eraser;
  • - HB pencil;
  • - colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

  1. At the initial stage, the torso and head of the duckling should be drawn with simple geometric shapes. To do this, draw a breast in the form of a large circle. Then add an oval at the bottom and a small circle at the top.

  2. The first sketches of the duckling are ready. Therefore, you can add to the drawing the silhouette of small wings, which are located on the sides of the body. On the head, draw an auxiliary line from the top point.

  3. Next, draw a small part of the duckling's tail at the bottom of the oval. In the form of a triangle. Add cheeks on the muzzle in the form of an oval and arc lines.

  4. We draw eyes in the form of small circles on the muzzle, as well as a beak. At the bottom of the picture, add thin paws.

  5. Draw three arcs to the paws in the lower part. We draw lines on the wings.

  6. We detail the entire drawing of the duckling, but in the beginning you should work on the outline. For example, replace simple lines. We finish the paws and muzzle. A step-by-step drawing of a duckling with a pencil is ready, so you can start coloring it.

  7. With a bright yellow pencil, completely paint over the drawing. Let's leave only untouched parts of the beak and eyes.

  8. Near the contour, we will go over the yellow areas of the picture with an orange pencil. So we get the volume on the body, head, paws and wings.

  9. Let's add strokes in the drawing with a red and burgundy pencil in the shadow parts, where there are already orange tones.

  10. 10. Finally, paint the beak and eye with a black pencil. Let's work on the shadow on the body, paws and wings. Let's go around the circuit.

A step-by-step drawing of a duckling with colored pencils is ready.

Imagine that one sunny day your child comes from school and says: “Mom, we were asked to draw a duck at the lesson, help me, I can’t do it.” Nearly every parent has faced this problem at least once in their life. You take up the album with a sigh and see the inept attempts to draw this domestic bird in the lesson. A duck is a waterfowl. She looks more like a swan than ordinary birds. Let's remember Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". After all, for a very long time no one could understand whose chick was the main character.

In contact with

If you start drawing with your child, we suggest that you tell him a couple of unusual facts about these birds in the process of drawing:

Ducks mistake the first creature they see after they are born for their mother. Therefore, there were many cases when dogs, cats, geese, chickens became the “mother” of ducklings.

Ducks do not get wet in water, as their feathers are covered with fat.

Despite the fact that the neck of a duck seems to be very short, there are even more vertebrae in these birds than in a giraffe.

Now let's try to draw a duck. It is quite simple to do this, you can start drawing with your baby. Good luck!

How to draw a duck

For work, we need the following tools:

  • Sheet of paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Simple eraser.
  •  Long ruler.

Description of the drawing process.

  • Additional lines.

First, on a piece of paper, draw additional lines with a ruler or with your own hands. Next, make a circle at the intersection of the lines.

  • Head.

On the left above the circle at a small distance, draw a small oval. This will be the head of our duck.

  • Neck.

Now 2 straight lines connect the head with the body.

  • Body and tail.

From below, under the neck, draw another circle and slightly correct the body of the bird. Then we will draw a ponytail. In a duck, it is short, slightly rises up.

Erase extra lines.

We will only have the outline of the bird.

  • Beak.

It was the turn of the beak. It is huge, but not sharp, but rounded. Due to the unusual structure of the beak, it always seems that the duck is smiling.

  • Eyes.

Let's draw an eye, since we cannot see the second one. It is small and round in a duck. Don't forget small details.

  • Feathers.

On the neck, draw a strip that looks like a ribbon. Next, draw the feathers of the bird. Let's try to make smooth lines.

  • Wing.

The duck's wing is short, like half a heart.

  • Paws.

Let's draw a bird's paw. The legs are also short and thin. The second foot rises a little in the air, so we do it differently.

  • Details.

On the wing we create feathers, add small details on the paws and eyes.

  • Coloring.

Ducks are mostly white or brown. Also, in these birds, the feathers are cast in a green tint, so this color can be added when coloring. The beak and legs are a warm orange hue.

How to draw a duck with a pencil step by step

At first, you just need to decide what kind of bird you need - one of those that smoothly walk around the yard of a neighbor, or those that chat and get into funny adventures in children's cartoons? Let's all try! So that immediately 12 points in the magazine and the drawing teacher fell into delight? No sooner said than done!

How to draw a cartoon duck

First we do somewhere in the center landscape sheet circle and below it is a huge oval. After that, smoothly, giving the lines the shape of the neck of our duck, we will connect the circle-head and the oval-torso. Next, draw a small, slightly pointed arc on the left side of the oval - this will be the tail.

Then inside the circle we create a smaller circle - the eye. In front, close to it, we will add a beak to the circle. And we draw a wing, for this we add another oval to the circle-body, in the form of a diagonally inclined chicken egg.

Then comes the most important point, because you will go to the details. Let's draw another small circle inside the eye - the pupil - and half-shade it. Then we slowly draw the head and neck along the contour, circle the torso, make a wavy line of feathers on the wing and use an eraser to remove the extra lines of the former circles and ovals, and then full-fledged parts of the bird's body.

How to draw a duck that lives with grandma?

Let's start according to the old scheme - a circle for the head, but a small one, below a large oval for the body. With smooth lines we will connect the head with the body, creating a neck and a convex chest. Let's draw a tail, denote feathers at its end with an uneven Christmas tree.

Let's add an elongated beak to the circle-head, and to the body-circle, using vertical lines, legs, to which we will draw triangles-paws. Then we draw a small eye and carefully make the shape of the beak, head, neck and, of course, the torso. Let's mark the line of the wing with a slightly carved arc, make the legs. Remember that ducks have webbed toes. That's it, your bird is done!

Now you know how to draw a duck with a pencil, but the child will color it on his own.