What kind of birds do these beaks belong to. Project (preparatory group) on the topic: project - why do birds have a beak? "Beautiful inhabitants of the blue skies"

"Beautiful inhabitants of the blue skies"


"Their element is the sky"

Job done

5 "A" class students

MOU "Average

general education

school number 2 with in-depth

learning mathematics"


leader - teacher

biology Safonov

Nadezhda Alexandrovna.


1. A bird that is not afraid of frost

White chests, black frock coats, and a funny walk give the penguins such a funny resemblance to people that they arouse some special sympathy in us. These birds have adapted to the harshest climate on Earth. They thrive in icy fields and bitter cold. Their body is covered with thick waterproof plumage, and a thick layer of fat perfectly protects from bitter frosts.

Now on our planet seventeen species of penguins live. Oddly enough, but among them there are those who moved to live on the shores of Africa, South America and Australia. Although penguins cannot fly and are very clumsy on land, in the water they can compete with agile seals and dolphins. The wings serve as magnificent oars for them. With their help, the penguin develops a speed of up to 40 km / h. They can dive several tens of meters and jump out of the water one and a half to two meters, landing directly on the ice. Tirelessly roaming, penguins sometimes swim hundreds of kilometers in icy water, and then by land they get to traditional nesting sites. They nest in colossal colonies - a million individuals or more.

2. These birds are sociable and served as a symbol of homesickness for people.

Cranes have always served people as a symbol of homesickness. A rare person, being far from his native places and having heard the dreary chirping of cranes, did not dream of returning to the warmth of his native hearth. Cranes are beautiful birds. Their body is rather long; the neck is also long and thin, and the head is small. The legs are long and very strong, the wings are large, long and crescent-curved, and the beak is quite strong, straight and somewhat laterally compressed. Cranes live in large swamps, especially often in those that border cultivated fields. These birds walk measuredly, going quite deep into the water, they can swim, they fly high and beautifully and often soar, describing wide circles. These are smart, brave, and sometimes even bloodthirsty birds. From early morning they are busy looking for food, all kinds of amphibians, small insects, worms and small fish. But still, their main food is seeds, buds, tubers and roots. Cranes are very sociable birds. A pair of cranes is always very faithful to each other. These birds show touching respect for other relatives. True, sometimes serious quarrels break out, and some naturalists even claim that cranes punish the guilty person with the death penalty. Cranes really do not tolerate disorder and do not like quarrels. They warn troublemakers with menacing cries or beak blows. These birds are quite playful and sometimes, in a rush of fun, they perform real dances with the tossing of pebbles and chips. As already mentioned, the crane is a very smart bird, it is difficult to outwit it. A flock, for example, always puts up watchmen who guard the general peace. If the flock was frightened away, then before returning to its original place, it lets the scouts forward. Cranes are easily tamed and become very loyal and loyal friends. Before the annual autumn migration, these birds gather in a certain area in large flocks, from where they take off with loud cries and fly without rest day and night until they reach the wintering grounds. Each time they fly along the same path and deviate from it only in case of danger.

3. What birds did people count fabulous bird, their ancestors saw dinosaurs?

The word "flamingo" comes from the Latin word "flammo", which means "flame". It is not surprising that since ancient times, people considered the flamingo to be a fabulous bird, a creature from a beautiful pipe dream. In nature, there are few such beautiful sights as the simultaneous flight of half a million flocks of flamingos. These birds have the longest necks and longest legs, of course, in relation to body size. Flamingos are quite large birds - up to 130 centimeters tall, and weighing up to 4 kg. An interesting fact is that they get their pink, or even red color, not from birth, but because of their nutritional habits. They eat blue-green algae, which turn pink during digestion. If they lack such substances, then the color of the flamingo turns pale. And when they are not at all, the bird becomes gray-white. Flamingos brought to the zoo turned white very quickly until they began to give them additional food containing a lot of carotene - carrots, tomatoes, red peppers. Flamingos feed in shallow water. They bend their necks so that their beaks turn upside down.

4. These birds - birds - are a legend, a symbol of kindness and happiness.

5. These birds are treacherous and vicious creatures.

It cannot be said that herons beautiful birds in our understanding. Naturally, they, like every other creature of the Earth, possess some beauty and grace, but clumsy movements and strange, awkward postures nullify all beauty. Nevertheless, herons are better than other birds adapted to life among swamps and reservoirs. They maneuver well in the reeds and swim well. The voice of the herons is very unpleasant, and in some it resembles a frightening roar. Herons- insidious and evil creatures. Despite the fact that they live in communities, they are by no means friendly. Each heron will not miss an opportunity to harm a neighbor. Herons feed mainly on fish, and on occasion, , shellfish and . Birds build their nests in reeds or on tall trees. The female lays and incubates 3 to 6 eggs. At this time, the male feeds her. It is amazing that having such a powerful weapon for protection as a beak, herons completely helpless in front of enemies. The usual picture: when it arrives , the heron, without resistance, gives him the opportunity to take his children. And in other situations, you can’t call them caring mothers - , , all and sundry can eat heron eggs. To captivity herons they get used to it pretty quickly, but watching them is a thankless task, because a heron can stand on one leg all day, and you will fall asleep faster than she changes her leg or moves her head.

6. These birds are cheerful and intelligent and quickly get used to captivity.

ibis prefer to live in the countries of the hot zone, and those that are found in the northern latitudes are migratory birds. They choose bogs, swamps and wooded areas as their place of residence. All morning the ibises are busy looking for food, during the day they rest, and in the evening they go to sleep in the trees. Food ibis birds consists of fish and mollusks, and in marsh species it also consists of all kinds of reptiles and small aquatic animals. Ibis nests are arranged on the branches of trees or bushes. In them, females lay from 3 to 6 eggs. Strangely enough, ibis have few enemies, although their meat is very tasty. Even people shoot these birds a little, and try to catch more, because this bird is very cheerful and intelligent and quickly gets used to captivity.

Sacred dwells in Egypt ibis. Since ancient times, people have worshiped this bird. In one of the pyramids, many mummified ibises were found. According to the stories of travelers of those times, similar honors were paid to ibis for their irreconcilable war with snakes. But there is a version: ibis appeared at the time of the flood of the sacred Nile River, and the Egyptians understood this as a sign sent by the gods.

Bullfinch. Goldfinch. Chizh.


7. Which birds are harmless to snake venom?

The serpent-eater has excellent eyesight: from a height it notices its prey, hovering over it and falling sharply down. The snake-eater grabs the snake with its paws just behind the head, and then finishes it off with the help of its beak. After that, the hunter swallows the prey and leaves the hunting place.
Mostly snake-eaters catch snakes and snakes, but they also happen to deal with truly dangerous snakes: a viper, viper or muzzle. That is why the movements of the short-toed eagle are fast and precise, because a mistake or delay can lead to the fact that the bird will miss the prey or get a bite. Usually, dexterity and quick reaction help the predator to avoid danger, besides, its legs are covered with horn shields that protect against snake attacks. However, there are also failures. Snake venom is not harmless to birds, although it is not always fatal. A snake-eater that has been bitten by a snake can get sick and recover for a rather long time. Predators hunt not only from the air, sometimes they pursue their prey on the ground or in shallow water.

Rice. one.

Many birds of prey also enjoy eating snakes. Moreover, it is enough for them to simply lift the snake in its claws higher and slap it against a stone in order to eat it without fear. These birds include hawks, falcons, storks, herons, and even a peacock does not really give in to reptiles. This is how the secretary bird deals with the snake (Fig. 1.)

8. What birds can take the most fantastic poses?

In art, to take the most fantastic poses bittern surpassed many birds of our planet. She skillfully can pretend to be a snag, a stump, a dry tree or an old sharp stake. All bent, or vice versa, stretched out to the side, she can stand motionless for a long time until the danger threatening her disappears. Bittern, or bull, a very lazy, cowardly, but at the same time cunning, vicious and insidious bird. She literally attacks everything that moves, provided that it is smaller than her size. She avoids meeting with large enemies, but if the situation is hopeless, she fights to the last breath. At the same time, she marks her beak directly in the eyes, so that after several of her attacks, the enemy very often retreats. Even in captivity, her character and habits do not change. At bittern dense body, long but thick neck, narrow, high beak, wide wings, medium-length legs and dense plumage. It is painted in a rusty-yellow color with many brown spots, dashes and strokes. It feeds bittern fish, snakes, lizards, frogs, young birds and small mammals. She hunts at night and is incredibly gluttonous. The bittern has a very strange heart-rending cry that looks like a bull's roar. You can hear it for several kilometers.

9. A bird that uses its beak like a spear.

Birds from the cormorant family, to which the darter belongs, or anhinga, live on sea coasts around the world. But darters live on rivers and lakes. All members of the family are united by the fact that their bones are dense and heavy, and there are noticeably fewer subcutaneous air cells than other copepods, which, thanks to them, stay on the water, like corks. The darters, while swimming, sit deep in the water. Another feature of these birds is that their plumage gets wet, and therefore they rarely rest on the water and, having had their fill, get out onto land. On the shore of the darter, wings half-opened, they are dried in the sun and in the wind. Only then are they ready to fly again. The drying ritual is often preceded by skirmishes over the most convenient places. Anthers get their food thanks to their surprisingly long neck, which really resembles a snake in movement. The peculiarity of their method of catching fish is that they do not grab prey with their beak, but use their long, flexible neck and sharp beak like a spear. No other bird hunts this way. Darter is an outstanding swimmer and divers. They can swim under water for a very long time, chasing the intended victim, until they are at a distance of a meter from it. Then they swiftly throw their muscular neck, like a harpoon, in the direction of the prey. At the same time, they do not open their beak, but pierce the victim with it, as if putting it on a needle. Having emerged to the surface with a fish impaled on its beak, the bird with sharp movements of the head throws the still trembling prey into the air, quickly opens its beak and picks up the falling fish. It is interesting to observe which food grasping techniques are inborn in birds, and which they must learn from adults. Young birds often throw the fish too high and then fail to catch it in the air, so the fish falls into the water. Thus, deftly opening the beak and swiftly picking up falling prey is not an innate instinct, but is achieved by endlessly long exercises. The darter, while still only a chick, sitting in the nest, plays with a stick, throwing it up and picking it up in the air with its beak.
In addition to fish, these birds eat crayfish, frogs, newts and large aquatic insects.

10. Which birds are distinguished by agility, mobility, but they lack intelligence, are they very quick-tempered, arrogant, but cowardly?

Huge size - that's what first catches your eye when looking at an ostrich, because this bird is not inferior to a large horse in height. The height of an ostrich from the tips of its paws to the top of its head is 1.8-2.7 m, its average weight is 50-75 kg, but the heaviest males can weigh up to 131 kg! Of course, most of the height of the bird falls on the long legs and neck, but the head of the ostrich, on the contrary, is very small compared to the size of the body. Even smaller is the brain, which in ostriches does not exceed the size walnut. Such a small brain size determines the low level of intelligence of these birds and indicates their primitiveness. The ostrich is a stupid bird, but very cautious. During feeding, ostriches often raise their heads and look around with a keen eye. They can see a moving object on the smooth surface of the plain from a kilometer away. If danger is suspected, the ostrich tries to leave in advance, preventing it from approaching the predator. Therefore, the behavior of ostriches is often followed by other herbivores, which are not so vigilant and rely more on the sense of smell. If necessary, an ostrich can run at a speed of 70 km / h, that is, it freely overtakes a horse, in exceptional cases an ostrich can accelerate to 80-90 km / h (in a short distance). While running, the ostrich can make sharp turns without slowing down, and also suddenly lie down on the ground. During incubation of masonry and caring for offspring, they turn into very bold and aggressive birds. During this period of time, there can be no question of hiding from danger. The ostrich reacts instantly to any moving object and goes across it. First, the bird opens its wings and tries to scare the enemy, if this does not help, then the ostrich rushes at the enemy and tramples him underfoot. With a paw strike, a male ostrich can break the skull of a lion, add to this the enormous speed that the bird develops as naturally as when escaping from the enemy. Not a single African animal dares to engage in open combat with an ostrich, but some take advantage of the bird's short-sightedness.

11. What birds are called


My opinion is that all migratory birds are excellent travelers!

12. These birds are predators, they eat only fish, they are excellent parents. They take care of their chicks until they learn to fly.

An osprey circling above the water, at a height of 15-30 meters, notices a fish, hangs in the air for a moment and dives with half-folded wings down, and putting out its paws with spread claws. A moment later, she crashes into the water with her paws and disappears among a cloud of spray. After a few seconds, she emerges, and under her elongated, like a torpedo, brown-white body, a fish clamped in its claws glistens.The only feathered predator that feeds only on fish, the osprey flies and glides superbly. It is relatively large (50-60. centimeters long with a wingspan of up to one and a half meters) and is armed with deadly claws on all four fingers, of which the outer two are reversible, that is, when it grabs prey, two fingers can be turned forward, and two back. Under the claws of this bird there are special pads with spikes that make a powerful grip even more reliable. Ospreys only eat fish that they themselves catch. But sometimes they also eat fish killed by someone else, if it is whole and fresh. An osprey can choke on a fish that is too big before it can release its claws. This danger is one of the few that threaten her. The osprey lives everywhere except New Zealand and Antarctica. They build their one and a half meter nests built of twigs and branches along the shores of lakes, seas and rivers, on dry trees, on rocks, on the ground. There is a case when the nest was used from year to year for 40 years. Usually the female lays three white eggs with reddish-brown spots. The incubation of which lasts about five weeks, and then the parents take care of the chicks for two months until they take to the wing and return to their native nest only for the night, before flying away forever and starting an independent life.

13. What birds are called "Feathered cats"?

An owl in Russia was called a "feathered cat". facial disc with a "cat expression", silent movements, subtle hearing, nocturnal lifestyle, most species of owls feed on mice - all this served as a prerequisite for such a name. Soft, loose plumage, a specially curved fan of feathers with half-split beards hide the rustle and whistle of wings that occur during flight. A slight rustle is enough to detect and catch prey even in absolute darkness.
Owls are predators. Their beak and claws are convincing proof of this. The whole organism of owls is adapted to night hunting. Depending on the size of the bird, it preys on large insects, birds, fish, and small mammals. During the years of increased reproduction of mice, owls actively and in large numbers destroy these harmful rodents.
The owl usually does not build a nest. If there is a ready-made crow, suitable in size and location, it will take it, tweak it a little. There is no alien nest - the female eagle owl will trample a hole in the ground and incubate two or three, or even five white eggs without any soft or hard "lining". In a hollow on bare wood, in a hole on damp ground, on stones in a rock crevice, or somewhere under the roof of a barn, owls with their offspring are well settled.
Owls bathe in water and sand when there is no water. A fine warm rain is a wonderful shower for them. Forgetting everything, they circle for a long time in the air in the rain, fluffing up and spreading their tails like a fan. Owl eggs are white, with a shiny shell. Newborn owlets are covered with down, but they are blind and deaf. The eyes and ears of the owls open after a week, and soon the chicks begin to molt, changing the original fluff to soft feathers.
There is an opinion that owls do not see well during the day or do not see anything. This is far from the case: owls see no worse, while others better than a man. Moreover: they perfectly distinguish the silhouettes of soaring birds.
Owls call a lot in spring. The voices of others are dreary, monotonous, all night long they sound with a jerky groan on the same notes, frightening random travelers. Others have melodic voices.
Owls are distributed all over the world, except for Antarctica. They live in forests, deserts, tundras, mountains. Small owls live for about 20 years, and large owls lived up to 68 years in captivity.

14. What birds are called "Forest flutes or forest cats"?

It happens that you hear a wonderful bird's voice in the forest: as if someone is playing a flute. And suddenly, from the same tree, from where the melodious singing came, such sounds will rush that even plug your ears - as if a cat had stepped on the tail. Of course, no one wants to see this cat that ruined the forest musician's concert. But on<флейтиста>interesting to see. However, to see<музыканта>not easy: he always hides in dense foliage. Even from the south, it arrives later than other birds, when the foliage is already rustling with might and main, and always flies away earlier, until the leaves have fallen. But when you get to know the singer, you will understand why he needs dense foliage. He already has a very bright and noticeable plumage: a yellow-golden chest, head and back, and wings and tail are velvety black.

The oriole is one of the most beautiful birds and one of the best songbirds in our forests. It should be added that by eating a lot of harmful insects, the oriole brings us great benefits. Of course, you want to know who is yelling so disgustingly? It's hard to believe, but the same bird makes both beautiful and unpleasant sounds. No wonder the oriole is called a forest flute and a forest cat. Its tropical origin is confirmed by the fact that it is migrant, which is a short-term guest in our area. She arrives one of the last, as a rule, in the first days of May. He likes to settle in old parks, gardens, alleys, in thickets with fairly tall trees along the banks of streams. But she also lives in deciduous forests, even in light forests, and avoids dark and dense coniferous forests. The nest of the Oriole is easy to recognize: it looks like a basket of leaves and stems of grass, bast, plant fibers and strips of birch bark. The nest is fixed with bast and other long grasses on a horizontal fork of thin extreme branches. It is very difficult to find an oriole's nest artfully suspended in the green branches of trees. It is not always possible to see a wonderful bird flying quickly from tree to tree. Despite the beautiful plumage, it is not easy to notice the oriole in nature. She is timid and cautious, keeps all the time in dense foliage. The main food is insects, which the oriole catches in flight, collects from trees and on the ground. It also feeds on spiders and small snails. And most importantly, she eats such caterpillars, which, apart from her and the cuckoo, other birds do not eat.

15. These birds are called "Flying Gems".

"Flying precious stone"Kingfisher birds are called. There is a legend according to which this bird got a gray plumage. But she did not want to be like that and flew into the sunset. The sun painted her breasts red-brown, and the blue of the sky fell on her back. The ancient Greeks revered kingfishers. Even the name of one of the genera - Halcyon - goes back to the ancient Greek myth of Alcyone. Alcyone is a woman who drowned herself after learning that her husband died during a shipwreck. Taking pity, the gods turned them both into kingfishers, and even there was a belief that kingfishers breed chicks in a floating nest during the winter solstice These days, the supreme god Zeus himself ensures that the sea is calm.There are 84 species of kingfishers on earth.The largest number of species of this bird is found in Southeast Asia and eastern India.But kingfishers are also common in Africa, North and South America and Australia.Most kingfishers are robust birds with large heads, short legs and strong beaks resembling spear tip. Forest kingfishers forage not in water, but on land. Therefore, they can often be found in the savannas, where they prey on insects and small lizards. Aquatic, or real kingfishers live and forage near water bodies. They love fish and are very good at hunting it. These birds are no larger than a sparrow, but there are also quite large ones, such as the piebald kingfisher. This bird is not inferior in size to the famous dove. Large kingfishers fly low over the water in search of fish, while small ones prefer to sit on branches and fly out only when the fish are very close.
Most often, kingfishers live in small flocks, but there are also loners among them. So, the malachite kingfisher simply cannot stand the company of relatives. Only during the mating season can you see a pair of kingfishers. And then they somehow look askance at each other.


1. Animal life in 7 volumes / V.6 Birds / Under the editorship of V.D. Ilyicheva and others - M .: Education, 1986. - 527s.: with ill.

2 Internet resources:



Interesting about birds. Riddles of the structure of the beak of birds. Associations.

Birds and their amazing beaks. Material with photos and crossword puzzles.

Purpose: this material can be used in full for the senior classes as part of the lesson, in part, with children of preschool, primary school age; will be useful for educators, teachers, teachers of additional education, for bird lovers.

Target: enriching knowledge about birds


Expand children's knowledge about birds

Develop observation, imagination, memory, associative thinking

Develop fine motor skills, eye ...

Cultivate interest in problem solving

Cultivate love and respect for birds and all living things.

Considering birds, we always pay attention not only to its size and color, but also to its beak. Each bird has a unique beak. Its structure depends on the environment in which the bird lives and what, and most importantly, how it eats.

At birds of prey usually hooked, sharp beaks capable of tearing prey.

In granivorous birds, beaks are short, strong, helping the bird to break and crush seeds and grains.

Insectivorous birds have sharp and rather thin beaks.

Birds living in the water are distinguished by flat beaks with plates and teeth.

And there are birds that have very unusual beaks. You can’t confuse birds with such beaks with anyone and you will immediately remember.

During a conversation with children about birds, you can offer to compare the beaks of birds with the objects they look like, as well as lead the children to particularly memorable associations.

Crossbill: the beak is similar to scissors with curved ends. The crossbill pulls out the seeds from the cones, lifting the scales with the ends of the cruciform beak.

Flamingo: the beak looks like a colander. The bird filters water through its beak in search of crustaceans, algae, molluscs, insect larvae.

Hoopoe: the beak resembles tweezers. With his beak, the hoopoe picks in the ground and after he finds insects, larvae, worms, he kneads them for a long time with his “tweezers” and only after that swallows them whole.

Woodpecker: the beak is similar to a jackhammer. The woodpecker hollows out the bark of trees in search of insects and their larvae, and also pecks at cones, “processing” nuts on stumps.

Bullfinch: the beak resembles pliers. It crushes the seeds, buds and berries of plants.

A parrot: beak like wire cutters. It chews nuts and seeds with its beak.

Hummingbird: beak like a straw for a cocktail. With its help, the bird sucks in the nectar of flowers.

Heron: the beak resembles a surgical clamp. The beak is sharp with a serrated edge, which helps the bird to snatch fish and amphibians from the water.

Nightjar: beak, like a big net. In flight, the bird opens its beak wide and catches insects with the help of bristles surrounding the beak.

Pelican: beak like a bucket. The pelican catches fish by scooping it up with its beak like a ladle.

Spoonbill: the beak resembles a strainer. The bird moves its beak from side to side under water in search of prey and captures small aquatic inhabitants.

Golden eagle: beak like secateurs. The golden eagle tears apart its prey, tearing off and swallowing small pieces.

Avocet: the beak looks like a sapper's probe. Avocet looks for invertebrates in the water, as well as insects, crustaceans, seeds of aquatic plants. With its beak, it moves from side to side and feels the muddy places of small reservoirs.

Kingfisher: beak, like a pike, a spear. The bird looks out for small fish, insects, sometimes frogs, tadpoles from the air, then dives and more often not just catches, but pierces its prey with its beak, then removes it from its beak, throws it up, catches it with its beak and then eats it whole.

Dead end: the beak resembles a net with hooks. Surprisingly, the puffin can continue to catch fish without releasing the already caught fish from its beak. With his tongue, he directs the fish deep into the beak, as if stringing it on a skewer and catching it on the spiked hooks located on the top of the beak, and continues to hunt for the next fish.

Task number 1

For those who have been very attentive during the study of this material, it will not be difficult to solve the following puzzle.

To solve it, it is necessary to enter in the cells the names of birds whose beaks are similar to the depicted objects.

Then find the beginning of the puzzle (arrow) and, moving along the lines from letter to letter, read folk wisdom.

“Every bird is full with its beak” - this is how folk wisdom says.

Task number 2

Name the eight birds shown in the pictures and write their names in the boxes.

Then pay attention to the letters in the purple squares and write them separately in order. You will read the name of the ninth bird - one of the most mysterious creatures on earth.

This is a shoebill or a royal heron. This bird eats fish, catches frogs, snakes and young turtles. Kitoglav has great patience. Without moving, with his head lowered into the water, he patiently waits for a fish to appear nearby.

Sometimes he walks very slowly and carefully in the thickets of reeds until future prey appears on the surface. Then he immediately spreads his wings and rushes forward, trying to catch the victim with his large beak with a sharp hook at the end. After a successful hunt, the bird first separates the prey from the plants, and then swallows the edible part.

Task number 3

You can invite children to dream up and draw pictures depicting objects that the beak of a shoebill looks like.

Each bird has its own food and its own way of getting it. And for each method, its own “tool” is needed. They are the beak. The bird's beak is its mouth. True, sometimes the beak is called the nose, but this is not true. The nasal openings of birds are located at the base of the beak.

What shapes and sizes are not the beaks of birds!

Long and short, narrow and wide, straight and crooked, sharp and blunt, strong and weak.

Among the many factors external environment that birds have to deal with, food plays an important role. Food is one of the main factors in the evolutionary development of organisms. Depending on the living conditions, the type and nature of food, birds developed ways to obtain it. This especially affected the structure and size of the organs with which birds can catch prey, eat and digest it: teeth, beaks, pharynx, stomachs. A special role belongs to the beak. After all, it is the bird's beak that primarily captures food.

« Beak - a horn formation from two elongated closing jaws"- such a definition of the beak can be read in the Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedov.

Most birds obtain and eat food with their beaks. Only some predators first grab prey with their claws, and then they torment them with a sharp hooked beak.

The short strong beak of a chicken, a rooster is very good for picking up grains, insects, worms. The nightjar's beak is outwardly very small. And when it opens it - a huge mouth. This is because his jaws are elongated. Such a large mouth helps nightjars to catch prey on the fly and swallow it alive.

Many birds - herons, storks, cormorants, pelicans, flamingos can swallow quite large prey whole. Storks, for example, swallow fish, frogs, moles, lizards, and mice. On occasion, they can also swallow a chick of a small cake.

With a large and sharp beak, the heron quickly catches and pierces prey, defends itself well from enemies. Curving a long neck, she puts her beak up, with a bayonet. Not every predator dares to rush at her at this time - straightening her neck with lightning speed, she pokes him with her beak so that she will discourage attack for a long time.

The pelican, or woman-bird, has a large leather bag attached to the lower jaw of its huge beak. During the hunt, full pelicans place the caught fish in it - in reserve.

The woodcock, a forest sandpiper, with its beak not only captures and eats food, but also searches for it. Its beak is very long, longer than the entire head. With its beak, the woodcock examines every bump for prey. He “feels” with his beak where food lies in the ground. At the end of the beak, it has small tubercles covered with soft skin. Under them are the endings of very sensitive nerves. The woodcock bird catches the slightest shaking of the earth from worms and insect larvae with its beak. He sticks his beak into the ground and already knows where to turn it, where to grab the worm. The beaks of ducks and sandpipers are equipped with the same sensitive nerves.

The beaks of birds have undergone various modifications in the process of evolution. This is natural. Everything changes, and so do the beaks.

Proverbs about bird beaks

Every bird is fed with its beak.

A bird of prey is recognized by its beak, a person with a sharp mind is recognized by words.

Ludmila Ryabokoneva
Educational research project "Why do birds need a beak?"

This is our work, with which we perform at the competition "Wonderland - Land of Exploration"


at my home and in kindergarten a lot of books, pictures, encyclopedias, stories about animals. I like very much birds! Birds are animals too. Birds are our faithful helpers. They can rise above the clouds and mountains, fly over the desert and the sea. And all because they have wings. And they also have feathers, paws with claws and beak. I got curious, didn't I? And what is he for? needed?


I suppose that birds don't need beaks for beauty, they need it for getting food and is associated with the conditions of their life, therefore different bird beaks.


Find out what for birds need a beak.


1. Meet the variety of birds, their features.

2. Find out how and what they eat birds.

3. Gather Form Information beaks.


1. Nikolai Sladkov "Show me them"

2. V. Bianchi "All the most"

3. Igor Akimushkin "Animals are builders"

4. Internet resources

5. In Bianchi "Whose nose is better?"


To find out what for birds need a beak, my teacher and my mother helped me. We read books, watched programs about animals and even searched the Internet for the answer to my question.

We planned our research So:

We study books, reference books, read stories about birds.

We use the resources of the global Internet

Watching birds of our area.

Drawing conclusions

Birds- the first and most reliable helpers of man. Defenders of our forests, fields, orchards and orchards. Without We don't need birds, but also birds need our help. In a hungry and cold winter, it is necessary to feed birds. Birds are animals too. They have wings, feathers, paws with claws and beak. I became interested and a bird's beak is a nose or mouth? And what is he for? needed?

Here's what we found out!

Birds' beaks really different.

(Photo on slide)

There are beaks:

1. Long

2. Medium

3. Short

Biggest beak

Biggest pelican's beak. Pelicans live near water, and its beak looks like a bag for catching fish.

The smallest beak

The smallest hummingbird's beak. She lives where there are many flowers. So she needs a beak to collect nectar.

The most durable beak

The most durable woodpecker's beak. He needs a beak to hollow trees and extract harmful bugs and larvae from under the bark. He even hollow his beak makes.

The most unusual beak

The most unusual beak beautiful bird- flamingos. It serves as a scoop for getting food.

Beak - weapon

At the parrot beak - third leg, a formidable weapon. Maybe beak cut through the steel wire.

Beak - needle

At seamstress birds beak - needle. This one lives bird in india. When it's time to hatch the chicks, seamstress bird sews with its beak and thread the edges of two leaves. The needle is her thin beak, and she spins threads from vegetable fluff.

Beak- sight

Toucan is very big beak, and herself a bird no bigger than a goose. But beak it is light and porous, like foam plastic, and serves for beauty and grandeur.

Birds of our area

We have tits, sparrows, magpies, crows, pigeons. In winter, bullfinches arrive. The bullfinch has a small beak, and it feeds on rowan berries.


1. Birds live everywhere: in hot and cold places. Only birds have feathers and beak. Avian the beak is not only the nose but also the mouth. By the beak is visible, what bird pecking.

2. Birds can eat seeds, berries, nectar, insects, worms, fish.

3. Need a beak to forage, build nests, defend, dig and even scare.

no nose bird - what are we without hands!

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