Locksmith (general description of the profession). Occupation mechanic repairman

A mechanical assembly fitter is a difficult profession, and not everyone is able to master it. The reason lies in the fact that future specialists will have to study the structure of many mechanisms, and this requires an innate talent for memorization. In addition, a mechanical assembly fitter must have excellent endurance and strength, because the specifics of the work will repeatedly force him to face heavy parts and mechanisms.

And yet, one who masters this specialty can be sure that he will have a decent job. After all, locksmiths are always needed at enterprises, especially highly specialized ones.

Who is a fitter?

This branch of specialists is engaged in the assembly of mechanisms and devices. In particular, it is they who install various kinds of turbines, motors, nozzles, heating units, and so on. If we compare an ordinary locksmith with his mechanical assembly colleague, then the second one differs in that he has more in-depth knowledge in the field of mechanics.

If at ordinary enterprises there is no special need for such specialists, since an ordinary locksmith can perform their duties, then at factories for the production of various equipment they are simply irreplaceable. Especially where they create high-tech mechanisms and units that require increased attention in the manufacture.

How to become a mechanical assembly worker?

You can get a locksmith qualification at a technical school or college. Upon admission, you will need to pass an exam in physics and mathematics. You can’t call them simple, so you should prepare in advance, and if necessary, hire a tutor.

Another way is to get a job as an apprentice to an experienced specialist. After several years of such training, you will become a real mechanical assembly fitter. The duties of an apprentice exclude operations of increased complexity, so you should not count on full payment. But still, given that this is only a step on the way to the desired profession, such a distribution of the budget can be tolerated.

Finding the Right Job

Finding a job as a locksmith will not be difficult, because they are necessary in any enterprise. Remuneration will depend on the size of the organization and the responsibilities that will fall on the shoulders of the locksmith.

As for the search for vacancies in the specialty "mechanic of mechanical assembly works", everything is more complicated here. Indeed, at small enterprises there is no need to separate locksmiths into categories, and no one will pay extra for highly specialized education.

Therefore, it would be wiser to look for work in large enterprises. Modernization of machinery and equipment is constantly carried out here, which means that the services of an assembly fitter will be relevant. Also, do not forget about the factories that manufacture machine tools, various kinds of tools, units, and so on.

If there is nothing suitable, then you can get a job with a related specialization. For example, a mechanic for control of automation or a toolmaker.

What are the responsibilities of a mechanical fitter?

Plenty in future profession depends on the specific production. After all, it is one thing when a person works at a car factory, and a completely different thing is the metal-rolling industry. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw certain parallels.

The responsibilities of a mechanical assembly fitter are as follows:

  1. First of all, a locksmith must be able to work with various mechanisms: assemble them on the basis of drawings, fit parts, adjust and check for suitability.
  2. Also, the duties of a locksmith include repairs. First, he is responsible for the serviceability of his products. Secondly, he is obliged to repair all the mechanisms in his area in order to prevent downtime in production.
  3. Regardless of the type of production, he must obey the higher management.

Job description for a mechanical assembly worker

When applying for a job, each locksmith must sign a number of documents. Among them there is also an instruction of a mechanic for mechanical assembly works. It just specifies all the duties and rights of this worker.

The job description of a mechanical assembly fitter is a set of rules, and it is strictly forbidden to violate them. In general, such a document can be divided into four large sections.

  1. Basic provisions. Here the requirements for the poor worker are indicated: list required documents, his position in production, at whose disposal he will be, and so on.
  2. Tasks and responsibilities. A list of all the operations that a specialist in the specified production will have to perform.
  3. Rights. A list of what a locksmith is supposed to do: the length of the working day, the availability of lunch, and the like.
  4. A responsibility. In this paragraph, all situations that can lead to financial punishment are indicated.

Mechanical assembly fitter: ranks

There are 5 tariff categories. The youngest is the second, the oldest is the sixth. To be admitted to work of increased complexity, you must have a grade of at least 5th.

Naturally, the higher the category, the greater the chance of finding a well-paid job. Nevertheless, a mechanical assembly fitter is a profession where experience is valued first of all, and not a diploma. Therefore, it is highly likely that the first 2-3 years will have to work in a small enterprise and only then apply for more promising vacancies.

Modern youth is in no hurry to master, doubting their prospects. However, the profession of a locksmith is included in the top 50 in demand according to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. So, it is definitely worth paying attention to applicants.

The work of a locksmith is contraindicated if you have:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Weak lungs
  • allergic reactions
  • Violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system
  • Limb diseases
  • Hearing and vision impairment
  • mental illness
  • Poor physical condition

For those who want to make a living as a locksmith and have no medical contraindications, it is enough to get an average professional education in a college or college. Future specialists master mathematics, physics, drawing and specialized technical disciplines.


All locksmiths with different professional areas must meet the general requirements:

  • Technical mindset
  • Attention and patience
  • Physical Endurance
  • Good eye
  • Spatial thinking


The income of a locksmith depends on the qualification, category, length of service, as well as on the region.

According to statistics, in 2017 the average salary of a locksmith in Moscow is 43-53,000 rubles. The highest salaries are in Primorsk, Aldan, Partizansk (up to 75,000 rubles). Most of the vacancies for locksmiths are in Novosibirsk, Perm and St. Petersburg.


Features of the locksmith's work are largely determined by the chosen specialization. Let's take a look at the most popular destinations.


Water supply and heating networks, as well as sewer systems are maintained. He is responsible for their installation, operation and maintenance.


  1. Ensuring the smooth operation of plumbing equipment and sanitary systems.
  2. Preventive inspection of equipment and systems, troubleshooting.
  3. Installation, configuration and testing of new systems.
  4. Optimization of heating, ventilation, sewerage and water supply systems.


A repairman is engaged in identifying and eliminating problems in the operation of equipment in production. Specialists of this profile are required for factories and enterprises producing systems for domestic and industrial needs and must know the structure and principle of operation of the equipment under their jurisdiction.


  1. Analysis of the degree of wear of parts, components and assemblies.
  2. Drawing up statements indicating defects in equipment and parts to be replaced.
  3. Repair and subsequent adjustment of equipment in accordance with the technical passport.
  4. Restoration of worn or selection of new parts.
  5. Testing of repaired equipment.


The assembly, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment is carried out by an electrician. This specialization requires an impeccable knowledge of the basics of electromechanics, the ability to understand wiring diagrams and the features of the operation of electrical machines.

An electrician can choose a narrow specialization, for example, be responsible for the repair and operation of explosion-proof electrical equipment, switchgear equipment, power plants, rolling stock, electrical machines.


  1. Disassembly, repair, assembly of simple components and devices of the electrical network.
  2. Maintaining electrical equipment in working order.
  3. Connection of parts and assemblies of electric machines in accordance with wiring diagrams.
  4. Installation of couplings, boxes, tees.

car mechanic

Car mechanic does. This is a jack-of-all-trades, because he can revive a stalled engine, fix the gearbox, and repair a malfunctioning air conditioner. A car mechanic can not only reanimate the car, but also advise its owner on the selection of parts for replacement or the use of the highest quality fuel and lubricant.


  1. Inspection and diagnostics of cars and trucks.
  2. Vehicle repair.
  3. Replacement of components and spare parts of the car.
  4. Vehicle tuning.

Locksmith for instrumentation and automation

For maintenance, repair and operation of control and measuring equipment and systems automatic control the instrumentation fitter answers. The equipment can be different - sensors for measuring pressure, electricity meters, ammeters, voltmeters, protection devices.


  1. Automation technology in factories and manufacturing enterprises.
  2. Ensuring trouble-free operation of measuring instruments.
  3. Maintenance of measuring instruments, repair and maintenance work.
  4. Drafting technical documentation(graphs, verification, calibration, statements).


A toolmaker is responsible for making tools and maintaining them in good condition. A professional must perfectly know the purpose and principles of operation of the most common metalworking machines, have an idea about the properties of metals and alloys, understand the rules of technical drawing, choose effective ways tool making.


  1. Manufacture and repair of tools and fixtures of medium complexity of rectilinear and figured shape (cutters, milling cutters, stamps, templates).
  2. Manufacture of complex and precise tools and fixtures using special technical equipment and templates.
  3. Manufacture of complex tools and devices together with a toolmaker of higher qualification.
  4. Marking and drawing curly details.
  5. Locksmith processing: filing holes, cutting recesses, grinding, fitting.
  6. Assembly of tools, devices, dies in tool production.
  7. Final finishing of instruments. Quality checking.

Cons of the profession

Any locksmith needs to remember the safety rules in the workplace. One of the main disadvantages of this profession is the increased level of injuries. Equipment parts that can weigh up to tens of kilograms, chemical cleaners that corrode the skin, metal shavings, sharp tools, machine noise and vibration can all cause serious work injury. Therefore, it is so important for locksmiths to be vigilant daily, to observe job descriptions and, if possible, to minimize the factors

Activity content:
Locksmith - a very common and multifaceted profession. There is a wide range of locksmith work, therefore, locksmiths have a specialization in some particular type of work performed.
The work of a locksmith is necessary at all stages of the creation, operation and repair of various equipment. Locksmiths are involved in the production of both technical giants and miniature equipment, as well as in the construction of any premises, buildings, production sites, in the creation of special tools for production. The specialty of a locksmith also includes specialists in the operation and repair of equipment.

At the first stage production process toolmakers work. They make special tools that will later be used for the production of specific parts (this is necessary if the parts have their own specifics and cannot be manufactured on standard equipment). They can also make molds for casting metal and plastic parts. In some cases, locksmiths fine-tune parts to the required level of accuracy manually or using technical means.
The next possible step in the manufacturing process is the manufacture of specific parts. In some cases, the production may require the production of metal parts in a cold way. To do this, there are the following types of locksmith work: cutting, cutting, filing (to exact dimensions), drilling, threading, riveting, soldering, assembly.
All these types of work are the process of creating a finished part or structure from a workpiece.
At the next stage, when all the main parts and assemblies have already been produced, the locksmith assembles or assembles the necessary structure or assembly. This work is performed by a fitter.
He plans the assembly sequence: what auxiliary mechanisms should be involved to simplify the installation work, assembles and tests (tests) the correctness of the work performed. A variety of types of assembly and installation work has led to a rather narrow specialization of fitters and fitters. Features of activity are directly related to the specifics of production (for example, mechanical engineering, radio electronics, instrument manufacturing, fuel and gas industry, construction).
Further (more often already outside of production) the period of operation of the equipment begins. Consequently, there are special specialists to accompany it during the period of operation and repair -
repairmen. They control the quality and safety of the mechanisms. If necessary, a repairman repairs the necessary parts, organizes the operation of equipment, assembles and dismantles individual elements (for example, repairs of machines that make mechanisms, transport, plumbing, heating, gas systems of buildings ....).
Must be able to: Combine work with hands, tools and on various machines.
course "Metalworking"

It implies working with metal, only unlike metallurgists and blacksmiths, a locksmith works with cold solid material. This profession has been around for many centuries, and over the years of its existence, great amount varieties.

The word "locksmith" itself comes from the German word "schlosser" - a locksmith. It was from this activity that the profession of a locksmith began its development.

Today locksmiths are needed in all types of repair and production where large metal parts are used. Specialists in the installation and repair of plumbing communications are called plumbers. Mechanic of instrumentation and automation is a specialist who is engaged in the maintenance of various instrumentation and automation. Car repair is done by a car mechanic. As for the manufacture of cutting tools, this is done by toolmakers. There are also repair fitters, metal assembly fitters, as well as general fitters.

It is worth noting that the profession of a locksmith is widespread and in demand at absolutely all stages of production and operation of various equipment. Every member of the profession must know:

  • safety rules;
  • the principle of operation and arrangement of the repaired equipment;
  • appointment of the main mechanisms and units;
  • the sequence of disassembly / assembly and repair of units;
  • conditions for testing certain mechanisms;
  • purpose and arrangement of instrumentation;
  • methods of processing various simple parts;
  • system of landings and tolerances;
  • ways to eliminate various defects that may arise during the repair or assembly of equipment;
  • ways to detect wear of parts;
  • ways to restore worn parts, as well as the rules for replacing them with new ones.

Each locksmith must be able:

  • be well versed in the drawings and diagrams that are provided in the equipment passports;
  • repair and test the mechanisms of machines and units;
  • perform various processing of parts;
  • to make the necessary devices for assembly and repair;
  • identify and correct defects in the operation of equipment;
  • check manufactured parts for accuracy, as well as test repaired units under a certain load;
  • draw up so-called defective repair sheets.

Also, the profession of a locksmith requires the presence of certain qualities, which include physical endurance, good eyesight, the ability to concentrate, the presence of developed technical thinking, as well as accuracy and responsibility.

The knowledge necessary for the profession can be obtained in vocational technical schools. Locksmiths, as a rule, work in factories, at various manufacturing enterprises, in construction and repair organizations, as well as in repair shops.

Concerning career prospects, then the locksmith may eventually become a shift foreman or foreman. Also possible is the so-called horizontal growth, which is an increase in qualification categories.

Finally, it is worth noting that the locksmith profession is one of the most dangerous. As a rule, injuries received at work are the result of non-compliance with labor protection requirements, which happens quite often. reasons occupational injury quite a lot, among them we can distinguish shortcomings in the organizational aspects of production, imperfection technological processes, non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and much more.

Representative working profession engaged in the repair of production equipment used for domestic needs and industrial processes.


20.000–35.000 rubles (worka.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Workshops in heavy and light industry.


A repairman maintains the smooth operation of machines and mechanisms at enterprises various industries. Specialists perform current, major and scheduled preventive repairs.

Current repair is the replacement of parts that have failed. Overhaul includes the replacement of failed basic and main mechanisms. Scheduled preventive maintenance - checking the condition of all mechanisms.

Important qualities

The following qualities are important in the profession: attentiveness, accuracy, good motor skills of the hands, physical endurance, responsibility, good vision and memory, analytical mind.

Reviews about the profession

“The peculiarities of the profession are such that the master has to use a huge number of different tools in his work. Thanks to this, representatives of this specialty can be safely called jacks of all trades. The profession develops very useful qualities in a repairman: attentiveness, knowledge of technology, the ability to understand any mechanism, device or apparatus. It is especially gratifying that this knowledge can become additional source income in the family, because there is equipment in any house or small office, and a repairman will always be able to earn extra money.

Editor of fulledu.ru portal.

stereotypes, humor

The profession of a repairman is considered not very in demand, as there is a decline in interest in this profession on the labor market. Repairmen have lost their demand among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.


Training can be completed at a technical school or college, or you can undergo preliminary training at a specialized enterprise.