Budgerigars clean their feathers regularly. it is not a sign of disease

Able to live longer than in their natural habitat. This is due to more comfortable living conditions: the owner himself will take care of food, steam, vitamins and so on. Here is the key to resilience poultry to diseases. But it is impossible to completely protect a pet from diseases, and the best prevention is proper care and compliance with favorable conditions.

Signs of a healthy bird

The health of a parrot directly depends on its owner. If the nutrition is correct, and the cage is clean, then the diseases of wavy pets are usually suppressed by strong immunity.

The main differences between a healthy bird and a sick one include:

    bright and clean feathers;

    expressive look;

    clean beak;

    smooth scales on the paws;

    interest in others;

    the pet sleeps on one paw.

If the bird fully fits the description, then it is completely healthy.

General symptoms of diseases

Diseases budgerigars visible almost immediately and noticeable on the first day.

Symptoms of budgerigar diseases:

  • refusal of food;

    untidy appearance;


    the budgerigar is breathing heavily;

    mucous discharge from the beak;

    lowered tail;

    constant need to drink;

    growths on the legs and beak.

If such signs appear, the bird should be given immediate help, as its condition may suddenly and dramatically worsen.

Basic principles of treatment

Some diseases of budgerigars and their treatment can be determined and carried out at home.

The main methods of first aid include:

    warming up

A lamp is placed near the cage, with the help of which the temperature is maintained at about 26–27 ° C. Keeping warm helps to increase the body's resistance. But this technique is useless for symptoms of bleeding and injury.

    Glucose and honey

Treatment of budgerigars for beriberi and liver diseases is carried out using a 10% glucose solution, which is given to the pet for 3 weeks. Also add a few drops of honey to the drinker. These remedies strengthen the body and increase immunity.


They are given for poisoning, diarrhea. Enterosgel is best, it is liquid and can be given with a syringe, without a needle of course. If not, take polyphepam, or activated charcoal - these drugs can be found in any pharmacy.

Sick bird care

A sick budgerigar sits away from other individuals in a calm place. White paper sheets are placed at the bottom of the cage to constantly monitor the status of the bowel movements.

If a budgerigar is sick, it should be fed with peeled oats or millet. Greens and cereals are excluded for a while. A budgerigar whose treatment is carried out at home can drink weak tea, a decoction of chamomile.

The heating lamp must be positioned in such a way that the pet can, if desired, move closer to the heat or, conversely, hide in a shaded area.

With timely treatment measures taken, the bird recovers in 3-4 days. After recovery, it is washed under warm water and wiped dry. The cage also needs to be washed and disinfected.

Definition of diseases by litter

Healthy bird droppings are brown spirals with a greenish tint and white spots. Often their color changes from the predominance of greens, beets, carrots in the feed.

What do budgerigars get sick with improper care? More often these are diseases of an infectious nature, which immediately affect the state of the litter.

    Liquid droppings indicate dehydration, and if the bird refuses to feed and diarrhea appears, it has become infected with a fungal disease. To restore the microflora, the pet is given Vetom or Linex.

    The presence of undigested food indicates inflammation in the goiter.

    The white color of the litter indicates a violation of the kidneys. They are treated with "Cimaks" and "Vitasol".

    If the litter is black, this is most often associated with internal bleeding, in which Dicinon is prescribed. One drop of the medicine is dissolved in four drops of water and injected into the pet's beak in several doses throughout the day. Nettle and plantain decoctions are added to the drinker.

Common diseases: treatment and comments

When a budgerigar fell ill, few know what to do. Often budgerigar diseases, the symptoms and treatment of which are very different from each other, are determined with the naked eye.

Scabies mite

It is not difficult to identify diseases of budgerigars with a tick: the insect causes severe irritation and subsequent growths on the head, eyes, beak and paws. Peddlers are infected birds, branches from the street, unwashed food and greens.

Aversectin ointment is one of the best medicines for ticks.

Tips for scabies mites in the wavy:

    Other drugs are used carefully - most of them are toxic and lead to bird poisoning.

    Vaseline oil kills the tick, but is completely harmless to laid eggs, so it is used only in the initial stages of the disease.

    Downy eaters

To eliminate pests, use "Insectol", "Frontail", "Celandine-spray".

    Medicines are used carefully, since an improperly diluted remedy often causes the death of a bird.

Many diseases of parrots wavy symptoms which are recognizable by external signs, are the result of the inattentive attitude of the breeder.

It can be:

    Inflammation of the goiter

A sick bird regurgitates food, the goiter increases in size and shifts to the side. Often, an unpleasant odor is felt from the beak. Causes of poisoning: poor-quality feed, air with toxic colors and smoke, dirty water.

Treatment of wavy birds is carried out with special preparations: antibiotics, homeopathic remedies. The goiter must be washed with solutions of soda and boric acid (5 and 3%).

It's sad when sickness comes to our pets. However, this happens even with the most caring owners. Therefore, it is very important that in such a situation the pet owner does not lose his head, but pulls himself together and acts clearly and quickly. Since, in particular, in parrots, and in other animals, many diseases proceed very quickly (for example, this is how it proceeds), and if you miss the moment, you may lose the chance of your pet recovering.

Well, and our today's publication, in which we will tell you how to treat a parrot, where to start - you will definitely come in handy in this ...

How to know if a parrot is sick

It is very important to notice in time that your parrot is sick. This will allow you to start treating your feathered pet in a timely manner, and significantly increase his chances of recovery. Therefore, we have compiled a list of symptoms of problems that indicate that your parrot is sick especially for you. This…

  • Sudden changes in the behavior of the bird.
  • Refusal of food and water or vice versa increased thirst.
  • Anxious or lethargic behavior.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lameness.
  • Sneezing and discharge from nose and eyes.
  • Deterioration of the state of plumage and its.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Change in litter consistency.

You should not wait until your bird shows all the symptoms from the above list in all its glory. This may not happen. Having noticed at least one of them, you should already pay attention to the state of health of the parrot and show the bird to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Choosing a parrot veterinarian

Find a good veterinarian for your bird

Ah, this is where things get interesting. As experience shows, there are not so many specialists who would treat parrots. Most of the veterinarians in our clinics are generalists and we do not want to undermine their professionalism in any way, however, treating cats and dogs is a little different from treating parrots. So, if you are interested in the health of your bird, immediately after purchasing it, you should look for a specialist who will treat it and advise you. So to speak for the future. Then, once in an emergency, you will not waste time looking for a good specialist but you'll know right away who to contact. It is very important. At the same time, it’s good if you find not one specialist, but several - in this way you insure against any unforeseen situations and force majeure. It does not hurt to look for contacts of specialists from other cities - Email, phone, skype number. With the power of the Internet, this is not so difficult. Each such contact is an additional chance for your feathered friend to recover.

First aid kit for a parrot

Sometimes, the bird needs first aid. And, on your efficiency, as well as on whether you have all the necessary funds for providing such first aid at hand, the further fate of the feathered pet may depend. Therefore, we would recommend that you, on the same day when you bring a parrot home - no matter what, a large bird (read more about keeping such birds) or a budgerigar, take care to collect parrot first aid kit. All these funds should be in one place and periodically you should check their expiration date.

Such a first-aid kit must contain antiseptic wipes, adhesive plaster, tweezers, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, activated carbon, elastic bandage, scissors, a small towel (for fixing the bird), a saline universal applicator or heating pad, a teaspoon ... Also, the first-aid kit should be a notebook with phone numbers and contacts of your veterinarians, addresses and contacts of the nearest veterinary clinics. It does not hurt to put in the first aid kit and ordinary ballpoint pen and paper on which you can write the appointment of a veterinarian if you contact him by phone.

Even in the event of an emergency, when your bird is injured (more about) or it urgently needs your help, you will be able to quickly respond and provide first aid to it. However, as you noticed, there are no medicines in the first-aid kit - this is true, since their list depends on the disease of the bird and the doctor's prescriptions. And, we would not recommend you to self-medicate a parrot.

As a rule, a well-feeling parrot has an excellent appetite, it is cheerful, active and always busy with something. And if the bird does not want to eat, does not move much and more and more often sits on the perch with its eyes closed, twitching its tail at the same time, it means that something has gone wrong and the pet feels bad. Well, quite egregious signs of an oncoming malaise are the loss of voice, the desire to hide the head in plumage, diarrhea, etc.

Of course, at the first sign of malaise, it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian. But if this is not possible, and the symptoms of malaise are mild, you can try to correct the situation yourself.

Often, parrot owners are faced with the fact that pets begin to actively pluck their feathers. Of course, this process looks extremely suspicious, but this is not a symptom of some kind of disease - this is how the most banal boredom is expressed. Buying a second parrot or special toys will help solve the problem.

If you notice that the parrot started acting sluggish, it's time to think about whether you feed him correctly. In birds living at home, due to malnutrition, there is often a lack of vitamins, which, of course, negatively affects the general condition. The trembling of a parrot, inflamed, swollen eyelids, slow growth of the bird, and even convulsions testify to a strong beriberi. If, having noticed such signs, you do not make up for the lack of vitamins in the pet's body, it may die.

Fight beriberi help special vitamin preparations that are added to the feed, as well as a diet enriched with sprouted grains, fresh herbs, fruits, berries and vegetables suitable for parrots. Never feed your bird unsuitable food!

Also, sunbathing will help to fill the lack of vitamins. In the summer, expose the cage to the sun for about half an hour to an hour.

In general, light and heat, within reasonable limits, are very beneficial for a sick bird. With signs of malaise, it is often recommended to install a lamp with a power of up to 40 watts above the cage. and leave it running around the clock. The parrot will choose a convenient place under the lamp.

In terms of drinking and food for a lethargic bird, weakly brewed tea, chamomile decoction, millet, oatmeal, etc. will be useful.

If the bird has diarrhea, activated charcoal, boiled water with the addition of rice water, as well as branches of fruit trees with bark will help save the situation. Remember, diarrhea in parrots is a very dangerous symptom. If it is not cured in time, the parrot will die. Therefore, if after a few days the situation does not improve, ALWAYS contact the veterinary clinic.

By the way, the cause of diarrhea is often poor-quality food and water, be careful when feeding your pet!

When the disease subsides and the parrot is healthy, be sure to rinse the cage in boiling water to disinfect it.

Never forget that preventing illness is much easier than treating it, so take good care of your pet and keep a close eye on his behavior!

If your pet nevertheless began to pull out feathers and, saving him from boredom, you decide to buy a second parrot, do not forget that the new parrot will need to be placed in a separate cage (and preferably in a separate room) for at least two weeks, this is the quarantine period, which must be endured.

Good luck and health to you!

At home, budgerigars are perfectly adapted to living conditions. The life of birds is intense, they simply have no time to get sick. Of course, bird epidemics also happen in Australia, but, as already mentioned, this happens infrequently. However, in a climate alien to budgerigars, they happen to get sick, and the owners are most often to blame for this.

Even with careful care, a parrot can get sick

It is worth noting that red bird mites are dangerous not only for birds, they can also infect other domestic animals, as well as humans.

Most often, birds themselves destroy insect pests. For most birds, they form the basis of the diet.

To rid birds of ticks, veterinarians advise using insecticides. With these preparations, it is necessary to treat the entire cage or aviary, as well as all objects inside the bird house, including the nest box. You can buy insecticides at pet stores. When treating a cell with the drug, it is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. An overdose can adversely affect the health of pets.

In order to detect the disease in time, it is recommended to constantly examine the budgerigar.

Often budgerigars suffer from lichen, scabies, fungal diseases of the beak. All these diseases are carried scabies mites . One of external signs is a “scaly face” - rough-scaly spots that have a light gray color. Looking closely, you can see a lot of small, as if drilled holes on them. These spots in most cases appear in the area of ​​the wax, eyelids, cloaca, growth on the beak, on the legs.
The first sign of the presence of scabies mites are small holes in the area of ​​​​the beak and wax. Most often, scabies mites affect young individuals.
Scabies mites are not easy to spot, they can live on the surface of the body of a parrot for years without causing serious illness. This is precisely what can explain that a bird, sitting for a long time in a separate cage, suddenly falls ill for no apparent reason.

The rate of development of the disease depends on many factors - the conditions of the birds, diet, infections, excessive stress, etc.

Sometimes a sign of a disease is the appearance or behavior of a parrot.

Budgerigars clean their feathers regularly. it is not a sign of disease

Treatment is usually carried out with the help of special means against ascaris. These medicines can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary clinic. Parrots tolerate these drugs well. A sick bird should be placed in a separate cage, where it should be during the entire course of treatment. The bottom of the cage should be covered with paper or cardboard. This bedding is changed twice a day and burned.
It is not uncommon for budgerigars and plumage diseases. One of them is known as "French molt". Often, some chicks hatched from one clutch lose several or even all of their flight feathers. Featherless chicks cannot fly out of the nest, they just sit on the floor or move around by running and jumping. Breeders gave such chicks a name "runners" or "jumpers". "Runners" differ from other chicks with normal plumage in terms of total blood mass, red blood cell count, hematocrit, and serum protein. However, most of the "runners" fledge safely after the first molt, and in the future these birds are no different from healthy parrots.
Sometimes budgerigars begin to behave more than strange: they pluck and eat their own feathers. The reasons for this anomalous behavior of birds are still being studied. The parrot plucks its feathers, beats them with its beak, bites and eats them. Sometimes the bird simply bites off part of the feather. Most likely, this behavior is due to many reasons. This disease is difficult to treat, often treatment is ineffective. It is very rare to save a parrot from such a scourge.

Sometimes parrots eat their own feathers out of boredom, they simply have nothing to do. Most often, parrots kept without a partner do this.

To prevent this disease, you need to properly organize the nutrition of parrots. First of all, the diet should be varied. In addition, it is believed that external factors, such as insufficient lighting, air humidity, low air temperature, and rare bathing, may be the cause of such strange behavior. The cause of the disease can also be obesity in birds.
Quite rarely, but it still happens that eating feathers leads to cannibalism. A sick parrot has bleeding patches of skin. Such a bird should definitely be isolated from other parrots. During the treatment period, bitten off and broken feathers must be removed from the cage.
Often breeders are faced with such a problem when one of the parent parrots kills the chicks. Experts believe that adults do this because of the desire to reproduce, and young couples may show their inexperience in this way.
In northern climate colds - not uncommon among budgerigars. A small draft or a sharp drop in temperature in the room is enough, as a bird may have a runny nose, inflammation of the eyes, and discharge from the nostrils. A parrot can get sick because cold water is poured into the drinker. Indoor birds are pampered, a small temperature difference is enough, and the parrot can catch a cold. Colds are best treated with heat, such as infrared radiation or even just a table lamp. Such a procedure will raise the temperature in the cage of a sick parrot. This treatment is usually quite successful.

Cases of diseases of domestic parrots bird flu has not yet been recorded in Russia. But some parrot owners have already converted their pets to new mode content. For example, they exclude contact with wild birds, therefore, they try not to make open-air cages, not to take cages with birds to a balcony or loggia in the warm season.
In Europe, poultry farmers have long sounded the alarm, and poultry, including parrots, are being vaccinated against bird flu.
indigestion - also a common problem in domestic parrots. It is not difficult to determine a sick bird: the parrot sits indifferently at the bottom of the cage, it has no appetite, diarrhea develops. In this case, you should wash the area of ​​​​the cloaca, cut off the contaminated feathers. Feed the bird should be easily digestible food. Chamomile infusion will be of great benefit. So that parrots do not have problems with digestion, it is necessary to feed feathered pets only with high-quality and clean food.
So-called parrot fever (psittacosis) is also a common concern for budgerigar owners. The symptoms of this disease are as follows: the bird has difficulty breathing, it is intermittent, frequent, severe diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and nasal discharge are observed. This bird disease is dangerous to humans, so special care should be taken when caring for a sick bird. If you suspect parrot fever in your pet, it is best to contact your veterinarian.
Budgerigars can suffer gout . This disease affects the joints of birds, light deposits appear on them. They are even on the joints of the fingers, for this reason the fingers of the bird lose their mobility. The development of the disease can be stopped, for this it is necessary to reduce the protein content in the parrot's feed.

Joint stiffness may be one of the symptoms of gout.

Some types of large parrots are quite pugnacious. Mostly birds sort things out because of the places for nesting and lodging for the night. So, at sunset, you can often watch how yellow-crested cockatoos desperately quarrel, beating off the branch they like from each other. Sometimes opponents can injure each other, however, the birds do not cause serious injuries. Small species of parrots are more peaceful, they rarely fight and sort things out with each other.
In domestic parrots, injuries most often occur due to an oversight of the owner. A bird can get hurt flying around the apartment, it can be attacked, for example, by a cat. Wounds on the bird's body are treated with hemostatic agents.
If there is a fracture of the wing, paws, then the help of a veterinarian will be needed.
The veterinarian will fix the injured limb with duct tape and gauze bandage.
It is worth remembering that parrots may try to remove the bandage by pecking at it. Sprains and dislocations occur due to the fact that the bird clings to something with overgrown claws. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the length of the bird's "manicure" and cut the claws of the parrot in time.
get infected staphylococcosis budgerigars can through food or bedding, or through contact with a sick bird. The incubation period of the disease usually lasts from 20 hours to 4-5 days. Young parrots are especially susceptible to this disease. A sick bird loses its appetite, is very thirsty, it begins to have an upset intestine. Further, inflammation of the joints and tendons develops, dermatitis appears, if the pet is not helped in time, the matter may end in paralysis of the limbs.
The causative agent of this dangerous disease is resistant to the action of conventional disinfectants. But it can be preserved in dried bird droppings for about 5 months at a temperature of 10 to 20 °C. The cell of a diseased parrot must be disinfected with calcium hydrochloride or a 2.5-3% bleach solution. A sick individual must be isolated from other birds.
To treat this disease, terramycin should be given to the parrot, approximately 1 mg of this drug is added to the feed. It can also be recommended to add 1 mg of streptomycin and 7000 IU of penicillin to the water during the week. Terramycin should be given to birds at a dose of 1 mg per 300 g of feed. The disease can be eliminated if the necessary measures for the treatment of the diseased individual are applied in time, and quarantine measures necessary in this case are carried out.
streptococcosis is an infectious disease that can occur in acute or chronic form. Streptococcosis affects not only birds, but also other domestic animals (white mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.).

Dampness and drafts in a room where birds are kept can contribute to a decrease in immunity to viruses.

A sick parrot has a drowsiness, general depression, gluing of the eyelids, ruffled feathers. Indigestion is also possible. The bird may experience convulsive movements of the limbs, head. If the disease proceeds in a chronic form, then there is inflammation of the joints of the legs, respiratory and digestive disorders, the bird practically stops eating, she begins to become exhausted. The parrot loses the ability to fly, he is tormented by shortness of breath.
It is recommended to treat a sick bird with oxytetracycline, penicillin.
Oxytetracycline is effective if given to a pet at 2–3 g per 250–300 g of food for 5 days. Tetracycline and prednisolone are also used for this purpose. These drugs are best dissolved in water.
In order to avoid infecting your birds with strep, special attention should be paid to hygiene in the cage or aviary where they are kept.
Not very often, but still found in domestic parrots such a disease as smallpox diphtheria . Most often, this virus affects birds kept in aviaries. The disease is usually transmitted through contact with other, possibly local birds.
Sometimes the infection enters the body of a bird through a wound. Therefore, if the parrot is injured, it is imperative to treat the damaged area with tincture of iodine or hydrogen peroxide.
The disease is expressed in inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin lesions of birds. More prone to this disease are parrots that feed on monotonous food in the absence of vitamins that increase the resistance of mucous membranes and skin. Vitamin A is especially important in this regard, it must be regularly added to the feed, especially during the molting period.
In addition, mites, bedbugs and other insects can be carriers of smallpox-diphtheria. An insect that has entered the enclosure may be a virus carrier. Infection can also occur through water or feed if it has been stored in improper conditions.

Birds that recover from smallpox-diphtheria acquire lifelong immunity to the disease. In skin pockmarks, the virus can persist for 1–2 months.

After the incubation period, the condition of the infected bird begins to deteriorate. She becomes drowsy, passive, lethargic, her wings are lowered, her feathers are ruffled. This is usually expressed First stage diseases. Further on the paws, in the corners and at the base of the beak, around the nasal and ear openings, red round spots begin to appear on the eyes. Then they turn into gray-yellow formations. With blood, the virus begins to penetrate into various tissues, so new secondary pockmarks appear on the body of the bird.
In the diphtheria form, specific films or plaque appear on the mucous membranes of the larynx, nasopharynx, oral cavity, goiter, they grow into the mucous membrane. This disrupts the process of eating and swallowing. There is also a mixed form of the disease, it is especially difficult. The bird suffers simultaneously from diphtheria and skin lesions. In general, the duration of the disease depends on the various stages of the process. But the most serious phase can last up to 20 days.
Treatment will be beneficial only in the initial stages of the disease. Well-marked skin lesions are cleaned with a cotton swab, which is wetted in a solution of boric acid, furacilin or glazolin. You can also cauterize the affected areas with lapis, and then be sure to lubricate with a softening cream. It is also recommended to use broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as biomycin, tetracycline, terramycin. The medicine should be given to the bird in the morning and in the evening, for weeks. The dose should be approximately 40–45 mg for an adult. It is best to use antibiotics together with vitamins. Vitamins A, B12, D2 will be very helpful.
During treatment, it is imperative to disinfect drinking water with potassium permanganate (1: 1000), 0.5–1% solution of chloramine, 1% solution of salicylic acid, furatsilin, ferrous sulfate. External lesions are treated with tetracycline ointment, but only after treatment with iodine glycerin.
So that your pets do not get sick with this serious disease, do not forget about preventive measures and, of course, about hygiene in the cage or aviary.

Diseases of budgerigars most often occur through the fault of the owner himself: from proper care or neglect of a pet. Keeping a feathered friend does not require any special knowledge and skills, but elementary requirements will have to be met. Then the ailments of parrots will bypass you. The main components of proper care: high-quality food and bait, clean water, a well-groomed cage and its proper placement in the apartment. An already sick individual can be purchased through dubious sources of distribution. The treatment of parrots due to their fragility becomes a real test for the owners. In order not to later wonder how to treat a parrot, take a pet only from reliable hands.

How to understand that the parrot is sick? A healthy pet always chirps cheerfully, has a good appetite, smooth plumage and clean horns. A sick parrot moves little, making plaintive sounds. Its feathers are ruffled, and its wings hang along the body. He is most often in a ruffled state or dozing, hiding his head under his wing. Poor appetite, constant disheveledness, cloudy eyes, heavy breathing, loose stools, growths over the beak and on the paws are symptoms of a feathered friend's illness. If the budgerigar has even one of the above signs, then treatment is necessary. Mild diseases can be cured by the owner himself, with more complex forms it is better to turn to a professional.

When sick, the parrot hides in its wings and falls asleep.

The following are subtle signs of the disease, and if your pet has one of them, then you need to contact a specialist for help.

  1. The parrot loses interest in others, constantly sleeps and does not clean its feathers at all.
  2. The emaciated species is determined by the keel, which begins to stand out sharply. In a healthy individual, the abdomen has a rounded shape. An emaciated bird needs additional warmth.
  3. The bird looks healthy, but snores heavily. There is heavy breathing.
  4. A tail pointing perpendicular to the floor indicates problems with the lungs.
  5. With constant thirst, problems with the intestinal tract and kidneys are most often detected.
  6. Spongy growths on the wax, paws and around the eyes indicate the presence of ticks or an infectious disease.

What to do if the parrot is sick? Every poultry farmer should be aware that a sick bird can harm a person. For example, tuberculosis, or ornithosis ( bird disease) is very dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is necessary to make the correct diagnosis in a timely manner, and this can only be done by an experienced specialist. This often requires laboratory research.

The causes of various diseases usually come down to improper organization of the pet's habitat:

  • poor care, dirty cage;
  • draft;
  • poor quality food, malnutrition;
  • poorly organized leisure (entertainment).

Often, especially caring owners parrots suffer from obesity. A rich diet with an excess of sunflower seeds leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and chest. The bird becomes immobile. She develops shortness of breath, her ability to reproduce decreases, and cirrhosis of the liver develops. A cramped cage and the inability to fly freely around the room can also lead to obesity.

Good food will help solve the problem of constipation

The budgerigar can catch a cold in a draft. When ill, he will begin to sneeze and cough like a human. With a severe cold, the bird has watery eyes, flows from the nostrils. In this case, place the cage away from drafts. 2 times a day, warm up the pet with an incandescent table lamp up to 60 W, no more. Do not use ultraviolet light, it will blind parrots. Give us special vitamins. You can make a weak decoction of chamomile and drink it 2 times a day, each time with a new portion.

Infections of various etiologies occur in parrots from microbes. Pathogenic pathogens can be found in contaminated water, feed, droppings. Bites of ticks or other insects sometimes also lead to an infectious disease. Diseases of this origin are difficult to treat and can be fatal. Therefore, it is easier to prevent disease by taking proper care of your pet.

For example, paratyphoid (salmonellosis) occurs in parrots when hygiene rules are not observed. Typically, such conditions are observed during long-term transportation of birds. A person who decides to acquire a feathered friend can buy an already infected individual.

Aspergillosis is caused by mold spores. At the same time, nodules form in the parrot's lungs, which subsequently spread throughout the body. The source of the disease is expired products, mold in a cage or a common room. The disease can be identified by such symptoms as diarrhea, thirst, frequent breathing, expiration from the nostrils. Today, the disease and its treatment are under study. Preventive measures help to avoid a deadly disease.

Diseases are often fatal, so keep a close eye on your pet and take preventive measures.

There is no cure for tuberculosis in budgerigars. Regrettably, an infected individual is usually euthanized, as it can infect other people. The disease of a bird begins imperceptibly, first the lungs are affected, and then other organs. When sick, the parrot gets bored, loses weight, often yawns and coughs. The disease enters the body of a feathered pet through the respiratory tract.

Aversectin ointment for ticks

Aversectin ointment can be replaced with vaseline oil. But the healing process will take a long time, since the oil does not destroy the eggs of the mites. The procedure is best done in the evening, when the bird is in a sleepy state, so it is easier to hold it in your hands.

The cage and all accessories are treated with insecticidal agents and boiling water. All areas normally flown feathered friend, are also subject to mandatory processing. Disinfection measures should be repeated at least once a month.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. For this, laboratory studies of the epithelium of the skin, smears from the goiter and eyes, and litter are carried out. Food, some accessories and a cage are submitted for analysis.

Budgerigars are fragile creatures. It is better to prevent the disease than to watch the painful process of treatment. Buy food from trusted brands. Pamper with vitamins natural origin. Create the right indoor climate. Don't forget about hygiene. Be sure to pay attention to the entertainment of a feathered pet. Out of boredom, the parrot begins to tear its feathers, this will develop into a bad habit.

Female budgerigars are able to lay eggs even in the absence of a male. A large fetus can get stuck in the cloaca and cause pain. Most often this happens with a sedentary lifestyle. Weakened muscles are not able to push out the egg on their own. There is swelling of the cloaca. The bird's breathing becomes difficult. It's hard for her to take off on a perch. It is increasingly located at the bottom of the cell. Then the death of the female may occur. To avoid this, you need to arrange conditions for your pet to fly freely. This is especially important when a pair of parrots decide to have offspring. During the mating season better cage keep it always open. This will allow the bird to build muscle.

Oviposition in budgerigars

You can deal with a stuck egg on your own. To do this, a few drops are introduced into the cloaca of the female using a pipette. vaseline oil. The bottom of the cage on which the bird sits is heated with a heating pad or in another safe way. Egg breaking is not allowed. In case of difficulties, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Molting budgerigars

Parrots molt for a variety of reasons. It can be a natural process for a feathered friend to remain cheerful and not lose a healthy appetite. After some time, the plumage is restored. During the molting period, the diet is enriched with vitamins. It is good if it is fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. In the off season, germinate wheat or other seeds on a windowsill. Parrots are happy to peck any sprouts. Collect dandelion leaves and psyllium seeds in spring and summer.

When a feathered pet becomes sad, does not eat anything and loses feathers, this is a reason to contact a veterinary clinic. Such symptoms indicate that the parrot is sick, he needs help.

Today, many diseases of parrots are under study, but specialists have learned to diagnose common diseases. Usually budgerigars that are kept in artificial conditions have typical ailments that veterinarians successfully cope with.