Diseases of budgerigars symptoms. Diseases of parrots, their treatment

Parrots living in natural conditions are less prone to disease. They are in constant motion: jumping on branches, flying, even running. Their body has a great resistance and they are rarely overcome by diseases. Parrots living in cages are limited in movement. Because of this, their ability to resist infections is reduced.

Another factor that prevents the body from fully functioning is the improper maintenance and care of birds. In order for the bird to feel good and remain healthy in captivity, try to provide it with good living conditions and competent care.

Parrot diseases fall into four categories:

Compared to other bird species, budgerigars have their own characteristics. Diseases, as a rule, they resist steadfastly, but only under the condition of your care. In order to minimize the likelihood of illness, a number of conditions must be observed.

An important condition is the content budgerigars separate from other birds. In the summer, the owners often take the bird cages to the balcony. You should make sure that the droppings of other birds cannot get into your pet's cage, as it can cause helminth infestation.

Which are associated with lesions of the drug piperazine adipate. Helps with worms and It is recommended not to treat feathered pets on your own, but to go to the veterinarian.

Let's analyze the possible symptoms of infection with helminths. First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the pet, its behavior. It can be:

  • complete or partial refusal to take food;
  • decreased mobility, unwillingness to fly;
  • ruffled, disheveled state;
  • cloudy, dull eyes;
  • liquid litter.

The causes of such symptoms can be not only helminths, but also be as follows:

  • overfeeding or feeding one type of grain feed;
  • lack of vitamins and mineral compounds in the feed;
  • too much greens, vegetables and fruits in the parrot's diet;
  • drafts;
  • unsanitary condition of the cell.

And their treatment is important to know for everyone who decides to keep feathered friends in the house. Dangerous for them is the defeat of the tick. In this case, treatment should begin with confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory tests, as in the case of the defeat of the bird by downy feathers. There are several symptoms indicating that the cause of the disease is a tick: the appearance of grayish-white growths around the eyes, cloaca, beak and legs that are not covered with feathers. When affected by downy feathers, these are eaten or broken feathers.

Diseases of parrots of an infectious nature are much less common. Symptoms may be in the form of:

  • watery eyes, cere and beak;
  • liquid, discolored (from yellowish to greenish) droppings, often with a pronounced smell of rot;
  • nervous manifestations in the form of a staggering gait, somersaults, etc.;
  • refusal of food or increased water intake;

And yet, do not forget that a sick bird goes well on hand.

Other diseases of parrots include: tuberculosis, salmonellosis, paratyphoid, infectious catarrh and smallpox-diphtheria.

Diseases of parrots of a traumatic nature are fractures, wounds, cuts, dislocations, bruises, tissue ruptures, etc. The symptoms accompanying the injury may be as follows: redness or blueness of the extremities; change in the position of the damaged wing. The bird's head can be tilted to one side, and it can also roll over with its whole body on its side.

Diseases of parrots and their treatment can only be determined by a specialist. An ornithologist will help your pet cope with the diseases that have overcome them.

At home, budgerigars are perfectly adapted to living conditions. The life of birds is intense, they simply have no time to get sick. Of course, bird epidemics also happen in Australia, but, as already mentioned, this happens infrequently. However, in a climate alien to budgerigars, they happen to get sick, and the owners are most often to blame for this.

Even with careful care, a parrot can get sick

It should be especially noted that red bird ticks are dangerous not only for birds, they can also infect other domestic animals, as well as humans.

Most often, birds themselves destroy insect pests. For most birds, they form the basis of the diet.

To rid birds of ticks, veterinarians advise using insecticides. With these preparations, it is necessary to treat the entire cage or aviary, as well as all objects inside the bird house, including the nest box. You can buy insecticides at pet stores. When treating a cell with the drug, it is important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. An overdose can adversely affect the health of pets.

In order to identify the disease in time, it is recommended to constantly examine the budgerigar.

Often budgerigars suffer from lichen, scabies, fungal diseases of the beak. All these diseases are carried scabies mites . One of external signs is a “scaly face” - rough-scaly spots that have a light gray color. Looking closely, you can see a lot of small, as if drilled holes on them. These spots in most cases appear in the region of the wax, eyelids, cloaca, growth on the beak, on the legs.
The first sign of the presence of scabies mites are small holes in the region of the mandible and cere. Most often, scabies mites affect young individuals.
Scabies mites are not easy to spot, they can live on the surface of the body of a parrot for years without causing serious illness. It is this that can explain that a bird, sitting for a long time in a separate cage, suddenly falls ill for no apparent reason.

The rate of development of the disease depends on many factors - the conditions of the birds, diet, infections, excessive stress, etc.

Sometimes a sign of a disease is the appearance or behavior of a parrot.

Budgerigars clean their feathers regularly. it is not a sign of disease

Treatment is usually carried out with the help of special means against ascaris. These medicines can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary clinic. Parrots tolerate these drugs well. A sick bird should be placed in a separate cage, where it should be during the entire course of treatment. The bottom of the cage should be covered with paper or cardboard. This bedding is changed twice a day and burned.
It is not uncommon for budgerigars and plumage diseases. One of them is known as "French molt". Often, some chicks hatched from one clutch lose several or even all of their flight feathers. Featherless chicks cannot fly out of the nest, they just sit on the floor or move around by running and jumping. Breeders gave such chicks a name "runners" or "jumpers". "Runners" differ from other chicks with normal plumage in terms of total blood mass, red blood cell count, hematocrit, and serum protein. However, most of the “runners” fledge safely after the first molt, and in the future these birds are no different from healthy parrots.
Sometimes budgerigars begin to behave more than strange: they pluck and eat their own feathers. The reasons for this anomalous behavior of birds are still being studied. The parrot plucks its feathers, beats them with its beak, bites and eats them. Sometimes the bird simply bites off part of the feather. Most likely, this behavior is due to many reasons. This disease is difficult to treat, often treatment is ineffective. It is very rare to save a parrot from such a scourge.

Sometimes parrots eat their own feathers out of boredom, they simply have nothing to do. Most often, parrots kept without a partner do this.

To prevent this disease, you need to properly organize the nutrition of parrots. First of all, the diet should be varied. In addition, it is believed that external factors, such as insufficient lighting, air humidity, low air temperature, and rare bathing, may be the cause of such strange behavior. The cause of the disease can also be obesity in birds.
Quite rarely, but it does happen that eating feathers leads to cannibalism. A sick parrot has bleeding patches of skin. Such a bird should definitely be isolated from other parrots. During the treatment period, bitten off and broken feathers must be removed from the cage.
Often breeders are faced with such a problem when one of the parent parrots kills the chicks. Experts believe that adults do this because of the desire to reproduce, and young couples may thus show their inexperience.
In northern climate colds - not uncommon among budgerigars. A small draft or a sharp drop in temperature in the room is enough, as a bird may have a runny nose, inflammation of the eyes, and discharge from the nostrils. A parrot can get sick because cold water is poured into the drinker. Indoor birds are pampered, a small temperature difference is enough, and the parrot can catch a cold. Colds are best treated with heat, such as infrared radiation or even just a table lamp. Such a procedure will raise the temperature in the cage of a sick parrot. This treatment is usually quite successful.

Cases of diseases of domestic parrots bird flu has not yet been recorded in Russia. But some parrot owners have already converted their pets to new mode content. For example, they exclude contact with wild birds, therefore, they try not to make open-air cages, not to take cages with birds to a balcony or loggia in the warm season.
In Europe, poultry farmers have long sounded the alarm, and poultry, including parrots, are being vaccinated against bird flu.
indigestion - also a common problem in domestic parrots. It is not difficult to determine a sick bird: the parrot sits indifferently at the bottom of the cage, it has no appetite, diarrhea develops. In this case, you should wash the area of ​​​​the cloaca, cut off the contaminated feathers. Feed the bird should be easily digestible food. Chamomile infusion will be of great benefit. So that parrots do not have problems with digestion, it is necessary to feed feathered pets only with high-quality and clean food.
So-called parrot fever (psittacosis) is also a common concern for budgerigar owners. The symptoms of this disease are as follows: the bird has difficulty breathing, it is intermittent, frequent, severe diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and nasal discharge are observed. This bird disease is dangerous to humans, so special care should be taken when caring for a sick bird. If you suspect parrot fever in your pet, it is best to contact your veterinarian.
Budgerigars can suffer gout . This disease affects the joints of birds, light deposits appear on them. They are even on the joints of the fingers, for this reason the fingers of the bird lose their mobility. The development of the disease can be stopped, for this it is necessary to reduce the protein content in the parrot's feed.

Joint stiffness may be one of the symptoms of gout.

Some types of large parrots are quite pugnacious. Mostly birds sort things out because of the places for nesting and lodging for the night. So, at sunset, you can often watch how yellow-crested cockatoos desperately quarrel, beating off the branch they like from each other. Sometimes opponents can injure each other, however, the birds do not cause serious injuries. Small species of parrots are more peaceful, they rarely fight and sort things out with each other.
In domestic parrots, injuries most often occur due to an oversight of the owner. A bird can get hurt flying around the apartment, it can be attacked, for example, by a cat. Wounds on the bird's body are treated with hemostatic agents.
If there is a fracture of the wing, paws, then the help of a veterinarian will be needed.
The veterinarian will fix the injured limb with duct tape and gauze bandage.
It is worth remembering that parrots may try to remove the bandage by pecking at it. Sprains and dislocations occur due to the fact that the bird clings to something with overgrown claws. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the length of the bird's "manicure" and cut the claws of the parrot in time.
get infected staphylococcosis budgerigars can through food or bedding, or through contact with a sick bird. The incubation period of the disease usually lasts from 20 hours to 4-5 days. Young parrots are especially susceptible to this disease. A sick bird loses its appetite, is very thirsty, it begins to have an upset intestine. Further, inflammation of the joints and tendons develops, dermatitis appears, if the pet is not helped in time, the matter may end in paralysis of the limbs.
The causative agent of this dangerous disease is resistant to the action of conventional disinfectants. But it can be preserved in dried bird droppings for about 5 months at a temperature of 10 to 20 °C. The cell of a diseased parrot must be disinfected with calcium hydrochloride or a 2.5-3% bleach solution. A sick individual must be isolated from other birds.
To treat this disease, terramycin should be given to the parrot, approximately 1 mg of this drug is added to the feed. It can also be recommended to add 1 mg of streptomycin and 7000 IU of penicillin to the water during the week. Terramycin should be given to birds at a dose of 1 mg per 300 g of feed. The disease can be eliminated if the necessary measures for the treatment of the diseased individual are applied in time, and quarantine measures necessary in this case are carried out.
streptococcosis is an infectious disease that can occur in acute or chronic form. Streptococcosis affects not only birds, but also other domestic animals (white mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.).

Dampness and drafts in a room where birds are kept can contribute to a decrease in immunity to viruses.

A sick parrot has a drowsiness, general depression, gluing of the eyelids, ruffled feathers. Indigestion is also possible. The bird may experience convulsive movements of the limbs, head. If the disease proceeds in a chronic form, then there is inflammation of the joints of the legs, respiratory and digestive disorders, the bird practically stops eating, she begins to become exhausted. The parrot loses the ability to fly, he is tormented by shortness of breath.
It is recommended to treat a sick bird with oxytetracycline, penicillin.
Oxytetracycline is effective if given to a pet at 2–3 g per 250–300 g of food for 5 days. Tetracycline and prednisolone are also used for this purpose. These drugs are best dissolved in water.
In order to avoid infecting your birds with strep, special attention should be paid to hygiene in the cage or aviary where they are kept.
Not very often, but still found in domestic parrots such a disease as smallpox diphtheria . Most often, this virus affects birds kept in aviaries. The disease is usually transmitted through contact with other, possibly local birds.
Sometimes the infection enters the body of a bird through a wound. Therefore, if the parrot is injured, it is imperative to treat the damaged area with tincture of iodine or hydrogen peroxide.
The disease is expressed in inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin lesions of birds. More prone to this disease are parrots that feed on monotonous food in the absence of vitamins that increase the resistance of mucous membranes and skin. Vitamin A is especially important in this regard, it must be regularly added to the feed, especially during the molting period.
In addition, mites, bedbugs and other insects can be carriers of smallpox-diphtheria. An insect that has entered the enclosure may be a virus carrier. Infection can also occur through water or feed if it has been stored in improper conditions.

Birds that recover from smallpox-diphtheria acquire lifelong immunity to the disease. In skin pockmarks, the virus can persist for 1–2 months.

After the incubation period, the condition of the infected bird begins to deteriorate. She becomes drowsy, passive, lethargic, her wings are lowered, her feathers are ruffled. This is usually the initial stage of the disease. Further on the paws, in the corners and at the base of the beak, around the nasal and ear openings, red round spots begin to appear on the eyes. Then they turn into gray-yellow formations. With blood, the virus begins to penetrate into various tissues, so new secondary pockmarks appear on the body of the bird.
In the diphtheric form, specific films or plaque appear on the mucous membranes of the larynx, nasopharynx, oral cavity, goiter, they grow into the mucous membrane. This disrupts the process of eating and swallowing. There is also a mixed form of the disease, it is especially difficult. The bird suffers simultaneously from diphtheria and skin lesions. In general, the duration of the disease depends on the various stages of the process. But the most serious phase can last up to 20 days.
Treatment will be beneficial only in the initial stages of the disease. Well-marked skin lesions are cleaned with a cotton swab, which is wetted in a solution of boric acid, furacilin or glazolin. You can also cauterize the affected areas with lapis, and then be sure to lubricate with a softening cream. It is also recommended to use broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as biomycin, tetracycline, terramycin. The medicine should be given to the bird in the morning and in the evening, for weeks. The dose should be approximately 40–45 mg for an adult. It is best to use antibiotics together with vitamins. Vitamins A, B12, D2 will be very helpful.
During treatment, it is imperative to disinfect drinking water with potassium permanganate (1: 1000), 0.5–1% solution of chloramine, 1% solution of salicylic acid, furatsilin, ferrous sulfate. External lesions are treated with tetracycline ointment, but only after treatment with iodine glycerin.
To prevent your pets from getting sick with this serious illness, do not forget about preventive measures and, of course, about maintaining hygiene in a cage or aviary.

Proper care and feeding of a budgerigar is the key to its health. Diseases of budgerigars are diverse, but many of them have similar external manifestations. A diseased bird is significantly different from a healthy one.

Signs of a healthy bird

A healthy parrot has bright neat plumage and shiny eyes. The bird reacts vividly to surrounding events and even sings. Resting healthy parrot on one paw.

Budgerigar - well, why not handsome?

Signs of a healthy bird are:

  • smooth and clean beak;
  • the beak has no bundles or cracks;
  • shiny, thin and smooth horny scales on the legs;
  • undertail - cleaned and free of litter residues.

With proper care, budgerigars can live for more than 15 years.

Often the owners of birds are rather inattentive to their pets. They turn to the veterinarians with a sick bird too late. Budgerigars should be periodically inspected to determine their well-being.

General principles for the treatment of parrots

When a budgerigar is sick, he shows apathy to everything that happens around him. He flutters, sometimes trembles, often and for a long time sleeps sitting on both paws, or leaning on a perch. A sick bird does not respond to sounds and movements and does not clean its plumage.

In some cases, if the parrot is sick, then he may refuse to eat and drink. Budgerigars have very fast metabolic processes.

For any diseases and pathologies, the bird needs additional warmth. After isolating a sick individual, it can be heated by a lamp placed next to the cage, maintaining the optimal 27 degrees for it. Warming up is useful for almost all diseases (with the exception of mechanical damage, fractures, bleeding or heat stroke).

Warming up allows you to raise the temperature of a sick parrot, speed up the course of metabolic processes, thereby increasing the body's resistance to illness. This procedure should be carefully carried out, and when the bird spreads its wings to the sides, the heating should be reduced.

If a parrot is diagnosed with a stool disorder, the simplest thing that can be done to treat it is to give the bird activated charcoal or another adsorbent. The tablet should be crushed into powder and half of the portion should be sprinkled with food, and the second part should be added to the drinker.

To support the general tone of the bird, restore the functioning of its liver, it is recommended to use ascorbic acid with glucose. Glucose itself is effectively used to combat gastric disorders in birds, especially those of viral origin. To do this, a bird is watered with a 10% solution of the drug for 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a month.

Honey also has an excellent tonic, it is added to water for parrots (5-6 drops per 100 g). It is recommended for use in various diseases: molting, beriberi, exhaustion, poisoning or liver disease. To improve the therapeutic effect, honey is alternated with ascorbic acid and glucose.

If the parrot is sick, then the bird needs to be provided with a calm environment, it is advisable to place it in a quiet and comfortable place.

Technique for administering medication to sick birds

by the most in a simple way delivery of medicine to the body of a parrot - mixing it into food. It is only necessary to divide the daily dose of the drug into the entire daily diet. For one budgerigar, the norm of the grain mixture is 2 teaspoons.

A syringe (no needle!) is a great way to get people to drink their medicine.

It is recommended to mix drugs in the morning. At this time, the bird manages to get hungry during the night and peck the grain with the right medicine. For even distribution, the grain can be slightly moistened (so that the crushed tablet powder sticks to it). Water-soluble types of drugs are mixed into drinking water. This method of "delivery" of drugs will be simpler.

In especially severe cases, when the parrot is sick, he refuses to drink and eat, you can give the medicine forcibly.

For these purposes, the medicine is drawn into a syringe without a needle and poured into the mouth (in the right corner of the throat). It is necessary to give medicine in small portions so that the bird does not choke. The parrot is taken in one hand and the opening of its beak is fixed with two fingers. Medicine is dripped into the mouth, controlling swallowing by the movement of the tongue. When a parrot is sick, in a clinic setting, the birds can be given drugs by probe or intramuscular injection. Such procedures can only be done by a veterinarian.

Common signs of parrot disease

The most important indicators of the health of budgerigars are their behavior and appearance. The most characteristic manifestations of a disease or poor health of a bird include the following:

  • the bird sleeps all the time, does not follow and care for its plumage, does not play and does not actively move;
  • the exhaustion of a parrot is determined by a protruding keel. If the bird is very malnourished, provide extra warmth until the vet visits;
  • the parrot breathes heavily, or sniffs, although outwardly it looks almost healthy. These symptoms may indicate a chronic illness. This bird needs a thorough examination;
  • the bird has a discharge of mucus from the nasal passages of the beak, and frequent sneezing;
  • the parrot sits on a perch, and the tail is lowered perpendicular to the floor. Such a symptom may signal problems with the lungs;
  • the bird drinks a lot. This may indicate problems with digestion or kidneys;
  • the parrot had growths on its paws. Joints become inflamed, and redness and sores may also occur. Such signs are bacterial infections.

Symptoms of a serious budgerigar illness can appear within a day.

Some symptoms of disorders of the internal organs of a parrot

When examining birds, pay attention to the undertail, eyes, beak and legs, as well as the texture of the droppings. It should be remembered that diarrhea in parrots is a consequence of the disease, and not the disease itself. Such a disorder may indicate inflammatory processes in the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract of the bird.

The budgerigar suffers from diseases of the internal organs quite hard. Only in cases where there is a firm belief that the parrot is not sick, and the presence of diarrhea is caused by an improper diet, you can try to treat the parrots yourself.

In such cases, the bird recovers after a few days of taking activated charcoal. Prolonged diarrhea may be accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy of the bird. When a budgerigar is sick, it usually does not have a normal appetite. In such cases, treatment can only be carried out by a specialist.

Definition of diseases by litter

Normal budgerigar droppings should be coiled into a worm-like shape, most often a green-brown hue with a splash of white. When feeding a bird with a large amount of greens or vegetables, it may become greener, but its shape does not change. After eating carrots or beets, it can be tinted accordingly.

In many ways, the health of a parrot depends on the food.

If the bird's droppings are liquid, the color has changed and is not recovering, then it is very possible that the parrot is sick, and this is a sign of a serious illness. If there is undigested grain in the litter, then this may be a sign of goiter inflammation or an infectious process in the body. If the bird, with such symptoms of the disease, still refuses food, then this may indicate that the parrot is suffering from a fungal disease.

If there is no white matter in the droppings and there is a lot of clear liquid in it, then this may be a symptom of problems with the nervous system or inflammation of the nerves. Such parrots often drink, but still moisture is not retained in the body, and the bird loses a lot of fluid.

An excessive amount of liquid in the litter may also be evidence of disturbances in the microflora. To restore it, probiotics are used. Birds are treated with drugs: Lactobifadol (or Linex) and Vetom.

If blood is found in the litter, then such a bird cannot be heated with a lamp. She is prescribed 1 drop of vikasol 2 times a day, a weak infusion of plantain or nettle tea.

Description of some diseases in budgerigars

Diseases of parrots have a different etiology and require adequate treatment.

food poisoning

In a poisoned bird, strong thirst appears, diarrhea appears, wings fall and convulsions occur. In case of poisoning, the parrot is first given a sorbent to reduce the level of toxins: Activated carbon, Smektu, Enterodez, Enterosgel, Polyfepam, Filtrum. In acute intoxication, the sorbent is given 3 times a day, in especially severe cases - every 2 hours.

Activated charcoal should not be given for longer than 3 days, if the symptoms do not go away, then the cause of the disease is much deeper. An hour later, other drugs are administered to the bird after the adsorbent. In case of poisoning, it is recommended to warm the bird with a lamp (3-6 hours a day). You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the drinker.

Diseases of the digestive tract

If the parrot is sick, a decoction of chamomile instead of water is used for its treatment for a week.

Depending on the symptoms, the bird is prescribed for 2 weeks:

  • tsamaks - half a teaspoon per daily portion of food;
  • karsil - 1 tablet in a feeder with a grain mixture. It is given for liver diseases and poisoning;
  • vitasol - eight drops of this vitamin complex are dissolved in 100 ml of water;
  • vetom - the drug is active against a wide range of harmful microorganisms;
  • Cerucal - eliminates nausea and vomiting, accelerates digestion and emptying.

Also, sick birds are prescribed Linex, Laktobifadol and Vetom in case of violations of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


A parrot with a cold trembles, often sneezes (sometimes discharge from the beak appears). The bird is inactive, ruffled, sleeps a lot. She scratches her eyes or cere very often, and may refuse to eat or drink. The mucosa on the nose has an inflamed red color. The bird breathes heavily (the tail moves in time with breathing), often swallows.

Sometimes it can burp wet grains from the beak due to the inflamed mucosa. Such a parrot should be heated with a lamp. Chamomile infusion is added to the drinker, as well as a drop of honey and lemon.

In difficult cases of the disease, treatment is recommended with the help of inhalations with eucalyptus oil or menthol, as well as "Asterisk". The inhaler is placed next to the cage and covered with a loose cloth. Such procedures should be done within a week for 20 minutes 2 times a day. If during inhalation the bird breathes heavily, opens its wings wide and closes its eyes, you should reduce the procedure time and slightly open the thrown fabric.


When feeding budgerigars with monotonous food, poor in vitamins, they often suffer from beriberi. In a bird, the eyelids, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyes, swell and redden. If a parrot is sick, then general weakness is noted, the limbs can tremble violently, and the bird can throw its head back.

Especially often, chicks suffer from a lack of vitamins, their feathers are ruffled and become dull. To combat the disease, feed quality is improved, vitamins (Vitasol) are added to the diet.


Poor care and inaccurate maintenance can provoke coccidosis in budgerigars. A sick bird loses weight, looks depressed, its feathers are ruffled, it has a poor appetite and strong thirst. Symptoms are complicated by bloody diarrhea and vomiting. The bird can die from dehydration and exhaustion.

Struggling with a diagnosis? The vet will help.

Treatment is carried out first with eimerostatics, which suppress the life of eimeria - the protozoa that provoke coccidosis. For these purposes, a sick bird is prescribed Amprolium. It can also be used to prevent this disease in parrots (5 g of powdered tablets are added to 1 kg of grain mixture). The next stage of treatment is carried out using Baycox and Madicox.


Quite often, budgerigars develop this disease. Its causative agent is salmonella (rod-shaped bacteria). Birds can become infected through drinking water, feed, or the excretions of diseased birds. An inadequate and monotonous diet can activate the pathogenic process and lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

If a parrot gets sick with salmonellosis, then the disease proceeds quite rapidly. However, he may die due to dehydration due to severe diarrhea.

A short incubation period of the disease (3-4 days) is manifested in lethargy, depression of the bird. She has a fever and an upset bowel. In the acute course of the disease, blue paws and beak are noted, which may indicate sepsis. Litter - liquid, has an orange-green color with splashes of blood. The chronic form provokes the development of yellowness of the mucous membranes in birds. A sick bird develops paralysis of the legs and wings and dies.

joint inflammation (arthritis)

The causes of arthritis can be overweight, a lot of tension in the limbs of the bird due to the inappropriate size of the perch. In sick parrots, swelling of the joints on the legs is noted. Treatment of overweight birds is carried out with the help of a fasting diet. The perch should be wrapped with a cloth so that the fingers are placed almost horizontally.

Ulcers on the legs

Incorrectly selected perch size, lack of movement and lack of vitamin A can provoke the formation of calluses, blisters and ulcers on the paws of parrots. At the same time, the bird often raises its paw, pulls it with its beak and gnaws. To relieve swelling, it is recommended to make soda lotions or baths. This procedure softens the tissues and removes purulent formations.

A varied diet, good living conditions and adequate drug therapy measures will help to overcome budgerigar diseases. A grateful bird will delight you with its cheerful singing for a long time.

Many diseases of budgerigars occur through the fault of the owners. The well-being of domesticated pets can be affected by both poor cleaning in the cage or in the room where the bird lives, and an improperly balanced diet. Due to the lack of proper conditions of detention, the immunity of parrots weakens, which contributes to the development of various diseases. In this article, we will look at common diseases in wavy pets, their symptoms and methods of treatment.

Some bird diseases are not yet fully understood by scientists. However, budgerigars living at home often suffer from diseases known to science. This allows you to quickly detect the cause of the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.

But in order to understand in time that a pet is sick, it is necessary not only to know what diseases birds have, but also to be able to recognize their symptoms. In this case, you do not have to think in a panic what to do if the parrot does not eat all day in a row and sits at the bottom of the cage ruffled. In order not to lose your beloved bird, it is better to cure it at the first sign of illness.

Before we tell you how to treat budgerigars, we will teach you how to distinguish a healthy pet from a sick one. The behavior of a bird in which everything is in order with health is active. She makes various sounds, climbs around the cage, doing her own thing. Appearance the pet is quite neat - he himself is happy to do his own hygiene.

A sick parrot sits at the bottom of the cage or constantly sleeps on a perch on two legs. Disheveled and ruffled, he may not eat anything and refuse to communicate with you. The parrot does not fly, it has been observed for a long time.

If you notice even one sign, your pet may be sick. Now you need to figure out what exactly is happening with the budgerigar. The diseases, the symptoms of which we have just considered, can lead to complications. It is not worth doubting whether human infection can occur - it can.

Both humans and birds can catch the same disease. Tuberculosis, chlamydia, ornithosis - this is what you can get from parrots. But not only these bird diseases exists. Let's consider in more detail.

Common diseases

Problems related to poor conditions of detention

When thinking about why a budgerigar sneezes or ruffles, we cannot immediately understand the reason for this behavior. Healthy pets do this if they have just cleaned their feathers, are experiencing a natural process, enjoy. And some talents thus parody their masters.

But if the parrot has been sneezing for a long time, constantly choking, it means that he is experiencing some discomfort. There may be several reasons:

  • the air in the room is too dry;
  • the bird is allergic;
  • cold.

Due to the poorly regulated microclimate in the room where the parrot lives, dry air can irritate the bird's airways. As a result, she begins to sneeze and hohlitsya. The same symptoms may appear if she has an allergic reaction, for example, to a fungus that may be contained in the dust from the husks from the grains.

If the cause of the pet’s health problems lies precisely in this, then it is necessary to improve its quality and completely revise the bird’s diet - temporarily transfer the parrot to another species. If he stopped behaving like that, then you are on the right track.

If the room where the budgerigar is located is too cold or the cage with the pet is hanging in a draft, then this state of affairs can lead to a cold in the bird. If you're wondering why a budgerigar puffs up, then check indoors first. It should be about twenty-five degrees.

If the bird has a runny nose, eyeballs are inflamed, then try to heat your pet as quickly as possible with a lamp of forty to fifty watts. Does the bird keep pouting? Perhaps the cause is inflammation of the goiter in budgerigars.

Goiter problems

The bird can ruffle and sit in one position, not paying attention to the world if her goiter is inflamed. And she continues to eat, but very little. If you feel the place of swelling, then a foul-smelling liquid is released from the parrot's mouth. Yes, and the pet itself may begin to spit up half-digested food.

Female parrots are especially prone to this disease. The female loses a lot of strength during and during the period. Monotonous nutrition does not restore her health, but on the contrary, it breaks the coordinated work of the body.

Also, the cause of inflammation of the goiter can be poisoning with toxic substances, poor-quality food or water, infections. As a result, various fungi and microorganisms accumulate in the bird's goiter, causing first discomfort, then bloating and, and in an advanced case, it.

Other complications

Poor nutrition can lead to a disease such as megabacteriosis, when a yeast fungus progresses in a bird's stomach. As a result, the parrot vomits and bloody diarrhea opens.

Due to constant diarrhea in a pet, the cloaca may swell, this indicates that the disease is becoming chronic. A lethal outcome is possible, therefore, at the first signs of a deterioration in his well-being, immediately consult a veterinarian.

A disease such as a lipoma in a budgerigar occurs due to an excess of fat in its diet. It looks like a lump and is a benign tumor. Often a tumor appears under the tail of a bird or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front of the keel. If the lipoma is small, it may disappear if a balance is established in the bird's diet. A large tumor will have to be removed by a doctor. After the operation, the parrot will have to pierce the antibiotic.

Various head injuries or poisonings from houseplants, cigarette smoke, specific kitchen fumes, and other toxic substances can cause budgerigar seizures. Obvious signs: the bird's paws failed, it lies and shakes. Also, this condition is possible with problems with the brain or nervous system. If it's a stroke, then the parrot may not survive. In any other case, only the intervention of a veterinarian can save the situation.

Lack of hygiene

In some cases, the cause of another common bird disease there may be not only poor conditions of detention, but also the absence of elementary hygiene procedures. One of the diseases is called inflammation of the coccygeal gland.

The oil gland is responsible for secreting a specific secret that birds use to lubricate and protect their plumage. Uncleaned dust and dirt in the cage or in the room, or the inability to bathe, leads to the fact that the excretory ducts of the gland are gradually clogged. As a result, the secret accumulates, hardens and the gland becomes inflamed.

If you notice that the pet is constantly nervous and tries to peck at the inflamed gland and the nearest places, it has dirty feathers with secret elements with blood, immediately take the bird to the doctor. Do not self-medicate, only a veterinarian can help your parrot.

Also, the coccygeal secret contributes to the preservation of the stratum corneum, therefore, when it is clogged, beak diseases may appear in budgerigars. If a pet accidentally injures its beak, then without a secret it will be difficult for him to restore the cornea. As a result, the beak may begin to exfoliate and collapse.

We considered another cause of the disease of the bird's beak and the method of its treatment in the article.

Is your parrot sick? How did you cope with the disease?

Smooth plumage, energetic behavior, eyes without a drag - a caring owner will distinguish a healthy pet at first sight. The health of a bird is largely dependent on nutrition. But, unfortunately, it does not always depend on the care and love of the owner. Sometimes you understand that the parrot is sick - it shows signs of apathy. Every day the bird trembles, sleeps for a long time on the perch, leaning on the rods, tufts, does not clean its feathers and does not respond to sounds. Often the disease is characterized by refusal of food. Budgerigar diseases have specific symptoms, and their treatment is ideally best done in a pet clinic.

You can notice the malaise in a parrot by observing its behavior and appearance.

If you understand that the bird is sick, then it is better to adhere to certain rules, the observance of which will prolong the life of the bird and restore health:

  1. As a rule, with a cold, rhinitis, poisoning, the wavy needs additional heating. If there are several parrots at home, the sick bird is isolated from the rest in a separate cage, and it is heated with a lamp at a certain distance. You can use both a special lamp for heating exotics, and a regular lamp that has an incandescent lamp.
  2. For gastrointestinal disorders, first aid is an adsorbent or activated charcoal. Dissolve 1 tablet in 10 ml of water. Doses: small parrots 4 drops 3 times a day; medium - 6 drops. Give in the beak for three days. For large parrots, dissolve 1 tablet in 2 ml of water, give 1-2 ml three times a day, for three days.
  3. Homemade honey has tonic properties. This method is used by all owners of exotic birds who know how to cure a budgerigar from a cold at home.
  4. For a sick bird, it is necessary to take a calm and quiet place. She needs rest and should receive clean water and fresh food every day, various vitamin supplements prescribed by the veterinarian.
  5. When the bird is exhausted and dehydrated, it can be given glucose. It also supports liver cells that fight intoxication.

How to give medicine to a bird

The medicine is mixed into the feed. It is best if the veterinarian determines the daily dose individually. It depends on the age, type, size and disease of the bird. It is important to know that if you decide to treat the bird on your own, and the bird refuses to eat and drink, then the medicine must be forcibly administered through a syringe (without a needle).

The solution is poured through the right corner very slowly so that the bird does not choke. The veterinarian, as a rule, uses a tube or intramuscular injection to administer the drug orally.

A common disease in parrots is feather plucking and eating.

This is a fairly common problem in pets kept in poorly ventilated enclosed spaces. If you start the disease, then it will be very difficult to rid the pet of the habit of pulling out feathers.

In this situation, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and rearrange the cage so that the bird can receive sunbathing.

Growth of beak and claws in parrots

Tree branches, mineral stone, sepia, chalk are great solutions to prevent overgrowth of claws and beak. In advanced situations, you need to contact the veterinary clinic, where the doctor can do the circumcision.

Food poisoning

In case of poisoning and dehydration (usually characterized by diarrhea, vomiting), a 5% glucose solution is used: for small parrots - 0.2-0.4 ml per beak 1-3 times a day for a week, for medium parrots 1-2 ml 2- 3 times a day for a week, for large parrots and birds 4-15 ml 2-3 times a day for a week. The exact dosage is best discussed with the veterinarian, with self-treatment, remember the main rule - do no harm!

The reason for departure can be anything from table salt to household chemicals. Whatever the cause of the poisoning, but if you observe diarrhea, cramps and intense thirst in your bird, then you should give your pet an absorbent as soon as possible, which will help lower the level of toxins in the body. It can be activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta.

Frequent vomiting, constipation and diarrhea

Such symptoms usually indicate bird poisoning. But it is impossible to confuse pathological vomiting with natural regurgitation. If the parrot is poisoned, it often begins to burp after eating. And many owners of birds do not know what to do, and what caused this phenomenon. It could be:

Often, after vomiting, diarrhea begins in birds. This is the result of Salmonella infection. A bird with severe dehydration quickly weakens and may even die. In such cases, if the parrot is vilifying and the owner does not know what to do, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

A bird can become infected with salmonellosis through infected food or dirty water. He has an increase in temperature, as well as apathy, blue beak and paws, frequent liquid diarrhea of ​​a green-yellow color interspersed with blood. In the acute course of the disease, convulsions appear in the parrot or paralysis of the legs, and the confused owner does not really know what to do and how to help the pet. The main thing is not to panic!

If a parrot has constipation, many experienced parrot lovers advise what to do in this case: pour smectite through a syringe (pre-dilute the medicine in a small amount of water) and drink 1 ml about once an hour), give liquid food and water.

If a tumor has formed on the stomach of a pet parrot, most likely it is a lipoma, that is, a tumor formation located at the bottom of the abdomen. Usually this is a benign neoplasm that grows not only on the abdomen, but also on other parts of the bird's organs. This is a subcutaneous ball that moves when pressed. The malignant formation is practically motionless, the vessels are pronounced on it.

You can treat a lump on the belly of a parrot only after visiting the veterinarian. Obesity leads to disease exotic bird and malnutrition. The disease can be stopped if you put the bird on a diet by including more cereals, greens and fruits in its menu.

As often as possible, the bird should be released from the cage, at least once a day. Special medicines for lipoma in bird of paradise does not exist, the disease itself is a common phenomenon. Parrot breeders try to normalize lipid metabolism with the help of a drug intended for people, Legalon 70.

Inflamed goiter

If a goiter is clearly visible in a parrot, for example, as in the photo below, then inflammation occurs, although for a long time the disease in wavy is asymptomatic. The causes of the disease are:

  • toxic substances that the bird often inhales;
  • poor quality food and lack of vitamins;
  • poorly purified water;
  • complications after infections.

An exotic bird begins to peck food poorly, lethargy appears, and the drinking regimen is disturbed. Over time, vomiting appears, in which there are mucous impurities, and the goiter itself is inflamed. It is the source of infection and the result of fermentation and congestion. In severe cases, it sags and turns blue.

Only a doctor should treat the disease. Only a specialist knows how budgerigars get sick and how to eliminate the ailment. With severe swelling and sagging goiter, in some cases, a sick bird most often cannot be saved. On the early stages the doctor does the washing of the goiter with a 2% solution of Tannin.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the cloacal mucosa. The disease is catalytic in nature, that is, it is caused by bacteria due to improper feeding, lack of vitamins, and also if the bird is given indigestible food. The cesspool becomes inflamed due to non-compliance with sanitary standards for keeping a feathered friend. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • gluing and sticking of feathers around the cloaca;
  • inflammation of the skin around the cloaca, swelling;
  • general exhaustion;
  • refusal of food;
  • decrease in activity;
  • come out periodically bloody issues or slime.

In this case, it is quite difficult to save the bird on your own. The help of an ornithologist is needed. You can use a decoction of marshmallow (teaspoon) for treatment at home. Also, pills with iron sulfate (15 g), glycerin (1.5 g), burnt magnesia (2.5 g) give a good effect. The doctor decides on the use of antibiotics.

Parrot paw disease

Bird owners may face the following problem: what to do if a parrot suddenly has a pain in its paw. This pathology leads to:

  • arthritis;
  • dislocations, fractures and bruises;
  • ulcers on paw pads and fingers;
  • gout of the joints.

Cause systemic diseases paws may be incorrect content, meager. If the parrot's paw hurts, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. Usually the disease manifests itself in the form of lameness or wounds and ulcers. The parrot may be limited in movement. If the bird cannot rest on a limb, then it is quite possible that it has a fracture.

Treatment of limbs

If a budgerigar has injured a leg, only an experienced veterinarian will tell you what to do and how to eliminate the ailment. Vitamin A in the diet good decision in the presence of ulcers and wounds. If objectively the cell is small, then it is better to expand it. The affected areas can be lubricated with fish oil and vitamin A oil. Pay attention to the perches - the foot should fit on them and not cause discomfort.

In the case when the parrot's leg hurts as a result of a dislocation or fracture, the doctor will tell you what to do. It is better not to take any action on your own, because. a gentle creature is easily maimed. In the clinic, the paw will be correctly fixed and treatment will be prescribed.

Any diseases of birds require a thorough examination and immediate treatment, even in the initial stages. Budgerigar diseases, photos of which can be viewed in this article, and treatment methods should be used only after consulting a specialist, because, unfortunately, in many cases, self-medication can be fatal.

Ticks in birds

Perhaps this is one of the most common misfortunes in birds. For humans, ticks do not pose any danger. The bird almost constantly itches. If you spread the plumage and look closely, you can see the ticks themselves. They can also start on their paws, near the eyes or beak.


Diseases of parrots can be similar to "human". Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the bird gets cold and gets sick. Typical symptoms of a cold are:

  1. cough
  2. sneezing
  3. runny nose
  4. lethargy
  5. poor appetite.

If you observe similar signs, it means that the parrot has caught a cold. How to treat a pet in this case? First of all, the cage with the parrot must be placed in a warm, draft-free room. With an acute cold, a parrot can breathe heavily with an open beak, there is a cough and sneezing. He needs to inhale. To do this, dry chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water. Separately, 5 ml of menthol and eucalyptus oil are poured into a bowl. Containers with chamomile and oils are located near the cage with poultry. She begins to breathe useful vapors. Lemon juice, chamomile decoction or honey are added to drinking water to strengthen the pet's immune forces.