Abstract of the lesson "Wintering Birds". Application "Bullfinch

Summary of the lesson on the application "Birds on branches"

(middle group)

- teach children to make an application in the form of a bird;
- to consolidate the idea of ​​their name, structural features, body shape, wings, tail, distinctive features of different types of birds;
- educate love and caring attitude towards birds;
-to consolidate the ability to accurately use glue;
- develop fine motor skills of the fingers, the ability to listen and hear birds singing;
- develop observation, attention;
- exercise in the correct pronunciation; develop a response to a verbal signal.

Equipment: colored paper template: body, wing, tail, beak; floor landscape sheet; oilcloths, brushes, glue, napkins. Image of birds: titmouse, sparrow, woodpecker, swallow; tree image. Audio recording of birds singing. Toy wheel.

Lesson progress:
We are going on a trip to the forest clearing. We will go by car. How does he signal? (Children enter the group room, in which images of birds are pre-attached)
-Listen, guys, who sings so beautifully? (Birds)
-Where did they hide? Let's find them and see what kind of birds flew to us. This is forty. She is also called magpie - white-sided, because her sides are white. This is a sparrow. Nimble jumper. How does he chirp? Chick-chirp!
-What kind of bird is this? In a red cap, on a tree with his sharp beak, a knock - a knock. Woodpecker.
- And this is a titmouse - she has a yellow tummy. All these birds live next to us in winter and summer.
- But this bird flew to us from the south. This is a swallow. She flies very fast, catches midges, mosquitoes and other harmful insects.
-Look, guys, what an unusual bird? Where did she come from? I think I know: this bird was made by children from another kindergarten and sent her out to see the world. Is it really beautiful?
- Do you want me to teach you how to make such beautiful birds. And when you make them, we will let them fly to other kindergartens to visit the guys.
Let's first figure out what the bird will consist of. I will show and you will name the parts.
- Head.
- Which smoothly passes into the body.
- Wing. (why do you need a wing?)
-Tail. (why do you need a ponytail?)
-eye. (why do you need an eye?)
-Beak. (why do you need a beak?)
- And now show quietly how the birds fly (you studied movements in music class). Birds flew, flew and quietly sat down at the tables so as not to make noise in the forest clearing.
-Look what is on the table in front of you.
1. A branch depicted on a leaflet.
2. The body of your future bird.
3. Wing.
4. Tail.
5. Round little eye.
6. Small triangle eye.
- The first thing we do is put a branch in front of us. Then we smear the body with glue and “plant” the bird on a twig. The head of the bird is at the top, and the tail will be at the bottom. Glue the wing and glue the tail. Then glue the eye and beak.
-Our birds are ready, let's plant them on a common tree, and they will sing sonorous songs for us.
-Oh, how loudly the birds sang, what do they want? I seem to know. They offer us to play the game "Sparrows and the car." (Game)
- What did you learn to do in the forest clearing?
- Did you enjoy our trip?
- It's time for us to go home: wave goodbye to the birds and get into the little car.

"Wintering Birds"

The purpose of the lesson.

To fix the concept of "wintering" birds.

To give children an idea about the types of food wintering birds.
Develop imagination, attention, thinking, a holistic perception of objects.
Cultivate a caring and friendly attitude towards birds.
Activate generalizing words in speech: “wintering birds”;respond with suggestions.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Clarify and expand the idea of ​​wintering birds, their structure. Form the concept of wintering birds.

Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, answer with sentences.

Correction-developing tasks:

Development of visual attention and perception,speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, fine and general motor skills, breathing and correct speech exhalation, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, education of love for nature.

Equipment: presentation "Wintering Birds".

Handout:Blanks of the body and head of a bird; details of wings, tail various shapes and colorsglue, napkin, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work:

  1. Observation on a walk of crows, sparrows, bullfinch.
  2. Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "Long-tailed robbers".
  3. Memorizing a poem by A. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter”.
  4. Acquaintance: A. Yashina “Feed the birds in winter”, M. Glazkova “Feed the birds”.
  5. Writing descriptive stories, conversations.
  6. Riddles.
  7. Exercise "Hide the syllables in your palms", the game "What bird is gone?"

Course progress.

Organizing time

Educator. Meets children and offers to look at the screen.

- Look how many different birds are in these pictures (looking at pictures, illustrations). What birds do you know?(Children's answers.)

- Can you name these pictures in one word?

Who is this? (Wintering birds).

2. Introduction to the topic

- Right.

“That’s what the birds that stay over the winter are called. These are birds that can adapt to different conditions.

3. Setting the purpose of the lesson.

We will talk today about wintering birds. And at the end of the lesson we will make an application. Look at the pictures and name the birds.(This wintering bird is called: dove, titmouse, sparrow, crow, woodpecker, bullfinch).

4. Looking at pictures.

caregiver - You know, of course, that with the onset of cold weather, many birds fly south. But not all, there are those who do not fly away, but live with us all year round (A crow, a dove, a sparrow live all year round).

- And there are those who come to us only for the winter(titmouse, bullfinches arrive to winter).

bullfinch so called because they come to us with the first snow.

- The bullfinch has a red chest, a bluish-gray back and a black head and wings.

At the titmouse the breasts are yellow, the back is greenish, and the heads and wings are black, on the breast there are ties.

At the titmouse the back is yellowish-green, the abdomen is yellow with a wide black stripe. The wings are grayish-blue in color with a light transverse stripe.

This bird is familiar to you. Who is this?

Tell me about the sparrow.

— What is he? (little, taupe,grey, nimble, fast).

How can you affectionately call this bird? (sparrow, sparrows, etc.)

- What are these birds?These are winter birds.

Why are they called that?They live with us in the winter.

- What is more terrible for birds in winter, cold or hunger?(Hunger)

What do birds eat in winter? (children's answers)

Yes, mostly it is (berries, tree seeds, plant seeds).

— Can we help the birds in winter? (feed the birds)

Guys, tell me, please, how can you help the birds in the winter in cold weather?

(children's answers)

“If we spill the grains on the ground, they might be covered with snow. What to do?(Better to make feeders.)

(hang feeders).

Educator. Now I will show the scheme for performing the application of any bird.

Invite the children to show the movements of the wings shown in the diagram.

5. Finger exercise "Woodpecker"

Educator. It's time to play with your fingers.

I'm knocking on de - roar, Open palm - tree, index finger
Worm - I want to get a chka, the other hand - woodpecker's beak. For every line
Though he hid under the bark, four strokes of the finger on the palm.
It will still be mine.

6. Independent work children.

Calm music sounds.

On the screen of the monitor is a generalized scheme of the work.

Educator. On the table are parts of the wings and tail of various shapes and colors, so that you can choose from them the most suitable for your birds.

The children are doing the app.

Individual analysis of children's work.

Educator. And now we will treat our friends.

At the end of the lesson, the children place their work on the stand, where food for wintering birds is drawn.

7. The result of the lesson.

- What did you learn in class?(Which birds did you meet?)

- What do you remember most about the activity?(Children's answers.)

- What caused the problem?

Authors: Bazaleeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Zaitseva Olga Alexandrovna
Position: educator, educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "TsRR - D / S No. 73"
Locality: city ​​of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory
Publication date: 22.10.2017
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU "TsRR-D / S No. 73"







Zaitseva O.A.

Bazaleeva L.M.

Stavropol, 2017

Educational tasks: To educate children's interest and love for living




structural features of birds, fix some names of birds in the dictionary.

Strengthen scissor skills.

Developmental tasks: Develop fine motor skills of hands, accuracy.




artistic and aesthetic

cognitive, social and communicative, physical development.




magnets. Background for appliqué with the contour of a cloud, blanks for a bird (wings,

torso, head), narrow strips of white and blue paper, scissors, glue,

sockets for glue, glue brushes, napkins. Signboard with the name of the topic, magnets

to arrange an exhibition of finished works.

Preliminary work: Familiarity with safety at work

with scissors.

Introduction to the game situation:

Educators show the children the clouds placed on the board.

1. Communicative. Conversation. Do you guys remember what season it is?

(Suggested answers of children: autumn) Pointing to the blackboard. Imagine that

is this the sky that appeared on it? (Suggested answers of children: clouds, clouds)


clouds? Suggested responses of children: yes).

The teacher draws rain. What dripped from the clouds? (Suggested answer

children: rain) And when it rains, does anyone go for a walk? What do animals do in

rain time? (Suggested responses of children: they don’t walk, animals hide)

The sun is on the board. Look, the weather is getting better, the sun

out and the rain stops. Erases the streaks of rain. Who can be seen

in the sky on a fine sunny day? (Suggested answer: birds). On the desk

hang a bird. Let's remember how a bird differs from animals, what parts of the body

birds? (Suggested responses of children: the bird has a head, a beak,

eyes, tail, wings, torso, paws, feathers.)





poems by P. Barto "Cranes"

Flying high above the clouds

And the cranes are chirping above us.

In the distance, gliding in the wind with a light shadow,

The birds are melting in the blue of autumn.

We will go out on the path not near to accompany them, -

They see the expanse of the earth far away:

Ribbons of rivers, lakes spills ...

Fine. Application with ready-made forms. Birdie. Technics:

assembly of a bird from ready-made forms: head, torso, tail, wings. Look at

blanks lie on your tables, on the right lies a blue sheet with a drawn

a cloud and a silhouette of birds, now we will stick a bird. Glue first

body with tail, then head and wings. What are our birds missing?

(Suggested answers of children: beak, eyes) Let's draw them.

4. Motor. Finger gymnastics. Let's stretch our fingers a little, and

then we will make beautiful clouds and clouds.

Visiting our sister

Birds flew in spring

(raise both hands and wave your hands, depicting bird wings)

This bird is an owl

Well, this one is a bugger.

This bird is a sparrow

Well, this one is a nightingale.

This one is a woodpecker, this one is a swift,

This one is a singing siskin,

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a waxwing

Well, it's from afar

Forty flew to us.

(naming birds, stroking, kneading or rubbing each

Fine. Application. Cloud. Technique: from paper strips

cut into









let's cut


it turns out for me. Glue smear the whole cloud, and glue the squares so that it

became colorful and a little fluffy.

Summing up


(Suggested responses

clouds). From

(Suggested answers of children: head, torso, tail, wings) Which paper

colors we used for clouds and clouds? (White and blue). We will place our

applications at the exhibition?

Result joint activities: the child is interested in others




use them. Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in

movements and actions, developed imagination, which is implemented

v different types activities, can use speech to express their











interest in poetry, has elementary ideas from the field of living

Summary of GCD for applications in the middle group “Like pink apples on bullfinch branches”

Compiled by: teacher Menshikova N.A.

Educational area: Artistic creativity.

Age group: Average.

Program content:

1. Expand the knowledge of children about birds, the features of their structure, about the life of birds in winter, about the role of man in the life of birds.

2. To consolidate the ability of children to convey their observations of wildlife in artistic and visual activity.

3. Continue to teach children to make a beautiful object composition from twigs with "berries" of mountain ash and birds.

4. To cultivate independence, accuracy, perseverance.

Preliminary work with children:

1. Birdwatching on a walk (to fix the children's attention on the details characteristic of each type of bird). 2. Finger gymnastics about "wintering birds". 3. Guessing riddles, reading poems about "wintering birds". 4. Compilation of a story about wintering birds. 5. Didactic games "The fourth extra", "Voices of birds". 6. Drawing "Rowan for bullfinches."

Methods for managing children's activities:

Visual (demonstration);

Game (mobile game);


verbal (conversation, riddles);

Finger gymnastics;

Practical (based on the experience of children).

Types of children's activities: gaming, communication, motor, musical and artistic.

Integration of educational areas: physical education, cognition, communication, reading fiction, music.

Demonstration material: photographs of wintering birds, schemes - supports for the application.

Handout: masks - caps of bullfinches, half a sheet of cardboard with the image of a rowan branch, scissors, colored paper parts, flour paste, brush, napkin, oilcloth.

Equipment: tape recorder, audio recording of the song “Everyone needs friends”, flannelgraph.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory part (2 min.).

Educator: Guys, you remember, recently a photographer came to our garden. For what?

Children: Photographed children in our garden.

Educator: Right. And when he went outside, he saw a lot of interesting things in the garden. For example, birds. He couldn't help but take a picture of them too. He brought us photographs. Want to see?

2. Main part (16 min.).

(The teacher shows photographs of wintering birds, and hangs them on a flannelograph. Children name the birds.)

Teacher: What are these birds? Why are they called "winterers"? How do they differ from each other? How are they similar? What are the body parts of a bird?

The teacher encourages the children to name the body parts of the bird, structural features.

Educator: And now I invite you to play a game with me.

Game: "Yes, yes - it is."

Guys, I will now say sentences, if the sentence is correct, you clap your hands and say “Yes, yes - that's right! "If the sentence is not correct -" No, no - it's not like that! »

1. In winter, the ground is covered with white fluffy snow. (Yes, yes - it is).

2. Birds are cold and hungry in winter. (Yes, yes - it is).

3. In winter, the body of birds is covered with wool. (No, no - it's not like that).

4. In winter, all birds fly to warmer climes. (No, no - it's not like that).

5. In winter, there is a lot of food for birds. (No, no - it's not like that).

6. Birds fall asleep for the whole winter. (No, no - it's not like that).

7. A person in winter should help the birds get food. (Yes, yes - it is).

Educator: Guys, for which bird did you and I prepared food in the last lesson - rowan berries?

Children: This bird is a bullfinch.

Educator: But today we will seat bullfinches on mountain ash branches. Bullfinches are elegant birds. This bird has a black top of its head, wings, and tail; the back is bluish-gray, and the abdomen is red. The beak is short, thick, black.

Now we ourselves will turn into these birds and play. Children put on masks - caps of bullfinches.

Physical education "Bullfinches"

Look at the branches - They clap their hands on the sides.

Bullfinches in red T-shirts - Tilt their heads to the sides.

Fluffy feathers - Frequent shaking of hands.

Basking in the sun - Claps on the sides.

They turn their heads, they want to fly away - Turns of the head.

Shh! Shh! Fly away!

For the blizzard! For the blizzard! The children run around the group, flapping their arms like wings.

Educator: And now we will begin to fulfill our task - we will seat bullfinches on mountain ash branches.

Educator: Look at the first diagram and say where we will start our work.

Children: First, fold the red square in half. Then, rounding, cut off the two lower corners. This will be the body of the bird.

Teacher: What are we going to do next?

Children: Then we cut off the corners of the black square. We will get the detail of the bullfinch's head.

Teacher: Look at the following diagram. What will we do next?

Children: Now we need to connect, with glue, the torso and head.

Children: Glue the details of the wing. Then glue on the tail.

Educator: We discussed everything, and now we will do a warm-up for the eyes and proceed.

Exercise for the eyes "Bird"

The bird flew to the right

The bird flew to the left

The bird flew down

Oh, look - don't hurt yourself!

The bird soared a mile away

And sat on the nose!

Children begin to work under the guidance of a teacher. The song about birds "Everyone needs friends" sounds.

3. The final part (2 min.).

The teacher analyzes the work of the children, offers to evaluate their own work. Children collectively exhibit their works, creating a “flock of bullfinches”.

Prototype development in Lesson Notes section and published on 10th July, 2016
Your location is:

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Birds"


Expand children's knowledge about birds.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To consolidate knowledge about the size (big-small), color (yellow, red, blue, green), position in space (top-bottom, right-left), geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle).
Continue to learn to count a given number of items and indicate the number of numbers (1 and 2).
Improve the skills of drawing with fingers and pencils, gluing, modeling.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Develop auditory and visual perception.
Raise the desire to help the birds.


Demonstration pictures (crow, cuckoo, sparrow, nightingale, starling).
Pictures depicting a peacock, buttons of different colors and sizes.
Clothespins, silhouette images of birds.
Pictures depicting a large and small nest, cards with the numbers 1 and 2, eggs cut out of cardboard.
Silhouette image of an egg cut into two parts.
Plastic eggs, small bird toys.
Background picture for drawing berries, red finger paints.
Image of a seagull on a stick.
Paired pictures with the image of birds.
Picture background with a feeder, glue, groats, birds cut out of paper.
Cardboard blank "bird", wings cut out of paper, glue. Black plasticine.
Silhouette images of fish.
Background pictures with the image of a birdhouse on one edge of the sheet and birds on the other edge, pencils.
A picture depicting a woodpecker, a tree trunk with beetles and a caterpillar, which are covered with plasticine, stacks.
A picture depicting a birdhouse scheme, geometric shapes made of colored cardboard corresponding to the scheme.
A blank picture depicting a titmouse, black plasticine, yellow finger paints.
Audio recordings of bird voices, a song from the m / f “Who are the birds?”, “We will sprinkle crumbs for the birds”, “Nightingale” by Alyabyev.

Hearing the voices of the birds

Look at the picture - it's a crow bird. Listen to her voice. Try to say yourself like a crow "kar-r".

Look at the picture - this is a sparrow bird. Listen to his voice. Try to say yourself like a sparrow "chik-chirik."

Look at the picture - it's a cuckoo bird. Listen to her voice. Try to say yourself like a cuckoo "coo-coo".

Didactic exercise "Whose voice?"

Images of birds are placed in different places of the room. An audio recording of the voice of one of the birds is played, and the children must find the corresponding picture with their eyes, and then approach it.

Didactic exercise "Eggs in nests"

Here are the nests. Count them. How many nests are in the picture? Two nests. And the nests are the same or different. Different. One nest is large, the other is small. Show me the big nest. Show me a small nest.

Place one egg in the small nest and two eggs in the large nest.
Place the number 1 under the nest containing one egg. And what number do we put under the nest with two eggs? Number 2.

Didactic game "Fold a whole egg from parts"

This egg is broken. There was a chick in it. Grow up and crack an egg. To get outside. Let's try folding an egg. Make a whole out of parts.

The game "What's inside the egg?"

Take an egg from the basket, open it and see what's inside.

Children open plastic eggs and find toys depicting birds inside. Children call their bird, if they themselves cannot, calls an adult and asks the child to repeat.

Finger drawing "Berries for the bird"

In winter, birds feast on berries left on tree branches. Let's draw more berries for the birds.

Game with clothespins "Bird"

Attach clothespins to the bird so that it has a beak, paws and a beautiful tail.

Application "Birds on the feeder"

On a winter day among the branches
The table is set for guests.
board new,
Dining room for birds
Calling for dinner
Eat crumbs.

Spread glue on the surface of the feeder, pour the grits on top. Now the birds will fly, peck the grains. Glue the birds on the picture.

Musical exercise "We will pour crumbs for the birds"

Children ring bells to the music.

Construction "Birdhouse"

People help the birds when they feed them. And people also help birds when they build houses for them and hang them on trees. Here is a house - a birdhouse - for a starling bird.
Let's lay out a birdhouse of geometric shapes.

What geometric shapes did you use? What color is the square? Triangle, circle, rectangle?
Now take a stick and attach a perch to the birdhouse, on which the bird will sit. And here the starling flew to your birdhouse.

Visual activity "Help the birds fly into the birdhouse"

Pick up a birdhouse, a bird house, and attach it to a tree. Well done. Let's glue it on. Now let's take pencils and draw a path from each bird to the birdhouse.

Dynamic pause "Hurry up on the road"

Children move to the music, depicting the flight of a bird (walking, running, jumping).

Listening to music: "The Nightingale" by Alyabyev.

The corresponding audio recording is played.

Look at the picture carefully and think, who is not a bird in the picture? How did you guess? And who is it?

And now you need to find a bird in the picture that is different from other birds. Where is she?

Didactic game "Find a Pair"

Choose a picture of a bird. Find your bird another exactly the same second bird.

Finger gymnastics "Sparrow"

You are a baby, sparrow,
Do not be shy in the cold.
Hit the feeder with your beak,
Eat quickly.

Children interlock their thumbs and wave their palms, imitating the flight of a bird. Then they put the rounded right hand with the fingertips on the table and tap with the pad of the index finger. Then the same is done with the left hand.

And here is a bird called a peacock. The peacock has a beautiful tail.

And we will make it even more beautiful when we spread out the buttons on the feathers of the peacock tail.

Paper construction "Bird"

Glue your bird's eyes from black plasticine, one on each side of the head. And then glue the wings, also one on each side of the bird's body. (After finishing work, it is proposed to beat the craft).

Mobile game "Heat, cold"

And now let's play the game "Heat, cold." You guys will be sparrows. On the command "warm" - fly and chirp, and on the command "cold" - ruffle and squat next to each other.

Visual activity "Titmouse"

From a piece of black plasticine, children make an eye for a bird. And with yellow paint, paint over the bird's abdomen with a finger.

Exercise "Help the woodpecker find food"

The woodpecker is looking for bugs and worms under the bark of a tree. Take the stacks and remove the top part of the bark to find woodpecker food underneath.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Seagull"

And here is a sea bird seagull. Let's follow her flight with our eyes.
Here the seagull flew up. Flew to the left. Went down. It flew to the right. Spinning above the waves.

Dynamic pause "Seagulls catch fish"

And now the children are turning into birds - seagulls. Seagulls are birds of the sea, most of all they like to eat fish that they themselves catch in the sea. Go for the fish. Catch and bring back two fish. (The teacher asks the child how many fish he caught and what color they are).