Ogrn abbreviation decoding. State registration number

An example with the content of the OGRN by numbers is given in the table:


The symbols in the code have the following meanings:

  • P is a sign of referring the state registration number of the record. It can take the following values: 1 and 5 (OGRN sign), 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 - a sign of another record number.
  • DD - the year of entering information about the legal entity in the register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, indicated by the last two digits (for example, for 2019 - 19).
  • FF - the code of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the list of subjects established by the Constitution (for Moscow - 77).
  • РР - code of the Federal Tax Service that carries out registration.
  • XXXXX - number in the order of entry in the register, its calculation starts from the value "00001" every year.
  • С - checksum that allows you to check the correctness of the identifier assignment.

Why do you need OGRN

The identification code issued to a legal entity is used in parallel with other information, so why is OGRN needed and why only legal entities have it. This code must be indicated in the payment details of the company, in the information about the company on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, as well as on the portal public services... Also, the identifier must be indicated in any form in which information about the company is required, and there is a line intended for this. This identifier is used when changing the name of an organization, it can be used to verify a company or obtain certain information about its activities.

OGRN is assigned only upon registration legal entities... Individual entrepreneurs receive the OGRNIP code. Self-employed persons do not need to obtain such an identifier at all.

What can you find out by OGRN

The main state registration number is a valuable source of information about the company, what you can find out by OGRN is given in the list below:

  • Missing information about the counterparty or partner.
  • Information about the director of the organization. By OGRN you can find out the surname, name, patronymic of the head. Thanks to this, you can check the documents, whether certain documents, for example, a power of attorney, were actually signed by the current head of the legal entity.
  • The presence or absence of problems with state bodies for the head of the organization, is he on the list of unreliable persons of the Federal Tax Service.
  • The current status of the company - does it really exist, is the company closed. You can also check some information about the current state of affairs of the organization.
  • Accurate legal address organization specified in the company's registration record in the register.
  • Compare information in documents that come from partners with real data that is indicated about them in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in order to prevent the possibility of fraud.
  • The reliability of the company, the fact of its presence or absence in the black list of the local authority of the Federal tax service.

In general, the OGRN number performs an important function. It is assigned to the company for the entire period of its existence, without changing when the name or management changes. Thanks to this, you can always check the data on any legal entity. Using this identifier, you can track information about the company even after a long time.

When starting their own business, merchants are faced with huge amount identification and classification numbers that are assigned to their young enterprise. The business owner should be aware of how all of these identifiers differ from each other. Now we will tell you about the OGRN.

OGRN: what is it for

More recently, there were much fewer identifiers in Russia. This is understandable: after all, there were not many enterprises, and it was easier for the authorized bodies to classify them and keep statistics. Thus, JSC and LLC were assigned (individual taxpayer number), and this suited everyone.

Over the years, new business structures appeared, which entailed changes in the field legal relationship... Now the regulatory authorities could no longer be content with the TIN certificate. In 2001, a law came into force regulating the registration procedure for legal entities. This law was the first to record such a concept as:

OGRN- main state registration number.

The number is assigned to all organizations. It contains data on the form of ownership, date of foundation, territory in which the enterprise is registered, and the branch of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service) to which it belongs.

Decoding of the OGRN number

Many people know that TIN is just a serial number. OGRN is another matter. It is decrypted according to certain rules and contains more information than TIN.

Consider one of the codes (1-14-77-46-30576-2) and decipher it.

The code is formed by 13 digits in the format С-ГГ-КК-НН-ХХХХХ-Ч.

  • The code begins with the number 1, which is a sign of attribution and indicates that the number has been assigned to a legal entity. 2 - attribute state institution... The number 3 at the beginning of the number is the identity of the individual entrepreneur (in this case, the number is called not OGRN, but).
  • This is followed by two numbers (14), thanks to which we find out in what year the enterprise was formed (in this case, in 2014).
  • Then two numbers follow, indicating the place of registration of the legal entity. Each subject of the federation has its own number, fixed by law. 77 is the code of Moscow. Conclusions are not difficult to draw.
  • The numbers from the fourth to the seventh (in our example - 7746) - this is an indication of the branch of the tax service in the region. Specification is provided by the sixth and seventh digits. This example refers to the 46th Interdistrict Inspectorate of Moscow.
  • What is meant by the next five digits (30576)? - The number of the decision that gave birth to this organization. The tax service throughout the year enters the register with fresh data on decisions, but in this case we are talking only about serial numbers.
  • The final digit is a check digit and serves to verify the authenticity of the OGRN code. To find out if a certain combination of numbers is an OGRN code, you can use the OGRN online calculator or a special formula.

Of course, there are no two completely identical OGRN codes. Under the current accounting procedure, the numbers can be repeated no earlier than a century later (two digits indicating the date of foundation are responsible for this). In addition, the region number in combination with the branch number of the IFTS forms a unique combination, so that repetitions are excluded. A person who knows how to decipher the OGRN has the ability to extract much more useful information from this code than from the INN.

OGRN counterparty check

The reliability of the counterparty is the key to successful cooperation. Therefore, before concluding a deal, you must at least make sure that the organization (IP) with which you are going to deal really exists. The easiest way in this situation is to go to the FTS website and open a section containing information about entrepreneurs and legal entities. If you know the OGRN of your prospective partner, then you can easily find the organization itself, or make sure that such a number is not registered.

There is also a more complicated (but more reliable!) Way - submitting a request to the tax office. As a result, you will receive a statement confirming the information about the counterparty.

As for cooperation with an individual entrepreneur, knowing the name of the prospective partner, you can also find out his OGRNIP.

Why do you need to carefully study the information about the counterparty?

  • Firstly, to be sure that the legal entity is really registered.
  • Secondly, to ensure the accuracy of the securities provided by the counterparty.
  • Thirdly, to check the TIN, clarify the powers of the management and the legal address.
  • Fourth, to know for sure that the counterparty is not included in the "black list" of the Federal Tax Service.

Sometimes you can see that the PSRN and TIN have different codes. tax office... There is nothing reprehensible in this, because the issuance of the TIN is carried out by the local tax, and the OGRN is provided by the interdistrict.

OGRN is one of the most informative identifiers. It gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to verify the reliability of the counterparty.

Today, all enterprises, organizations and other legal entities during registration are assigned a large number of different numbers, codes, ciphers and identifiers, each of which has its own specific meaning.

Initially, government agencies used only an individual taxpayer number (TIN), however, as the number of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the emergence of new organizational and legal forms economic activity it became obvious that one individual number was not enough.

Since the TIN contains only the following information: to which inspection of the Federal Tax Service the organization is assigned, and under what serial number it is registered there, the TIN does not contain any other information.

After entry into legal force Federal Law dated August 8, 2001 No. 29-FZ "On state registration legal entities ", arose new form numbering of institutions, enterprises and organizations - OGRN, which stands for “ main state registration number ".

This identifier contains all the necessary information about:

  • The form of ownership of the organization.
  • Date of establishment of the company.
  • Subject Russian Federation to which it is assigned.
  • The tax office for which the company is assigned.

From the point of view of technical understanding, this is the code that each company receives when completing state registration. All legal entities of the Russian Federation are included in single register, according to its location, in which the PSRN is assigned.

At the same time, this number can be regarded as a guarantee that the owner or head of the company carries out its activities on legal grounds, which is confirmed by the documentation in which the OGRN appears.

In introducing this identifier, the Government pursued the following objectives:

  • Creation for market participants real opportunity check with the help of the OGRN the reliability of information about their counterparties and their conscientiousness.
  • Systematization of all legal entities in the country through the OGRN.
  • Strengthening control over the economic activities of existing legal entities and newly created ones when issuing OGRN in the tax service.

The decoding of the OGRN is carried out according to a certain method. As an example, consider decoding the number 1-13-77-46-40873-3 , which consists of thirteen digits in the format S-GG-KK-NN-XXXXX-CH:

  • 1 is a sign of attribution... If this number is at the beginning of the cipher, then a legal entity is encrypted in the OGRN, if number 2state organization, a if 3- an individual entrepreneur (but in this case it is no longer OGRN, but OGRNIP).
  • 13 - informs about that the organization was established in 2013.
  • 77 report that this legal entity was registered in Moscow. Since number seventy-seven is assigned to the city of Moscow in accordance with article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (each subject of the federation has its own personal number, complete list numbers are contained in article 65 of the Constitution).
  • Cumulative figures from the fourth to the seventh (7746) indicate already a specific inspection of the Federal Tax Service in a specific region of the country. In this case, the code contains the forty-sixth interdistrict inspection of the city of Moscow.
  • Next five digits indicate the number of the decision, according to which this legal entity was created. New records of decisions throughout the year are entered in the tax register, this number is also unique. In this PSRN, the number indicates that the organization was created according to the decision, under the number 40873 .
  • You can check the PSRN using the last thirteenth digit... All the first twelve digits make up a single number that is divisible by eleven. The remainder of the division is written to the thirteenth position in the number, in this cipher it is the number three. If the remainder is ten, then the last digit is zero.

The OGRN number is unique in its essence, there can be no two identical numbers. Only one year in the issue determines that the OGRN of various companies can repeat at least a hundred years later, however, an individual combination of the region number and the Federal Tax Service inspection will help to avoid such a repetition.

In practice, individual entrepreneurs (IE) often find themselves in a situation where they require an OGRN, TIN, and KPP for paperwork.

Entrepreneurs do not have OGRN, but, as in the case of State Registers, in which individual entrepreneurs are recorded in a separate register (EGRIP), there is an analogue for individual entrepreneurs - OGRNIP, which stands for "the main state registration number of the record on state registration of an individual entrepreneur".

OGRNP consists of 15 characters arranged in sequence SGGKKXXXXXXXXXCH, which stands for the following:

  • C (first character) denotes the attribute of the registration number: to OGRNIP - number three, to another state record number - number four.
  • Г and Г (second and third characters) denote the last two digits of the year in which the entry on the individual entrepreneur was entered into the State Register.
  • K and K (fourth and fifth characters)- This is the code designation of the subject of the country, established in accordance with the federal structure of Russia.
  • X - X (sixth to fourteenth digits) indicate the number of the entry that was entered in the State Register throughout the year.
  • H (fifteenth character) Is a check number, which is the remainder of the division of the previous fourteen-digit number by thirteen.

Each entrepreneur, upon registration, without fail receives a certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the corresponding OGRNIP.

Information about OGRNIP can also be ordered from Rosstat, where the number will be indicated in the extract of the register of statistics (the extract must be ordered at the local branch of Rosstat, this service is paid). Also, the entry code for entering the SP into the register is indicated in the extract from the USRIP. It is in these three documents that an individual entrepreneur can see his OGRNIP.

For users of online accounting called "Accounting Kontur" developed special service, allowing you to find the IP number on the OGRN absolutely free (within any paid tariff). It is enough for an entrepreneur in his personal account to make a request for an extract from the USRIP and in a few minutes she will come to Personal Area, a ready-made transcript in the statement can be obtained using the program from the tax office.

According to the extract, you can view the OGRNIP by TIN, as well as make a search by the OGRNIP of a specific individual entrepreneur (for example, check the OGRNIP of the counterparty under the contract).

Extract from EGRIP contains all data about an individual entrepreneur at the time recent changes:

  • Full name of the entrepreneur.
  • Citizenship.
  • Place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Method and date of termination of activities by an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  • The date of the state registration of an individual as an entrepreneur and the data of the document that confirms the fact of making an entry on state registration in the USRIP.
  • Information about the types of economic activities carried out by the individual entrepreneur.
  • Information about the licenses obtained by the entrepreneur.
  • Data on changes in information contained in the State Register.
  • Registration date, registration number, name government body who registered an individual entrepreneur - for entrepreneurs registered before January 1, 2004.

Video: what is OGRN and OGRNP

When creating a legal entity or registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur, we are faced with such concepts as OGRN, OGRNIP, TIN, KPP. What's this? And how is it deciphered?


It is unique main state registration number of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). OGRN and OGRNIP tax authorities began to assign to everyone since June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities" No. 438 of June 19, 2002.

The register is open, that is, any person has the right to apply to the registering authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or for any entrepreneur registered within the region that this registering authority serves.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRN - of 15.

They contain the following information:

1 digit - a sign of referring the state registration number of the record (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the record (amendments) - 2; to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3)

4, 5 digit - the ordinal number of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation according to the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation established by article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

6 and 7 digits - the code of the number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued the OGRN to a legal entity or the OGRN to an individual entrepreneur

from 8 to 12 (OGRN) digit and from 8 to 14 (OGRNP) digit - the number of the entry entered in the state register during the year

Digit 13 (OGRN) - check number: the remainder of the division of the previous 12-digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero)

Digit 15 (OGRNIP) - the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder of the division of the previous 14-digit number by 13, not 11.

An example of decoding OGRN:

Using the OGRN 1117746358608 as an example, consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination:

1 digit - 1. Responsible for assigning the record to the main state registration number.

2nd and 3rd digit - 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made in the state register.

4th and 5th digit - 77... This is the serial number of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - Moscow, that is, it was in this constituent entity that this enterprise was registered.

6 and 7 digits - 46. This code is directly responsible for determining the branch of the tax inspectorate itself - MI FTS RF No. 46.

8 - 12 digits - 35860. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was entered in the state register during the year.

13 digit - 8. Calculated check number.

An example of decoding OGRNIP:

Take as an example OGRNP 304500116000157, from this number you can get the following information:

1 digit - 3. Responsible for assigning the record to the main state registration number.

2nd and 3rd digit - 04. This is 2004 - the time when the entry was made in the state register.

4th and 5th digit - 50... This is the serial number of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the Moscow region, that is, it was in this constituent entity that this enterprise was registered.

6 and 7 digits - 01. This code is directly responsible for determining the branch of the tax inspectorate itself - IFTS for the city of Balashikha.

8 - 14 digits - 1600015. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was entered in the state register during the year.

15 digit - 7. Calculated check number.


It is unique tax identification number... Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. It has been assigned to organizations since 1993, individual entrepreneurs since 1997, and other individuals since 1999.

The difference in the number of digits of the code is 12 digits for individuals, 10 for legal entities.

The TIN contains the following information:

1 - 4 digit- code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN according to the Directory of Tax Authorities (SOUN)

5 - 10 digit(for individuals) and from 5 to 9 digits (for legal entities) - the ordinal number of the taxpayer record

11 and 12 digit(for individuals) and digit 10 (for legal entities) is a control number calculated according to a special algorithm established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

An example of decoding TIN:

Let's say TIN 500100732259, according to these figures we get the following information:

1 - 4 digits - 5001. This is the code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN - IFTS for the city of Balashikha.

5 - 10 digits - 007322. This is the ordinal number of the taxpayer record.

11 - 12 digits - 59... This is a control number calculated according to a special algorithm established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties..

Tax registration reason code. It is assigned together with the TIN only to organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals are not assigned.
The checkpoint code consists of nine digits and contains, according to the Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia dated 03.03.2004 N BG-3-09 / 178 as amended. dated 03.03.2004 No. BG-3-09 / 178 the following information:
1 - 4 digits - the code of the tax authority where the organization was registered;
5 and 6 digits - indicate the reason for the registration of the organization;
7 - 9 digits - indicate the serial number of registration with the tax authority.

The checkpoint is indicated in the certificate together with the TIN of the organization. The checkpoint must be affixed in declarations, payment documents, settlements in extrabudgetary funds... Since the individual entrepreneur does not have a checkpoint, the corresponding columns for them remain empty.

An example of a checkpoint decryption:

As an example, take the checkpoint 773301001 based on the data, we get:

1 - 4 digits - 7733... This is the code of the tax authority where the organization was registered - IFTS No. 33 for the city of Moscow.

5 and 6 digits - 01... This is the code of the reason for the registration of the organization - registration with the tax authority Russian organization as a taxpayer at the place of its location.

7 to 9 digits - 001... This is the serial number of registration with the tax authority.

The checkpoint does not contain a check number.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In order to create own business, you must register as an individual entrepreneur (IE) or.

The registration procedure is needed to identify established companies (IE) in the authorities state power and supervision. In this case, legal entities are assigned special codes and numbers, which become their official requisites.

Today we will consider what OGRN is and what it is for.

Decoding OGRN - what is it

OGRN is an abbreviation from the name "Main state registration number", and the name "Main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur".

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, each legal entity must be registered, and information about it must be entered into a single all-Russian information base data - in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (), and information about individual entrepreneurs - in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs ( EGRIP).

Each legal entity or individual entrepreneur is assigned a unique one, identifying his number OGRN. A certificate of this is issued to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur by the tax authority.

This certificate is one of the main ones in the package. constituent documents organization or individual entrepreneur. It indicates the following information:

  1. full and abbreviated name of the legal entity;
  2. registration date;
  3. directly the OGRN number;
  4. the name of the registering authority;
  5. position and full name of the person responsible for the registration procedure;
  6. the seal and signature of the registrar;
  7. series and number of the document.

* when you click on the picture, it will open in full size in a new window

How to find out OGRN by TIN

You can find out or check the PSRN in the mode online on the internet.

This can be done in 3 ways:

Find out OGRN by TIN on the website of the tax service

This is the most reliable way to get the information you need. What should be done:

How to decipher the OGRN number

The PSRN of a legal entity consists of 13 positions, and the PSRN of 15 positions. Consider what each of them means:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  1. 1st position:
    1. "1" or "5" - indicate that the number belongs to a legal entity,
    2. "3" - the number identifies the individual entrepreneur,
    3. "2, 6, 8" or "9" is the number of the state institution.
  2. 2nd and 3rd positions - last two digits of the year, in which the registration of the legal entity was made. person or individual entrepreneur. For example, the number "18" indicates that the registration was in 2018.
  3. 4 and 5 positions - indicate region code, in which the legal entity is registered. person or individual entrepreneur. The list of subjects of Russia is approved in Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Region codes can be found in the directory of the official website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS): nalog.ru/html/docs/kods_regions.doc. For example, the code "48" belongs to the Lipetsk region.
  4. 6 and 7 positions are the code inspection of the Federal Tax Service ( IFTS) where the company (or individual entrepreneur) is registered. This number can be found on the FTS website. What should be done:
    1. go to the main page of the official website: https://www.nalog.ru,
    2. in the upper field for selecting a region in the pop-up menu, find the name of the required subject of the Russian Federation,
    3. in the menu bar, click on the "Contacts" option,
    4. a list of inspections will appear on the screen,
    5. click on the required IFTS, all its contact details will be displayed.

    You can also do the opposite: knowing the inspection code (6 and 7 digits of the OGRN), it is possible to find out all the information of interest about this tax authority. For example, if you forgot which inspectorate supervises your legal entity (or individual entrepreneur), where it is located, and what its details are, do the following:

    1. determine the numbers 6 and 7 of the OGRN positions,
    2. follow the link to the FTS website: https://service.nalog.ru/addrno.do,
    3. fill in the suggested search form: select a region from the pop-up list,
    4. the numbers of all inspections of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation will appear,
    5. click on the desired number (the first two digits of this number are the region code, the third and fourth are digits 6 and 7 of the OGRN position),
    6. on the highlighted page, select from the pop-up menu and click on the "Next" button,
    7. all information about a specific IFTS will appear on the screen.
  5. 8 - 12 position for legal entities or 8 - 14 position for individual entrepreneurs is an ordinal record number in Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP during a given calendar year.
  6. 13 position for legal entities persons and 15 for individual entrepreneurs is a check digit. Calculation method: the number consisting of the previous 12 digits (for legal entities) and the previous 14 (for individual entrepreneurs) is divided by "11". The least significant bit of the remainder of the division is the check digit. For example, for legal entities. persons with the invented OGRN "123456789123" / 11 = 11223344465.7. Remainder = 7, hence the check digit = 7.

An example of decoding the OGRN of Sberbank

Let's analyze the OGRN of Sberbank: 1-02-77-00-13219-5. What we can learn from this issue:

  1. 1 - the company is a legal entity;
  2. 02 - registered in 2002;
  3. 77 - registration was carried out in Moscow;
  4. 00 is the code of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow (it is not in the IFTS directory);
  5. 13219 - number of the registration record of the company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  6. 5 - check number (102770013219/11 = 9342728474.45, least significant bit of the remainder = 5).

Read our blog and you will find out a lot of useful information for yourself!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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