What will change the implementation of the manufacture of furniture in advertising. Marketing in the furniture market

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Krasnikova Ekaterina Ivanovna, Dudchenko Lyubov Alexandrovna, Shteynikova Olga Evgenievna Department of "Commerce and commodity science" Amur State University

The most important task in consumer research is to find out what primarily influences their behavior. This allows you to modify products in a timely manner, improve sales channels, and change your advertising policy.

The furniture factory "Dauria" has been operating in the cabinet furniture market of the Amur Region for 11 years. The collection of comfortable and functional furniture is created taking into account the living conditions of the region. The factory specializes in the production of bedrooms, children's rooms, kitchens, computer tables and office furniture. It offers models that best meet the needs of customers, because the main requirement for products is quality. The products offered by the Dauria factory meet all the requirements state standards for safety and quality. All furniture is subjected to mechanical tests in laboratory conditions and has certificates of conformity. Production is carried out on machines of German and Italian companies. Most of these machines are computer controlled to provide high quality products.

In 2009, the proceeds from the sale of the factory's products amounted to 56,281 thousand rubles, which exceeds the results of 2007 by 43.8%. In 2009, kitchen furniture accounted for the largest share in the structure of marketable products - 45.4%; bedroom and children's furniture is also in good demand (23.7 and 12%, respectively).

In order to study the preferences of furniture consumers, Dauria Furniture Factory LLC conducted research on March 13-17, 2008 and March 14-22, 2009.

The locations for the surveys were shopping malls furniture factory.

Both in 2008 and 2009, 200 people were interviewed: 50 people in each furniture store.

Analysis of the results of the study of furniture consumers "Dauria"

In 2008, every fourth respondent believed that the range of furniture in Blagoveshchensk was wide. Two times less respondents thought that the assortment was narrow.

In 2009, it was noted that the furniture in the city is good, but at the same time expensive and has a narrow assortment (Table 1).

Table 1. Analysis of respondents' opinions about furniture in Blagoveshchensk

In 2008, every fourth respondent planned to purchase furniture for the living room and kitchen.

In 2009, the main preferences have not changed. The share of those wishing to purchase a computer desk increased by 3%, while the demand for children's and bedroom furniture decreased by 6% and 3%, respectively (Table 2).

Table 2. Types of furniture planned for purchase

In 2008, every third respondent was going to purchase new furniture due to the wear and tear of the old one, every fourth in connection with a change in living conditions or renovation of furniture after the repair of the apartment.

In 2009, the share of respondents purchasing new furniture after apartment renovation increased by 6%, and by 4% due to the increase in the number of family members. At the same time, the proportion of respondents wishing to purchase furniture decreased by 10% due to the wear and tear of old furniture, which is to some extent associated with a decrease in the purchasing power of Blagoveshchensk residents during the economic crisis (Table 3).

Table 3 Analysis of the reasons for purchasing furniture

In 2008 every fourth respondent was ready to pay from 20 to 25 thousand rubles for a bedroom, and in 2009 already from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

In 2008, every third among the respondents was ready to pay from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles for a kitchen, while in 2009 price preferences vary greatly.

The amount that the respondents are willing to spend on purchasing furniture for the nursery has significantly increased: in 2008 it amounted to from 15 to 20 thousand rubles, and in 2009 it was already from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

In 2008, every third respondent was ready to spend 25,000 to 40,000 rubles on living room furniture, while in 2009 about half of the respondents were ready to pay only 20,000 to 35,000 rubles (Table 4).

Table 4 Estimation of funds planned for the purchase of furniture, %

The main factors for choosing furniture in 2008 were:

  • for the bedroom - is the quality, color, price;
  • for the kitchen - functionality, quality, color;
  • for a children's room - color, quality, environmental friendliness;
  • for the living room - quality, color, design;
  • computer desk - price, quality, functionality.

In 2009, the main factors for choosing a bedroom, a computer desk and a nursery have not changed. For the kitchen and living room, the price came to the fore, and then the quality and color. Thus, due to the crisis, the price has become one of the main factors of choice for all types of furniture.

In 2008, the main criteria for choosing a store to buy furniture were the assortment, high quality of goods and the availability of discounts. In 2009, the value of the "assortment" criterion, as well as "own purchase experience" and "advertising" increased slightly. But at the same time, the share according to the criterion “high quality of goods” decreased by 7.5%, the image of the company became less significant for consumers. (Table 5).

Table 5 Evaluation of criteria for choosing a store to buy furniture

In 2008, 43% of buyers had no preference for a furniture manufacturer. A third of the respondents preferred domestic manufacturers from other regions, and only every fifth respondent preferred furniture from local manufacturers.

In 2009, more than half of the respondents had no preferences regarding the manufacturer. The proportion of respondents who prefer local producers has halved, which is a serious problem for the Dauria factory (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. Evaluation of buyer preferences by furniture manufacturers

In 2008, more than half of the respondents preferred to purchase ready-made furniture with delivery on the day of purchase. When ordering on an individual project, 20% of customers were willing to wait up to two weeks.

In 2009, respondents still prefer to buy ready-made furniture, but the number of respondents for whom the option of purchasing furniture does not matter has more than doubled. At the same time, the number of those who are ready to wait two weeks for an order for an individual project has significantly decreased (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Analysis of respondents' preferences by options for purchasing furniture

In the first study, more than a third of respondents believed that it was necessary to purchase new furniture for the bedroom and living room every 6-8 years. 2/3 of the respondents considered it necessary to change the kitchen set every 6-11 years.

In the second study, the opinion about the frequency of purchasing furniture for the living room and bedroom did not change. At the same time, in 2009 the number of those who believe that the kitchen set should be changed more often - once every 6-8 years (Table 6) increased.

Table 6 Assessment of the frequency of furniture acquisition

In 2008, about 2/3 of the respondents had heard of the Dauria furniture factory. In 2009, the situation remained virtually unchanged.

In 2008, almost half of the respondents confirmed the possibility of purchasing furniture from the factory. In 2009, the number of respondents who noted a certain probability of purchase increased significantly, while the number of those who doubt whether they will buy or not buy at all is decreasing (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Analysis of the intention of visitors to purchase furniture from the Dauria factory

As a result of the study, a portrait of the target segments of furniture buyers was revealed (Table 7).

Table 7 Analysis of furniture buyer segments in 2008 and 2009

Segment of kitchen furniture

In 2008, these are women aged 21 to 30, higher or incomplete higher education, employed, married and having a family of three. They live in three-room comfortable apartments. Income for each family member from 9,001 to 12,000 rubles.

In 2009, only the level of income per family member changed noticeably: up to a level of 12,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Bedroom furniture segment

In 2008, these are women aged 21 to 30, higher or incomplete higher education, employed, married and having a family of two. They live in two-room comfortable apartments. Income for each family member from 12,001 to 15,000 rubles.

In 2009, the following changes took place: the age increased - these are women from 31 to 40 years old, the number of family members increased to three people, and the number of those who live in three-room apartments also increased significantly.

Children's furniture segment

In 2008, these were women aged 21 to 30, higher or incomplete higher education. By socio-professional status - employees or workers. Married and having a family of three. They live in three-room comfortable apartments. Income for each family member from 3,001 to 6,000 rubles.

In 2009, there were changes in the socio-professional status of consumers - now they are entrepreneurs, housewives and employees. Income per family member increased to more than 15,000 rubles per family member.

Segment of living room furniture

In 2008, these were women aged 41 to 50, higher education or incomplete higher education, employees. Married and having a family of four. They live in three-room comfortable apartments. The income for each family member is more than 9 thousand rubles.

In 2009, the following changes took place: women aged 21 to 30 became the main consumers of living room furniture, the number of family members decreased to three people, and the number of those who live in two-room apartments increased. Income per family member increased to more than 15,000 rubles per person.

The information obtained during the study is useful for making or correcting the following management decisions:

  • organization of purposeful work with each of the consumer groups, segmented in relation to the types of furniture;
  • building advertising messages targeted at each of the four consumer groups;
  • improving consumer information about the characteristics of furniture: color, size, material of manufacture, etc.;
  • provision of additional services required by consumers;
  • improving the quality of service.

So, at the moment the company has a rather limited exhibition space, in furniture stores it needs to look for other ways to inform customers about the full range of the factory and its capabilities.

Knowing your customer allows a company to better understand what the customer needs and what guides them in making a purchase decision. This information will help the company produce a product that will meet the requirements, expectations, image and status of the consumer, which will ultimately affect sales.

Andrey Renard
vice president consulting company EMS

I want to support the discussion started in the last issue of "Furniture Business" with the article "It's hard to catch a black cat in a dark room." True, I have to admit that the questions posed by the magazine are more likely to give rise to a second wave of marketing hypotheses than clear and precise answers based on correct statistical data. However, a hypothesis is a link on the path to truth. And, I hope, already therefore it is not useless.

Over the past year, the picture on the furniture market has indeed changed many times: either a sharp decline in sales in January, or an unexpected stagnation and delay in the start of the season, or its rapid development. At the same time, it was most upsetting that the majority of experts and market participants really could not clearly explain what was happening. We are talking about the majority, and not about all, but it is this majority that carries out what is called the general movement of the industry. Much said that market participants do not fully understand what is happening. Working on the furniture market for a long time, we tried to understand the situation. The result was nine hypotheses about the current state and development vectors of the furniture market.

But first I would like do away with some persistent myths.

Myth one. Sales in the furniture market are steadily growing.

Not! This was not the case in 2005! At least when communicating with fairly responsible furniture market leaders (probably giving more than 60 percent of sales in total), we heard their complaints: “Here, everyone’s sales are growing, but ours are falling!” One Commercial Director he even persuaded us: “Explain to my general manager that everyone’s sales are falling! He got it from somewhere that everyone sells more, and he is chasing us.”

In 2005 sales did not grow! At least we can responsibly declare that the volume of sales for 9 months of this year in ruble terms was even somewhat lower than last year.

Myth two. To survive, you need to start producing cheaper furniture.

Not! And again no! Then we move to another battlefield - not ours! Requires a different organization of production, a different marketing system. We'll touch on this issue a bit later...

Myth three. Furniture makers will be saved by good sales managers.

Not! They will be saved by a fundamentally different construction of the control system. Today's development reserve lies in the application of effective management technologies, in reducing the influence of owners on the management process, in the emergence of a new class of independent hired managers - up to CEO. Actual delegation of authority to heads of departments. Clear budgeting. And other management tools, including marketing management.

And now about hypothetical scenarios. About how to live the furniture market.

Hypothesis #1. The same "medium-term stagnation" that many talked about in the spring, and which, in fact, was a harbinger of a market contraction, should, apparently, mean that the rate of return is declining. The hyper-profitability of the furniture market in recent years (even if you do not take into account the "crazy nineties") is a thing of the past. It is necessary to restructure the entire business under some completely different economic structure and under different expectations. Of course, this is only a hypothesis so far, we do not yet know what caused the stagnation. And all the behind-the-scenes talk about consumer lending, allegedly diverting money from the furniture market to home appliances and automobiles, as well as discussions about the formation of the next layer of buyers, only emphasize our lack of understanding of the reasons for such market behavior. Are there objective conditions for high profitability in the coming year? What rate of return can you expect? It is much more reasonable, in our opinion, to prepare to work with a significantly lower percentage net profit than yesterday and today.

Hypothesis #2. If the profitability of sales is seriously reduced, then this means an even greater danger of seasonal fluctuations. A few percent reduction in sales from planned - and we are approaching a serious line. Where to get funds to maintain production? What to do in the off season? There is an assumption that today's Russian furniture business is not ready for off-season recessions, and for many this period can become critical. A large share of fixed costs, the lack of "off-season supply" to the market are significant threat factors. Cut costs? Transfer most of the workers to "seasonal workers"? And where, then, is all our talk about retaining qualified personnel, about training an internal production elite, etc.? And this issue is not solved overnight.

Hypothesis #3. Let's think about the length of the so-called "distribution chain" - about the channels for promoting furniture. The question of an adequate trade margin from the selling price is also indirectly hidden here. How many intermediaries will there be between the factory and the buyers? Some time ago, we had 5-6 links in the chain from the manufacturer to the end consumer. How many will there be tomorrow? It seems to us that already in 2006 between the manufacturer and the furniture store, if there is an intermediary, then only one. And this one is a very concrete and clear character. This is a holding trading structure with its own logistics and its own warehouses (as one of the dealers joked, “my transit warehouses”). She will not work with any one manufacturer, will not focus on one type of furniture (upholstered, cabinet). She will have quite favorable conditions from manufacturers - both due to guaranteed selection of volumes, and due to (which is much more important!) Work with the entire range of factories (or with most of it) and the ability to plan sales. The advantage of such an intermediary is in logistics, in knowledge of the product and in contacts, that is, in well-established communications with manufacturers and retailers.

In the same time large stores will continue to work directly with manufacturers, largely taking on the functions of this intermediary.

Hypothesis No. 4. As if answering the question about the length trade chain, many factories create their own regional warehouses. Those companies that are on the periphery, one after another, open Moscow representative offices. Many manufacturers are involved in endless negotiations on the creation of trade and purchasing unions, joint trading houses ...

What's this? Attempts to build their own distribution networks? But why do we need a regional warehouse today? These are additional frozen funds, an increase in the cost of promoting the product. These are always some kind of conflicts with large dealers operating in the same region. It is also understandable when manufacturing companies located 300–500 km from Moscow set up a warehouse in the capital, believing that it is more convenient for their customers to take goods from there than to go to the factory.

But the outlying province is a different matter. It is believed that the regional warehouse is just an additional storage point for products, created for greater convenience of customer service. But here we run into competent logistics, constant maintenance of the assortment - issues that are often not resolved even in the main warehouses. A regional warehouse could significantly increase sales and increase the presence of a manufacturing company in the market if it were possible to build logistics. However, most of today's suppliers do not know how to effectively manage warehouses located at a distance of 20 meters from the sales department: goods are not released according to the invoices issued, the shipment time can be shifted by a day or two, the availability of goods in the warehouse sometimes does not correspond to databases, etc. It is probably naive to assume that a warehouse at a distance of two hundred or two thousand kilometers will work more efficiently.

Now, if only ... If only logistics, and computer networks, and effective internal communication, and optimization of product release, and that all papers are prepared in one place ... Then, probably, the regional warehouse would work as an effective model and would be a serious competitor to those very large dealers, or trade structures. But since the idea will be implemented "as always", there is an assumption that regional warehouses, with rare exceptions, will not survive.

"Representation" as a business unit very quickly comes into conflict with corporate policy sales and product strategy. The representative office has to expand the assortment if it is faced with the need to pay for itself with all its expenses (and it has “big PR” and palm trees in the office).

Let's assume that "representation" is a temporary model in the furniture market, which will last only as long as companies do not build effective relationships with large dealers. The regional representation of a furniture manufacturer, if it is not a “remote sales manager”, is an unjustified hole in the budget.

Hypothesis #5. What about retail? More precisely - with its own retail. So to speak, with "our retail" ... Many stores were created as a branded chain representing the products of the factory, but as a result, they turned into stores of general demand and an unclear assortment. They are forced to exhibit and sell products of other manufacturers - to expand the range. Today in "branded salons" you can often see not only a mixture of upholstered, cabinet and other furniture, not only additional accessories- landscaping, Stuffed Toys, lamps, curtains, but also (oh, horror!) products of competitors!

And because it's not enough! For the payback of the store, set in conditions of survival, and to ensure profit. Will continue to develop own shops manufacturers? Undoubtedly! But: exclusively as a marketing platform, living on subsidies from the marketing budget.

Hypothesis No. 6. At the May exhibition, many manufacturers from different cities (we will not quarrel with anyone, we are fantasizing!) showed new samples. This is a kind of average "unisex" furniture: it is not expensive and not cheap, it is not functional, but not stylish either - it is not. Perhaps this is the way to mass furniture and to the mass segment? But what is this “mass segment” today? Who can really work in it today, except for Ikea? With such low margins and such high volumes? Let's close our eyes to the fact that Ikea worked at a loss in Russia for three years - this was allowed by corporate strategy. Today, the Swedes operate at a profit. Moreover, they make a profit not only due to volumes, but due to the product itself, its price. Are there domestic players capable of competing with Ikea in the mass market? In our opinion, they are not. To work in the mass segment, you need a fundamentally different system of business organization.

Let's put forward the following hypothesis: Russian furniture makers today cannot provide a truly large-scale production of furniture at low prices. And if any commercial network, focused on a "budget" buyer, wants to sell, for example, kitchens "for three kopecks", she will be forced to place orders with a mass of small factories (that is, to act in the same way as Ikea) - according to her own samples, with strict requirements for selling price, deadlines, etc.

Hypothesis number 7. In Europe - and our experts and players tell us this all the time - serial furniture production caters to the middle class. We are striving to transfer this model to domestic soil. But in Europe, the profitable segment is indeed the medium or medium-high, while in our country “mass demand” is completely different. Hence the next question: is there a middle segment? And let's stop confusing each other: products oriented to the "middle segment" in Germany, for example, belong either to the highest price segment or do not find buyers at all. Today's view of manufacturers on the so-called middle class is extremely vague, it is vague. We do not really know either this consumer or his preferences. If the middle class exists, then today's furniture market knows nothing about it.

And this can be seen in many products oriented, according to manufacturers or designers, "to the middle class." It is difficult to imagine a buyer to whom such different and dissimilar things are addressed, and most often they do not have their own unique appearance.

Hypothesis #8. Our manufacturing companies are actively developing their trademarks. Launching your own brand is the favorite pastime of most directors and presidents. Probably, I must admit: the vast majority of buyers absolutely do not care about the manufacturer's brand, no matter how much they invest in its promotion. By the way, what is generally included in the concept of a brand on Russian market? "I know this brand, it must be good" - right? Not really. If the long life of a brand, for example, in Europe is really supported by something - style, history, consumption experience, a precise focus on the values ​​of the audience, then what happens to our "brands"? Recall: we are talking about the furniture market ... "Social branding" ("I buy at Marks & Spencer and go to Rover”), as, for example, in America, we do not have. Still, most likely our Russian buyer is absolutely indifferent to the furniture brand of the manufacturer. Or the least interesting. Will the so-called “no-brand productions” develop in this regard? Will our manufacturers come to terms with their ambitions? Maybe not to spend a small profit on investments in the brand, but to achieve greater production efficiency? To increase volumes, in the end? Or do we still invest in the “brand section”?

Hypothesis #9. Marketing budget: what is it and what does it include? There is a suspicion that today the marketing budget of many furniture companies is insufficient. There are even more suspicions that, in terms of its structure, it is “not about that.” Unfortunately, the marketing budget is still mostly advertising. By the way, about today's furniture market, we can say that three-quarters, if not more, of advertising costs are wasted. And, unfortunately, it is often possible to say which ones go to waste, as was already rightly said in the previous article. At the same time, companies (the trend! There are exceptions) do not allocate a marketing budget and do not understand these costs. “We have weak marketing!”, “It is impossible to find strong marketers in the furniture market! they just don't exist!" - familiar slogans and cries. Yes, there is no marketing in the furniture industry today. Marketing as a "technique for making a profit". Marketing either goes into the “service personnel” zone, becoming an internal division that works directly for the first person and substantiates his crazy ideas (sometimes very interesting ones). Or marketing goes into analytical research work (such departments are periodically liquidated). Or marketing is equated to a manager in the sales department. Today, furniture makers do not have marketing precisely because they do not know why it is needed. Today's marketing, even if imperfect, costs 100 rubles, and perfect marketing is already ten times more expensive. But if you do not understand the value of this, then you will not pay a ruble. And today, in obedience to certain priorities, a kind of “false marketing” is being launched. Today's "marketers", who have reached the heights of positions and salaries, begin to move from one company to another, without going beyond the borders of the furniture market, continue to produce, replicate their lack of professionalism in new companies. The same marketers who understand that companies would be needed do not find work, or rather, “fly out”, come into conflict with the management, because they sit opposite the CEO and torment him: until you explain, we won’t understand who will buy this furniture, we don't have to do that. A professional marketer is inconvenient, which is largely why there is no marketing today. Furniture manufacturers do not have good marketers, because directors and managers do not know how to work with marketers. Largely because of the self-confidence and aplomb of today's leaders of furniture companies. They themselves know everything, they themselves understand everything, they understand everything. We do not undertake to argue with this, but we offer them to deal with the current situation.

We'll see, as they say...

We will start this entertaining topic with consideration of the basic principles of marketing, which do not depend on the field of activity in which you work. We single out five main ones:

  • The manufacture and sale of goods must necessarily be of interest to end consumers, correspond to the competitive situation in the market and, of course, the capabilities of the manufacturers themselves;
  • Satisfy all the needs of end users with a mandatory high technical and aesthetic level of the product;
  • Bringing the product to market at the time of the highest market opportunity for the product;
  • Regular improvement of the manufactured or sold product;
  • A strategic approach to respond immediately to changing market demand.

All these basic marketing principles are very important and relevant in the furniture market. After all, for all of us, buying furniture is an important decision that we make. Therefore, the manufacture and sale of furniture must necessarily meet our requirements, the requirements of consumers. Otherwise, the demand for manufactured furniture will decrease. It is also very important to take into account the situation in the furniture market, because. competition is constantly intensifying, and end-user demand is not significantly increasing. Competition can “destroy” a company that is starting to work in the furniture market, not allowing it to “get on its feet”. Therefore, any company in the furniture business must be competitive. It is very important to constantly analyze your capabilities and fight against competing companies.

To ensure demand for your product, it must be liked by the end buyer and satisfy all needs. The main thing to remember is that it is very important that your company is known as much as possible in the furniture market. the best and effective advertising when you hear from your friends: "And this company makes excellent furniture from the most modern and excellent quality components ...". That's what advertising is for, to help you get your first customers. Advertising can be expensive, but also low-budget, but no less effective. It largely depends on your professionalism and, of course, opportunities!

In most cases, marketing is understood as activities that stimulate sales and engage in its advertising. In fact, the implementation of your product is only one of the components of furniture marketing and not the most important one. For that. To be competitive, a company needs to pay particular attention to the following marketing activities:

  • identify the needs of your product in the market,
  • to develop the goods necessary for the market (supply of components) with the establishment of a competitive price,
  • debug the system of regular stimulation of demand.

furniture market in last years shows, though small, but constant growth Therefore, it is very important to take marketing in the furniture business to a new higher level.

Marketing Features

The most famous marketing specialist in Russia. Igor Mann is the author of seven books that have become bestsellers.

And now some theory. We need to understand a variety of marketing functions and concepts.

Consider the concept Needs like needs for something. Our needs are varied and multidirectional. We also need to buy furniture. Our needs grow with the development of our society. Furniture manufacturers are taking conscious actions to create demand and the desire of the end consumer to have more and more new and improved types of furniture. Manufacturers provide and form the relationship between manufactured products and the needs of the end consumer. A marketer in the furniture market does not create a need, it already exists on the market to one degree or another. But our needs are truly enormous, but we buy only the product that gives us maximum satisfaction.

Need, on the basis of purchasing power, is Demand. A consumer's choice of a product may change depending on changes in the price of the product and the income of the consumer. The end consumer will choose only the furniture he needs, which most closely matches his needs at the moment. With the change in the aesthetic needs of the consumer and his budget, his preferences for the company where he was previously going to purchase furniture may also change.

Product, this is what is able to satisfy the demand of the buyer and is sold on the market. The more the product meets the needs of the buyer, the more the furniture manufacturer will achieve. The concept of Goods includes everything that can provide a service, in fact, satisfy the need for Need. We conclude that the sale of furniture is also a commodity.

The exchange of any goods by agreement between the two parties is Deal. The buyer gives the seller a certain amount of money and receives the goods he needs. The money deal went through.

Under Market we understand all available and potential consumers goods. So the furniture market consists of end consumers who plan to buy the furniture they like and from manufacturers, furniture distributors.

It is usually believed that only furniture distributors are engaged in marketing, but this is not true. Consumers and manufacturers are also involved in marketing. When searching for components, the procurement officer of the manufacturer's company does a lot of work in choosing a company that offers quality components. So the end consumer makes a choice between several furniture manufacturers. Marketing activities are usually presented as questions facing the furniture company in the consumer market. On the domestic market Now there are a lot of offers, but the demand is not the same as the manufacturer would like.

Marketing, according to the state of demand in the furniture market

conversion marketing used when there is no demand in the market, i.e. a large enough segment of the market cannot accept your product. The purpose of this marketing will be to change the negative attitude of buyers towards your product. As a tool we offer:

  • product change,
  • effective product promotion,
  • share price reduction.

promotional marketing applies when there is no demand for your product due to the indifference of buyers to it. Stimulating marketing is to identify these causes and the formation of a series of activities aimed at their eradication.

Developmental marketing inseparable from modeling the demand for your product or service.