What to do if you chose not your specialty. If you chose the wrong profession: amazing pictures from a Canadian teacher

It is insanely disappointing to spend several years at the university on something that, as it turned out, will not be useful to you at all in life. Even if you mastered your profession at home, it is still very unpleasant, because you have invested a lot of time and effort in your training, and now you are unable to work in your specialty, and instead of a dream position, you are forced to do something completely different. If you understand that you can’t manage to work in your specialty, you are terribly bored, you don’t feel spiritual uplift, this is an occasion to think about whether you made a mistake with your choice of profession?

Help from parents

Did your parents help you choose a profession? Sometimes, trying to make their children happy and wishing them well, parents completely forget that their offspring are also individuals with their own tastes, desires and preferences. Being unable to understand and fully realize this, mothers and fathers put pressure on children, forcing them to adapt to their expectations, while destroying dreams and goals. In addition, it is very difficult for most parents to come to terms with the fact that their sons and daughters do not at all meet the expectations that mothers and fathers have already managed to invent for themselves even before the birth of their offspring. Therefore, psychologists assure that a large number of unsuccessful career choices are due to the “help” of parents who simply forced their son or daughter to make a decision in favor of the specialty that moms and dads wanted to get.

Also, choose your future profession, as a rule, occurs at an age when people are not yet completely confident in their strengths and capabilities, and most often rely on the opinion and advice of their parents. Therefore, if you do not feel satisfied with life and work, most likely the fact is that you have chosen a profession that your mom and dad would like, and not you.

Inability to complete tasks

You found a job in your specialty, go there regularly and try your best, but every time it turns out that you made a mistake, did something wrong, and therefore your management was dissatisfied with your work. Attributing everything to the nitpicking of the authorities, you quit and look for new job, where the situation is repeated almost one to one. Why is it so?

Surely you thought that you were doing something wrong, but the point here is not at all your laziness or the inability to fully and completely concentrate on your affairs. The fact is that you once chose the wrong profession and now you simply do not feel in your place. You do not invest wholly and completely in your work, do not enjoy it, therefore, more and more often you make mistakes that everyone who does something that does not bring him any joy periodically makes.

One of the most difficult tests in youth is to go to college. Excitement and fear of a new road sometimes overwhelm applicants to exhaustion. And now, the most difficult thing is already behind - the exams have been passed and now you have become a student of a higher educational institution. Student life has gained momentum, but suddenly you realize that everything is fine, but that's just the specialty that you entered is not the same ... - she doesn’t care, she doesn’t take it for the soul. And what's next? How to work, after graduation, in your specialty, without love for your profession?

It is best when an unsatisfied awareness of the chosen profession comes during the first year, after which it is not too late to pick up the documents and enter the specialty that attracts more. But, if understanding came in the third or fourth year, then it is worth considering a few important factors before making major changes in your life.

1. Having taken the documents from the institute, without having completed the finals, three or four years of life are lost. Does it make sense?

2. Crust about higher education, one way or another, raises the status of a young specialist, and is always welcome when applying for a job.

3. After graduating from the institute, and enrolling in the one that you like, you will have two higher educations on your hands, which open up great opportunities for a young specialist.

4. Having a diploma in hand, in order to obtain a second specialty, it is not always necessary to enter a higher educational institution. It is enough to take a course in a certain direction.

5. Maybe you can study for a specialty you like at the same institute, which, in many higher institutions, provides an opportunity to study at several faculties at once.

But, often, it also happens that disappointment in choosing a profession comes not because the student saw himself in a different role, but because of insufficient awareness of the direction of his activity. Then, before you change anything, you should try to find out about all possible employment options after graduation. Delve deeper into the knowledge of your specialty, the work of the institute and all the directions that take place in your highest institution. Perhaps, after talking with the teaching staff and understanding in detail the specifics of your field, you will have a desire to continue your studies.

Well, in the end, no one is forbidden to acquire two professions at once. That's just for this you need to have patience and strength to keep up with everything at once. By the way, the option of full-time and, at the same time, distance learning, saves years, which is not so unimportant for every person.

In any case, as they say, there are always two ways out of this situation. But, most importantly, before changing anything, analyze in detail the consequences of your decision so that the next step does not become another mistake, the correction of which will take precious years.

This year I graduated from medical university. It was time for residency and I went to anesthesiology-resuscitation. My husband's parents helped me get the target destination, but it was not easy to do. And now I'm in residency, which was so difficult to get into. But, I'm sick of going to classes, the specialty disappointed me. I cry all the time. From hopelessness or something ... there is actually a way out, and it is simple - to leave an unloved profession, take a year off from school, earn extra money for an internship in another specialty, and be more picky in the future. But it’s not easy to leave, what will your husband’s parents say? After all, they spent so much effort to get me this target. So many connections have been made... What should I do?

Hello Marina!
How interesting you wrote "What your husband's parents will say" It seems that you feel some kind of dependence on them, as if you owe them. Why do you need this dependent role? What are you afraid of? Become bad, condemnation, disapproval and rejection of you? Answer yourself these questions, then it will be easier for you to understand your feelings.

After all, it happens that a person changed his mind that he tried and did not like it. This is your life and you have the right to change your decisions. How long can you pretend and lie to others that you are doing well, that you are happy ... Think about what pushed your husband's parents to help you with a referral? Is it not love for you and your son, your husband, is it not a wish that you be happy? And are you happy now? Does your psychological state affect your relationship with your husband, relatives, your well-being?

I would recommend working here with feelings, what really stops you, what is holding you back from taking a step towards changes_ whether your husband’s parents really are or maybe something else ... Why is there such a rejection of the chosen profession “that you don’t feel like nausea” .. Body because he never lies...

Such questions are dealt with, of course, at a personal consultation. There are many unexpected and curious things behind the inability to make a decision and take a step. But there are also secondary benefits, this is also an important and deep topic when making decisions to change something in life ... I recommend that you contact a specialist in your city.

Pryakhina Elena Olegovna, psychologist in Saratov

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Hello Marina!

You are all correct! The main thing is that work or study should be Favorite!

The question is, what to do with the feeling of Guilt that has arisen in front of the husband's Parents?

Look, if you convey to them the value of your act and can equally thank them, then there will be a Balance in your relationship! No one owes nothing to nobody! Think about how you can compensate for the efforts of your husband's Parents? Sketch out the options, and discuss it with your husband, He knows them better!

And for the future: Marina, 2 positions are mixed in you at once, Children's (I don’t know what to do!) - a position of weakness and helplessness; And Adult (Husband's parents - they won't understand! This is some kind of reasoning and striving with a balance in relationships, as if they are your equals) But you are a child! the wife of their child! And they are parents! So, parents give and children take! And for Parents, balance is respect from children!

Best regards, Dmitry!

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It’s very hard for me. I chose the wrong profession. Nothing works in life! I want to die
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Nadia, age: 03/19/2015


Nadia, this is fixable, do not despair. Transfer to another educational institution, or to another faculty. Or let there be two educations, one just for training, for development, and the second for practice, for work in the future. You'll be fine, just don't panic. I wish you success!

Irina, age: 03/27/2015

Nadia, hello! It is a pity that you did not write what profession you chose and why it does not suit you. But I am sure that while you are only at the beginning of your studies, you have the opportunity to transfer within the framework of your university to another specialty without any special difficulties and losses. Consider this possibility, consult with the administration of your educational institution. When I was a student in my third year, I suddenly also realized that I wasn’t drawn to the university, I didn’t want to go to steam at all. "Not mine," I decided. But at the end of the third year, purely profile subjects began and I was directly "dragged". I’m still glad that I didn’t hurry with the decision and nevertheless decided to finish my studies, although I already planned to get another specialty (or study in parallel) after graduating from my “unloved” profession. And why do you think that you can't do anything? And if everything worked out the way you want, what would your life be like today? What would you do right now, at this very moment? Sometimes, a simple analysis of what we want gives us the answer to the question of how to achieve this and whether we even need it ... Good luck with everything! Live please!

Miroslava, age: 03/27/2015

Nadia, you're only 19! Life is just beginning. You can relearn a hundred times. Transfer to another faculty if you are studying at a university. Or to another school. Go through all the options. You can go to the evening - at least for a fee. In the evening it is easy to study and you can always have the opportunity to work or earn extra money.
Many people only closer to 30 go to the second higher education or retraining. And now you can choose what you want. Everyone makes mistakes. Nothing so fatal. Good luck!

Valeria, age: 32 / 21.03.2015

Nadyuha, what are you doing? Choose the wrong profession, choose another! A man differs from a working horse in that his life is valuable in itself, regardless of his labor achievements. Daughter, niece, wife, sister, girlfriend are loved not for letters from the Ministry. Sweet girl, you're only 19 years old. At our university, in the correspondence department, aunts who are good for you are studying. In old age, they decided to change their profession or deepen their knowledge. And okay! People change professions five or six times during their lives, looking for what is more suitable. Here you are, who would you like to be? Well, don't let it be. What do you like? Think about it and try to move in that direction. Good luck to you!

Elena, age: 58 / 03/21/2015

Hello, Nadya! I quit university twice and still found my favorite profession the third time, it's okay if you don't like some profession, you can always change, now personal talents and abilities are generally more valued than a diploma. Look at what you were fond of as a child, especially now you can make good money even on a hobby. Do your favorite Dell and don’t be afraid to change even the university if you don’t like something there

Lena, age: 03/27/2015

My dear namesake! I am older than you by almost 20 years. But when I was 20, I also thought that I made a mistake with the choice of profession. And I studied at the medical school ... For some reason, the theory from the textbook does not correlate with practice. It is written that these pills in such and such a dosage help with this disease, you prescribe as it is written, but there is no effect or it became even worse. the ampoule broke and the bandage, uncomfortable for the patient, came out. But the textbook was written by a professor with a bunch of regalia, he could not be mistaken. So either I learned it poorly (but I already remember everything by heart !!!) or my hands are not from there. Horror, how embarrassing. But the situation changed dramatically in one moment - as soon as I started independent work. Absolutely everything began to turn out. Or almost :)
It is not clear from your message why such an opinion about the profession. For now, I will assume that not only in medicine, textbooks are far from real life and you need to learn in practice, having previously removed away everyone who will yell, be rude and laugh at you. We had half of the institute such teachers.
I'm sure you will succeed! But you don’t have to die ... Oh, I would like your years!

Nadezhda, age: 35/21.03.2015

Nadia, how old are you? Everything will change a hundred times in life. Despondency is a mortal sin. God bless you!

Maria, age: 26 / 21.03.2015

Hello namesake, we even have the same age. I am now studying at an evening school (can you imagine?), And they give the specialty of a cook there. I really like to cook, everything scares me so much that I can cut myself, burn myself, cut off half a finger, but I still want to get a discharge no matter what. I'm already doing the practice, and every time I think that no, it's not mine, but as soon as I come home, I understand that I'm only saying this out of fatigue. Sometimes I imagine that I will study for another profession, and I am also afraid that something will not work out for me ... but you can’t give up. It is forbidden. finish your studies. And go to study for the profession to which the soul lies. We are only 19 years old!

Nadia, age: 03/19/22/2015

Hello Hope!
You are 19, and I am 26. And I also recently realized that I do not want to work in my specialty. After she left one institute, she went to an academician in the second and almost finished her studies to a diploma. Can you imagine how embarrassing? But my life is still in my hands. I can go wherever I want, work and develop in that other area that interests me. I did not promise anyone that I would work in my chosen specialty. Did you give?
If you're worried" wasted years", then is it possible to consider them lost only because they do not lead to a diploma in the same year with former classmates? Over the years, you have received and will receive, if you continue to study, any knowledge and life experience. You will become more mature , you will better begin to understand how everything in this life is arranged. And at the same time yourself, your desires and aspirations. Understand that it is not at all necessary to live life according to the standard pattern "school-institute-work in your specialty-pension. "But living is a must. And also very interesting.
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Linda, age: 03/26/2015

Nadia, hello! You know, I myself unlearned to be an accountant ... exhausted so many nerves ... finished. I went there because my dad is an accountant. But for two years now I have graduated, I work in a bank, no, not an accountant) I work in the lending department) profession is not a sentence) Nadyusha, everything will work out for you in life!

Zhibek, age: 03/22/2015

Nadya, do you think "dying" will help you choose another profession, or will everything work out after that?

Alexey, age: 33 / 23.03.2015

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It happens that you enter the university of your dreams, but over time you realize that you made a mistake with the choice. What to do in this case? We offer several solutions to the problem.

Do not rush to leave the university, you can still change

Transfer to another university

This option is suitable if you want to switch to a similar specialty or close to it. Then there is an opportunity not to lose a whole year. Transfer is possible only after passing the first intermediate certification.

Your actions:

  1. Find and find out if there are free places in it. Each institution sets its own transfer rules and dates. Information about this can be found on the website or in the dean's office.
  2. Apply to a new university. To do this, you need to take a certificate from your educational institution and a certificate of education.
  3. Wait for the answer of the host institution, find out in which subjects recertification is needed.
  4. Pass the certification within the stated time. It may take the form of an interview, written or oral examination.
  5. In case of a positive decision, you will receive a certificate of transfer, submit an application for expulsion to your university.
  6. Wait for an extract from the expulsion order and move to a new educational institution.

Transfer to another university

If you decide to radically change direction, you will have to do it all over again. Until you have a diploma of higher education, you can submit documents for the budget at least every year.

Your actions:

  • Decide on a new profession and choose the right university.
  • Find out about deadlines. Find out what USE results are needed, whether you need to pass other tests. Remember that the results of the exam that has already been passed are relevant for another 4 years.
  • Sign up for the exam. This must be done by February 1st. You can donate not only the missing items, but also improve your previous results. We talked about this in detail in the article "How to pass the exam to a graduate of past years: step by step instructions".
  • Start preparing for your exams. You can do this on your own, with the help of a tutor or special courses.
  • Pass the exam and apply to a new university.
  • Pass all entrance tests, and then keep track of competitive listings. Don't miss the submission deadline. Since your documents are at the university, try to get them in your hands right away. In the institution, they must be issued upon your written or oral application.
  • Write an application for expulsion at the original university. We recommend to play it safe, that is, to do it only after enrolling in a new university.

Be aware that you may not get in. Therefore, you should not abandon your studies in your current educational institution. Prepare for admission in parallel with the development of the main program.

Wait for the master's degree

If you studied at a university for more than one year, and then decided to change your specialization, consider this option. You can continue your studies in your field or choose an adjacent one. In this case, you will not waste time in vain, but will have two professions.

Think carefully before making a decision to change universities. Don't get emotional. After all, you can always leave. And remember, in any situation you can find a way out.