Mother's Day scenarios new. Holiday scenarios

On the last Sunday in November, according to the already established tradition, we will honor the most important women in the world - our Mothers. Festive events will be held in all educational institutions country.

Our script will help organize a warm, with a little humor and heartfelt congratulations holiday "Mother's Day at school".

Students will be able to show their skills in dancing, singing, playing musical instruments and reading poetry, and will also take part in an instructive mini-performance.

To hold the holiday, you will need to learn 2 dances, learn 2 songs, choose the most beautiful poems about mom to participate in the reading competition, and also prepare various musical numbers.
The script is perfect for high school students as well as elementary and middle school students.

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day at school"

Musical accompaniment


Scene 1

Mini-performance based on the work of the same name by S. Prokofieva "I will not ask for forgiveness."



Family evening. Dad, sitting at the table, leafs through the newspaper. Boy Vasya, without taking off his shoes, fell onto the sofa. Mom is busy in the kitchen.

Mum (puts cutlery on the table, sighs in frustration): Eh, Vasya, Vasya ... Again a note in the diary ...

Dad looks at his son from behind the newspaper. He does not react, as if he does not hear. Mom goes deeper into the stage, "to the stove", takes a saucepan, goes to the table. On the way, he stumbles over something and almost falls.

Mum: Knapweed! The jacket should be hung on a hanger, not thrown on the floor.

Dad puts the newspaper aside, frowning at his son. He is still silent. Mom puts the food on the plates.

Mum: I ask everyone to the table!

Vasya reluctantly gets up from the sofa, sits down at the table, picks at the plate with a spoon, grimaces, pushes the dish away from him.

Vasya: Again mashed potatoes! Fu, tired!

Mom throws up her hands, her lips tremble, she seems to be about to cry. Dad finally loses his temper, bangs his fist on the table.

Dad (angrily): How dare you behave like that! This is just disrespectful to mom! She's trying so hard for you! Now ask your mother for forgiveness!

Vasya (jumps up, screams): I will not ... I WILL NOT ask for forgiveness!

Disturbing music sounds, the lights go out. In the dark, Vasya's cries are ringing louder and louder: "I will not ask for forgiveness!" The light comes on again. The stage set has already been removed. The presenters come out to the microphones.

Scene 2

Leading (solemnly):

Whose arms are hugging you
You hardly come to light.
And they wipe your tears
When you have no strength to fight?

Whose lips whispered to you
Words that are important at any hour.
Are you happy or full of sorrow
They are with you forever.

Who is tenderness and kindness,
Did you nourish your soul?
Who with tender love, care
Gave you a ticket to this life?

We keep the answer in our hearts.
We are all and each of us.
Mum! Beloved mother!
There is no dearer in the world for us!

Leading: Today is an important day, a special day - Mother's Day. On this day, we will speak kind, gentle words to our dearest, dearest, most beloved mothers. Those who tirelessly guarded our sleep when we were just crumbs ...

Leading: To those who patiently, day after day, taught us new and important things: walk, talk, think, make decisions, be kind and courageous, decisive and honest ...

Leading: Those who gently stroked the head, wiped our tears and gently blew on their knees when we fell ...

Leading: Those who have always been there, have always been our best, closest friend ... Today we say to our mothers: "Thank you, for everything, our dears!"

Music sounds. Schoolchildren perform the dance "Mom". A few seconds before the end of the dance, Vasya appears on the side of the stage, sees the dancers, freezes.

Leading: Oh boy, who are you? How did you get here?!

Vasya: I don’t know how! Something buzzed, then darkness, swooped down, whirled, carried away ... and here I am! My name is Vasya. What's going on here?

Leading: We have a holiday today! A very important holiday is Mother's Day. Today we are honoring our dear, beloved mothers! All songs, dances, poems - everything on this day is only for them!

Vasya is noticeably embarrassed, lowers his eyes to the floor.

Leading: Vasya, why are you so sad? Something happened?

Vasya: Yes, no ... That is, yes ... You see, before getting here, I had a fight with my mother.

Leading (together): Quarreled with my mom ?!

Vasya: Yes, I quarreled ... ( in a more decisive tone) But she herself is to blame! She always needs something from me! Everything is wrong for her! Now do your homework, then clean the room, then my hands!

Leading: Vasya, Vasya, your mother cares about you, wants you to grow up skillful and independent.

Vasya: I don’t need such concern! I want to be left alone!

Leading: Do you want a mom who will leave you alone? And will not pester with requests and demands? Well, let's try to imagine such a mother. Let's go ( holds out his hand to Vasya)?

Vasya: Let's go!

Scene # 3

Mysterious music sounds, the lights go out for a few moments. Then the light comes on again, and Vasya and the Leader find themselves in the room. Adults are sitting at the table, talking with enthusiasm with each other. On the floor near the couch sits a girl in a home dress, and draws.

Girl: Mommy, look at the drawing I have drawn!

Mom absentmindedly takes the drawing, glances over it with an unseeing gaze, puts it aside.

Mum: Yes, yes, daughter, well done ...

Mom returns to the interrupted conversation, the girl sighs and sits down again on the floor near the sofa.

Vasya (girl): Hey!

Girl (sighing sadly): Hey!

Vasya: Tell me, does your mom make you do homework?

Girl: No, it doesn't make ...

Vasya: Great! And the room does not require cleaning?

Girl (sighing): Does not require…

Vasya: Class! Maybe she doesn't scold me for deuces!

Girl: Doesn't scold ... ( and suddenly sharply), does not scold, does not praise, does not force! Doesn't notice me at all! What I just did not do to attract attention! And she tidied up the room, and got fives, and rolled into two, and ... And she has one thing: "Okay, daughter ... Go to the nanny, play," and that's all. And she has either conversations, then consultations, then phone calls then blockage at work. And it’s as if I’m not! He will never ask anything, will not take an interest ( covers his face with his hands, sobs)!

Vasya (bewildered): Well, don't cry ... everything will be fine ... ( Moves away to the presenter).

Vasya: You know, I changed my mind. I do not want such peace ...

Leading: Let's go back then! Our Reader Competition is just starting!

The light goes out, comes on. Before the audience is again a festively decorated stage without decorations.

Scene 4

Leading: We announce the Contest of Readers! Now our best speakers will recite poems about mothers, and you, dear viewers, will choose the winner. You will be given cards on which you need to indicate the number of the reader you like. The one with the most votes will be declared the King of Readers!

Reading competition

Participants read prepared poems about mom.

Up to 8 people can participate in the competition.

The winner is determined by audience voting. To do this, those present indicate the number of the participant they liked on the cards and give the cards to the presenter.

At the end of the event, the votes are counted.
The winner is solemnly announced, who is awarded a symbolic prize and a certificate of honor.

Leading: What beautiful poems! What kind, warm words about our beloved single mothers!

Leading (turning to Vasya): So why did you, Vasya, swear with your mother, tell us in more detail?

Vasya: Yes, you understand, she herself constantly demands and demands, but as soon as you ask her for something, this is how it begins: it is not necessary, it is harmful, there is no money for it. I would take and buy the latest model of the console, and chips, and cola ... That would be great! I would not even have thought to swear then!

Leading: Oh good! Let's imagine how you would live with such a mother!

Scene 5

Decorating the room again. In the room: mom, dad, son is reclining on the couch - "the king of the whole family."

Son: Boredom!

Mum: Son, let me pour you cola!

Son: Tired!

Mum: Do you want me to start the game?

Son: Tired!

Mum: Maybe something sweet?

Son: Tired!

Dad: It would be necessary to vacuum in the hallway ...

Son (getting up off the couch): Let me ...

Mum: Lie, lie, my boy. Rest, you have to go to school tomorrow! I myself!

Son (stacks back): Skuuuno!

Mum (from the corridor): I'm running to the store now, I'll buy a new toy!

Son: Tired!

Leading (addressing Vasya): Well, why are you standing, go! Perfect mom!

Vasya (taking a step back): You know, I changed my mind!

Leading (from behind the scenes): And the musicians have come to us!

The light goes out and comes on.

Scene 6

Musical number

Surely, among the guys there are those who love and know how to play musical instruments. A holiday dedicated to mothers is a great occasion to show your skills and please your beloved mothers.

Young musicians can choose their own musical program: it can be both cheerful, energetic music, and soulful lyrical compositions.
You can do solo performances or combine the playing of several instruments in one performance.

Scene 7

Leading: Now let's smile! There is nothing more precious in the world than a smile on my mother's face!

Humorous scenes

The guys present small funny numbers based on anecdotes about the relationship between parents and children, school life.

Home environment, daughter buried herself in a thick book.

Mum: Daughter, what are you reading there?

Daughter (with a book in his hands): A book on parenting.

Mum (surprised): What for?

Daughter: Checking to see if you are going overboard!

Classroom. The theme of the composition "My Parents" is written on the blackboard.

Student (writes by speaking out loud): We get our parents at an age when they cannot be weaned from many of their habits ...

Teacher (holding an open notebook in front of you): Vova, you have an excellent composition! But why didn't you finish it?

Vova: Mom was unexpectedly called to work ...

School class, foreign language lesson.

The teacher: Vasya, why are you so bad at learning English?

Vasya: Why do I need it?

The teacher: What do you mean why? After all, half of the world speaks this language!

Vasya: Isn't that enough?

Home environment, the son shows his mom his marks for a quarter.

Mum: Mathematics - "three" ... Russian language - "two" ... History - "three" ... English - "two". Singing - "five"! He also sings!

Scene 8

Leading: And we also have guys who sing! Only they have time in other subjects too! Dear Moms - this song is for you!

The song "Kind Sweet Mom" ​​is being performed.

Vasya: You know, I thought ... I thought ... I urgently need to go home!

Leading: That's right, Vasya!

Scene 9

It gets dark for a few moments. The light turns on, Vasya finds himself in his apartment. Dad is leafing through the newspaper, Mom is setting the table. The situation is the same as a few minutes before the quarrel that brought Vasya to the school holiday.

Vasya: Mum! Mommy! Please forgive me!

Mum (surprised): For what?

Vasya: For all. For the remark in the diary, and for the thrown jacket, I'll pick it up now, and ... come on, mommy, I'll help you set the table!

Mom smiles, her face seems to shine from the inside. Dad puts the newspaper aside.

Dad: Maybe there will be work for me too?

Mum: What are you good! You are my favorite!

Vasya: I love you very much, mommy! And you, dad!

The song "Mom, forgive me for everything" sounds, which is best performed by the efforts of all participants in the performance.

Scene 10

Leading: "Mom" ... Is there a word in the world that is just as warm and kind? Delicate and quivering? Just as strong and important?

Leading: "Mom" ... This is the word with which it all begins.

Leading: "Mom" - babbles the baby, stretching his mouth in a smile.

Leading: "Mum!" - calls the baby when he is sad and fun, scared and interesting.

Leading: "Mom", - an adult exhales into a telephone receiver in moments of shock.

Leading: "Mom" is a word that will support when it is difficult, when it seems that the whole world has turned its back! A word that will help you rise and move on when your strength is running out! The word that is with us when the soul soars to heaven on the wings of happiness. Mum…

The host reads Rasul Gamzatov's poem "Mama"

In Russian - "mama", in Georgian - "nana",
And in Avar - “baba” affectionately.
Of a thousand words of land and ocean
This one has a special destiny.

Becoming the first word of our lullaby year,
It sometimes entered the smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier in the hour of death
The last call was suddenly.

No shadows fall on this word
And in silence, probably because
Other words, on my knees,
They want to confess to him.

A spring, having rendered a service to a jug,
This word babbles because
What remembers the mountain peak -
She was known as his mother.

And lightning will cut through the cloud again
And I will hear, following the rain,
How, soaking into the ground, this word
Causes the droplets of rain.

I secretly sigh, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day,
“Don't worry,” I say to my mom, “
Everything is good, dear, with me. "

He is constantly worried about his son,
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian - "mama", in Georgian - "nana"
And in Avar - “baba” affectionately.

Leading: On this important, bright day - Mother's Day - we honor all Mothers who give and understand, forgive and love.

Together: Happy Holidays, our dear and beloved mothers!

To create a festive atmosphere, special attention should be paid to the decoration of the hall.

It is recommended to decorate the stage area with paper pom-poms, balloons, garlands, flowers cut from colored paper.
Decorations in the form of balls and pompons can also be hung on the walls of the premises where the festive event will be held.

In addition to traditional decorations, use the creative possibilities of students: children can draw funny wall newspapers, make collages. The guests who came to the holiday will be happy to consider them.
Bring your camera with you so that the highlights of the holiday will forever remain in the school archives.
And the main thing is that everyone entering the hall should go with good mood and an open heart, ready to give love!

Lead 1

Let me congratulate you,

Leave joy in your soul

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Away from adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow disappear

On this festive our day!

Lead 2

Good afternoon, dear guests! We are gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the mother woman. Family holiday! Autumn holiday! We wholeheartedly give you poems and songs!

Lead 1

When I say: "Mom" -

Smile on the lips

And snubs stubbornly

And there is happiness in the eyes!

When I say: "Mom",

My soul sings

And heart chart

Calling me to call!

I'm calling my mom

And I'm looking forward

When will she answer

And I will say: "I love!"

(song "My mother is the best in the world")

Lead 2

Mum. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts that love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for the mother accompanies a person, feeds him and gives new hopes and strengths for new achievements! We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we are gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

Lead 1

And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! We invite our guys to the center of the hall!

(Children recite pre-learned poems)

Child 1

What is Mom?

It's a bright light

This is a lot of knowledge

Dinner and lunch!

Child 2

What is Mom?

Fun, joy, laughter!

Mom is like a heart

After all, everyone has a heart!

Child 3

What is Mom?

It's like a wall

Protect from drama

Dad and me!

Child 4

What is Mom?

This is what it is!

Child 5

What is Mom?

This is all in the world!

Congratulations to mom

With love, your children!

(Song: "My Mom")

Lead 2

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! Better words No!

MOTHER! Who is dearer than her?

MOTHER! She has spring in her eyes!

MOTHER! The kindest of all on earth!

MOM gives fairy tales, smile and laughter!


Dear friends, let's listen to a parable with you.

Lead 2

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

- I do not know why I am going into this world. What should I do?

God answered:

- I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

- But how do I understand him? I don’t know his language?

- The angel will teach you his language and protect you from all troubles.

- What is the name of my angel?

- Never mind. As his name is, he will have many names. But you will call him MOM.

(Dance performed by mothers and daughters to the song "Mom is the first word")

Three girls come out:

1 girl:


Do you have a mom?

Then about the first one

Think about her

You will only become greener!

2 girl:


Do you have a mom?

Then about the first one

Think about her

Opening up among the fields!

3 girl:


Do you have a mom?

Then about the first one

Think about her

Flashing in the darkness of the nights!

(To Grigore Vieru)


If drama suddenly happens

Who will help? - (ALL) This is MOM !!!

(Dance to the song "Mammoth" with balls)

Lead 1

Now let's see if our mothers know their immediate responsibilities so well.

You won't find trash at home

Mom cleaned everything clean!

And the frame shines in the window,

Mom washed it all!

Even the supik is the most delicious

Mom prepared for us!

The younger brother has eaten recently,

Swaddling his mom!

At school they gave us a gamut

My mom will help with her!

If you are not a shame and a disgrace,

Here are tasks for moms!

1. Competition: "Book in the Family"

Lead 1

Let's check how you carefully read fairy tales to children.


I went to visit my grandmother,
She brought her pies
The gray wolf was watching her,
Cheated and swallowed.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Run away from the dirty
Cups, spoons and pans.
She is looking for them, calling
And on the road sheds tears.

Both the hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Waited for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Like Baba's Yaga's
There is not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Which? (Mortar)

The duck knows, the bird knows
Where Koshcheya's death lurks.
What is this subject?

Lead 2

Well done, we did it!
Now hurry up, guys,
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, at the edge,
Decorating the dark forest
Grew up motley,
all in polka dots,

Lead 1

(addressing moms)

Are you tired?
How long have you been dancing?
Come on out soon!
Knead the handle legs!

I invite everyone to dance together, because not only work, mothers need to rest.

We all dance together. ("Lavata")

After the dance, the mothers sit down.

2. Contest "Think"

Interesting questions:

1) Small or big, it must be kept (secret)
2) In which cage the bird should not be stored (in the chest)
3) Liquid, not water, white, not snow (milk)
4) The softest fish (herring)
5) Shortest month (May)
6) To which question does no one answer "yes"? (Are you sleeping now)
7) What stands in the middle of the Volga (letter L)
8) Favorite schoolboy melody (bell)
9) What do people walk barefoot (on the ground)
10) What month do people talk least of all (in February)
11) What do ducks swim from? (from the coast)
12) What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
13) What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
14) What note is not suitable for compote? (salt)
15) There is a table with 4 corners. We saw off one corner. How many corners are left? (5)
16) Why do we eat? (at the table)
17) Why, when you want to sleep, you go to bed (on the floor)
18) The grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? (none, all crashed)

3rd competition: "Recognize your child by voice"

4th competition: "Draw a portrait of a child with closed eyes."

Lead 2

What is happiness?

With such a simple question

Perhaps, more than one philosopher wondered.

But in fact, happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts, booties and a bib,

The brand new described mother's sundress.

Torn tights, knocked down knees

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness is soft warm palms

There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa.

It's a bunch of broken toys

It is a constant rumble of rattles.

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's constant: What? But why?

Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

This endless "Read me a fairy tale",

These are the daily Piggy and Stepashka.

It's a warm spout from under the covers

Hare on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What is happiness? There is no simpler answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

Mother and Child Scene:

Son: Three years have passed ... I have already grown up.

Naturally, the question arose here:

Everyone knows that little guys

For some reason they are sent to kindergarten.

And there are problems ... Wherever there are none!

And how to find the answer to questions?

Mom: Well, tell me, what did you do in the garden?

I’ll know everything: I’ll go there!

What do you mean "did not want to eat porridge"?

Why put it on your head?

Oh, not yourself? Why Seryozha?

Is he a sneak? What are you like? Oh my God!

Come on to the corner! March and don't roar!

Father will talk to you again!

Son: But kindergarten is flowers and no more,

And berries await us at school ...

Mom: What did you bring a student today?

Tell me, show the diary!

So ... What's that? Where does the deuce come from?

Oh, Zoya wrote it off again ?!

Well, answer, why are you quiet?

Ah, a deuce with Zoya for two ?!

Well done! And what's that? Again?

Broke the window? Have you been pushed again?

Have you forgotten what word you gave me?

Lead 1

Mothers are our pride

This is our glory, strength!

This is our spirit of firmness,

This is help for impotence!

We bow our heads to mom

And we sincerely congratulate you,

So that you, mummies, know for sure

That only you are the best for us!

(Song and dance "Mom, Mom, dear beloved" by Taisiya Pavaliy.)

Lead 2

Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more present for you at parting! Take a look at the screen again. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the most happy moments your motherhood. And then we invite you to take a look at our small art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children. (The soundtrack of the song "Mom is the first word" sounds. Personal photos from family albums pupils. After watching the slides and children's drawings, parents are invited to the group for a festive tea party).

Bobrova Oksana Vladimirovna,
musical director MBDOUDSOV No. 5,
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

Scenario for children 10-12 years old. Work can be used at school on class hours or in preparation for the holiday. The script requires a little preparatory work: the children are given the task to compose a poem for one of the competitions, to bring their mother's photo ten years ago. You also need to purchase props: Whatman paper, cardboard, flowers, felt-tip pens.

Mother's Day Scenario "A Heart for Mommy"

Small children and adolescents all confess their love for their mother, they give them their concert numbers. They read poetry to them. They thank mothers for their kind hearts and give them small hearts in return. Official congratulations and honors are inserted into the script.

Scenario for Mother's Day for children 5-6 years old "My dear Mom"

Scenario of a matinee in kindergarten dedicated to mother's day. A selection of small quatrains for children, as well as easy-to-perform songs. The script involves a group of twenty kids. If there is no special room, all the action can take place in a group.

Mother's Day Script "Family Game: Mom and Me!"

A game for school children and their mothers. The number of teams is 4-6. The number of viewers is unlimited. The game requires preparation on the part of the participants. You need to come up with a team name and logo. Prepare a small joint number. Prepare a story about each other: mom briefly talks about the merits of her son (daughter), the child - about mom (my mom is the most ...

Mother's Day Scenario for High School Students "Light of Motherhood - Light of Love"

A touching, heart-warming congratulations to mothers on Mother's Day. Children will read poetry, dance a waltz, sing songs - everything for the most beloved person on earth. If the scenario for the event is implemented wisely, I guarantee that the children will be able to make their mother cry.

A small script for children "Mother's Day"

Every spring the whole world celebrates the wonderful Mother's Day. This little scenario is designed for children. senior group kindergarten or primary grades schools.

Scenario of the children's holiday "Merry Searches with Kuzya and Anfisa"

Scenario children's party"Merry Searches with Kuzya and Anfisa" can be used for children 5-8 years old and timed to coincide with Mother's Day. You can spend a holiday in any room if there is enough space (cafe, kindergarten, school, apartment). Leading the holiday clowns Kuzya and Anfisa. Together with the guys, they are looking for stolen gifts or sweets.

Scenario of the holiday Mother's Day in elementary school "I love my mother very much, I will sing a song to my mother."

Mother's Day is an excellent, touching holiday filled with tenderness. Preparing for this event takes time, but the warmth of feelings and the sincerity of emotions are worth it. In order for the holiday to be successful, you need to take care not only of the design, but also of the script. This version of a festive concert is perfect for students in grades 3-4.

Mom is the dearest and closest person who will always understand and support. Who, if not mommy, will give advice and warm you with spiritual warmth when it's hard and sad for us ?! Mother's Day scenarios will help create a soulful and festive atmosphere, and celebrate this celebration at its true worth. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny ...

MKOU Ust-Muravlyanskaya basic secondary school

Voronezh region

General school extracurricular activity

Mothers Day

Composed by: Russian language teacher

and literature Goncharova Elena Vasilievna

Theme: Mother's Day


Develop the emotional sphere, artistry of children;
- to foster a sense of respect, love for parents and elders.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children

Quiet music starts to sound:
Stand up, it’s as it is! Take standing
Saved in simple beauty
This word is ancient, holy!
Stand up! .. Stand up! Stand up everyone!
How forests rise at dawn
Like blades of grass to the sun are torn again.
Stand up all when you hear this word,
As if love itself has come to you!
This word is a call, and a spell,
And a prayer on the far side
This word is the first ray of consciousness,
The last groan of those dying in the fire.
In this word is the power of selflessness,
The kindness that life is bright with
What the leaves whisper about,
What the bells are ringing about
This word will endure forever
And, breaking through any congestion,
Even in hearts of stone will awaken
A hidden reproach of conscience.
This word both heals and hurts.
The creature of life is hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. There is no end to it.
Stand up! .. I say it:

1 lead Good afternoon, our dear, dear ones, our affectionate and gentle! Good afternoon, our lovely and beloved mothers and grandmothers. It is to you that we are presenting these beautiful and warm words today. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of the holy, warm, affectionate words is the word mother. Because this word carries in itself the warmth, the warmth of a mother's hands, a mother's soul. Today, on this festive day - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person, we congratulate all women who have such a happy and difficult fate to be a mother at the same time.

2 leads May your day be
Sunny, beautiful.
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry
Clean, clear.
Oh mom!
Always be happy!

1 lead Poems 3 cl

1. Our dear mothers!
We tell you without embellishment
Honestly, sincerely and directly
We love you very, very much!
2. Our mothers are our joy,
There are no relatives for us,
So take gratitude
You are from loving children!
3. We wish you health, joy,
Mental strength in reserve
Thank you, dear,
For everything that you did for us.
4. For tireless worries,
For the world of family warmth,
God grant that you are always in everything
And henceforth it was the same!

2 leads Students of grades 1-3 will perform the song "Sweet Mom"

1 lead - Dear mothers!
Congratulations on Mother's Day.
Many nights have passed without sleep
Worries, worries are countless.
Bowing down to you all dear mothers
For what you are in the world!

2 leads Mum! We wish you, dear,
Health, warm days, kindness!
And know: we need you like that
Like a ray of the sun, like air, like water!

1 lead Mum! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. It does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is 5 or 50, he always needs a mother ...

2 leads The holiday Mother's Day in Russia was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. You can talk about mom always and forever, never getting tired.
1 lead Scene "How I Help Mom".
A girl is sitting at a desk in the room. Textbooks, notebooks and pens are on the table.

Then her phone rings, the girl picks up the phone and starts talking:
- yes, hello.
- what? No, I won't go outside!
- Yes, we were asked to write an essay.
- Yes, the topic is how I help my mother.
- and I know how I help her?
- ask her? No, really.
- okay, come on, I'll write.

He puts down the phone. Walks around the table:
- so how do I help mom? How?

Mom enters the room:
Daughter, have you done your homework yet?

Not yet, Mom. (and sits down at the table)

Mom starts sweeping under the table.

- Mom, I'm doing my homework, and you're bothering me!

- I'll just sweep and leave!

Mom starts to dust off the table.

Mom goes to the table, on which the daughter's things are scattered.

- oh, what a dirty dress, wash it immediately!

Oh, I forgot what I'm cooking. The soup will be overcooked now! (and runs away)

- this is my talent, I also cook!

All this the girl wrote down in a notebook, as if she was writing an essay. Then he raises the notebook higher, looks into it and says:
- yes, helping mom is a whole science! This is where talent is needed!

2 leads Song of the 5th grade "Far from Mom"

1 lead Congratulations 2 cl. Poems

1. There is an eternal word in our world,
short but most cordial.
It is beautiful and kind
it is simple and convenient.
It is sincere, beloved,
incomparable with anything in the world:
2. Today we will play games
We will sing and dance for you.
It is happiness for us to be here,
Thank you, mothers, for being here!

3. We want our mothers
Become even more beautiful!
To make everyone happier
Our mothers are dear!
4. All mothers, like flowers, are always beautiful,
Each has a different scent ...
As long as there is Mom, there is happiness on the planet!
As long as there are children, there is peace in the world!
5. There are many kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
From two syllables, a simple word: "mom"
And there are no words dearer than it.
6. Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom is like a good angel
My best friend, dear. 7. I love you mom, for which I don’t know.
Probably because I breathe and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day,
For this, I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

1 lead The song "For Mom" ​​will sound for you

2 leads 6th grade song "My mom"

1 lead Mum! Mommy! How much warmth this magic word conceals. Mother's love keeps us warm to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, transfers her songs, protects us.

2 leads Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them. And we will devote our today's holiday to you, and we will speak all the words of love and tenderness not only now, but all our lives.

1 lead Mom is the sun
Mom is the light.
No one in the world
Better than mom No

2 leads Three people are born in the world every second. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives with his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs a mother. This is the meaning of her life. Love for your baby is as natural as the lilac bloom in spring. As the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so the love of a mother warms the whole life of a child. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything. In her sensitive heart, love never extinguishes, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

1 lead The song "The Best" will be performed by grades 2-4

1 lead Dance performed by the girls of our school

2 leads Song "The best mother" grade 8

1 lead Now we will ask you riddles about mothers. Whoever guesses first raises his hand! Ready?

1. These balls on the thread
Do you want to try it on?
For any of your tastes
In my mother's box ... (beads)

2. They sparkle in my mother's ears,
They play with the color of the rainbow.
Drops-crumbs of jewelry are silvering ... (earrings)

3. The land is called fields,
The top is decorated all over with flowers.
Mystery headdress -
Our mother has ... (hat)

4. Name the dishes:
The handle clung to the circle.
Damn, bake for her is nonsense, it's ... (frying pan)

5. He has water in his belly
I was seething with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly ... (kettle)

6. This dish is for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls ... (soup)

7. Dust will find and instantly swallow -
It brings cleanliness to us.
Long hose, like a trunk-nose
The mat cleans ... (vacuum cleaner)

8. Ironing dresses and shirts,
He will iron our pockets.
He is a faithful friend on the farm -
His name is ... (iron)

9. Here is a cap on the light bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of its openwork -
This is a wonderful ... (lampshade)

10. Mom's striped beast
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And, having eaten it a little,
Ours purrs ... (cat)

What good fellows! It is immediately obvious that moms have helpers!

2 leads Scene. 7th grade

Children come on stage and start talking to each other.

Child 1:
Yes, here they are, adults, they just got it, they don't understand us at all!

Child 2:
This is correctly noted - they do not understand. And most importantly, they want to deceive us, as if we are so stupid and foolish!

Child 3:
Yesterday I sat down to supper, and for supper there was fish. After all, they know that I don't like fish, but they still cook it for me! And the main thing they say is: eat fish, it is good for the mind. But I'm smart anyway! And then they add - fish is good for bones! I'm bony anyway!

Child 1:
And I was generally punished for nothing !!!

Child 2:
What is it like? No way at all ???

Child 1:
Well, yes. I was late for lunch, and my mother tells me not to say a word at dinner. I just open my mouth, and she immediately - not a word! And so the whole dinner. And when we ate, she asks me - what, they say, did you want to say? And I answer - the little brother pours condensed milk on his boots in the corridor! And I was punished for not saying this right away! And for the whole lunch - shut up! Shut up!

Child 2:
No, well, sometimes there is a sense in the fact that you are still small.

Child 1:
For instance?

Child 2:
My parents make me play the violins twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But I do not want. So they buy me ice cream because I play. And my neighbor buys me three ice creams so that I don't play. So I can manipulate both my parents and my neighbor, and these are three adults at once!

Child 3:
Yes, adults themselves happen, they will come up with this! For example, here's how to understand the inscription in the zoo - do not feed the animals. And how do they live if they are not fed?

Child 1:
And my dad keeps telling me: why do you need this computer? Why do you need this phone? Why do you need this game console? That was not the case in my childhood! I even think my dad saw dinosaurs!

Child 2:
And my mother cleaned the fish, and I played nearby and constantly swore a little. Mom says to me: if my father is not at home, this does not mean that I will not give you bream for him. And then it hits me on the head. Well, here's how to understand it - after all, my mother was cleaning the crucian carp, and she threatened to give me a bream? Yes, adults themselves lie all the time!

Child 3:
And here my dad recently told me what the difference is between a man and a woman.

Child 1:
Very interesting, and which one?
Child 3:
My dad says: I have a size 44 male leg, and my mom has a size 36 female leg. Here is the difference between the legs!
Child 2:
Okay, we gotta go. Soon the flower stall will close, and we won't have time to buy flowers for mothers, because today is Mother's Day.

Child 1:
And really, it's time to go!

1 lead Alexei Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is no poet or hero. All the joy of the world is from mothers! "
If you want to make your mom the most happy man, do so that she is happy and can proudly say: "You know what good children I have!" ...

2 leads Mom not only does not get enough sleep at night, but worries and cares for the child to be healthy, well-fed, cheerful, happy. Mother is a window into Big world... She helps the child to understand the beauty of the world.

1 lead Song "Mom's Hands"

2 leads 4th grade is performing. Poems.

1. From a pure heart in simple words
Let's talk, friends, about mom.
We love her like good friend
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry on our own shoulder.
2. We love her and for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it is worth confessing to come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a tear will disappear.
For the fact that always without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother.
We love her deeply and ridiculously!
3. Your kindness is endless,
And care knows no weariness,
Maternal soul beauty
Not subject to adversity and old age,
Let the year go by
And the wrinkles lie stubbornly
Be healthy, mom, always
Be happy, dear mom.
4. In the house good deeds busy,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
This is mom, mom, mom!

2 leads The song "My Mom" ​​performed by grades 5-9

1 lead Mum! Listen to how proudly this word sounds! There are many kind words about the mother among the people.

With the sun - warm, with the mother - good.

There is no better friend than dear mother.

Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, and all an orphan.

There are many fathers, but one mother.

2 leads Dance of grandmothers. Grade 7 (The guys are dressed like grandmothers. The music changes in turn different directions... Grandmothers dance to the music. At the end, modern music sounds and grandmothers "light up")

1 lead Song "For Mom" ​​performed by grade 5

2 leads Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: “Goodbye!
Until a happy new meeting! "

1 lead Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm, for the ringing laughter,

13.10.2019 | We looked at the script 1596 Human

That's when I become a mom

I will never get tired

Dust wash, knit and sew,

Sculpt pies for everyone,

Peel potatoes every day

Wash plates, cups, spoons.

But, perhaps, I will be a dad:

Very difficult to wash ...

An original and interesting scenario of the holiday dedicated to Mother's Day "Mom means LIFE!" for high school

13.10.2019 | We looked at the script 2530 Human

And now, with the help of a magic chamomile, we invite our mothers to find out the features of their appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called "The most - the most". You take whichever camomile you like.
Mothers choose flowers and read on which ...

Free and high-quality script dedicated to Mother's Day "About the one who gives us life!" for high school students

13.10.2019 | We looked at the script 1797 Human

3 participants: mom, son and robot. Starting position: the robot is standing with wide apart arms, mom and son are on the sides of the robot, slightly in front of it (so that the palms of the robot are close to their heads).
Son (pointing to the robot): Whoa ...

Scenario of the holiday Mother's Day "Your bright name"

14.11.2018 | We looked at the script 3987 Human

Seemingly a common word
Sounding is not new in vanity -
So many times spoken in a lifetime!
We got used to it initially
And sometimes we don't notice
The depths of the hidden meaning in it.

In difficult situations when we
There is no one to ask for help
Will break out ...

Mother's Day card in verse

14.11.2018 | We looked at the script 1320 Human

Family mother's day business card

Mom comes out to the microphone to the sound of applause.

MOM: Thank you, and - hello, good people!
I will never forget this technique!
Sorry, I forgot completely out of excitement
Introduce myself to you - I will eliminate ...

Script of a concert for Mother's Day at school

14.11.2018 | We looked at the script 4045 Human

Scene - video sequence, music. background, voiceover:

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
“I don’t know why I am going into this world. What should I do?
God answered:
- I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He's everything to you ...

Mothers Day. School holiday script

14.11.2018 | We looked at the script 3269 Human

There is no language more dear than the word MAMA,
Heavenly music sounds in it,
It has a captivating range of rainbows
And the sun's fan beams

Lullaby (music theme "Under the blue sky")
(performed by a young woman with a child - accompanying ...

Mother's Day mini-scene for schoolchildren "All means are good!"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 2573 human

Mini-scene "All means are good!" (based on the fairy tale by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak "About a stupid mouse")

On the stage there is a bed, a table, a basket with rolls. Mouse mom is trying to catch a naughty mouse. She catches him and puts him on the bed.

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 7369 Human

Host 1. Mom, Mom ... How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called the dearest, closest, only person. Mother's love keeps us warm to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects ...

"Mom - my sun" script of the holiday /

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 36126 Human

Host: Our dear mothers, today we invited you to this children's cafe for a reason, because you become heroes of the occasion on the eve of the Mother's Day holiday. That is why our cafe is called ...
All: Mom is my sun
1 reader:
And we have...