Dressing fox skins at home. Dressing fox skins

Method 1

1. Skinning with a tube.
2. Degreasing with sawdust moistened with turpentine or gasoline.
3. Editing.
4. Canning (drying).
5. Sorting of raw materials by size, gender, slaughter date and age of animals.

6. Soak.

6.1. First way. Solution: for 1 liter of warm water - 30 g of table salt. The duration of the soak is 6-8 hours. Then - swelling for 1-2 hours, breakdown by a dead end on the deck and treatment with a fresh solution for 1-2 hours.

6.2. The second method is for skins with defects during canning. Solution: for 1 liter of warm water - 45 g of salt and 1 ml of acetic acid or 0.3 ml of sulfuric acid. The duration of the soak is 8-24 hours. Instead of acid, you can use 50 ml / l of bread kvass.

6.3. The third way is for fatty skins. Solution: for 1 liter of warm water - 30 g of table salt; 2-3 g of technical borax, 1-2 g of soda ash, 2 g of washing powder or laundry soap. The duration of the soak is 6-24 hours. After soaking, the skins are allowed to swell and then rinsed in clean water at 32°C for 20 minutes.

7. Skinning.

8. Degreasing.

8.1. First way. Degreasing solution: for 1 liter of water (36 ° C) - 30 g of table salt, 50 ml of turpentine and 2 g of washing powder. The duration of degreasing is 1 hour (with periodic stirring of fur raw materials). Degreasing is carried out in the open air! The skins are removed from the solution, given 20-30 minutes to swell and then rinsed in clean water or in water with the addition of 1 ml of 25% ammonia.

8.2. The second way. Degreasing solution: for 1 liter of warm water - 30 g of table salt, 1 g of washing powder, 2 g of laundry soap, 3 g of soda ash and 2 g of wetting agent OP-10. The duration of the degreasing bath is 40-60 minutes. Degreasing is followed by swelling for 30 minutes and three washes:

a) the first wash - in water at a temperature of 36 ° C with the addition of 1 g / l of soda ash, 0.5 g / l of laundry soap and 0.5 g / l of wetting agent OP-10 and cheap shampoo. within 30 minutes;

b) the second washing - in warm water with the addition of 1 ml / l of 25% ammonia (20 min); c) the third washing - in clean water at a temperature of 30°C. Within 20 min.

After any method of degreasing, the skins are allowed to swell for 1 hour.

9. Salting (as for mink skins).

10. Softening (as for mink skins).

11. Pickling.

11.1. First way. Pickel solution: for 1 liter of spent softening solution - 12 ml of acetic acid (for females) and 15 ml (for males). The duration of pickling is 24-30 hours (for females) and 30-48 hours (for males). Stirring skins - every 6-8 hours.

11.2. The second way. The first gravy to the softening solution - 50 ml / l of bread kvass; the duration of pickling after the first gravy is 2-3 hours. Gravy 2 - 5 ml/l acetic acid; the duration of the bath after the second gravy is 3-4 hours. The third gravy is 1.1 ml/l sulfuric acid (for females) and 1.3 ml/l (for males); the duration of pickling after the third gravy is 16 hours (for females) and 20 hours (for males). Before each gravy, the skins are removed from the pickling solution. Upon completion of pickling, the skins are allowed to swell for 1-2 hours and put on a bed for 12 hours.

11.3. The third way is fermentation. Pickel solution (per 1 kg of wet raw materials): 3.5-4.5 liters of freshly prepared bread kvass and 105-125 g of table salt. The temperature of kvass is not more than 26°C. The duration of fermentation is 12-48 hours. The readiness of the skins is determined by how easily the hair in the groin area is separated.

12. Tanning. You can use one of the three methods described below:

12.1. Mixed tanning. Tanning solution: for 1 liter of water (30 ° C) - 30 g of table salt, 1 g of carbamide, 15-18 ml of tanning extract, 6 ml of acetic acid (or 1 ml of sulfuric acid). Duration of tanning - 12 hours. After this period, 2 g / l of soda ash or 3 g / l of hyposulfite are added to the solution and the skins are tanned for another 20-24 hours. The skins are allowed to swell and folded for a sore (12 hours).

12.2. Aluminium-potassium tanning. Skins tanned with aluminum alum have a coarser core than skins made by the previous method.

18 g/l of potassium alum is added to the spent pickle solution and the skins are kept for 4 hours, after which the raw material is removed and 3 g/l of soda ash is added to the solution. Tanning continues for another 24-30 hours (with stirring of the skins every 6-8 hours). The skins are allowed to drain and folded for a sore (12 hours).

12.3. Vegetable tanning. The skins are tanned in a decoction of a tanning plant diluted with water. 30 g/l of table salt is added to the solution. Duration of tanning - 2 days.

Such skins are characterized by a rough mezdra, but high wear resistance.

13. Fattening.
14. Drying.
15. Finishing operations:

a) moisturizing the skins with water (50-60 ° C) by spreading; bed sore (2-4 hours);

b) warm-up with a spatula;

c) grinding the mezra with sandpaper;

d) degreasing the hairline in warm water with the addition of 3 g/l of washing powder and 2 g/l of soda ash, for 40-60 minutes;

e) the first washing in warm water with the addition of 1 g/l of washing powder and 0.5 g/l of soda ash, for 30 minutes;

f) second rinsing in clean warm water for 20 minutes;

g) swelling (2 hours);

h) fattening;

j) kneading with a spatula to an elastic state;

l) combing the hairline with a metal comb.

Method 2

1. Hairline cleaning. Blood stains on the hair are washed off with a brush or sponge dipped in warm water, gently combed with a comb.
2. Moisturizing the core. The skins are moistened from the mezra with warm water at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C, spilling it inside the skin taken off with a stocking.
3. Bedding for 1.5-2 hours.
4. Skinning. The skin is turned upside down in the direction from the head to the rump and skinned, cleaning off the remnants of fat, meat, knocking down the film.
5. Soaking by namaz method. To do this, use wet sawdust of deciduous trees, preferably strong, species. It is better to take sawdust of a large size. The skins are generously smeared with gruel from sawdust on all sides and left in this form for 12 hours. Then the sawdust is shaken out, the paws and tails are cut off, having previously moistened them with warm water, and the cartilage is removed from the ears. It is preferable to do this on a bracket.
6. Mezdrenie on the bracket by the method of "filling". Lanks and tails are left stretched in width. The claws of the paws are not trimmed.
7. Pickling by spreading method. The skins are stretched in length from the head to the rump and moistened with a pickle solution. Four pickels are made. To prepare the solution, take 20 g / l of formic acid, 80 g / l of sodium chloride. Pickel temperature 25°C. In the first pickle, wetted skins lie for 6 hours. After that, they are wetted with a fresh picel solution and aged for several more hours.
8. Undercutting the head of the skin using the “cut” method
9. Second pickling. The operation is repeated twice.
10. Breakdown on the bracket. The whole skin is broken in length, and the paws and tails are broken in width.
11. Greasing by spreading.
12. Bed sore for 3-4 hours.
13. Drying on poles with the flesh up. When the mezra is slightly dried, but not completely dried out, the skins are turned with the hair up again in the direction from the head to the rump. The turned-out skins are put on a pole with a tube and dried in this position.
14. Breakdown. The skins are turned inside out again and smashed on a staple.
15. Oblique cleaning.
16. Finishing operations. The skins are turned upside down, shaken, beaten out, combed with a metal comb.

Natural skins on the floor have been decorating human dwellings since ancient times, and have not lost their relevance to this day.

There is nothing easier. For skinning, it is better to use a blunt knife, specially rounded the sting of the knife. And it is necessary to mezdrit on the "crush", i.e. do not cut off the fat, but squeeze it from the rump to the head, removing the meat and film along the way. When the fat stops squeezing out, wash the skin in a solution of washing powder at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Add Fairy detergent there. We wash the skin with the skin outward, then with the fur outward, rinse the skin in cold water. In general, it is necessary to make all solutions for dressing in cold water. at a temperature of more than 42 degrees, the skin will deteriorate irreversibly. After rinsing, I prepare PIKEL. This is a solution of acetic acid at the rate of 10-12 gr. for 1 liter of water. The pickel is prepared on the basis of a liquid ratio of 1: 4. That is, 7-8 liters of solution are needed per fox. You add coarse grinding salt N1 to this solution at the rate of 50 gr. per liter. We lower the skin into this solution, with the skin outward, for 8-10 hours, periodically stirring the skin in the solution. After this period, we take the skin out of the solution, wring it out slightly and put the skin on the bed for 12 hours. Then tanning. We prepare a solution of potassium chromium alum at the rate of 7-8g. per liter, plus salt 50g per liter. Also 7-8 liters per fox. We put the skin into the solution, with the skin out, for 12 hours, stirring occasionally. After 12 hours, we take out the skin and wash the fur. I use cheap, but well-working concentrated shampoos in tubes. Half a tube goes to the fox. We turn the skin inside out with the fur, and, trying to prevent water from getting inside the skin, we wash the fur. It is better to do this in the bathroom, in cold water, carefully. the splendor of the skin depends on this. Rinse badly, the hair will be greasy, the fur will stick together, the appearance of the skin will be bad. Further. I stretch the skin on the rule (board) and dry the fur. As soon as it starts to fluff, I turn the skin inside out and hang it on a rope. The mezdra also dries out during this time. For 1 liter of water you need: Fish oil-50g. Aleic acid-25g. Ammonia-10g. Two compositions are made. Fish oil is mixed with Aleic acid, and Ammonia is mixed with water at a temperature of 30 degrees. In different glass containers (jars). It is mixed before use. Then we smear the hanging skin with this solution from top to bottom with a brush. Without gaps. We leave the skin moistened with such a solution to dry. But most importantly, at the same time, you need to constantly do a slight pull. I calculate the dressing process so that this process falls on the weekend when I am free. Mezdra begins to dry out quite quickly, the pull must be done quite often. When the mezra becomes almost dry and does not stretch, turn the skin inside out with the fur and dry the fur, periodically comb it with a comb with long, frequent teeth. The fur dries up, turn the mezra out again and the pulling process begins. We take a section of the skin and, as they wash the linen, we pull the core. And so the whole skin. There is a breakdown of the mezdra, it becomes soft. Then you can sand the flesh slightly with fine sandpaper. The skin becomes even more soft. Everything. This method is good for all of our regular fur types. Checked hundreds of times. Mezdra is strong and holds the seam of the sewing machine well. Good luck.

I will add.
I described this dressing process for raw, freshly skinned or salted, but not dry. For freshly preserved skins, a soaking process is added. Those. prepares 8 liters of solution: salt-50g. per liter of water. Zinc chloride-0.5g. per litre. Zinc chloride prevents the process of rotting of the skins during soaking, and also fixes the hair in the mezra.

It must be added when soaking the skins of all animals, but especially the skins of raccoon, muskrat, in which the hair is kept in the mezra weaker and can “leak”. In foxes, minks, martens, ferrets, squirrels, I did not observe this.

Not written by us. This article was written ev011

How to skin a fox and its primary processing

How to skin a fox

It is better to remove the skin from the fox with a tube. To do this, with a sharp knife, do not cut the skin on the soles of the hind legs from the middle of the pads to the claw of the middle toe.

Then from the middle of the pads to anus, on the inside of the hind legs. Next, cut the skin of the fox from the anus to the base of the tail. In the same way, the skin on the front paws is cut open, from the elbow joint through the foot to the middle claw.

Skin dressing (methods, recipes, step-by-step process).

With a knife we ​​cut the connecting film and the tendons connecting the phalanges of the fingers. After removing the skin from the paws, he proceeds to separate the skin of the tail from its core.

For the convenience of skinning, it is better to hang the carcass of the fox by its hind legs in acceleration.

After removing the tail, separate the skin from the body. Gently pulling it down, if necessary, cut the film from the skin. Approaching the front joints, first we take out one paw after the other, then the skin will again be removed easily.

Near the head, you need to help with a knife, because. in this place dense connective tissue. Carefully cutting off the ears (leaving a thin part of the cartilage in the auricle), we remove the skin from the tip of the muzzle, cutting the lips and nasal cartilage, completely remove the skin.

Primary processing of the fox skin

The removed skin should be well degreased and wiped with a dry and clean rag. If there are gaps on the skin, they must be sewn up with threads, while not tightening them too much, only until they close. The defatted and wiped skin of the fox is put on the rule, with the fur inward, the skin outward. It is important that the spine and tail are strictly in the middle. Place the rule with the skin at a slight angle so that the paws and tail do not come into contact with the main skin. The skins should be dried at room temperature. After drying, remove the skin from the rule and turn it out with the fur and dry it.

Fox skin straightener

The fox is a rather playful animal, which in Lately increasingly kept at home. Especially teenagers and children dream about it. However, the content of this animal has its own characteristics, which our article will tell.

Appearance of a domestic fox

Experiments on the domestication of foxes began in the middle of the last century, as a result of which a breed appeared that is adapted to life with a person, outwardly different from its wild counterpart. The muzzle of the domestic fox has a more rounded shape, a black nose, and the eyes have acquired a blue color. Their ears and tail have also changed: the ears are more droopy, and the tail curls up a bit. The "new" chanterelles have a skin from dark red to pure white, there are individuals with white collars, dark paws and gray spots.

The nature of the domestic fox

Domestic foxes have a good memory. In no case should you shout at them, you can only slightly shame them for their misconduct. Since, if the animal is offended by the owner, then this is forever. It will remember that something unpleasant was done to it and it will be impossible to establish contact with it. The fox will not take revenge on a person, she will simply close in on herself. There are people who were able to establish contact with the animal, and it answers them with its playfulness, gullibility.

On a note! In order for the animal to sleep at night, it is necessary for him to provide active pastime during the day. Dogs and lots of toys are perfect for this..

Chanterelles are quite active, noisy, curious animals that do not tolerate loneliness. They are eternal children, leading a nocturnal lifestyle, they love to break everything, dig, gnaw, steal. They demand all the attention and free time for their person. Before you buy this animal, you need to be mentally prepared for this.

Which animal is better to buy

It is best to buy a pet at the age of 2-3 months. Younger age has its own characteristics with improper feeding, which can affect future health. An older animal has an established character, which will be impossible to remake.

How easy it is to make a fox skin at home!

You do not need to buy an adult, since it is unlikely that you will be able to make contact.

In addition, it is not worth buying a fox for those who keep hamsters, mice, chinchillas, rabbits, because in nature it feeds excellently on them. Even living at home, she will not change her natural inclinations. It is unlikely that a fox will be able to establish relations with a cat due to the difference in characters; it is best for her to have a relationship with a dog. When choosing the sex of a pet, you should pay attention to the following: females are usually more accommodating, but they find it difficult to find contact with each other. Male and female usually get along pretty well with each other.

Interesting! Females have the ability to mark territory.

Conditions for keeping a fox

If, when purchasing a pet, the choice fell on a fox, then the conditions of its maintenance should be taken into account. In a private house, there will be no particular problems with keeping a fox, since an aviary or a doghouse is suitable for it, which will shelter the animal from cold and rain. In addition, he needs to provide a slight elevation that allows him to bask in the sun.

With an apartment content, a cage is suitable in which it will be convenient for her to jump; inside it, it is necessary to equip a den that the fox needs for solitude. A box filled with sand is suitable as a toilet; she easily learns to walk in this tray. When keeping such an active animal, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Windows and doors must be tightly closed.
  2. Remove wires and breakable objects as far as possible.
  3. In the absence of the owner, the pet should be kept locked in a cage.

When the owner is at home, the animal must spend a lot of time in freedom, that is, outside the cage.

On a note! If there is such an exotic animal at home as a fox, then it must be regularly shown to the veterinarian and vaccinated, which will not only protect the animal, but also people, this is especially true about rabies.

What to feed a fox

The question of what to feed the fox is a little easier, since they are omnivores. Usually, for the adaptation of the animal, it is recommended to feed it with high-quality dog ​​food. Also, so that he does not have problems with the intestines, you can add:

Do not forget that by nature the fox is a predator, so it is recommended to connect the following diet:

  • chicken offal;
  • cartilage;
  • spleen.


How to remove and straighten the skin of a fox

The hunt is successfully over, the fox is taken. The hunter is faced with the task of removing the skin from it and conserving it so that it does not deteriorate during storage. It is best to remove the skin right in the forest while the carcass is still warm. The skin at this time is easily separated from the body, and for aesthetic reasons it is better to do this work in the forest than at home.

In addition, no matter how pleasant it is for a hunter to carry such a beautiful trophy on a belt, an additional load of 6-8 kg is strongly felt when, after a tiring day, you have to walk a few more kilometers through deep snow to the railway station.

An experienced hunter can remove the skin very quickly - in 15-20 minutes - and will not cut it anywhere. If the hunter very rarely had to do this work, it can take one and a half to two hours. Therefore, if you have little experience, and even the weather is frosty and your fingers are cold without gloves, it is better to carry the whole fox home and slowly remove the skin at home. On the way home, cut down a rule in the forest in the form of a large slingshot (Fig. 22) for drying fox skins.

Rice. 22. Rules for fox skins. On the left - cut down in the forest, on the right - hewn from the board

Gorgets and boas are often made from fox skins. Finally, the hunter can make a rug or stuffed animal out of his trophy. In all these cases, it is necessary to keep the legs with claws, the head with ears and nose, and the intact tail. This is also required by the fur standard for primary processed fox skins.

If the skin lacks any parts, then when it is handed over to the procurement authorities, its value will be reduced.

The skin from the fox is supposed to be removed with a “tube”, without making an incision in the stomach. To do this, fresh or thawed, if it has been frozen, the fox carcass is placed on its back, legs are spread apart and a cut is made with a sharp knife, the blade of which is directed upwards, from one hind paw to the other, as shown in Fig. 23. To do this, first cut the skin at the anus with the tip of the knife and, pulling the skin, stick the end of the knife into the gap between the skin and muscles. Then, moving the knife forward, an incision is made from the bottom up along the inside of the hind legs, bringing it to the middle toes of the paws.

Rice. 23. Cuts on a fox carcass

The second incision is made along the underside of the tail from the anus to the tip of the tail.

Then, acting in the same way, cuts are made on the front legs from the elbow joint to the base of the middle fingers of the front paws.

After that, you can start shooting the skin, starting with the hind legs. To do this, they pull the skin in the section with the left hand, and with the fingers of the right hand separate it from the muscles. In those places where the skin is firmly connected with the meat, the connecting films are cut with a knife. However, the knife should be used as little as possible, as it is very easy to cut the skin. After the skin is removed from the hind legs, you need to cut the tendons and muscles that connect the claws of the paws to the fingers, and completely separate the skin from the paws, leaving the claws with it. In the same way, the skin is removed from the front paws to the elbows.

Then, having separated the skin at the base of the tail, they put a finger under the tail shaft and, pulling the skin and moving the finger, gradually, vertebra by vertebra, release the tail shaft.

For further processing, it is most convenient to hang the fox upside down by inserting a stick into the cuts made with a knife between the tendons and bones of the hind legs. The skin is removed from the carcass, pulling it down by the edges and turning it inside with fur. In several places (near the penis, on the chest, under the front shoulder blades), the ligaments are cut with a knife. It must be borne in mind that the fox skin on the belly is much thinner than on the back, and it is easy to tear it with too much force. In general, it is quite easy to pull together to the head.

Having reached the ears, you need to cut their cartilage near the skull, pull off the skin to the eyes, carefully cut the eyelids around the eyes, pull the skin off the muzzle, cut off the nasal cartilage so that the nose remains with the skin, cut around the lips and finally separate the skin from the carcass. After that, you should separate the skin from the ear cartilage and carefully cut off the cartilage so that the outer and inner parts of the ear are intact.

The removed skin must be degreased. If cuts or tears were made on the skin during shooting, they must first be sewn up, pulling the edges of the tear together with a thread until they touch, but not overlapping each other. Degreasing is done by scraping fat from the skin with a non-sharp knife, which needs to be moved only from tail to head. It is useful to wipe the skin with sawdust, which absorb fat well, and then with a dry cloth. Any cuts of meat remaining on the skin must be carefully removed. It is useful to sprinkle the most fleshy parts of the skin (lips, nose, ears, base of the tail, paws) with salt.

After that, the defatted skin is pulled with fur inside on the rule and in several places (nose, hind legs) is fixed with carnations. A raw pelt can be stretched very strongly, but the fur standard requires a length to width ratio of 1:5. It is useful, while the skin is still damp, to stick strips cut out of paper to the inside of the front and hind legs and tail. The paper adheres strongly and prevents the skin from curling into a tube.

The skin on the rule is straightened so that the tail and paws are symmetrical and the head is not skewed. The paws are twisted with the mezra outward and the claws inward.

Drying is best done at a temperature of 20-30 ° (in the room, but not near the fire of the stove).

The procedure for how to make a fox skin at home

When dried by the fire, the skin becomes brittle, and when dried in the cold, it becomes loose and fragile due to the destruction of the skin microstructure by ice crystals.

After the mezdra has dried up, but has not dried completely, the skin is removed from the rule, turned inside out with fur and again pulled onto the rule for final drying. If the hair is stained with blood in places, you need to wash these places with warm water and, after drying, gently comb.

The completely dried skin, which takes 1-2 days, can be removed from the rule.

Many hunters claim that fox hunting is the most interesting activity for a true connoisseur of this type of activity. But what about the received trophy? You can make a chic soft collar at home, but it needs to be cleaned and not everyone knows the basics proper dressing fox skins. With the wrong process at home, the skins can simply be thrown away. In order to start the dressing process, you need a freshly mined skin. You can find relevant literature in libraries or on the Internet, watch instructional videos, find the recipes you need, and independently follow the whole process in stages.

Preparatory work

The fox skin is very soft, so even a beginner can process and clean it without any problems at home. But you need to be very careful and careful when performing all operations for dressing fox skins. All work with it, cutting and the entire processing process will directly depend on the place of extraction of these specific skins. This may be an individual from a natural habitat, or one that was grown in a special way, at home. The skins of animals that were caught by a person or fell into a trap are most often quite dirty. In addition to natural mud, a fox, living in a wild forest, can wear burdocks that are very tangled in fur. To free the fur from all extraneous attributes and clean the skins, it is necessary big time, special solution and focus on work. A place heavily damaged by burdocks needs to be cleaned well. You can’t cut it and comb it out with metal brushes too. It is necessary to save the skin so that every hair is even.

Animals that are raised in cages are much cleaner, and their skin does not have such imperfections and excess vegetation as on wild individuals. Preparatory stage for skins does not take much time and the process is faster. In the case when the fox was shot by a hunter, there will be ugly marks on its skin and the fur itself will be stained with blood. Such a variant of the skins must be mended and cleaned before dressing.

The fox skin is prepared and washed in special conditions. The water temperature should be at room temperature, ordinary water is added to it. washing powder or detergent. You can use a washing machine and a delicate wash for this.

dressing process

The process of dressing skins, not only fox, but any, consists of the following steps:

  • soaking;
  • mezdrenie;
  • picking;
  • tanning.

The first stage, at which the fur is soaked well, is the most important. They make a special solution: add a tablespoon of table salt from the account of 1 liter and about 10 ml of vinegar essence to a container of water. The water must be warm. Many use formalin for antiseptic properties. In this solution, the skin must be dipped for 12 hours and constantly turned over for a uniform process. In order for the fur to be cleaner, you can drop a little dish detergent. Then, the skin must be properly cleaned of fat and various meat residues. This process is called skinning. This is an important and accurate work that requires special care and perseverance. It is done with a dull knife. The material is straightened on a special wood chock. After skinning, the skin must again be washed well using the entire technology for the first time. The pickling process requires the skin to be immersed in water, salt and acetic acid. It is necessary to stir it there constantly for the tenderness of the final material. So that the skin is constantly in the water and does not float to the surface, you can put something heavy on top of it.

To give the fox skin special stable parameters and to enhance the properties from moisture, heat and various enzymes, it is necessary to carry out the tanning process. For this, natural materials are used: they take the bark of an oak or willow tree, and finely grind it. You can buy ready-made decoctions at the pharmacy. Boil the decoction for 20 minutes, let it stand for 24 hours and use such a cold solution to soak the skin with a brush.

After a while, you need to get the skin and shake it properly, hang it, wait until all the remaining water and the solution drain. Do not dry near heaters or on a radiator. An important step is the moment at which, when dried, dark spots will appear on the skin. They are located in places where there is almost no water. These places need to be well broken, cleaned and rubbed with the skin with your hands. It will then become very soft. Then hang to dry again. Saw a new dark spot and break it again. This work must be done constantly when dark places are formed. If you do not see these places, and the skin has become overdried, you can again immerse it in the solution and repeat the process.

Wait until the material dries well, burn evenly around the entire perimeter and use this solution: 50 g of any grated soap, a tablespoon of fish oil, 15 drops of ammonia and 500 grams of water. The material will become soft, beautiful and elastic. At the end of all work, comb the fur well.


There are many recipes, but this process of currying fox skins is actually very simple and at minimal cost. Of course, professional dressing at the factory, using professional tools and equipment, will be better. But if you are not looking for the ideal quality of the skin, you will not show it to professionals, then, following all the steps and norms, you can get a soft and beautiful collar made of animal skins.

Soak off

Canned fur skins are turned inside out with fur. Fox dressing begins with soaking such skins in a solution of salt, antiseptic and degreasing agents. In the domestic fur industry JSC "NIIMP" has developed a number of chemical materials and technologies for the processing of fur raw materials, which are currently successfully used by various companies, small workshops and home craftsmen.

The skins must be soaked in the solution to such an extent that the entire surface of the skin does not have coarsened areas, and in the future it is easy to turn the raw material inside out with fur. There are always particles of fat on the surface of fur skins preserved in a fresh-dry or dry-salt way;

In industries, in small firms and workshops, as well as in many home-based craftsmen, all water processes for dressing furs are mechanized. Various containers with mixers, washing machines and even household construction concrete mixers are successfully used. The condition for good processing of raw materials is mechanical impact on skins with the help of frequent rotation in solutions, and taking into account the length of the pile of fur. Long and high-speed rotation can lead to felting of the fur, therefore the number of revolutions in the apparatus is limited and ranges from 30 to 40 rpm. in a minute. Usually rotation is carried out for 10 - 15 minutes of every hour. The liquid coefficient for such skins is overestimated and is equal to 20 - 25. (LC = 20 - 25).

We prepare the solution: FA = 25, water temperature 32 - 35 degrees, salt 20 g / l, effect M - 0.5 g / l Gamma 1 or Verinol - 1 g / l, FH preparation - 0.5 g / l. (any antiseptic in the solution can be used). After the introduction of chemicals, skins are loaded and mixed for 10-15 minutes every hour; a time relay is installed to automate this process. The duration of soaking is 4 hours, but it depends on the quality of the raw materials.

Effect M is a highly effective agent for washing fur skins, a composition based on non-ionic surface-active substances (surfactants), developed by the Research Institute of the Fur Industry. Viscous homogeneous mass of brown color, dissolves well in water at a temperature of 35 degrees, has a slight odor. The pH of a 1% solution is 6.5 - 9.

Effect M is used for soaking, washing, as well as for washing dyed skins. The amount of the drug in the process of soaking 0.5-2 g/l, washing 1 - 1.5 g/l, when washing dyed skins 0.5-1.5 g/l.

Gamma 1 is a universal remedy, it is used as an auxiliary substance in all liquid processes during dressing of skins, the quality of dressing improves. The amount of the drug during soaking is 1-3 g/l, for highly dried and keratinized raw materials 2-4 g/l. Often this drug is used in combination with Gamma 3.

All preparations of the Gamma brand are the developments of the Scientific Research Institute of the Fur Industry. Similar materials exist in other countries, all of them are designed to obtain a better product, knowing their purpose, you can safely use them when dressing skins according to the instructions. Consumption of the drug in the soak 0.5 - 1 g / l, when degreasing 1 - 2 g / l and when tanning 0.5 - 1 g / l

The FH preparation is an antiseptic and disinfectant, a composition based on salts of organic acids and special additives. Clear liquid has a slight odor. The pH of a 1% solution is 4.5 - 6. The drug has high antiseptic and bactericidal properties of a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.

The amount of the drug in the soak is 0.5 - 1 g / l, for bacterial raw materials 1.5 - 2 g / l.

Verinol - a means for soaking fur skins, a composition based on nonionic and anionic surfactants, antiseptic preparations and special additives based on cyclic terpenes, is a transparent dark brown liquid. The pH of a 1% solution is 6 - 8. It has a slight odor.

It is used in all processes of fur soaking, has good wetting, emulsifying and washing ability, well removes dirt, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Consumption: when soaking 1 - 2 g / l, for heavily dried and keratinized 2 - 4 g / l.

After soaking, the skins are turned inside out with fur, paws and tails are undercut, squeezed in a centrifuge or passed through rubber drums and prepared for skinning, placed in basins, covered with burlap, so as not to dry out.


After the skins are unloaded from the soaking solution and loaded into the pickel, 5 hours remain, during this time it is necessary to have time to get rid of the prepared skins, and when there are a lot of them, mechanization is indispensable. Needed, due to which the speed of skinning of the skins increases, it takes several minutes for one skin. In the case of a small amount of skin, you can scour it manually or on a wooden blank with a two-handed scraper or on a scythe.


After skinning, the skins need to be degreased, the fat that is in the thickness of the leather tissue removed - this is achieved by washing using highly effective preparations. Washing is carried out in longboats or washing machines, you can use a concrete mixer.

A washing solution is prepared: LC = 25, water temperature 38 degrees, Lanem - 2g / l, Effect M - 0.5 g / l. Washing time 1 hour. The skins are rotated for 15 - 20 minutes. Then the water is drained and washed in clean water for half an hour at a temperature of 30 degrees. The skins are wrung out and immediately laid in a pickel.

Lanem - a means for washing and degreasing fur skins, a composition with a predominance of anionic surfactants. It is a light yellow paste with a slight odor. The pH of a 1% solution is 7 - 8.5. Washing consumption 1 g/l.


When pickling, you can use any acid, sometimes two acids are used for furs. Formic acid is quite suitable for a fox. A pickel is prepared: FA = 25, water temperature 35 degrees, salt 50 g / l, Gamma 2 - 0.5 g / l, formic acid 80% - 5 g / l. Enter salt and Gamma 2 and load the skins, mix. An hour later, acid is introduced and stirred for 15 minutes every hour. The duration of pickling is 12 - 14 hours.

Gamma 2 is a complex preparation for pickling fur skins, a multicomponent system consisting of ethoxylated products with antiseptic properties and special additives based on cyclic terpenes. Transparent viscous liquid of yellow-green color, has a slight odor. The pH of a 1% solution is 4.5 - 7. It is used in the process of pickling fur skins, especially thick skins. Promotes rapid pickling, fine separation of collagen bundles, removal of products of acid hydrolysis of fats, proteins and carbohydrates from the skin, reduces the flow of hair.

The amount of use of the drug at a peak of 1 - 2 g / l, 60 minutes before giving acid.

Then the skins are pulled out, squeezed and dipped in a tanning agent.

Tanning - fatliquoring

You can tan fox skins with a chromium tanning agent - basic chromium sulphate (basicity 33%). Tanning can be combined with fatliquoring using a dipping fatliquor. A tanning solution is prepared: FA = 25, water temperature 35 degrees, salt 50 g / l, Gamma 3 - 0.5 g / l, chrome tanning agent - 3 g / l, mechsinol - 5 g / l. Enter salt and Gamma 3, load the skins, mix for 15 minutes. An hour later, a tanning agent is introduced, the skins are mixed for 15 minutes every hour. 2 hours before the end, a fat composition is introduced - mexinol. Duration of tanning 12 hours.

After tanning, the skins are pulled out, squeezed, turned inside out with fur and put in a pile in a separate container for lying for 24 hours. The container is covered and left in a warm room.

Gamma 3 is an auxiliary agent for soaking, degreasing and tanning fur skins, a multicomponent system of non-ionic surfactants and special additives based on cyclic terpenes. Light pink viscous liquid with a slight odor. The pH of a 1% solution is 5.5 - 7.

It is used in the processes of soaking, degreasing and tanning of all types of fur raw materials, removes natural fats, hydrolysis products after the process of pickling and tanning. It has good emulsifying properties.

The consumption of the preparation in soaking is 0.5-1 g/l, in degreasing 1-2 g/l and in tanning 0.5-1 g/l.

Mehsinol is a universal fatliquor for fur skins and sheepskins, a composition based on sulfonated animal and vegetable fats. It is a viscous liquid from light beige to dark brown in color with a specific odor. The pH of a 5% solution is 5 - 8. It gives the leather tissue of the skins softness and plasticity.

The consumption of the preparation for dipping fatliquoring is 2–10 g/l, for spreading fatliquor 33% of the emulsion.

Rollback - finishing

After lying, the skins are turned inside out with fur and pulled on the rules, dried in warm weather under awnings in the air or in a warm room until completely dry, to crackers.

Dry skins are moistened with water, folded into piles and covered with cellophane, after 20 hours the skins are placed in a retractable drum with pieces (or balls) of rubber, broken for several hours. Broken skins are turned inside out with fur, loaded into a drum with sawdust, Gamma 7 is added to the sawdust in the amount of 30 ml per skin. The amount of sawdust is 0.8 kg per skin. Within 2 - 3 hours, the skins are rolled back in the drum. Then the skins are shaken from sawdust, changing the lid to a mesh or in a special mesh drum. The skins are again turned inside out with fur, the heads are moistened with Gamma 6 (300 g/l).

The skins are then rolled over the skin. Skins with sawdust are loaded again (consumption 0.8 kg per skin), Gamma 6 - 20 ml per skin is added to the sawdust. The skins are rolled back for 3 hours. The skins are shaken from sawdust, turned inside out, cleaned and combed.

Gamma 6 is a tool for hauling fur skins over leather, a multi-component system consisting of various organic substances and special additives, including synthetic terpenes. It is a light cream colored emulsion with a slight odor. The pH of a 1% solution is 6 - 8.

It is used in the processes of hauling the leather fabric of fur skins, gives softness, plasticity.

Gamma 7 is a pelt remover, a multi-component system consisting of various organic substances and special additives, including synthetic cyclic terpenes. It is a light brown liquid with a slight odor. pH of 1% solution early 6 - 8.

It is used in the processes of hauling all types of fur, cleans the hair from dirt, dust, grease, gives it splendor and elasticity.

Dressing a fox according to the technology of the company "Lowenstein"

Soak off

The purpose of soaking is to soak the raw material to the state of steam, then turn the skins inside out, since raw furs are most often turned inside out. For oily skins, in order to remove excess fat from the fur and skin, special degreasing additives with an antiseptic are added to the soak. The soaking process begins late in the evening and the skins are left overnight. A solution is prepared: LC = 25, water temperature 30 degrees, salt 20 g / l, WETTER HAC - 1 ml / l, for skins without signs of wetting ELBRO 100-C - 1 g / l, LP-12-B - 2 ml / l . The skins are loaded into the soaking solution, mixed for 15 minutes. After 2 hours, the skins are turned inside out, mixed for another 15 minutes. Then the skins are left in a container or longboat overnight in a warm room. The duration of soaking the skins is 10 - 12 hours. In the morning, the skins are pulled out, squeezed, skinned on a disk loom, the heads and paws are processed, and the tails are cut. Mining can also be carried out manually on a spit or on a wooden blank with a two-handed scraper or a dead end from a spit. The skinned skins are prepared for washing.

WATTER HAC is Lowenstein's high performance non-ionic wetting agent for all types of preservation. It has antiseptic properties, thanks to additives.

ELBRO 100-C is an enzyme preparation that improves the extraction of ballast proteins and lipids from the skins, further the skin tissue is easier to degrease, becomes softer and lighter.

LP-12-B is a product for removing felting of fur.


Skins can be washed both in longboats and in washing machines. A solution is prepared: LC = 25. Water temperature 32 degrees, salt 20 g / l, SOLVO B - 1 ml / l and DE-SOL-A - 1 g / l. Washing time 1 - 1.5 hours. Then the skins are squeezed and laid in a pickel solution.

DE-SOL-A is an anionic surfactant degreaser with good detergent and wetting properties.

SOLVO B - this degreaser is used in conjunction with DE-SOL-A, resulting in an improved degreasing effect.


In the evening, a solution is prepared: FA = 25, water temperature 32 degrees, salt 50 g / l, glycolic acid - 2 ml / l, lactic acid - 2 ml / l, after 1 hour formic 80% acid is injected - 2 ml / l, with oxalic acid - 1 g/l is added for hair flowiness, for skins without signs of flowability, SUPER LOTAN A is added - 0.5 ml/l.

For better loosening of collagen fibers in the skin, two acids are used: lactic and formic.

Salt, lactic acid are introduced, the skins are loaded, mixed for 15 minutes, formic acid is added an hour later and mixed again for 15 minutes. pH = 2.8 - 2.9. The skins are left overnight after checking the temperature of the solution. Duration 12 - 14 hours. Urom skins are pulled out, squeezed and sent to a tanning solution.

SUPER LOTAN A - a complex of proteolytic enzymes and organic acids, facilitates the removal of soluble proteins, increases the softness and plasticity of the skins.


Skins can be tanned with any tanning agent, currently chromium-free tanning agents are very popular for tanning furs, although chromium-containing tanning agents are also often used. Prepare the solution: FA = 25, salts 50 g/l, ammonium alum 35 g/l, TANNING ASSIST B - 3.5 g/l (dissolve in a small amount of water and add to the rotating solution, when the solution becomes transparent, load the skins) . After 2 hours, LOWENOL EML is injected - 1 g / l, LOWENOL LFB - 1 g / l, after an hour MOUTOTAN - 2 ml / l. The skins are stirred for 10-15 minutes every hour. Duration of tanning 12 - 16 hours. The temperature of the solution is controlled and kept constant. approximately equal to 3.6. The skins are pulled out, wrung out, turned inside out and laid out in a separate container for the night for lying in a warm room. In the morning, the skins are stretched on the rules with the flesh outward and fattening is done.

When using any aluminum compounds in tanning, precipitation of the tanning agent may occur. To avoid this phenomenon, TANNING ASSIST B, a mixture of carboxylic acid salts, is added to the solution. The pH value is stable. The consumption of the drug is 1:10 in relation to the consumption of aluminum alum.

MOUTOTAN is a chromium-containing tanning agent, which is a basic chromium sulfate.

LOWENOL EML is a fat composition for dipping fatliquoring.


Grease spreading with a brush, fat composition FRIESOL - 30 - 40 g per skin. Two hours of lying, then the skins are hung to dry. After drying, breaking up the skins with rubber pieces in a drum. Dry cleaning in a drum with sawdust - 250 ml of GLO-MOR solvent (half with water) for 100 skins and 10 kg of sawdust. Rollback until the hair is completely cleaned. Then shaking from sawdust, dragging along the length and width, grinding the mezra, ironing and combing the fur.

When winter comes to earth and a lot of snow falls, stylish ladies and gentlemen dress in bright fox fur. For many, it remains a mystery how the fox skin is dressed at home to make such chic things. Some hunters also ask a similar question, because the fox most often becomes a trophy after entering the forest.

Interestingly, the Book of Books tells that the Creator of the Universe himself was the first to use the skin of animals for clothing. When the first people sinned, he showed them the greatest mercy and gave them "long leather garments." It follows from this that the highest quality clothing can only be obtained from the skin or fur of animals.

Nowadays, it is quite possible to create fur masterpieces with your own hands, if you know how to properly dress a fox skin at home. No wonder they say that knowledge is a great power. After all, fox fur can be used to make a luxurious fur coat, collar, hat or shawl. And if there is an avid hunter in the house, then you can get such things almost for free. The main thing is to be prepared to work hard.

Preparing the skin for the dressing process

To fur product had a chic appearance, it is important that the skin is freshly mined. Therefore, for a professional hunter, this is not a problem. When the animal is already caught and the skin is removed, it must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. Quite often, falling into a trap or running away from hunters, a fox can get very dirty. In addition to blood stains, a lot of burdock thorns and dirt get on the fur, which must be carefully removed from the skins. s.

Before you start dressing the fox skin at home, it must be washed. For this, warm water is taken, washing powder or liquid detergent is added there. Then the skin is carefully soaked in the solution and carefully washed. Some innovators use a washing machine to clean the fox skin. But in this case, it is desirable to set the delicate mode.

Basic operations for dressing fox skins

After the fur has been cleaned of blood, thorns and dirt, they start dressing fox skins at home. To do this, perform the following operations:

  • thorough soaking;
  • mezdrenie;
  • picking;
  • tanning.

Each of these operations should be performed strictly according to the rules. As a result, the dressing of the fox skin will be successful and luxurious fur products will appear in the house.

Thorough soaking

The process of soaking the skin is carried out to achieve its complete degreasing. To do this, you need to take the following components:

  • pure water;
  • vinegar, preferably 90%;
  • ordinary kitchen salt;
  • furatsilin;
  • detergent for dishes;
  • suitable container.

In order for the dressing of fox skins at home to be of high quality, soaking should be done in a large container. It can be a voluminous basin, an old bathtub or a tank. A special solution is prepared in it. For 1 liter of water you need:

  • 1 tablespoon of kitchen salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of detergent;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 2 tablets of furatsilina.

Skins are placed in the finished solution until completely immersed. During the first 2 hours, they must be turned over with a stick with a blunt end. The procedure is repeated every quarter of an hour. After that, the interval for mixing the skins increases to 1 time in 3 hours. The soaking process lasts approximately 12 hours.

When salt is added to the liquid, you need to wait until it is completely dissolved. In this case, the water should not be higher than 25 degrees.

Skinning is an important cleansing process

After thorough cleaning, subcutaneous fat and remnants of flesh remain on the skin. This provides for the process of mezdreniye.

Since each animal has its own thickness of the skin, it is desirable to carry out the process of skinning with unsharp movements. It is better to use a dull knife so as not to pierce the skin.

At home, skinning is performed on a rounded board, stretching the skin on it. If there is no suitable board, you can perform the procedure by placing the skin on your knees.

The skinning process begins with the removal of the film, fat and flesh from the back of the hide. It is best to do this with a blunt knife at a 45 degree angle from tail to head. So there are more chances not to damage the precious fur.


Not a single fox dressing is complete without picking. Indeed, after this operation, the skin becomes flexible and soft, which means it is quite pliable for fur products.

To carry out pickling at home, prepare a solution:

  • 2 liters of water at room temperature;
  • 100 grams of vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of rock salt.

All the ingredients are mixed and the skins are placed there. They are kept in it for about a day, after which they are checked for the degree of readiness. If you can easily pull out a few hairs from the lower abdomen, then the skin is ready. Another way to check is if an imprint appears when folding the skin in several layers, the material is ready.


Before performing the operation, a tanning solution is prepared. To do this, willow bark is placed in a huge pan and poured with water. Boil for 40 minutes, after which the liquid is drained. Salt is added to it - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of broth. When the solution has cooled, the skins are lowered into it for 24 hours. At the end of the process, fur blanks should be dried.

The last stage is high-quality drying

To make beautiful fur things out of the skin, it is important to dry it properly. At home, this is not so easy, but it's worth it. To do this, take a special device on which the source material is stretched. Periodically, it needs to be removed and stretched in the other direction. When the skin brightens and becomes almost white, it is left to dry. After that, the material is sanded with sandpaper and carefully greased.

The dressing of fox skins at home shown in the video will help to do the process correctly. The result is an excellent blank for a chic winter attire. And a chic red fox will warm its admirers in the cold season.

The skin of the fox is very soft, it can be easily processed. Even a novice can handle this matter if he pays attention to all skinning operations. 80% of inexperienced furriers fail on their first try and don't continue with the job.

The main reason for failures is practical difficulties. If someone has a fox skin in store, there is a desire and interest to work on it, then continue to carefully read this article. In it, in a profitable form, the secrets of how the fox skin is made without leaving home are revealed.

Getting started with skinning

Whatever work you do, each of them has its own characteristics, each is complex in its own way. This is how it is with fur dressing, there are also some nuances here, it would seem trifles, but without them the desired results will not have to be achieved. All these difficulties can be overcome if you acquire knowledge and do not ignore the advice of those who are already on the right path.

Of course, now there is no shortage in the literature, with the help of the recipes presented, you can independently begin to deal with skinning at home. But this is only a theory, but practical skills are needed that will help you avoid mistakes at the beginning of work, save money and time. To make it easier, you can find a video on the Internet and see how skinning is carried out.

Before you start dressing the fox skin, you need to find out what kind of predator it is from: it lived in wild nature wild or carefully and carefully grown on farming in a cage. If the skins are taken from wild-caught fur-bearing animals, they are very dirty. In addition, the red-haired predator that lives in forests and fields has a large number of burrs on its fur, the release of which will take a lot of time and be very diligent.

Heavily polluted places should not be cut, it is strictly forbidden to comb out the burdock with metal brushes. You should try to keep every single hair on the skin. Foxes grown at home have a skin without the above disadvantages. So preliminary work will take a little time.

Skins from a shot fox have holes from buckshot, fur with traces of blood. Such a skin that has just been removed must be washed before beginning the dressing. You can wash it like you would your normal clothes by selecting the appropriate mode in the washer. As a detergent, take the usual washing powder or another suitable product. Water should be at room temperature.

To mend the skin of a fox at home, a novice furrier will need: detergents, kitchen, the most common salt, vinegar essence, a rule made of wood. You can’t do without tannins, without fish oil, and also without ammonia, a knife, pumice and a brush.


Without such an important stage of fur dressing as soaking, it is impossible to carry out all the further stages of dressing the fox skin. In order to do it correctly, it is necessary to pour some water into a suitable large vessel (the temperature must be room temperature), throw ordinary salt (50g per 1 liter) and 10ml there. vinegar essence.

Formalin or furatsilin, taken little by little, may well serve as an antiseptic. Place the fox skin in this mixture and leave it to "swim" for 11-12 hours, do not forget to turn over. For better cleaning of the fur, it is advisable to add a little detergent to the solution.

Skinning and degreasing

Skinning is a thorough cleansing of the skin, in this case the skin of a fox, from fat, remaining pieces of meat and muscles. This work is very difficult and requires great attention and patience, especially if skinning is carried out in the abdomen. If the preparatory processing was done qualitatively, then the skinning will pass without problems.

When the fox skin is dressed at home, all the necessary operations must be done in order. First, from the left leg, moving towards the middle, all the fat under the skin is removed. The same procedure is done with the right hind leg, moving in the same way, holding the skin by the rump during their actions.

Then this process continues in another part of the fox skin. We start from the front left leg to the head, then from the right front all in the same direction. Now the turn of the rump is coming: we turn the skin so that part of the head is in the right hand of the furrier, and the rump in the left. This area of ​​the skin needs the following skinning sequence: from the right side towards the back right leg, after which they advance to the back left. The side on the left is processed in length.

It happens that the skin of a predator is very thin, when working with it, great care should be taken to prevent rupture of the skin.

Dressing fox skins by pickling

The pickling process has the ability to free the skins from excess substances that stick together the fibers during drying. For pickling, the fox skin must be placed in a solution of the following components: one liter of water, 4 tablespoons (without top) of salt, 2 full tablespoons of vinegar essence. The pickle temperature should be at the level of 18-20 degrees, but not more than 25.

The skin is immersed in the prepared solution with the skin outward and kept in it for 12 hours. Since the dressing of fox skins takes place at home, the container with the contents should be covered with a lid so that the smell of vinegar does not spread in the room. If the skins cannot be determined by thickness, then it is better to keep them in the pickel solution for less time, but in no case overdo it. Stir the solution with a stick or a wooden spoon, this must be done very carefully, because the skins become very tender after skinning.

After twelve hours of stay in the pickel, the fox skins are taken out, squeezed by hand and folded in half so that the skin is to the skin. In this form, they are sent to lie down, placing a load on top, and left in this way to “rest” for six hours (half the pickling time).

Drying skins with subsequent neutralization

To dry the fox skin, you have to work hard. You need to dry at normal temperature (room temperature), putting it on the rules so that the hairs look inward. As soon as the skin becomes semi-dry, it is removed from the rule and slightly wrinkled, stretching alternately in different directions. Actions are like washing a handkerchief. We must not forget about the part of the head, rump and legs, which are stretched across.

When, after kneading the skins, they become soft and fluffy, you can proceed to the following operations. It happens that some parts of the skin or all of it remains tough, then you have to do everything from the beginning (spread with pickle, put on the rule, dry and wrinkle). This must be repeated until each of the fox skins is soft and fluffy.

To achieve an increase in the durability of the quality of the fur, the skins must be neutralized after pickling. For this, hyposulfite is used. In a solution consisting of 50 g. hyposulfite, 30g. salt and 1 liter of water, fox skins can withstand 1.5 - 2 hours. After that, they are thoroughly washed, placed in cold water, gently squeezed and dried on the rule, while the core should be out.


To make the fibers of the fox skin resistant to moisture, heat, chemical enzymes, it must be tanned. This is one of the skinning operations carried out at home, which is considered very responsible. Skins that have not been tanned do not tolerate moisture, they quickly begin to tear and become unsuitable for further use. Too retanned become stiff. Based on this, we conclude that tanning should be done moderately weak.

At home, for this purpose, willow and oak bark, or dry bergenia roots are sometimes used as a tanning agent (everything can be bought at a pharmacy). To prepare a tanning agent, you need to take one part of natural raw materials and three parts of water, boil for no more than 15 minutes, then leave to infuse for 24 hours. Strain.

Tanning solution

With a cold prepared tanning agent, using a brush, evenly saturate the core of the skin and send it again for drying. When, finally, they waited for the skin to begin to dry out, you need to wring it out, as before.

Fattening will “give” elasticity and softness

For the process of fattening, if it is carried out at home, quite affordable fattening emulsions are used. Some experts impregnate the skin with a mixture of one part glycerin and one part egg yolk. Another composition consists of 0.5l. ordinary water, 50g. soap, 0.5 kg. any fat, including fish oil with the addition of ten drops of ammonia. A certain proportion of fat is sometimes replaced with glycerin or yolk, it is possible (no more than 5%) with machine oil.

The mixture is evenly lubricated with the core of the fox skin stretched over the rule and sent to rest. After a few hours, they begin to dry the skin, again knead and comb the fur. In the event that it is dirty, wipe the dirty places with a cloth soaked in gasoline. To make the mezdra light and without excess fat, it should be rubbed with chalk. Over thick places you need to work with sandpaper, but this must be done very carefully so as not to overdo it.

Turn each skin inside out so that the fur is out. Then shake vigorously, holding the head and hind legs. That's all the work, the fox skin has been processed. You can start cutting and sewing the necessary fur products, which pleases the eyes with cleanliness and brilliance. He is so beautiful and fluffy that there is a desire to touch him at least a little.

In order to make the dressing of skins, both fox and other fur-bearing animals, easier at home, craftsmen come up with different devices, which ones you can see in the video.

If your friends find out that you can mend a fox skin at home, get ready to take orders. There will be a lot of people who want to use your services. If you can't refuse them, then do it for a fee. Among experienced professionals in this field of activity, skinning is valued at 20-50 dollars for one animal skin. You must evaluate your work adequately, do not sell too cheap. Otherwise, avid hunters will overwhelm you with their trophies! To facilitate your work, you can watch video tutorials on dressing fox skins.