Treatment for ticks in parrots. Treatment of a budgerigar from a tick

Small insects, which are not immediately visible to the naked eye, hide during the day, and at night they torment the parrot with itching and irritation, drinking its blood. You can find the following types of ticks in a parrot:

The signs of a tick in a parrot can be divided into two groups - common and characteristic for each species. Common symptoms include:

  • lethargy - due to constant irritation:
  • lack of appetite - due to irritation or deformation of the beak;
  • peeling and irritation of the skin that is not covered with feathers - the epidermis becomes porous, dries and flakes;
  • itching - the bird itches, self-pecking of the skin is possible.

Typical symptoms of ticks in parrots include:

It is easy to find out what a scabies mite looks like on a parrot. To do this, take a magnifying glass and inspect the pet.

  1. When examining the beak, deformation is visible - it can be turned sideways or twisted, there are dense growths in the corners.
  2. When examining the eyes - growths in the corners, the eyes are irritated, redness may be observed.
  3. When examining the paws - dense scaly growths, peeling of the skin, loss of claws.
  4. When examining the cloaca, there is a plaque resembling a calcareous one, which makes it difficult for females to lay eggs.

Treatment of ticks in a parrot

Ticks cause discomfort, itching and irritation in budgerigars. The bird can cripple itself, so start treatment at the first symptoms of the disease immediately.

Before deciding how to cure ticks in parrots, we recommend contacting a clinic where a veterinarian will make a diagnosis and prescribe medication.

In the initial stage of the development of the disease, when a small surface of the skin is affected, you can use vaseline or vegetable oil. It will block the access of oxygen to the ticks and they will die. In this case, the treatment of growths is similar, but the frequency of the procedure will increase up to 2 times a day.

Process the tools after treatment to protect the pet from re-infection.

Prevention of ticks in parrots

  • Keep the cage, feeder, play accessories clean.
  • Choose your parrot food carefully.
  • Observe the diet and diet of the animal.
  • Maintain quarantine for new birds.
  • Before you please fresh fruit, vegetables or pet greens, treat the product with hot water.

What could be the consequences

Removing a tick from a parrot is easy. But there may be consequences that scare bird owners. If the parrot is handled carelessly from a tick, oil can get on the feathers. In this case, you don't have to worry. After the end of the treatment, put the bathing suit in the cage and the bird will be cleaned of oil residues.

Knemidokoptosis is not dangerous for humans, as it is not adapted to the nutrition of the human epidermis.

Early diagnosis of the disease is the key to recovery and beauty of the pet. Please him with new games and feed him well so that a big healthy parrot grows out of the chick.

If such an infection is detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, otherwise the beak may become deformed, the bird will not be able to eat normally, and this often leads to death. The bird constantly itches and pulls out feathers, becomes lethargic, does not show activity, eats poorly.

There are cases of infection with tracheal mites, in this case, the mucous membrane of the trachea is affected in budgerigars. At the same time, the birds' breathing is disturbed, they cough and sneeze, refuse to feed and throw their heads back. The final diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian, who should be consulted.

Treating a parrot for ticks

The veterinary pharmacy has a large selection of drugs to cure the bird. Treatment should be started as soon as the first symptoms appear. Aversectin ointment is very popular, it is inexpensive and rarely causes an allergic reaction in a parrot. The medicine is gently applied in a thin layer to the affected areas, care must be taken that it does not get into the beak, nostrils or eyes.

You can treat the affected areas with vaseline oil, if it accidentally gets into the parrot's beak, then this is not dangerous for him. This method is well suited for treating the affected skin around the eyes. The oil will prevent the flow of air, without which ticks in parrots die. Procedures should be carried out until complete recovery up to 2 times a day. At the time of treatment, the bird should not be released from the cage so that it does not carry ticks throughout the room.

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out a complete disinfection of the cage, including ladders and swings. You just need to pour boiling water over the feeder and drinker so that the bird does not get poisoned. If there are wooden objects, it is better to throw them away, they may have ticks and their eggs. It is necessary to throw out of the cage and all the old food, chalk and twigs. Disinfection must be carried out with a special tool, for example, Butox, it is sold at a pet store. Before starting, you should carefully study the instructions that come with the drug, and act strictly according to it, so as not to harm the bird.

Preventive actions

Mineral supplements and vitamins must be present in the diet of budgerigars.

It is necessary to carefully care for the bird, monitor its condition and behavior, if the budgerigars already had ticks, it is important to prevent their reappearance.

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What is a scabies mite?

If your feathered pet began to behave restlessly, cleans feathers and scratches its paws all the time, or just sits sad and gloomy, then you need to carefully examine it.

There may be several types of mites on one parrot (scabies, quill, feather, tracheal), but you need to deal with all of them quickly, because inaction can lead to the death of a pet.

We look at the symptoms of the disease.

The reasons for the appearance of a tick in budgerigar several:

  • Bad food. Buy bird food only in hermetically sealed polyethylene or vacuum packaging.
  • Also, ticks can be picked up while in a cage with already infected parrots.
  • With reduced immunity. The reason for this may be insufficient attention to the pet, other diseases, a dirty cage, stress.

If you do not take any measures to disinfect the bird, then this problem can lead to the death of the pet.

With the help of some available drugs, you can successfully deal with this disease and defeat it at home. You can act calmly, because they are not transmitted to humans.

First you need to visit a veterinary pharmacy, purchase drugs such as:

In parallel with applying ointments to the parrot, you need to periodically disinfect the cage with a special tool - Butox. It can be bought in veterinary shops.

Since the drug is toxic, the bird should not be in the cage during treatment. After cleaning, wash everything thoroughly several times so that the insecticide does not remain on the rods.

Just pour boiling water over feeders and drinkers, you can’t wash them with a chemical. Twigs, chalk, and other porous objects should be thrown out because they are a great place for ticks to hide.

Knemidocoptosis: prevention.

To prevent the appearance of ticks in budgerigars, you need to follow simple rules: the cage must be clean and fresh, wash all toys, drinkers, feeders with boiling water before getting to the parrot.

The diet of a parrot should contain various minerals and vitamins necessary for the health of a feathered pet. Also, pay more attention to the bird, communicate with it and let it fly.

Despite the popular belief that a parrot cannot get sick, this is a mistake. It is connected with the fact that not only those who do not have birds in the house, but also the owners of such pets do not know what diseases (for example, a tick in a parrot) can lie in wait for their pet in the most unforeseen places. In order to insure him from unpleasant consequences, you should read about such a phenomenon in more detail in order to determine the appearance of an unwanted guest at the right time. After all, whoever is fully armed is always ready to attack.

Types of ticks that are dangerous for a parrot

The tick may be of the gamasid or feather species. The gamasid mite can be seen with the naked eye, as the cluster of this species looks like a lot of red dots, but it is active at night, therefore it is easiest to detect its presence in the dark.

Several species have a feather mite, which negatively affects the condition of the plumage of a parrot. It falls out more intensively, has an irregular, damaged shape, since the tick feeds on it. When observing something similar, you should contact an ornithologist. The most common is the scabies mite (knemidokoptosis).

A light plaque, similar to calcareous, around the beak and on the legs of the parrot indicates that the feathered one is infected with a scabies mite

Unfortunately, this tick may not immediately manifest itself. It all depends on the state of immunity of the parrot. With good nutrition, proper care, symptoms may not appear for many months. A tick cannot appear out of nowhere. A pet can be a carrier of a tick, and you won't even know about it for the time being. He can become infected if for some time he was near a sick bird or lived in a cage in which tick eggs could remain.

Scabies mite symptoms:

  • A tick in a parrot reveals its presence in the form of a calcareous coating on the wax, beak, paws, around the eyes, cloaca, and any other area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that is not covered with plumage. First of all, the symptoms appear precisely on the wax, and then it conquers another territory.
  • Growths appear on the paws, which, when scraped, have a porous structure inside, this is also a sure sign of the action of the tick.
  • The behavior of the parrot should also be alarming, it begins to itch, it can tear out its plumage, and new mites will develop on an uncovered area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Symptoms in a parrot are manifested in a change in its mood. He becomes lethargic, passive, does not want to eat.

It is worth paying attention to the above immediately, since the progressive activity of the tick leads to deformation of the beak, the parrot will no longer be able to eat, and the limbs may fall off.

The affected areas can be lubricated with vaseline oil, but this method will take quite a long time.

The good news is that the timely treatment of the tick kills it immediately and irrevocably, and the owner himself can treat the parrot, since this tick is not terrible for a person. Aversectin ointment effectively fights the disease. On a cotton swab, you need to take a small amount of ointment and apply to the damaged areas. Carefully making sure that the ointment does not get into the eyes, nostrils, beak, plumage itself. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them thoroughly. Apply the ointment 1 time in 4-5 days, with a neglected case more often. Treatment is continued until the parrot is fully recovered.

A good alternative would be treatment with vaseline oil, but it is oil, not ointment, since they have a different structure. But this method of treatment will take much longer. Advantage vaseline oil in that, when it enters the beak, it is excreted from the body of the parrot without harming it. It is because of this that the method is perfect for treating the skin around the eyes.

For a complete recovery, it is imperative to disinfect the cage and those places where the parrot likes to sit for a walk. First of all, you should get rid of all wooden perches, ladders, and other wooden accessories, throw chalk, toys, food, twigs, earth out of the cage, which you may have brought from the street. It is in such porous objects that a tick and its eggs can hide.

Carefully treat the cage itself with Butox or another drug that is sold at a pet store. Read the instructions carefully, if you exceed the dose, “to be more effective”, you can only harm the parrot. It is necessary to treat the cell with these drugs for at least an hour, after which it must be scalded with boiling water (the tick dies at a temperature of 80 degrees, in a few seconds), then dried. Such disinfection of the cell is carried out before and after treatment.

A new cage must be scalded with boiling water, as there is no guarantee that ticks and their eggs did not get on it in a pet store

Even if your parrot has never been sick, he did not have ticks, this is not a reason for irresponsibility. Getting yourself a pet, you need to learn not only to play with him, but also to provide him with proper care. Often, for a change and to create comfort for their parrot, people bring “furniture” from the street into his cage. All sorts of sticks, pebbles, leaves and more. But we should not forget that what will not harm you can be fatal to your parrot.

Therefore, if foreign objects are brought into the house, they should be diligently washed, scalded with boiling water. The same applies to a new cage from a pet store. You cannot be insured against the fact that an infected bird did not previously sit in it and, of course, no one then properly processed the cage itself, and both the tick and its eggs could remain in the tree. Buy for a parrot only food from trusted manufacturers.
Treatment should be started as soon as symptoms appear.

Take care of your pet, and he will delight with his presence for a long time to come. good mood, not overshadowed by various sores!

Domestic parrots can suffer from ticks. Knemidocoptosis is a disease that affects feathered pets. It is caused by ticks in parrots.

The life cycle of a bird mite is 4 weeks and consists of the following stages:

  • the appearance of a larva from an egg;
  • the formation of a protonymph;
  • the appearance of a teleonymph;
  • an adult.

Typically, parrots have the following types of ticks:

  • gamasic;
  • feather;
  • scabious;
  • tracheal.

The feather mite spoils the feathers of the bird, which eventually fall out. The parrot's feathers begin to deform. The tick acts on the feather core, due to which it begins to deteriorate. Feather mites are rare.

You can determine the presence of a scabies mite in a parrot by the following signs:

  • the appearance of a calcareous coating on the beak, legs, eye area, especially on the wax;
  • growths on the paws of a porous structure;
  • the parrot is worried, constantly itching;
  • the bird refuses to eat and becomes lethargic.

As a complication, if left untreated, beak deformity may occur, limbs will begin to fall off in the bird.

Timely treatment will help the parrot get rid of the tick forever. growths on open areas skins appear slowly - this will take from 4 to 6 months. Before this period, the disease can be noticed only with a thorough examination of the bird.

The tracheal mite infects the tracheal mucosa, the parrot's breathing process is disturbed, it refuses to eat. This tick can be recognized by characteristic feature- the bird begins to throw back its head and often sneezes.

Why does the tick appear

If there are already other parrots in the house, do not rush to plant a new pet with them. It is important to observe the behavior of the bird, its appetite, appearance.

Usually parrot breeds that are small in size are susceptible to the disease - large birds tick strikes extremely rarely.

Tick ​​treatment

If the parrot began to worry, his behavior changed, the bird began to refuse food, cannot fly, you need to contact an ornithologist.

To get rid of ticks, you will need special ointments. The most popular in veterinary medicine is Aversectin ointment. This drug is used to lubricate unprotected areas with feathers. The ointment is applied in a thin layer with a cotton swab. Do not lubricate the entire body of the bird.

If the disease is running, the course of treatment lasts about two weeks. It may take a longer period. In the first week, Aversectin ointment is applied every other day, and from the second week, once is enough with an interval of three days.

It is required to treat the disease at the initial stage within one week. The affected areas are lubricated every three days.

As additional therapeutic measures, fortification of the body is used. A sick bird needs a complex of vitamins so that it can restore its strength as soon as possible after an illness.

Treatment is not stopped until all growths are eliminated.

In the process of treatment, it is necessary to regularly disinfect the cells. From it you will need to remove all wooden parts, chalk stones. Everything else is treated with soapy water and poured over with boiling water. It is better to throw out small accessories, and after the bird recovers, purchase everything new. If there are more birds in the house, then it is better to take preventive measures, because the tick can hit them too. As a preventive measure, use the same ointment that is used to treat open areas. One or two treatments will suffice.

When applying the cream, you should follow safety measures. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not get into the nose or eyes of the parrot - this can lead to serious consequences and even death.

For procedures, it is better to choose a time when the bird is least active. Processing is best done together: one person should hold the parrot, and the other should handle the affected areas. After the bird has been cured, its feathers look stuck together, have an unsightly appearance, so they should be carefully washed with a soda solution. Take a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Prevention of reinfection

Cell disinfection is carried out twice - before and after treatment. The best option will purchase a new cage with all accessories. In this case, the risk of re-infection is sharply reduced.