How to make money in the country. What business to open on your site

There are a lot of interesting and cost-effective ideas for starting a business. Despite today's diversity of information, many villagers are unaware of the tremendous opportunities hidden in the provinces.

Far from the variety of urban offers, there are more opportunities to develop faster and more efficiently, it is easier to hit the first profit. The village has several original ideas that will allow you to implement a business on the ground, with a minimum investment of 1-2 thousand rubles... This can be a service of selling berries or fruits from your garden, selling flowers, selling seedlings.

In 2017

Today there are business ideas and startups that differ from the standard proposals that are being implemented in rural areas today.

Business creation ideas for car owners

The most common option for car owners to own their own business is a private taxi or local taxi. In the countryside, this is a great way to move, at affordable prices, because the transport interchange in any village or village is not too developed. It is imperative to take into account that the cost of the trip and monthly earnings must be covered by gasoline and gas, as well as the depreciation of the car.

The most effective such business will be in the area where there are not only rural residents, but also urban summer residents. To implement this idea, you need to post ads in the village, create ads on Internet resources and repair the car, while waiting for a call from customers.

If you have a car, you can take orders for food from neighbors, the elderly, the elderly and do home delivery, for a small percentage. Often, such goods as clothing, household chemicals, food, conservation, etc. are in demand.

The most profitable ideas in agriculture

The most effective and cost-effective ideas for starting a business in rural areas are fishing and livestock farming. If there is a pond or a small lake on the territory of a summer cottage, a private house, fish farming would be a great idea.

Perhaps in the future it will be possible to offer customers not only fresh fish, but also frozen, salted, smoked fish.

  • In the absence of a pond, reservoir, lake, you can do breeding of animals, for example, cattle... Initially, you will need to have 5-6 thousand rudders for the purchase of several young individuals (goats, pigs, calves, etc.)
  • Apiary creation- breeding and raising bees, collecting honey is always an effective and cost-effective business, because 1 kg of honey costs at least 700-800 rubles. Sales can be established not only to individuals, but also to shops, food stores, boarding houses, etc. To start developing such a business, you will definitely need to learn the basics of breeding bees.
  • Rose growing business or any other flowers (lilies, hyacinths, snowdrops) requires 2-4 thousand rubles of investments for planting material, fertilizers. Greenhouse arrangement for a start requires 2 thousand rubles of costs, agricultural technology will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Initially, you will need to negotiate with flower shops (bazaars, spontaneous markets or hand-made sales), advertisements on the Internet, and create groups on social networks.
  • Directly the beginning growing strawberries will require from 5 to 7 thousand rubles for planting material and fertilizers, but the payback will be visible already in the first year of strawberry cultivation. However, if you do this business not seasonally, but constantly, in winter, strawberries in greenhouses require artificial pollination. For this, it will be necessary to invest at least 10 thousand rubles.

Business on agricultural land

Regardless of the type of activity chosen, in a region separated from the city, constant work will be an important factor. The resulting profit will be the key to the development of new areas of activity or the expansion of an existing type of earnings.

On the land of agricultural use ideas you can start growing and subsequent sale of turkey, chickens or quails... In addition to poultry meat, you can also sell eggs, down, feathers for the production of pillows. Today, the cultivation of pheasants is very relevant. To breed poultry, initially you will need to have 3-4 thousand rubles for the purchase of young animals. Arrangement of the territory for cultivation will cost 10-12 thousand rubles (poultry house, paddock, feed, etc.).

Among the widespread business ideas in rural areas, they are equally relevant options for growing and selling mushrooms, both fresh and pickled, salted or dried. Oyster mushrooms, champignons, porcini mushrooms, as well as medicinal shiitake mushrooms are offered for cultivation today.

Despite the fact that apples seem to be in every yard, they are in great demand on the sales market. Therefore, the business of growing and selling apples will require no more than 2-3 thousand rubles for the purchase of mature trees, and will also provide a payback and the first profit in the first year. The profit can be spent on buying trees to expand the garden.

Along with the cultivation of fruits and berries, potatoes are in no less demand, because today even many summer residents have abandoned their independent cultivation.

Among the original, interesting ideas for the development of your own business, you can consider growing wormwood... This idea is best suited for those who have their own land in the private sector. Wormwood will almost immediately bring considerable profit, because it can be sold not only to pharmaceutical companies, homeopathic pharmacies, but also to those who are engaged in the production of alcohol. Wormwood is one of the main ingredients in making absinthe drink. Among all the existing plant species, the only one sold is Artemisia absinthium or Artemisia absinthium. Average, from 1 hectare, you can get at least 3 thousand dollars for the implementation of the culture.

Business from scratch

Few are ready to start a business from scratch, because this is a risky undertaking that requires some costs and, of course, a lot of effort to work.

  • For those living in the village there is an opportunity to create their own business on the sale of frozen berries, fruits... Natural products are always needed and many city dwellers try to purchase it from private traders who do not use GMOs and a variety of pesticides. The product can be sold through advertisements posted on modern resources on the Internet. Ask family and friends to create a "word of mouth" chain, create social media groups and announcements, and more. Initially, you will need 3-4 thousand to buy a garden or shrubs, packing bags, and you will also need to purchase a new or used freezer (at least 5-6 thousand rubles).

Fast payback, no more than 2 years, is demonstrated by the following ideas for a small business in rural areas:

  • Raising, selling or renting horses... The business requires some investment, horses require constant care, initial costs, more than 50 thousand for the purchase of a horse.
  • Are very popular, namely the process of their breeding and subsequent sale. Rabbit meat is dietary, and modern consumers increasingly began to think about healthy eating and taking care of their own health. Rabbits give birth every year, and after reaching the age of 4 months, they can already be considered a commodity for sale. Rabbit meat costs 400 rubles, one rabbit weighs 1.5-2 kg, which means a rabbit will cost 600-800 rubles, with the cost of feeding and equipping 2 thousand rubles for 5 rabbits.
  • Pig breeding has always been considered profitable(1 kg of meat - 300 rubles, bacon - 250 rubles), making a profit. A pig is a waste-free animal, it is completely sold for meat, lard, offal, head, etc.
  • Not less popular than apples and strawberries, sea ​​buckthorn is in demand in the food market! It is not difficult to create a sea buckthorn garden: one seedling is 1000 rubles, 2-3 seedlings are enough for a start. The profit per hectare of planting can be approximately 1000 euros. Sea buckthorn will only be profitable 2-3 years after planting.

Despite the fact that there are many ideas for those who are looking for what kind of business to start on the land, each of them has pros and cons.

Business registration in agriculture: procedure, documents, advice

The most acceptable option for developing your first business and accumulating start-up capital is to lease land in farmland or villages. This process is specified in the civil code, but for this the tenant will need competent paperwork.

The leased land can be:

  • Agricultural land;
  • Lands of water and forest resources;
  • Plots that include real estate or contemplated construction, etc.

The following lands are officially considered for agricultural use:

  • arable land, plantations, hayfields, pastures;
  • forest belts, land under farm buildings and yards, etc.

The cultivation and breeding of fish, with cancer, implies the need to lease the land of the water fund, which will include the necessary water area for breeding fish, crayfish, creating sports entertainment companies, etc.

In this case, on the leased coastal strip, it is strictly forbidden:

  • Create gardens, vegetable gardens, plow the land;
  • Apply herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals;
  • Graze cattle;
  • Erect, auto repair shops;
  • Set up waste dumps.

To do business in the village, you can buy land or use a summer cottage (if there is one). But if it is planned to rent land, the following documents should be prepared in advance for the village council to sign a lease agreement:

  • Handwritten statement;
  • Passport and TIN code (copies);
  • Lease contract;
  • Calculated deposit for payment.

The use of land outside the prescribed purpose threatens the tenant with termination of the contract.

A selection of video ideas

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Hello! In this article, we will discuss how to make money on the ground.

Agriculture is one of the most affordable businesses that anyone can do. In this article, I will draw on the experience of my good friend, who, together with his family, organized a million-dollar business on his site.

How to make money on a land plot

The first thing on earth that comes to mind is farming. That is, to grow fruits, vegetables, flowers, sell them and get decent money for this. There are entire states in the United States where entrepreneurs specialize in farming. Russia is still not so developed, but you have a chance to revive the country's agriculture.

It is best to grow and sell seedlings. It takes up much less space, requires much less effort in breeding and makes a lot of money over long distances.

The fact that it is relatively inexpensive, and the demand for it is high, also speaks for the seedlings. Seedlings need less time. If you grow vegetables or flowers, then you will spend about six months from planting to harvest. If you work with seedlings, there will be only 3-4 months of continuous work.

The work on the land plot is far from seasonal. You will be working all year long. Breaks are possible from October to November and April.

We will have to work from July according to the following scheme:

  • Preparation of land and seeds.
  • Growing seeds.
  • Getting seedlings.
  • Transplanting seedlings into the ground.
  • Sale.

Everything about everything usually takes 8 - 10 months a year, 2 months - for active trading.

What land plot is needed to earn money

In order to make money on such farming, you need a lot of space. If you are planning to seriously do business, you will need an area of ​​at least 600 square meters. It should include:

  • Place for 2 greenhouses.
  • A vegetable garden for the plants to be hardened.
  • A home for keeping track of plants.
  • Free space to avoid walking on plants.

The larger the area, the more opportunities you can use. But you have to spend money on land, manure, seeds. And you also need to handle all this almost all year round, so carefully calculate your strength.

When choosing a land plot, you should pay attention to what you can get for free. You will need firewood, manure, other fertilizers, and the earth itself. In order to prepare the land for seedlings, you will have to try hard. It's good if you have a forest nearby.

How to make money in the country

Many are interested in whether it is possible to earn money at their own dacha. Although, in fact, summer cottages are no different from farm plots, with the exception of size. If you work according to the scheme of growing seedlings, then you can earn money at the dacha all year round. Only business in the country will be much smaller.

Due to the fact that growing seedlings does not require a lot of space, you can even do it in the country. But it should be understood that small plots with space for a 3x3 vegetable garden are not suitable. In order for the plants to be hardened, they will have to be transplanted outside. Otherwise, selling them directly from the greenhouse, you risk losing customers due to low-quality seedlings.

When working in the country, you should not concentrate on different cultures. Better to focus on one thing: growing annual flowers, vegetables, or fruits. Better to choose a specialization. You still won't be able to sell all of this on an industrial scale, and your customers will know you as a "good pepper seller" or something like that.

In general, you can earn money on seedlings even in a summer cottage or on a personal plot. You just need to know, be able to work physically and give yourself completely to the business, even if it is small.

What crops to grow

If you are working with seedlings, you can grow vegetables and flowers for sale. Moreover, both must be selected empirically. Another important factor is seed shops. You need to understand what you can buy, plant and subsequently sell. It can be more expensive to get seeds in a large city or somewhere else than buying seeds in your city.

Now let's take a quick look at what exactly to grow. The best selling flowers are annuals: petunias, sulfinia, verbena, godetia, marigolds, snapdragons and others. Summer residents are interested in these flowers for sale and for decorating their own plots. They are pretty pretty, interesting and sell well.

It is desirable that there are many varieties of even 1 flower. This will significantly expand your assortment. You should have a minimum of 10 - 15 varieties of each flower. The bigger, the better.

But flowers alone will not go far. Another good option would be to grow vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. They sell well, even with minimal effort, and if there is any surplus of production, you can always eat vegetables.

The most important thing is to know the varieties of your products. Where are they from, how to take care of them, what can grow from them. That is why I recommend purchasing exclusively high-quality and proven seeds. Over time, you will learn how to choose crop varieties, but first you have to ask experienced farmers for advice.

How much can you earn on a land plot

Agriculture is a pretty profitable business. On an average plot of 20 acres, you can get an income of 800,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. It all depends on what you will grow, how you will sell and how much you will take. If you want to work without stress, 5 days a week, you can count on a monthly income of 30-40 thousand rubles. If you really plow with full gear, you can count on 2 - 3 million a year.

My good friend from a plot of 20 acres has a profit of at least 800,000 rubles a year.

Profits will also be different, depending on many factors: weather, land, seeds, your work, customers, etc. Profit fluctuates in different price ranges, so it is very difficult to say something unequivocally about it. Therefore, be guided by my examples.

How to sell products

Selling seedlings is best in the markets. This is beneficial for three reasons:

  • Large cross-country ability in small towns.
  • There are markets in every village.
  • No need to pay rent.

If you sell seedlings to your customers, in most cases, there will be summer residents and gardeners. They will buy, grow plants for themselves or sell. This audience does not respond to social media and other sales channels. The only selling option is the markets.

You can also sell in several ways. There are special market days in towns and villages, when everyone from the surrounding area comes and offers their products. You need to catch these days and make the most of them. They will give you the most profit.

On ordinary days, you can just stand in the city markets. Typical sales hours are from 7 am to 3 - 4 pm. Selling on the market will not have the same effect, but it will create a continuous stream of buyers. The sales scheme will be as follows:

  • Mon - Fri: city ​​market.
  • Sat - Sun: market day, at a special place.

Every weekend in my city there is a mini-fair in the center. People from all the surrounding villages and smaller towns come there to sell their products. A lot of buyers and sellers gather in one place during these two days. By Sunday evening, the counters are practically empty.

It is worth taking care of your reputation as well. Yours is word of mouth. A person will come to you, buy seedlings, and then tell his relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances about what you can and cannot take from you. This is why you should be careful about the quality of your seedlings and the way you talk to your customers.

There are years when the market has failed to sell all the products. This is quite normal, especially with newbies that no one else knows. Then you should pay attention to wholesale buyers. They will give a lower price, you will lose some of the profits, but you will be able to sell your goods.

Investments in land plots

Let's move a little away from the farming business and year-round earnings on the land. Let's talk a little about how else you can make money on the ground. One of the very first options that come to mind is investing in land.

I thought about the fact that investing in land is profitable when my parents, during my youth, decided to buy a dacha for themselves. They told me how they chose her, so I was more or less aware of their affairs. There were 2 plots to choose from: one with a small rickety house, the other without buildings, but overgrown. As a result, they chose the first one for 250,000 rubles. The second cost about 150,000, but there was work to improve it for a couple of years ahead.

As a result, after a few years, electricity and gas were installed in the dacha cooperative where the second section was, they were ennobled and even given the opportunity to build houses and register a residence permit. And here was the most interesting thing. After some time, I learned from my parents that now that plot was sold for 400,000 rubles, and it was practically torn off with their hands. Just a couple of years after it was worth 150.

A simple conclusion can be drawn from this. Land plots that are located in promising locations are rapidly increasing in value. Cities are expanding rapidly, infrastructure is improving, and land, as well as real estate, is appreciating well.

The main thing in investing in land is to choose a suitable area. For example, the one where there is practically nothing now, but at the middle distance (3-5 years) it is planned to do something interesting.

There is a separate investment scheme around cities with a population of over one million. You can buy land cheaply, and after a while sell it to city dwellers who want to build a dacha.

But investments in land, like real estate, come with their own risks. Suffice it to recall the relatively recent history of flooding in the Amur region. Prices for land and real estate have dropped several times, and even after several years no one is in a hurry to buy land there.

If you want to invest money for a long time in order to get a good profit in a few years, when the area develops, then the best investment is investment in land.


Earning money on earth is hard physical labor. However, you can make good money if you approach the process of earning wisely and with full physical dedication. If you wanted to buy a land plot, but were afraid to start such a business, then this is your best chance.

Your own piece of land is a storehouse of opportunities for additional and basic earnings. What can you do in the country? There are two main areas of agriculture: crop production and livestock production. Let's consider the possible options for their implementation.

Plant growing

In this area, a business can develop in two directions: growing directly products, seeds or seedlings. Growing vegetables and fruits for harvest is highly dependent on weather conditions. Hail, drought, late frosts - all this affects the yield of a particular crop and earnings will be threatened. It is safer in this regard to grow seeds and seedlings.

You can grow on your site:


To implement this idea, a couple of tens of hectares will be enough. The cultivation technology is simple and has long been known to everyone:

  • to plow the land;
  • plant potatoes;
  • spud;
  • when it grows up, dig it out;
  • sell.

On average, it is possible to collect about 3 tons of vegetables from 10 acres and make a profit of $ 750-1125. The revenue depends on when to sell it: in the fall it is cheaper, in the spring it is more expensive. But in the latter case, you need to have a place where to store it. In the northern regions, one harvest is taken per year. In the southern ones, early-ripening potatoes are planted and two crops are taken.


Many people build their business on tomatoes. Since early spring, greenhouses of their own production have been installed with a length of about 10 and 6 m in width. Some people install stoves in them and heat them with wood. A plot of 13 acres is enough to accommodate a couple of thousand bushes. The harvest is usually handed over to resellers or they themselves carry it to sell to the end consumer.

Some are mastering this direction for growing seeds. But then, in order for the business to generate income, it is necessary to cultivate more than one variety of tomatoes. And, of course, grow them in sufficient quantity for sale. In addition, you need to create a customer base of buyers.

Early cultures

For this idea, a greenhouse is also needed and preferably a polycarbonate one, of course with heating. It is not cheap, but greens and early vegetables from late spring and early summer come true very well even on their own, without intermediaries.


Almost everyone in the country grows strawberries for their own needs. But it is easy to build a business on it, especially when cultivating early varieties. From 10 acres you can get 1.5-2 thousand kg and sell it for about 4.7-6.2 thousand dollars. And this is only for the variety that gives one harvest per year. More production is produced by multi-yielding varieties. Plus, it is worth starting a business selling seedlings of this very strawberry. One hundred square meters fit 4-4.5 thousand bushes. This means that from 10 acres, the average income will be 25-28 thousand dollars, depending on the variety of seedlings.


On your own plot of land, you can organize the cultivation of various seedlings. In the spring, many begin to plant various vegetables in the country, but they do not have the opportunity to grow their own seedlings. Therefore, they are looking for where they could buy it. The seedlings are quite profitable, but they are seasonal in nature.


If you have a warm basement at your dacha, you can master a business like growing mushrooms. Then you will be harvesting all year round. If there is no basement on the site, you can cultivate them in a greenhouse, but then your business will be seasonal. The easiest way to grow is oyster mushroom. Champignons will require a little more experience and care. There are other varieties of mushrooms, but in this case it is necessary to study the market so as not to grow unclaimed products.


Most often, the seedling business is done by growing grape shoots. True, this idea requires certain knowledge. Up to 50 varieties of various grapes are grown at the dacha. In the open ground on a hundred square meters, about 4-5 thousand seedlings are placed. If you sell them all, you can get 84.4-225 thousand dollars. But today almost everyone is engaged in their cultivation. With such competition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to sell all the goods. Although today the demand is quite high, since many began to master viticulture on their land plot. Also in the country you can grow seedlings of fruit trees. This technology is more complicated, but it is also much easier to market them.

Livestock breeding

You can make a profit not only from the land. It is possible to organize the cultivation of not only animals, but also birds. Moreover, they can be kept not only for the sake of meat, but also for other related products: milk, butter, cheeses, eggs, young animals.

Growing poultry

It is believed that due to high feed prices, raising poultry for meat is a marginal business. But we need to be guided by how much the final product costs: if the cost of eggs and meat grows, then the profitability of the business will increase. You can also reduce the cost of keeping birds by growing feed on your site. Or, you can organize pens for walking for birds.

But the greatest return is given by growing poultry in the country for the sake of eggs for the incubator and young animals. Such an egg is ten times the cost of food, and chickens are much more expensive than eggs. Young meat varieties of birds are even more expensive: turkeys, geese, ducks.


Implementing this idea at the proper level can be a highly profitable business. Firstly, crawl meat is dietary, highly demanded. Secondly, the sale of young animals to summer residents in the spring also gives a consistently high income. Many of them, settling in the summer at the dacha, raise rabbits for their own consumption.


Beekeeping products, in particular honey, are highly valued. But to grow bees in the country, you need to have at least basic knowledge about these insects and their life characteristics.


Up to five liters of milk can be milked from one goat per day. This is enough for one family, but if you keep several goats, then you can sell milk. It costs more than a cow, as it is considered more valuable and useful. In addition, you can sell cottage cheese, sour cream, butter. Additionally, you can sell goat down, which is highly prized. To develop this idea, you can organize the sale of kids.


A traditional occupation on their farm in the countryside is pig feeding. From them you can get a lot of meat, lard, which will always find its buyer. But this idea has its risks. If an epidemic of African plague spreads among pigs in the area of ​​your summer cottage, the animals must be exterminated with modest compensation.


As with goats, there is a lot of milk and related dairy products that can be obtained from a cow. In addition, you can raise cows for meat, which will also always find its buyer.


Not everyone today practices such a business on their site. But in vain. Mineral fertilizers are known to kill the soil. But worms bring her back to life and increase yields. In addition to producing an excellent fertilizer, worms can be sold as feed for birds, cows, pigs, fur animals, and fish. Moreover, the process of growing them is simple.

Is it possible to create a business in the country, and will it be promising? If not, then there would be no point in writing this article. But since there is a text below, and quite large, the conclusion is logical: in the country, business is more than possible. In this example, we will consider the idea of ​​growing crops with subsequent sale, which implies a possible income in $ 800,000 per year.

If there is a summer cottage, then certainly there is at least 10 acres of land that are needed for cultivation. Here the question almost immediately arises - what to grow? It is necessary to choose the most profitable crop, which would bring more money, and which would require a little cost. It is difficult to define such. Someone does not do this at all and relies on the great Russian "what if", someone listens to the opinion of experts predicting an increase in sales in the next year, for example, potatoes, and someone simply relies on intuition.

For example, if you plant 10 acres with potatoes, then with an average yield (200-300 kg per one acre), you can collect 2-3 tons of this product. Its average price per 1 kilogram is $ 0.5 (it's easier to count), respectively, from one harvest you can get $ 1000-1500. Will this be enough for you? Unfortunately no.

The next example is strawberries... Most people grow this product solely for personal use. From one hundred square meters you can get (on average) up to 150 kg, from 10 hundred parts - 1500 kg. The cost of strawberries is $ 3 per kilogram, respectively, from 1,500 kg you can get $ 4,500. Better, but still not enough!

Can you earn even more?

An income of $ 4,500 is guaranteed if you grow one-time fruiting strawberries, but there are berries that give 2 or 3 crops a year. Accordingly, you can earn 2-3 times more. At the same time, earnings are also possible on seedlings, which are not cheap. To do this, you will have to grow seedlings in plastic bags so that their root system is closed. This will allow them to be sold throughout the warm season along with berries: summer, autumn, spring. These seedlings take root always and everywhere, respectively, they are sold to the last, and there is practically no competition.

It is not difficult to calculate the possible profit. 1 square meter allows you to grow 60 seedlings in packages. On one hundred square meters (paths for aisles are taken into account), you can grow 4-4.5 thousand bushes. The cost of one seedling is, say, $ 0.50. Then only from one hundred square meters you can get 2000-2250 dollars; from ten acres - ten times more. And this is already much better, but still it is not $ 800,000..

And that's not all! Business in the country can be much more profitable

We considered only 2 cultures, but there are many more of them. Take black currant, for example. You don't even need to analyze the market in order to say for sure: the demand for it is very good, and black currant goes to the last berry, no matter how much you grow. The yield directly depends on the variety, and on average ranges from 100 to 200 kilograms per one hundred square meters. The cost of 1 kilogram is $ 3. The rest is easy to calculate. However, this is not the point. It is much more profitable and easier to grow blackcurrant seedlings, and here's why:

  1. From one hundred square meters, you can get 4-5 thousand black currant seedlings (you can find out from any reference book on growing seedlings);
  2. From ten acres you can get 40-50 thousand seedlings (on average 45 thousand);
  3. The cost of one seedling is (!) 1-2 dollars (how you sell it);
  4. Profit from 10 acres as a result can be 45000-90000 thousand dollars.

You can only dream of such earnings. At the same time, you do not need to invest a lot of money in this business, and this is a distinctive advantage. In this case, there can only be one problem is implementation.

Methods for selling products

There are several ways to sell your grown seedlings:

  1. Wholesale. In this case, you need to drop the price, and significantly;
  2. Give it away for sale, while losing only 10-15 percent of the possible profit;
  3. Grow currants in packages and sell them yourself. In this case, the implementation period is extended from early spring to late autumn. Best of all, these seedlings will be sold in the summer, during the ripening period of black currants.

Additionally, you can sell the currant berries themselves, which, if you do everything right, will be very large. The buyer will definitely not pass by these.

To grow seedlings, you will definitely need cuttings. You need to take them from the mother liquor - this is a currant bush, which is intended exclusively for obtaining cuttings. They need to be planted densely - about 10-15 per square meter. On one bush, you can grow about 10 powerful shoots, which are cut into cuttings in the fall. From one shoot you can get 5 cuttings, from a bush - 50. These 50 cuttings will turn into seedlings in the future. You can get about 500-750 cuttings from one square meter. It is easy to calculate exactly how many mother plants you need to plant in order to get the right number of cuttings for growing seedlings. Most often (this is more convenient) mother liquors are planted in 1-2-3 rows around the perimeter. On an average, 1 square meter fits 12 bushes, which implies getting 600 cuttings from 1 square meter.

The dacha business promises even more money, and it's true!

You can earn even more from grapes. The bottom line is that the cost grape seedlings are several times higher than the cost of currant seedlings(1.5-2 times), but from one hundred square meters of soil, the number of seedlings can be obtained exactly the same - 4-5 thousand. Accordingly, you can earn 1.5-2 times more (about 90-180 thousand dollars).

This income is already fantastic and almost unrealistic. Of course, it is possible to grow such an amount, but to realize it is not. The reason for this is a lot of competition. At the moment, only the lazy does not sell grape seedlings, therefore, problems may arise with the sale of such a number of seedlings. However, such a business can only be realized in those regions where, due to climate warming, people began to pay attention to the opportunity to grow grapes in their summer cottages. These are mainly the northern regions of Ukraine and practically the entire middle zone of Russia, including Moscow. Now in this zone it is warm enough that even late grape varieties can fully ripen, and this leads to a great demand for seedlings.

To grow seedlings, it is not at all necessary to harvest special bushes for cuttings. About 100 cuttings can be harvested from only one adult grape, because all the same, about 90% of the vine is cut in the fall. This vine will successfully cuttings. In addition, grapes can also be sold if there are a lot of them.

Making money from the realm of science fiction - EVEN MORE!

Theoretically, a business in the country can bring even more money, but in practice this is almost impossible to do due to the large amount of work that will have to be done. You will definitely need helpers, but this option is worth considering.

It's about the culture of clematis... They can be grown from cuttings in plastic bags and closed root systems. They are realized almost all year round, with the exception of winter. One square meter can grow 300 seedlings; on a hundred square meters - 20,000 (taking into account the space for the tracks); not 10 acres - 200,000. The price of one seedling is $ 4 (on average), respectively, the cost of 200,000 pieces will be 800,000 dollars... The amount is fantastic, but theoretically it is possible to make such a profit.

Cuttings of clematis are obtained from uterine bushes, which need to be planted thicker. 500 cuttings are obtained from one bush, so you can easily calculate how many bushes you need to plant in order to grow the required number of cuttings.

So, does a business at a summer cottage promise a profit?

As you can see, having only 10 acres of free land in the country, you can create a profitable business that will provide you for life. Even if you have only 2 free acres, then by planting them completely with currant seedlings, you can get about 10-20 thousand dollars.

Of course, you can also grow other crops that you think will make you much more money. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with the appropriate reference books and market prices in order to be able to determine the possible income. However, here you will have to experiment.

First of all, you can grow various crops on your site.


One of the most promising options is. If you buy a greenhouse, you can harvest up to 5-6 times a year. A simple greenhouse and seeds for planting will cost about 50 thousand rubles, and you can earn about 20 thousand rubles from selling greenery at retail or wholesale (to cafes and restaurants). per month.


It is a profitable business with a high demand for its products. The most common are oyster mushrooms and champignons, moreover, they are the most unpretentious to care for.

Growing can be done in a barn, as mushrooms need a special microclimate and high humidity. The purchase of the substrate, mycelium, various additives and the provision of climatic conditions will require about 20-30 tons, and in this way you can get from 30-40 tons per month.

Cheese production

Homemade cheese is highly valued in the market, which is why it is an incredibly profitable project. You need a room for a workshop (at least 50 square meters) and special equipment.

The costs will be at least 200 thousand rubles, but the monthly income after a few months of the "client base" will be from 40 thousand rubles.

Rabbit breeding

Looking for an idea of ​​what kind of business you can do on your site, pay attention to the always popular fur animals... At the same time, there is still not very high competition in this niche.

For a mini-farm for breeding 700-1000 per year, you will need a plot of 600-800 square meters and equipment (+ the animals themselves) in the amount of 140-160 tons. On the sale of rabbit carcasses, you can get from 50 tons per month.

Quail farm

You can count on the net profit after six months of work, and per month it exceeds the figure of 110 thousand rubles.

Mini smokehouse

Homemade smoked meats will certainly appeal to many, it is a topical alternative to store products... Buying a mini-smokehouse will require an amount from 20 to 30 tons, depending on the volume of production and quality.

You can install it in an extension on the site, in order to equip a room for such work, you need to lay out another 16-20 tons. On the other hand, such a project can start to bring profit already in the first two months of work. In particular, you can count on a monthly income of 20-40 tons.


In this business, you can make money not only on honey, but also on medicinal products produced. Make sure that there is an orchard nearby, and that there are no pig farms nearby, bees also "don't like" dogs.

The hives should not be located too close to each other, calculate their number based on 20-30 square meters per hive. The size of investments for an apiary for 20-30 hives will be about 250 thousand rubles, and the net profit per month - from 55 thousand rubles.

Having decided on that, study the sales market and feel free to get down to business!