Read newspapers and travel magazines. Travel magazines

Nowadays, a modern summer cottage is not only a place of spiritual unity with the surrounding nature, but also an environment for maximum physical and emotional comfort. Your full rest depends on the harmonious combination of objects located in the country.

Long gone are the days when a country cottage was a place for growing vegetables and fruits. Then people did not even think about the special exterior of the site, its ennoblement and decor.

See also here how to decorate the yard with your own hands with photo and video instructions from the pros!

Remember, after all, some 10-15 years ago, the most striking impression from visiting the dacha was several flower beds or weaving branches of grapes along the fence. But today this place is becoming a truly paradise, for which designers and builders are involved.

In our article, we will tell you some of the best and amazing ideas for decorating a landscape area with your own hands from improvised means, without spending fabulous money.

Tips from experts on the design of summer cottages

First, you should immediately understand your taste preferences in style. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account your time and financial possibilities.

And most importantly, it is important to create the most comfortable nest for a good rest of the soul and body, without resorting to too pretentious and complex designs.

In working on the creative design of your dacha, you can use the following simple and almost free things:

  • used car tires;
  • plastic bottles of different sizes and colors, bowls, buckets;
  • ropes or ropes, wire, mesh;
  • ownerless polypropylene pipes;
  • old unwanted shoes;
  • all kinds of wooden boxes;
  • different-sized containers, tanks;
  • dishes: mugs, teapots, beautiful plates;
  • non-working old bicycles;
  • unused building materials.

Ideas for site design

You will be surprised, but many handmade figures or figurines are not only unique and one of a kind, but also extremely attractive. One example is frogs made from mounting foam or swans made from plaster.

You may have noticed the abundance of figures made from old car tires. What they didn’t do: from ordinary fences to exquisite firebirds!

The main brightness is added to the transformation of tires by the use of special paints, which make real masterpieces from incomprehensible black rubber statues.

On the Internet today there is an abundance of photos of the beautiful design of the site: these are rubber parrots or pigs, palm trees from bottles, etc.

DIY artificial pond

In your country house, you can build a fountain or an artificial pond with your own hands, and this will be an excellent solution for an attractive exterior of the site. The fountain container itself can be easily made from an unnecessary boat or a large tank, and the bottom of the pond is lined with gravel and sand, on top of which a tarpaulin is applied in several layers.

At the end, simply fill with water, and it remains only to decorate in accordance with the wishes and tastes. Along the perimeter of the reservoir, flower vases or simply planted flower beds will look harmonious.

Country paths

Let's think about whether we need trails or paths in the country? Undoubtedly needed! When it rains, you are unlikely to enjoy running into dirty puddles with mud into the house. To do this, we recommend making aesthetic passages that are installed near the objects you need (toilet, garage, veranda).

To implement this idea, not much is needed: large sea stones, unnecessary bricks, small pebbles, non-sharp bottle glasses.

And imagine how beautiful such a country path will look, along which small flower beds of various colors are planted.

We strongly recommend that you place a simple bird feeder in your summer cottage, which will not only be a benefit for singing sonorous birds, but also a joy for children. A "refectory" place for birds can be made from the simplest plastic bottles or wooden boxes.


Modern landscape design- this is not only an opportunity to decorate our summer cottages, but also allow us to develop our imagination in order to achieve the goal of getting a comfortable rest for body and soul. Many ideas can help you create a piece of paradise that you want to return to again and again.

Photo of the process of decorating a summer cottage with your own hands



Scientific and popular geographical journal

National Geographic Magazine (National Geographic) is the official publication of the National Geographic Society (USA). It is published in more than 26 languages ​​of the world. National Geographic publishes unique photographs and exclusive content about history, archeology, science and culture. The core of the magazine is the same for all countries, which makes it a truly global publication.
National Geographic magazine has been published in Russia since 2003.


Travel and discovery magazine

On the pages of the Discovery issues there are incredible travel routes and the most interesting places on the planet, trips to Russia, Europe and other continents, instructions and life hacks for independent travel, ideas, maps and routes to the most unexpected places.
The first issue of Discovery magazine was published in January 2009. Since then, Discovery correspondents and photographers have traveled the entire planet more than once, having made several hundred trips and expeditions, reaching the Arctic, Antarctica, the deserts of the South American continent, and the peaks of Tibet, and others, no less hard-to-reach and bewitching places, presenting on its pages the whole world travel and discovery.

Discovery Magazine aims to prove that life is colorful, and every day is full of interesting discoveries!

Around the world

The oldest magazine about travel and not only

Magazine "Vokrug sveta" is one of the first magazines in Russia in general and one of the first magazines in the world on cognitive topics.
It was founded in St. Petersburg in 1861 and since that time has been published almost without interruption for a century and a half. During this time, the magazine has gone through several stages from a geographical and travel magazine to an educational publication covering a wide range of topics.
The Vokrug Sveta magazine publishes new views on famous historical events, stories about famous people and their destinies, information about new scientific discoveries and technical achievements. Most of the materials are reports prepared specifically for the magazine.


Magazine about science, nature and travel

The GEO magazine (Geo) provides readers with encyclopedic accurate information about achievements in the field of science and technology, about the animal and plant world, about travel and about the culture of the peoples of different countries.
GEO's photographs are not just illustrations for the text, but the talented works of the best masters from all over the world, often working in extreme conditions. Fascinating articles for the magazine are written by the most famous Russian and foreign authors.
The GEO magazine has been published in many countries for over 20 years. GEO was first released in Germany in 1976.

+GEO Traveler

GEO Traveler is a popular science magazine about the knowledge of the surrounding world. The focus of attention is always on a certain country or direction, to which the next issue is dedicated. GEO Traveler is a magazine for people who cannot see their life without new countries and discoveries, and at the same time comfort and luxury have become a way of life for them.
The magazine is distributed as a free supplement to the GEO magazine.


Travel and Leisure Magazine

Afisha-Mir magazine is a high-quality publication about travel as a way of life, about vivid impressions and essential details. Each issue contains detailed travel advice - from choosing a destination, obtaining a visa and booking a hotel to booking a table in a restaurant and renting a camel in the desert. These are hundreds of vacation ideas, verified information, addresses and opinions you can trust.
The first issue of Afisha-Mir magazine was published in autumn 2003.


travel magazine

VOYAGE is the oldest travel magazine in Russia, which has been successfully published since 1994. Being one of the first publications on the Russian media market, VOYAGE remains one of the most authoritative and popular travel magazines.

business traveler

Magazine about business travel and tourism industry

The Business Traveler magazine is designed primarily for those who travel a lot - both for work and on their own, and talks about how to make their trips as comfortable, inexpensive and interesting as possible.
Each issue contains a wealth of comparative information on major international airlines, airports, hotels, car rental companies, electronic gadgets and more. Russian edition follows the best traditions that have been formed in the UK over several decades of the existence of the magazine.
Authors traveling all over the world talk about where to stay, what restaurant to go to, what to see and how to behave in an unfamiliar country. Publications and special reports cover a wide range of topics - health, safety, sports, automobiles, financial sphere and even buying real estate.

L'Officiel Voyage

Travel magazine next level

Like the French edition of L'Officiel Voyage, the Russian edition of the magazine sees its mission in telling readers about original routes, introducing unique people and phenomena, and presenting already known and popular places in a completely new perspective.
L'Officiel Voyage is a multi-platform project that includes, in addition to the printed edition, a website and digital applications. The digital version of the L "Officiel Voyage magazine is available on the App Store and Google Play.
The readers of L'Officiel Voyage are people with life experience and outlook; experienced in many matters; having certain expensive habits and solid hobbies. These are people who value their time and who are not so easy to surprise. For their travels, they choose non-banal routes, and in their preferences they are guided primarily by quality.

The slogan of the publication is "Journal of private travels".

Ural Pathfinder

Magazine on the topic of history (local history), travel, adventure and science fiction

One of the oldest Russian magazines about travel, history and adventure. Published since 1935.

"Ural Pathfinder" is a fascinating magazine that draws you into the world of distant wanderings, imbued with the spirit of discovery and adventure. A magazine that takes you from the space-time coordinates “here and now” either to the past, to significant dates in history, or to the future, to the exciting world of science fiction.


Magazine about life in different countries is an online version of the legendary publication Abroad dedicated to international life. The newspaper, which appeared in 1932 at the initiative of the writer Maxim Gorky and was mainly a review of foreign media, was revived in 2007 in the format of a monthly information and entertainment magazine of general interest. Since 2015, the journal has been completely transferred to electronic format.
On the reader will find news and articles covering all areas of life in different parts of the world, from politics to travel, from crime to culture, as well as an archive of the publication, tests, popular videos and much more.


Journal of Contemporary Japan

KiMONO magazine was created by Russian authors as an inside look at Japanese culture, art and modern society.
On the pages of the magazine you will read about the relationships, habits and characteristics of the inhabitants of Japan in materials based on the author's experience. Learn more about Japanese celebrities, modern art, fashion and design, find something for yourself thanks to reviews of new cosmetics and clothing, learn to understand Japanese delicacies and assemble a guide for future trips from places of interest to you in Tokyo in the footsteps of the authors magazine.

Treasure Peninsula

Crimean educational journal

The Treasure Peninsula magazine is the only educational publication in Russia entirely dedicated to the Crimean peninsula.
Each issue of the magazine covers a wide variety of topics: history, geography, geology, ecology, culture and art, literature, the world of animals and plants, as well as little-known discoveries and finds, unknown places, secrets and legends of the ancient peoples who inhabited the peninsula.

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Most of the listed magazines can be downloaded in PDF format and read offline. But some of them are only available online as interactive copies of paper editions.

Gadgets and Graphics

UPgrade magazine covers the topic of high technology in general, with a particular focus on consumer electronics. The Render and Magic CG editions are aimed at artists and dedicated to computer graphics. On the pages of PhotoCASA you will find a lot of lessons and practical advice for professionals and photography enthusiasts.

Travel and tourism

These publications are about amazing corners Land, cultural features of the peoples of the world and various places of interest. CHANCE magazine focuses on elite places for visitors who are used to relaxing with chic and maximum comfort. And "Tourism Business" considers travel not only from the point of view of a tourist, but also from the position of an entrepreneur.


Editions from this list will be of interest to current and future owners. Magazines contain news automotive market, test drives of interesting new products and helpful tips for the maintenance and selection of machines, as well as all kinds of accessories.

Lifestyle and fashion

If you follow fashion and want to diversify cultural leisure check out these magazines. They inform about the latest trends in the entertainment and fashion industries.

Design and interior

These publications throw interesting ideas, useful life hacks and various rooms. Take a closer look at the following list if you are starting a renovation. The magazines included in it may be of interest to both enthusiasts and professional designers and other specialists.

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Just think: travel the world and get paid for photos and adventure stories. It's a dream!

website found 20 magazines that will gladly publish your travel notes, photo reports, travel tips and ratings. It is enough to translate them into English language which should not be new to the experienced traveler.

1 National Geographic Traveler

One of the most famous travel magazines is really ready to accept stories and photo essays about the most interesting cities and countries. The main criteria are the quality and uniqueness of the report.

Payment: depending on the number of words.


The best option for beginners in business: no experience is required here. Stories are accepted from all and about all corners of the planet.

Payment:$40 per article.

3. Road and Travel

This magazine will interest those who love traveling by car. These are the kinds of stories they expect from storytellers.

Payment: up to $100 per article.

4 Transitions Abroad Magazine

This publication is about those who moved to live abroad. In the magazine you can find stories about the cultural and social adaptation of people in other countries.

Payment:$50-150 for an article of 800-2000 words.

5. Matador Travel

The site is looking for compelling stories, photos and videos that explore "adventure, different cultures and identities around the world."

Payment: The standard payment is $40 per article, but some original stories can get more.

6. BootsnAll

How to save money on a trip, choose the best route, what to see - if you are familiar with these topics and you have something to tell and advise - this site is for you.

Payment:$50 per article.

7 Outpost Magazine

The travel magazine is always on the lookout for truly inspiring stories and photographs from around the world.

Payment: varies.

8. Wanderlust

Local guides, tips for travelers, stories about customs - this is here.

Payment:$325 for 1,000 words, but rates vary.


While other travel magazines talk about itineraries, tickets and the like, AFAR reveals other countries through stories about people, allowing readers to explore the authentic culture from the inside.

Payment: varies.

14. Delta Sky Magazine

The magazine is owned by the airline of the same name and looks for travel, lifestyle and business stories from around the world.

Payment: varies.

15.DesertUSA Magazine

Magazine for desert lovers. Photographs are highly valued.

Payment:$50-100 for an article with photos.

16. Escapees Magazine

Another project for lovers of independent travel by car. If you have your own van, then this is the only place for you.