The parrot has long claws what to do. Corella care: cutting the claws

One of the components of caring for feathered pets is cutting the claws. How to do this correctly and is it necessary to carry out such a manipulation at all? Let's take a look at the current issue.

Do parrots need a manicure?

In the natural environment, the claws of these birds grind themselves. But in captivity, they can grow strongly. One of the reasons for this is nutrition. Special feeds contain a balanced composition of minerals, including calcium. In the natural environment, birds practically do not receive it in large quantities. And in nature, the claws of a bird cannot grow freely because they cling to branches and trees all the time and, together with their paws, are in a state of tension. In a cage or aviary, the diameter of the perches and sticks on which the bird sits is small, the paws do not strain, the claws do not touch the perch. They hang freely in the air and grow quickly.

If the feathered nails are too long, then he can injure himself. The danger is that the bird can catch on to something and, with a sharp movement, tear out a claw or damage part of the body with it. That is why it is recommended that these birds do a manicure - shorten their claws.

About the procedure for clipping the claws of a bird

In most cases, parrots do not like hygienic manipulation. It's understandable, she's not nice. That is why many poultry farmers trust its implementation to specialists. They know exactly how to cut without significant discomfort for a feathered bird. But these services are not available to everyone. Therefore, it is worth learning how to do it right at home.

So, you will need gloves to protect your hands; cutting nippers; drug to stop bleeding.

If you have no experience in carrying out such manipulation, then it is better to enlist the support of an assistant - it is easier to do this together. Put on gloves and take the bird. Cover her wings. Hold your head with your thumb and forefinger to prevent your pet from biting. By the way, sometimes he loves the owner so much and trusts him that he does not resist such actions at all. With wire cutters, you need to carefully trim the claws, trying not to cause inconvenience to the bird. And for this, the procedure must be carried out in good light in order to see the zone of blood capillaries. It is darker than the tip of the claw. We must try not to touch the zone of capillaries. But this is not always possible. If it so happened that you accidentally hit her, then you need to stop the bleeding with a cotton swab dipped in ferric chloride, or sprinkle with hemostatic powder. This veterinary remedy must be used very carefully, because it can cause burns on other parts of the bird's body.

When trimming one claw, make sure that another feathered finger does not accidentally get into the nippers.

By the way, many owners, in order not to cut the claws of their pets, cut them down. They do this using a special nail file. But veterinarians do not recommend doing this. After all, such manipulation is no less painful. It can disrupt the structure of the claw. Subsequently, this threatens him with stratification.

When the haircut procedure is completed, try to calm your bird, get it out of stress. Please note that after the first such manipulation, the pet may be offended by you and attempt to peck, will not listen, and stop talking. To prevent this from happening, give the bird a treat after cutting its claws. Let it end with a pleasant and tasty surprise. Talk to your parrot. You can give him a new toy right away. Then he will switch his attention to the novelty and rather forget the offense.

On the prevention of rapid growth of claws in parrots

In order not to stress the pet once again, you can try to make the claws grow more slowly. To do this, it is recommended to replace the plastic perches in the aviary or bird cage with wooden ones. It is also desirable to change bird toys for products made of natural wood. This is a natural abrasive for parrots. It will help to erase the claws faster. In addition, this way the habitat of the bird will be closer to natural. The diameter of the perches should not be less than 15 millimeters. Otherwise, the claws of the birds will not touch the surface of the perches and, accordingly, will not be erased. Also quite useful for reducing their growth are walking birds on the floor of the apartment.

You should not feed the bird with nuts, seeds, because they are saturated with calcium, which promotes nail growth.

Not so long ago I noticed that Goshka began to periodically pay attention to his claws. Or rather, he began to chew on them. Looking closer, I realized that his claws are a little larger than necessary. Accordingly, the question arose: how to cut the claws of a parrot?

In their natural habitat, birds do not have such problems. Nature took care of such a trifle. But at home - there may be problems.

The reason for the growth of claws in domestic wavy ones is the lack of sufficient conditions in the apartment for their grinding.

Carpets, linoleum and laminate, you see, are not designed to grind the claws of our birds. Well, what do we do in this case? There are two options.

  • Trim the claws of the parrot
  • Create the maximum possible, in each individual case, conditions for the natural grinding of claws.

Let's start with the second. In need to be replaced maximum amount perch on wooden s bark . It is on the hard bark that the wavy will grind their claws. The main thing is that such perches should be of the appropriate size. For wavy, their diameter must be at least 1.5 cm.

Finding the right size is easy. If the parrot's foot wraps around half or a little more of the perch, then this is the correct size. But if the perch is completely wrapped around the paw, then this is no longer what you need.

The second plus of such perches is that birds love to pick at the bark. They not only play like this, but also sharpen their beak.

I'm such perches recent times I meet in pet stores. But if you decide to make them yourself, then do not forget that you need to pick branches for perches away from the roads and be sure to process them accordingly before installing them in a cage.

In addition to the pieces of wood, you can also install pumice perches. They are, of course, expensive. But they do their job quite well.


Luckily for me, we didn't get a haircut. Branches and pumice helped. Probably, I noticed problems with claws in my birds in time.

But, if the question, as they say, is running, then it is possible that you will have to resort to scissors.

The process is complicated by the fact that a nerve and blood flow pass inside the claw. In no case should it be touched when cutting. You can see it - it's a black streak inside the claw.

Just in case, stock up on hydrogen peroxide (or other hemostatic agent) cotton swabs or discs. Because bleeding can happen.

Trim with nail scissors or tweezers. Which must be pre-treated, for example with alcohol.

This procedure is best done by two people.

Take the bird in your hand so that its back is in your palm. Examine the claws in the light and find the black streak inside, which was mentioned above. The main thing is not to touch it when cutting.

After that, in one motion, make a blunt cut of the overgrown claw.

And the most important thing. If you are afraid or unsure, it is better to consult a doctor . Or try first the second method that was mentioned.

Not all bird breeders know how to cut the claws of a parrot. Moreover, this procedure is much more complicated than, for example, how to cut your own nails. After all, if you do not know the anatomy of birds, then you can only make your pet worse. However, let's not get too far ahead and consider everything in more detail.

People who have only one parrot at home often do not pay attention to such a trifle as a pet's claws. Not thinking about the fact that from time to time they need to be cut.

Although, on the other hand, skeptics correctly noticed such a trifle, but is it necessary to do this at all? After all, the claws budgerigar dwelling in its natural conditions, no one will ever prune.

This fact can be explained very simply. In their natural habitat, feathered pets lead a fairly active lifestyle. They climb trees, clinging to them with their claws, run on grass and stones. That is why during their life their claws wear out on their own.

At home, when feathered lives in your apartment, it is usually inactive, as it is limited by free space and the claws begin to grow gradually. Perhaps you have noticed more than once that a pet, for no reason at all, gets entangled with overgrown claws in matter, or they simply clearly interfere with it.

It is characteristic that some species of birds are quite smart and can bite off the part of the claw that interferes with them. However, few parrots do this. And if your parrot is not one of them, then you will need to think about how to properly trim your pet's claws. However, you must be aware that your imprudent actions can only harm the bird.

It is necessary to trim the claws of a tamed pet so that inadvertently not to hook the capillaries located in them. Indeed, in this case, you will have to immediately contact the veterinarian. Remember that the bird is too small and any blood loss can lead to irreparable consequences.

In cases where you are afraid to shorten the nails of a parrot yourself, you can turn to more experienced friends or even the mentioned veterinarian. Surely such a service is provided and provided by specialists of a nearby veterinary clinic.

If you still want to take matters into your own hands, then remember a number of rules. First of all, it concerns the help from your relatives or friends. Without proper experience, you are unlikely to be able to carry out the entire procedure yourself. Therefore, help is indispensable. It will consist in the fact that while one person is holding a parrot, the second is carefully engaged in his claws.

For the circumcision process itself, a female manicure set is the best fit, which must first be sterilized. However, in its absence, you can use some other suitable tool.

Hold the same pet should be very carefully, without sudden movements. Surely he will try to escape and. It will be necessary to steadfastly endure all his attempts to free him, so as not to accidentally harm the parrot. Subsequently, the appearance of clipped claws will please your eye.

However, it is worth mentioning another interesting way to help a tamed bird. Some of the most experienced bird owners lightly file their claws from time to time with a small nail file. This procedure must be done at least once a month.

When you get a parrot in your house, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to not only feed the bird and clean its cage regularly (learn how to choose the right cage for a parrot), but also turn into the closest one for your feathered bird. The earth of a man who never ceases to take care of him day or night. And, care, as you know, is not just words, but concrete actions. Therefore, we invite you today to learn about how to cut the claws of a parrot, whether it is necessary to do this and how to painlessly carry out this procedure for your bird.

Why do claws grow on a parrot

Many owners of parrots, and regardless of their type and size (find out more about the types of parrots for home keeping), often complain that their pets have very long claws, which, according to the owners, interfere with the birds. To help a pet get rid of such a manicure, they take such a step as cutting their nails. But, how does everything happen in Nature? There after all no one cuts claws to parrots?

In conditions wildlife birds climb tree branches and walk on the ground, as a result of which their claws naturally wear out on their own, or the birds bite them themselves.

However, when the owner did not provide the ability to grind the claws for the parrot in his cage, they grow and become too long, prevent the bird from moving and flying, and can cause serious illness (more on). You should not ignore such a “manicure”, the owner of a parrot is simply obliged to help his bird get rid of such long claws.

parrot nail clipping

What are you doing with your long nails? Of course you cut. What can you do with your parrot's long claws? Also cut. True, you should be prepared for the fact that this procedure itself will not give you or the parrot pleasure, the bird can break out, bite, and you can inadvertently hurt it. That's why,

carrying out this procedure, if you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to entrust a specialist veterinarian. He has special tools and the necessary skills, besides, a good veterinarian will be able to find an approach to even the most capricious bird.

If it is not possible to seek help from a veterinarian, you will have to carry out this procedure yourself.

parrot nail clipper

To trim a bird's nails, you'll need special nail clippers (available at a veterinary pharmacy or pet supply store), thick gloves to protect your hands from being bitten by an angry parrot, and a bird's bleeding stopper ( if you are not careful and injure the parrot).

How to trim your parrot's nails

If you have no experience in this matter, of course, it is better to carry out this nail trimming procedure with someone. It will be more convenient, and you will quickly cope with the bird, if one will hold it, and the second will cut its claws. You should put on protective gloves on your hands (if there are none, wrap towels around your hands), and gently pick up the parrot in your hands, covering its wings. Now with the index finger and thumb of your right hand (if you are right-handed), you should hold the bird's head so that it does not bite. That is why it is more convenient to use gloves to protect your hands, rather than a towel.

When you fix the bird's head - do not overdo it, the parrot's neck is very fragile, and you can easily injure your feathered pet.

Now take the wire cutters in your other hand, and carefully, as shown in the figure, trim the claws, trying not to injure the bird. Be very careful, as birds have a large number of blood capillaries in their claws, and it is important for you not to touch them. Luckily, budgerigars can easily see them, so it will be easier for you.

Trim one nail at a time and make sure that no other fingers get caught in the forceps.

Is it possible to cut nails

Some owners of parrots, in order not to cut their claws, prefer to cut them off with a special file. However, veterinarians do not recommend doing this. This is a very painful procedure for the bird, besides, you can disrupt the structure of the claw, and this will later cause it to split.

How to stop a parrot from bleeding

If, despite all your care, you still injured the bird, it bleeds, you need to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. To do this, moisten cotton wool in ferric chloride or hemostatic powder, and gently apply to the place where there is a violation of the integrity of the skin. Make sure that the powder does not get on other parts of the bird's body, as it can cause burns on them.

It's manicure time! Every novice owner budgerigar, who is just beginning his acquaintance with a feathered pet, the fact that The bird needs regular nail trimming.

Is it really necessary to cut the claws of a budgerigar? Let's try to figure it out.

Considering anatomical structure parrot, you can see that at the end of the bird's foot there are four grasping and very strong fingers, two of which look forward and two back.

The fingers are crowned with rather sharp and hard claws. For birds living in natural conditions, claws are auxiliary tool for moving over rocks, tree trunks and for capturing and holding food.

In search of a source of food, the bird moves a lot in space and the claws, in contact with surfaces of different structure, grind off in a natural way. In captivity, despite the comfortable housing, the parrot does not have the opportunity to feel the variety of natural materials with its paws, and spontaneous abrasion is excluded.

Excessive growth of claws occurs in a number of cases:

For trimming nails pet supply stores sell specialized wire cutters. In everyday life they are called a claw cutter or a guillotine. If it is impossible to visit the nearest pet store, nail scissors from the female nail care kit are suitable for the first time.

If for the pet and the owner the upcoming procedure will be the first time, then it is advisable to prepare a thick towel or gloves and a hemostatic drug.

We act according to the rules

Initially The structure of the claw is divided into three zones: the base of the claw, the tip of the blood vessel, and the edge of the claw. The first two zones should not be touched at all. To find out where the blood capillary ends, a flashlight is brought to the paw and the paw is translucent. In bright light, the edge of the vessel is clearly visible. The procedure for trimming the claws of a budgerigar at home is as follows:

If the pet nervously undergoes the procedure, then pruning begins with one finger a day.

The frequency of cutting is due to the growth of the claws. The norm for the length of the claw of an adult parrot is considered to be 5-7 mm for forward looking fingers, and 4-5 mm backwards.

Naturally, for each bird, the norm allows for an error, so it is important to observe the pet's gait and, if an uneven gait appears, cut it. Understanding when a claw prevents a parrot from moving is quite simple. If, when walking, the end of the claw rests on the surface and at the same time the tip of the finger is lifted up, then it is time to trim the claws.

Preventive measures

Replace the plastic perch with a wooden one. If the owner is primarily concerned with the calmness of the pet and in order not to expose it to a stressful environment, immediately after the acquisition, care should be taken to fill the cage with natural materials that will help grind the claws in a natural way.

After the purchase, it is advisable to replace all the plastic elements in the aviary with wooden ones. Ladders and toys are selected from solid wood. Inside the dwelling, it is desirable to place pebbles and tree bark different invoices.

If the pet is tame, then it is periodically released to walk around the room, after closing the windows, doors and removing other pets.

Many may ask, why do regrown claws interfere with a pet? In addition to the physical discomfort that the parrot feels when walking on flat surfaces, he experiences pressure and pain in the foot. Long claws do not allow comfortable placement on the perch and when trying to scratch the pet injures itself.

If the bird has the ability to fly out of the cage, then it is quite likely that when landing on textiles, a sharp claw will catch on the fabric, and in an attempt to free the parrot in best case survive the stress. In the worst case, eversion of the claw, dislocation or fracture of the paw occurs. If the pet is used to moving around the apartment on the owner’s shoulder, then the owner of the feathered friend will already feel pain from tenacious paws.

If the owner is afraid to cause injury during the procedure, then the pet is taken to the clinic to trim the claws, where the specialist will perform manipulations.

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