The strangest organizations in the world. The strangest companies that have received investments

And what will the entrepreneurial inquisitive mind not go to in the name of making money? According to marketing theory, in order to achieve success, and, accordingly, profit, it is necessary to create a USP (unique trade offer). Few will doubt the uniqueness of the services offered below. Do not even hesitate, they are all quite real and feasible.

Ashes to Portraits: Turn the ashes of your loved ones into a portrait

Using the ashes of your loved ones, combined with a special blend including oil paint, the company's professional artist will create a unique portrait that will not only be a wonderful memory for many generations, but will also help you overcome your sense of loss. You can even order a portrait of your pet using their cremated ashes!

The police, firefighters and investigators who arrived at the scene of the crime are investigating the most difficult cases of violent death. But they usually don't clean up. Cleaning up the crime scene falls on the shoulders of the victim's family. Now there is Crime Scene Cleaner Inc., which can do the dirty work, literally. This cleaning company specializes in cleaning up after homicides, suicides and accidental deaths. The company offers services for cleaning, disinfection and removal of all contaminated items to bring the interior to a pleasant appearance. But do not think that if you have committed a crime, Cleaners Inc. they will come and clean up your mess - first you should call the police.

Last Meals Delivery Service: Surprise lunch delivery chosen by death row inmates

Delivery to Toronto will bring you the last meal of a man on death row. Lunches cost $20 and must be ordered a couple of days before delivery. Along with the lunch, you will receive a DVD, as well as a paper mask of the prisoner who chose this dinner. The company does not say what will be on the DVD. saves farewell messages that will be sent after a client dies

The problem with unexpected death is that you won't get a chance to say goodbye. The new website is an email service that allows you to write notes to death and send them to friends and family in the future. Important documents, such as wills and insurance details, can also be accessed through the service. Club members have the ability to write up to 100 messages that can be delivered after their death to relatives or loved ones, such as on their wedding day or the birth of a child.

Professional Bird Shit Removal: Removes litter from your car or home

Just washed your car? Above the bird's head? Maybe it's time to contact Professional Bird Shit Removal? The bird population has increased last years. With the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web, birds of all kinds have become more educated and their skills are growing at an exponential rate. Do you want to try your luck in this new era? Skilled workers are trained in the art of professional bird droppings and will thoroughly clean your home, vehicle or your loved one from the offending pile. It doesn't matter if you are attacked by one bird or a whole flock- professional cleaning will protect you from head to toe!

Line Standing Service: standing in line instead of you

Do you live in Washington DC and are tired of standing in long lines? Well, will provide you with someone to stand in line for you and professionally participate in Congressional hearings and related committees. You can order online and get someone to stand in line for you until you are accepted. The person in line is holding a sign so you can easily find them. Not bad, right? I personally would be very useful such an assistant in the queues in government bodies.

Xtreme Taxidermy: Dries your pets into monuments

If cremation or burial doesn't seem right decision for you and your pet, drying may be the right choice. Pets in some families become full members of the family. Drying allows owners to make a durable monument. This process will save your animal. It will remain in the same size and shape, as well as in any position you choose. We recommend sleeping or lying down. Your pet will look very natural, all that will distinguish it from a living one is the lack of movement. It can be carefully held, worn and gently ironed.

EggAlert: sends fertility reminder SMS

Now your mobile can tell you when is the best time to have sex if you are planning to get pregnant. EggAlert is a text message service that will remind you of the best day to conceive so you don't miss it. New service from PDA Health Ware, Inc. calculates the woman's ovulation time and sends a message to her mobile indicating the day of ovulation, fertile period and when to expect her next menstrual cycle.

Ring4Freedom: Get rid of unwanted people with a fake call

Ring4Freedom is a web service that calls you to your mobile or landline at any time convenient for you, allowing you to avoid unwanted interlocutors. Has it ever happened that someone came up to you and started a conversation, and you could not find a polite way to get rid of him? Ring4Freedom is your assistant.

This software located on the taskbar. Clicking on the icon (or pressing CTRL-D) sends a signal over the Internet to the Ring4Freedom server, which sends a call to your phone. Thus, you get rid of an unwanted interlocutor, referring to an important call. The price of $4.95 per month for the service, considering the amount of time saved from unwanted calls, seems quite reasonable.

Pink Taxi: for women only

Drivers of a new fleet of 35 cars in the Mexican city of Puebla are exclusively women. These taxis are for those who are tired of grinning male drivers.

“Some women who used taxis told us about how male drivers cross the line and try to flirt with them, as well as make obscene proposals,” says taxi driver Aida Santos, who drives one of the compact 4-door taxis equipped with a tracking system and an emergency call button that notifies emergency services. In Pink Taxi they feel more relaxed and protected. In addition, the new taxis open up jobs for Mexican women that were previously only available to men.

The times when you bought a certain thing are in the past with the advent of the service for buying who knows what - All you need is to register and choose how much you are willing to spend on this most unknown thing. The minimum purchase price is $10. The site itself publishes examples of what people find in their boxes. These are porcelain figurines, clocks, perforators, maracas and other things. You had no idea about the need to have them on the farm.

Fake relationship service

The Invisible Boyfriend service for just $24.99 offers anyone who wants a fake relationship. website (or mobile application) you choose appearance, name, habits, interests and how you met. And then you get 100 SMS, 10 voice messages and one handwritten letter - all supposedly from your beloved. Why and who needs it? Don't ask, we don't even know. Oh, it seems the text message has arrived!

Paid food video channel

Some people like to watch others eat. V English language there was even a term for this type of voyeurism - mukbang. V South Korea didn't lose their head and in 2009 made a special paid video channel where you can watch how people you don't know eat in front of the camera. While you're wondering who might be interested, the channel's most popular girl Park Seo-Yeon (under the pseudonym Diva) earns about $10,000 a month.

Slap massage

Tata, a masseuse from Thailand, offers an aesthetic facial massage with slaps. One session will cost you $350, or you can buy a monthly subscription for $1000 (this will give you the right to get punched in the face as many as four times!). The massage reduces wrinkles and improves the overall firmness of the skin, as promised by Tata. American plastic surgeon Matthew Shulman, in his speech in the NY Daily News, spoke in favor of this method. Tata's salon is located in San Francisco, but in her homeland, in Thailand, you can get a massage using the same technology.

Apology Service

In Japan, they came up with a service for those who want to apologize, but cannot force themselves to utter the cherished words. You can choose a personal apology, telephone or email. A professional from the agency, after a brief conversation, will write the text of the apology and submit it to your court so that you can correct it. There is no information whether the price of the service depends on the reason for the apology. For example, the forgotten anniversary of the first date, in our opinion, should cost several times cheaper than, for example, sex with best friend your girl.

Ashes portrait

In Vermont (USA) there is a service of posthumous portraits, and they are made from the ashes of the deceased after cremation. The price of the portrait is $127. You can also order a 3D portrait; however, it will cost more. Business owner Jeff Stubb believes that such portraits, which literally contain particles of the deceased, will help relatives cope with the loss.

Sale of used underwear

The sale of used underwear has become profitable business on eBay and other online auctions. So now you can profitably sell your underwear, instead of simply washing it. The main thing is to find a buyer!

Human Gas Diagnosis

Over the past few years, professional sniffers have become popular in China, who can determine the state of health by the smell of gases emitted by a person. The profession is called wen pishi, which translates closely to the text as "fart-sniffing master". The salary of specialists is decent: 309,850 CNY (about $50,000) per year. It is not known whether the specialist is required to receive medical education to make a diagnosis, or any enthusiast can become one. By the way, it is believed that hydrogen sulfide, which is contained in gases of animal origin, can help prevent a number of diseases, including cancer. At least such a study was published by Matt Whiteman, MD, from the University of Essex (England) in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications.

What to do for those who are stuck on a mountain or those who need a performance at their own funeral. It is for the provision of such strange services that the following 10 organizations were created, which are ready to lend a helping hand even in the most unusual situations.

1. AIC-CERT - American Institute for Historic Preservation

When Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans in 2005, more than 1,800 people died and the city suffered an estimated $108 billion in damage. Many private homes and businesses were destroyed, museums and libraries were flooded, damaging books, historical documents and works of art. . Hoping to preserve these priceless artifacts, the American Institute for Historic Preservation (AIC) organized a team of volunteers to salvage as many records, paintings and encyclopedias as possible.

Subsequently, AIC, inspired by the success of the team, formed a separate group at the institute dedicated to the preservation of works of art in the world. The group, called AIC-CERT, is made up of architects, art historians and other professionals. It offers art rescue services worldwide. AIC-CERT also holds special seminars where it teaches representatives of museums from other countries how to prevent a catastrophe (for example, how to freeze water-soaked books to prevent further damage, or how to properly clean mold from canvases).

2. Selection of names, slogans, names

It is often difficult to come up with a name for a child, a title for a novel or another article. It can be even more difficult to choose a name for a new product that is introduced to the market, because the success of its sale will largely depend on this. The Auckland-based organization Catchword is engaged in the selection of the most good name or slogan. Among their clients are such famous companies as McDonald's, Starbucks, Wells Fargo and Time Warner Cable. As a rule, the client is provided with 30 to 60 slogan options.

Where to turn for help in case of a natural disaster or some kind of incident? First of all, the Red Cross or the Ministry of Emergency Situations comes to mind. But if a person is stuck on a mountain while climbing or finds himself in a war zone, there is often no time to wait for rescuers. In this case, you need to call a professional Global Rescue team, consisting of former Navy SEALs. They are ready to help in the most extreme conditions... for a considerable amount of money.

The team has offices in the US states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, as well as in Pakistan and Thailand. For example, during the "Arab spring" they evacuated 60 people from Egypt. Global Rescue rescued people during the tsunami in Japan in 2011, as well as during the earthquake in Nepal in 2015. In fact, these guys perform about 1,000 rescues every year and they are the best in the business.

4. Unified Weapons Master - new sports system

In modern mixed martial arts (MMA) there is one a big problem- a complete ban on weapons. But many martial arts systems are just designed specifically for combat with a variety of weapons. The reasons for the ban are quite obvious - to avoid injuries and accidents. Australians David Paysden and Justin Forsell founded the Unified Weapons Master project, in which they want to start their own MMA organization, which will use weapons.

It is assumed that the athletes will fight in special armor made of carbon fiber and impact-resistant foam. Under the outer plates of smart armor are pressure sensors that allow you to count the hits missed in order to more accurately determine the winner.

5. Correcting mistakes in graffiti

Some people are Grammar Nazis and are very sensitive to mistakes. The guys from the Accion Ortografica Quito group take to the streets of the Ecuadorian capital Quito at night, armed with stencils and aerosol cans. They are engaged in the fact that they correct all the errors found in the graffiti on the streets of the city. As one member of the group stated, "We will not give up until our city is free of spelling errors on the walls."

6. Jazz Band for Chinese Funeral

Funerals in San Francisco's Chinatown are always an unusual sight. When a member of the Chinese community in America dies, it is believed that his spirit remains with the body. At the same time, there is a danger that the spirit will get lost and turn into an evil ghost.

In order to send the spirit of the deceased to rest, the inhabitants of Chinatown hold unusual parades. First, sweets are placed in the mouth of the deceased to "kill the nasty taste of death." A funeral procession is then held, led by an open-topped cabriolet on which a gigantic portrait of the deceased is displayed (so the spirit would supposedly be encouraged to stay close to the body). As the procession passes through the street, the mourners throw money into the air so that the spirit will pay for the passage of the soul to the afterlife. The most exciting part of this ritual is the music. The Green Street Mortuary Band is exclusively dedicated to playing Christian hymns at Chinese funerals in San Francisco.

7. Scotland Yard Super Recognizers

Scotland Yard has a special group of so-called super recognizers. These are people with unique abilities who only need to look at a human face once to remember it forever. According to official data, the efficiency of identifying criminals has tripled, which has had a positive impact on criminal statistics.

There are currently 152 Super Recognizers under contract and they are doing a really impressive job. In just one year, they watched over 200,000 hours of footage and spotted 600 suspects. Two-thirds of these suspects were charged with crimes, and 90 percent of them went to jail.

8. Shadow Wolves

At first glance, the service provided by the "Shadow Wolves" does not seem particularly unique. This team belongs to law enforcement agencies and is engaged in catching drug smugglers. What makes the Shadow Wolves unique is their way of working. The group is made up entirely of American Indians who use both modern technologies, and the ancient secrets of their ancestors. Every little thing helps them in tracking down smugglers at the border, and in reading the tracks they are second to none.

9 Extreme Abduction

People are often willing to do crazy things to get their dose of adrenaline. The New Orleans-based group provides adrenaline junkies with one of the strangest services imaginable. They kidnap their customers. Depending on how much they get paid (there are different rates), Extreme Kidnapping will kidnap their client in broad daylight, take them to an abandoned house, and keep them tied up for a certain amount of time. For an additional fee, they can also "try to drown" the client, torture him with a stun gun, or bring his worst phobias to life. Before ordering, the client must sign a special agreement that everything happens with his full consent and that he takes full responsibility.

10. Love commandos

Falling in love in India can be quite risky. In a country where parents still marry off their daughters in infancy, potential suitors must meet fairly strict criteria. First, young people are strongly discouraged from marrying someone outside of their religion or caste. It is also highly undesirable to marry against the will of the family, otherwise the parents may even try to kill the unlucky groom. So-called "honor killings" are especially common in northern India.

A group of "Love Commandos" rescue unfortunate couples in love whose parents are against their union. They secretly take young people out, supply them with groceries and food, settle them in secret apartments and do everything to unite loving hearts. This job is incredibly dangerous. Angry families often offer huge rewards to anyone who can kill such a commando.

The list of these business proposals can be adequately supplemented. But the authors sold them for mere pennies.

The history of the emergence of secret societies and secret organizations goes back centuries. Everything unknown in the minds of the people traditionally causes a lot of assumptions and conjectures. However, quite a lot is known today about some of the secret organizations, their principles and charters.


Officially, the Masonic organization saw the light in 1717, although there are some documents indicating that the activities of this group were registered as early as the 14th century. Initially, the brotherhood was created for people who share the key philosophical ideas of the time, including belief in a higher being. Freemasons paid special attention to moral issues, as a result, many of the heads of the lodges became known for their charitable work and community service. Despite these harmless qualities, the Freemasons were not without criticism. Conspiracy theorists accuse them of being involved in nefarious occult practices and even political groups.

Freemasons are usually criticized by churches of all denominations, as their moral teachings and esoteric spiritual beliefs are at odds with traditional religion. In the old days Freemasonry was based on unique traditions and principles. Today, when the number of members is so large, and the lodges are scattered all over the world, it becomes difficult to maintain the foundations. Only one practice, called the method of induction, remained unchanged. The initiate must be recommended in the group by someone who is already a Mason, and to reach the level of "Master" the person must pass three various levels. Members have prescribed modes of greeting each other, including handshakes, gestures, and passwords, and non-members are prohibited from attending meetings.

The number of famous members of Masonic lodges is truly impressive, we can recall, for example, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford and Ben Franklin. Today, the Freemasons are less influential and secretive than ever, but still remain one of the most famous fraternities in the world. Only officially members of Freemasonry are about 5 million people.


The Assassins, or Nizari, were a mysterious group of Muslims active in the Middle East in the 13th century. The group included Shiites who broke away from the mainstream sect and united to create their own utopian state. Since there were very few members of the Order, they preferred to use guerrilla tactics in the fight against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage and political assassinations.

The Assassins introduced their highly trained agents into enemy cities and bases with instructions to attack at a strictly specified time. Covert assassins were known to seek to minimize civilian casualties, and the victims were often frightened by the invisibility of their pursuers. According to the story, enemy leaders, waking up in the morning, found an assassin dagger on their pillow with a note "You are in our power." Over time, the legend of the secret Order grew. Even before the organization was finally destroyed by the Mongols, assassins became famous supposedly by fulfilling orders for such historical figures like King Richard the Lionheart.

Around the same time as the Order collapsed, the entire library containing records of the Nizari was destroyed. So much information has been lost that today the Assassins are nothing more than a myth. The legend about the use of drugs and intoxicants by members of the Order of the group looks disputable. The word "Hashshashin" itself translates roughly as "Users of hashish", which indicates the possible use of stimulant substances in combat. The term itself was discredited, but later the Nizari transformed it into the modern word "assasin" (murderer).

Bilderberg Club.

Founded in the middle of the last century, the Bilderberg Club is often called the world government by conspiracy theorists. Its members are influential politicians, financiers, businessmen and media tycoons from Europe and North America. There are about 400 people in total. They meet annually to discuss current world issues. But no concrete decisions are made. At least, this is stated on the website of the organization itself, but it is impossible to verify this. Access to the forum is by invitation only. Outsiders, including journalists, are not allowed to attend meetings. Recording of these meetings is prohibited. Representatives of Russia periodically become guests of the Bilderberg Club. Among them are the founder of Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, politician Garry Kasparov and the head of Rosnano, Anatoly Chubais.


One of the most famous symbols of the Illuminati - a luminous delta - on a bill of one American dollar. Under the Illuminati brand different time there were and, oddly enough, various organizations continue to exist. The first official brotherhood of the "enlightened" was formed in Bavaria in 1776. Adherents of this order fought against religion and promoted liberal ideas. The movement was banned by the authorities a few years after its foundation. Its ideologue, canon law professor Adam Weishaupt, died in exile.

However, according to rumors, the Illuminati simply continued their activities, completely retiring into the shadows. They are credited with the creation of the United States and the October Revolution in Russia. Thanks to constant references in popular literature, the Illuminati still inspires fear today. Modern conspiracy theorists claim that the secret society managed to survive and now exists as a sinister shadow government, directing the actions of world politics and industry in the right direction.

In the 21st century, interest in the Illuminati awakened after the publication of the book "Angels and Demons" by the American writer Dan Brown. According to the plot, the descendants of a secret society take revenge on the Vatican for their murdered comrades.

Skull and Bones.

The most famous representatives of this secret society are George W. Bush and George W. Bush, as well as John Kerry. Ivy League colleges are known for their many secret societies and student organizations. Yale's Skull and Bones is the most famous of these. The organization arose in 1833, its members must be from the aristocracy, Protestants and Anglo-Saxon origin. Today, new members join the society every spring, the only real condition is that the applicant must be the leader of their campus. As a result, the secret organization includes athletes, members of the student council and presidents of other fraternities. Several US presidents, many senators, judges of the Supreme Court came out of Skull and Bones. This gave reason to believe that the organization is semi-underground, uniting the political elite of the country.

No one denies that this club is well funded - alumni created the Russel Trust Association, which keeps cash society. Rumor has it that the group even owns their own island in upstate New York. Although the secret practices of the Skull and Bones are not secret, rumors of obligatory rites still circulate. Although the society meets twice a week, it is not known what it is about. To the dismay of conspiracy theorists, all credible rumors are pretty harmless. The group is associated in practice exclusively with student pranks.

Skull and Bones is famous for its legends about how new members are required to talk about their sexual fantasies, and it also analyzes the sexual stories of childhood and adolescence. It is also customary to give nicknames to all members of society. Thus, the tallest of them is called the "Long Devil", the one with the greatest sexual experience is called "Magog" (this name was with William and Robert Taft and Bush Sr.). But Bush Jr., apparently, could not conquer the group with his talents, having received the nickname "Temporary".

Order of the Oriental Templars.

This order is a mystical organization that appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The circuit is similar to less hidden association, masons. The Eastern Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move members of the community from one level to another.

The general philosophy of the order is based on new era esoteric principles and practices as a way to realize true identity. Much of the group's knowledge, including the Mysteria Mystica Maxima manifesto, comes from the famous eccentric occultist Aleister Crowley. It was he who later became the leader of this secret society. After Crowley's death, the influence and popularity of the Order waned, but today there are still many branches of the community scattered around the world. Mainly, it is the USA, Great Britain, European countries. The rise in popularity of Aleister Crowley at one time led to the fact that his offspring, the Order of the Oriental Templars, eventually came to light. As a result, the organization became much less secret than before. However, this does not mean the loss of the most secret and forbidden practices. Chief among these is the union of sexual passions, especially the teachings of the Worship of the Phallus and the magic of masturbation.

Black hand.

The most famous member of this secret organization was Gavrilo Princip. The secret society "Black Hand" (another name is "Unity or Death") was a national terrorist organization. It included anti-imperialist revolutionaries who fought for the liberation of Serbia from the rule of Austria-Hungary. The Black Hand was born in 1912. It is believed that the organization was originally an offshoot of the "People's Defense", a group seeking to unite all Slavic peoples in Europe.

Taking into account its goals, the organization began to conduct anti-Austrian propaganda, preparing saboteurs and murderers to overthrow the province state power. The plans included inciting a war between Austria and Serbia, which would make it possible to get out from under the imperial yoke and unite the Slavic peoples. The head of the "Black Hand" was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, who served as the head of the Serbian counterintelligence. In fact, the entire state apparatus of the country was controlled by a secret organization.

Today, the activities of this terrorist organization would be forgotten if it were not for the participation of the Black Hand in one of the most significant events of the 20th century. In 1914, a group of terrorists from Mlada Bosna (a branch of the Black Hand) killed the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, setting off the First World War. Events began to grow like a snowball. Soon Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the allies of both sides stepped in. On the ruins of the First World War, the Second World War broke out, and subsequently the Cold War. Thus, the Black Hand can be considered one of the most influential forces of the turbulent twentieth century.

Knights of the Golden Circle.

This secret society flourished in the US during the American Civil War. Initially, the group sought to support the accession to the country of Mexico and the West Indies, which could help revive the dying slave trade. However, with the outbreak of hostilities, the Knights shifted their focus from colonization to fervent support for the new Confederate government.

The organization had several thousand followers, who even formed their own partisan detachments and began to raid fortresses in the West. In the northern states, the mysterious order also had a great influence. Many newspapers and public figures sympathized with the Southerners, including President Franklin Pierce, who is a member of the Knights. Unlike most other secret societies, it doesn't just care about rare encounters and mysterious plans. The knights were able to organize their own army and tried to resolve their issues from a position of strength. In 1860, a militant group attempted to invade Mexico.

During their own war, the Knights robbed stagecoaches and even attempted to blockade the port at San Francisco. For a short time, they even managed to take control of the southern state of New Mexico. With the end of the Civil War, the activities of the organization gradually faded away, although it is she who is accused by many of organizing the assassination of Lincoln.

Thule Society.

The most famous members of this German occult and political secret society were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg and even rumored to be Adolf Hitler himself. If many secret organizations are only suspected of their hidden motives, then in the case of the Thule Society everything turned out to be proven.

Immediately after the end of the First World War, this organization was unofficially created in Germany. The initial Masonic ideas were quickly replaced by occult ones, over time, the organization began to promote the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. This embodied in a racist approach towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society boasted several thousand of its members, even published its own propaganda newspaper. In 1919, members of the Thule Society organized the political organization "German Workers' Party". Later, the young Adolf Hitler became a member, and she herself transformed into the National Socialist German Party, giving rise to Nazism.

The members of the Thule Society themselves, long before the advent of Nazism, took part in strange activities. They enthusiastically tried to find the origins of the Aryan race, looking for them in the mythical land of Thule. According to the legends, a mythical land with a developed civilization existed somewhere in the region of the North Pole, and Iceland is all that remains of the land that has gone under water. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Thule Society. Although the organization was banned by Hitler, it is said that it was she who gave him the magical secrets of power and successful public speaking.

Sons of freedom.

The Sons of Liberty are a loosely organized group of dissidents that have been active in America since before the Revolutionary War. Their purpose was to bring about a change in British law in light of the administration of the colonies.

The "Sons of Liberty" did not exist as a secret society in the traditional sense of the word, rather it was an association of patriot groups in support of common purpose. They usually met in Boston, near the elm, which has since become known as the Liberty tree. It was here that the group developed its policy of resistance, which included the distribution of pamphlets and even some sabotage and terrorist acts. Such actions led the British to persecute the "Sons of Liberty", considering their actions criminal. The organization even began to be called the "Sons of Violence." The group eventually became most visible among those who sowed the seeds of revolution among the colonists, and for creating the famous phrase "No taxation without representation!".

Although the Sons of Liberty in Boston were the best known faction, the factions were spread across 13 colonies. One faction in Rhode Island plundered and burned the British merchant ship Gaspi to protest unjust laws, while others simply slandered British supporters. But the most famous case involving the Sons is the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when members of the community disguised as Indians threw tea from British ships into the sea. These events marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

Do you know that in Russia there are a lot of companies that are quite creative about their own name?
Below are the most ridiculous names of firms and companies registered in Russia.
(office humor) save it to your wall.

If you creatively approach the choice of the name of your own company, you can register in Russia LLC "My God" or LLC "Yes, baby".

Common form abbreviations legal entities- LLC, CJSC, JSC - give the broadest scope to the fantasies of entrepreneurs. After all, the name of the organization is its main business card and the clothes by which they meet.

For example, your company is called Ololo LLC, they call you at the office, you pick up the phone and answer in a quite serious voice: “Hello, Ololo!”.

There are many funny options from Panki LLC to Ya-ya, natural! But the most interesting thing is that there are already similar names in Russia. Including, OOO "NAH" and JSC "POH".

OOO "What People" - construction firm in Krasnodar.
LLC "Ooo" is a Moscow supplier of crushed stone and sand.
AAA LLC is a cleaning company in Perm, a salon in Rostov-on-Don, as well as the short name of the cord manufacturer Activity Alternative Avangard LLC in Chelyabinsk.
LLC "DAA" in Podolsk is engaged in retail trade.
LLC "Detka" - medical advisory center in Novosibirsk
Lucy LLC supplies textiles from Ivanovo
AaAaAaA - A7 - Implementation Center LLC in Novosibirsk is engaged in software development
OOO "Vladimirsky Central" - Volgograd region, type of activity: hotels, cafes, restaurants
LLC "Diablo" is in the city of Rostov-on-Don.
Pa-Pa LLC operates in Moscow.
Tudranktufaq LLC (too drunk to fuck) was registered in Tomsk

DAD KENNEDIES LLC is registered in Moscow
OOO "NAH" in Grozny is engaged in the production of food products.
JSC "POKh", Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
LLC "OBNAL", Tula region, registered activity - trade in children's food.
OOO Okat, Tambov region.

There is Slabo Da LLC in the Ulyanovsk region.
LLC "Man is God" - a hairdresser in St. Petersburg.
ChKO LLC Moscow sells tea and coffee.
Khomyachki LLC is a chain of Irish pubs in Irkutsk.
LLC "Ololo" is a South Sakhalin distributor of useful and funny things for home and leisure.
LLC "Glavbukha no" is registered in Moscow

Chest of the World LLC, PREVED LLC, MEDVED LLC - the data entered in the unified state register of legal entities of the FAS RF provides an inexhaustible supply of pearls of varying degrees of insanity.

And a few more not yet existing, but very funny companies, in which the abbreviation OOO harmoniously merges with the name of the organization into phrases familiar to the ear:
OOO "Green-eyed Taxi LLC"
OOO "Oh Slow down, slow down!"
OOO "God what am I talking about"!
OOO "Nli Yu"
OOO "Vosmiklassnitsa"
Nana Nana Na LLC
Khnihuyasebe LLC
LLC "Panki"
LLC "I-I, natural!"
LLC "Went dear"
CJSC "Although not"
CJSC "Phil"
CJSC "Beshcheki"
Goodbye America LLC
LLC "What a big one!"
LLC "How nice"
CJSC "Why do you need mountains like this height"
LLC "ES as a dollar"