historical figures. Master

Dear high school student!

To prepare for an essay, the topic "" is open on the forum.

Reading texts related topics and their interpretation will help you enrich the argumentative field for an essay in the Russian language at the Unified State Exam.

Let us first turn to the interpretation of words.

Interpret- 1. Explain the meaning of something.

2. Perform interpretation.

Interpretation- 1. The process of activity according to the meaning of the imperfective verb to interpret

2. Creative disclosure of an image, theme or piece of music, based on the performer's own feeling; interpretation.

be interpreted- 1. Be the subject of discussion, interpretation; be understood, portrayed in any way;

2. Evaluated, characterized in some way.

You are offered tasks for creative study of the text.

Task number 1

1. Read the text, paying attention to the highlighted words.

2. Using the highlighted words, briefly retell the text, based on the proposed order of interpretation:

  • indicate the title of the text (if any), full name. the author of the text, his field of activity (cultural, public figure, scientist, etc.); about whom, what the author is talking about (text topic), author's arguments (evidence, examples, explanations);
  • use help phrases:

shares experiences...

comes to the fore...

  • the idea (main idea) of the text is most often at the end of the text;
  • To frame the idea, use auxiliary phrases:

highlights the idea that...

talks about the importance...

raises (designates, touches upon) an actual problem ...

raises the question of...

trying to show...

invites the reader to consider...

suggests that…

  • find words in the text that express the feelings of the author (including introductory words, for example: unfortunately, fortunately, etc.) - they often express the attitude of the author to the problem;
  • to formulate thoughts, use auxiliary phrases:

3. If possible, write down the received text.

4. Do the same with the following texts, and you will have a reliable Argument Box. The volume of creative work should not exceed 6-8 sentences.

The texts you have interpreted will sound much more convincing at the exam than examples from life experience. It is only necessary to make efforts to develop the skills of interpreting texts.

Task number 2

In the future, you have to work in this way - choose any texts and write compositions based on these texts. You should be aware of the stages of writing a problematic essay on the text from the teacher's explanations and recommendations in various collections of preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

Task number 2 is under development. Be sure that your systematic educational activity on assignment number 1 will help in completing assignment number 2.

If you need to consult with the teacher (author of the site), please contact Galina Nikolaevna Pomelova (e-mail sunapgn@mail.ru .).


Seryozha - forester's son Stepanycha - sat at the end boats behind the forage. He sat straight, deftly working with an oar, and, as it should be for the captain of a ship, he vigilantly looked around. spill For a long time even Seryozhka's father did not remember - an experienced man who knew the Volga floodplain like the back of his hand.

At the feet of Seryozhka lay two bag , tightly tied with rawhide straps. in one bag sat subdued badger , in the other - large, tarpaulin - four hare . Three seasoned hares Earring saved Hour ago. They rushed in panic along a tiny spit, now, probably, hidden under water. The fourth guy took off a log floating past the boat. This fourth one, so timid and quiet in appearance, scratched Seryozhka's hand until it bled when he grabbed his long, reddish tan ears.

Soon the boat entered a calm, downright sleepy backwater. Seryozhka unbuttoned the collar of his tanned sheepskin coat and wiped his forehead with a mitten. Smiled:

Don't rush now.

Dirty-gray patches floated past us - tubercles and tubercles that were not yet flooded. guiding obedient our boat to a low mossy hemp .

Looking back, I saw on a stump standing in the water a small one, compressed into a ball hare . The hare was shivering from the cold.

Dry the oars! - Seryozhka gave the command when the boat caught up with the mossy stump. And, getting up, he deftly grabbed the frightened hare by the collar.

Now eyes boy shone with immeasurable kindness .

What a rogue, completely frozen! - grumbled affectionately Seryozhka and put a live fluffy lump on himself for the bosom

- warm up , hare, and when we return home, I will give you milk to drink. – squinting shyly in my direction, he added: - He, after all, tea, five days old . Mom, go, ran away to feed, and then the water rolled up to the mane. And cut off the fool from the mother.

I looked at Sergei. I looked and thought warm, happy feeling : "Master, growing young master ! Such, when he grows up, Stepanych can boldly entrust his big farm.


For preparation for the exam You can use study guide « SEMI-FINISHED WORKS. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. COLLECTION #1».

Detailed instructions on how to use the collection

Born in the village of Russkaya Bektyashka, Senglieevsky district, Simbirsk province. Parents Vasily Dmitrievich and Praskovya Grigoryevna Banykins. The father worked as a loader, the son's parents were preparing to become a saddler. However, Vasily decided to become a doctor.

In 1904, Vasily graduated from the Stavropol city school with good and excellent grades. From 1904 to 1908 he studied at the Samara medical assistant school on a scholarship from the Stavropol Zemstvo.

From 1908 to 1910 he worked as an epidemic paramedic in the village of Chekan, Bugulma district and later Khryashchevka, Stavropol district, took part in the fight against the cholera epidemic, for which he was awarded the Stavropol Zemstvo.

In 1910, he entered the medical faculty at the Yuryev University courses, studying to be a doctor, but he studied for only 4 semesters. After the death of his father, he was left without funds, he applied for a subsidy to the Stavropol Zemstvo Council. The district government, given that Banykin "worked in the Stavropol district to combat cholera", and then "was in the service ... as an epidemic paramedic and treated the duties assigned to him very carefully and with full knowledge of the matter," asked for a scholarship of 180 rubles with the condition of repayment of the debt after the start of service. However, the county government refused the petition, since Banykin served in the Zemstvo for only one year.

Banykin returned to Stavropol, where he got a job as a paramedic in a zemstvo hospital, where he worked until 1917.

Even before the revolution of 1917, he became a member of the Social Revolutionary Party (SRs). After the division of the party into “rights” and “lefts”, he supported the latter.

On May 5, 1917, he became the first chairman of the city council, actively promoting the Left SR program (land is declared public property, city merchants are heavily taxed, the adoption of the Brest peace is sharply criticized). From the very first days Banykin was in power, an 8-hour working day was introduced in the city, the money seized from the merchants was spent on the creation of kindergartens in the villages of the district, on the construction of a playground in Stavropol, as well as on the maintenance of hospitals and schools. Largely due to the influence of Banykin, in November 1917, in the elections to the Constituent Assembly in the Stavropol district, 86,131 people voted for the Social Revolutionaries, against 3983 who voted for the Bolshevik Party.

Vasily Banykin carried out work on the formation of a completely new apparatus of power. He achieved the unification of the city Council of Workers with the Council of Peasant Deputies, participated in the creation of the charter of the first workers' artel of the county. He took part in power actions: the dispersal of the City Duma, Zemstvo Assembly, some Volost Councils, but during his time in power there were no executions or arrests.

March 6, 1918 Banykin was elected chairman of the executive committee of the Stavropol district. Thus, under his leadership was a huge territory from Melekess to Zhiguli, where almost a quarter of a million people lived.

After the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps, he led the evacuation of the population, state property and valuables. Including the family of Banykin himself was evacuated to Sengilei on the ship Nadezhda, where they hid with relatives.

However, Vasily Banykin himself did not have time to evacuate, and was shot by a local resident Mikhail Krasnov. According to eyewitnesses, they mocked the body of the murdered man, so the merchant Shishikin forced the water carrier to drive over the dead body twice, knocked out the eye with a cane. A few days later, Banykin was buried along with the rest of those killed that day. Two weeks later, his relatives reburied him in a personal grave.

Having learned about the death of her husband, Varvara's wife returned to Stavropol, where she was arrested and was in prison until the capture of the city by the 5th Kursk regiment of the 24th Simbirsk division of the Red Army on October 6, 1918. After the restoration of Soviet power, an investigation into the murder of Vasily Banykin, chairman of the Stavropol Executive Committee, immediately began, which lasted until March 1919.



Born in the village of Russian Bektyashka Senglieevsky district , Simbirsk province. Parents Vasily Dmitrievich and Praskovya Grigoryevna Banykins. father worked loader, son parents prepared to become saddler. However, Vasily decided to become a doctor.

V 1904 Vasily graduated from the Stavropol City College with good and excellent grades. From 1904 to 1908 he studied at Samara medical assistant school on a scholarship from the Stavropol Zemstvo.

From 1908 to 1910 he worked as an epidemic paramedic in the village of Chekan, Bugulma district and later Khryashchevka, Stavropol district, took part in the fight against the cholera epidemic, for which he was awarded the Stavropol Zemstvo.

In 1910 he entered the medical faculty in Yurievsky university courses while studying to be a doctor, but studied only 4 semester. After the death of his father, he was left without funds, applied for subsidy to the Stavropol zemstvo uprava. The district government, given that Banykin "worked in the Stavropol district to combat cholera", and then "was in the service ... as an epidemic paramedic and treated the duties assigned to him very carefully and with full knowledge of the matter," asked for a scholarship of 180 rubles with the condition of repayment of the debt after the start of service. However, the county government refused the petition, since Banykin served in the Zemstvo for only one year.

Banykin returned to Stavropol, where he got a job as a paramedic in a zemstvo hospital, where he worked until 1917.

Even before revolution of 1917 becomes a party member social revolutionaries(Socialist-Revolutionaries). After the division of the party into "right" and "Left" supported the latter.

5 May 1917 becomes the first chairman of the city Council, actively promotes the Left SR program (land is declared public property, city merchants are heavily taxed, the adoption of Brest Peace). From the very first days Banykin was in power, an 8-hour working day was introduced in the city, the money seized from the merchants was spent on creating kindergartens in the villages county, for the construction of a playground in Stavropol, as well as for the maintenance of hospitals and schools. Largely due to the influence of Banykin in November 1917 on elections in Constituent Assembly v Stavropol district 86,131 people voted for the Socialist-Revolutionaries, against 3,983 who voted for the Bolshevik Party.

Vasily Banykin carried out work on the formation of a completely new apparatus of power. He achieved the unification of the City Council of Workers with the Council of Peasants' Deputies, participated in the creation of the charter of the first working class artels county. He took part in power actions: the dispersal of the City Duma, Zemstvo Assembly, some volost Soviets, however, during his time in power there were no executions or arrests.

March, 6 1918 Banykin is elected chairman of the executive committee of the Stavropol district. Thus, under his leadership was a vast territory from Melekessa before Zhiguli where almost a quarter of a million people lived.

After rebellion of the Czechoslovakian corps supervised evacuation population, state property and values. Including the family of Banykin himself was evacuated to Sengilei on the ship Nadezhda, where they hid with relatives.

However, Vasily Banykin himself did not have time to evacuate, and was shot by a local resident Mikhail Krasnov. According to eyewitnesses, they mocked the body of the murdered man, so the merchant Shishikin forced the water carrier to drive over the dead body twice, knocked out the eye with a cane. A few days later, Banykin was buried along with the rest of those killed that day. Two weeks later, his relatives reburied him in a personal grave.

Having learned about the death of her husband, Varvara's wife returned to Stavropol, where she was arrested and was in prison until the capture of the city by the 5th Kursk regiment of the 24th Simbirsk division of the Red Army on October 6, 1918. After the restoration of Soviet power, an investigation into the murder of the chairman of the Stavropol Executive Committee, Vasily Banykin, immediately began, which lasted until March 1919.

History of doom

In 1934, the Stavropol village council received a statement from Fedosya Evgrafovna Sokolova, the widow of the chairman of the Stavropol city executive committee, A. M. Sokolov-Soloviev, who died in 1918 in the “death train”. She accused Banykin of working for intelligence Volunteer Army. She insisted that it was only because he was killed earlier that Socialist-Revolutionary Banykin did not have time to betray everyone, and demanded that Banykin Street be renamed Red Guard Street.

Eyewitnesses were interviewed. From their testimony it followed that the killer was a local resident Mikhail Krasnov, who, after the restoration of Soviet power, left for Siberia, where he lived under other people's documents under the name of Zhiltsov. In 1927, he was arrested for the murder of Banykin, was imprisoned, then sent into exile.

All this led to the emergence of a number of different legends and versions regarding the death of Banykin. So Soviet propaganda portrayed Banykin as a communist, who was in the thick of the battle, in a detachment covering the evacuation of state valuables and families of communists. And it was as if Banykin was pursued by a bunch of "labazniks" from among the wealthy residents of Stavropol who had once been offended by him.

According to another version, there was no fight. The oldest Togliatti local historian Alexander Turaev wrote in the 1960s that Banykin simply left the city and was shot dead on the outskirts by a "local White Guard".

And according to the third version, set out in the book of the Togliatti journalist Sergei Melnik, Banykin's death was generally accidental. Referring to the memories of eyewitnesses of the events, it is said that Banykin was accidentally shot dead by a security guard of the local warehouse of the regional consumer union without any intent and political overtones.


V 1909 Vasily Banykin married a teacher Varvara Ivanovna. In and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, then he did not have time to become an enemy of the people. Moreover, he was declared an active Bolshevik. The authorities took this step because there simply was not such a prominent figure in the city and the county, but a member communist party. Mentions of Banykin as a Bolshevik appear both in newspapers and in fiction. It was only in the 1980s that documents appeared showing that Banykin had never been a communist.

  • Vasily Banykin became one of those whose name is immortalized on obelisk Glory that appeared in 1958.
  • Also in honor of Banykin were installed:
    • memorial plaque on the house where he lived;
    • monument- stele on the grave of Banykin (memorial complex on the banks of the Volga).
  • A street in Stavropol was named after Banykin. When the city was transferred to a new place, Banykin's name went to a small street in the private sector. By the decision of the executive committee of the Togliatti Council of People's Deputies No. 647/31 dated November 1, 1967, the name of Banykin went to a more significant street for the city:
  • ... in order to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of the Civil War, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, rename the following streets in the city of Togliatti:

    a) Yuzhnaya Street - to the street named after V.V. Banykin - the first chairman of the Stavropol district executive committee of the Soviets of Workers' Deputies, who fell at the hands of the enemy at a military post ...
    d) ... the street that until now bore the name of V.V. Banykin to 25th October Street.

    | Photos of the street

    Sh trichi to historical portrait

    TO Ratka, bright and mysterious life of this man. At one time, an artificial image was created of the first chairman of the city, and then the county Stavropol Soviet, as a Bolshevik and Leninist. Archival documents do not confirm this, and today too zealous "democrats" will not be tempted to rename the street and hospital named after him. On the Volga slope, next to the mass grave of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, his ashes rest. A little higher, a site is being prepared for a grandiose monument to another Vasily, the founder of our city - Tatishchev. So whimsically, but historically naturally, the historical fate of people from different eras united ...

    TO At the age of thirty, he became a well-known medical assistant in the city. He was an elegant gentleman, an exemplary family man - the father of two children. He was distinguished by oratory, iron logic in disputes, and had a light journalistic pen. First World War exacerbated class contradictions, agitated public opinion and political life. On the crest of revolutionary transformations, Vasily Banykin, who had fame and popularity, quickly becomes the authoritative organizer of the new administrative structures of the city. In March 1918, he was already elected chairman of the county council - under his command was a gigantic territory from Zhiguli to Melekess, with a population of a quarter of a million.

    O He was born into the family of a Stavropol loader and at first was sent to study as a saddler. But the passion for knowledge, a strong character and father's coppers made it possible to receive a diploma from the Samara paramedical school by the age of twenty. After graduation, he served as a doctor on the Volga steamers. In 1910 (typhus raged in the Volga region) he became an epidemic paramedic in the village of Chekan, Bugulma district. He showed himself to be a courageous person - he fulfilled his medical duty to the end: he went to study at Yuryev (Tartu) University only after the elimination of the epidemic.

    V high school I studied for four semesters - my savings ran out, my father died, the Zemstvo Council (he applied there for a subsidy) did not help. Returned to Stavropol. He got a job as a paramedic in a zemstvo hospital - several of its buildings have survived to this day.

    V In the pre-revolutionary years, the Socialist-Revolutionaries enjoyed the greatest popularity among the variety of parties. The intellectual core of this (colloquially - Socialist-Revolutionary) movement was the intelligentsia and the Zemstvo - just the layer to which Banykin belonged. Simple slogans (for example, "Land - to the peasants!") impressed the masses. A characteristic touch: in the elections to the Constituent Assembly (already after the October Revolution, in November 1918), 3,983 voters voted for the Bolsheviks in our district, and 86,131 for the Socialist-Revolutionaries! Unfortunately, the archives of the Socialist-Revolutionaries were destroyed. It is only known that Vasily was a member of this party, then, after its split into "right" and "left", he joined the latter.
    Having become the first chairman of the city council in May 1917, he energetically forms a new administrative apparatus, cautiously welcomes the October coup (the Left SRs became allies of the Bolsheviks). He successfully maneuvers in the political intrigues of the city and county, consistently implements the Left SR program. The land is declared public property, the rich are taxed. At the same time, he firmly opposed the Leninist position in relation to Germany: on March 2, 1918, a resolution was adopted in Stavropol against the conclusion of the Brest Peace.

    AND history does not tolerate subjunctive moods - it is difficult to imagine who he would have been with in July 18, when the Left SRs revolted against the Bolsheviks. Or when the fire of the “chapan” uprising broke out under the slogan “For Soviets without Communists!” By that time Banykin will be gone. On June 15, 1918, a Belarusian landing party was sent from Samara to our city. Vasily managed to organize the evacuation of valuables, weapons and some people to Simbirsk. He himself could not hide - he was killed, according to unconfirmed reports, by local rich people. His body lay on the square for a long time.

    Decades will pass, and the creation of a legend will begin. From one newspaper publication to another, on the rise, There will be a layering of "Banykin Bolshevism". Then it will be reflected even in scientific dissertations and, of course, in works of art. For us, something else is important: at the origins of the creation of a truly democratic government in the city, there was a really interesting and worthy person. An excellent and courageous physician - let us recall his participation in the fight against typhus. Active organizer. From the very first days of the work of the City Council in Stavropol, an eight-hour working day was introduced. Curious touches: he directed most of the amounts from the tax on wealthy citizens to the creation of kindergartens in the villages of the county, and in the city - to the construction of a playground, to maintain schools and hospitals.

    H For more than a year he was chairman, he managed a lot. To attend provincial congresses, to hold county congresses, to visit most of the villages. Created a detachment of the Red Guard. Participated in the development and approval of the Charter of the first labor artel in the former landowner's estate in the village of Novy Buyan. And most importantly - in a matter of months he created a completely new and quite viable apparatus of power - with commissariats and a clear range of responsibilities. At the age of 33, he became a skilled politician, consistently concentrated power in his hands - first he achieved the unification of the City Council with the Council of Peasant Deputies, then he headed the county Council. The time was alarming, the hysteria of a future civil war was already being whipped up. But, even when using force - during the dispersal of the City Duma, Zemstvo Assembly or some "bourgeois volost Soviets" - he did not go to extreme measures. During his time in power, there were not only executions, not even arrests.