Yandex ways of making cold porcelain at home. Making products from cold porcelain

How to do cold porcelain at home? Cold porcelain is a mixture of glycerin, oil, glue and starch. There are several recipes for making porcelain that may be suitable for a beginner. But before you start doing it, you need to know that its shade depends on the recipe itself and the composition of the products. Items made from potato porcelain are grayish and dense, while those made from corn porcelain are airy, transparent and have a slightly yellowish tint. Recipe number 1 - DIY cold porcelain Ingredients: One hundred and fifty grams of cornstarch and a little bit for kneading. teaspoon of glycerin. A teaspoon of white hand cream. One hundred milliliters of water. One hundred and fifty milliliters of PVA. Preparation: Mix all liquid elements in a saucepan. Place on medium fire and mix until smooth. Add starch in portions and continue to mix so that the mixture does not burn. At first, the mass will resemble liquid cottage cheese, and after a while it will be like mashed potatoes. Stir until the entire mixture comes together around the spoon in a lump. Remove from heat, place the hot mixture on a clean, damp kitchen towel and wrap in it. After that, begin to knead and knead the mixture with your hands through the towel until it cools. Remove the towel, continue kneading with your hands, regularly lubricating them so that they do not stick. As soon as the mixture stops sticking and becomes plastic, soft, transfer it to a tightly closed container or plastic bag. Cold porcelain is ready. Often, craftsmen during cooking change the composition and thereby improve recipes. So feel free to experiment. Recipe #2 - Improved Cold Porcelain Recipe All the same ingredients as in the first recipe. Preparation: Mix all liquid ingredients. Add sifted starch, stir until smooth and strain. Put in a water bath and heat, stir constantly. Starch will be brewed in places where the temperature is highest. If you do not have time to knead in the bath, then remove and knead, and then put it back in the bath. Do this until you get a lump on the spoon. Put the mass on a damp towel, wrap and knead until cool. Remove the towel and continue to knead with your hands, when necessary, grease your hands with starch. When the mixture stops sticking and becomes plastic, put it in a container. This porcelain will be smoother and more uniform. Recipe number 3 - Making cold porcelain from potato starch without cooking. Ingredients: PVA glue. Baking soda. Vaseline oil or Vaseline. Potato starch. Preparation: In a dry and clean bowl, grind 2 tbsp. starch and a spoonful of vaseline. Add a little baking soda and stir. Gradually add PVA, 1 tsp. As soon as the mass becomes soft, grease with petroleum jelly and knead until fully cooked. How to paint cold porcelain? Phosphorus should be painted with all kinds of food dyes and paints (acrylic, oil, oil and others), to do this, add the color to the prepared mixture and knead so that the color is evenly distributed. To paint a frozen finished product, apply dry food paint to the element with a brush, then hold it over the steam of the kettle. In this way, porcelain will absorb the dye and get natural color. How to work with cold porcelain? Use special tools (rolling pins, stick stacks, etc.). Lubricate your hands with cream before starting work. After kneading, the mixture should lie down for at least a day. Store in an airtight container. How long does cold porcelain dry? Cold phosphorus dries depending on the thickness of the product (one or several days), while the size decreases. When drying flat figures, they must be turned over so as not to deform. To speed up drying, you can use the oven. Cold phosphorus is a rather plastic material, almost everything can be molded from it. And to decorate products, you can use different materials: pieces of fabric, threads, beads, beads, and so on.

What is cold porcelain? This is a great craft material that is made up of glue, starch, glycerin and oil. There are various recipes for creating cold porcelain. The shade of your craft depends on the method of preparation. Let's get started!

  • Before starting work, apply cream on your hands.
  • After making the mixture, let it lie down for a day, then you can start creating crafts.

Improved Cold Porcelain Recipe

You will need:

  • Corn starch (150 grams)
  • White hand cream (teaspoon)
  • Glycerin (teaspoon)
  • Water (100 milliliters)
  • PVA glue (150 milliliters)
  • Pot

Master Class

Video lesson

Making cold porcelain without boiling

You will need:

  • PVA glue
  • Petrolatum
  • A bowl
  • Potato starch

Master Class

Video lesson

Cold porcelain coloring

Porcelain can be dyed in a variety of ways. To do this, use acrylic, oil paints, food coloring. Add the desired color to the finished mixture and knead like a dough.

To paint the finished product, apply the color of your choice with a brush. Then dry the product over the steam of the kettle. With the help of steam, porcelain absorbs paint better, and the color looks natural.

Drying cold porcelain

The drying time of porcelain depends on the thickness of the product. The thinner the product, the faster the drying process! On average, porcelain dries from one to five days. Use the oven to speed up the drying process.

Cold porcelain is a soft and plastic material. From it you can create great amount crafts. Imagine and surprise your friends!

Today, there are many forms of needlework with which you can create magnificent products and entire compositions. One of these methods is the technique of molding from cold porcelain. Naturally, it has nothing in common with the real mass, which is used in the industry for the manufacture of dishes. Many needlewomen prepare this composition on their own at home, and then they mold various figures, flowers and even whole paintings from it. And today we will tell you how to make cold porcelain with your own hands, as well as what crafts are made from it.

The recipe for making cold porcelain is quite simple and involves the use of materials available to everyone. In addition, products (flowers, figurines, key chains), which are obtained from this mass, can be stored forever without fading and losing their beauty.

There are many cooking options that result in cold porcelain at home. Some of them involve obtaining mass during the cooking process, others allow you to make modeling material in a simplified way. However, each recipe includes three main ingredients - PVA glue, starch, glycerin (Vaseline).

Of the tools that are suitable for making cold porcelain with your own hands, you will need:

  • Container for mixing components. To make the material without cooking, you can use a regular glass or plastic bowl. If the preparation of the mass will be carried out by heating on the stove, it is better to prepare a container with a non-stick coating.
  • Tablespoon for mixing the mixture.
  • A container with a lid and a plastic bag will be useful for storing the mass.

cooking options

It is quite simple to make material such as cold porcelain for modeling with your own hands. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for the process.

Each recipe is available even to a beginner, as it reveals in detail the manufacturing technology.

Method number 1

This recipe will tell you how to make cold porcelain with your own hands without boiling the mixture on the stove. The ingredients for its preparation are as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of PVA glue;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 1 st. l. vaseline;
  • ? tsp soda.

First you need to place starch, soda, petroleum jelly and a couple of drops of glycerin in a container. Mix all ingredients and add glue. The resulting mixture must be kneaded to a homogeneous consistency, then knead well with your hands. If the mass sticks to the palms and fingers during this, lubricate it with a small amount of petroleum jelly (cream). Sprinkling the material with starch, you get ready-made cold porcelain.

For storage, the mass must be wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a tightly closed container. You can put the tray with the material in the refrigerator. However, after 30 minutes it should be removed to change the polyethylene to dry. This procedure is necessary so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the composition.

The advantages that this mass preparation recipe has are obvious. Firstly, it is the ease of manufacture and the components available to everyone. Secondly, the composition is non-toxic, even children can make crafts from such material (flowers, figurines, caskets, paintings, etc.).

Method number 2

This recipe is also considered simple and involves the use of components that can be purchased at any store (pharmacy). However, the manufacturing process is carried out by boiling the mixture on the stove. Therefore, prepare the appropriate container and the following ingredients in advance:

  • 150 gr. PVA glue;
  • 150 gr. starch (preferably corn);
  • 25 gr. vaseline (you can take glycerin);
  • 100 ml of warm water;
  • 25 gr. hand creams.

To make cold porcelain with your own hands, you should take all the liquid ingredients from the list above and mix them. Then we put this composition in an appropriate container on a small fire and heat it up, stirring constantly. During the cooking process, add starch in small portions.

The mixture must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn and turns into a homogeneous mass. At the beginning of cooking, it will look like cottage cheese, but at the end of the process, the consistency of the material should resemble mashed potatoes. Almost ready cold porcelain should be kneaded until it becomes a white mass, which is wrapped in a lump on a spoon.

After that, you can remove the container from the stove, and put the material on a kitchen towel. It must be clean and pre-moistened. The mass must be wrapped in a towel and kneaded with your hands until it cools completely, after which you can remove it from the towel and continue the procedure.

To prevent the material from sticking to your hands, it must be periodically sprinkled with starch.

Knead the composition until the lump becomes homogeneous, plastic and stops sticking to the palms and fingers. Now do-it-yourself cold porcelain can be considered ready and crafts can be made from it (paintings, flowers, etc.). It should be stored in the same way as described earlier.

Method number 3

This recipe differs from those described above not only in the composition of the necessary components, but also in the cooking process (without cooking on the stove). And before starting the process, you should prepare a glass container that can be put in the microwave, and the following components:

  • two 200 gr. cups of cornmeal;
  • two 200 gr. cups of PVA glue;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • 60-70 gr. glycerin (vaseline);
  • 30 gr. non-greasy white hand cream.

All components, except for the cream, are mixed in a prepared container with a wooden spoon. After that, place the mixture in the container in the microwave, set to full power, for three minutes. After every 60 seconds, the composition must be removed and mixed. If the power of the device is small, the process of such cooking can be extended up to 5 minutes.

Thus, you will be able to make a homogeneous mass, which should be thoroughly kneaded. To do this, the mixture must be laid out on a surface previously lubricated with a non-greasy hand cream. Then we knead it with our hands as long as possible.

It is worth noting that the longer you manage to knead the material with your own hands, the more plastic the cold porcelain will become. Accordingly, crafts (flowers, figures, etc.) will be even, smooth and beautiful.

How can you get a colored mass?

Do-it-yourself cold porcelain can also be painted in several ways. And each recipe may also differ in the method of dyeing and the type of paints used.

In order for crafts (paintings, caskets, flowers, etc. products) to acquire a bright saturated color, you can take paints: oil, acrylic, food, as well as gouache, watercolor. It is necessary to add them to the material when kneading (after cooking). So you get a mass with a uniform shade.

You can also paint ready-made crafts that you can make from ready-made cold porcelain. Products with this method of staining acquire a rich color, close to natural.

To do this, take a frozen figure, apply dry powdered food paint to it with a brush. After that, you need to hold it for several minutes over a boiling kettle.

Flowers and other items made of cold porcelain dry within 1-7 days. The drying process can be accelerated by placing the products in the oven, baking them at the lowest temperature.


Modeling all kinds of crafts - one of the most popular and useful leisure options for the development of the child. Little kids having fun sculpt with their own hands different animals and fairy tale characters plasticine or salt dough . School-age children can help parents make flowers, original crafts and decorations from plastic or natural clay. Products from polymer clay or natural after modeling should be subjected to heat treatment (bake in the oven) so that the crafts harden.

But there is a universal material for making hardened durable crafts, which is perfect for both children's pastime and parents' leisure - this is cold porcelain.

In this article, we will tell you about a wonderful material called cold porcelain. This is a very plastic material and is ideal for making a wide variety of crafts, including artificial flowers . Below you will find video tutorials, master classes with photos on cold porcelain modeling, tips on choosing tools and recipes for making this plastic mass for modeling at home.

The advantages of modeling flowers and other crafts from cold porcelain are obvious: it is non-toxic and harmless, which makes it popular for modeling with children, it is very plastic, hardens in air after making crafts (unlike baked plastic: cernit, fimo, scalpi).

According to many masters, cold porcelain (along with foamiran ) is an ideal material from which you can sculpt a variety of flowers of any size. Cold porcelain flowers look very realistic and are used to decorate interior objects, photo frames, boxes , women's jewelry. From such homemade flowers, craftsmen make chic wedding bouquets that will remind newlyweds of vivid impressions for many years. after wedding . Flower compositions made of cold porcelain can often be found at exhibitions dedicated to arts and crafts.

One of the most important properties of this material for craftsmen is the ability to change the shape of flower petals. even after the crafts have dried, since cold porcelain is extremely plastic and durable. Sculpting a flower from soft cold porcelain with your own hands is easy and simple. Flowers can be painted with oil paints, giving the petals and leaves a natural color, achieving natural transitions and shades, which increases the realism of the craft.

Caring for such artificial flowers is very simple - sometimes it is enough to blow them with cold air from a hair dryer. They do not darken and do not fade under sunbeams. Even a novice master, guided by lessons on making crafts from cold porcelain, can mold with his own hands flower and even bouquet hard to tell from the real one!

Such artificial flowers organically combined with the styles that are popular today, which are used in the work of interior designers. Therefore, they are increasingly used for decorative solutions in the design of premises. Some needlewomen make stunningly beautiful artificial compositions with their own hands. flowers to decorate gift wrappings and boxes. In such compositions, flowers from cold porcelain are beautifully combined, foam and satin ribbons (kanzashi).

Tools and materials that you may need to make cold porcelain crafts:

stacks are wide and narrow;

rolling pin;



wire cutters;

flexible wire;

decorative cosmetics for tinting and tinting;

acrylic paints;

acrylic varnish (fix finished crafts after drying);

construction PVA glue;

wet wipes for rubbing fingers while sculpting. Cold porcelain very noticeably absorbs any dirt from the hands, which can ruin appearance crafts.


Option number 1- preparing the mixture and cooking cold porcelain with your own hands:


Glycerin (pharmacy) - 1 tablespoon;

PVA glue (for construction works) - 1 glass;

Starch ( the best way- corn, but you can also use potato) - 1 cup;

Citric acid - 1 teaspoon;

Oily hand cream - 1 tablespoon.

Recipe (with cooking).

The container for preparing the mixture is a saucepan or a deep aluminum bowl. Mix all the ingredients in the indicated proportion very carefully.

Put the container on the fire and continue to place the ingredients with a spoon without interruption

First lumps should appear, then the mixture will quickly turn into a thick mass.

When the contents of the pan gather in a solid lump, turn off the burner.

Spread the oilcloth on the table, grease with baby oil and put the prepared mass on the greased oilcloth.

Knead the mass until a consistency suitable for modeling is formed. Cold porcelain is ready to use! As you can see, it’s not so difficult to make excellent material for sculpting crafts with your own hands.

Option number 2
- how to make cold porcelain with your own hands without cooking:


- petroleum jelly without additives (or Vaseline oil) - 1 tablespoon;

Corn starch (potato starch is also possible) - 2 tablespoons;

Baking soda - 50 gr. ;

Watercolors (or tempera);

PVA glue - 30 gr.

Recipe (without cooking):


Master class number 1:


Master class number 2:


Master class number 3:


Master class number 4:


Master class number 5:


Master class number 6:


Cold porcelain can be called a new material, as it was invented at the beginning of the 20th century in Argentina. It differs from ordinary porcelain in that it does not need to be fired under the action of high temperatures hence the name "cold porcelain". You can cook it at home from the available ingredients. Unlike clay and plasticine, this material has undeniable advantages: does not stick to hands, hardens well after 48 hours, easy to color, plastic and easy to use. Not only adults, but also children can make crafts from cold porcelain, since it is absolutely harmless. In this article we will tell you the recipe for cold porcelain, from which you can make a variety of crafts.

How to make cold porcelain with your own hands

Materials for making cold porcelain:

  • cornstarch - 1 cup;
  • PVA glue - 175 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • the cheapest hand cream - 1 tsp;
  • glycerin - 1 tsp

1. Put everything except the cream into the pan and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. You can knead in a regular bowl, and then pour into a pan.

2. Now put the pan with the mixture on a small fire.
3. We heat up until the mass begins to lag well behind the walls. Remember to stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn.

5. Lubricate your hands with cream, and sprinkle the table with starch. Knead cold porcelain until it stops sticking to your hands.
6. Mass for modeling is ready. It must be used no later than 36-48 hours from the moment of preparation, since after this time the mixture hardens.

If you want to make a colored porcelain craft, you need to mix acrylic paints or any dyes into the finished mass. Mix well to get a uniform color. When kneading, keep in mind that the mass is hot, so it is well kneaded and practically does not stick to your hands.

Watch a video on the topic: we make cold porcelain at home

Cold porcelain can be called a unique material for modeling. From it you can make a variety of figures, such as flowers, dolls, animals, as well as details for applications or decorations. Products from it freeze in the fresh air. Thanks to the uniform texture and smooth surface, all cold porcelain products are beautiful and durable.