Secret in a personal diary for girls. How to make a personal diary inside

Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that a personal diary is still your personal space, so how and what will be inside it is a matter of your taste. I'll try to just direct your creative thought in the right direction.

Dear friends! Especially for you, we have prepared the largest collection of useful materials for the design of the LD (Personal Diary). Pictures and drawings are divided into the most popular topics and it can be downloaded absolutely free of charge by all visitors to our site.

Popular collection materials:

Sometimes you have to hear such a phrase: "I want to keep a personal diary, but I don't know how." At least it sounds strange, doesn't it? After all, a personal diary is not a tribute to fashion, it is a need of the soul. If there is a need, then you take a pen (no matter what color!) And trust your thoughts to paper (no matter what notebook!). But now we are not talking about that, but about how to arrange it inside.
Even 20 years ago, such a question did not arise often, believe me personal experience. It’s just that in those years there was no stunning variety of notebooks themselves (the diary was kept in ordinary notebooks 48 or 96 sheets), pens and decorators. The most we could do was glue on magazine clippings, pretty candy wrappers, or chewing gum inserts. Or draw something by hand. But now is a different time, many wonderful goods for needlework have appeared, which is why I want it to be beautiful (even if not for everyone, not for show) and no worse than others.

Probably, the difficulty also arises in the fact that it happens like this: you feel the need to keep a diary, you write with inspiration, you even fall in love with it and ... suddenly ... a stupor. There is no inspiration, there is no need, and the previously beloved notebook is gathering dust on the shelf. For such a case, sometimes one “kick” is enough or, if you prefer, advice, support, and inspiration returns!

From personal experience I will say that the best “kick” is viewing other people's work. They inspire, help to add zest to ... So, let's look together at what are the ways to design a personal diary inside ...

For starters, be sure to check out small video a video where you will see a lot of ideas for decorating a personal diary.


1. Many prefer the usual, traditional style: they write by hand in solid text, the most that they allow themselves is multi-colored pastes. After all, a personal diary is a whirlwind of your thoughts, events and feelings, why something else? But, let's say you're bored with just writing... In this case, any picture that illustrates what you're writing about will help add zest and decorate the pages. It can be a photo, but it doesn't have to be.

Are you writing about your favorite book? Cut out a stack of books from a magazine and glue them side by side. Are you writing about how great you sat with your friends in a cafe? Or about how, after visiting the doctor, you had to fork out for medicines? Take "material evidence" with you (a check, a business card or an advertisement for a new dish) and stick it in your diary. And in general, any photo or even the most careless freehand drawing will make your notebook more alive.

2. And why not try yourself in the design of the events in the form of small ones? Can't draw? But small drawings (even sketchy ones can be) are much easier. Maybe, by practicing day after day, you will “stuff” your hand?

3. The same small drawings can be used for different thematic pages in the diary, for example, “what I strive for” or “plans for this year.”

4. Sometimes, for a change, you can arrange pages in this way: on special cards of various shapes. There you can write down some individual thoughts and even quotes, aphorisms, excerpts from songs or poems that echo your mood and thoughts ... If there are no such cards, this is not a reason to lose heart! You can be creative yourself and draw something similar on multi-colored pieces of paper. Or even on pieces from different packages (from tea, toys, etc.) or labels from clothes - bright, colorful. There is absolutely no point in throwing them away!

5. On the pages of the diary, you can paint with watercolors, mix them, smear, blur and splash - any text will look very nice on top! Just keep in mind that if thin enough, then before all the watercolor experiments you need to glue them two at a time! Then everything will turn out neatly.

6. Good helpers in the design of the diary will be colored pencils, gel pens, scraps of paper or some kind of picture. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize and experiment!

7. This way looks very nice when you write with letters of different shapes and sizes, as well as in different direction: oblique, vertical, horizontal. Of course, this is not suitable for writing down events or thoughts, but if you want to write facts about yourself or arrange “100 things that I love”, then just right.

8. In any personal diary, you definitely need pockets for things dear to your heart! For tickets, notes or even small photos.

9. If you decide to take your personal diary seriously so that you can not only write down thoughts and events in it, but also arrange it by pasting photos, pictures and others, then cards with ready-made inscriptions will be a good accent: photo fact, appreciate every moment, news of the day , unforgettable moment, etc.

10. If you are not at all afraid of difficulties, then you can start your diary not in a notebook or notepad, but in an old unnecessary (!) Book! This process is even more exciting, because the imagination in the design is simply limitless!

Tip: if you decide on such a feat, then first of all you need to tear out every third page in the book. Otherwise, as you fill up your diary will swell to an indecent size. Then, if you paint with paints in the book (preferably with acrylics with a little gouache - then the pages will not stick together, and the letters will not be as translucent as when using watercolors), then be sure to glue all the pages together in two. And then - it's up to your imagination! Cover the letters completely or not (how do you like it?), with multi-colored paints or a little white - for writing text.

If you have the opportunity to find an old book in English or German- this is generally great, because in such a book it is generally not necessary to gloss over the text, just paste photos, decorations for the text as well.

I hasten to note that this option already looks a lot not like a personal diary, but like a smashbook design, and this process has already captured many creative people, but we will talk about this later.

In the meantime, I wish you not to be afraid of anything and, if inspiration has come, take on the design of your personal diary!

Don't know where to start? Take inspiration from this video. The video is a must see :)


Life flows quickly, and all the memories in the memory can not be saved. But some inanimate objects can do this, for example, photographs and a personal diary. A personal diary is a special storehouse of memories, which in the future will help you return to the past and remember the happy moments of life. In order not to be ashamed to look into it and the diary had a proper appearance, we advise you to decorate it beautifully.

How to decorate a personal diary - make a bright cover

The colorful attractive cover is a great start to decorate your personal diary. Paste the diary with bright pictures cut out from magazines or stickers. Alternatively, make a paper case in your favorite color. A fabric cover is more practical as it can be removed and washed if it gets dirty. If you are a needlewoman, design the cover in an original way using scrapbooking.

How to decorate your personal diary - visualize memories with stickers

Paste the inside of the diary with special stickers. In the absence of such, cut out from newspapers and magazines or find it on the Internet and print it out on a printer. Visualize your dreams, happy memories, plans for the future. Try to choose clear, bright, funny pictures. So it will be easier in the future to find the necessary information and pages with pictures are easier to perceive.

How to decorate a personal diary - design pockets with important things

Let you have secret pocket envelopes in your personal diary in which you can keep your innermost things. Travel or concert ticket; foreign coin; your portrait drawn by a classmate; a letter to a friend photo from the holiday; dried flower petals - such small symbolic things will return you to the carefree time of dates, travels, good-natured communication. A small symbolic object can remind you of many things.

How to decorate a personal diary - paste news clippings

When you fill out the diary, leave space for pasting the news of the day from the newspaper. Now what is happening in the country, the city, the world seems to be something ordinary and unimportant. Years later, you will be able to draw certain conclusions. For example, that there was a crisis in the country, but you managed to have fun and meet friends. Or that you entered a university recognized as prestigious at the time. And by comparing an article about fashionable hairstyles and your notes and photos about going to a beauty salon, you will become proud that you were quite a stylish woman. The opening of a new square or cafe in your city and the first opinion from a visit is also worth writing down and pasting in the news from the newspaper. If your grandchildren read such a diary in the future, it will be easier for them to navigate the notes and what happened then in your life.

How to decorate a personal diary - experiment with text and background

  • The background of a personal diary can be painted over with colored pencils. To make it look softer, spread the slate shavings over the sheet and rub it over the page with a cotton swab. Alternatively, print out backgrounds for letters and notes from the Internet.
  • You can write text about each day in a column, while changing the colors of the pen.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with the font. Make a test on a separate sheet. The font can change according to the mood. But make sure it's easy to read.
  • Underline or highlight what is important. Frame conclusions or personal quotes.

A personal diary is a personal memory. Make an effort to correct design memories. After a while it will be nice to read about the first ups and downs; plans that became reality; turn in your hands the ticket from the concert of your favorite band, saved in a secret envelope, and smile happily.

All! Decided! I'm starting a diary today! And not just a diary, but the most beautiful, most unusual. Such that it was not boring to read, and I wanted to leaf through it again and again! But how? How to do all this? It seems that I can’t cope ... Those who are just about to start keeping a personal diary often face such doubts.

It would seem, what is there to deal with? Yet so simple! Write down your thoughts, feelings and events, paint with colored felt-tip pens or pencils, paste beautiful stickers. But, for some reason, not everyone succeeds in making their personal diary truly interesting. In this article, we have collected for you the coolest ideas for ld that will help you design it exactly the way you want!

Cool ideas for ld: diaries are greeted by clothes

They are greeted by clothes - this rule also applies to personal diaries. The first impression depends on what your “clothes” will be like, how pleasant it will be to hold your diary in your hands. Have you already guessed? Of course, we are talking about its cover! The life of a diary always begins with her, and it is she who needs to be given the most attention!

The easiest and at the same time creative way to decorate the cover of ld- wrap it with beautiful gift paper, securing it on the inside with decorative adhesive tape. You can spend a little more time and paste over the entire cover with the same decorative tape in different colors. Also, you can sew beautiful cover from fabric! And then - decorate it with satin ribbons, decorative flowers, beads or beads. True, this will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it! The cover for the diary, neatly sewn and decorated with your own hands, looks very impressive!

Creative page design ideas

The inner pages of the diary can also be designed in a special way. After all, in it you can not only record the events of the past day, but also talk about yourself, your hobbies, friends, desires, plans and goals.

Here are just some ideas for ld that you can use in your diary:
A page dedicated to your favorite book. Even if you don't really like to read, you probably have a couple of favorite books. Color the page with drawings-illustrations for the book, write down the quotes of the characters, come up with a continuation of your favorite story!

Tea or coffee drinking page. Tell in the pages of your diary why you like tea more than coffee, and vice versa. Decorate it with coffee beans or a tea bag! Write down different recipes for making your favorite drink!

Secret page. Write down on it your most cherished desires, the biggest secret, dream or goal! Decorate your recording with beautiful stickers, drawings or printouts!

A page dedicated to your favorite pet. Do you have a cat or a dog? Or maybe a small but nimble hamster? Take a picture or draw your pet, tell us about his habits, what he loves the most. And about why you love him so much!

Worst page ever. Well, of course, this page is dedicated to your fears! Are you afraid of snakes? Draw on your scary page a cute and cute snake that winks at you cheerfully. Or maybe you are afraid of mice or spiders? Then decorate the page with a funny white mouse or a big-eyed cartoon spider! Over time, this will help you be a lot less afraid!

Friendship page. To make her beautiful, you will need the help of your best friends! Ask them to write something for you to remember, or draw. In addition to inscriptions and drawings, you can decorate this page with postcards from friends, or their photographs.

Hobby page. Probably not a single personal diary can do without this page! It is correct - what kind of diary is it if there is not a word about your favorite hobbies in it? Be sure to write in your diary about everything you love to do! And you can decorate your hobby pages with anything! With decorative tape, beautiful printouts, your own drawings, paper flowers, glitter, beautiful buttons... Anything you want!

Of course, these ideas for ld are far from the only ones. In fact, there are many! Almost every day new ideas come up! Perhaps you, too, can come up with something of your own, using our "pages" as a basis?

Hi all! Today we will start a series of articles about ideas for ld — personal diaries!

In this article you are waiting for such materials:

  • Ideas for ld: design options first page !
  • Ideas for ld: thematic pages — 50 best ideas theme pages!
  • Ideas for ld: Diary with PASSWORD ! All about how to put a password on your diary!!

And that's just the first part! Here are other articles from this series:

  • : what you need to maintain, design options, secret pages!
  • Pictures for ld - a giant collection of picture options for a personal diary
  • Pictures and drawings for sketching - super selection beautiful pictures for a step-by-step drawing in a diary!

Ideas for LD: First page

First page ld - this is the face of the whole diary, so it needs to be made as good and beautiful as possible! Usually, such elements as a greeting are placed on the first pages, whose diary is this, what is it made for and of course special rhymes!

Here is a small selection of the best poems for the first page:

The lyrics are a little harsh, but how else? 🙂

Example #1

Example #2

Example #3

Example #4

Example #5

And a couple more interesting videos on the design of the first page for LD:



Ideas for LD: Thematic pages

Thematic pages - an integral part of any diary! Sometimes when designing, there is simply not enough imagination to come up with something new, so we have prepared for you whole 50 !BEST ideas for LD thematic pages

Classics - pages about the seasons

1. Page about summer (what is summer for me, what do I expect from summer, my plans for summer)

2. Page about autumn (similar questions)

3. Page about winter

4. About spring

They are best done on the first day of every season.

For example:

For example II:

Thematic pages about the holidays: ideas for l d

5. New Year

6. Chinese New Year(one of the days between January 21 and February 21, in 2016 was February 9, in 2017 it will be January 28)

8. Maslenitsa (every year in a different way, in 2016 - from March 7 to 13, in 2017 - from February 20 to 26)

10. May Day

11. Victory Day

12. First of September

13. Eighth of March (every year is the same for both Catholics and Orthodox 😀)

14. Valentine's Day

For example:

What I love and what I like the most are my favourites:

16. My favorite food

17. My favorite sweets

18. My favorite drinks

19. My favorite books

20. My favorite poems

21. My favorite city

22. My favorite music tracks

23. My favorite films and cartoons

24. My favorite colors

25. My favorite nail polishes


Pages about yourself, your friends and family: ld ideas

26. 10 facts about yourself

27. My best friend / girlfriend

28. My brother/sister

29. My family is mom, dad

30. My pets

31. My name is the secret of my name

32. My DR is a birthday


Calendars, schedules, lists:

33. Calendar for the year

34. Schedule of lessons for each day

35. Grades for the quarter, semester, year

Example - How to make a mood calendar

Love Pages. Where would we be without her 🙂

36. What is love?

37. My favorite

38. My love

39. Who do I like

Ideas for ld: photo pages with the "formula of love" 😛

Other interesting theme page ideas:

40. Capitals of the countries of the world - London, Paris, Istanbul, etc.

41. My desires - what and what I want

42. My name in other languages ​​- for example, in Japanese

43. Page of my painting - there you can train your painting

44. My rules of life

45. What do I carry with me

46. ​​Best bloggers (vk, from youtube)

46. ​​Jokes

47. Riddles

48. My teachers

49. What annoys me the most

50. Secret page


LD ideas: Diary password!

password for diary — this is what everyone has been waiting for a very long time! After all, LD is, first of all, a personal diary, for yourself and your thoughts. And if he catches the eye of someone who does not need it? Terrible to imagine!

How can we put a password on our ld?

Option I

Buy a special notepad with a lock!!

Here's what it looks like:

A large catalog of notebooks and diaries on the lock is on this page:

Option II

Is it possible to make a lock on LD - personal diary yourself? Of course!

You just need to buy a combination lock and close the notebook with it.

Examples of combination locks that you can buy:

Or like this:

How can they close the diary?

To do this, you just need to make holes on the pages that you want to encode and insert a lock there!

Here's how it's done:

№1 We take a hole punch and make one hole on the pages that need to be password protected. You can even do it on all pages - but it will take some time.

Here's what the hole puncher looks like:

Where to get a hole punch?

  • You can buy - on Aliexpress it is the cheapest

Ideas for ld- everything as you can see is very simple!

How to design a personal diary inside for girls

About twenty years ago, a personal diary was kept in a common notebook. And for decoration, multi-colored pens were used, colorful illustrations were cut out of magazines, as well as candy wrappers from chewing gums and pasted them into the diary. And, of course, hand-drawn. Thus, they gave beauty to their faithful friend. Now, of course, everything is different. And so, I suggest that you consider the following options for decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands.

The design of your events in the form of small images also looks pretty nice. Thus, you make notes for yourself that you want to remember. The same small illustrations in a personal diary can be used for a specific topic.

The design of a personal diary looks very nice in the form different forms cards made of colored paper or cardboard. On the cards they write their thoughts, quotes, events, etc.

You can glue two flyers together and decorate the leaf with watercolors. Smudge, splash, splatter, paint! In general, turn on your imagination and create!

Give beauty to your faithful friend using pencils and colored pencils, helium colored pens and, in addition to all this, clippings from magazines, newspapers, books, etc.

To record small events, notes, etc. in the diary. You can write with multi-colored pastes in large letters in different slopes and directions.

Dream up and come up with beautiful pockets. Glue or stick them. They are great for storing small items. For example: small pictures.

Well, we figured out the design of a personal diary inside! These were just some examples, in fact, how to decorate a personal diary is, of course, a purely personal matter for each girl. Fantasize and you will succeed. And now let's deal with the design of a personal diary from the outside, that is, its cover.

How to make a personal diary cover

If you do not keep a personal diary yet, but are only going to, then you can pick up either a notebook with a beautiful illustration to suit your taste. But, and if the diary is already being carried out with might and main and you have a desire to change or color its cover, then I hope a couple of not tricky tips will help you.