What is the chicken up to. Notes about chickens

If a cow scratches its horns during milking, it means that there will be a strong thunderstorm.

The pregnant cow refuses to go to the pasture - a sign that the calf can be kidnapped. To calm the cow and prevent theft, you need to hide the St. John's wort root tied with red thread in the barn.

If a cow eats meadow clover, the milk will be fat, very healthy.

A bull-calf left for breeding should be lightly whipped on the back for 3 Sundays in a row with a coastal broom for a bath. Then th offspring will always be healthy.

If on the way home a cow gets caught in the rain, there will be generous milk yield.

So that the cows do not get sick, scatter the peas with which the woman defended the church service in the corners of the barn.

When the goat reluctantly returns home, it is believed that the evil spirit takes her by the horns to the side. To fix this, you need to blow three times in her left ear.

If an anthill has appeared where goats are kept, it must be destroyed, otherwise the animals' wool will fall off by autumn, and it will not be possible to hand it over for yarn.

If the taste of milk from your goat has deteriorated, you need to drink her morning milk to her in the evening. The milk will be good again.

If the pigs get sick and do not gain weight, you need to add amaranth to the feed, and pour a little holy water into the drinker on Fridays.

In order for a pig to quickly grow fat, you need to feed it with buckwheat porridge on any church holiday.

Horses are restless, anticipating a fire. Noticing this behavior of animals, you should be on the lookout!

To help a horse with an injured leg, lightly tap the opposite healthy leg with a spoon. The pain will go faster.

A girl braiding a horse's mane into a braid attracts marriage.

After the horse has run well, wipe it with a towel and put it in the chicken coop. Chickens will break all records for the number of eggs laid.

In order for the sheep to breed well and get fat, the pen for keeping animals should be abundantly sprinkled with a decoction of St. John's wort, spruce branches and mint.

If during the shearing the sheep behave quietly, then the wool will be sold very profitably.

If the rabbits began to die, they may have been jinxed. You need to give them water to drink, in which they rinsed a clean frying pan.

To prevent the rabbit from eating the rabbits, you need to put more chicken fluff in the cage.

Signs in the poultry yard

To prevent the bird from being stolen, pig hooves should be buried in the corners of the yard.

If a bird pecks at the owner's shoes, this portends him a big profit.

To protect the bird from attack by cats, you need to hang a rabbit foot in the house.

To prevent the bird from wasting, you need to pour water into the drinker through a sieve.

Diseases will not pester the bird if handfuls of salt are poured into the corners of the house.

It's a good sign if you spot a hedgehog where chickens are kept. So, during the year they will rush well.

When the rooster has lost interest in chickens, you need to feed it with poppy seeds dipped in holy water. After that, he will start stomping again.

In order for the chickens to rush better, it is necessary to bury an old ladle under the chicken coop.

Easter egg shells added to chicken food will keep them from getting sick.

If rats attack chickens and spoil eggs, you need to lay dog ​​hair in the nests.

A brood of chickens will be strong and will grow well if a birch broom is placed next to them.

If the goose is sick, it must be “salted”. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the back of the bird and spit three times over the left shoulder. Goose will get better.

In order for geese and ducks to grow well, sweep the house with a walnut broom once a week.


So that a fire never breaks out in the barn, you need to hide a bundle with goat droppings under the roof.

The building for keeping animals will turn out to be warm if you start building it on a hot, dry day, without wind.

The barn will be durable and will not cause trouble if a young girl sweeps the prepared area before starting its construction.

Before bringing horses into the stable for the first time, give the cat milk to drink in it. This will appease the yard spirit, and he will take care of the animals.

Hang a mugwort broom in your supply basement or cellar. This will keep the vegetables from spoiling.

It is better to build a corral for livestock on a growing moon, so that the herd grows.

You can not put a cowshed or stable in the place where there was a fire. Such sites are generally unfavorable for construction.

The threshold of a new poultry house must be tapped with a ladle, saying: “Draw and do not scoop out.” There will always be plenty of eggs.

The stable must be fumigated with the smoke of wormwood, this will drive out the spirits that pester the horses at night and deprive them of their strength.

A well must be dug where there is fog in the mornings and evenings.

To find out if a place is suitable for building a barn or a barn, you need to dig a hole, and then fill it with the excavated earth. If you get a slide - a good place.

Signs about chickens
So that the chickens rush well, do not get sick and be calm, catch the last fly that will fly into your house in the fall, before the frost, and put it in a jar. When the husband falls asleep, throw it in the bird feed.

When plucking geese or chickens, you can’t talk, otherwise a “pinch” may attack, that is, the body will often be bruised. In addition, the authorities will eat up, find fault - they will “pinch”.

If the chickens began to fly from the perch at night - be in trouble. In this case, you need to urgently give one chicken to someone.

If you notice that straw is dragging behind a chicken tail, be in the house of the dead. You can get rid of the problem in the following way. Tear out a bunch of grass with roots and immediately plant it in the ground: grass down, roots up. Chop up the chicken, to the tail of which the straw is attached, and give the meat to the dog. The dog will die, but none of the relatives will die.

It is impossible for a mother hen to have an even number of eggs. As soon as the chicks hatch, peace will leave your home.

On the day when the first chick hatches, eggs should not be fried. Otherwise, all chickens will die.

After sunset, do not take eggs from the nest - the hens will stop laying. For the same reason, egg shells should not be burned in the oven.

Until the rooster sings, do not leave the house on the road.
If a chicken and a rooster enter the house and fight there, then the owners will no longer live in peace and tranquility.

Hatched chickens are not shown to strangers for three weeks, otherwise the chickens will not lay well.

Men's hands should not take freshly laid eggs from the nest, otherwise the hens will run away from the yard and carry eggs anywhere.

The old people say that a five-year-old rooster can lay an egg, and that the one who puts this egg under his arm and stays with him the whole church service will be lucky, rich and long-lived. And whoever wants to destroy the enemy to death, he puts this egg in the bosom of the deceased with the name of his enemy.

If someone’s hens do not lay well or lay eggs in someone else’s yard, they need to be driven out into the street during a hail and thrown to them to peck wheat. Pecking wheat, they involuntarily swallow the hail and then begin to lay many eggs.

Having bought a rooster, instruct a man to carry it into the house. If a woman brings a rooster to the house, then he will be cowardly, and the neighboring roosters will peck him.

If the mother hen hatches only hens and does not have a single cockerel, then in this case the owner of the house will fall ill. To avoid this, you need to buy a cockerel.

If your chickens are not laying well, you need to collect it at the time when the hail comes and give it to the chickens to peck. There will be a lot of eggs for the feast for the eyes.

If the owners have a loss of livestock, you need to get a black rooster. Animal pestilence will stop immediately.

If you pour ashes into the chicken coop on Thursday, then the chickens will rush better.

The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
A hen who crows with a rooster and a woman who whistles are not good for God or man. (In Normandy, they say this: "Une poule qui chante le coq et une fille qui siffle, portent malheur dans le maison" ("The hen who crows and the daughter who whistles bring trouble into the house").
And in Cornwall: "A whistling woman and a hen that crows are the two biggest misfortunes in the world." Whistling women caused particular fear among the inhabitants of the Yorkshire coast. When a group of our acquaintances boarded the ship at Scarborough, the captain surprised everyone by refusing to take one woman on board. "Not this lady," he said. "She whistles." By a strange coincidence, this ship nevertheless disappeared during the voyage. In Devonshire and Cornwall, no miner ever whistles underground. In the border counties, a crowing chicken is considered a messenger of death. In the district of East Kilbride, a remarkable event was recorded, which greatly contributed to the strengthening of this superstition. An old woman once heard her hen crowing loudly on an earthen embankment near her house. She told her neighbor about this and added that now something bad was bound to happen / A few weeks later her husband died. A month later, the hen again crowed like a rooster, and a few days later the old woman's son was killed. When the hen screamed for the third time, the old woman's daughter died. Then she finally twisted the chicken's neck. And after that, no one died in her family for quite a long time. In the church of St. Tecla (the village of Llandegla, Wales), they tried to treat epilepsy with a chicken or a rooster. In fact, the disease should have passed to the bird. The patient first had to wash his hands and feet in the sacred spring, located next to the church, throw a four pence coin into the spring and read the Lord's Prayer three times. After that, a bird - a rooster or a chicken, depending on the sex of the patient - was placed in a basket and walked around with it first around the source, and then around the church. The patient then entered the church and, immediately after dawn, prostrated himself to his full height under the Communion table. He then donated sixpence and left the church. The chicken (or rooster) was left in the church. If she died, it was believed that the epilepsy passed to her from the patient, who was thus freed from his illness. If you doubt the effectiveness of this treatment, then here are the words of the parish clerk: no later than in 1855 he saw a bird in the church , who was convulsing from epilepsy transmitted to her. But, on the other hand, a chicken left in a cramped basket and deprived of food was undoubtedly doomed to a quick death. There was a superstition in Wales that if on New Year chickens are not fed with all sorts of fruits that are in the house, then they will begin to think: should they stop laying eggs? Fruit should be finely chopped and mixed. If the chicken stops laying or gets sick, then the yard or kikimora is considered the culprit. “Very often, a kikimora plucks feathers from chickens. To prevent kikimora from harming chickens, they hang shreds of kumac, the neck of a broken clay washbasin, or, finally, the “chicken god” under the chicken infestation. The “chicken god” is a stone that often comes across in the fields with one or more through holes "(see NIGHTMARE). "If a chicken sings like a rooster, then this is not good: there is a dead man in the house." "So that chickens do not lose their eggs, rub them anus salt. When a young chicken lays the first egg, then the hostess should take this egg and stroke her husband’s head with it, saying: “Let Nigella (hen’s name) have as many testicles as NN (husband’s name) has hairs on the head.” “In the family, where an abduction has taken place, many are always suspected, especially in the villages. There, in the evening, the right and the guilty are gathered into one hut, the fire is put out, and the chicken covered with soot is let in. The chicken, bypassing the right ones, touches them; but approaching the thief, as if screaming, runs away and does not let him in. In this case, all right, but necessary, are stained with soot; only the kidnapper is not honored with this honor. Then they bring fire and look: who is stained with soot and who is not. If there is a person free from this, then he is recognized guilty ". For breeding chickens, especially a good breed, a peasant will never give a neighbor eggs for hatching chickens. Otherwise, as they say, all chickens will be transferred." themselves, cut off a few feathers in the tail and put the feathers in their nests. "If the chicken crowed like a rooster, then in Russian villages this is considered an extremely unfavorable sign - someone in the family will die. (See related superstition in English folklore). But such a chicken is not always chopped. They catch her and begin to measure her hut from the wall to the opposite threshold, turning the bird over its head. If she was on the threshold with her head, they cut off her head, if with her tail, then they cut off her tail and let her go. On the unfavorable meaning of the whistle, see the article of the same name. Chickens bathe in the dust - to rain. If someone brings a chicken into the newlyweds' house and makes it crow like a rooster, this will be a good sign for a young family. (Yorkshire).

Based on the outward similarity of cackling and the noise of a quarrel, when everyone is shouting at the same time. But since chickens can cackle at once due to the appearance of a predator (the same fox), then a quarrel is indeed possible - due to the fact that one of the owners overlooked the chickens. There are many proverbs about chickens: it is worn like a chicken with an egg; the hen cackles, but the rooster is silent; you tell the chicken, and she tells the whole street - and so on. Another allegorical folk wisdom: "Do not listen to where the chickens cackle, but listen to where they pray to God."


If the perch is hung with broken jugs, the chickens will rush well. If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, the chickens will be safe. - A broken jug here also symbolizes the "chicken god" - a well-known pebble with a hole. It is believed that such items protect chickens and help them rush. Most likely, these objects were primarily protected from the evil eye, since the gaze of anyone first of all stopped at them. That is why pots without bottoms (as well as bottles and any other utensils) flaunted on poles - so that it could be seen from afar. Perhaps the housewives support this sign for the simple reason that they are sorry to part with the old dishes.

Do not count other people's chickens - you will jinx it.- Someone else's account is generally a recognized danger of the evil eye. Many people know a funny cartoon with the refrain “Oh, now he has counted you too!” When counting, we look at the one who counts, and the look itself is interpreted as taking away something. The hostesses also connect this ban with the fact that they do not want someone else to know how much they have in the household of one or another living creature.

If a chicken crows like a rooster, you need to chop off its head, otherwise it will call trouble.- Recognizing that it is not good for a chicken to sing like a rooster, the people at the same time say: "If the chicken sang (crowed), there will be a treasure." The meaning of the sign is mystical: it is believed that such a chicken can become a werewolf, which means that you need to get rid of it.

If you want chickens, plant a hen when the cattle come from the field. You can not eat eggs where the mother hen sits.- Quite sound advice, which to this day is followed by smart housewives. If the cattle has not yet been placed in the stalls, it costs nothing to frighten the hen from the nest - and then she may no longer sit on the eggs. And in the second case, the reason for the ban is as follows: after tasting the remaining shell, the hen can also peck at the eggs - there are many such cases.

"Chickens bathe in the dust - to the rain".

To raise chickens, a peasant will never give his neighbor eggs to hatch chickens., otherwise all the chickens will be transferred.

A thin chicken, when meeting with spring, promises melancholy throughout the year..

"If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, the chickens will be safe."- Therefore, the chicken coop was rarely left without "magic" protection - they usually hung an object there, personifying the "chicken god". For different peoples, these were different amulets. So, for example, in Russia it was a broken jug. It was believed that these amulets kept chickens, hence the signs: - "If the perch is hung with broken jugs, the chickens will rush well."

In the devern, hens often lay eggs in other people's yards. For such hens, so that they rush in their house, they cut off a few feathers in the tail, and the feathers were placed in their nests.

If someone brings a chicken into the honeymoon house and makes it crow like a rooster, that will be good.

If you want to protect your house from thieves, keep a black rooster. It is believed that the black suit has always been special, associated with the dark, diabolical, witchcraft, but she protected “her own” from strangers.

The chicken symbolized strength and fertility. On the first day of the wedding, as well as on the wedding night, fried chicken was always served to the bride and groom.

There are many more beliefs about the rooster and chicken, write them in the comments. Those that find confirmation will be added to this review.

Signs about pets

It is a sin for a woman to cut or prick a bird, and even more so for a four-legged animal.
-If livestock lies under the roof - to bad weather, and in the yard - to the bucket.
-If a sick animal turns its head to the sides or stretches it forward, then it will certainly die, and if it bends its head under itself, it will recover.
-To determine whether a sick animal will recover, you need to give it a sniff of tobacco or pepper: if the animal sneezes, then it will definitely recover, but if not, it will die like that.
- When a pet is slaughtered, in no case should one of the owners who loved and pitied this animal the most be present, since in his presence this animal will not soon be able to be skinned, and moreover, it will show signs of life to the last.

If turkeys bathe in sand or snow, then rainy weather should be expected in summer, and thaws in winter, while bathing them during a thaw indicates that it will continue.

Horses neigh - for good.
- The warrior's horse sniffs - to be killed.

In order for the cow to quickly get along with the bull, you need to give her bread and salt and be sure to cross the fence.
-If a pregnant cow licks her back, she calves as a bull, flanks - as a heifer.
-If the cow “wipes out” from the rear udders, then she will bring a bull, and if from the front, then a heifer.
-If a few days before the birth, the tip of the cow's tail becomes wavy or twists with a rope, then she will calve as a bull, and if it remains the same or is unraveled, then the cow will calve as a heifer.
-When a cow calves, you can not give anything to anyone.
- A cow calves with twins - to a fire.
-The cow moos all night - for worse.
-If a cow, especially a black one, looks into the house where there is a sick person through the window, then the sick person will certainly die.
-When a pregnant cow is in danger of miscarriage, then it is necessary to throw an ax over it three times in the same direction.
-It is impossible to allow a cow to eat a calf's place and a spit: if this happens due to an oversight of the owner, then the cow's teeth will soon begin to fall out, and her milk will foam.
-If a black cow walks ahead of the herd in the evening, then the day will be rainy, and if it is white, then the day will be clear.
-So that the cow is not jinxed at the fair, along the way it is milked at the crossroads and with the milk obtained in this way, the hooves are washed and a cross is drawn for them on the cow's sacrum.
- You need to sell a cow with a pail.
-In order for the bought cow to know the yard of the new owner, it is necessary to give her on the stove damper either a slice of bread, or a pinch of salt with the sentence: "Just as the damper does not leave the stove, so do not leave the yard."
-You can't ask how much milk a cow gives - you can jinx her, that is, she will give less milk.
-If you milk a cow with "unclean hands", that is, after what a husband and wife do, then the cow will reduce milk and spoil the nipples.
-If the cow stops being milked, then one of the happy in the family, usually a girl or a child, must buy it from the mistress or from the cow for a penny - the cow from that time is called the property of the buyer and will again be milked.
- If a cow that calved for the first time brings a heifer, then this is a sure sign that after the next calving she will not add milk to her milk yield, since cows that calved for the first time as a heifer bring a full milk yield.
- If a cow is milked with blood, which, by the way, happens because a swallow accidentally flies under her belly, then she needs to be milked through the mistress's wedding ring.
-If a cow throws grass or hay on itself while eating, then this portends a crop failure on the grass.
- The cow is mooing - the owner will be angry.
-If milk foams when milking a cow, it will rain.
-If he brings two single-haired calves - for good.
-If he brings two calves of different colors - unfortunately.
-If a cow's horn is broken, then you need to find it and throw it into your well, otherwise the yield of livestock will decrease.
-If a cow sniffs a dead person, then her milk will easily become viscous, to fix this, you need to drink a bull from a ladler.
-When a cow is slaughtered, an ax is placed in the place where it was killed so that the rest of the cows do not yearn for the slain.

A tricolor cat protects the house from fire.
- A black cat crosses the road - not good.
-The black cat is afraid of thunderstorms.
-If two people notice a black cat crossing their path, they will quarrel.
- Just born kittens cannot be called and compared with mice, otherwise the cat or cat will strangle them.
- You can’t take a cat for nothing - it will die, you need to give at least a small coin or a boiled egg for it.
- In order for the cat to know the house of the new owner, you should wash the paws of the cat brought into the house on the stove damper, while saying: "Just as the damper does not leave the stove, so do not leave the house."
- A newly acquired cat should be poked with its muzzle into the stove damper.
-If the cat lies on the table, then this is not good, someone from the family will die.
-It's not good if a cat often and for a long time sleeps on the head of someone's bed: it will certainly "lie down" the owner of this bed, and he will die.
-You can’t take a cat by the tail, otherwise it will shit in the house anywhere.
Whoever loves cats will also love his wife.
- The cat stretches (stretches) towards the person - to the renewal.
-The cat reaches for the water or laps it more than usual - to bad weather.
- The cat washes (licks) and puts a crutch (raises its hind paw) - to change the wind or invites guests (to guests), if the hind legs are hot, the guests are welcome, if the paws are cold, the guests are unwelcome.
-The cat washes - to the guests, they take the cat and throw it to the door: if she leaves, then good guests will come, and if she stays, then a beggar.
-The cat licks its paw - to the guests, if after that the cat is blindfolded and she remains in the room, then the guests will be welcome, and if the cat runs underground, then unwelcome.
-Which paw the cat washes, on the other side you need to wait for the guests.
-When the cat washes, you need to take the paw, if the paw is warm, this is for the arrival of relatives, in order to find out what gender the relative will arrive, you need to take the cat, knock the door three times with its muzzle and lower it to the floor: if the tail lifts, the man will , lower - woman.
-If the cat lies with its muzzle to the east and washes, then this portends good weather, but if it is to the west, then bad,
- The cat scratches behind the ear - to the guests.
-The cat lays down in a ball somewhere higher, on something soft or on the stove - to the cold, to the frost.
- The cat rubs against something - it will be warm.
- The cat is tearing up the wall - to bad weather.
- The cat is sleeping soundly - to heat.
- The cat scratches the floor - to the wind, blizzards.
-The cat tears up the trees in the yard with its paws, and in the room the carpets - to the wind.
-If the cat scratches the door with its claws - to a strong wind.
-The cat buries its face - to frost or to bad weather.
- The cat lies belly up - to heat.
-The cat in the middle of the room on the floor will stretch out, stretching out its paws and throwing back its tail - to the heat.
- The cat washes, licks its paw - for good weather.
- The cat licks its tail, hides its head - to bad weather.
-The cat sits on the hearth or in the stove - to the cold.
- The cat sits on the windowsill and looks out the window - to the heat.
- The cat plays and scratches with its claws - to frost. - if a cat runs around the room in winter, it will be frosty.
- Vomiting in a cat - to wet weather.
- The cat eats grass - to the rain.
-When a cat basks its backside in the sun, the weather will be bad.
-If a gray or black cat crosses the road during the day or a white one at night, then misfortune will happen, a white cat during the day or a black one at night do not portend misfortune.
-Stoya sways - to the long road to the owner.
-He rages, rushes, or simply walks from corner to corner - to abuse and quarrel.
- The cat is lying around - to the wind or to the rain.
- Do not let a cat eat or smell boiled peas: it can go deaf.
-Whoever stepped on a cat wanted to marry.
Whoever kills a cat will have no luck in anything for seven years.
If a cat's whiskers are cut off, her sense of smell will become dull and she will not catch mice until they grow back.
-You can not take away a mouse from a cat and even disturb it when it is fiddling with it, otherwise the cat will stop catching mice.
-When moving to new house let the cat sleep in advance.
-If someone else's cat sticks to the house, then this portends misfortune to the owner.
- You can not carry a cat on a horse - the horse will wither.
-If you bring a person with a black kitten on a horse, then the horse will get dry (get sick).
-The cat is specially launched at night to the stable, so that he does not allow the house mane of the horse to curl.
-According to the ideas of the schismatics, cats cannot be beaten, then, as a sign of friendship, they will provide them with their claws in the next world, with the help of which it will be easier to climb into the kingdom of heaven (up a steep mountain).
- A cat must not be killed, as it will be the first in the next world to meet its owner.
-You can’t sleep with a cat, and you need to be careful not to inhale the air exhaled by it, because of this, frogs (that is, evil spirits) can be born in the head or in the stomach.

If there are a lot of rabbits in the village - to hunger.

They fly from a perch at night - to trouble.
-Fight - to the guests or to the news.
-Kudakhchut - to bad weather.
-If chickens, rummaging in the ground, are showered with dust, as if bathing, this means that it will rain.
-If in the evening all the chickens scream at the same time, then a quarrel will certainly occur in the house.
-If the chickens are going to sleep early, it will rain.
- The cry of chickens at night portends misfortune.
-Chickens cackle at night - for war or for recruitment.
- The chicken entered the hut - to the news.
- The chicken flies around the hut - to the frost.
- A chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
- A chicken fell from a perch - a surprise.
-Chickens twirl their tails - to a blizzard.
- The hen sings like a rooster and her legs are cold - unfortunately, to the dead. If chickens sing like a cock, especially chickens, then this is considered an unkind omen - a misfortune will certainly happen in the house, which can only be averted in the following way: you need to grab a chicken (or chicken) and measure it from the front corner to the threshold (or from the gate to the threshold ), and what part of the body lies on the threshold, chop off that if the head is the head, if the tail is the tail. They think that this is where the unclean spirit resides. Others, hearing the singing of a hen or chicken, answer him: "On your own head!" - and immediately cut.
-If the chicken sings like a rooster, and her legs are hot, - to the fire.
-If the chicken always sings like a rooster, then there is no trouble, such a chicken is usually very rich (often lays eggs).
- A hen is a laying hen who constantly sings with roosters - she can lay eggs every day.
- A mother hen puts chickens under her to bad weather.
-You need to plant a hen on an odd number of eggs.
-When a young chicken lays the first egg, then the hostess should take this egg and stroke her husband's head with it, saying: "Let Nigella (hen's name) have as many testicles as N (husband's name) has hairs on the head!".
-In order for the chicken to rush in its nest, and not with its neighbors, as is often the case in villages, several feathers are cut out of its tail and placed in its nest.
-In order for chickens to lay eggs in their yard, one should eggshell burn in the oven or tear out feathers from the tails of those hens that do not lay eggs at home, and also burn in the oven.
-To prevent a chicken from entering someone else's garden, it is necessary, after catching it, to drag it through the hole in the fence through which it got into the garden.
- So that the chicken does not lose its eggs, you should rub its anus with salt.
-If chickens are planted on eggs to hatch chickens on Friday, they will mainly hatch pullets (female chickens).
-If a chicken lays an egg on the Annunciation and put this egg on a hen, then a freak will certainly hatch out of it.
-In the wedding year, a brood hen should not be planted in the newlywed household to hatch chickens, otherwise the young one will be ill for a whole year.
-If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in the chicken coop, then the chickens will be safe.
-If the owner of the house dies, then this year it is necessary to plant a mother hen to hatch the chickens, so that even after the death of the owner the farm he has started does not fall.
- At the chicken's legs a straw is dragged - to the dead man.

When a mare is brought together with a stallion for mating, one should proceed as follows: if they want a stallion from a mare, then they happen to have it in the first quarter of the month, and if a mare, then in the last quarter of the month.
- It is necessary that the mare during mating should have a position with her head to the south, otherwise the born stallion or mare will be weak and frail.
-If a horse foals at a wrong age, that is, up to three years, then the owner will go bankrupt.
-When a horse is foaled, you can't give anything to anyone.
- The horse should be harnessed to the plow for the first time exactly on the day on which this animal was born, if the birthday is not known, it is determined by lot.
-Zarzhet - to the good news.
-Zarzhet when returning home - it means that everything is safe at home and everyone is happy about the return of the traveler.
- Snorts - to trouble, to rain or to the owner there is a road ahead.
- A sadly standing and often sighing horse usually anticipates a long journey, travel hardships.
-Cheerful standing of a horse, frequent sneezing and morga-e for centuries portend well-being on the road.
-If the horse sneezes until it leaves the owner's land, or stumbles on the first three miles, then the trip can be considered unsuccessful: the supplies will be damaged by the road and the guest will not be welcome where he goes.
- A horse sneezing in a foreign land always indicates that the guest will be welcome.
- The fall of the wheel, the order of the horse, the loss of the whip, etc. - unfavorable signs prophesying petty obstacles in the cause for which the path was taken.
-Snorts on the road - those to whom you are going will be happy.
On the road, he snorts and shakes his head - a good reception awaits the rider and the horse where they are going.
-The horse began to snort and shake his head about a mile away from the purpose of the trip - the traveler will not only be well received, but will also have fun at a party.
- The horse stumbles on the road, wanders reluctantly - the reception at a party will be bad and the plan will not work out.
-Snores- to bad weather.
-He shakes his head and throws it up - to bad weather.
-If suddenly a horse in the forest starts to wheeze, it’s hard to get lucky - this means the goblin sat on it and it’s hard for her. To get rid of an invisible, uninvited rider, you need to stand in front of the horse and look through the yoke at the horse's back.
-If the horse gets tired on the road, then you should run around it three times, and then it will go easily again.
-If the horse sleeps lying down at night - to the bucket.
-If the horse often changes from one position to another, sighs, either the horse is sick, or its owner will have a trip, most likely a sudden one.
-If a horse lies in the barn in the morning while others are standing, the owner will have an unexpected ride on it the same day.
-If a horse has lived with its owner so long that it has lost at least one tooth, then such a horse will return to the owner, wherever it is sold.
-If a horse stumbles under you, don't wait for luck.
-Do not cross the place where the horse rode - lichen can go.
- If you stand in the place where the head of a riding horse fell, then your stomach will hurt and calluses will appear on your legs.
-If you need to go to the place where the horse rode, then you need to spit on this place, otherwise blood will often come out of the nose.
- If a bald horse comes across first, then do not expect success on this day.
- If a rider on a white horse comes across first, good luck.
-If a woman steps over a horse collar, then the difficulty of the horse's work will double until the culprit steps back through the collar.
-You can not transport a cat on a horse, as the horse can lose weight from this.
-You should not carry a dog on a horse, otherwise the horse will roar, the dog, even the smallest one, unusually soars (drives into sweat) the horse, like a huge weight. The same thing happens if a mouse happens to be in the cart: like a dog, it also gives the cart an enormous weight.
-With fear, as well as without calling out by name, you can’t approach the horse - it can kill.
-It is good to transport tobacco and wool on a horse, as this makes the horse kinder.
- A leopard-skin cap is harmful to a horse.
- A horse that has ever taken a dead person cannot be taken on a wedding train, or on any other serious or ceremonial trips, if a beehive with bees is transported on such a horse, then all the bees will die on the road, and if an empty hive is transported on it, then there will be no bees in it.
-If a dead person was taken on a horse, then the horse begins to yearn, in order to fix this, you need to let someone go to church on it.
-If a horse gnaws the ground, it means that it is strong.
-If a horse eats food with its eyes closed, it will soon die.
-If the horse unharnesses on the road, then this means that something was wrong in the house, most likely the wife cheated on her husband.
-You ride a horse, and it rests (and the dog clings to the horse) - it means that the wolf is somewhere nearby.
- You should always sell a horse with a halter;
-When you buy a horse at the market, you need to grab a piece of land from under the right hoof of the horse’s front leg and then, bringing this horse home, throw the captured land into the yard in order to “dry” the purchased horse to your house so that it does not run away to the old owner.
-In a skittish horse, the front teeth (incisors) are crooked.
-If you drive the purchased horse together with your horses until you sweat and put the sweaty one into hay, then the horse will not go to the old owner.
-So that the purchased horse does not leave the yard, you should cut off a bundle of hair from its mane and bury it in the gate in the ground.
-If a horse that has just been bought, having arrived at a new place, lies in the middle of the stable, it means that it goes into the hand, that is, it came to the court.
-If in the morning the horse has a braided mane, it means that it has come to the court.
-If such a horse lays down against the wall, then it does not go into the hand, the brownie does not accept it.
- A strong horse, if it dies, must be buried in the yard, otherwise twelve more horses will fall after it.
-If a dead horse is taken out through the gate and head first, then the remaining horses can be stabbed, so you should take the dead horse out of the yard through the spinner dismantled in the yard and feet first.

If a hen was placed in the nest on Monday or Friday, then she will bring out only cockerels, and if on Wednesday or Saturday - hens.
-According to other ideas, a hen planted on days from " male name"(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), will bring out exclusively cockerels, and on days" with a female name "(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) - hens, Sunday should be considered a favorable medium in this regard.
-The mother hen needs to be placed in the nest first on one egg, and then all the rest should be placed in turn, if at the same time the hostess wants the forelock chickens to hatch, then for each egg she makes a fiddle under the chicken.
- As soon as the last egg is placed under the hen, it must be covered with an empty hat (in which there were eggs) so that the chicks hatch with forelocks.
-In order for the mother hen to bring out crested chickens, she needs to be slightly dragged by the forelock.
-If in the first three days you take a hen with a nest into the field or into the forest and hold it there for several minutes, then neither the hen nor the broods will spoil the gardens.
-If a chick throws one or more hatched eggs out of the nest, then you need to wait for a seriously ill or even dead person in the house.

White animals are loved as clean, pretty and beautiful, but preference is not given to any favorable animal, most often they are kept in the house precisely because of their pleasant appearance and only those breeds that the brownie does not pay attention to or whose death is not unprofitable, as, for example, cats, dogs, horses, goats, cows, chickens, etc. choose exactly the suit that the brownie "loves", which is "at home" or "to the house", that is, the one with which the animals were successful in this owner: healthy, strong, strong, gave a lot of milk, wool and so on.

To keep sheep, you need to keep a dog.
-If the owners want black sheep to be born, then on Maundy Thursday they go around the yard with a firebrand.
-When the sheep is lambing, you can't give anything to anyone.
-If the sheep "roar" - to the rain.
-If the sheep's wool is wet and soft, it means that it will rain.
-On the day of the Nativity of Christ, it is not good for the owner to leave the yard, otherwise the sheep will get lost.
- If a recently lambed sheep does not let a lamb under him, then one of the owners should go out into the street and say after the first person passing by the yard: “Wait! My sheep is not standing next to the lamb” - and with that go home, after that, the sheep itself will feed the lamb.
-Before the start of the shearing, they lightly hit the sheep's head with scissors, while saying: "Know, sheep, your shearing!"; at the end of the haircut, a piece of wool is carried out from head to tail, saying in a whisper: "Put on a warm zipper."
-From the death of sheep, you need to bring a hornet's nest and stick it somewhere in the barn, then the sheep will live, live or be grafted to the yard, like wasps to the nest.

Having bought a rooster, a woman should not carry it home, otherwise the neighboring roosters will beat him and he will be cowardly.
- In the event that another rooster offends the rooster, you should catch the offender and let the offended one peck him, after that the offended rooster will feel courage and will beat his offender.
-In order for your rooster to beat someone else's rooster, you need to feed it on the damper (from the stove) in the morning on Maundy Thursday.
-To make the rooster angry, you need to feed him the wrapper of an aspen nest.
-If two tail feathers or, as they are called, pigtails, are pulled out of a rooster’s tail, then the rooster will be both weak and cowardly, and not only neighboring roosters, but also hens will offend him.
-To prevent a rooster from entering someone else's yard or garden, catching it there, you should drag it through the hole in the hedge through which it got into the garden.
-To have a white rooster in the yard - there will be no childhood illnesses, children will not be afraid and will sleep peacefully.
- A black rooster in the house saves from thieves and thunderstorms.
-If the red rooster constantly sings at the gate - to the fire.
-The crowing of roosters in the early evening heralds a change in the weather.
- The rooster sings chicken - unfortunately.
-Roosters sing at the wrong time - there will be new decrees.
-If the rooster sings at the wrong time, shakes its head or sings all night, then be in trouble.
-If a rooster sings late at night at the wrong time, then you need to slaughter him as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a misfortune in that house.
-If the rooster crows in the afternoon at twelve o'clock - to the dead man.
-If during severe frosts the rooster sings at the wrong time at night, this means that the cold will weaken.
-If the roosters sing at night - a fun night.
-If the rooster sings before midnight, it means that he sees evil spirits, that is, the devil, and drives him away with his singing.
-If the rooster sings at the gate, then you need to expect a guest, and in the direction of the rooster's head, you can make an assumption where he will come from.
-If a rooster crows on the porch or at the threshold, then there will be guests.
-When a rooster lays an egg in three years, an unclean spirit will come out of it, if someone keeps a rooster's egg, he will live richly.
- There is also such a belief associated with a rooster's egg: when a rooster grows old and weakens, which happens in the seventh or ninth, less often - the fourteenth year of his life, then, according to his strength, he lays down an egg that is born in him from unclean sputum , this egg can be round or oblong in shape, a basilisk will be born from such an egg - a snake, whose mere glance leads people into fear and horror, and the whistle kills all living things, past the place where the basilisk settles, not a single bird will fly, not a single the beast will not run, because the air there is filled with the poison of the basilisk, but the basilisk is afraid only of a rooster and dies when it hears its singing.
-When moving to a new house, they let the rooster spend the night in advance.
-If the rooster dies, then some kind of misfortune will happen in the house: either there will be a fire, or someone in the house will die, or the year will be difficult for the whole family.
-If a rooster and a chicken die at the same time in the yard, then someone will die.

The bee is "God's cattle", God's servant, a symbol of purity, therefore they are found only among righteous people.
-During the suffering of Christ on Calvary, the bees drank the bloody sweat that appeared on the forehead of the crucified and thereby eased his torment, stinging the hands of the soldiers who scourged Christ, and subsequently spread the news of the resurrection of Christ throughout the Christian world.
- The bee has its patron saints - Saints Zosima and Savvaty, who, according to legend, brought a queen bee from Athos in the head of a cane, let it into the Russian land and thereby laid the foundation for beekeeping in Russia.
-Icons of Saints Zosima and Savvaty are good to put in the apiary, and prayers are served to the righteous themselves.
-On the day of the celebration of St. Zosima (April 17), you should feed the bees with prosphora, consecrated on the eve of the Annunciation - the bees are well bred.
- A bee hive will never be struck by lightning.
-Whoever receives bees as a gift should not say the usual words of gratitude like "thank you", instead he should say, for example: "It will be okay" - only under this condition the bees will take root with the new owner and will be well bred by the giver.
-It is impossible to give queens and bees from the apiary, otherwise the swarm will not sit down, it will fly away from the apiary.
-In order for the bees to breed well, you need to buy an odd number of hives and put a piece of incense on the first hive.
-Bees are not disposed towards the owner who loves honey, and besides, they are poorly bred with him.
- A wax candle brought from the all-night service on Holy Week on Maundy Thursday takes care of the goddess (shelf or icon case with icons) until the day the hive is taken out of the omshanik (an enclosed room where bees hibernate) to the bee house, placed in the bee house on this day, a candle this provides a plentiful honey flow and protects the bees from the evil eye.
-They take the bees out of the omshanik on Great Thursday on Holy Week, either on the day of St. Pud (April 15), or even later - on Zosima the beekeeper (April 17), and it’s good to take out the hives in the young month: the bees will then gather.
-How many days before the Annunciation the bees fly out of the hives, the same amount of time after the Annunciation they will have to sit in the hives.
-Sinful people don't have bees, but righteous people do.
-Bees usually sting an evil and vicious person, and never a righteous one.
- In the presence of bees, you can not use foul language and behave in an unworthy manner.
- You can't eat in the apiary.
-Alien swarm will fly into the yard - fortunately.
-An alien swarm will fly underground - the whole house will be happy.
- The queen bee sings - she is going to kill her rival.
- The bee roars if the queen is drone.
- Bees are buzzing - to the rain.
-If the bees are in the hives in strong movement and buzz during bad weather, then this portends good weather.
- The bee stung - to a quarrel.
-When during the day the bees fly over the village street many times, then a dead person should be expected in the village.
-The farthest flight of a bee from its deck is seven miles: once a bee has crossed this limit, it can no longer return to its hive.
- In addition to queens, worker bees and drones, sometimes a "prince-bee" comes across, a large and long bee, its presence in the hive brings special happiness to the beekeeper.
- In the event that alien bees attack the hive and take away honey, you need to catch the main robber and put a stake under the aspen, stuck into the ground - all the other robbers will sit on the stake, and then it will not be difficult to exterminate them.

If several blocks with bees are stolen from the apiary, then the rest of the apiary will be transferred, in which case the owner, in order to prevent the loss of the apiary doomed to destruction, should sell it in advance.

Grunts - not for good or for bad weather.
- Squeals (roars) - to a quarrel or to bad weather.
-Will meet you - there will be no way.
- Hay eats - for worse.
- He drags straw and rods - to the onset of cold weather, to a storm.
-Drags a tuft of hay or a broom along the ground - to bad weather.
- Itches - to heat.
- Itches about something - to bad weather.
-If the pig runs and squeals constantly, it will rain.
-If in winter a pig moves far from houses, to meadows and fields, then winter should not be afraid, it will be soft.
-If a pig itches on the corner of the house, this means that either the weather will change, or the residents are condemned somewhere, or the sick person in this house will certainly die.
-If a pig wounds, defending itself, a wolf that attacked it, then its comrades will certainly and immediately tear it apart.
-Sleep - to the cold.
- Digs the earth - to be in trouble.
-If a pig rolls on the ground, rolls in the mud, it will soon rain.
-On Maundy Thursday (before Easter), pigs are slaughtered for the holiday before sunrise.
-When pigs are slaughtered on Maundy Thursday, then part of the fat, having melted it on the same day, is left and stored at a holy angle - it helps against illness.
-Pigs usually dig arable land and meadows in those farms whose owners had the habit of putting their shoes on the stove in winter.
-If a pig digs a hole in front of someone's house and lies in it with its head turned towards the cemetery, then a dead man should be expected in this house.
-If the pigs leave the herd and run home with a squeal, then it will rain.
-When the pig is farrowed and the piglets are still with her, then if someone comes and looks at them with an evil eye, then the pig can overeat all her piglets.
-If pigs began to die on the farm, then you need to slaughter several chickens and put them in the underground - brownie.

One drake gets along with as many ducks as it has twisted feathers at the tip of its tail, and therefore a drake with as many twisted feathers as possible should be left for breeding, and ducks should be left according to the number of them.

If the cattle scratches the neck or body in the bush, causing wounds and sores to appear, then wreaths of fresh bird cherry branches with swollen buds and fresh color should be tied around her neck.
-Fodder should not be given to cattle without washing, otherwise the cattle will be thin.
-In a leap year, cattle have a poor offspring.
-If the offspring of any animal appeared in the house, then only the one with a light hand should pick it up first.
-On the day of the offspring of any animal, nothing is given from the house: when there is profit in the house, then there should be no loss and expense, in order to avoid bad consequences.
-You can not stroke the back of a newly born pet - it will grow badly.
- Relatives must not sell livestock, otherwise the livestock will be transferred.
-If the cattle lies under the roof - to bad weather, if in the yard - to the bucket.

If the puppy's mouth is black, then a good, that is, evil, dog will come out of it.
- In whose direction the dog stretches, to that it promises profit.
-If the dog breaks the window from the outside, then you should expect big trouble from the outside: fire, illness, theft, and so on.
-If a dog breaks a window from inside the house, then troubles should be expected in the house itself, for example, someone will become hopelessly ill or die.
- Be afraid of the dog that stealthily rushes.
-The dog digs a hole in front of the window - to the dead man.
- Howling is a bad sign.
- Howls, raising his muzzle - to fire or hunger.
-If all the dogs howl in the village, the whole village will burn down.
-Howls, lowering his muzzle to the ground, or digs a hole - to the dead, sometimes - to his own death.
-Howls and keeps the muzzle straight - to war or famine.
- When howling, he moves his head from side to side or from bottom to top - to a number of misfortunes.
- In which direction the dogs howl - in that direction there will be a fire or a dead person: if in front of the house - in the house.
-If howls in front of the windows, especially the sick one - by all means to his death.
-In general, the howling of a dog is considered a bad omen.
-If the dog howls at night, then you need to turn the pillow under your head and say: "On your head" - and then she will be silent.
-In order for the dog to stop howling, you need to take off your shoes and put them with the back to the dog, with the sole up.
-To stop the howling of the dog, you need to remove the shoes from the left foot and, turning it upside down, stand with the same foot on it and look in the direction from which the howling is heard: this will stop the dog from howling.
-Dogs play - for the wedding.
-Dogs play in winter - it will snow.
- Rubs around walking down the street - to the gift.
- Barking - meeting with a friend or buddy.
-Standing on his feet, swaying - the owner has a road ahead.
-Clings to the owner - to bad weather.
- Clings to the horse, but the horse does not go, rests - somewhere nearby is a wolf.
-Does not eat crumbs after the patient - imminent death.
- Grass chews - to the rain.
-He eats little and sleeps a lot - to the rain.
-Eats little - to inclement weather.
- Lying - to bad weather.
-If the dog starts rolling on the ground like a horse, then this portends bad weather.
-If a hunting dog runs happily to hunt, frolics, jumps, then the hunt will be successful, and if it follows the owner dejectedly, as if reluctantly, then there will be no luck in hunting.
-You can not take the dog by the tail, otherwise it will spoil the house anywhere.
-If a dog makes friends with a cat and even bites fleas from her, then this means that the owner and mistress began to hate each other.
-If someone else's dog stuck to the house, then this portends a profit for the owner.

Letting a dog into a room is a sin.
-The bite of a dog must not be shown, otherwise it will not heal for a long time.
-If a rabid dog bites, then you need to dig a hole and sit in it.
- If you give a dog, then you must certainly take something in return, at least a penny: otherwise the dog will run away.
-In order for the dog to walk, the owner in the morning, before he has eaten yet, must spit on a piece of bread and let the dog eat it, and then he will not run away, but, on the contrary, will get used to the owner, become attached to him.
-If the dog is lost, then you need to call her by name up to three times through the chimney at that time - when the first smoke comes out of the newly flooded stove, and the dog is found.
-The coat of a dog is filthy, that is, unclean, and therefore, having come into contact with a dog, one cannot pray, sit down to eat, touch sacred objects without washing "filthy hands."
Whoever stole a dog must measure its tail with a thread - then it will not run away.

Whoever sees the born calf first should lightly hit him on the head with a piece of hay or put salt, straw or hay in his mouth, and have time to do this before he consumes mother's milk - then the calf will quickly learn to eat grass;

At the birth of a calf, the mistress herself must be present and bandage the calf's umbilical cord with her own hands so that they do not do any witchcraft or a prize to a cow with a calf (so as not to jinx it).
- The calf cannot be stroked on the back - it will become sick.
- The appearance of a calf cannot be reported for up to three days, so as not to jinx it.
-When it's time to announce the birth of a calf (that is, after three days), then you need to talk about it as loudly as possible so that the calf's voice is loud.
-If the calf was born in winter and it needs to be brought into the heat, then it can be transferred only by wrapping it in hay or straw, if it is moved with bare hands, then its hair will not grow for a long time, and if in any clothes, then it will constantly chew it.
-If a born heifer has teeth of a red-pink color, then this means that sooner or later a wolf will eat him, such a calf cannot be left for divorce.
- For divorce, you need to leave such a calf, which has an odd number of teeth.
- You go to the calf - bloody the gums with a straw so as not to spoil (do not jinx) or sell cattle profitably, and as you go along the road - spit over your left shoulder with blood saliva, then you will sell dearly, and the animal will not be transferred in the yard.
- Calves under no circumstances should be beaten with a torch, split off from a log, you can beat a calf with a stick, rope, etc., but not with a torch: the calf will lose weight from this and will not grow.

If a white chicken hatched - at a loss on the farm.
- If someone looks at the newly hatched chickens and marvels, then the chickens will not live for two days.
-If the chickens do not soon calm down before spending the night, then the next day you should expect bad weather.
- The chicken is crying, that is, squeaking plaintively - to the illness of the owner of the house.

When a chicken is planted on eggs, the eggs must be placed under it from a hat or from something else shaggy - for greater fertility and so that the chickens are hairy and with tufts.
-If you stick a few wax plates on an egg and put it under any hen, then it will bring out colorful chicks.
-Often, hostesses apply eggs to their causal place - to increase health and fertility.
-Chicks will not hatch from eggs if someone in the house has died, in which case they say that "the eggs freeze."
-If different people choose eggs from the nest or someone steals them, then the hens stop laying.
-If a man takes eggs from the nest, then the hens stop laying.
-You can’t give your neighbor eggs for divorce - all the chickens will be transferred to the farm from the one who borrows the eggs.
-When eggs are occupied for a brood hen, they cannot be transferred or transported through water (river, canal, etc.): chickens will not hatch.
- A boiled egg is rolled over the cattle from head to tail and then it is let through the manure, so that the cattle walk around in the summer as round as an egg, and the horses run as fast as the egg rolled quickly over the manure, and the egg at the end of everything must be eaten by those who did it all.

Signs related to insects

Ant. - To be bitten by an ant - to enmity and disputes. If ants are wound up near your doorstep, then this indicates well-being.

Bee. - If a bee flies into the house and stays there for a short time, then this promises good luck to all its inhabitants. In some countries, fishermen believe in a rich catch if the bee flies in the same direction as their boat is sailing. To kill a bee is unfortunately. Interestingly, the Romans considered the flight of bees a bad omen. The decisive defeat of Pompey's army by Caesar at Pharsalos in 48 BC. was predicted in advance when a swarm of bees sat on the sacred altar.

Bug. - Since the ancient Egyptians paid divine honors to the scarab, this beetle, like others, has become a symbol of happiness. If a beetle crossed your path in countryside, that's a good sign. The bigger the beetle, the more happiness it brings.

Cockroach. - All over the world these unpleasant insects are treated with disgust; and not without reason, because if a cockroach appears in an unusual place, then he predicts death.

Cricket. - Since time immemorial, people all over the world consider it an insect that brings happiness. In the house where the cricket settled, peace, prosperity and family happiness will reign. If a cricket suddenly leaves the house where it has been for a long time, then this predicts illness or death.

Grasshopper. - These cheerful insects bless travelers and promise good news.

Ladybug. - This cute bug is everywhere considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. Especially lucky ladybug with seven spots on the back.

Spider. - Seeing a spider in the evening - to monetary losses; in the morning - to sadness; at midnight, he predicts unrest and unrest. To see a spider on your clothes or on your body - to increase well-being. If you see a spider weaving a web, then a conspiracy is being woven against you. Killing a spider, especially at night, is a very bad omen.

Wasp. - A wasp sting is a warning to beware of jealousy, deceit and danger.

An interesting article about signs and superstitions that are associated with animals, birds, insects. In the article, I reviewed the 10 most popular (in relation to our country).
Superstition can be interpreted as meaningless belief that does not bring benefits. Although most people disagree with this, since superstitions and signs have entered our lives very tightly. Many of them are associated with animals, birds and insects. So, the most common.
1. If a black cat crosses your path, there will be no luck. Everyone has their own way of fighting to neutralize this sign (spit over their left shoulder, cross their fingers, wait until someone else passes). The roots of this superstition go back to the distant past, when it was believed that a black cat or a cat is a servant of the devil. Witches are believed to turn into black cats. Although there are countries in which a black cat is neutral or considered to bring good luck.
2. If you were given an animal, you must definitely pay at least a penny for it, otherwise it will die or run away. Most likely, this is due to the fact that in the old days sacrifice was obligatory. That is, before starting a business, it was necessary to pay off, give part of your wealth to the gods or people.
3. If you refuse a pregnant woman, then the mice (mole) will spoil everything in the house. Now it is difficult to trace the origin of this superstition, but many follow its lead. And pregnant women often use it to get what they want.
4. The dog howls for trouble or the dead. Most likely, this is due to the well-developed sense of smell in dogs. According to doctors, before death, a person in the body undergoes certain changes that cause a change in odor.
5. Everyone knows that before entering a new home, you need to let the cat in. This will bring good luck and prosperity in a new place. This sign is associated with brownie, our ancestors believed that he is in every house, and is his keeper. The brownie can be good or evil, but does not like when new people move in. Therefore, so that he does not harm people, they let a cat in.
6. If black cockroaches appeared in the house - to wealth, red ones - to sadness or poverty. The explanation is quite simple, cockroaches live where there is food for them. There are more than 3 thousand species of them, but in houses you can often see black and "Prussians". Black ones are larger in size, which is why they symbolize wealth.
7. Ants start up in the house - be kind. The basis of superstition was that ants live in colonies, that is, large families, and only where there is something to eat.
8. If a bird knocks on the window (but not a raven), there will be good news. Although it is believed that a bird flying into the house is a harbinger of misfortune. This sign goes back to the time when our ancestors associated the souls of the dead with birds.
9. Sparrow is a cursed bird and must be driven from home. This belief is connected with the story of Jesus Christ. During the crucifixion, the swallows carried away the nails from the cross, and the sparrows brought them back. Therefore, it is believed that the birds were cursed for this.
10. And let's finish, perhaps, with rats running from a sinking ship. The sign arose when the ships were wooden, the rats lived in the holds and were the first to detect a leak, began to worry and run.
To believe or not is your own business, the main thing is that it does not harm you and others.

Few people like to talk about rodents. They do not like, disdain to even look at them. Rodent lovers are very rare. The only exception is hamsters. But we will not talk about these fluffy creatures, which are very fond of many children. We will talk about mice and the signs that are associated with them.

The dove has always been considered a symbol of peace and happiness. Unfortunately, judging by the statements of many members of the forum, they simply hate pigeons and call them anything, but not a symbol of peace. This “love” is especially great among owners of expensive cars. And all because these peaceful birds love to dump their droppings on the hood or roof of the car, or click their paws on the glossy finish of the car. But these car owners do not think that a person who does not have extra money will not be able to have an expensive car. And if the bird pooped, then it is always for money. Is it really bad? In the place of every person, one would only have to rejoice at such an event, and our rich people are angry with birds that promise them good incomes.

The frog has always evoked the opposite feeling. Some people are afraid of them, others are squeamish, and some people admire frogs. But, nevertheless, the frog is very popular among the people, and a lot of signs are associated with it, which are popular in our time.

Killing a frog is a big sin. Most likely, this sign is connected with the fact that the people believe that frogs are the souls of those people who drowned during the Flood. If we recall the Bible, then before the flood people were extremely corrupt. They did not want to work, they committed adultery, they stole - in a word, they violated all the existing commandments of God. But, despite the fact that those people were so wicked, they have already been punished by higher powers, which means that we, who are living today, have no right to judge them.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom and cunning. And that's right. A snake will never attack a person, and an animal too, the first one. If it is possible to avoid a fight, then the snake will better crawl away on its own, and will not get involved in trouble. Well, as for deceit, then this corresponds to the truth. The snake, before attacking, will hatch a plan of action for a long time. It is believed that snakes are very vindictive. If someone offended her, then she will find her offender even after many years.

Comments (2) Stork
Added by admin | Animals | Wednesday 8 December 2010 17:03
The house, on the roof of which the stork settled, it brings wealth. Since ancient times, people have watched birds and animals. Therefore, it was thanks to such observations that many generations noticed that, as a rule, wealthy people live in those houses on the roof of which storks live. Not necessarily very rich, but not in need of anything - that's for sure. The stork is considered a very intelligent bird. Storks are said to understand human language. Not just intonation, but the meaning of what was said. They may even cry like humans. And if storks create a married couple, then they are inseparable for the rest of their lives. That is why it is believed that if storks live on the roof of a house, then people living in this house receive both happiness and love, and what could be great wealth.

Comments (1) Dog
Added by admin | Animals | Monday 21 January 2008 12:20
So that the dog does not run away, it is necessary to pull out a tuft of wool from its neck. - Belief is based on the principle of ownership and the transfer of part to the whole. Since the owner owns a piece of wool, then symbolically - the whole dog. In reality, this is also explained by the fact that the native smell will again attract the runaway dog.

Comments (0) Cockroaches
Added by admin | Animals | Monday 21 January 2008 12:07
Black cockroaches in the house - to wealth, red cockroaches - to sadness. - This belief is explained in the same way as that associated with ants in the house. Cockroaches appear where they are not cleaned very carefully, where crumbs or any other food remain. That is, in other words, where rather wealthy people live, allowing themselves not to count the pieces. In total, there are more than three and a half thousand species of cockroaches, but black and “Prussians” most often live in a person’s dwelling. The division of cockroaches into black and red is clearly done for the reason that it is more difficult to fight with redheads, they breed faster. In addition, they are often carriers of pathogens of infectious diseases.

Comments (2)
Added by admin | Animals | Monday 21 January 2008 12:05
The fly got into the soup - wait for a quick gift. - It is unlikely that there is any real meaning in this, except for one thing: it's a pity to pour out the soup. Therefore, a squeamish person who sees a fly in his plate is told about the upcoming gift, hinting: either you will lose the gift, or take out the fly and continue to eat. We are talking about the first dish, because from the second even a squeamish person will simply brush off a fly with his hand, without encroachments on throwing away all the contents. And therefore it is not necessary to promise him a gift in this case.

Comments (5) Black cat
Added by admin | Animals | Monday January 21, 2008 11:58 AM
A black cat will cross the road - you won’t see good luck that day. It is necessary either to turn around its axis, or, breaking the rod into two parts, throw the fragments in different directions. You can cross your fingers on your right hand, putting the middle one on your index. - A black cat is one of the most sinister symbols in Slavic mythology. It is directly connected with evil spirits, with witches, sorceresses turn around with it, etc. This motif is also widely reflected in folk tales, and in literature (suffice it to recall at least Gogol's stories). Accordingly, it is believed that a black cat running across the road can bring bad luck to a person. How to get rid of such "evil eye"? Turn around on its axis, that is, start the path anew, “from a new turn”. Break the rod, that is, open the road closed by the cat, again free this road for yourself, make it open and clean. Cross your fingers (sometimes grab a button), that is, resort to the help of a symbolic cross (buttons are often sewn on with threads that form the shape of a cross).

Comments (5) Chickens
Added by admin | Animals | Monday 21 January 2008 11:53
The chickens cackled all at once - quarrels cannot be avoided. - Based on the outward similarity of clucking and the noise of a quarrel, when everyone is shouting at the same time. But since chickens can cackle at once due to the appearance of a predator (the same fox), then a quarrel is indeed possible - due to the fact that one of the owners overlooked the chickens. There are many proverbs about chickens: it is worn like a chicken with an egg; the hen cackles, but the rooster is silent; you tell the chicken, and she tells the whole street - and so on. Another allegorical folk wisdom: "Do not listen to where the chickens cackle, but listen to where they pray to God."

Comments (0) Fox
Added by admin | Animals | Monday 21 January 2008 11:50
To meet a fox is bad news. - The sign is more connected with the image of this animal, drawn in numerous fairy tales, than with real observations: the fox has always been portrayed as cunning, treacherous, unkind. But in reality, a fox, met not far from housing, may portend a shortage of chickens and other domestic animals. It is no coincidence that there is a proverb about people: “Where I pass like a fox, there will be no chickens for three years”

Comments (1) Horse
Added by admin | Animals | Monday 21 January 2008 11:45

The horse stumbles - do not wait for good luck. - The horse is one of the oldest companions of man, and therefore, over the centuries of living together, man has endowed the horse with a huge number of abilities that are not always inherent in it. At the same time, there is no doubt that the horse is an intelligent, sensitive animal. She is sensitive to danger: her excellent sense of smell allows her to react to the smell of a predator from afar. She also smells water, grass, even if there is still a considerable distance to them. A stumbling horse is a symbol of trouble: it means that something is wrong either with itself or around. In mystical terms, a stumbling horse was associated (unlike a frisky, galloping horse) with the other world. This has been going on since ancient times, when the coffin with the body of the deceased was carried to the cemetery on a horse. Stumbling, dejectedly, the horse returned from the battlefield, carrying a dead rider on itself. And, finally (passing again from mysticism to everyday life), a stumbling horse can be sick, which, of course, portends failure in the peasant economy.

The horse will drink melt water - everything will work out. Since ancient times, not only people, but also animals have found ways to treat. A person drinks water from healing mineral springs, and a horse finds healing properties in such water.

Horses neigh for good.

A collar removed from a sweaty horse is a remedy for healers. If you put it on a patient, it will take off all the ailment as if by hand.

The horse dries out from the cat, becomes kinder from the dog. - Probably a sign of hunters who took dogs with them.

Horses snort on the road - to a joyful meeting.

The horse neighs to sadness, stomps - to the chase.

The warrior's horse sniffs - to be killed. - * / an old sign.

If, leaving the house, you meet a white horse, you need to immediately spit on the ground to avert trouble. - * / folk sign.

The horse snores - to bad weather, to a blizzard.

The horse snorts - to rain or to heat.

The horse greedily eats grass in the evening - expect rain the next day.

The horse lies under the roof - to wet weather, to bad weather, if it lies in an open place - in a bucket, heat.

The horse shakes its head and throws it up - to bad weather, to rain.

In winter, the horse lies down - to heat.

Hooves of horses sweat - to heat.

The horse lies down on the way and stubbornly - to the snow.

Water from a bucket unfinished by a horse can alleviate illnesses if washed with it with a slanderous word.

A horse with the same white "stockings" on the front legs brings misfortune to its owner, but if the "stockings" on the front and back legs, then, on the contrary, it brings good luck.

Nikita's day - the awakening of the "water grandfather" - ice drift.

Signs of April (from April 1 to April 15)
The word April comes from the Latin word "warmed", "warmed by the sun", "sunny".
April in the old days was called pollen, because. This month, the first flowers bloom.

There are sub-seasons of April.

Signs of March
The word March comes from Byzantium. Since the adoption of Christianity, the March style of reckoning has been adopted, i.e. The New Year began to begin on March 1 - the month of the celebration of Easter. March was considered the first month of the year.

Signs and their secret power
If a black cat crosses the road - to failure.
You can’t laugh on Friday night, because on Sunday morning you will definitely cry.
Do not sit on the table - the day will end badly.
You can not take out the trash in the evening - you take away the money.
Don't lend money after sunset - there will be no money.
If you meet a pregnant woman - good luck.
You can’t eat from a knife - there will be an evil mother-in-law.
Do not lick the plate - the husband will be bald.

Do you believe in omens? What are omens?

Signs of February (from February 1 to February 28)
The last month of winter is February. He is also bokogrey, snowy, stezhen, fierce, cut, low water. The Latin name "fevruary" came to Russia from Byzantium.

Old New Year. Vasiliev day

(Day in the folk calendar)

Protector of pigs, guardian of gardens from worms. Pig legs were boiled so that people's legs would not hurt. The girls guessed dreams and guessed. It was believed that the fortune-telling of this day always comes true. They poured grain on the floor, put water, threw pieces of clay and brought a rooster and a hen. If they drank water at the beginning - there will be tears in the New Year, if they pecked grain - wait for wealth, if clay - death will enter the house. It was believed that the first day of the year, properly spent, guaranteed good luck for the whole year.

Christmas Eve, Carols - Christmas Eve

(Day in the folk calendar)

Signs of January (from January 1 to January 5)
In general, during the month, the light part of the day increases by 1.5 hours or more. In January, birch fungus chaga and pine buds are harvested. "In January, the pot freezes in the oven."

Folk omens for January

Cold Januarys are almost never repeated in a row. If January last year was warm, January this year will be cold. Dry January - the peasant is rich. Gray January - trouble for the bread. If January is cold, July will be dry and hot: do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.

Signs for the New Year and Christmas
On the night of December 31 to January 1, according to tradition, they celebrate the New Year.

Day of Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius and others (beheaded in 305 in Armenia).
Eustrat. "The Martyr Eustratus is glad of the sun."

Memorial Day of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Mir Lycia, God's saint and miracle worker (died 351)

auspicious days
One of the oldest English superstitions related to medicine and has survived for several centuries.

Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Catherine (313).

For refusing to renounce the Christian faith, she was sentenced to beheading. She laid her head on the chopping block.

Ekaterina. Catherine's day. Katerina Sannitsa. Katherine's day. Catherine frost. Sannitsa. The woman-giver. Catherine is considered the patroness of marriage and brides. Folk festivities, sledding from hills - sledges were arranged on Catherine.

Shooting star - omens
When someone dies on earth, a new star lights up in the sky. (Yorkshire).
When you see a shooting star above your head, make a wish and you will be happy for a whole year. (Wales).

Signs of December (from December 1 to December 6)
It's cold. Jelly. Icy. Studny. Student. Zimnik. Gruden.
The word December came from Byzantium and is called "dekemerium".

First month of winter. The year ends.
From December 1 to December 22 - First Winter.
From December 22 to December 31 - Root winter.

December is characterized by frosts and thaws. He "will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a move."
The temperature in the middle lane sometimes drops to -30 0С. But frosts are not as terrible as lack of snow: if the earth is covered with a snow cover, it will not grab immediately to the depth. Crops will not die before winter.
It gets dark early in December, although the increase in the day is 26 minutes.
According to the Forest calendar of Bianchi in December until the 20th - "Month of winter guests" (the third month of autumn). From December 21 - "The month of the first white trails" (the first month of winter).

Kill a ladybug - invite trouble. (everywhere).

It is very interesting to note how rarely people decide to kill a ladybug, although without hesitation they kill other insects. The real superstition associated with the ladybug is that it symbolizes the Virgin Mary - hence its English name "ladybird" - "Madonna's bird".


If a ladybug sat on her hand, she should be asked: “Ladybug, should I live, should I die or fly to heaven?”. If she flies away immediately, then there will be good weather, if not, bad weather.

Ladybug is an insect of Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the red color symbolizes Her cloak). Therefore, you can not offend a ladybug. To kill a ladybug means to invite a big trouble. It can not only be killed, but it can also be shaken off the sleeve only by pushing with a blade of grass.

If you want to find your love, then tell the ladybug when she sits on your hand: “Golden cow, fly east, fly west, fly north, fly south, find my love.”

A long time ago lived the age-old blacksmith Severko the Fair. It was he who forged the sun, the stars, the moon, and indeed the entire firmament. Severko had a beautiful wife, but she only fell in love with another. For treason, God turned the beauty into a ladybug, scorched by a punishing fire - lightning. Her children are also punished by fire. Of the seven children (the ladybug is called “seven-spotted”), only the seventh survives the sent test by fire - it is he who becomes the prophetic insect ladybug, because he is forgiven of maternal sin.

A butterfly flew into the house - let it out, otherwise there will be misfortune. Butterfly is the soul of the deceased. You cannot kill a butterfly that has flown into the house - you must carefully catch it and escort it outside through the window (like a ladybug that has flown into the house).

Goosebumps in the house - fortunately.

Black cockroaches in the house - to wealth, red cockroaches - to sadness.

Cockroaches dream - for the wedding.

In the middle of winter, a fly flies in the house - to the dead. Try to get rid of it as soon as possible and say a prayer to Jesus Christ:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,

Your crown is the end of human sorrows,

Ipbavi, Lord, us sinners, from sorrows, sorrows, evil diseases.

From a fierce thief, from an unkind eye, from an unclean word,

From a sorcerer, sorceress, heretic, heretic.

From bullets, from red-hot arrows, from a sharp knife.

My word is strong and stucco.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Seeing a spider in the morning is sad. Day - to love. In the evening - to hope. At night - to worries. If you saw a spider in the morning, cross yourself and say a prayer to Jesus Christ: “Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the spider carries our sins to you by a string, let it carry away our sorrows by a string. Amen".

A white spider nests above the bed - fortunately. Black - unfortunately. Try to carefully, without killing, throw him out of the house.

To see a spider unexpectedly in the house and get scared - to bad news, not to be scared - everything will be fine.

The funeral

If you come across a funeral procession, walk at least a few meters with or behind it - this will allow you to avoid the fact that the deceased will come for you.

A charcoal from a censer that fell out while the priest was walking near the deceased is a sign that soon there will be another deceased in this house.

When someone in the family dies, the mirrors in the house are hung, you can’t look into them - the deceased “peeps” people through the mirrors, that is, they can take them away with them.

The coffin is larger than the deceased - to another deceased.

Before the coffin is lowered into the grave, it is necessary to throw a coin there. This is done so that the deceased pays for moving to the "other" world.

The afterlife of the soul

At the moment of death, the dying person feels an incredible relief. Physical pain goes away, bodily pain and suffering go away. The soul leaves the body and can see the body from the side. At the same time, the body is already perceived as someone else's, unfamiliar, even unpleasant. The soul feels complete indifference to it and absolutely does not want to return to it. On the contrary, the soul enjoys the freedom it has found and wants to fly away from the body. The soul does not understand why people cry over this body, what doctors do with it and why. A deceased person may not immediately realize that he has died. He tries to address the living, to talk to them - but finds that he is neither seen nor heard. He tries to move and realizes that he easily passes through walls, through objects, through other people, without encountering any obstacles.

The first three days the soul is directly next to the body, then, until the ninth day, in its home. For forty days she walks through ordeals and only on the fortieth day after her death does she find peace. Then she meets with her living loved ones on memorial days and in order to meet the dying.

Dreams foreshadowing death

Dreams of death itself are extremely rare - not a single sign means exactly death, but it can mean illness, loss, trouble, deprivation

Sleep towards death is just one of the signs indicating an imminent death. In order for a dream to really portend death, it must coincide with a number of signs indicating the approach of death in reality. Many such signs are known. For example, if the mice scratch at the head of the patient, then he is unlikely to get up (if on his feet, then he will recover); if a raven croaks on the roof of the house - to the deceased in the house, if on the church

In addition, symbols of the other world and signs of death can be seen in initiation dreams, that is, dreams that portend a person’s transition to a different qualitative state (after all, death is nothing more than a transition to another state). The same symbols can also portend a wedding (also a transition to a different state). Therefore, they can only be considered in combination with each other. The same signs can predict something completely different for children (children are girls who have not reached girlhood, and boys are youth).

Signs of approaching death

Before proceeding to the description of signs that portend death, I want to warn you that the messengers of death never come alone: ​​many signs should immediately indicate death, both in a dream and in reality. ONLY IN THIS CASE SHOULD BE SERIOUSLY FEARED.

IF In the house you see with peripheral vision that some black shadows are flickering, or you hear some incomprehensible knocks - this may be a warning, although not necessarily about death, but, as a rule, about some kind of trouble or trouble.
If you decide to build yourself a house, then make sure that the bird cherry roots do not fall under the foundation. And do not plant bird cherry in the immediate vicinity of the house. If you have already planted, then transplant further. Bird cherry roots, having penetrated under the house, will bring death to all the inhabitants of the house. The roots of other trees are considered less dangerous to health and life; however, when building a new house, try not to leave a single root in the ground - household ones will get sick and die.

You will find out what dream means, what features in the behavior of animals promise, what you can pick up on the street and what not. Learn to read and interpret the signs of fate in order to always make the right decisions and not get involved in dubious matters.

Signs for prosperity

Dropping small money on the floor - to a major monetary loss. To prevent it from happening, you need to take the money, put it in your wallet and say: “Don’t fall by, live and be fruitful.”

You can’t throw away pieces of bread - to a disadvantage in the house. It is better to feed the birds, animals.

Do not sweep off the table with your hand - there will be no prosperity.

It is better to repay the debt not in the evening, but in the morning - money will be found.

He who plays cards with his back to the moon will certainly lose.

If you cut your nails on Tuesday and Friday - there will be money.

If you want to save yourself from lack of money - eat more blueberries.

To exchange someone's money for a trifle - to tears.

Do not leave a knife in the bread - you will know hunger.

Do not sit on the table - you will be poor.

Signs for good and bad

You can not undereat or underdrink - you leave the evil. An empty eggshell must be crushed - so as not to leave evil.

After dinner, leave half-eaten pieces of bread from your slice on the table - leave your happiness there.

Porridge comes out of the pan - unfortunately.

Do not sit down at the table on the thirteenth - otherwise there will be trouble.

Keep broken dishes in the house - incur misfortune.

Leaving a knife on the table overnight is a big nuisance.

Knife on the table with the tip up - to the bad.

If the doors, which have never creaked, suddenly creak, there will be trouble.

To lose a glove or mitten is unfortunately. It is bad to accidentally put your right foot into your left shoe or start shoes on your left foot.

Finding a button is in trouble. So that nothing bad happens, do not raise the button. Show her a fig and say "Stay away from me!"

If someone did not finish the bread and took another piece unnoticed by himself - one of the relatives far away is hungry.

Hold on to the corner of the table more often - find your own corner.

The person who wears another's hat will miss him.

Wearing other people's things is changing your destiny. To lose a belt from a dress, a coat - to an illegitimate child.

Unintentionally break the chain that you wear around your neck - free yourself from heavy duties, fetters, break painful bonds.

Ears are burning - someone is talking about you: the right one - they say bad things about you, the left one - they remember well.

The smoke does not light up or quickly goes out - someone is sad without this person.

In order to beg something from someone, you first need to go around that person three times.

To stretch on another person is to convey your laziness to him.

They do not sweep the floor when a person dear to you has left, so as not to block his way to your house.

If someone is called by the name of the person who left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Signs of evil spirits

Do not leave uncovered dishes on the table overnight, especially with food - in the ones left on the table in the evening open dishes evil spirits frolic at night.

When you sit on a chair, you can’t cross your legs and swing your leg - you’re swinging the devil.

Never leave the book you are reading open - otherwise it will continue to be a demon to read, and you will forget everything you read, and even what you learned by heart.

After you wash yourself, you can’t shake off the water from your hands - the devils breed from this: how many sprays fly, so many devils will be.

profit, health

Long thick hair, combing hair in a dream portends a profit.

Long nails - for profit.

Get something in a dream - to profit, fulfillment of desire.

Paper money - to profit.

White bread - to prosperity in the house.

Dough kneading utensils, especially wooden ones, are for wealth.

To see a boy in a dream - to profit (a girl - to an unexpected event).

If in a dream an animal gives birth - to profit, to a woman - to pregnancy, childbirth.

There are beans or peas in a dream: for a man - for profit (for a woman - for pregnancy).

Human feces dream of money.

The death of a person - to his longevity, health, possibly - to a wedding. If a patient dies in a dream, then
he will get better.

The sun rises - good. To success, luck, profit.

Lice - wealth.

Heavy rain in a dream is good, to prosperity.

Seeing buckwheat in a dream (sorting through cereals, buying, cooking, eating) is good, to wealth.

Milk - for profit.

Lean oil - to the patient - for recovery.

Dressing in a dream is good, to health, profit.

Little kids are good news.

Toad, frog - a successful move, profit.

A woman with buckets - for profit, especially if the buckets
full, but also with empty buckets - good.


Scratch your elbow - sleep in a new place. Mustache itches - get the desired gift. The head itches - scolding to hear. The right palm itches for profit, the left - for loss. The neck itches - to the feast. The nose itches - to the news, wine, christening. The eyebrow itches - for a date or tears. The left eye is itching to tears, the right eye is looking at the sweetheart.

Lips itch - to kisses.

The leg itches - hurry somewhere.

The tongue itches - to a quarrel.


If a person yawns, he must cross his mouth with a holy sign to block the entrance of the unclean Spirit there.

If two people yawn at the same time, they drink wine together.


If a person sneezes two or four times in a row, and then immediately gets up and walks around the room, then the case, the outcome of which he given time worried, will be successful.

If during a conversation someone sneezed, then the one who spoke at that time told the truth. At the same time, pay attention when the person with whom you agree on something starts to sneeze. If, for example, when signing a contract, a person sneezes once, then the terms of the contract will be observed; if he sneezes three times, the contract will be violated. But if someone sneezes twice a night for three consecutive nights, then this is a harbinger of imminent death in the house.


Hiccupped - someone remembers. To find out who it is, they think of one of the acquaintances, moisten the little finger of the right hand with saliva and draw it along the right eyebrow. If there is a hair on the finger, it means that the one to whom it was thought of remembers. You hiccup heavily - they remember with pleasantness, easily - it means they scold.

If you hiccupped, then you need to say: “Good, so remember, and evil, so complete. To get rid of hiccups, say: "Hiccups, hiccups, go to Fedot, from Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everyone." Repeat this quickly until the hiccups are gone.

Children. Continuation

If there are children under one year old in the house, then after sunset, do not take anything out of the house (slop, garbage). Also, if you are asked for something, don't give it. Otherwise, the child will get sick.

After sunset, do not throw children above their heads - children will be frightened and sleep poorly.

Don't let your child look in the mirror until he is one year old - he will be frightened.

In order for your children to live together in the future, it is necessary to put on the shirt in which the child was baptized for the first time, in turn, on all subsequent children.

When there are babies in the family, you can’t leave spoons in a plate at night - the children will cry.

If you wean a child from the breast, then you need to cut off a piece from the whole bread and take a pinch of salt, give it to the child in your hands and say: “Here, go to your bread. So that you are rich and big, like this holy bread.

When the baby is taken from the breast, do not apply any more. If you put it back - the child will grow up eyeful; if you do this three times, then the child will have a “deadly evil eye”: he will stare not only at those around him, but also at himself.

You can not give the child the name of the father, brother, sister, in general, anyone who already bears this name in the same house - one of the two may die.

You can not hang anything over the cradle - the child will not fall asleep.

If someone leaves food on the plate at the baptismal table, the child will grow pockmarked. The same is said to grown-up children: if you don’t finish your porridge, you will get a pockmarked bride (or a groom).

At christenings, when they drink for the health of a newborn, one glass should be thrown up. They also put bread on the highest shelf - so that the newborn will eat it when it grows up to this shelf. Throwing a glass at the ceiling, they say: “May our Vanya jump like that!”

One who was born on a new moon will live happily ever after.

If the child does not begin to walk independently for a long time, it is necessary to put a broom between his legs and then scatter the rods.

Up to six weeks, the child should not be shown to outsiders - otherwise they will jinx it.

When a woman in labor is taken to the maternity hospital, then from the house where she lives, nothing can be given to anyone for three days - so that everything goes well for her.

A woman in labor should chew her hair during contractions - childbirth will be easier.

There should not be any knots, clasps, etc. on the woman in labor. The knots must be untied, and the clasps should be unfastened. If the braid is braided, it should be untwisted - then the birth will be easy.

While a woman is giving birth, it is necessary to open all the doors in her house (apartment) - childbirth will be easier.

Snake - to her husband, an intimate friend. Snake bite - to pregnancy.

If a woman catches a hare in a dream, then this is for pregnancy. A hare will give birth to a boy, a hare will give birth to a girl
ku. (For a man, hares dream of death.)

Eat fish - for pregnancy. Catching fish in clean water - to pregnancy. If in a dream you eat loach, perch, bream, then a boy will be born, if pike, salmon, white fish - then a girl.

One chicken or duck - for the birth of a girl (a lot of birds - at a loss).

Bird - to the birth of a girl.

Mouse - to pregnancy.

If in a dream animals give birth - to the birth of a child, pregnancy, profit.

Pregnancy portends transplanting a tree in a dream or growing it, especially from a closed volume.

There are tomatoes, watermelons in a dream. - to pregnancy. Stealing watermelons - to pregnancy.

There are nuts in a dream, beans - for pregnancy, for a man - for prosperity.

Cats. On the road

A black cat crossed the road - come back, otherwise there will be no luck. However, pay attention to which side the black cat crossed your path. A woman is in trouble if she crosses her path from left to right, and a man - on the contrary, from right to left. If the return is impossible and you can’t turn off the road, you can play it safe. So that the sign does not come true, you need to take a twig, break it into two halves and throw them in different directions - open the road. Or put the middle finger of the right hand on the index finger (make a cross with your fingers), wave three times in front of you and say: “Go your own way, but don’t touch me.” Or you need to turn around your own axis and continue in the same direction. And you can show the cat a blow with your left hand, while crossing yourself with your right, and say:

“I’m going to health and prosperity, but I won’t give them to you. Follow your interest through the dark forest."

Witches love to turn into black cats at night.

The cat meows endlessly - expect a child in the family.

If a cat stretches for a person, it promises a renewal or a benefit.

If a cat living in a store runs its left paw over its ear, then visitors will definitely come to the store or a good deal will be made.

With a new comb (new comb, massage brush), you first need to comb the cat, then the teeth will not break for a long time.

When moving to a new house or apartment, you must first let the cat go there, then life in the new place will be rich and prosperous.

The cat washes - it washes guests (invites).

If her paws are cold at this time, the guest is either unexpected or unkind. If warm, friends or relatives will come.

When a cat is washing up, you can tell her; Black behind the ear, black behind the ear. The cat will hear and wash behind the ear. If the cat washes up with a guest and you want them, say: “The cat didn’t have time to wash up, but the guests ran over.” If you want guests to drive by, say: “The cat is a washer; I washed for a long time, but did not wash the guests.

The cat sleeps soundly or sleeps with its belly up - to warmth and heat.

If a cat in bad weather lies with its stomach up or circles its muzzle three times with its paw, then there will be good weather.

He sleeps with his muzzle under his belly - to bad weather or cold.

Curled up in a ball - to frost (cooling).

In autumn, spring, winter: he sits in the stove (climbs onto the battery) - to the cold in the yard.

In winter: spreads its tail - to a blizzard. Licks tail - to a blizzard. The floor is scratching - mind you, blizzard, wind.

Licks its tail, hides its head - to bad weather and rain.

Licks a paw, washes - by a fine day.

Signs for gardeners

Before working in the beds, you need to eat heartily, then the harvest will be rich.
Clicking seeds on the ridges - pests will spoil the crop.
It is better to plant all ground vegetables for a young month, and root crops for a full one.
To prevent thieves from getting into the garden, aspen stakes should be buried in each corner.
If you are tired, working in your garden, you can’t rest between the beds and under the elder bush - you will get sick.
In order to have a good harvest, on the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7), before sunset, you need to break willow branches and scatter them around the garden.
When planting seedlings, say: “Do not be ankle-bones, but be pot-bellied; do not be empty, but be tight; do not be red, but be tasty; don't be old, but be young; don't be small, but be big." And you will have a good harvest.
If you want carrots and beets to grow richly, you need to help them with this even at the planting stage. Early in the morning, the seeds are wetted with water from the spring, into which copper money is lowered. It can also be moistened with ordinary river water at three morning dawns. No outsider should see what you are doing: “An alien eye, like a dashing raven, is envious, and envy, like rust, will eat up the entire crop.”

autumn signs

What will spring be like, birch trees tell in the fall: the leaves begin to turn yellow from the top - wait for early spring, from below - late, and if evenly - middle.
In early October, the birch leaf did not fall off - the snow would fall late. And if everything falls off before October, then in late January - early February there will be a long thaw.
Thunder in September - to a long warm autumn.
Thunder in October - to a snowless, short and mild winter.
Rains in November - to the imminent winter.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
In November, the snow will inflate - there will be a good harvest in the summer.
If there are a lot of acorns on the oak, then the winter promises to be long. If there is an abundance of nuts, and there are few mushrooms, winter will surprise you with ferocity, but it will please you with snow.

summer omens

If in summer there are a lot of berries on mountain ash in the forest, autumn will be rainy, few berries - dry.
If a berry (lingonberry, blueberry, raspberry) pleased with the harvest, the winter will be harsh.
If there is a lot of field thistle in summer, this is for a cold winter, and if sorrel - for a warm one.
In the morning, heavy dew and fog - for a good day, there are none - for bad weather.
If the dandelion flowers close in sunny weather, it will rain. And it happens the other way around: the sky frowns, clouds float across it, and dandelion flowers are open, which means there will be no rain.
Down from a dandelion flies in the wind - to dry weather, does not come off the head - to rain.
Ducks scream and splash - to the rain.
The burdock thorns are tightly pressed against the head and do not prick - to bad weather. Burdock prickly and brave - to dry hot weather.

spring omens

A lot of juice flows from a birch in the spring - the summer will be rainy, and the autumn will be late.
If the birch trees are downy before the maples, June and July will be dry, and August will be rainy. If in the spring the birch leaves the leaves before the alder, the summer will be dry, and if the alder blossoms first, cold and rain will torment.
Birds build their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer.
If the beginning of May is warm, it will be cold at the end (and vice versa).
Fogs and thunderstorms in May promise a bountiful harvest, hail - hail summer.
The violet flower has opened wide - there will be clear, dry weather. Before bad weather, the flower closes and droops.
The same thing happens with daisies.
Roses and wild rose still will not open the buds - to a protracted bad weather.

Signs house.
If a person has already crossed the threshold, leaving the house, you should not return: you will not see good luck on the way. However, if you really had to, you should look in the mirror before going out.

Say hello to a person across the threshold - make it possible to quarrel with him.

If a person left for a long trip, after his departure it is strongly not recommended to do cleaning for three days. Otherwise, the traveler risks not returning home.

Whistling in the house - to problems with money.

If a person is caught on something when leaving the house, the sign warns that he will have to quickly return.

If a guest chokes in someone else's house, he will return there in a year.

If a person took out the garbage in the evening, he can prepare for a quarrel.

If a girl does not want to be left without a husband or marry a bad person, when leaving the house she should look to the north.

If you donate some of the household items to the Annunciation, the house may become impoverished.

The plaster, crumbling from the ceiling, portends the arrival of uninvited guests.

Threshold remarks.
If a bachelor sits on the doorstep, he risks being left without a wife forever.

Putting a scythe on the threshold means protecting the home from unkind people.

The sign prescribes not to do anything through the threshold - neither to greet each other, nor to give things, etc. Ignoring it will lead to the fact that the best relationships will deteriorate.

Such a belief is associated with a special role that was attributed to the threshold in the old days. It was believed that it served as the boundary between two environments that differed significantly in energy - the home environment and the outside world.

In the old days, newlyweds leaving the house had to cross a torch, which was lit on the threshold. This rite helped them find family happiness. There was also such a way to invite well-being into your home. An open lock was placed under the threshold when the future spouses left the house and went to church. And when they crossed the threshold again on the way back, the lock was closed, and the key was thrown away.

Notes on the mirror.
If someone died in the house, it is customary to hang all the mirrors with a cloth.

This is done so that the deceased is not reflected in them, and his soul does not wander around the dwelling.

The mirror has broken - there is a big trouble ahead. As the sign says, perhaps not the one who broke the thing will die, but a person close to him.

The roots of this belief go back to ancient times. Even our ancestors, seeing their own reflection in the water, believed that their second selves were looking at them. The reflection in the mirror is also a second self, so breaking this object is tantamount to killing yourself.

It is strictly forbidden to store cracked mirrors at home: it is believed that a crack is a bridge through which evil entities can get from another dimension into ours.

To look in the mirror at night is to attract misfortune, and if you look into it after 12 at night, you can see the devil. Especially dangerous in this regard is Good Friday. Among Slavic peoples, women are not recommended to look in the mirror during pregnancy, after childbirth and during menstruation.

If a person eats in front of a mirror, all his beauty can go to the other world.

It is not worth it for a baby who has not reached the age of one to show himself in the mirror: his sleep will be disturbed, he will have nightmares. In some areas it is believed that this will also delay the development of speech. Bring an unbaptized baby to your own reflection at night - invite trouble.

Guest notes.
If you sit down on the path before leaving for a visit, you will be welcomed in a strange house well and cordially.

If the guest leaves the house after the feast before the hosts remove the tablecloth from the table, their daughters will not be able to marry in the near future, because the suitors will refuse them.

Putting on some thing inside out before leaving for a visit is a bad omen, as it promises a cold reception.

Two people say something at the same time - to the guests. You can also prepare for their arrival if a person choked during lunch.

If the long-awaited guest still does not appear on the doorstep, you need to shake the tablecloth with which the table is covered. According to the sign, this will hasten his arrival.

If the wood in the fireplace crackles, sparkles, if a log falls out of the fireplace, this is a sign that there will be guests in the house soon.

Signs of the groom.
If the groom gives yellow flowers, this can lead to separation. Joint photography before the wedding can lead to the same consequences.

If the bride gives the groom a knife, the sign suggests that by doing so she risks terminating their engagement.

If the groom in his arms carries the bride across the threshold of their new common home, the couple will have a long and prosperous life together. If the bride crosses it herself, conflicts will not keep you waiting.

If a girl presents a handkerchief as a gift to her lover, then it is likely that they will part without marrying. The same applies to hand-tied and donated wardrobe items (sweater, scarf). In this case, the beloved will find another lady of the heart.

Color notes.
An addiction to a particular color can shed light on a person's character. So, red color is usually very popular with energetic and powerful people. Because it is active, quickly fatiguing the eyes and stimulating the nervous system, people who have a special love for it are often considered too quick-tempered and unbalanced. Red is liked by people who have a lot of complexes. For them, a personal, intimate life plays a very important role, and they are in constant fear of failing in love affairs. Red is a good stimulating color, but if a person gets carried away with it too much, it will become difficult for him to focus on something, because the nervous system will be overexcited.

If a person likes the color yellow, then, as the omen says, he is most likely characterized by calmness and poise. This color has the ability to fill the soul with cheerfulness, relieves stress and depression.

Blue color is nice for those who remain calm in most situations. This is not surprising, since blue helps the nervous system recover, gain the ability to focus well. However, excessive addiction to this color is fraught with that degree of relaxation, in which it will be too difficult to mobilize. But the blue color has a very controversial "nature", and this leads to the fact that both active and calm people love it. Moreover, if the first color calms, then the second, on the contrary, makes it more energetic and confident.

It has been noted that green color is preferred by people who are also characterized by calmness and prudence. However, with all their balance, they are ready to repel any attacks on their own person. Thanks to the calming properties of green, the psyche and defenses are strengthened.

There are people who prefer white and black to all other colors. Despite the contrast of colors, people are united by the ability to defend their interests, clearly and quickly respond to any situation, as well as poise and calmness, even conservatism. Black has long been worn at mourning ceremonies, as it symbolizes death and sadness. White is the color for wedding ceremonies, it serves as a symbol of innocence and purity. It is believed that initially ancient priestesses wore white tunics, which should have indicated purity of morals.

Signs about insects

The fly got into food or drink - a gift.

Find a spider on a dress - for profit.

To kill a spider - forty sins will be forgiven, but unfortunately.

A small spider descends before my eyes - to the news, to the letter.

Kill a ladybug - invite trouble.

Kill a beetle - invite trouble. To see a flying beetle in your house or anywhere else is unfortunate.

If a fly falls into a glass from which you are drinking or are going to drink, this portends you success.

If you kill a firefly, you will kill your love and you may even cause the death of your beloved.

A white spider nests over the bed - fortunately; black - unfortunately.

To see a spider in the morning - to sadness; in the afternoon - to love; in the evening - to hope; at night - to worries.

Goosebumps in the house - fortunately.

To see a spider unexpectedly in the house and get scared - to bad news, not to be scared - everything will be fine.

If a spider falls on your face from the ceiling, it is a good omen.