Presentation on the topic "Chinese culture". Presentation on MHK "artistic culture of China" Poetic culture of China presentation on MHK

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Features of Chinese culture.

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Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures on the planet. It was she who laid the foundation for such religions as Confucianism and Buddhism. The culture of China is a special, original and amazing feature of this mysterious people.

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The culture of this country developed gradually and measuredly. It has changed along with the history and political system of China. Since the middle of the 20th century, socialism and communism under construction had a great influence on culture.

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Guohua painting is the name of the national painting. Its heyday falls on the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times, painting was a hobby of aristocrats and artists. With the coming of the communists to power, painting changes its style. Today, Chinese traditional painting coexists with Western style.

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Architecture In the country, you can find both the architecture of ancient China and modern. Traditional architecture is distinctive and modest. All buildings are symmetrical and do not exceed three floors, they are made of wood. Basically, ancient architecture is preserved in villages and suburbs. In large cities and the capital, for the most part, architecture is subject to Western influence.

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Martial art The main martial art of China is Wu-shu. This is both hand-to-hand combat and combat with traditional weapons.

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Music By tradition, China divides musical instruments by material. They are: - bamboo, - wood, - clay, - leather, - stone, etc.

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Dances Chinese folk dances originated earlier than literature. Every Chinese can reproduce the national dance. Dance reflects the inner world of a person, his emotional load and love. The heyday of the most ancient national dance fell on the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

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Cinema In China, the first movie was made in 1905 under the influence of America. A huge leap in the development of cinema took place in the middle of the 20th century. To date, China is in third place in the production of motion pictures.

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Literature Chinese literature appeared more than 4000 years ago. Main literary books were and are religious works. Fiction received less attention. Dynastic chronicles are also important works. In the 20th century, prose and poetry became popular. Modern literature is associated with the activities of Lu Xun.

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Life The traditional culture of China is present in all spheres of life of the Chinese people. The interior, customs and cuisine are also unique. Almost every village has its own traditional cuisine and customs.

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National costume The Chinese have the richest national costumes. People of different classes are required to wear different clothes. The main color in clothes is red. However, there are also white, blue and other colors. Decorate outfits with embroidery depicting dragons, flowers, etc.

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Holidays in China great amount holidays. They are mixed. The most important holiday New Year. The Chinese celebrate it not on January 1, like the whole planet, but on January 21. Moreover, the celebration takes place not one or two nights, but a whole month.

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Guohua painting is the name of the national painting. Its heyday falls on the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times, painting was a hobby of aristocrats and artists. With the coming of the communists to power, painting changes its style. Today, Chinese traditional painting coexists with Western style.

Architecture In the country, you can find both the architecture of ancient China and modern. Traditional architecture is distinctive and modest. All buildings are symmetrical and do not exceed three floors, they are made of wood. Basically, ancient architecture is preserved in villages and suburbs. In large cities and the capital, for the most part, architecture is subject to Western influence.

Dances Chinese folk dances originated earlier than literature. Every Chinese can reproduce the national dance. Dance reflects the inner world of a person, his emotional load and love. The heyday of the most ancient national dance fell on the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

Literature Chinese literature appeared more than 4000 years ago. The main literary books were and are religious works. Fiction received less attention. Dynastic chronicles are also important works. In the 20th century, prose and poetry became popular. Modern literature is associated with the activities of Lu Xun.

National costume The Chinese have the richest national costumes. People of different classes are required to wear different clothes. The main color in clothes is red. However, there are also white, blue and other colors. Decorate outfits with embroidery depicting dragons, flowers, etc.

Artistic culture of China

General characteristics A significant influence on the culture of China had a picture of the world of the Chinese. According to them, the sky is an endless space, and below it is a square earth, in the center of which China is located. Hence the name - Celestial. Religion plays a significant role - Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

General characteristics China is the most ancient civilization on Earth, its history dates back to the 4th millennium BC. The most important achievements of Chinese civilization were the invention of paper, silk, ink, gunpowder, compass. Favorite ornamental motifs are dragons, birds, flowers. The dragon is the embodiment of wisdom and kindness. The dragon with five claws is a symbol of imperial power.

The Ming Dynasty The medieval Ming Dynasty was considered one of the most powerful dynasties in China. Reign time - 1368 - 1644.

Masterpieces of architecture The secret of Chinese architecture is in complete harmony with nature. In general, Chinese architecture is characterized by monumentality, calmness and grandeur of forms. One of the masterpieces of Chinese architecture is the Great Wall of China. Its construction began in the 3rd century. BC, and ended by the 15th century. Its length is about 5 thousand kilometers.

Great Wall of China 4th century BC

Yungang Monastery 5th–6th centuries Buddhist cave monastery Yungang belongs to the masterpieces of world architecture. In a rock 60 meters high there are about 20 caves, which reach a height of 15 meters and are 10 meters deep into the rock.

Sculpture in the Yungang Monastery Each of the caves of the Yungang Temple is dedicated to some deity, the statues of which are located right there. The Buddha statue has a colossal size. It reaches 50 meters in height.

Chinese temples One of the most common buildings is the pagoda - a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of famous people. Pagodas are distinguished by grandiose size and beauty of structures. A distinctive feature is the slightly raised pointed edges, which emphasizes the building's aspiration upwards.

Pagoda - Dayant Sungyuesa Memorial Tower

Dayant Pagoda One of the finest examples of architecture in China is the Dayant Pagoda, which is 64 meters high.

Summer Palace of the Emperor in the Forbidden City The main form of residential buildings is a rectangular pavilion.

The Forbidden City The invasion of the Mongols in the 13th-14th centuries dealt a crushing blow to the culture of China. At this time, large cities were built (Beijing, Nanjing). In 1421, Beijing became the capital, where a remarkable complex called the Forbidden City was built. Old Beijing was divided into Inner City and Outer City. In the Inner City lived the emperor with his family and associates.

Panorama of the Forbidden City

Temple of Heaven Beijing Emblem of China was the Temple of Heaven, built in the outer city in 1420. In his forms, he embodied ancient symbolic images and mythological ideas about the structure of the universe. The complex is dedicated to ancient religious cults associated with harvesting, in which heaven and earth were revered.

Chinese Palace Russia

art characteristic feature Chinese sculpture was its closest connection with the Buddhist religion. Therefore, many of their Chinese sculptures are in temples.

Statue of Buddha Vairochana, 672 One of the perfect sculptures is the 25 meter statue of Buddha Vairocana, carved in the Longmen cave monastery. The Buddha's face is majestically beautiful in contrast to the guards, whose faces are disfigured. This giant statue is still perceived as a majestic symbol of the Buddhist religion.

Painting Since the 8th century, Chinese painting has been formed: thorough, detailed, sketchy, having an unfinished character. Landscape painting is monochrome. Chinese artists sought different ways images of nature. In addition to the landscapes "mountains - water", the landscape "flowers - birds" was widespread. Special honor was given to such plants as orchid, meihua, bamboo, chrysanthemum, accompanied by poetic calligraphic inscriptions. There are many symbols in the landscapes: a couple of ducks - family happiness, a pheasant - a successful career, a lotus - purity, bamboo - wisdom.

Guo Xi (1020 - 1090) Early Spring, scroll on silk, 1072 One of the soulful artists of the lyrical landscape. Guo Xi's landscapes are monochrome. They are built on a combination of clear lines and blurry spots.

Ma Yuan. Ducks, rock and meihua. 18 century. In medieval Chinese painting, the genre of landscape is also widespread, which was worked on by Ma Yuan (1190 - 1224)

Liang Kai Portrait of the poet Li Bo, 18th century. The portrait genre is one of the oldest in Chinese painting. It has been known since the 5th century. BC. The most popular portraits of prominent public and political figures. The purpose of the Chinese portrait is not to convey external data, but the spiritual emotional side of the face.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, medieval Chinese painting fell into decline. Although the best traditions continued to develop in the work of some masters, the desire for pretentiousness, excessive overload with ornament became characteristic features of creativity.

Questions and tasks 1. What is the sequence of board of ancient Chinese dynasties. 2. Give a description of the ancient Chinese wall. What was her role? 3. What is a terracotta army? Which complex included this sculptural structure? 4. Name the characteristic features of the fine arts of medieval China.

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The culture of China was significantly influenced by the attitude towards nature, as an organic whole, living according to its own laws. Man's life was constantly commensurate with the life of nature, its cycles, rhythms and states. The Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient on Earth. In its development, it went through a huge time period, starting from the 4th millennium BC. until now.

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Key Achievements China 1. The invention of paper According to Chinese chronicles, Cai Lun, an official at the court of the emperors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who lived in the 2nd century AD, is considered the inventor of paper. In 105 AD, he presented the emperor with paper made from tree bark. Chinese sources mention that he was a eunuch. They also show that the emperor was very pleased when he learned about Cai Lun's invention. As a result, he was promoted, received an aristocratic title and became a wealthy man. Before the invention of paper, stones, leaves and tree bark, animal skins and bones, and textiles were often used as writing materials. The invention of paper by Cai Lun in China was the impetus for further development civilization.

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2. Typography 中国大发明。印刷术 Even in ancient times in China, a seal with carved family hieroglyphs instead of a signature was used to identify an official or master. Carving hieroglyphs on a stone seal has always been considered not only a skill, but also a refined art. The real development of this matter was due to the statesman Shen Ko, when in 1088 he made a detailed written description the entire printing process by creating written characters from fired clay and typesetting. The advent of paper made it possible not only to document in detail its history and cultural traditions for centuries, but also gave rise to a new great invention of the Chinese. the most ancient printed book is considered the Diamond Sutra, which was created during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 BC).

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3. 火药 - Hoyao - Gunpowder A fire potion or Hoyao - gunpowder, one of the greatest inventions of the ancient Chinese. Legend has it that gunpowder was created by accident when ancient Chinese alchemists were trying to create a mixture that would grant them immortality. Ironically, they managed to create something with which you can easily take a life from a person. With the advent of gunpowder, the transition from edged weapons to firearms began. More than six hundred years ago, firearms were invented in China. Over time, we came to understand that by adding metals to the mixture, we get bright colors, and thus modern colorful fireworks were born.

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In the III century, the Chinese philosopher Hen Fei-tzu described the structure of the modern compass in the following way: The designations of the cardinal points in the form of cyclic zodiac signs were applied on the plate. By pushing the handle of the spoon, it was set in rotational motion. Having calmed down, the compass pointed with a handle (which played the role of a magnetic needle) exactly to the south. This was the most ancient device for determining the cardinal points. 4. The invention of the compass It looked like a pouring spoon made of magnetite with a thin handle and a spherical, carefully polished convex part. This convex part of the spoon was mounted on an equally carefully polished copper or wooden plate, so that the handle did not touch the plate, but hung freely above it, and at the same time the spoon could easily rotate around the axis of its convex base.

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5. China - the birthplace of silk The Empress accidentally discovered a butterfly cocoon on the leaves of a mulberry tree. She decided that this was some kind of fruit, which she set out to try. They say that she accidentally dropped a cocoon into a cup of tea and just as accidentally discovered with surprise that a light thread was stretching from it. It is she who is credited with the invention of silk spinning and silk weaving technologies. It cannot be carved. We are only allowed to feel the bodily power of his seduction. Ancient China is considered to be the birthplace of silk. According to many legends, the culture of sericulture originated around the 5th millennium BC. on the banks of the Great Yellow River. Most notable is the story of Lei Zu, the first wife of the Yellow Emperor, the legendary ancestor of the Chinese, who lived in central China about 5,000 years ago. More than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Wu Di sent his envoy to the west to pave the way for silk caravans. This is how the Great Silk Road appeared.

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6. Chinese porcelain China is the birthplace of porcelain. We can say that porcelain is the pinnacle of Chinese traditional arts and crafts. Porcelain manufacturing technology was greatly developed during the Tang and Song dynasties. In the history of development Chinese porcelain the periods of Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) are the heydays of its production.

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A characteristic feature of the works of Chinese art is decorativeness, emphasized ornamentality, the use of calligraphy, careful study of details, and a subtle understanding of natural forms. Favorite motifs of ornaments - dragons, birds, flowers, clouds, geometric figures - have a pronounced symbolic meaning. Symbols of Chinese painting. Bamboo Health and longevity. Generosity, generosity and nobility. Conduit of auspicious energy. Meihua Inflexibility and stamina. Pride, crystal purity and beauty. Renewal and youth. Love and luck. Orchid Love, sophistication, purity and hidden nobility.

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Pine Restraint and firmness. Loyalty and loyalty. Eternal youth and long life. Symbols of Chinese painting. Chrysanthemum Modesty and chastity. Longevity, wisdom and happiness. Peony Human beauty, wealth, abundance. Burning passion and undying love. Honor and pomp. Lotus Inner purity, beauty, perfection. Spiritual growth, prosperity and good luck in all endeavors.

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Symbols of Chinese painting. Carp fish Wishes of happiness and success. Success in career and business. Courage and overcoming difficulties. Fruitful cooperation and partnership. literary ability. Two carp - complete harmony of relations between a man and a woman. Goldfish Marital happiness. They symbolize a happy family enjoying a constant abundance of joy, good luck and love. A pair of cranes Longevity, wisdom, love, harmony, power, happiness and wealth. Loyalty and honor. Vigilance and protection of motherhood.

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The image of the dragon is traditionally perceived as the embodiment of wisdom, kindness and peacefulness. The dragon with five claws is a symbol of imperial power, the phoenix bird is a symbol of beauty, strength and supreme bliss. Symbols of Chinese painting.

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Chinese artistic culture has achieved success in all types of art, it is no coincidence that the Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi wrote: China has surpassed all countries of the world, In all arts it has reached the heights. Alisher Navoi (1441 - 1501)

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The secret of the unusual impression that Chinese architecture makes lies in the skillful, carefully thought-out location of the building against the backdrop of nature, in the ability to find the most picturesque and at the same time natural place for them. In general, Chinese architecture is characterized by monumentality, clear harmony, calmness and grandeur of forms.

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The Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China stretches along the impregnable mountain peaks in northern China, along the entire northwestern border, for 5,000 km. Its majestic simplicity is striking, merged with the mighty and harsh nature of the north of China. Forming bizarre bends, it goes off into the infinite distance of the horizon with a light stripe.

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Its construction began in the IV - III centuries. BC, and ended by the XV century. The main purpose is to protect the Chinese state from the raids of nomadic tribes from the north. A road 5-8 meters wide was laid along its top, along which troops could move. Massive rectangular towers were located every 100-150 meters along the entire length of the wall, from which light signals were transmitted. This grandiose architectural structure, organically inscribed in the natural landscape, was intended to personify the power of the great Chinese state.

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Yungang Monastery Buddhist cave temples located in hard-to-reach mountains have become a peculiar phenomenon in Chinese architecture. Yungang Monastery belongs to the masterpieces of world architecture. It impresses with its length and grandeur, it makes an indelible impression on the believing pilgrims. The monastery consists of 20 caves, each of which is dedicated to a particular Buddhist deity.

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Outside, the rock is decorated with bas-reliefs and colossal statues of the Buddha, captured in a state of self-deepening and peace. Yungang Monastery Inside they are filled with many sculptural images of saints and reliefs on the themes of Buddhist tales and legends.

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One of the most common buildings was the pagoda - a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of famous people. Pagoda The appearance of the pagoda is surprisingly simple, it almost does not use decorative decoration. A distinctive feature is the slightly raised pointed edges of the roof, which emphasizes the aspiration of the building upwards.

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Dayanta Pagoda (Big Wild Goose Pagoda) The 64-meter-high, austere, almost unadorned Dayanta Pagoda is one of the finest examples of Chinese style architecture. The name of the pagoda comes from the legend of a famous pilgrim who was helped to find his way during his journey from India to China. wild geese. Situated against the backdrop of a vast mountain range, Dayanta solemnly rises above the outskirts of the city of Xiyan, the former capital of the Chinese state. Seven floors, separated from each other by cornices, narrow towards the top of the pagoda. Due to the elongated proportion, it seems light and elegant. The illusion of height is even more created by windows rounded at the top, located in the center of each tier.

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The main form of residential and religious buildings in China is a rectangular wooden pavilion, which features large carved brackets that support the roof. Inside the building is divided into two or three naves, and outside it has a bypass gallery with pillars that also support the roof. A high, two- or four-pitched roof is a characteristic element of Chinese architecture. The slopes had a complex curved shape, its ends at the corners were bent upwards. Ceramic figurines of fantastic animals and dragons were fixed on the ridges of the roof and its ribs, and later bells began to be hung from the edges of the roof, which rang melodiously from the slightest breath of wind. Pavilion

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The Mughal invasion in the XIII - XIV centuries. dealt a devastating blow to Chinese culture. Only in the 15th-18th centuries, when the Ming dynasty came to power to replace the foreigners, did more favorable conditions begin to develop for the development of architecture. Then the largest cities were erected, wonderful palaces and temple ensembles were built. The largest building of this time was the palace ensemble in the Forbidden City. Old Beijing was divided into Inner (Northern) and Outer (South) cities. In the inner city lived the emperor and members of his family, close associates. The entire territory behind the fortress wall was a wonderful garden and park ensemble with artificial streams, canals, pavilions and gazebos located on the islands.

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The palace ensemble included throne rooms, ceremonial chambers, theaters, distinguished by elegance and solemnity of decoration, nobility and simplicity of forms. All buildings were designed to glorify the greatness and power of the emperor, endowed with unlimited power, to assert the idea of ​​his divine origin.

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Temple of Heaven This is a wonderful masterpiece that has become the emblem of China. Built in the Outer City in 1420, away from the bustle of the city. It has been rebuilt several times. Twice a year, the emperor left his palace and went here for worship. On a bright sunny day, majestic, opening from the mountain general form on the Temple of Heaven resembles a golden shimmering sea, the rhythm of which is transmitted like flying, curved roofs. The grandiose complex was dedicated to the most ancient religious cults associated with harvesting, in which Heaven and Earth were revered.

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The walled complex includes three main shrines: a round wooden temple of Prayer for the harvest, a temple of the Firmament and a white marble altar where sacrifices were made to the spirits of Heaven. In that architectural ensemble a lot of symbolism: the square territory of the palace denotes the Earth, the buildings of temples and the altar framed by a round terrace - the Sun, the pointed peaks of conical roofs - the continuous cycle of movement of natural elements. Sky Temple

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Chinese Sculpture A characteristic feature of Chinese sculpture was its close connection with the Buddhist religion. That is why a significant part of the works of plastic art has been preserved in Buddhist temples. Here you can see ferocious guards of the entrance, repelling dragons, Buddhist saints - bodisatvas, but the main attention is drawn to the monumental images of the Buddha himself.

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Statue of Buddha Vairocana (Lord of Cosmic Light) The Buddha sits motionless in a majestic pose, slightly covering his large almond-shaped eyes. His calm, impassive face expresses the idea of ​​human dignity and spiritual strength. Huge halos circle around the wall around the head, emphasizing the sublime and divine beauty of the Buddha. This giant statue is still perceived as a majestic symbol of the Buddhist religion. The 25-meter statue, carved high in the mountains in the Longmen Cave Monastery, is one of the most perfect sculptures.

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In ancient China, as well as in Egypt, there was a custom at burial to put into the grave of emperors and rich aristocrats everything that surrounded them in earthly life: servants, domestic animals, utensils. So, during archaeological excavations in the Shaanxi province, a 10,000-strong army made of terracotta was found in the underground corridors of the burial complexes. Life-sized soldiers and officers, archers, foot soldiers and horsemen, with full military equipment, demonstrated the power of the emperor, who created the first centralized Chinese state. Probably, this large army was supposed to guard the emperor’s grave from robbers and protect him in the kingdom of death.

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All figures are full of expression, they are distinguished by amazing plausibility and a variety of movements. The military leaders are depicted frozen in solemn and tense poses, the archers are pulling a tight bowstring, the soldiers, who have fallen on one knee, are preparing to slay the invisible enemy. In the coloring of the figures of warriors, their strictest differentiation in ranks was manifested. More than 130 clay chariots and 500 horse sculptures have also been found here. The terracotta army, built in battle order, faithfully guarded the peace of its ruler.

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Chinese painting With extraordinary persuasiveness, Chinese masters managed to embody the poetic beauty of nature, their ideas about the perfect harmony and grandeur of the universe. In their works, they conveyed not only their own personal impressions, but also the life philosophy of the Chinese sages. characteristic feature Chinese painting and graphics are striving through the particular and the individual to comprehend the universal laws of being and the interconnection of phenomena.

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Chinese artists carefully thought out the format and compositional solution of their works. For example, for the image of a chain of mountains, a horizontal scroll format was chosen, which made it possible to accommodate an endless stream of visual impressions. For a mountainous area overgrown with pointed tops of pines - vertical, which made it possible to convey a large space.

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Vertical scrolls made of silk or paper were hung on the walls and did not exceed 3 m. Horizontal scrolls depicting landscapes, genre scenes and city views, sometimes reaching several tens of meters, were intended for leisurely viewing. Slowly unfolding such a scroll, the viewer seemed to be reading a long book of travels. The entire compositional structure of the work was designed to make a person feel like the smallest part of the universe.

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Artist Guo Xi (c. 1020 - 1090) Guo Xi is one of the most penetrating artists of the lyrical landscape. His works are distinguished by a subtle knowledge of the life of nature, which in a special way influences the world of feelings and human experiences. It is in variability, in his opinion, that the beauty and grandeur of nature lies. Monochrome landscapes of Guo Xi, built on a combination of clear lines and blurry spots, played a significant role in the development of traditional Chinese painting. "Autumn in the River Valley" "Early Spring"

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In the VII - XIII centuries. painting has won a leading place among other art forms. Traditionally, landscape, portrait and historical genres were distinguished in it. Of particular interest is the landscape, in which images of "mountains - water" and "flowers - birds" are distinguished. It is characteristic that Chinese artists conveyed not so much the outlines of mountains and trees as they were able to express the idea of ​​the boundlessness of the world around them. In the majestic world of mountains, forests and rivers, you can see small figures of one or two travelers. They are not in a hurry, they just contemplate the pristine beauty.

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Where are you, O ancient peoples! Your world was the temple of all the gods, You read the book of Mother Nature Clearly without glasses. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

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CHINA is a country with a rich past and no less interesting present, which gave the world great scientists and philosophers, and gave many inventions. The memory of the glorious eras of great emperors, brave warriors and gray-haired wise men is kept in unique art and a great variety of monuments of history, architecture and literature that have come down through the centuries to the present day.

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RELIGION Buddhism - Buddhism, which came from India and was the first unified religious system in China, preached the ideas of mercy, humility on earth and non-resistance to evil, and also promised salvation in paradise for all believers and the help of merciful gods - bodysattvas. Being the backbone of the feudal state, this teaching became extremely widespread already in the 5th-6th centuries, taking first place among the former religions of China, from which Buddhism borrowed many local features and old folk cults.

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Taoism - One of the main directions of ancient - Chinese philosophy; arose in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e, the main treatises "Lao-tzu" and "Zhuang-tzu". The main concept is Tao. At the heart of the teachings of Taoism, which opposes Confucianism and Mohism, is a call to man to shake off the shackles of duties and duty and return to a life close to nature. RELIGION

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Confucianism - Ethical and political doctrine in China. The foundations of Confucianism were laid in the 6th century. BC Confucius. It expressed the interests of the hereditary aristocracy. Confucianism declared the power of the ruler (sovereign) to be sacred, bestowed by heaven, and the division of people into superior and inferior ("noble men" and "petty people") - the universal law of justice. From the 2nd century BC e and before the Xinhai Revolution of 1911-13, Confucianism was the official state ideology. RELIGION The Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. In one of the legends about this thinker, his conversation with a student is given: “This country is vast and densely populated. What is missing, teacher? - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she is already rich. How to enrich her? the student asks. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

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The artistic culture of China absorbed the main spiritual values ​​that developed in the teachings of Taoism and Confucianism. Proximity to nature, the desire for spiritual perfection, the search for harmony in every natural phenomenon - be it a flower, a tree, an animal - made it possible to form a completely unique aesthetic consciousness and artistic practice. ART CULTURE

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The idea of ​​a harmonious union of man and nature permeates Chinese art, ranging from calligraphy to painting. Even writing in traditional Chinese culture is regarded as a special area of ​​ethics and aesthetics. Chinese writing (hieroglyphs) combined the ethical and aesthetic: by the originality of writing, the state of mind of the author was guessed, and even magical significance was attached to stylized forms of writing - calligraphic inscriptions. And they were kept in every house. The hieroglyph acts as an ideal model of a work of art, it combines the rigor and simplicity of form with the depth and symbolism of content. ART CULTURE

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CALLIGRAPHY Chinese calligraphy is considered the "progenitor" of Japanese, the first mention of it dates back to the middle of the II - the middle of the I millennium BC. Calligraphy has been elevated to the rank of national art in China.

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PAINTING In Chinese painting, every object is deeply symbolic, every tree, flower, animal or bird is a sign of a poetic image: pine is a symbol of longevity, bamboo is a symbol of perseverance and happiness, a stork is a symbol of loneliness and holiness, etc. The form of Chinese landscapes - an elongated scroll - helped to feel the immensity of space, to show not some part of nature, but the integrity of the entire universe. Ma Lin. Listening to the wind in the pines

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Guohua is a traditional genre of Chinese painting. Paintings are written in black or gray ink with a brush on paper or silk. In some cases, the master, using just a few strokes of black ink of various thicknesses, creates the general outlines of the landscape and human figures, without writing out the details. This direction is called "this". Another direction, called “gunbi”, requires careful reproduction of the smallest details: the hairstyles of the depicted people, the plumage of birds, etc. PAINTING Ni Zan, “Trees and Mountain Valleys” by Zhao Mengfu. Autumn colors in the mountains

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Portraits of Emperors Emperor Taizu (Taizu) (Ming Dynasty) Li Hong-jiao Emperor Kublai Khan PAINTING

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PAINTING name unknown Liang Shu-nian Qin Ling-yun name unknown

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Wang Shan. Cherry blossoms Badashan Ren. Flower, rock, and two fish PAINTING

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ART OF NATURE In China, the cult of nature has existed from time immemorial to the present day. A painting by a Chinese artist is not just a landscape, but a kind of model of the universe, where Heaven and Earth are connected by mountains. Landscape painting appeared in China a thousand years earlier than in Europe. Ma Yuan. Humming along the way

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Ni Zan. Trees in the Yushan River Valley Zhao Bo-ju. Landscape

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Temple vase Vase with peonies Vase in the shape of a melon CHINESE PORCELAIN.

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Vairocana Buddha in the Longmen Cave Temples The large statue of Vairocana Buddha in the Longmen Cave Temples is not only remarkable for its size. It is also valued as one of the high examples of art from the Tang Dynasty. Buddha Vairocana sits in the open Fengxian grotto. Perhaps the dimensions are intended to emphasize the grandeur of Vairochana: the height of the statue is 17.4 meters, only the head of the Buddha is 4 meters, and the elongated ears are 1.9 meters. But the main thing in the statue is not the height. The Buddha is considered both the largest and the most beautiful statue of the local cave temples, the pearl of Longmen.

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Terracotta sculpture from the tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang Museum of Terracotta Figures.

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The whole complex consists of 4 zones: two huge fields for life-size clay figures of warriors, a command post and one empty mine. Exhibited for viewing 7000 sculptures of warriors and horses, built in battle formations. The burial is called the "eighth wonder of the world" and it really makes a grand impression. The complex also houses two chariots made of many metal parts and is also considered a unique find, confirming the level of development of ancient China.

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34 slide Terracotta Sculpture from Emperor Qinshi Huang's Burial Ground Museum of Terracotta Figures.

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The Terracotta Army was accidentally discovered in 1976 by peasants cultivating the land. The place where underground crypts with terrorist figures of warriors were discovered, which, according to the plan of the then Chinese rulers, were to serve Emperor Qingyihuang (259 - 210 BC) in the afterlife, is 4 km away. east of Xi'an and at a distance of 1.5 km. from the burial mound of Qinshi Huang. Arriving archaeologists discovered that life-sized equestrian statues "guard" the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who died in 210 BC and is famous for uniting the Chinese states into a single Celestial Empire and ordered the construction of the Great Wall of China. He also went down in history as one of the most cruel rulers of the world.

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All genres of ancient Chinese art carried a deep moral meaning and the idea of ​​human perfection, tuned in to a special perception: admiration for nature, its beauty and the work of a master. This is probably why the beauty of Chinese landscapes, with their special expressiveness and special symbolism, arouses admiration among Europeans, allows them to discover a different vision of the world, a different aesthetics.

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ARCHITECTURE Over the five millennium history of Chinese civilization, many architectural structures have been preserved, many of which are rightfully considered world-class masterpieces. Their diversity and originality embody the traditions of antiquity and best achievements Chinese architecture. The vast majority of buildings in ancient China were built of wood. Whether it was a residential building or an imperial palace, first of all, wooden poles were driven into the ground, which were connected at the top with beams. On this foundation, a roof was then erected, subsequently covered with tiles. The openings between the pillars were filled with bricks, clay, bamboo or other material.

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Chinese architecture has taken a lot of foreign influences, but the stability of Chinese culture is expressed in the fact that all innovations are rethought within the framework of tradition and borrowed elements never look like that, but are perceived as primordially Chinese. If in the official "imperial cities", the last of which was the Forbidden City in Beijing, pomp and austerity woven in symmetrical harmony prevailed, in the "summer palaces" grace and charm dominated. If there were no hills and lakes, they were created without regard to costs, so that all forms of landscape were present for every taste. ARCHITECTURE

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