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Work in Moscow elevator installer

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Work in Moscow elevator installer

Site work avito Moscow work fresh vacancies elevator installer. On our site you can find a high-paying job as an elevator installer. Look for a job as an elevator installer in Moscow, browse vacancies on our job site - an aggregator of vacancies in Moscow.

Avito jobs Moscow

Elevator installer job on the site in Moscow, elevator installer vacancies from direct employers Moscow. Jobs in Moscow without work experience and highly paid with work experience. Vacancies lifts installer for women.

In 2016, there were over 432 thousand elevators for various purposes in Russia. Taking into account the annual commissioning of new housing, the elevator economy is growing by an average of 15% per year. This impressive fleet must be carefully maintained, as well as, of course, correctly installed and checked for operational safety.

Elevator equipment installer - who is this?

Installation elevator equipment a rather complicated and time-consuming process. He is trusted only by qualified workers with a license, a certificate of an installer of electric lifts (elevators) and an SRO admission.

The assembly and installation of elevators takes place in several stages:

    workers lift the components of the future elevator car to the upper floors, an electric motor and cable equipment are delivered to the technical floor of the building;

    the walls of the elevator shafts are being finalized. The main task is to close up wide depressions and irregularities;

    the installation of the load-bearing elements of the elevator is underway (welding of the frame);

    assembly work on external and internal contours, installation of cab insulation, etc.;

    electric installation work. The workers mount the electric motor and stretch the cables to secure the cab, connect the power supply;

    fire-prevention systems are also installed according to the standards;

    commissioning and testing of equipment for compliance with safety requirements.

Each of the assembly stages is extremely important and responsible. At the same time, the installers carry out all the basic operations up to placing the elevator car in the shaft. Of course, all manipulations take place under the supervision of a supervisor (engineer) who checks that everything complies with the design assignment and building codes. He is also personally responsible for the final result.

Elevator equipment installers, as a rule, work from the manufacturer or service companies that have a license to install certain brands of elevators. Most often, they act as subcontractors on construction sites and earn based on the amount of work done.

Also, the work of an installer is often accompanied by constant traveling, including to other cities.

What an electric lift (elevator) installer should be able to do

Taking into account the high responsibility, the requirements for the qualifications of the installers are extremely stringent.

A good specialist should know:

    electrical circuits of elevator equipment;

    installation rules for all systems;

    rules for checking, commissioning and testing equipment;

    normative documents for elevator construction.

Of course, the installer must be able to handle any construction tools. The skills and qualifications of a welder, electrician, etc. are highly desirable.

Personal qualities of an elevator installer: discipline, diligence, knowledge of safety, the ability to work in a team, dexterity.

Where to study to be an electric lift (elevator) installer?

The training of the profession takes place in educational institutions secondary vocational education.

However, the practice of retraining on the basis of an enterprise is much more common. To comply with the position held, one needs, firstly, the appropriate qualifications and certification, and secondly, as already mentioned, the admission of the SRO for the organization.

Thus, a specialist with a basic working specialty must undergo retraining, and in the future, to obtain the next category, refresher courses.

Qualification ranks of the specialty Assembler of electric lifts (elevators) according to ETKS

By regulatory documents there are five qualification levels of this specialty - from 2 to 6.

Assembler of electric lifts (elevators) 2 category

Has the right to carry out some auxiliary work: cutting and cutting structures for marking, unpacking materials and tools, lubricating parts, etc.

Electric lifts (elevators) installer 3 grade

It can carry out large-scale assembly of elevator doors, brackets for electrical and mechanical equipment, cable continuity and other simple assembly operations.

Assembler of electric lifts (elevators) 4 categories

Carries out installation of frames of elevator shafts, guides for an elevator car, assembly of counterweights. Has the right to install and put into operation passenger elevators with a speed of up to 12 m / s.

Assembler of electric lifts (elevators) 5th grade

Can mount machinery room equipment and guide elevators with a speed of up to 2 m / s, lay electrical cables, etc.

Assembler of electric lifts (elevators) of the 6th grade

Carries out installation and pit of elevators operating on direct current, guides of a special elevator. Carries out the laying and connection of electrical wiring, etc. operations.

How much does an installer of electric lifts (elevators) receive in Russia

The salary of elevator installers varies greatly by region. Firstly, it must be borne in mind that these are temporary contract work, and secondly, the qualifications and experience of the employee play a role.

As a result, the salary jumps strongly from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. At the same time, the employer often does not stipulate the deadline for completion.

Cons and pluses of the profession of an electric lift (elevator) installer

pros professions speak for themselves:

Cons with much more:

    hard work and great responsibility;

    health restrictions;

    high requirements for experience and qualifications;

    contracting nature of work;

    risk of accidents.