Selected Poems. Selected poems by Moskalev Yu

As a rule, management consultants, in contrast to marketing, finance, etc. consultants,
are reluctant to talk about their projects.
Firstly, because they are engaged in deeper counseling,
dive deeper into the secrets of the client, which they protect.
Secondly, because they are more likely than other consultants to work not with quantitative, but with qualitative parameters.
And work with these qualitative indicators can be appreciated only in a specific client organization.
Below are typical projects carried out by Yu.A. Moskalev. in different years.
Projects are cited specifically from different areas, indicating the role of Moskalev Yu.A. in them.

You can ask questions about these and other projects at .

Example #1. Authorities - Administration of Volgograd, 1994

formulation of the problem

Preparation for the reorganization of the Administration.
Identification of strengths and weaknesses in the management system.
Identification of the degree of readiness of employees for transformations.


Diagnostic developmental interviewing (30 employees from different levels, including top officials).
Analysis of management regulations.
Analysis management decisions(per year, according to a special method).
Psychological testing of employees.
Included Observations.

  • An organizational problem graph that describes the interrelationships of development constraints, taking into account different perspectives on development.
  • Description of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
  • Analysis of managerial activity - a characteristic of the decisions made on the basis of a set of criteria.
  • Psychological portrait of the team. The most interesting thing here is a collective portrait, qualitatively and quantitatively characterizing the attitude of employees to the upcoming changes.
  • As a result - general recommendations for the forthcoming reorganization.

the role of Moskaleva Yu.A.

Member of a four-person advisory team.

Example #2. International projects - TASIC, ShKU, STOAS consultancy (Netherlands), 1995-1996.

general information about the project

Project name: Developing modules for training programs - "Qualification of private consultants".
Customer: TACIS.
Project executors: ShKU at the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation, STOAS consultancy (Netherlands).
Dates: September 1995 – May 1996

essence of the project

Internship of an international group of consultants in various Dutch companies, primarily consulting ones, with the aim of creating a training program for domestic private consultants.


Training program for private Russian consultants.

the role of Moskaleva Yu.A.

Russian participant of the project as a private management consultant.
Co-author of the final training program.

Example #3. Industry - VZEBT JSC "VPZ-15", 1998-1999.

originally structural subdivision(about 800 employees) Volga Bearing Plant No. 15.

job description

A whole complex of consulting works was carried out.
  • Organizational diagnostics.
  • Marketing analysis.
  • The financial analysis.
  • Development of a strategic program for 5 years.
  • Development of individual business plans.
  • Consulting in specific areas (organizational structure, marketing management, financial management, system wages and much more).
  • Training program for employees - 72 hours. In cooperation with the Central Economic Research Institute of the VolgGTU, under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor L.S. Shakhovskaya.

customer results

The enterprise took the second place in the Russian Federation in terms of production, successfully passed the 1998 crisis.
The marketing and financial management system was optimized, the general organizational structure was significantly improved professional level employees.
For a combination of reasons, the owners appoint the Director of the VZEBT client enterprise JSC "VPZ-15" (about 800 employees) as the Chief Engineer of JSC "VPZ-15" (about 7 thousand employees). A little bit later - CEO COMPANY " Management Company VPZ".
A team of consultants began working at JSC VPZ-15.

the role of Moskaleva Yu.A.

Consultant group leader.
External management consultant.

Example number 4. Regional economy - Development of proposals on the situation in Dagestan


In July 2005 Dmitry Kozak, Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Southern Federal District, prepared a “Reference on the situation in the Republic of Dagestan and measures to stabilize it” (under the general editorship of Alexander Pochinok). The document contained a large number of shocking facts about the state of our southern republic.
Accordingly, the Plenipotentiary Representative in the Southern Federal District turned to various research organizations for intellectual assistance in developing a development program.

the role of Moskaleva Yu.A.

Leading Researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Co-author of proposed proposals.
(Supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor O.V. Inshakov)


Moskalev Yu.A. it was suggested:
  • Systematization of analytical materials on the state of the Republic of Dagestan (hereinafter RD).
  • Description of the problem field of RD development.
  • General principles for constructing a development program for RD.
  • Development of a variant of the program for overcoming the RD crisis.
The recommendations were combined with other proposals, revised and transferred to the customer.
An article has been published on the subject:
Moskalev Yu.A. "Development of a variant of the program for the development of the economy of the depressed region of the southern federal district." Collection " Current state and scenarios for the development of the South of Russia”, Rostov-on-Don: Izd. "Printed Quarter", 2006.
Link to article - (to be added later)

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

Summing up the results of the outgoing 2011, we can say that the year was not easy and ends not easy. We can say that 2011 is the forerunner of our new victories in next year. All the work that we have been doing for more than 14 years, we are doing in the form of a structure. This work is already showing visible results. One of these results is the stable work of our regional branches, the work of the Central Headquarters of the KPE, the work of the analytical group. backbone of the party Last year has become even stronger, and this gives confidence that the path we have chosen, which we are following, is the implementation of the Concept of Public Security, Russia's transition to a moral, righteous plan of life. And the work towards the implementation of the BER will be increased by the efforts of all our associates.

Of course, in many ways this is not easy. There are all kinds of blows, including egregorial ones. Many associates feel this to one degree or another. Both our unity and the support of each other is a very strong force capable of resisting evil spirits.

I want to touch on the current state of the KPI structure in accordance with the current moment with events taking place in the country.

First of all, I would like to focus on the forthcoming presidential elections in Russia in March 2012. I believe that the task of the WFP KPI is to deploy powerful company for the support of the candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. But it is necessary to carry out this work in a reasonable manner, showing by examples why we support him, what he needs to do. Unfortunately, now there is a tendency of some kind of euphoria among those in power, after the December elections to the State Duma, after the relatively calm protests of the opposition, peaceful rallies. But there is a certain danger here, it consists in the following: people took to the streets, supported the slogan “For Fair Elections”, however, from the standpoint of the CSC, no elections today, by definition, can be honest. Even if we proceed from the fact that every citizen of the country will come and vote the way he thinks and thinks. But where does a citizen get the position that he expresses his will by voting? Where did the conviction come from that this is the right way, and not otherwise? And if we analyze this issue, then we will inevitably come to the understanding that the opinion of each individual is imposed by the education system, the media and the entire current culture as a whole. And if we draw an analogy, then Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 thanks to “democratic procedures”. So there is a serious danger in all this. Well, if we talk about really fair elections, then the slogan should sound different. The choice should be the choice of understanding people who are able to understand the current situation, and most importantly, what they choose for. And this is impossible to do without knowing the basics of management based on DOTU and COB as a whole!

The rallies organized in December, in my opinion, have the following goal: to carry out vaccination, to develop a habit, like "Pavlov's dog reflex", "office plankton" and "sympathizers" to go out on demand.

In general, such a situation relaxes the authorities and the protesters themselves, but this is for the time being, for the time being, since this mechanism is controllable and at some point it can be transferred to the active phase with bloodshed. And there is only one way out of this situation.

Separately, I will express our position on the non-participation of the CPE in rallies. We will not participate in the near future, but we need to cover the information on the ground - in the regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg, the protesters. To do this, it is necessary to use all information projectiles (discs, newspapers, leaflets), go out, distribute them, i.e. try to change the measure of understanding of the protesting people. There are many well-intentioned people there, and they need to be given the knowledge to understand the situation, who is taking them out and why. We need to intensify our work in this direction.

The next question is registration of the party.
Everyone has heard about the initiative of President D.A. Medvedev on the liberalization of electoral legislation, but this is a matter for the future. But I would like to refer to the November changes made by the Ministry of Justice to the process of registering a party, which was made because of the KPI, namely, we are talking about a new provision on three statutes adopted by the Ministry of Justice.

As for the new provisions on registration, it is difficult to say when and in what form they will be adopted. However, after the New Year holidays, we will submit documents in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Justice.

I will note again that the system is becoming more liberal, and this is due, among other things, to the rise or fall of V.Yu. Surkov. Therefore, the chances of registering a party grow by an order of magnitude. The new conditions proposed by Medvedev for the registration of parties will give us the opportunity to work calmly and steadily in the regions, to implement the principle: “better less, but better!”. Our numbers have grown and continue to grow.

Returning to the issue of presidential elections, I would also like to note the following. It is necessary to support Putin by the maximum possible means. To convey to him and his entourage the idea that corruption is a consequence of the existing management concept. Within the next five years, it is desirable to announce the Public Security Concept from the presidential or government rostrum, that is, at the state level. The country has no other choice. Our task is to create such informational pressure that BER is taken for granted! Our task is to intensify work in the regions, in remote corners of the country. Distribute CDs, newspapers, leaflets. It is very important to have personal contact with people.

Summing up, I want to once again express my confidence that in the current, emerging conditions, we will succeed in registering a party, and by the next elections we will be able to participate in them. Moreover, the new registration rules will allow us to send our candidates to legislative assemblies in the regions (oblasts, republics, territories).

The last thing I would like to note. Observed sustainable growth KPI structures. Every day more and more new people come, especially middle-aged and young people. Therefore, sustainability in growth is the main thing that we need. Rapid growth will only harm us, since the quality component of KOBa's knowledge will be lower. Turning to regional offices, I want to say that it is necessary to intensify work with entrepreneurs, with the bureaucratic corps. That is, our task for the next five years is to register a party, to take part in the elections of legislative republican, regional and regional assemblies. And by 2016, approach the elections to the State Duma as an organized structure, having a certain number of deputies in different regions, republics and territories. Collect the required number of percent in the elections to the State Duma. And then start preparing for the nomination of your candidate for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation for 2018. Therefore, we will adjust all the work that we are doing based on these goals.
And further. We have passed a certain, difficult stage of liberating our country from the fierce information yoke and are steadily, systematically increasing information pressure on society. More difficult challenges lie ahead of us. I believe that we are able to adequately respond to them and resolve negative matrices in advance, and in this we are facilitated by the constant development of BER.

Our strength is in UNITY, in community (where each ally to another ally is a support, support, guiding force), in morality. Keep it up - the course of Truth and Unity!

Our Cause is Right! Victory is ours!
With God!

Chairman of the Presidium of the CA WFP KPE
Moskalev Yu.A.

Moskalev Yu. I. Meeting of the International Commission on Radiation Protection// Atomic Energy. Volume 36, no. 1. - 1974. - S. 87.

Meeting of the International Commission on Radiation Protection

In April 1973, a meeting of the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP)* was held in Brighton (England).

The Commission heard a presentation by Dr. D. Beninson on radiation dose limits and decided that this presentation should be discussed in all committees of the ICRP so that all comments would be taken into account when reissuing ICRP Publication 9.

At the meetings of the Main Commission, reports on the work of its four committees were heard, as well as information from members of the International Commission of Radiation Units (ICRU) on the concepts and fundamentals of radiation protection and measurements.

The Chairman of the First Committee, H. Newcomb, informed the Main Commission about the results of the work of the working groups on the biological effects of inhaled particles, the balance between genetic effects in the first and subsequent generations, epidemiological surveys of human populations exposed to radiation, radiosensitivity of embryos and fetuses. It is expected that in 1974 reports will be prepared on the issues listed, which are of exceptional importance for the development of practical measures for radiation protection.

The main commission came to the conclusion that in order to develop basic radiation protection standards, it is necessary to create several new working groups that would analyze the available radiobiological information on the influence on radiation effects of such factors as the protargation of radiation exposure over time, the significance of linear energy loss in the development of genetic and somatic reactions. In addition, the task was set to quantify the detriment, i.e., the damage that can be expected when radiation affects human populations. In such an analysis, it is useful to compare the frequency of disorders and diseases of various types in people exposed to radiation with their frequency in people whose work is not related to radiation exposure. When assessing the damage from exposure to radiation, the severity of the effects, natural mortality from cancer, accidents and accidents should be taken into account.

* Some results of the work of the ICRP for 1969-1973. given in a message published on Sat. "Nuclear Technology Abroad", 1973, No. 9, p. 36.

Particular attention in solving radiation protection issues is given to the lens of the eye and skin. The maximum allowable doses for surface tissues are higher than for the whole body. ICRP

Recommends the use of medium doses. However, when determining the dose in the lens of the eye, it is usually estimated its value on the anterior surface of the lens, which is the most radiation-sensitive and the impact of radiation on which can lead to the development of cataracts. The anterior surface of the lens was considered to be at a depth of 3 mm. However, standard morphological tables show that in reality it is located at a depth of 3.5 mm, and the center at a depth of 4.1 mm. Therefore, when exposed to β- and soft X-rays, the average dose to the lens will be significantly less than the dose at a depth of 3 mm.

Based on the available data, the first committee concluded that the basal layer is the most radiation sensitive in the skin. It is assumed that in the main parts of the skin it is located at a depth of 50-100 microns (5-10 mg/cm 2). The Committee sees no immediate justification for changing the allowable radiation doses to extremities.

Accurate data on the genetic consequences of the therapeutic effects of radiation on young people of reproductive age are analyzed, as well as the relative importance of radiation carcinogenesis and mutagenesis as factors limiting the radiation dose limits.

The Second Committee reported to the Main Commission on the preparation of guidelines for the dosimetry of incorporated radioisotopes. It sets out the principles underlying the calculations and specific values ​​for the maximum allowable annual levels of radioactive isotope intakes and concentrations of radioactive isotopes in indoor air for professionals. In the first volume of the manual, the specified values ​​​​will be given for the 20 most important elements in practical terms (3H, 32P, 14C, 35S, 57Co, 60Co, 89Sr, 90Sr, 132Te, 125I, 131I, 132I, 134Cs, 137Cs, 224Ba, 226Ra, Th (natural), U(int.), 238Pu, 239Pu, 241Pu, 241Am, 242Cm, 252Cf, 85Kr, 133Xe, 99Mo, 99Te).

Preliminary estimates show that the new values ​​will not differ significantly from those previously recommended. The first volume is expected to be completed before the end of 1973. Subsequent volumes will include information for other elements. The Committee is also planning to prepare a special book containing data on decay patterns and effective radiation energies of various radioactive isotopes. These messages will be the primary guidance for protecting professional workers from exposure to radioactive isotopes. They use the latest data on the parameters of a "standard" person, radiation energies and isotope decay patterns, and other data.

A book about the parameters of a "standard" person has been prepared for publication. It will be published by Pergamon Press in the second half of 1973 with a blue cover.*

The working groups of the Committee continue to work on the preparation of reports on radon, thoron and their daughter products, on the mechanisms of absorption and release of radioactive isotopes from the respiratory tract.

The third committee of the ICRP carried out work on protection from external sources of radiation. A special group has been set up to protect patients in the therapeutic use of ionizing radiation. The issues of processing and placement of radioactive materials in hospitals and scientific institutions are considered. It is assumed that the first version of the communication will be prepared in 1974.

The Committee considers that the ICRP recommendations on protection from external sources of radiation (Publication 15) and protection of patients in the diagnostic use of X-rays (Publication 16) are still little used in practice and therefore need to be reminded again and again. It was decided to prepare a short report on this issue for the participants of the forthcoming International Radiological Congress and publish it in radiological journals. The Committee sought advice from the Commission on the possibility of choosing a more adequate value than the genetically significant dose for assessing the relative importance of various partial exposures compared to total exposure. The Commission discussed this issue, but did not come to a definite conclusion.

* As you know, the ICRP publishes its work in brown and blue covers. Materials published in brown cover are ICRP recommendations on radiation protection, in blue are published, as a rule, reference materials and reviews on radiation medicine.

The Fourth Committee informed the Commission of the results of its work for 1972-1973. The development of recommendations for emergency and accidental exposures is nearing completion. It is assumed that the message

To be presented to the ICRP in 1974. By the same time, work on protection against radiation in uranium mines will be completed. The materials of this work can be very useful for ensuring safe working conditions in other, non-uranium mines, in connection with which a new name for this work was proposed: "Radiation protection in uranium and some other mines." Work has been completed on a report on the practical application of the recommendations of § 52 of ICRP Publication 9, which refers to the need to reduce radiation doses as far as possible.

Earlier (in 1968 and 1971) the Committee prepared and published reports 10 and 10A, which provide information on the accumulation levels and tissue doses absorbed in human organs and tissues during single, periodic and long-term exposure of the main radioisotopes to the human body. It was considered worthwhile to merge the two papers and publish them as a separate book, which is expected to be completed during 1974. A dose equivalent proposal has been prepared to replace Section 11B of ICRU Communication 19. The dose equivalent is of great practical importance, since the biological effectiveness of a given absorbed dose depends on the quality of the radiation and the irradiation conditions. The dose equivalent H is recommended to be determined by the formula H = QND , where D is the absorbed dose; Q - quality factor; N is a value that takes into account the influence of other factors. The dose equivalent unit is rem.

Members of the Main Commission of the ICRP for 1973-1977 were elected at the meeting; the compositions of the first, second, third and fourth committees of the Main Commission were also re-elected. S. Stuart remained chairman of the Main Commission; from the USSR, Yu. I. Moskalev was elected a member of the Main Commission, P. V. Ramzaev was elected to the second committee, E. E. Kovalev to the third, and A. A. Moiseev to the fourth.

The next meeting of the ICRP is scheduled for March 1974 in Geneva.

YU.I.MOSKALEV MINERAPE O&MEN MOSCOW "MEDICINE" 1985 LBC UdK 52.5 m 82 612.015.31 +616-008.92+577.118 MOSKALEV YU.I. Mineral exchange. Yu. I. Moskalev - dr honey. Sciences, Prof., Head. laboratory of the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of the USSR. In the monograph, in a veridical way, for the first time, the regularities of the exchange of all chemical elements of D. Jot Mendeleev's periodic system in the human and animal organisms are analyzed in various ways of their penetration into the organism. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the peculiarity of the exchange of elements in the natural way of entering the body through: the gastrointestinal tract. general information about the distribution of elements in the environment, their migration along biological chains (food, atmosphere, air, water), closed by man. Analyzes the relationship between the chemical composition of organisms and the environment, biological role elements depending on their place in the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev. , great attention given to the role of physio.nogicheoyunkh factors in IQJiepa.IIb nom exchange. Data on the influence of age, ·· sex, type of animal, and nature of nutrition on mineral metabolism are discussed. Based on the comparative exchange of chemical elements, the levels of absorption ~ chemical properties from the gastrointestinal tract, the content and K! J "attitude of accumulation in the human body of a number of chemical elements are estimated: elements, in relation to which No information available The book is intended for pathophysiologists and biochemists The book contains 13 tables, 4 figures Bibliography 184 titles MOSI(ALEV YU. I. Mineral metabolism.- M.: Meditsina, 1985, 288 p. first time presents a comparative analysis of metabolic characteristics of all chemical elements in the Mendeleyev's perioÃic law 1idministered into the ruuman or animal body bу various routes. Tie main attention is given to metabolism of elements taken through the gastro-intestinal tract. The general data on the diStribu\tiаn of elements in the environment, their transfer through biological chains (food, atmospheric air, water) with man as and the final link are discussed and the corelation hitwe en chemica] composition of organisms and of the environment, the biological role of elements depending on their location in the Mendeleyev's periodic law are analyzed. Much attention is given to the role of physiological factors in the mineral metabolism. Data on the inf!uence of age, sex, animal species and nutrition conditions are discussed. Basing on a comparative exchange of chemically related e!ements the levels of absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract, composition and accumulation ratio in the human body are estimated for a number of chemical elements about which no available literary data exist. Reviewer: Dr. med. Sciences T. A. NOREC 4106000000-303 М: 039 (ОI):_ 85 KB 16-45-85 @ "Publishing house with Medicine,., Moscow. \985

Two regular militias who defended Donbass are preparing to go along the stage to where they are in best case awaiting jail.

1. Moskalev Yury, call sign "Zhora", native of the Republic of Chuvashia, Russia
From the report of the platoon commander of the battalion "Kerch" M. Dugelny, call sign "Ratibor"

Moskalev Yuri, call sign "Zhora", a native of the Republic of Chuvashia, Russian Federation, was detained on 04/12/2017 by the prosecutor's office of the Leninsky district of Cheboksary.
So, since March 2014, Zhora has been an active participant in the Russian movement in Donetsk. With the outbreak of hostilities, he joined the militia and served in the Kerch battalion as deputy battalion commander. At the end of August 2014, he was detained by Khmuriy, but was soon released due to the lack of information discrediting the militia. After his release, he left for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In March 2015, he returned to Donetsk and was detained by the Ministry of State Security of the DPR on suspicion of committing a premeditated murder, but the court found that Zhora's actions were aimed at hiding the traces of the crime (as evidenced by the verdict of the Budyonovsky court in Donetsk). By the same court, he was convicted of deliberately concealing the traces of a crime and sentenced to 16 months in prison. The entire term was credited towards Zhora's stay in the DPR pre-trial detention center. After his release in August 2016, Zhora left the DPR for the Russian Federation. At the end of October 2016, Zhora started the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship on the territory of the Republic of Chuvashia.
On April 12, 2017, at about 20.00, Zhora was detained by the prosecutor's office of the Leninsky district of the city of Cheboksary of the Republic of Chuvashia of the Russian Federation due to Ukraine's being put on the wanted list by the Interpol system, in a similar criminal case of premeditated murder. Arguments that a criminal case was initiated on this fact in the DPR and a sentence was passed, according to which Zhora had already served his sentence, did not bring the expected results.
When communicating with the representative of the prosecutor of the Leninsky district of the city of Cheboksary of the RF RF Irina (+79875788429, she flatly refused to provide full data), it turned out that on April 12, 2017, the prosecutor's office of the Leninsky district of Cheboksary of the RF RF about the detention of Moskalev Yu. were notified the relevant authorities of Ukraine, declared Moskalev Yu.A. wanted by the Interpol system. Also, our side was notified that Moskalev Yew.A. detained and placed in the TDF in Cheboksary, RF RF for 48 hours. If, within the allotted time, the initiator of the search does not put forward a demand for the extradition of Yu.A. Moskalev, then the decision will be made by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. If the initiator of the search puts forward demands for extradition, in this case the protocol for the implementation of the extradition procedure will come into force and Moskaleva Yu.A. transported to Ukraine.


The report states what is. Something that everyone can see. And in fact, even if Moskalev was guilty, he had already served his term and giving him to be torn to pieces by the Sbushniks would already be a betrayal of the one who stood up for the people of Donbass who rebelled against the junta.
But in fact, the crime itself, in which Moskalev was accused, was not.

Comment by the commander of the battalion "Kerch" Vadim Pogodin.

That is, what do we see? We see that both the authorities of my country and the authorities of the republic, for the establishment of which Yura fought, are cooperating very closely with respected Ukrainian partners. We see a double betrayal. Yura was betrayed by those for whom he fought, and he was betrayed by the country in which he was born. I can't write my homeland. He does not turn his tongue that his homeland betrayed him. There are traitors to the motherland. But can the Motherland be a traitor? It turns out that it can.

2. Alexander Bezrukov, call sign "Kazakh", citizen of Kazakhstan

With Alexander, the epic has been going on for six months. He was also detained by the Interpol and at the request of the authorities of Kazakhstan and sent under arrest. Our Russian authorities the authorities came to the Donbass directly to the unit in which Alexander served.
Characteristics of Alexander

Alexander was brought to the pre-trial detention center in Rostov.
They refused to meet with him, citing the fact that he was transferred to another place, although in fact he was there. Transfers were prohibited.
In Kazakhstan, the situation was not the best. Lawyers refused to take on the case. And even to the lawyer who, having succumbed to the persuasion of Father Alexander to take up the case of his son, the authorities refused even to actually familiarize themselves with this case.
Having exhausted all the possibilities, Alexander wrote many letters to various authorities. Including the President of Russia.

But all in vain.
The extradition order was issued.
Our appeal was unsuccessful

Case No. 41-APU17-6
Moscow March 29, 2017
Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Federations in
presiding judge V.P. Smirnov,
judges Romanova T.A. and Kondratova P.E.
with the participation of lawyer Shapovalova N.Yu. and prosecutor Titov N.P.
when keeping the protocol by the secretary Prokhorov A.S.
examined in open court the materials of the court
proceedings on appeal Bezrukov A.AND. to the decision
of the Rostov Regional Court dated February 8, 2017, which left without
satisfaction of the complaint
on the decision of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian
Federation of December 28, 2016 on his extradition to law enforcement agencies
Republic of Kazakhstan to attract criminal liability.
After listening to the report of the judge of the Supreme Court Russian Federation
Smirnova V.P. on the content of the decision of the judge, the essence of the appeal
complaints and objections to her, after listening to the speech of the lawyer Shapovalova
N.Yu. in defense of the interests of Bezrukov A.I., the opinion of the prosecutor of the General
Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation Titova N.P. about leaving
decisions of the judge without change, Judicial board
at t a n o v i l a:
in his appeal Bezrukov A.I., disagrees with
decision of the judge, asks him to cancel, recognizing the decision of the prosecutor
illegal. wherein Bezrukov A.AND. refers to the fact that in
Republic of Kazakhstan, he did not commit any crimes; considers himself
persecuted for "mercenarism", namely, because he took part in
fighting on the side of the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic.
in addition Bezrukov A.AND. claims that he applied to
to the President of the Russian Federation on granting him a Russian
citizenship, in connection with which he asks in case of rejection of his appeal
complaints to delay its issuance.
Prosecutor of the Cassation Division of the Criminal Judicial Administration
of the Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov Region Zinchenko A.I., representing the interests
Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the court of first instance,
filed written objections to the appeal requesting
leave the decision of the judge unchanged.
Having studied the materials of the court proceedings, discussing the arguments
appeal, the Judicial Board finds no grounds for its
satisfaction for the following reasons.
As can be seen from the materials of the court proceedings, Bezrukov's complaint
A.I. on the decision to extradite him was considered by the court in accordance with
the requirements of Art. 463 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the court carefully examined
existence of grounds for the extradition of Bezrukov A.AND. and keeping order
adoption of such a decision, established by Art. 462 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.
The conclusions of the court on the legality of the decision taken by the prosecutor to extradite
Bezrukova A.I. contain detailed arguments with references to
concrete regulations, international treaties and
written production materials.
On all the arguments listed in the appeal, the court gave
detailed answers that are convincing and do not cause
Judicial board any doubts about their correctness.
Thus, the arguments of Bezrukov A.AND. that he did not commit crimes on
territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by virtue of Part 6 of Art. 463 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation cannot be
subject to judicial review when deciding on the issue of extradition.
actions, for the commission of which Bezrukov A.AND. involved in
criminal liability in the Republic of Kazakhstan are criminal
punishable and Russian legislation; for their commission under Art. 105
The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of more than
one year.
The General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan submitted to the authorities
Russian Federation, written guarantees that the request for extradition
Bezrukova A.I. does not have the purpose of persecuting him due to race,
religion, nationality or political reasons. except
In addition, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees that
Bezrukov A.I. will not be subjected to on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan
torture and inhuman treatment.
The argument of the appeal Bezrukova A.AND. about his persecution
mercenarism is untenable, because according to the current
legislation and international treaties Bezrukov A.I. can not be
prosecuted by law enforcement agencies
Republic of Kazakhstan for some other crime than the one that
indicated by them in the request for extradition.
In addition, the current criminal procedure legislation
Russian Federation does not provide for the possibility of suspension
extradition by judicial procedure in connection with the extradited person's application to
competent authorities with an application for obtaining Russian citizenship
or political asylum.
Thus it is decision of the judge on the complaint Bezrukov A.AND. in
fully meets the requirement h. 4 Article. 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, according to which it
must be legal, justified and motivated. grounds,
provided for in Art. 38915 and part 2 of Art. 38917 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation for cancellation or amendment
this decision, the Judicial Board does not see.
Based on the foregoing, guided by Art. 38920, 38928 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation,
Judicial board
o p e d e l i l a :
decision of the Rostov Regional Court dated February 8, 2017 on the complaint
BEZRUKOV A And on the decision of the Deputy General
Prosecutor of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2016 on his extradition
law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan to leave unchanged,
and the appeal - without satisfaction

What awaits Alexander in Kazakhstan is not difficult to guess. This is, unfortunately, not the first time that former Donbass militias have been sent to prison. And there is one such small nuance. All participants in the hostilities in the Donbass are put on trial. But only militias with Russian nationality receive real terms and go to prison. Kazakhs get off with suspended sentences.

Here is such a situation.
It feels like we are playing some kind of game with our state. It is trying to give out its heroes to the enemies, and we are trying to save them. We, OD "Novorossiya" were able to save several people from extradition. SDD managed to save several heroes of Donbass.
When will this shameful game with our powers that be stop?
Recognize you or all of us volunteers who stood up for the Donbass as mercenaries, put them in prisons and hand them over to dill, or stop breaking the fate of people selectively.

A huge request to convey all this to the consciousness of all people and as soon as possible.
You still can't get through to officials. Upon entering the service, they lock their honor and conscience in a safe, and secret code his constipation is completely erased from memory.


If the SDD helps stop the extradition of these two militias, I promise not to write another line of negativity against the leaders of this organization.