What does the crane represent. New: Paper Crane

Proud, successful, independent. Modern emancipated girls are building a career, buying cars, apartments, flying to rest in splendid isolation. Why not? After all, holiday romances are easy and do not oblige you to anything. Especially in southern countries, full of unemployed womanizers. But in the case of a solo trip, and even with adventures, it is necessary to pay special attention to own security. Our tips for traveling alone in the city: what to avoid in order to return home safe and sound.


Where not to go

Tanzania. In Tanzania, they will not let you calmly walk the streets. There is an increased interest in fair-skinned people. Locals, when they see you, will shout “mgzungu”, which means light-skinned. They do not invest anything special in these cries, but it will be terribly annoying. Understand - there you are a curiosity, and they will constantly poke fingers in your direction. Whites in a dark-skinned country will be uncomfortable.


Ethiopia has the same story. There will be no rest.

India. Goa doesn't count

Refined ladies have no place there. public toilets one of their looks will make them run away, not to mention the smell. Everywhere increased unsanitary conditions. No antiseptics will help. While you are looking around, a fly will land on a bottle of water, and - hello, dysentery.


Everything is good there, but not for teetotalers. Georgian hospitality is not a myth. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a noisy feast with an abundance of alcohol. Georgians will not argue with you, they will smile, say, “Yes, yes, dear, you can’t drink,” and pour the best wine into you. Bottoms Up!


Those who like to talk obscenities have no place in Singapore

In Singapore, strong words can be fined $3,000. And if you continue to argue and swear with the policeman, then you will find yourself in prison. But you can engage in prostitution. There are no fines and prisons, and for the promotion of condoms, prostitutes even receive a surcharge from the state.


Low security in Mexico, Algeria. The still high homicide rate remains in Brazil.

The safest countries for independent ladies

Europe. It is full of the same proud and independent enchantresses, their rights are strictly observed. Yours will also be taken into account.

Night clubs, bars, restaurants

Make noise at your pleasure, but do not turn off the brain. You can find adventures on your own head in safe Europe. And yet - do not forget about the rules of decency. You will always be welcome as long as you behave with dignity, respecting the traditions and decorum of the hosts.


If you put your feet on the table, like one well-known animal from the fairy tale "Cat's House", do not count on hospitable hospitality.

In the evenings it is better to stay in a hotel

If you can’t sit still, leave all the same, go to areas where the rich and wealthy live. They monitor the rule of law and the peace of citizens. In general, it is better to sleep at night. So it will be safer, and accumulate the strength of a day of daytime walks.

Deceit and love

Lovelace is enough everywhere, especially in southern countries. However, no matter how you warn the traveler, she will act in her own way.


It is our duty to remind once again: such ramans, especially with local gentlemen who build their business on this, can turn into a great disappointment. Take care of yourself and your wallet.

Travel safety

No "girl, let's give you a ride." Travel by public transport. You can safely take a taxi from the airports - it's safe. It is also quite safe to call a taxi by phone using local travel agencies.

Where to put the money

No no. You definitely don't need to go there. The robber will look into the bra first. Carry your money in a zippered inside pocket of your jacket or bag - don't carry a wallet that is easy to steal. Do not settle on the first floors - according to statistics, it is these rooms that are most often robbed.

It is probably strange for you to hear this from me, considering that I have been living in Phuket for almost 2 years and I am more than satisfied with my life here. But living is one thing, and going on vacation is quite another. To be honest, living in Russia, I would hardly go on vacation to Phuket. Now I will explain why.

Horse prices for flights and hotels

First, it is very expensive. A round-trip ticket to Phuket from Moscow costs around 24 thousand rubles, and even more expensive in the season. For comparison, tickets to Cyprus, to the same Larnaca, can be bought for 8-13 thousand rubles. To Spain (Barcelona) - 8-10 thousand rubles. To Turkey (Antalya) - 9-11 thousand rubles.

In addition to the ticket, you also have to pay for the hotel - and the hotels here are also not the cheapest. For example, let's look at prices at the end of January (when, it would seem, New Year already behind, and prices should go down): a week of accommodation in a 4-star hotel with normal reviews and not too far from the beach will cost from 17 thousand rubles. At the same time, the price of 17 thousand is more an exception than a rule, and then 20-25-30 thousand rubles are already going on. Please note that only breakfast is included in the price!

Long fly

The flight from Moscow will take 9 hours - and this is only if you fly without a transfer. A flight with a transfer can take a whole day! That is, if you have a vacation of 2 weeks, then you can safely delete two days from your vacation - you will fly on an airplane. You are lucky if you have an overnight flight and still fall asleep well in the airplane seat.
For comparison, on the same flights as in the previous paragraph: it takes 3 hours 40 minutes to fly to Larnaca, 4 hours 30 minutes to Barcelona, ​​3 hours 10 minutes to Antalya.

Difficulty getting around in Phuket

If you plan to just sit in one place, on the beach, for example, then you are welcome. But what if you suddenly want to see the island? For example, to go to the zoo, or to the waterfall, or to some temple. Or just go to the store to shop. So, all these interesting places are usually located away from beaches and hotels. Your alternatives:

  • renting a bike is not safe. Alas, no matter how well a person rides a bike, no matter how much driving experience he has in Russia, according to my observations, about 90% of people will definitely fall off the bike in the first few weeks: (And tourists in particular. Because, as one of my a colleague from aviasales.ru: “When people come to Phuket, they think that they are in a wonderful land of unicorns, and their sense of danger is dulled” (if you suddenly decide to rent a bike, read mine).
  • rent a car. Relatively safe, but expensive (on average from 1000 baht / day). Also, are you confident that you can easily drive a car on a left-hand drive road? Are you sure that at one of the traffic lights you will not close, and you will not go in the opposite direction?
  • go by bus. Buses in Phuket are a complicated story. According to what schedule they go, on what route - few people know. In principle, this is an option, yes - solve the puzzle with buses, find stops, find buses. But don't forget that buses are trucks without windows and air conditioners. When it is +35 outside, it is very uncomfortable to travel on such transport.
  • take a taxi. Taxi prices are very high here. I'm not exaggerating. For example, to get from Karon Beach to Patong Beach (distance 7 km) - 400 baht. One way. To get from Patong to the zoo - 800 baht (one way). And after the zoo, you will most likely want to go to the oceanarium - throw another 500 baht. And from the oceanarium - to the observation deck at Cape Panwa - another 400. That's it.

Expensive seafood

What do you think should be cheap in Phuket? Well, of course, seafood! After all, Phuket is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Many residents are engaged in fishing. Accordingly, you come here in the hope of tasting exotic seafood (lobsters, crabs), and deep down you probably have a hope of tasting something incredibly tasty like smoked sea fish. But after visiting fish restaurants, faces are usually disappointed: prices are not much lower than in Russia. And there is no smoked fish here at all: Thais do not know how to smoke fish.

No fresh juices

In addition to fish, you plan to drink freshly squeezed juices here every day. Forced to disappoint - there is no such culture here - to reap the juice. Many cafes have fruit shakes starting at 40 baht/glass, but it should be noted that as a rule it is fruit with the addition of a lot of ice and sugar. That is, the fruit itself is not felt in the neck. And if the shake is natural, without sugar, then the price immediately increases significantly.

Crowded beaches

What does Phuket usually look like to us? Like a bounty paradise, lovely gravel paths, wonderful tropical plants, butterflies fluttering overhead. Just then, the wave is gently lapping. And in the middle of all this splendor you walk all in white, in a straw hat. Or just sit in a sun lounger under an umbrella and look thoughtfully into the sea distance.

In fact, everything is not so. Forget about cute gravel paths right away. Arriving in Phuket, get ready for the noisy Asian streets with dangling wires, along the side of which you will walk. Walk as close to the curb as possible so that some motorbike does not inadvertently hook you.

Also forget about a sun lounger and a quiet wave. You will be sitting on a beach teeming with tourists. To your left they will talk about the fact that the omelet for breakfast was not very tasty, and to the right - about how much a silver ring costs in the Central Festival.

And, yes, almost all the beaches in Phuket are municipal. This means that there are almost no hotels with their own beaches. The beaches are shared. Sun beds are paid (100 baht per day). I would not recommend relaxing on the beach without a sunbed - burn instantly even with cream.
More about the beaches of Phuket, you can add that garbage and plastic bags in the sea in recent times are becoming more common :(. Especially in the low season. Here is a photo of Naithon Beach in the low season:

Bad shopping

I know some of you come here to buy things. What is cheaper than in Russia. But let's see what is cheaper here than in Russia?

  • For example, textiles are cheaper, yes. You can buy a T-shirt for 100-200 baht. The only question is, do you need a T-shirt that after several washes looks very, very shabby life.
  • Jeans are said to be cheaper. I myself bought Lewi’s for 1000-1500 baht (I don’t remember the exact price). But you have to understand that these are not the Lewi's jeans that you see and your soul trembles. These are regular junk-look jeans with the Lewi's label sewn on.
  • Often you come here to buy mythical noni juice or medicines from snake venom. At the same time, if you ask the Thais themselves what effect noni juice has on their health, they will look surprised. Because they don't even know what it is :)
    In general, it is difficult for me to judge whether all these remedies of Thai "traditional" medicine are effective (because I have never tried it). But I believe more in favor of our cranberries and chamomile :)
  • iPhones and iPads are cheaper here, yes. As in many other countries (except Russia, of course). Pearls are said to be cheaper. Jewelry is cheaper. Oh yes, Thai rum! 200 baht a bottle.

Nothing to see

Perhaps you will say: I don’t need shopping, I’m going to Phuket to see the sights and ride the slides in the water park. But even here I have to disappoint you. First, there are no water parks here. Those who have been to Turkey will probably shudder at this moment - how is it that there are no water parks? However, there is one, the price entrance ticket something around 1500 baht (do not forget that you also need to order a taxi to the water park).

In terms of attractions, everything is also not so rosy. No ancient ruins, no interesting museums. Yes, Buddhist temples are beautiful. I also love viewing platforms here. But, as a rule, all these places are crowded with tourists. Although sometimes you can see this:

You ask: what about a cheap Thai massage? But what about the warm sea? Exotic fruits? How friendly are the Thais? And, in the end, where else to go to relax in the winter? Especially if the flight is not from Moscow, but, say, from Siberia.

And I will answer: if you really want to, of course, go to Phuket. But when you arrive, don’t be surprised “why taxis are so expensive here”, or “why a kilogram of shrimp is about the same price as in Auchan in Russia.” Or "why don't Thais make fresh juices"? And, yes, there is no subway here either!

Thank you for reading the article to the end :). In conclusion, I will add: if you are still thinking whether to go or not to go to Phuket - just drop your high expectations and doubts, relax; and a vacation in Phuket (and anywhere else) will be great :)

Also read on my blog:

Summer is traditionally considered the time of holidays. We are breathlessly packing our bags, joyfully pushing at the check-in counters at the airport, anticipating a long-awaited vacation. The choice of the place of the trip must be approached wisely, and not to take the first offered last-minute ticket. Having unsuccessfully decided on a country or city, you risk ruining your vacation. To prevent this from happening, we will talk about countries where you should not go in the summer.

United Arab Emirates

Why not: incredible heat

In no case do not fly to the UAE in the summer - most likely you will sit in an air-conditioned room for the entire vacation. You should not expect another development of events, because in the summer months the temperature in the emirates rises to almost + 50! Only local camels can easily endure such heat. The sea will not please you either. Swimming in water heated to + 40 is not a pleasant pleasure.

When to go: October November


Why not: downpours and fumes

Almost all summer in India, the rainy season is raging. Humidity combined with heat creates a terrible stuffiness, which makes it hard to breathe. Due to constant downpours, roads in Indian cities are washed out, rivers overflow their banks, and some settlements are even flooded, cutting off from the outside world. To avoid falling into this trap, avoid traveling to India during the summer.

When to go: November to April


Why not: crowds of tourists

Going to the homeland of flamenco at the end of summer, you doom yourself to a constant flea market. The Spaniards themselves from large cities massively go to rest on the beaches of Valencia, Murcia and Malaga, so there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall. There is always pandemonium in popular tourist places and near attractions. You just won't be able to enjoy your holiday in such conditions.

When to go: September October


Why not: hellish heat in the center of the country

Beach holidays in Egypt have been and remain one of the most popular destinations among Russians. But going to the central part of the country in the summer is almost the same as voluntarily grilling yourself. The air heats up to + 40. Most of the major Egyptian cities are stuffy and dusty, so it is simply unbearable to endure such weather.

When to go: Autumn-spring


Why not: showers and typhoons

For Filipinos, rain is a common thing. It runs non-stop from June to November. In such conditions, the sea becomes dirty, and you can safely put an end to scuba diving. In July and August, the Philippines is hit by typhoons. You can also suffer: get stuck at the airport for a long time or spend your entire vacation in a hotel room. Do you need it?

When to go: February to April


Why not: hurricanes

For the first two months of summer, you may be lucky and spend an unforgettable vacation in Cuba. But from August to September it is better not to go there - at this time hurricanes come to the Caribbean. The wind speed reaches 60 km / h and sometimes it develops into a real natural disaster, causing serious damage. It's not worth the risk of flying to Cuba during the hurricane season, but don't forget about insurance in other months.

When to go: November to March


Why not: rains

In Thailand, the rainy season is not as intimidating as in India and the Philippines, but it can spoil your holiday. If you plan to spend a lot of time on the beach, rain can interfere with your plans. Humidity levels vary by location. The islands of Phuket and Chang, as well as the province of Krabi, suffer the most from rainfall in summer. But on Koh Samui in the summer, the weather is often ideal.

When to go: January to March