How to wean pigeons to sit on the roof. Visual and sound aids

In the process of general cleaning, we should take up the harvesting processes, which we have always postponed, solve all the accumulated Lately tasks. Some of them were not made due to the fact that they never got around, others because they require stocking up on special equipment that is not available, and still others because you simply did not know how to do it.

Today we will consider the third option, and a very unpleasant situation with pigeons living on your balcony. We will tell you in detail how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, which methods are the most relevant and most effective.

A popular problem for residents of megacities

Original problem

It is not at all uncommon for residents of megalopolises to fight pigeons on their balconies. Multi-storey buildings beckon annoying birds, they easily settle down and live on the territory accessible from the street. That is why many apartment owners in high-rise buildings are so actively looking for ways to scare away pigeons from the balcony. Let's consider the main reasons for such a dislike for supposedly harmless birds.

We have long been accustomed to city birds: pigeons, sparrows, crows. We are not particularly embarrassed by the fact of their settlement in park zones, where pensioners and passers-by feed them. Most people are neutral about these birds in the city.

However, few people want to coexist with these representatives of the animal world, especially when they populate your personal space, which is already scarce in city apartments. A pigeon on a balcony creates a lot of unnecessary problems that could well have been avoided.

Here are the main ones:

  • A dove is like the quietest bird, it constantly makes sounds, flaps its wings, tramples, creates noise that prevents it from finding peace.
  • After a long stay of birds on the balcony, many traces remain of them, who wants to clean their balcony from bird droppings.
  • In the worst case, bird nests also appear on the balcony.

This situation is completely unpleasant for many people, therefore, upon discovering a similar problem, people immediately wonder how to get rid of the pigeons on the balcony, but quickly. First of all, we will find out the reasons for such a zeal for the birds to occupy your space.

Disastrous situation on the balcony

For pigeons, balconies and roofs are very attractive, wide railings and window sills are comfortable to sit on, and it is easy to take off from them. On the territory of the balcony, it is easy to store useful items not only for people, but also for pigeons, and in which case you can quickly build a nest. In addition, there is less rainfall on the balconies, and in some cases there is even something to eat. Therefore, the first step to scare away birds can be a high-quality cleaning of the balcony.

Probably the easiest possible option is to glaze the balcony. Thus, you clearly limit your territory and block access to it for annoying birds. However, it is not always possible to do this for various reasons and considerations, and then you have to look for other methods.

It must be said right away that it is not so easy to ward off pigeons from a balcony or roof, since this is an extremely annoying bird, although a sufficient number of methods have been developed to combat it.

Here are the simplest and most effective ones:

  • You can try to scare the birds with various shiny objects, sound, stuffed animals.
  • It is permissible to create a barrier that protects against their penetration into your territory, worsen comfortable conditions to unbearable.
  • If nests have already appeared, you should destroy them, and in addition slip fake eggs to the birds.

Let's take a closer look at each of the listed methods, and choose the right one for ourselves.

Scare method

Pigeons are very shy birds, which you probably noticed a long time ago from their behavior in park areas. Therefore, in order to banish these birds from your balcony forever, you can try to play on this one.

Some music lovers bring speakers to the balcony, and try to scare the birds away with music. This effective method, but it is even more effective to use ultrasound. There are special devices for scaring away various animals and birds, emitting ultrasound. A stuffed crow helped other people to ward off the pigeons from the balconies and roofs. The method, of course, is extravagant, but effective.

Placing music discs on the balcony

Pigeons are afraid of sparkling objects, so a simple foil repeller can be used to create protection. It needs to be cut into thin strips, which should then be placed around the entire balcony. Conveniently hang strips of foil all over the clothesline.

In the free position, these stripes will rustle and sparkle, which will cause fear and fear in pigeons. As a result, they will ignore your balcony, fly around it.

You can fight pigeons with any similar objects that are capable of creating glare and shimmer in the sun. For example, many people use CDs to drive pigeons out. Working with such ready-to-use scarers is even easier. Hang discs at different levels around the entire perimeter of the balcony, and birds will not be visiting your music venue in the near future.

However, it is not always possible to drive away annoying birds for a long time with such devices. Firstly, the weather is not sunny all the time, and secondly, over time, pigeons get used to these objects, and if they really like your balcony, or the rooftop area, they will definitely return. However, do not despair, because there are other ways that you should also try to get birds out of the balcony and roof.

Barrier method

To make the work of breeding pigeons more effective, you can combine methods, for example, installing barriers and hanging repellents. Barriers are installed on the most favorite places of birds, where they could comfortably stay earlier. The first thing to think about is protecting the railing.

The railing can be protected from birds by pulling a wire, fishing line, rope over them, at a distance of several centimeters. Thus, pigeons will not be able to sit or stand on your railing, which means they will have to look for another place for comfortable trampling and cooing.

Bird guarding

You can make a barrier in the form of a stick with nails. Just hammer the nails into the stick at small intervals so that they stick out a few centimeters and attach it to the railing with the nails up. Thus, you also deprive the pigeons of the opportunity to sit down and spend time at your place. Just do not forget about this barrier during your next visit to the balcony.

Destruction method

A radical method of destroying nests allows pigeons to be reared forever. Of course, not so often doves nest on balconies, but this can happen. In this case, you will have to throw it down to the ground.

If you find eggs in the nests, then you can try to work with the birds on a subconscious level, replacing them with dummies. Any solid object of a similar shape will do for this. The pigeons will definitely return and try to have offspring, but after vain attempts they will leave the territory of your balcony that is not suitable for breeding.

Other methods

Experienced housewives suggested a very interesting way to us. It allows you to ward off pigeons from the canopy of a window or balcony. It is enough to grease the surface of the visor with some fatty compound, for example, petroleum jelly, sunflower oil, cream. In this case, the birds will glide and fly, and then look for a more suitable place for their pastime.

The method is effective, but you will have to smear the visor regularly, as soon as the composition dries up or it rains, the pigeons will return again.

Furry hunter can be useful too

The sticking method works according to the same scheme. However, in this case, the visor is smeared not with a slippery composition, but with a sticky one, for example, special glue against pigeons. Birds sitting on the visor begin to stick, which gives them a lot of inconvenience, after suffering a little, they fly away.

As a last resort, if you can't get rid of the pigeons, get yourself a fluffy pet and send him to the balcony to hunt. Your cat is unlikely to catch any bird, but after such stress, they will definitely not fly back.

Note that it is very important to use humane methods of dealing with pigeons, you should not get frustrated and nervous about such trifles, life already has enough stress.

Cute cooing birds can only delight if they are at a distance. If pigeons become frequent guests on the roof of the balcony, they cause a lot of inconvenience to the owners of the apartment. You can somehow get used to the noise that uninvited guests make. It is more difficult to come to terms with the droppings on the balcony visor, because it contains a lot of bacteria and acid that can damage the visor, railings, and furniture on the balcony.

If you do not ward off the pigeons from their balcony in time, they will settle on it for a long time, begin to build nests and hatch chicks. Pigeons behave so impudently that they soon begin to enter the house, manage the kitchen and rooms. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of annoying birds is very relevant.

There are currently many methods of scaring away birds, so each owner of a city balcony can choose the most acceptable ones in terms of material costs and aesthetic preferences. Many of the ways to get rid of pigeons on the balcony have been tried and tested and are effective.

If pigeons have settled on your balcony, you need to scare them away as quickly as possible.

You can get rid of pigeons on the balcony using the following methods:

  • Scaring away birds.
  • Creation of obstacles for their pastime on the balcony.
  • Extermination of birds and preventing their reproduction.

Handy means for scaring away

The fight against pigeons should start with the use of simple, improvised means. The purpose of their use is to scare the pigeons, to prevent them from spending time on the balcony.

The most accessible, but at the same time effective, according to many reviews, are the following methods:

Discomfort aids

If you do not want to hang the balcony with various objects or arrange a bird hunt, you can use the means that interfere with their comfortable pastime:

  • Petrolatum(or another compound that makes the surface slippery). The product is applied to the railing so that the pigeons' paws slide off.
  • Fishing line. Stretched at a height of 5-6 centimeters above the landing site of the pigeons. The birds will not be able to land in their usual place and will fly to look for another place.
  • Spices. If the surfaces of the balcony are sprinkled with pepper or other pungent-smelling substances, the bird will not be able to breathe normally.
  • Flavors. An automatic aerosol with its strong smell will scare away pigeons.
  • Naphthalene. The pungent smell of mothballs spread across the railings and balcony surfaces will help scare birds away.
  • Thorns or nails. Nails are driven into a wooden plank with the points upwards, and such a spiked obstacle is fixed on the railings and those surfaces where the pigeons sit. In hardware stores, you can purchase ready-made spike tapes for this purpose.
  • Metal grid. Such an obstacle will be insurmountable for the birds, and they will stop flying onto the balcony.

On the railing of the balcony, you can install special fencing against pigeons.

Ready-made pigeon repellents

If you cannot scare off the birds with improvised means, it is worth purchasing special industrial-made devices:

  • Ultrasonic. Devices that emit sounds that are not perceived by the human ear, but very unpleasant for birds or rodents. Expensive models have an additional infrared sensor and turn on only when birds appear.
  • Bioacoustic. Make a sound that imitates a voice birds of prey... There is also a variant that simulates the sounds of a shot. Such devices work in automatic mode and turn on when the pigeons approach.
  • Laser. The device is similar to the action of a laser pointer, but unlike it, it operates without the presence of a person. The device produces a green spectrum laser beam that slides along a predetermined trajectory and scares the birds.

Drastic measures against pigeons

If deterrent measures and creating discomfort do not help, you have to get rid of annoying birds that stain the balcony with decisive actions.

Of course, the physical destruction of birds is not humane, but in the fight against infections that they carry, it is quite justified:

The radical measures that will save you from pigeons include the use of poisons or potassium permanganate.
  • Destruction of nests. Doves have a well-developed instinct to return to their home. Therefore, if they built a nest on the balcony, they will definitely return, lay eggs in it and hatch chicks. Eggs can be exchanged for dummies, or twisted nests can be destroyed and discarded.
  • Capture and destruction of birds. Birds are caught in nests at night, or with the help of various traps, snares. However, pigeons breed at high speed and their numbers quickly recover.
  • Poisons. Birds are poisoned with a drug treated with an intestinal insecticide. Experts recommend using Diazinon, which is safe for humans. Poisoned birds must be burned immediately, otherwise they can become a source of poisoning for other birds or animals.
  • Wood sawdust. A way to poison pigeons without using poisons. The sawdust is mixed with the feed. Once in the bird's goiter, they swell, causing blockage of the esophagus, and the bird dies.
  • Potassium permanganate solution. Installing drinkers on the balcony filled with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is a way to cause a burn of the esophagus in pigeons.

Advice. There is a rather costly and troublesome, but the most humane method. If the question of how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony worries many residents of the house, you can negotiate with the neighbors and build a dovecote for the birds in the yard. The birds will have a real home, and they will not need to dwell on the balconies. This method will allow you to do without sacrifice.

None of the above methods will work if the balcony is cluttered. Old cabinets, basins, boxes and boxes placed on the balcony are very convenient for pigeons as a place for nesting. Pigeons will consider the balcony their home, and will definitely return, despite all the scarers.

It is worth excluding the possibility of access to water and food on the balcony or near it. If you constantly leave leftover food on the balcony, and even worse, feed the birds periodically, it will be almost impossible to get rid of them. Fans of feeding birds should be advised to do it in parks, away from houses.

Pigeons love cluttered balconies and will keep coming back until you have removed all the trash.

Mass colonization of the balcony must not be allowed. It is necessary to start the fight immediately after the first signs of the presence of birds on the balcony appear.

If no methods help to get rid of pigeons on your own, it is worth contacting a specialized service that is available in all major cities.

07/27/2017 2 2 558 views

Birds are cute and beautiful creatures as long as they don't interfere with human life. In some cases, they can damage property, contaminate housing and interfere with a normal life. If you run into a problem, figure out how to get rid of pigeons on a balcony, windowsill, or roof.

Why is there a problem with pigeons?

Why do pigeons literally attack places where people live? The reasons for their appearance can be different:

  1. Wide window sills or fences can be perceived by birds as comfortable perches, on which it is easy to sit and sit freely.
  2. Storing unnecessary old things on the balcony. If you store such items on the loggia, then do not be surprised that pigeons have built a nest and settled in it, because trash is an excellent habitat and provides protection from the cold and other adverse factors.
  3. A glazed balcony can serve as protection for birds from cold, strong winds, precipitation and other vagaries of nature. And if the glazing is complemented by unhindered access, that is, constantly or often open shutters, then the pigeons will definitely penetrate inside and perceive your loggia as a refuge or potential home.
  4. Pigeons can be attracted by food leftovers or food stored on the balcony. Sometimes these birds have a hard time in urban conditions due to lack of food and competition (the main competitors are sparrows and crows), and therefore they begin to look for any way to satisfy their hunger.

Good to know: some people think that fighting pigeons is useless, because these birds are harmless and cannot do anything wrong. But this is not entirely true: firstly, such birds shit and pollute the balcony, secondly, they create noise in large concentrations, and thirdly, they can be carriers of infectious diseases. In addition, if your pet tries to catch a pigeon, it may fall from a great height to the ground.

The easiest pest control methods

You can scare away pigeons from the balcony in simple ways and practically by improvised means. Here are some of them:

  • Ordinary foil can be used to scare away. It needs to be cut into strips and fixed to the railings, shutters and other parts of the balcony. Such elements will shine in the sun and rustle in the wind, and sounds and bright lights will scare birds away.
  • Old and unnecessary CDs can be used instead of foil. They are suspended from the railing or in the upper part of the balcony, reflect light, shine strongly in the sun, make loud noise in the wind and thereby frighten the birds and prevent them from landing in this place.
  • If pigeons often sit on the cornice, then you can grease it with oil. Birds that land on the surface will glide and fly away almost immediately. Vaseline can be used instead of oil.
  • Attach duct tape to the eaves, railings, or windowsill. Sitting on it, the birds will stick, experience discomfort and soon fly away to look for more comfortable places. By the way, this method will allow not only scaring away pigeons, but also catching no less annoying flies and other insects.
  • If the pigeon sits on the windowsill and does not fly away, then try to scare him away with noise, for example, loudly slap or bang. And so that the bird does not come back again, you can put an included tape recorder near the window. But remember about your neighbors and do not give them discomfort with excessively loud music.
  • If a pigeon has laid an egg, then he is unlikely to leave the balcony soon, as he will expect offspring. The easiest way to get rid of the annoying bird is to simply remove the clutch. When a pigeon sees that it is not there, it will probably start looking for a safer nesting place.
  • Mirrors can be used. Fix them on the railing or around the entire perimeter of the loggia so that they reflect light, shine and scare the pigeons. If your balcony is glazed, use window shade instead of mirrors. The effect will be the same, and the area of ​​shiny surfaces will be even larger.
  • Birds can be scared away by a cat, which instantly reacts to the presence of birds and tries to catch them. But the safety of the pet itself should be ensured so that it does not accidentally fall out of the balcony. For these purposes, you can block the space with a lattice, which will not prevent the cat from scaring the pigeons, but will not allow him to jump out of the loggia.
  • To disaccustom pigeons to sit on the windowsill, you can make the surface unsuitable for landing, or even dangerous. To do this, you can use stretched barbed wire, sharp blades fixed to the plywood, or nails driven into the board. When the birds realize that they are uncomfortable in this place, they will stop flying here.
  • You can fight pigeons using hot seasonings and aromatic spices such as paprika, basil, rosemary, cinnamon, pepper and others. Birds don't like their smells, so they will no longer fly to your home.
  • To ward off the pigeons from the balcony, you can use their fear of other birds. For example, such birds are very afraid of crows, so if you place a stuffed animal on a loggia, then it will serve as some kind of protection. But the artificial crow must be realistic and have natural dimensions, otherwise the pigeons will quickly realize that the enemy is not real.
  • You can use laser pointers, the rays of which, especially chaotically moving and directed at the birds, will scare them, make them nervous and leave their favorite places. At night, if the pigeons are sitting under the window, you can use a bright lantern or other light sources.
  • Pigeons do not like water and usually do not allow their wings to get too wet, and this can be used against them. Try dousing the birds so they fly away immediately. And if they are far from you, then take a children's water pistol and direct the stream at the birds.
  • On a windowsill or railing, you can stretch several wires or lines so that birds cannot land on the surface and move freely along it.
  • If you have old videotapes or audiotapes, remove the tape from them, cut it into pieces and hang them on the railing or on the windows. And you can build a semblance of a curtain that will close the opening and prevent the birds from entering the balcony. Rustle and glare scare away pigeons and make the place unattractive to them.
  • Buy a few balloons with scary faces painted on them, inflate and place on the balcony. Firstly, the birds may be intimidated by the images, and secondly, the balls move in the wind and make the pigeons nervous.
  • Stretch the netting around the balcony to cover the railing, cornice, and other surfaces that birds can land on.

We use scarers

If pigeons walk and make noise on the roof of the balcony of the last floor or in other hard-to-reach places close to your home, it will not be easy to get rid of them. In such cases, you can use specialized devices that scare away birds.

The first group is ultrasonic scarers. They emit ultrasonic waves that are captured by the hearing organs of birds and cannot be heard by humans. Some modern devices are equipped with motion sensors and begin to work when birds approach.

The second category of devices is bioacoustic repellents. They make sounds that resemble the calls of birds of prey, for example, falcons, hawks, eagles. Pigeons hear them, recognize them and do not fly up to the places from which they come. And some devices simulate the sounds of gunshots, to which many birds also immediately react.

The third group of scarers is laser. The device produces a laser beam, which automatically glides along the surface along a given trajectory and helps to scare away birds. No settings are required, just put the device on the balcony and turn it on. But the beam is poorly visible in the bright sun.

Video: what to do if pigeons made a nest on the balcony?

What if all else fails?

What if none of the above methods helped? We'll have to take drastic measures. Consider effective methods:

  1. Wood sawdust to be spread on the railings, windowsill, cornice and balcony floor. First, they can damage and become stuck in the esophagus of pigeons. Secondly, when sawdust gets into the stomach, when interacting with water, it begins to swell, which can cause the death of the bird.
  2. Medicines. If used in increased doses, they can become fatal to birds. Sleeping pills are best suited for such purposes, which can be mixed with various baits: bread crumb, crushed cereals. In hot summer, when the pigeons are thirsty, the preparations can be dissolved in water.
  3. A concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, which is offered as a drink or is used to process grains, will help.
  4. Insecticides. There are many specialized drugs available, but they all work in much the same way. They include chemical substances that enter the body of birds, causing paralysis and subsequent death. The drugs are used as directed and mixed with food such as grains, bread or cereals. But if a pet or a child walks to the loggia, care must be taken to avoid poisoning.
  5. Semolina and yeast. You need to take approximately equal amounts of yeast and semolina and add warm water to make a thick mass. Form balls from the composition and spread over the balcony or windowsill. When the pigeon eats the bait, semolina and yeast will rapidly increase in volume, quickly filling and stretching the bird's stomach.

Important: since all these methods involve the destruction of birds, you will most likely have to remove the bodies of dead birds.

It is possible to get rid of the pigeons that have taken a fancy to your balcony or windowsill forever. Choose the appropriate way to fight and take action.

Pigeons are a common problem for residents of both multi-storey and private houses. And the reason is not only that pigeon droppings do not have a very aesthetic appearance. Pigeons are carriers of viruses and infections, some of which lead to serious illness. These birds are lovers of comfortable conditions and carefully select living space: wide railings, window sills, empty boxes, balconies, in a word, a comfortable space for a family nest.

If you do not want their number to increase significantly tomorrow, then start taking action today. And forget about your kindness, do not feed the birds, otherwise you will lose peace for a long time.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony

Recently, pigeons are practically domestic birds. They are so accustomed to being surrounded by people that they are not only not afraid of them, but also have the audacity to equip their homes on other people's balconies. But since these birds do not differ in cleanliness, people do not show hospitality and begin to act decisively.

Ways to scare away birds:

  1. V retail outlets special sound scarers are sold, which are so unpleasant for birds.
  2. Cut the foil into strips and secure to the balcony. The rustling will scare away the pigeons for a while.
  3. CDs hung with solid tape will also create a noise effect that birds won't like.
  4. You can scare pigeons by directing a stream of water from a hose at them, which the birds really do not like. After several procedures, they will disappear.
  5. Buy a slinky toy from toy stores. Stretch it to the balcony rail. Thus, uncomfortable conditions for landing will be created.
  6. Adding a little bitter pepper or other spices to pigeon food will ruin their menu and drive them away from your balcony.
  7. You can open the balcony door and turn on loud music, the sounds of which scare the birds.

If the balcony is not glazed, then you can pull the mesh so that the birds cannot fly in. Water and food should not be left on the balcony, since these are smart birds, they will leave completely when they realize that they are not welcome. And free the area from furniture and items that allow you to make a nest. Track where intruders spend more time and furnish those areas with planks with nailed nails. This will force the pigeons to change their home.

In the case when you did not keep track, and yet a nest with eggs appeared, take drastic measures, even cruel ones. Place similar items that imitate eggs instead of eggs. Such deception will remain unnoticed until the moment when the chicks do not appear on time. After that, the pigeons will change their place of stay.

If you lubricate the places where pigeons spend time with petroleum jelly, then the slippery surface will not allow them to land.

Do not show pity for the birds, they will not disappear and will easily settle in a new place. And your apartment, in particular, a balcony, will not change for the better from their presence.

It's nice to look at a cooing pair of pigeons only when she sits on someone else's windowsill. And cleaning up a bunch of feathers and droppings after them is sometimes even annoying. Therefore, try to ward off birds from the moment they appear on your territory. The ultrasonic repeller that you have on your balcony can be successfully attached to the windowsill. By emitting unpleasant sounds, such a device will frighten other feathered guests as well. The experience of the victims of the pigeon invasion offers several more adaptations.

  1. Cut a strip of food foil on one side, making a fringe. Glue the other edge, whole, to the windowsill. Fluttering in the wind, the foil will make rustling sounds and even shine. An alternative would be New Year's tinsel. This method will scare away pigeons for a while.
  2. You can try a simpler method. Stretch fishing line along the windowsill in several rows at a height of about 5-10 cm, which will not allow the birds to crouch.
  3. If the sills installed on the windowsill are made of galvanized iron, try to cover them with silver. The bright shine will alert the winged guests until they realize that this is just a cunning maneuver.
  4. Hang empty beverage cans along or near the windowsill. Their touch with each other makes an unpleasant scaring sound. There is a chance that pigeons will fly around your windowsill. You can also build such a structure on the balcony or on the balcony visor. The unpleasant moment is that the residents themselves will have to listen to such music, especially when the window is open. But here the choice is yours.
  5. Similar to the balcony arrangement, music discs are hung over a window opening, with a shiny surface outward.

The personal experience of some victims of the pigeon problem suggests a method of coping that takes time and patience. Lay a loop made of rope or strong thread on the windowsill, sprinkle it with millet and wait. When the bird sits down to peck, you need to quickly pull at the end of the thread. Let the pigeon trapped in the trap, preferably through another window, so that the representatives of his family do not understand what happened. These birds are very smart and, realizing that an offense has been inflicted, are capable of revenge - to settle forever on the windowsill, balcony or roof of your house.

If on the balcony and windowsill you see only the consequences of the presence of pigeons, then their walks on the roof will infuriate any person with strong nerves. This is not to mention the fact that the roofing coverings are disfigured by their droppings, not only in aesthetic terms, but also the structure of the material is damaged. The nests twisted under the roof impede normal ventilation of the under-roof space, which shortens the life of the roof. Especially when building material part of the roofing cake serves for the nest. Often, pigeons adapt chimneys for housing, and this entails serious troubles with the onset of cold weather. Consequently, the upper structure of the house needs protection.

Attention should be paid first open areas, such as skates, cornices, valleys, ventilation outlets. Close the dormer windows with louvered grilles, blocking the path to the attic, equip the vents with a mesh.

There are studded bands made of plastic or steel. Moreover, a variety of models allows you to choose such a device for the type of roof. Placing them on the roof, building ledges, ebb, gutters, you will create the first obstacle preventing the landing of pigeons.

A special protective device is an aero element, which blocks the entrance under the roof and at the same time provides ventilation. It will provide long-term protection and its installation is quite simple.

Ultrasonic devices are another means of control, which is effective, since, by scaring away birds, it does not harm humans and pets, and is practically not perceived by ear. The radius of their action can be regulated. Depending on the modification, they can operate on batteries and autonomously. The use of ultrasonic devices will reliably protect the attic, the roof, their use is also possible for balconies and window sills.

A good, albeit time-consuming, method is a safety net. The material from which it is made does not matter. It can be made of metal or plastic, cells are both small and large. It is stretched over the cover at a distance of 15 cm from the surface and attached to the posts. It is problematic for pigeons to overcome a sagging parking area.

As additional accessories Make a weather vane with a noise effect on the roof or attach fringed foil decorations that scare shine and rustle.

The problem of fighting pigeons is aggravated when there are children in the house. This factor, according to psychologists, is very important. Fighting birds is not recommended using a slingshot, stick, sprinkling poison or using even more radical methods. From the contemplation of such events, the child's psyche suffers more than housing from the harm caused by pigeons.

All of the above methods involve fighting pigeons, but not destroying them. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on patience in order to permanently expel these birds from your home.

The main problem of most people living in multi-storey buildings is the pigeons that have chosen the balcony. These beautiful birds cause a lot of inconvenience: cooing, treading on the visor, making noise, building nests and, of course, polluting the balcony with droppings. "How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony?" - this question is asked by many people every day. It is quite difficult to cope with the problem, but if you have patience and make every effort, the result will be peace and a clean balcony.

First you need to determine for what reason attracts a balcony... It may have convenient nesting sites. For example, an old wardrobe, bedside table, wheel, boxes. If you remove all items from the balcony, pigeons will never nest on a bare floor. In the case when it is not possible to clean the balcony, you can cover all the surfaces you like with a blanket or cellophane wrap.

We scare away pigeons

Scare, and thereby ward off birds from the balcony, reflective objects, such as foil or discs, will help. The foil must be cut into strips and fixed on the visor, and it can also be hung all over the balcony. The noise and light coming from the foil will scare away the pigeons. Discs also have a reflective effect. They should be fixed on the walls and the outer surface of the balcony.

Doves do not always fly to the balcony in order to settle on it. Very often birds prefer to sit or stomp on the visor. But solving this problem is easier than getting rid of the pigeons on the balcony. If stretch the line or a thick thread, or better a few, five centimeters above the windowsill, then the pigeons will not be able to sit on it. An equally effective method is to lubricate the surface of the visor. vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. The feet will slide and the pigeons will not be able to resist.

Doves are fearful birds, they are easy to scare... Currently, there are many special devices on the market that can scare them. These can be: sound scarers, a stuffed crow, various noise and shiny objects. In addition, if it is not possible to glaze the balcony, you can stretch a net or several rows of fishing line. Thanks to them, pigeons will not be able to get inside the balcony and make a nest.

The most effective, but more time-consuming, way to deal with noisy occupants is bust the nests... If a nest appears on the balcony, then it should be thrown away. This procedure must be done with each newly built nest. After a while, the pigeons will leave the balcony, as unfavorable conditions will arise for breeding. In the case when there are already eggs in the nest, they should be removed, and dummy eggs should be put in their place. At the appointed time, the chicks will not appear, and the pigeons will fly away and will not return. They do not return to places where the birds failed to breed.

Whichever method is chosen, first of all, it must be humane.