How to wean pigeons from home. Other Ways to Deal with Annoying Birds

Doves are beautiful creatures that symbolize peace and tranquility. It's so nice to watch their behavior in the park, feed them, hear them cooing. But when such a nice company settles under your nose, for example, on a balcony visor, window sill, feeder of other pets, then emotions in relation to these wonderful birds may appear completely different.

Pigeons can make noise, leave behind unpleasant traces, which constantly cause your displeasure. In this case, it is worth considering how to send out uninvited guests and force them to choose another place for their gatherings away from your home.

Pigeons have long been accustomed to human society and to the bustle of the city with its constant noise and movement, so getting rid of them can be difficult. But if you persevere and combine different ways to scare away birds, then these birds will leave you alone.

Ways to scare away pigeons

There are many different ways pigeon scaring, which are based on the properties of objects and sounds that are unpleasant for these ubiquitous birds.

Simple repellers from improvised means

  1. It is worth paying attention to the fact that some birds do not like shiny objects. As a pigeon repeller from the balcony, you can use golden or silver paint or plain foil on the windowsill or visor.
  2. You can collect "beads" from unnecessary CDs by stringing them on a rope and tying the ends. Such a necklace is hung out in a favorite place for pigeons, and with its glare in the sun, it will annoy annoying birds, which will force them to change their location.
  3. You can simply pull the fishing line along the windowsill. When trying to land, the pigeons will encounter a mechanical obstacle and will be forced to look for less inventive occupants.
  4. Pigeons will not like cutting tapes from old video cassettes or tape recorders. Several of these tapes are fastened together in a "bundle" and hung out in right place. Such a simple device flutters in the wind and emits a quiet, but unpleasant rustling for birds, forcing them to fly around your window sill.
  5. Bright Balloons, on which large black eyes are drawn, will remind the pigeons of the menacing look of a predator, and will force them to get away from your house.
  6. Over vegetable gardens and open spaces, you can use a kite, which, fluttering in the wind, will evoke associations with a larger predator, which will make pigeons and other small birds fly away. You can make such a snake yourself, or you can buy it in a special store.
  7. It is known that pigeons do not like spices. Sprinkle bitter or allspice, mustard, cinnamon on the windowsill or cornice and forget about uninvited visits. In addition, this method is not dangerous for other animals and birds. Therefore, its use is humane and justified.
  8. An impressive enough way to drive pigeons away for a long time from your site is to pour water on them. Most often, garden sprayers are used for this, which release a jet of water under pressure. Feathered guests will not like such a shower, but you will have to scare them in this way more than once in order to form a persistent reluctance to land in this particular place.
  9. Install a scarecrow on a balcony or terrace bird of prey, best hawk or falcon. It should be as realistic as possible. True, the fear of pigeons at the sight of such a physiognomy will dissipate as soon as the birds get used to the motionless figure of a predator.
  10. Purchase or make your own anti-seat spokes. A similar device, bought in a store, has an adhesive base, so you can attach it to any surface. Metal spokes sticking out in different directions will not allow the birds to sit down in the place where they were installed.
  11. In order to prevent birds from walking on the surface of the car, it is better to leave it in the garage, or at least not put the car under the windows of high-rise buildings. Bird droppings have a very bad effect on car paint, which is why drivers don’t like to wash these unpleasant marks so much.

Sometimes the car is waiting for its owner under the windows of the house, so here it does not hurt to apply one of the simple ways to protect against birds. To do this, you can cover the car with a tarpaulin or hang a toy device in the form of a ball with a yellow dot in the middle behind the glass. Such a ball will remind the pigeons of a predatory eye, which will scare him away from walking on the surface of the vehicle.

DIY dove repeller

A simple device that effectively drives away pigeons can be made with your own hands from plastic bottle. We also need felt-tip pens, scissors, wire, foil, stick. To make a pigeon repeller, you must perform the following steps.

  1. We draw 4 vertical stripes with a felt-tip pen at regular intervals, for example 1.5 cm.
  2. Draw 2 horizontal lines.
  3. We get 4 letters "C".
  4. We make cutouts along these lines with scissors, bend pieces of plastic outward and get the blades of the turntable.
  5. Glue foil to the blades to enhance the deterrent effect.
  6. We pass the wire through the bottle cap, which we fix with one end at the bottom of the bottle, and insert the other end into the stick.

We install such a device in the place we need. The spinner will rotate in the wind and scare away unwanted birds.

On the basis of an old ball pasted over with parts of computer disks, you can build a discus thrower. It will be more useful if you hang several of these balls on the site, which will flutter in the wind, create reflections, and keep birds away from your site.

These and others simple ways repelling unwanted birds will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief almost immediately after their application. In addition, they are safe for pigeons and will save you money on more complex devices. By installing such devices, you will not waste time on unpleasant cleaning of balcony and window surfaces from bird surprises and keep your home clean and hygienic.

Special pigeon scarers: types

When it comes to large areas that need to be protected from regular bird raids, you won’t be able to get away with a simple do-it-yourself pigeon repeller.

Industrial devices that can deal with unwanted bird visits will come to the rescue.

Ultrasonic devices

  1. The action of the ultrasonic pigeon repeller is based on the emission of high-frequency sound, which birds catch and try to avoid. This device will not cause any discomfort to a person, because sounds with a frequency emitted by the device are completely safe for people and are not distinguishable by the human ear.
  2. It is important that the device regularly changes the frequency of the emitted sound, which does not allow the pigeons to get used to it and not pay attention to the operation of such a repeller. Some versions of ultrasonic devices are equipped with infrared sensors that can transmit a signal about the movement of a bird in the area of ​​​​the repeller, due to which the device is triggered.
  3. The ultrasonic bird repellent device is used in small areas - both open and closed. Its use is advisable for private areas with plantings, garages, warehouses.
  4. Such a device has a number of characteristics that can be attributed to the advantages:
    • simplicity of design and installation;
    • clear directional application;
    • the ability to work on batteries or from the mains;
    • catching the approach of birds at a distance of 15 m;
    • reasonable cost.
  5. The range of the device is from 100 to 600 m. Models equipped with light sources and motion sensors have a more pronounced effect.
  6. The farther the moving object is from the device, the weaker the intensity of the ultrasound emitted by the repeller, therefore, in large open spaces, its action will not always be effective.
  7. Ultrasonic repellers of pigeons and other birds, if desired and craving for electrical engineering, can be assembled by yourself according to a scheme that can be easily found on the Internet. It will turn out cheaper than the industrial counterpart, but rather troublesome. Nevertheless, there are also many who want to create such a repeller on their own.

Bioacoustic devices

  1. Bioacoustic devices are also designed for bird hearing, only in this case they will imitate sounds that frighten birds: the voices of birds of prey and others. Sounds are reproduced through special speakers protected from moisture.
  2. Such devices are useful for repelling pigeons in residential buildings, vineyards, historical sites, warehouses, factories, airports, near outdoor pools, livestock and fish farms.
  3. The advantages of this type of device include:
    • device reliability;
    • resistance to precipitation and environmental indicators;
    • high performance over long distances.
  4. Complicating the operation of the device is the need to configure its operation - the recording, the time of its operation and the sequence of sounds emitted.

Laser devices

  1. Laser devices emit light. The specifics of working with this device implies regular manual intervention of a person in its work. The main purpose of such a device is to scare away pigeons in large open spaces, for example, at an airport.
  2. The impact of unwanted light on the retina of the bird's eye leads to its temporary blindness, disorientation in space and to leaving the protected area.
  3. Advantages of the laser repeller:
    • coverage of large areas;
    • lack of addiction to light stimulus.
  4. The disadvantage of the device is that the device is less effective during daylight hours due to the lack of light contrast.

gas gun

  1. One of the new devices for scaring away birds is a gas gun. It is a safe yet effective bird and wildlife deterrent. The gas gun simulates a shot that unconditionally makes the birds fly away.
  2. This device operates autonomously and almost continuously on liquefied gas. The sound frequency can be adjusted from 1 to 30 minutes between shots. The volume of the shot is also adjustable using a telescopic tube. The whole structure is galvanized and is not afraid of weather effects. The average period of use of such a device is 6 - 8 years. Some models are powered by solar energy, reinforced with motion sensors, light flashes, double claps.
  3. A gas gun is a very effective tool for protecting large areas from the visits of birds and animals that harm the economy.

How to choose a bird repeller

If you decide to buy a repeller for pigeons or other birds, then you need to make the best choice in favor of the most effective device for your case. To do this, follow these simple tips:

  1. To protect a small area near the house or cottage, an ultrasonic device is well suited. In addition, this is one of the most budget options. To use the device in open areas, you need to pay attention to its climatic characteristics.
  2. Large spaces will better protect bioacoustic instruments. The main thing is not to forget to adjust them in time.
  3. In places where there is a large crowd of people, it is better to use ultrasonic repellers, as they do not make noise that disturbs a person.
  4. When using a simple do-it-yourself pigeon scarer, you can achieve greater effect by combining different methods, such as sounds, rotational movements and glitter.

When it comes to the cleanliness of your home, yard and garden, as well as the preservation of the crop, the love of feathered creatures fades into the background. Using humane ways to scare away pigeons and other birds from your farm, you will save your nerves, strength and time from unwanted waste and avoid negative emotions.

First of all, pay attention to whether your pets are feeding pigeons. If this is the case, you just need to remove the grain feeder and the birds will stop landing on your windowsill.

Pigeons can be attracted to completely different reasons. In this case, a wide strip of foil for baking food (sold in special rolls) will help get rid of the birds. Make a kind of fringe out of it: cut one edge into thin strips, and fix the other, whole, on the windowsill. The foil will develop in the wind, rustle and shine in the sun, which will scare away the pigeons.

Empty tin cans

You can also keep birds away from your balcony or window sill in this way: take a few empty cans of beer or soda and hang them near the windowsill or near the balcony canopy. From the wind, the jars will hit each other and produce a characteristic rather sharp sound that will scare the pigeons and, most likely, they will stop landing on your window.

scarecrow toy

Take an old soft toy with glass eyes and fasten it, for example, with ordinary wire, to a balcony visor or window sill. In the sun, the eyes of such a scarecrow will shine brightly, which again will prevent the pigeons from sitting on the windowsill. After all, it is not for nothing that the scarecrow is considered the most effective bird repeller in villages or summer cottages.

Silver paint, metal sheet or thin fishing line

If the methods described above did not help you repel pigeons, try the following option: as a rule, galvanized iron window drains are installed on the windowsill outside. Paint them silver to make them shine brightly in the sun or install an additional metal sheet at an angle to the window - the paws of birds will slide off the smooth surface of the sheet and they will not be able to settle on your windowsill.

You can also use a simpler method - pull a thin, strong fishing line along the windowsill at a height of 5 to 15 cm in 3-4 rows. Visually, it will not be noticeable, but at the same time it will prevent the pigeons from sitting on the window.

Store fixtures

Buy a special ultrasonic repeller in the store. As the name implies, this device produces sounds that are unpleasant for birds. And most importantly, it effectively scares away not only pigeons, but also sparrows, thrushes, starlings, crows and other birds that may choose your window or balcony.

Undoubtedly, pigeons - beautiful birds. But sympathy for them can sharply develop into a feeling of indignation and a desire to scare away these birds, when feathered pranksters begin to play pranks, for example, crap on the balcony, facades of tasks, cars and bring other harm.

You will need

  • mosquito nets, beer cans, stretching strings, electric pads, repellers.


Isolate the balcony or other semi-enclosed space as much as possible from external environment. This will help mosquito nets or curtains, creating a kind of barrier to. Birds will not be able to get inside.

Install curved needles on the eaves of a balcony or a building that pigeons have chosen, or stretch stretching strings. You can also use special electric substrates that shock the birds sitting on the eaves, all kinds of traps, sticky gels and other “weapons”.

Make homemade repellers from unwanted CDs or beer cans pigeons. These birds are very afraid of shiny moving objects, so by hanging your crafts along the balcony, you can forget about the problem caused by pigeons.

Get special repellers and install them on your balcony or cars.


Remember: the fight against feathered pests that have settled on the balcony requires coordinated action from all family members! If one of the family members starts feeding them, then it will be much more difficult to wean the birds from flying to the balcony.

Useful advice

Bird scaring is a task that can take a lot of time to complete. It may not work on the first try, but the main thing is not to despair. Pigeons are observant birds, so they can spot some tricks and get around them. But as experience shows, repellers remain a universal means of combating feathered pests, moreover, they are very different. Pigeons can be controlled with pesticides, water repellers, ultrasonic and bioacoustic devices, as well as visual aids protection. Contact a specialist and he will advise the best option repeller for your particular case.

The dove, of course, is the bird of the world, but how much trouble can it bring, appearing somewhere out of place. Residents of cities know this firsthand. Some pigeons have chosen a balcony, someone has a window sill. And often, people just don't know how to deal with it. It is easy to wean these birds from their chosen place, whether it be a windowsill or a balcony.


Purchase the LS-2001 Bioacoustic Bird Repeller, which repels birds with a sound generator. The sounds made by the repeller are similar to the calls of birds of prey, such as hawks, eagles, falcons and owls, made by them during. The device is effective in the fight against sparrows, thrushes, starlings and some other birds.

Cover the window sill that the pigeons love so much with something shiny. For example, baking foil. Cut the foil with a fringe from one edge, and attach the second edge to the windowsill. Another way to add shine to the window sill is silver painting.

You can scare away the pigeons with various ribbons fluttering in the wind. Magnetic tape from cassettes and reels is good for this. Pull a rope (fishing line) around the perimeter of the window sill or balcony, fasten pieces of tape to it. Such an ornament in the sun and rustles in the wind, which scares away pigeons.

Cut out equal strips of plastic, fasten them to a stick in such a way that at the slightest breath of wind the strips flutter, making a sound. Or assemble a spinner from plastic strips. Install the manufactured device in the place where the pigeons rally. It is unlikely that they will like such a ratchet or spinner and, most likely, they will fly away and not return.

Useful advice

Do not use vinegar to grease the balcony, or soap, which is written in many publications. This will not bring any benefit.

Even the most beautiful and harmless birds cause a lot of inconvenience when they begin to fly to the balconies and windows of houses. You can scare away uninvited feathered guests with the help of various devices.

Pigeons flying onto the balcony are a problem, as they make noise, sit on the railing, can fly into the premises and, most unpleasantly, pollute the balcony with droppings. How to deal with the "bird question", read this article. In addition, the case will be considered when one dove flew onto the balcony.

Why do pigeons settle on balconies?

First, try to find out what attracts these "birds of the world" to your balcony. There may be several reasons:
  • Convenient places where pigeons can make nests. If your balcony is cluttered with old unnecessary furniture, boxes from household appliances and similar items, then these are the most cherished places for birds. Therefore, it is better to remove all rubbish from the balcony. If such cleaning is not possible, cover all things with a large blanket, and even better with a film.
  • Perhaps bird lovers live above you and feed the pigeons. Only an explanatory patient conversation can help here.
  • Maybe the roof of your balcony (usually on the upper floors) has ledges or vents above the attic or other convenient places for birds to sit and build nests.

How to scare away pigeons from a balcony?

The best way is, of course, glazing the balcony. But this is not always possible. Therefore, you will have to fight with various folk remedies:

How to arrange anti-suspension spikes is described in the video:

How to get rid of pigeons on the roof of the balcony?

This "trouble" can be dealt with in a fairly cheap way - with the help of a net that gardeners pull over fruit trees, protecting their crops. Stretch it on the roof of the balcony. Or more expensive - with the help of special anti-additive spikes or tape. They can be bought at garden or construction departments. Proceed according to the attached instructions.

Spilled sunflower oil on the roof of the balcony is also suitable. You can add strong smelling spices to it. Please note that you should not be allergic to these spices. Otherwise, you will be worse off than the birds.

The following video shows homemade landing strips that can be attached to a balcony visor:

Be sure to throw out nests made by pigeons. If you make a new one, throw it away again. And so do with each newly twisted nest. Thus, you will create the impossibility for breeding pigeon offspring.

What to do if a pigeon flew onto the balcony?

The most important thing is not to scream or panic. Otherwise, the bird will get scared and start rushing about. And if your balcony is glazed, then it will be very difficult to drive out the “guest”. So, you should calmly catch the bird and release it back to freedom.

To quickly deal with such a problem, keep a spray bottle with water on the balcony. And as soon as you find a flying dove, start spraying it. For the same purpose, by the way, you can use a children's water gun. dove not waterfowl so he is afraid of water. Use a jet of water to drive him away from the balcony.

Many people feed birds in warm and cold seasons. Birds become bolder and begin to attack the windows of apartments. How to get rid of pigeons on the windowsill, the owners want to know, to whom they cause a lot of trouble.

1 Simple bird control methods

Sitting on window sills and balconies, pigeons stain them with their droppings. However, they can spread various infections. Therefore, it is better that the birds eat in a specially designated place in the yard. How to drive pigeons away from windows without harming them needs to be figured out. There are several simple, but at the same time effective ways. Ornithologists claim that these, at first glance, very arrogant animals are actually quite shy. They are afraid of loud and sharp sounds, predators, as well as objects with a brilliant color. So, for example, you can hang some bright or shiny object outside the window, which will also rustle. It can be New Year's garlands, a fluff made of multi-colored plastic bags or something like that.

Getting rid of pigeons on the balcony

The usual can scare away pigeons soft toy. However, she should sew on large shiny eyes or buttons instead of eyes. Birds may be frightened by large luminous eyes, mistaking a toy for a predator. To solve the problem, old CDs also become useful. They are hung outside the window (it is desirable that there are a lot of them), the shiny side should be turned to the pigeons. A window sill covered with shiny foil, even if it attracts the attention of birds, will not cause a desire to sit on it. To enhance the effect of the foil, you can make a fringe.

The question "how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony" worries not only mothers who are worried that their babies do not become infected with birds. Discomfort and irritation are delivered by birds to people with sensitive sleep, and to allergy sufferers, and cat owners. Each of them is trying to find the best solution for the problem. Some, for example, pull threads in several rows over the entire width of the window sill and fix them in this position. Such a device will cause inconvenience to pigeons, and they will stop landing on window sills.

To create various scare devices, you need to use your imagination. The stretched net, which has fairly wide cells, will also cause inconvenience to pigeons. Due to the fact that the landing will be a difficult process, they will move to another place after a while. This method, although laborious, usually gives the desired result.

Means for scaring away pigeons from the balcony

So that feathered guests do not bother, you need to know how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony. To this end, ornithologists recommend attaching a stuffed animal of some kind of bird of prey, such as a hawk, to the visor. You can also use acoustic speakers, the loud sound of which will scare away uninvited guests. However, it is worth remembering that not all neighbors will like this method, since it is quite noisy.

An excellent option to repel pigeons from the balcony is a special ultrasonic repeller. It can be purchased at the market or in a store. The action of the repeller consists in high-frequency radiation, intolerable to birds. At the same time, ultrasonic radiation does not affect human health in any way. The loud noise made by hanging empty tin cans will keep feathered guests away from the balcony for a long time.

For an uncomfortable landing of pigeons, the window sill or visor on the balcony should be lubricated with some kind of oil or petroleum jelly. Since birds cannot stand pungent odors, you can sprinkle all kinds of pungent spices on the windowsill. Periodically, they must be replaced with fresh ones in view of the fact that odors disappear.

If you need to get rid of the invasion of birds, then feeding them is strictly prohibited. If they find at least some leftover food, they will become frequent visitors to window sills. Close cooperation with neighbors will help prevent this. By joining forces and making your balconies unattractive to birds, you can get rid of them once and for all. Particular attention should be paid to the railing, because if it is uncomfortable to sit on them, then the pigeons will stop flying to this place.

2 Radical measures

If getting rid of pigeons in more humane ways does not work, and they continue to cause a lot of trouble, then you can resort to drastic measures.

Wire to scare away pigeonsOne of the options you can choose a trap for birds. Anyone can make it at home. To do this, we construct a loop from a dense thread, pour grains into the center and place it at low tide. When the dove lands in the center, tighten the thread with a sharp movement of the hand. The captured pigeon must be released through another window so that its friends do not see how it returns to freedom. These traps can also be purchased at pet stores. There is an assumption that this method is one of the most effective.

More cruel methods include pulling a fishing line or sharp wire across the width of the visor, which will injure the paws of the birds. They will hurt and forever scare away the pigeons from the windowsill with nails driven up with the tip.

Bird scaring wire

Pigeons are very smart birds, so if there is any food or water on the balcony, they will become frequent guests of this room. Therefore, it is necessary to remove any means of food from the unglazed balcony, then the birds will stop flying, since this will not make sense.

It is also worth noting that turtledoves often look for balconies to equip their nests. How to scare away pigeons from the balcony in this case? First, use the above recommendations. And secondly, remove all furniture and objects on which one could equip a nest. However, it is not always possible to follow the laying of eggs, and the owners find no longer an empty nest, but with testicles. Here you can resort to a cruel, but very effective method: pick up pigeon eggs, and put similar objects in their place. Such a substitution will not go unnoticed, and the pigeons will leave the balcony room.

3 A few words as a conclusion

There are known facts when pigeons, remembering the face of the offender, deliberately returned to their former habitat, thus, as if trying to take revenge. Extreme care should be taken in their extermination when there are children in the house. In no case should they see cruelty to animals, because this can negatively affect the unformed psyche of the baby.

So, there are many ways to scare away feathered guests from the windows of your apartment. You can also try various options and choose the one that suits you best. Poisons and other cruel measures should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when more humane ones do not help, and the harm caused by birds is great enough.